Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Iron Lady Martha Karua Floors Giants in Polls

Her Nark-Kenya party has bagged two more parliamentary seats and in the process floored PM in Makadara, VP in Juja and DPM in both Makadara and Juja. She may not be ruling but Martha Karua reigns supreme, at least for these by-elections.

You have to give it to the iron lady from Gichugu and her bare knuckles political fights. Thanks to her resilience, William Kabogo and Gideon/Mike Mbuvi Kioko have acquired the honourable titles before their names.

With an average turnout of 40%, the three by-elections epitomizes the curse and cost of democracy. Well, people get the leaders they deserve but having such a low turnout flips the argument on its head. While the electorates may be blamed for failing in their collective and individual civic duty, it is difficult for the emerging MPs to claim to be comprehensive representative of the people.

The latest by-elections also exposed the folly of Kenyans expecting different politics from the same old brood. The campaigns took the predictable and partisan path that read like any script from the years of yore. And the voters have themselves to blame because they cannot turn around and demand any better after going to bed with the same scoundrels.

Just like exams being the worst form of evaluation but for lack of a functional alternative, democracy is surely a curse and damn expensive. It may be tempting to wax intellectual with a think-outside-the-box prescription but viability and practicality will dissuade such pretense.

We have laid our bed and must sleep on it with all the moulds underneath. In the meantime congratulations to William Kabogo, Sonko Mbuvi and Bishop Dr Margaret Wanjiru. All the three winners owe their success to no king-pin with Mbuvi drawing the thickest of political blood while Kabogo has whipped the UK-Wiper alliance.

What is more, Bishop single-handedly upset the bookmakers even with ODM's lukewarm support. Well, I guess the cast will be complete when Maina Njenga becomes the Governor of Nairobi in 2012.



  2. All three constituencies have produced suprises. It was presumed Starehe will go to Kamanda.Infact the ODM high command were less enthuthiastic campaigning for the Bishop.
    Another suprise is Juja where the KKK were thought to carry the day. Kalonzo even dropped the ODM-k candidate for Thuo.
    Makadara was ODM's best bet and they camped there . Here too they had shock waves. Pongezi kwa washindi. For ODM it is a night of draw (no change). For PNU, they're 2-0 down. For the first time PNU has bitter blow not coming from the traditional rival. Folks 2012 has more suprises in the bag for everyone

  3. The Superwoman has done it again, and she will do it again and again if she continues to get her act and that of her supporters together.

    Mimi nasema hivi: Kenya needs new faces, fresh voices, new presence, and new blood (whichever way you put it) in 80% of the political circles around the country in post 2010 era.

    I hope the trend will trickle down to other regions of the country and duplicate itself when the hour of change comes calling in 2012.

    We are sick and tired of recycling the same old same old dead wood politicians from the Kenyattta's KANU era, Moi's Nyayo dark ages, the failed 2002 "All IS Possible Without ..." failed golden opportunity for real change, and the Disastrous 2007.

    Kenyans from all walks of life had anticipated to experience "real change" after decades of being downtrodded by the same political goons who still managed to get themselves shoved back to parliament in 2002 and 2007.

  4. Taabu,

    What is clear, despite the process weaknesses, is that the political landscape is changing course, in an unpredictable way. I see voters who are willing to go against the grain to elect a person of their choice, whether drug dealer or pastor. The politics of euphoria and following the whims of king-pins like herds of sheep might just be a thing of the past. Of course this does not auger well with some tribal chiefs whose political bases are being threatened by this trend.

    That Raila, Kalonzo and Uhuru are unable to deliver a Nairobi (cosmopolitan) constituency is quite telling, indeed. (Don't tell me Raila delivered Starehe as ODM was not enthusiastic. The glory did it on her own).

    Guys, it's back to the drawing boards.

  5. Better be careful what we wish for...ati change? yes, we are all sick of the same old corrupt dead-wood that have been lording it over us for decades. lakini voting in livondo, mbugua type legislators especially for a county with a lot at stake like nairobi is akin to commiting suicide. next, the mungiki king njenga will be demanding a share of nairobi...no offence, but i wouldn't be surprised if the matatu colleagues(for new mbuvi guy)start imagining they are above the law after overwhelmingly voying for one of their own.

  6. TAABU,

    A more apt commentary should have been : PNU LOSES TWO SEATS IN NAIROBI. Don't try to sanitise this loss by roping in ODM which retained its seat anyway...yes, it's odm seat whether people like jeff think otherwise. lemme spin another one....this mbuvi guy was really interested in the odm ticket...kweli au rongo? martha karua did notcampaign for him but instead focused her energies on campaigning for kabogo the druglord. truth is, narc-k takes the credit even though this guy spent all his money buying meat with minimal help from kina karua.

  7. I wont dwell on the PNU loss but was really sickened by the ODM Moi era move of enticing and receiving a defector on the eve of the election.There was Anyang Nyongo grinning like a chesire cat,Orengo on his side triumphantly receiving the ODM-K candindate who was throwing in the towel to support Ndolo,in the mistaken belief that the seat was now virtually won,a move which drew scathing criticism from the now much respected IIEC.These guys really never learn,they were the most vocal in condemning such shena

  8. Kenya would change in a heartbeat if it had more women who are not only principled but made of steel like Martha Karua?

    Yep, women with a spine, and who can stand up to the political typhoons and beat them hands down at their own whirlwind games.

    I wonder how many principled cabinet ministers and assistant ministers worth their salt would dare resign from their "appointments", give up ministerial perks including the forfeiture of displaying the coveted flag on their "government owned" SUVs?

    Very few as in 0.1%, and it's for that very reason that I tip my e-hat not once but twice to Mh. Martha Karua for being principled and for silencing the political big guns in the just completed by-elections.

    I just hope the next breed of young women politicians are taking note in readiness to fight challenges and overcome the usual political obstacles in 2012 and especially in 2017.

    NB With all due respect, I don't expect the older generations of opportunists at FIDA and other status quo affiliates to emulate Martha Karua in any way, shape or fashion.

    It's the younger generations who will rise to the occasion in their respective political battle grounds.

    I tip my hat to the 2010 Constitution.

    Muru wa Gacii.

  9. Need I say more!

    'With the new laws, Kenyans under Joshua must bring down the walls of our political Jericho.' East African Standard (Barrack Muluka).

    Let those with ears hear, let those with eyes see/read, let those with sound minds think clearly. For the choice for real change is ours come 2012 and beyond.

    Muru wa Gacii

  10. Victory to the drug lords sonko and kabogo and more power to the the lady selling spiritual drugs "the opium of the masses"
    If this is what the future holds we really need divine intervention.

  11. Sorry to rain on karua parade but it is a bit of a stretch to say she is responsible for the two wins by her party's candidates. These guys just bought their seats. In fact kabogo admitted as much on tv when ndichu asked him why he wanted to buy a whole constituency. He retorted "if you dont have money then dont run". But the nganga lady who was second may be popular and someone to watch in juja.

  12. Self made leaders

    Those talking of "Questionable".what do they really mean?Has these people been tried in a court of law or it is envy syndrome. One thing is clear,Kenyans want leaders who are self-made.Look at the 3 characters origins.Not descendants of homeguards or ater merons but self made persons.Wacha wivu.Their voters who returned them could not all have been wrong in seeing these strong qualities.
    While Thuo had no chnace of beating Kabogo, perceived hand of State machinery may have accelerated the fall of Ndolo and Kamanda.

  13. Actually it is in starehe where karua put up a big fight for her candidate. He got around 600 votes. All the three winners should be allowed to take credit for their victories, even if secured with money and religion.

  14. Anon 8.09
    I concur.odm played themselves into ythe trap by accepting that last minute defector from the wiper party.this must have infuriated wiper supporters who majority happen to be kaos, who immediately shifted alliance to sonko who also happens to be kaos.akina nyon'o are doing a great diservice to their party.all in all congrats to the three winners

  15. Taabu,

    I think you have overlooked important matters in these results. What is common among the three winners is YOUTH. Most of them are small time businessmen, mitumba clothes sellers and makangas.


    Reuben Ndolo generally has the support of old mamas and daddys from Makongeni, Kaloleni, Jericho, Makadara e.t.c. The guy used old politics. The guy doesn't even have a website or blog. Some of you will agree with me that Reuben Ndolo is surrounded by Old and retired Luo men and women as his advisors. Most of them used to work with the government long time ago. They normally think they are wise when it comes to politics and they also think they can influence their children who, for lack of good job, have become makangas and mitumba clothes sellers.

    Mike "Sonko" as we know him, the name even shows youth affiliation his real name being Mike Mbuvi, is known to youth so much, especially the makangas of Buru. He had a website. He also interacts more with the youth. Most of them had time to vote unlike Ndolo's old men who were either at work or simply ignored thinking as usual that they are wise and Ndolo will win since Raila supported him. There is a lot I could say between the two.


    If you think Margaret is not known to youth then you are either staying outside Nairobi, or wewe ni babi wa westy na sides za Runda. The lady has even one of the best websites. You can access her easily unlike akina Ndolo who couldn't be accessed easily even when he wasn't an MP unless you get the blessings of those old men and women who think they are wiser.

    Both Sonko and Wanjiru had started projects for the youth and they have been supporting the youth. I'm repeating again that Ndolo is surrounded by old people and in CDF committee these old people were the ones pulling the string and they could hardly listen to the youth unless they want the youth to participate in campaigns that involve a lot of energy.


    Everybody knows Kabogo. He's generally a youth celeb. The guy also started projects for the youth.

    To old politicians

    I'll start with Raila. Raila is also surrounded by old people like Anyang Nyongo who are not in touch with what the youth wants. The few youth who have surrounded Raila wako na maringo mob that they don't know what common youth needs. His blog became stagnant. Simply the guy thinks he can swim on "Synovate popularity". The way I'm seeing, he is headed for a rude shock if he continues acting the way he acts nowadays.

    It seems most of our old politicians haven't learnt from Obama campaign.

    One thing I can warn them is not to lie to the youth or give promises that the youth know very well cannot be achieved, maybe they can do that with rural youth but not urban youth. Mayouth wamejanjaruka vinoma. Secondly they should see the right youth to consult. Raila should not think the likes of Fidel or those youth with him who have now become rich and separated themselves from other people, can give him right information.

    When I think about how far urban youth can go then I'm seeing Martha Karua and William Ruto pulling a surprise on the rest coz Uhuru and Kalonzo also have never gotten touch with the youth and everytime they try you can see the whole thing is plastic.

    I know some people will disagree with me concerning Ruto. I can only tell you that there is alot you don't know about the guy.

    Old men should know that youth are not for handouts but for long term and sustainable projects. So if any old politician has not started then this is the time.

    This is the reason that I also see Raila should be closer to Tuju than any of those arrogant Luo politicians surrounding him, and also resume interacting with the common youth and not the 'elite youth' he's now with.

  16. Blogger Taabu said....

    Her Nark-Kenya party has bagged two more parliamentary seats and in the process floored PM in Makadara, VP in Juja and DPM in both Makadara and Juja. She may not be ruling but Martha Karua reigns supreme, at least for these by-elections.

    You have to give it to the iron lady from Gichugu and her bare knuckles political fights. Thanks to her resilience, William Kabogo and Gideon/Mike Mbuvi Kioko have acquired the honourable titles before their names.


    What is the difference between PNU and NARC-K?

    Perhaps what we need to interogate is if and how Martha Karua played any role in delivery victory for Kabogo and Mbuvi.

    What is more, as much as ODM gets flack for handing direct nominations, did the NARC-K conduct any primaries or is it basking in false glory?

    When FORD-P candindate won in South Mugirango a few weeks ago most people, mostly arm-chair political commentators, were lamenting on the comeback of one Simeone Nyachae. Now I see the same partern in your thread where you falsely attribute Kabogo and Mbuvi victory to Martha Karua.

    For a person who shameless defended Kivuitu's civilian coup in 2007, having herself rode back to parliament on PNU euphoria in Central Province, I think you are taking it too far.

    To help you answer the uqestions I posed I will conclude by asking: When all is said and done, are NARC-K MPs more likely to vote with PNU or with ODM or alone, when it comes to controversial bills in parliament?


    You have put it correctly brother in that handle.

    Parliaments were initiated to allow Kings/executive to tax the masses. It was not about representation as we are taught in "civic" propaganda.

    Initially, parliaments were supposed to be independent of the King.

    Today, they wait for bills from the King and are therefore, are nothing, but, the rubber stamp of the King.

    As we see in UK and other places, parliaments are there now to:

    (a) pass taxes demanded by the King for Anglo Leasing and wars against terror, and

    (b) lower the living standards of the voters (opium takers) via so called austerity measures because, it is the only way. If you complain, they tell you, TOUGH!


    The King is dead. Long live the King!

  18. I'm happy coz thuggish Ndolo- AKA dark destroyer is now history having been destroyed by a political novice. Trust me you will never ever hear that horrible name- Ndolo- as far as politics of Nairobi is concerned. He spent/burnt millions but sober folks like me knew his fate had already been sealed.

    He will forever be remembered for his "weka tyre" speech urging his supporters to set ablaze Kikuyu opponents. He's still under investigations by KACC for misuse of CDF cash back in the day when he was MP. It's good riddance to bad rubbish!

    I said here 2 months ago Sonko Mbuvi was the man to watch in Makadara. The guy has done lots of good job in the slums like paying for driving licenses for all the makangas on that route, starting car wash biz for the youth, employing lots of youth in his matatus, bars and construction biz etc. When the young folks looked at him they saw one of their own, even in dressing sense. I still don't know his real name, is it George/Gideon/Michael?

    As for George Thuo the elitist snob is concerned, now we know now he indeed stole the elections in 2007. You will always find Kabogo eating mandazi or drinking beer in one of those dingy and sweaty places in Thika or Nairobi together with the common folks.

    But not the elitist Thuo whose buddies are rich and famous land barons like Uhuru. Thuo can now go back and concentrate in managing his run down Citi Hoppas which are famed for ripping off customers especially travelling short distances. He has been left with a huge bill but lucky guy it won't dent his big bank balance. You can check in my blog an article I did long ago called "hopeless city hoppas!"

    Maina Kamanda the former hawker and councillor was arrogant to say the least to a point of not appearing in any talk show on TV. Even PNU mandarins foolishly thought the trophy was in the bag that they avoided campaigning for him. This arrogance floored him and you will never hear him again in politics after being rejected twice. He has a huge tab to pick for the petition and by election campaign.

    As for madam Bishop, well she had to sweat it out on her own after being kind of isolated by her own party who thought Kamanda would win. Wanjiru fought tough campaigns and could be seen criss crossing from one TV studio to the next never mind she had campaigned against the new constitution. People looked at her and voted for her as a person and her party never played any significance. This woman, like her or hate her fought a good fight and deserved the win! She's emerged as a tough nut to crack and hopefully she will go for the Guvnor of Nai. Who know?

    Kabogo was a bitter man from the start coz he always believed he had won in 2007 and rightly so and thus proved his point with a well deserved landslide. I have met Kabogo twice in recent months and believe me his sight is set on higher things like being Guvnor of Kiambu county. This man has magnetic appeal and is very like-able.

    He has the deep pockets to go for the county Guvnor and huge popularity. Those who know his humble abode in Nyali Mombasa which is the size of state house know what I mean when I say he's the real sonko- a man of means. Only the son of Jomo can match that as far as Kiambu is concerned but Jomo Jnr has his eyes trained on bigger offices of the land if the Hague doesn't do him.

    Questions will also be raised after Jomo jnr lost in Juja his own turf since it's part of Kiambu where Iron Lady Karua triumphed, mind you she's from far away Kirinyaga. It was a big triumph for the Iron Lady as far as influence in Central politics is concerned.

    My 2 cents worth.

  19. Concerning Martha Karua

    Her contribution in these elections is her party and nothing more. Most of these candidates could have won even in another party, maybe apart from ODM and PNU.

    The reason being that Narc Kenya is the most effectively run party, maybe because people don't fight for positions since it's seen as a small party.

    According to my own opinion ODM leads as the most poorly run party followed by PNU courtesy of likes of Anyang Nyongo and Kiraitu Murungi respectively. Anyang Nyongo generally feels he's the closest to Raila so that he's above Henry Kosgei who is the chairman. Have you all noticed that when it comes to matters of ODM you'll oftenly see Anyang Nyongo, Kajwang, Midiwo and Orengo? And not the likes of Chairman Kosgei?

    Even from their respective websites one can easily notice that Narc Kenya are serious unlike ODM whose websites are not updated.

  20. Blogger JEFF said.........

    ....that Raila, Kalonzo and Uhuru are unable to deliver a Nairobi (cosmopolitan) constituency is quite telling, indeed. (Don't tell me Raila delivered Starehe as ODM was not enthusiastic. The glory did it on her own).


    There is no such thing.

    ODM-K has continuously urged its candidates to step down in favour of PNU candidates. When will PNU candidates step down in favour of ODM-K? Or to put it timidly, when will ODM-K ask PNU to bend-over? That is one.

    Two is that ODM, unlike PNU, is a single party that respects the political parties act. Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo Musyoka as party leaders of moribund KANU and ODM-K should ask themselves if they have any political future given they are not fielding candidates in their respective parties, but supporting those of competiting parties. Does it mean ODM-K and KANU did not have a future beyond their leaders being appointed V-P and DPM respectively?

    Whether you like it or not, Wanjiru IS the ODM candidate and she won back her seat after being accused of stealing votes in 2007. It does not matter if Raila campaigned for her or not (I know he did) the fact is that she is the MP elect. And again, she will be appointed assistant minister in cabinet by none other than the ODM party leader.

  21. .."There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don't know we don't know"

    Donald Rumsfeld

  22. What's this Sonko's real name anyway? In his website, he calls himself Mike Munga Mbuvi. Then on the ballot it's Kioko Mbuvi. The media calls him Michael Mbuvi or George Mbuvi. KTN constantly refers to him as Gideon which they spell as Gidion. So kwani how many ID cards does this Sonko have?

    This is what I predicted here in Kumekucha on 30th August when this guy was lagging behind.

    "He clearly stands a good chance of winning. Check his flashy website here:


    Move over mutahi ngunyi............


  23. NARC-K may have scored BIG, but that is not to say it is 'Iron Lady' who delivered.

    Kabogo comes from my backyard and it was payback time, Thuo being arrogant and snobbish as he is, didn't stand a chance.

    As for Uhuru and 'I will Kiss your ass' Kalonzo, wacha waendelee KANU and ODM-K are just moribund parties.

    So Kalonzo better watch out since his party is just in KAMBA LAND NOW! ( he will not be the flag bearer for PNU - Saitoti will not step down) And for Uhuru a coup maybe in the offing soon in KANU.

    Or is that why the Green Revolution party was registered?

  24. @M-pesa.Sometime last year,after the city council ordered all Eastlands matatus to terminate their journies at Muthurwa,Sonko went to court to challenge the decision and he filed the case as Mike Musa Munga.Yet another of his names..!

  25. Just been sent a modest 5K via my phone from my buddy who is an ODM fanatic/diehard. This is after we had placed a bet for Makadara 3 weeks ago where my money was on Mike Sonko and him on Ndolo aka weka tyre. I was so broke that I had contemplated skipping lunch but it looks like I'm about to hit he road for a nice-finger lickin- buffet at Seasons in old mutual...belch...belch.. Look who is laughing now! Eat ur hearts out!

    - M. Pesa

  26. My good friend Jimmy, please don't hate what you cant conquer.Those calling sonko and Kabogo names are doing a great injustice to themselves.This is just too oldskul man.
    Martha and co. pliz march on and show kina UK AND WIPER what being principled and organised means coz unlike them u fought your own way up.
    Agwambo. U got to shape up man.

  27. I hope this by-elections has taught ODM and PNU, that voters will punish the parties if they continue the practice of Direct Nominations. There needs to democracy at the party level!

  28. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Hit me one more time with some more analysis or a wedgewood on "The King is Dead! Long live the King!"

    I rest my case with a quote from - you know who;

    We assemble parliaments and councils, to have the benefit of their collective wisdom; but we necessarily have, at the same time, the inconvenience of their collective passions, prejudices and private interests.


    There are other factors that may have played a role, however there is no doubt in mind that Martha Karua is a force to be reckoned with.

    All she has to do is gather a great team of nationwide young political horses - credible candidates with deep community roots - and harness them in readiness for the next race.

    It's 4th down and 4 at the 10th. And she will continue to cheap away their scores with a three points field goal, here and there.

    Muru wa Gacii

  29. Helloooooo, people Ndolo had a 2000 difference margin from Kioko Mbuvi. IT IS SHEER IGNORANCE & A LITTLE STUPIDITY to write him off just yet.
    Kioko Mbuvi put in a lot of money & hard work on the ground. Yet he only beat Ndolo with a 2000 vote margin. You can't wish that away. Even though I wouldn't vote for him-or any of them. I am not naive to rubbish him off.
    And one more thing, Narc-K's Martha Karua should only claim victory for Juja.

    Lakini PNU are doing badly:-)

  30. Helloooooo people, Ndolo had a 2000 difference margin from Kioko Mbuvi. IT IS SHEER IGNORANCE & A LITTLE STUPIDITY to write him off just yet.
    Kioko Mbuvi put in a lot of money & hard work on the ground. Yet he only beat Ndolo with a 2000 vote margin. You can't wish that away. Even though I wouldn't vote for him-or any of them. I am not naive to rubbish him off.
    And one more thing, Narc-K's Martha Karua should only claim victory for Juja.

    Lakini PNU are doing badly:-)

  31. "Thanks to her resilience, William Kabogo and Gideon/Mike Mbuvi Kioko have acquired the honourable titles before their names."


    Thats the most naive statement I've ever read from you.

    Whose resilience? Martha Karua?

    She contributed nothing to these drug peddlers campaign antics. These guys Kabogo and "Sonko" simply bought their way into parliament - giving poor slum dwellers much needed short-term cash.

    Don't read much into their wins except for the fact that Kenyans are still the same old voters we've always known - selling their votes to the highest bidder.

    Perhaps if the working masses were voting - the results might have been very different. On that note, why does the IIEC guys insist on carrying out by-elections on a weekday, hence disenfranchising many voters?

    Would it kill them if a by-election was held on a Saturday??????

  32. Yaaaaawn! Am really tired and bored stiff of some people who pretend to vilify the 'WEST' and yet aren't they west educated and keep making references to history without proposing any 'tangible' home grown solutions.

    We need to be shown a country that does not have some form of system of TAX - the old adage will forever hold true, the only certainity in life is DEATH and TAXES!

    MARTHA KARUA, The battle has just begun for madam iron lady, plus I hear NARK-K elections are around the corner. Wacha tuone, but honestly her making it to state house is a MIRAGE, we cant forget her CHEST Thumping in KICC 2007 - when Kibaki was peeing in himself in state house.Plus she has been Gicugu MP for how long??? She aint 'new blood', but a plus for her is that she is kicking PNU's Ass.

    Now those who love shouting about HISTORY, especially how the west is the 'most corrupt' - IMF, WB e.t.c
    Should know that we opine that corruption takes deep roots with African traditions.

    It is further important to mention that the 'system' finds a propitious and favourable position in African culture, which welcomes it. No wonder we line up waiting for bribes from the likes of Sonko and Kabogo.

    Our own traditional african kangaroo courts ( read parliament) in many cases never granted a fair hearing, and was more feared than revered.

    Corruption in the African traditional setting was hidden in the form of 'gifts' which was used to buy 'peace' and further disguised as 'fines' to appease elders, dowry for bride price, obnoxious traditional healers e.t.c

    The 'paramount chiefs' modus operandi in villages back then was 'eat-and-let-eat regime'.

    Kenyans, acolytes of the colonizer are most of the time behind profiteering and corruption. One community in Kenya stands accused of loving money and corruption - is it fair to say the white man made them so?

    The white administrator ( read western masters) knows his 'role', which is to protect the interest of the 'metropolis' through an African who also knows his 'role'

    Corruption isn't a single person's affair and as a result everyone has to play his part in eradicating the vice.

    "We must either find a way, or make one." - Hannibal (248 -183 B.C.), Military commander

  33. Martha Karua TOSHA!!

    I love her so much:)

  34. Remember last week on Friday, Bishop Wanjiru literaly camped outside the PM's office, waiting for Agwash to hit the campaign trail with her, wether she wanted to ride on his influence it was her business, but she did get some 'assitance' in return.

    Is it true that Raila knowing that Starehe is a KIKUYU dominated zone and as such 'kept' off and phoned one Maina Njenga to help 'mama' rally 'Mungiki' supporters behind her!!! Isn't that when Kamanda sensed 'danger' after being informed of the scheme by NSIS operatives via statehouse.

    Lets wait for even bigger things from MAINA NJENGA - He's surely learning from the best schemer in Kenya's political landscape today.

    I think he is still reading that ka book, i think its called forty something laws of power.

  35. @5:50 AM

    Show us one single candidate who has never bought his or her passage to parliament as we have come to know it?

    With all due respect, put up or shut up. Where is the so called evidence?

    Did it ever occur to your kind - pre 2010 Constitution lot - that there will come a day when the so called "slum dwellers" better known as the "have-nots" were going to wake up and claim what's rightfully theirs through the ballot and not the bullet after 2010 Constitution?

    ODM and PNU shot themselves in the mouth and foot this time around, and their anointed candidates ended as collateral damage, with or without the help of the "working masses", the status quo "have-mores" and the party kingpins.

    The writing is on the wall, and the ink still wet.

    Muru wa Gacii.

  36. Kenyans are so funny with their antics. They will label you as a "con", "drug dealer", "womanizer", "w_ore", "drunk" or "loser" the moment they are outshined, outsmarted and outplayed. Typical.

  37. About Dick Wathika (Dick? what a ridiculous name!) Well, the man was never going to make it. For your info, Dicky is the most meticulous keeper of records in parliament. Being a trained accountant, he's very keen to the most minute financial detail and that's why he was armed with his huge tomes of records on how he had used CDF cash.

    The reason why Dick was shown dust is simple. The guy is great but extremely boring. Anyone who dared listen to him was quickly put off to sleep as if one had eaten a heavy meal of ugali in the afternoon.

    I spoke to one mama mboga near Buru Buru market and she plainly told me she could not understand a single speech delivered by Bwana Wathika. He probably needs a speech therapist/coach or whatever they are called.

    Compare Dick with street smart Sonko who can unleash jokes and deep sheng thus easily connecting with the youthful voters! I also watched Dick being interviewed by Jeff and his boring nature like a Physics teacher quickly put me off to dreamland. Now tell me, who wants such a boring face near him?

  38. @5:55 AM

    a) Excuse me for asking, what was your point again? I got lost in translation.

    b) Generalization is a disease.

    c) Painting a whole continent with one stroke of a myopic brush is cruel and a total injustice to the inhabitants of Africa, or any where else for that matter.

    d)Is ignorance a vice as well? I think it's a disease and many wonder when will the typical nonsense of "African tradition this" and "African culture that", ever come to an end?

    e) Always be specific, 'cause Africa is a not a village or country, but it's a huge continent laced unmeasurable diversity.

    f) R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

  39. A coup de etat awaits Prof. Saitoti who seats at the helm of PNU, wether MK will ride on the political wave of the success of 'her' party waits to be seen.

    Anajaribu lakini bado, but who knows CENTRAL ITAPASUKA MSAMBA! They will be spoilt for choice with supporters of Uhuru, Maina Njenga, Martha Karua, Peter Kenneth each going their way.

    We know that there will be no consensus when it comes to 'power' among them Madam Karua atakondoa 2 Macho, Uhuru and Peter Kenneth dont see eye to eye and well Maina Njenga knows all politicians including 'heavy weights' from central will still kiss his ass.

  40. @Anon 7.07 a.m. Kumbe ni wewe!... Unajijua wacha kujifanya.

    This is the deal, before we shout 'THE KING IS DEAD' we need to know what killed the king ama?

    I think that's a cool answer for a stupid question.

  41. @Anon 7.07 a.m. Kumbe ni wewe!... Unajijua wacha kujifanya.

    This is the deal, before we shout 'THE KING IS DEAD' we need to know what killed the king ama?

    I think that's a cool answer for a stupid question.

  42. @Anon 7.07 a.m. I think Anon 5.05 a.m's blog is self explanatory.

    Aren't statements like maze nilim 'gonga' chapa famous here. Yes, we do agree that the WEST aint angels and do have their imperfections but dont we need our own solutions first?

    So if 'drug lords' Sonko and Kabogo have made it.. who voted for them? Isn't it the same people shouting DRUG LORDS or is it European Parliament.

    My two cents worth

  43. Karua wins it! Yipeeee kaiyee.

    Naskia Hon.Kabogo ameosa mpaka gava itasomea next years budget kwa hao yake.

    Ati Martha Karua ana macho kubwa hadi yeye huitwa 'eyewitness'.

    Bwa ha ha haaaaa!

  44. @Kumekucha,

    Chris, apologies for temporary digression from the purpose of the main topic.

    Q: When is your exposure review due on who is who among the four or six people Ocampo believes "bear the greatest responsibility for the most serious crimes" of PEV?

    Who are the other culprits on "the list of 20 possible suspects that include PNU and ODM leaders"?

    And will "the Kenyan justice system ultimately deal with the many - other - perpetrators that ICC will not prosecute"?

    Will it happen anytime soon before September or November of 2012?

    Muru wa Gacii

  45. @Anon 7.49 a.m.

    LOL! You are cracking me up he he he, atleast some comical relief from the boring posts here.

  46. Sonko won because he had recognized earlier on that he could reach a captive audience and transmit important campaign messages that resonated with the lives of his potential constituents.

    Sonko speaks fluent Swahili besides a varition of Sheng, an added plus for him.

    While Dick Waithaka did not have any vital message or engaging slogans beyond "kazi iendelee hivyo hivyo".

    His poor command of Swahili made matters worse for him, and it's one of the issues that did him in among the young as well as older voters.

    Furthermore, Waithaka's handlers failed to decipher why the song 'Mtoto wa Sonko' kept blaring wherever they went, or whenever Waithaka had finished addressing the public.

    Only a fool dances to one of the many campaign tunes of his political opponent.

    Sonko has one and half year to prove his mettle and deliver on some - but not all - of his campaign promises within the short window of opportunity.

    Muru wa Gacii

  47. It appears to me that these "winners" were elected by the idle, unemployed masses, people who are most likely to be induced by a few hundred shillings; consider this: voting closed at 5.00 pm just when people are getting off work, that means that the tax payer and the rate payer in nairobi was disenfranchised. The electoral board should consider having polling open until 7.00pm

  48. The sonko thing could have been an experiment by the youth backed by shadowy deep pockets. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think and hope so. There could be a move to replicate the obama campaign in kenya. With the success in makadara it looks an obama like candidate can be sold in kenya. The youth may know their tribes but tribal hostility among them is minimal. I hope so because the idea that only raila, kalonzo, uhuru, mudavadi or ruto can be president is depressing to me. These guys only think tribe and how they can use the numbers of their tribes to bargain with other tribal leaders. Who cannot feel insulted that someone is using your vote to bargain? Your vote is in his pocket? Raila believes he owns luo votes. ditto ruto with kalenjins. kalonzo, uhuru and mudavadi cannot claim to own their tribes' votes but they desperately want to.

    Can someone do a post on how an obama like candidate can be created in kenya. We may have wrongly assumed that kenyans will always vote according to the wishes of some tribal chief.

  49. Some people should never comment on politics given their pathetic ignorance. PNU lost in Juja because they failed to recognise that Thuo was unpopular, hence they should have held primaries to get the most popular candidate. The PNU high command led by Saitoti and Murungi were nowhere to be seen in the campaigns and failed to support both Kamanda and Wathika all the way, both materially and financially. In the circumstances, PNU needs new elections to elect committed officials.
    NARC-K and Karua should stop their breathless euphoria and cease claiming credit for success that had nothing to do with them. Kabogo had at one time even contemplated contesting on an ODM ticket, while Sonko went to NARC-K from ODM in protest at Ndolo being given a direct ticket.
    NARC-K was therefore second best and in life, second best is always ready to spread her legs in desperation.
    Let us therefore not get ahead of ourselves as we all know that in the 2012 General election, the bigger parties will be far better organised.
    One thing the by-election proved is that big money remains a constant in elections and those who have it in truckloads have a big advantage. If Kabogo and Sonko are to remain in NARC-K, and knowing how broke that party is, what price are the 2 drug dealers going to extract in exchange for financing the party? Is the reform party going to be taken over by 'pharmacists'? I would not be surprised if it happens.

  50. Anon at 10.46

    Very interesting angle to be explored but until proven otherwise, it just remains that: a cooked and served conspiracy theory.

    Sorry I hate blowing my own trumpet but this is hat I wrote yesterday morning right here:

    "I have met Kabogo twice in recent months and believe me his sight is set on higher things like being Guvnor of Kiambu county. This man has magnetic appeal and is very like-able."

    What Kabogo said later in in the afternoon as quoted in today's DN:

    And the Narc-Kenya MP-elect vowed to take on the Gatundu South MP and Finance minister in the battle for political supremacy in Kiambu County, declaring that he will gun for the governorship.

    “I have the capacity and the will to be governor of Kiambu county. Come the next elections, I will go for it,” he said and attributed his victory to his development track record"

    CONICIDENCE OR???.............

  51. King Nebuchadenazzer9/22/10, 1:36 AM

    A self-confessed witch and two crooks aka drug barons, and you are here celebrating?!!!

    God have mercy on you all!


  52. @Nebuchadnezer,

    Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.


  53. King Nebuchadenazzer said...
    A self-confessed witch and two crooks aka drug barons, and you are here celebrating?!!!

    God have mercy on you all!


    "Well it seems to me the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this:

    that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques, which will enable the controlling OLIGARCHY – who have always existed and will presumably always exist – to get PEOPLE TO LOVE THEIR SERVITUDE. This is the ultimate in malevolent revolution...

    There seems to be a general movement in the direction of this kind of Ultimate Control, this method of control, by which PEOPLE can be made to enjoy a state of affairs by which any decent standard they ought not to enjoy; the ENJOYMENT OF SERVITUDE . . ."

    There we are King Nebuchadenazzer.

  54. Excuse some of us for being pathetically ignorant in all things 'Kenyan Politics 101'.

    Kabogo may end up being known for his capacity to bite more than he could chew with regard to Kimabu politics and the upcoming governatorial elections 2012.

    His magnetic appeal may have worked in the past, but it will not carry him through a dead heat political battle for the "supremacy" of Kiambu County when faced with a very formidable opponent, and given the many costs and considerations of counting chicken before they are hatched.

    One should never underestimate the MP for Gatundu South.

    Muru wa Gacii

  55. Muru wa Gacii said

    His (Kabogo) magnetic appeal may have worked in the past, but it will not carry him through a dead heat political battle for the "supremacy" of Kiambu County when faced with a very formidable opponent, and given the many costs and considerations of counting chicken before they are hatched.

    Kindly give examples of the "opponents" you have in mind please? (Hope not the usual minted illiterate dinosaurs!)
    Eventually it will be up to the good people of Kiambu to decide on their own. Let Kabogo throw his hat in the ring and you will know what high octane campaigns really means as he takes his so called "opponents" through the paces.


    It's all too easy for some bloggers to cheaply label someone- ANONYMOUSLY- a crook or a drug dealer from the comfort of a roomy air conditioned office after a 6 course meal. But when it comes to substantiating the cheap propaganda, it's a whole new ball game. Table the evidence then we shall take it from there.....



    A Nairobi businessman has sued the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing it of operating in Kenya illegally.

    Joseph Kimani Gathungu moved to the high court in Mombasa seeking orders to stop it from operating in Kenya.

    Kimani wants ICC prosecutor Moreno Ocampo also stopped from operating in Kenya, as his activities are not provided for in the new constitution.

    Represented by Gikandi Ngimbuini, the plaintiff argues in his affidavit that International Crime Act was not part of Kenya.

    "The constitution is the supreme law of the land and our constitution does not recognize the ICC as a competent court in Kenya," he said.

    He argues in his affidavit that to allow ICC to operate in Kenya violates the letter and spirit of the constitution.

    "To allow the ICC to operate in Kenya amounts to surrender of sovereignty of Kenya to foreigners which is untenable," says Kimani.

    Separation of powers

    He says the constitution has a clear separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary with the legislature having the role of legislating and the executive to provide for investigation.

    Kimani says contrary to these facts ICC undertakes the investigation roles, prosecution roles and adjudication roles less than one roof which violates the rules of natural justice

    Under the new constitution the ICC is neither a court nor a tribunal that has been established under the constitution, which was promulgated on August 27 this year.

    Judicial authority in the people of Kenya

    He says the agreement signed between ICC and the Government was illegal because the new constitution vests all judicial authority in the people of Kenya.

    The people of Kenya have delegated their authority to be exercised by all courts and other tribunals expressly provided in the constitution.

    He feels Ocampo should not be allowed to operate in Kenya because Kenyans wants reconciliation of their differences than punitive measures.

    He commends minister for Justice Mutula Kilonzo for having the same feelings he has been harbouring that the new constitution can deal with the local matters better than the ICC.

  57. My opinion is that as long as we are centrally governed by ineffective policies, it really makes little difference whether X,Y or Z wins. Indeed some of these fellows won on the basis of telling lies. For example, where will they get the jobs they promised the youths?
    By the way, PLO might give the much celebrated Sonko a killer punch before 2012 (the guy has exposed himself by revealing that he spent 150m on campaigns. Ironically he says he owns 6 matatus, a bar, a cyber cafe and a ship) Even the likes of Karume,Kirima e.tc. who have being doing roaring business for over 5 decades cannot afford that waste!

  58. anon 4.27 dont judge lest you be juged. i sense some envy in your post. why have you never pursued the likes of deya [known child smugglers], mwau and many others. nobody has even substantiated these claims that Sonko is drug dealer. There are very many kenyans who are wealthy yet unknown. And since when did it become a crime to be wealthy or the wealth is only acceptable if it belongs to your political hero. All these senior politicians can not account for their wealth and would not even like to be questioned about it. Most of it is stolen from public coffers and methinks sonko may be as 'mweupe kaa pamba' compared to these crooks you worship.

  59. @M-Pesa,

    All things considered, a magnetic appeal has its limitations and a politician can only sail on that kind of wave to a certain extent before wind gets knocked out of their magnetic sails.

    Parliamentary elections is one thing but governatorial and senatorial races are a whole new territory that will be quite a challenge for all those involved.

    As a matter of fact, I have never been in favour - at all - of fossilized political dung (the usual minted illiterate dinosaurs) that has been part and parcel of the alienating Kenya's political landscape since the 1960s.

    I am still in favour of tangible change in a Post-2010-Kenya (P2010K), and that's why I can't wait for the well informed people of Kiambu as well as other regions of Kenya to decide on their own about the kind of tangible changes they want in 2012 and beyond.

    As a matter of fact, if there is any politician or group of individuals who are vying for "political supremacy and dominace", then they are in for a shock of their political lives come 2013.

    It will not be that easy as was the tradition in the last four and half irritable decades.

    @Anon: 4:27 AM

    If Sonko was damn enough to waste Ksh 150m on a by election in his Mak'hood, then let him make sure that has more ligit arsenal in his war chest to withstand as well as counter all incoming political cannon fire in 2012.

    I thought he had won the minds and hearts of most people in his constituency without sprinkling specks of dust from his bling bling treasure trove.

    Muru wa Gacii

  60. I have ONLY one wife... and no girlfriend(s)...
    I believe this is the kind of Kenya we should all yearn for. Free from immorality!

  61. Anon @ 5.48 said:
    anon 4.27 dont judge lest you be juged. i sense some envy in your post. why have you never pursued the likes of deya [known child smugglers], mwau and many others.
    You're missing the point. Actually my opening sentence was most crucial where I noted that having sound national policies and implementing them to the letter is most important.I m not envious of Sonko but I am looking forward to the time when people will be elected based on their capability to deliver; not based on the amount of money they pour.
    And, are you suggesting that because there are many corrupt fellows Sonko is also entitled to be corrupt (of course for now it's just an unproved allegation)

  62. Martha Karua is Margaret Thatcher in a black skin


  63. "It's very understandable as to why Kenyans in their 40s, 50s and 60s would not be pleased at all with Sonko's political victory in Makadara. They had their chances during the 70s, 80s, 90s, and in 2002, and 2007. Life marches on." ~Koigi wa Wamwere.

  64. Rafiki Kenya,

    What an awful blog you got. I have now marked it and I think I wont make the mistake of visiting it again. You are either doing blogging or doing some other shameful stuff!


  65. anon@ 9.06am with due respect sir i think there no point i missed. my argument was why vilify somebody just becoz he won an election. This fella has been around and doing campaigns in makadara spending money and even initiating projects. Why all these negative comments about him after winning the elections yet nobody spoke during his campaigns. Why even pass judgement on a person you dont know, have never met and maybe never will and even you dont have any info on his dealings. I said that there are very many rich kenyans out there unknown and juz coz somebody appeared all of sudden with money to burn doesnt mean he is a drug dealer. I know two kenyans who own airlines prably you didnt know that. I know several who have ships. are all these drug dealers. You also question his capability to be an Mp. How do you measure this? Let the people of makadara judge him. They know what they voted for.

    Or maybe he your favourite in makadara lost? Pole sana bwana. Asiyekubali kushindwa sio mshindani.

  66. anon@ 9.06am with due respect sir i think there no point i missed. my argument was why vilify somebody just becoz he won an election. This fella has been around and doing campaigns in makadara spending money and even initiating projects. Why all these negative comments about him after winning the elections yet nobody spoke during his campaigns. Why even pass judgement on a person you dont know, have never met and maybe never will and even you dont have any info on his dealings. I said that there are very many rich kenyans out there unknown and juz coz somebody appeared all of sudden with money to burn doesnt mean he is a drug dealer. I know two kenyans who own airlines prably you didnt know that. I know several who have ships. are all these drug dealers. You also question his capability to be an Mp. How do you measure this? Let the people of makadara judge him. They know what they voted for.

    Or maybe your favourite candidate in makadara lost? Pole sana bwana. Asiyekubali kushindwa sio mshindani.

  67. 1. Have you guys noticed Iron Lady Martha Karua is laying low after her party's big win instead of being out there celebrating?

    2. Do you know with Sonko's victory (a very dodgy character indeed to some) Martha Karua may have scored an own goal?

    3. Do you know PNU was shell shocked after the defeat since they were so confident of winning to an extent that PNU's chairman George Kinuthia Muthengi wa Saitoti didn't even bother to campaign for his buddies?

    4. Did you know after Saitoti learnt of the defeat, his skin crawled in anger and his hair stood straight. A very close insider told me an angry Saitoti banged the table with his fist and screamed, "I want a file of that Makanga Sonko opened immediately!" Saitoti wants the KRA, KACC, CID et all trawling Sonko's life history, his wealth, girlfriends, wives, vehicles, telephone numbers which are already bugged, his bank accounts etc.

    5. Do you know Sonko's win will be used to tarnish Iron Lady in the coming weeks? Already NSIS under the command of Major General Gichangi is working very hard on it to an extent of posting in various blogs including here allegations that Sonko is a drugs baron who is financing Narc-Kenya?

    Watch this space. Someone has rattled the snake which will soon bite back. PNU thugs will not take the defeat lying down. Some PNU big shots who are so powerful to an extent they decide who breathes and who goes six feet under are busy doing what they do best- SCHEMEING!!!!!!!

    Sonko who is so politically naive should stop yapping around that he has 200 bank accounts and a ship. This man is over excited and his handlers are clearly letting him down. He should lay low, probably take a well deserved holiday until things cool down. Politics, he will learn very fast can be very dirty. He's dancing himself lame even before the music has begun!

  68. Thug Raila has up to 2012 to use the VIP toilet and the carpet before he is politically castrated by Kalonzo and ent away to die just like his father, a frustrated man!!!

  69. Well done anon at 1.44 for plagiarizing material from my blog! Bure Kabisa!


  70. Blogger M. Pesa said...

    Well done anon at 1.44 for plagiarizing material from my blog! Bure Kabisa!


    We dont need another blog, this forum is enough. quit advertising yourselves here. lipa uweke advert kaa wengine.

  71. I'm hearing rumours that Kioko Mbuvi's wife is Harun Mwau's daughter. Can someone tell me if this is true or its NSIS that has started and is spreading tis rumours.

  72. Jimmy, how old are you? What became of your one time bright future and promising career?

    Why are you so engaged in spreading unfounded rumours with malicious intent to harm?

    Just because you've failed to make it in life or even failed to make a name for yourself in your current profession and neighbourhood, doesn't mean others can't do it.

    You shouldn't be engaged in defaming Sonko, or other young Kenyans.


    Anon 4:14

    The truth is bitter and "Life marches on" while many waste away their lives toiling 24/7 in rumour mills.

  73. Responsible use of Kumekucha is always vital. Quacking and honking should be put to a minimum.

    Thank you all in advance.

  74. ICC targeting the Commander In Chief!
    No wonder Kilonzo want ICC out.
    Remember the legal "security" insertion in draft katiba?

    By Standard Reporter

    Kenya has declined request by the International Criminal Court for minutes of high-level security meetings during the clampdown on post-election violence, claiming it would prejudice ‘national security’.

    The Government’s response is coached so as not to make Kenya appear to be shirking its responsibilities as a signatory of the Rome Statute or betraying its official assurances to ICC.

    The Government argued ICC’s “blanket demands”, were “prejudicial to the national security interests of Kenya”, and cannot therefore be honoured”.

    The request appears to be a key plank in the two cases ICC this week reconfirmed it would be commencing against four to six Kenyans in December.

    It is not clear what documents the Government early in the month conceded had been sent to ICC Registrar Silvana Arbia.

    But what is clear from a copy of a letter from The Hague to Internal Security Minister George Saitoti is that, another ICC team was to be in the country from last Monday, to follow-up on the request for the minutes as well as “internal administrative regulations of the Administrative Police”.

    “I look forward to full co-operation with the Kenyan Government on investigations by ICC and swift execution of the outstanding requests by the competent authorities of the Republic of Kenya.”

    The burden of reply was shifted to Attorney General Amos Wako after the sub-committee weighted the political implications of passing on the minutes. 

    The State also asked ICC to furnish it with the source of the information it is seeking to verify through the minutes.

    “The request must have emanated from the information which you have gathered.

    Regarding ICC’s request for Government facilitation to interview in Nairobi PCs and Police chiefs in Nyanza, Central, Coast, and Rift Valley – probably to ascertain the source of security orders – Wako bluntly said this must be restricted to PCs and PPOs “still in Government service”.


    Posted Thursday, September 23 2010 at 14:55 Daily Nation

    Kenyan civil society groups have been asked to lobby Parliament for their inclusion in the implementation of the new Constitution, which involves the enactment of 49 bills.

    United States ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger also said prosecution of the post-election violence perpetrators should be pursued to its logical conclusion. The matter is under investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

    He said there should be more openness from government on the implementation of the new laws in much the same way that Kenyans were involved in the drafting stage.

    Law Society of Kenya chief executive Apolo Mboya and Priscilla Nyokabi of Kituo cha Sheria spoke of the concern by civil society groups that the implementation of the Constitution has been largely a government process.

    Mr Ranneberger asked MPs not to use the implementation process to make political deals as it would undermine the Constitution and not serve its intended purpose.

    “Implementation must not be allowed to take place through old-fashioned political deals, dividing spoils behind closed doors,” said the outspoken envoy.

    “Dividing offices or responsibilities for implementation based on political affiliation and the old-fashioned spoils system, or based on ethnic identification, would be wrong- and send an entirely negative signal to the Kenyan people.”

    He said it would be important that Parliament be held accountable “to vet very carefully and rigorously” all proposed appointments to commissions and key government positions.

    He also asked politicians to set aside their ambitions for 2012 and the posts that would be created under the new law in order to concentrate more on the implementation.

    Parliament resumes on Thursday next week and is expected to handle bills on the vetting of judges and the formation of the Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution.

    The bills to be tabled by Justice minister Mutula Kilonzo have been prepared by the State Law Office, the Justice Ministry and the Kenya Law Reform Commission and have been approved by Cabinet.

    But Ms Nyokabi said the Bill on the commission, which has already been published, lacks clauses that would make it independent in the same way that the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review was.

    Mr Mboya added: “We feel the Bills are not being interrogated widely enough. There should be support to have the Bills looked at by more people.”

    According to Mr Ranneberger, the changes to the Judiciary and especially the appointment of a new Chief Justice, openness in the appointment of State officers and implementation of devolution are areas that need special scrutiny.

    He said each of the 47 counties would be linked with some in the United States so they can learn from each other how the devolved units operate.

    The US has donated $10 million (Sh800 million) to Parliament, which would be used to improve research and the work of committees as well as the construction of buildings for the new bi-cameral House.

    He also asked civil society groups to speak with a unified voice and set aside their divisions and competition.

  76. Law Society of Kenya chief executive Apolo Mboya and Priscilla Nyokabi of Kituo cha Sheria spoke of the concern by civil society groups that the implementation of the Constitution has been largely a government process.


    mmmm, we were told from the top of snow capped Mt Kenya that, it was a government project during the campaigns.

    Now, we are being told the implementation is not a government project. Why should implementation be different? Talk of people with schizophrenic behaviour.


    He said each of the 47 counties would be linked with some in the United States so they can learn from each other how the devolved units operate.


    America has no functioning federal system any more which is essential for the safeguard of the rights of the individuals. Thus, the present arrangements are not what we should learn from.

    In the beginning, state government was at par with federal government. For instance, when President Washington was about to arrive at Boston on a visit, Governor Hancock was perturbed over the matter of protocol.

    The dilemma was, would he be compromising the dignity of the Commonwealth of Massachussetts if he went to meet the "father of his country" on arrival, or would it be proper that, the President call at the state Capitol? He settled the problem by pleading illness.

    Also, when President Washington was asked to review the Massachusetts militia, he refused on the ground that the militia was the military arm of the state, and not the federal government.

    This was so because of the tacit understanding in those days that, the state militia might be called to face the federal army.

    Autonomous American states (federalism) have been liquidated in the quest for centralism of Caesar just as Bismarck had liquidated the autonmous German states before the arrival of Hitler.

    It was the same in Rome the other day. Mussolini's march on Rome would not have gotten started when Italy was made up of aggregation of independent units. And, we may add, Czars handed Lenin and Stalin a thoroughy centralised government.

    In simple words, USA as presently is a centralised as was Roman Empire, Rome before Mussolini, German before Hitler and Russia before Lenin.

    "From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide." — Abraham Lincoln.

    NB: Please tell this American ambassador that, his nation is committing suicide as Abe warned and we can learn little from it.

  77. This blog has become lazy of late.

    1 post per week or none at all!

    The ailing Chris has run-out of ideas.


  78. Mwarang'ethe,
    Swali, are you blogging from within Kenyan borders? If you so you are a gem. Otherwise ever heard of the good word HYPOCRACY? Imagine spining paper theories and trashing everything happening while deriding the very system/s that fed your braind?

    Not that I expect anything different from you except intellectual whinning. FYI there is apparent and TRUE (intellectual) depth. You guess right and please don't bore KK students wwith your tirades following this observation. Matusi kando please.

  79. Partnering with some counties and even states in the United States will go a long way in providing much needed expertise and above all a lifeline to the soon to be Kenyan counties.

    The United States may not be a perfect nation nor have the best county governments, state governments and federal government, however Kenyan counties have a lot to learn from their counterparts if they so choose to partner for the common good of their counties as well as the greater good of the nation.


    What other concrete alternatives do you suggest we seek?

    BTW, to the best of your knowledge, have the county governments and state governments in the United Sates ever failed to operate or function successfully?

    And has the daily collaboration between United States counties, states and federal government ever hindered the miscarriage of justice?

    NB: While you are still at it, don't forget to tell (remind) Kenyans that, their nation nearly sunk in the abyss of genocidal war during the PEV.

    And they should never ever allow that maniac chapter of Kenya's dark history to repelicate itself again on Kenyan soil.

    Muru wa Gacii

  80. Shall we wait for Chris to turn the bi-weekly page, or shall we turn it twice a week for Kumekucha's sake?

  81. Who is DN/Wetangula etal fooling:

    ....Ati speaking during the occasion (in NY), Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula said that President Kibaki lived to the true spirit of reforming the country which motivated him to quit the Kanu government in 1992 to found the Democratic Party.

    He may as well be reminded of the mugumo tree-razor blade blot. What a trasparent lie mouthed as sycophancy?

  82. @Mwarang'ethe,

    What other concrete alternatives do you suggest we seek?


    For devolution, we would propose a serious look at Switzerland and the USA structures at the time of foundation, not TODAY.


    Swali, are you blogging from within Kenyan borders? If you so you are a gem. Otherwise ever heard of the good word HYPOCRACY? Imagine spining paper theories and trashing everything happening while deriding the very system/s that fed your braind?


    Firstly, does it mean that, to the extent you were born and bred in Kenya you should not criticise Kenya/ns?

    On a more important issue, our objections to the USA nonsense is founded on solid facts. You may not be aware of these issues, but, that does not make them paper theories.

    For instance, the SECOND BILL signed into law by Washington was TARIFF ACT of 1789.

    Thereafter, Madison saved American infant industries from being buried by British manufacturers by enacting TARIFF ACT of 1816.

    Now, if this is the way USA became industrialised, what doe it tell us to do today as we enact our laws?

    If you dare give a reasonable hearing to our views, all we are saying is this:

    We can learn a lot from USA in its early times, but, NOT TODAY. What is wrong with that Sir?

  83. Anon 10:51 AM

    We Tangulia-Tangulia can be forgiven for wanting to be remembered as "a man of courage and a shrewd politician, an astute organiser and an eleoquent orator" by those who will care to remember him after 2012.

    Does the name "Soldier Kombo-Kombo" ring a bell? What become of his alleged political shrewdness and astute organizational skills?


  84. Now, if this is the way USA became industrialised, what doe it tell us to do today as we enact our laws?

    Good point, Mwarangethe. There's more of this and examples from other OECD countries discussed in a book by Ha Joon Chang, Cambridge.

  85. We can learn a lot from the USA in its early times, but NOT TODAY. What's wrong with that Sir?.

    Yes indeed! There is a lot we can learn from post WWII America in 2012, as opposed from pre Civil War (War Between the States) America of the mid 1800s.

    That was then, this is now. So why should Kenyans try to reinvent the wheel in 2012 when there is an abundance of solutions, models and different alternatives to choose from in this day and age?

    Muru wa Gacii

  86. Mwarang'ethe,
    There is plenty to learn from the Us of A even in its present state. Just look hard enough and please don't make newspapers your source neither Bob Marley's songs or worse quoting the Bible out of context.

    There are many things to learn and discard from the US if only you stopped your chronic selective amnesia where you loathe and praise their past and present policies when it suits you.

    In short, you can be an intellectual without constantly contradisting yourself harpiong on any news and thing to remain afloat.

  87. Mwarang'ethe,
    There is plenty to learn from the Us of A even in its present state. Just look hard enough and please don't make newspapers your source neither Bob Marley's songs or worse quoting the Bible out of context.


    Today, much that you can learn from the USA is the art of slaughter of innocent human beings as we see here:





    Which newspaper today tells you about American protective policy during its industrialization? Simply, this information is not to be found in any news today.

    NB: Would you please confront any facts/opinion we have put so that we can debate ISSUES?

  88. Mwarang'ethe,
    You are in very good company. Please join Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his WILD conspiracy theories about ZIONISM. Leaving in denial never kills, I guess. Enjoy the ego expansion trip, won't you?

  89. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Conserve your energy for better usage later on @Kumekucha.

    Don't bother responding to the hecklers, quackers and honkers in the streets around Kumekucha.

    NB: Zero constructive engagement = zero constructive response. Period!

  90. I was watching K24 last night and there was this sad news item of a young man in Jericho committing suicide.reason?ati ndolo favourite wake alidunda!kwani what had ndolo promised this young man?


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