Monday, August 16, 2010

Deadly Daniel Mirrors Terrible Taylor

President Kibaki, please detain Moi, Kumekucha begs

If we were operating in the old days, now would be a very good time to detain one Daniel arap Moi (without trial or due process) for being a serious threat to peace in Kenya, let alone the security of the state. That is one detention order I would sign for President Kibaki with great pleasure and never lose any sleep over it. But alas lucky Daniel after 24 years of misrule, the dirtiest Machiavellian tricks, and detaining people endlessly for the flimsiest reasons, now has the audacity to use the expanded democratic space to ensure that Kenya fails to move on to the new Canaan.
Dirty Daniel: "New constitution Itachoma nyinyi."

Sample the following. The day after Kenyans firmly voted in favour of the new constitution all was quiet and peaceful in the land until Moi released a statement urging the clergy not to apologise and NOT to give up on their fight against the “contentious issues”. Being the experienced politician he is, he naturally send feelers to all the relevant clergy and people involved and the next day a fresh row over the new constitution was brewing that rages on as you read this post. It mainly revolves around the No camp staying together to force changes on the constitution even before it is implemented.

…And that is just the beginning. This old man will do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING to ensure that somehow the new constitution is diluted, side-tracked or prevented from being fully and properly implemented. His entire future and that of his family depends on it.

Without a doubt, most political analysts now agree, the biggest stumbling block now to a peaceful Kenya as we shift to a new constitutional dispensation is former dictator president of Kenya, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi. And what a dangerous foe the man is as he has already proved. Let us not talk about the tell-tale similarities of the Uhuru Park bombings to bombings that happened during the Moi watch and earlier during the Kenyatta days. (Incidentally this was a tactic that failed badly but you can be sure that those behind it will not be deterred from trying other things, even violent stuff). But clearly it is difficult to fight against the former owner of a house on the premises because he still knows where all the hidden trap doors and potholes are.

Those who may still doubt Moi’s commitment to derailing real change in Kenya just need to take a closer look at what the old man spent on the No campaign. One estimate puts the figure at a whooping Kshs one billion. Even the most conservative estimates say that the former president spent NOT less than Kshs 5 million per day. Now those who know Moi well are well aware of the fact that he can hardly be described as a generous man. While it is true he loved to dish out money when he was president the truth is that he had dozens of ways to “create cash” at short notice for his endless political “projects.” In other words it was NOPT his money he was being generous with. Now that he is no longer in power, his true colours have come out. And that is why the kind of spending Moi did to stop the new constitution from happening should and must cause all the warning bells to ring loudly in alarm because here is a man who is extremely desperate to stop something from happening. And desperate people usually do desperately dangerous things.

An interesting aside here is some of the recipients of Moi’s cash. It seems that we now have a new breed of “politicians for hire” who are ready to sing any tune for cash. Top on that list are former legislators Kalembe Ndile and Koigi Wamwere. Wamwere’s case is the saddest. After years of fighting for change in Kenya, risking his life several times, the man is now ending his political career meekly accepting the man who detained and harassed him to make jokes about why he detained him at public rallies, as long as he can receive handouts to keep his expensive habits happening as he waits to find a way back to parliament. How sad because Wamwere is the kind of guy who would have deserved to be buried in the hero’s corner when he finally departs from this earth. Now he will be a mere footnote whom history will treat rather harshly. While cowards during the Moi era like President Kibaki will be hailed as heroes of the struggle for his big push to deliver a new constitution to Kenya as president. Life is really unfair, is it not?

In my next post I will reveal some of things to expect from Moi’s rather bulky bag of tricks which he is set to unleash on unsuspecting Kenyans in the weeks and months to come.

P.S. I agree with Nzamba Gitonga, chair of the COE, when he says there are NO contentious issues in the new constitution and if they were any, they were resolved by the referendum. I would add that what some people are saying are contentious issues are concerns from landgrabbers and some church leader's dissapointment that the constitution will not help them in doing their job of fighting sin in the world.


  1. I don't agree with you on detaining Moi. However, I feel like the campaign period has ended and that Moi and the church leaders should just get on with it. Had they saved the nation from all those numerous and expensive campaigns, some even resulting in the deaths of innocent Kenyans, and supported the draft constitution with a view to seeking amendments after the referendum, then perhaps, they would have had a point. But they went ahead ahead anyway chest-thumping, campaigned for no, and LOST. Tough.

  2. Moi, Ruto, wamwere and the team of ati-constitution individuals can't be trusted to do a back door deal, like they are used to wheeling and dealing, as for the church pathetic clergy main trying to use politics to gain their political milage in their churches collecting money from poor kenyans to live lavish life styles driving themselves around with Mercedes Benze's and land-cruisers while living in 30 million shilling homes wine and dinning expensive life styles from church collections and lying to their church folks how God is going to reward them, utter nonsense..

  3. Chris,
    Remember this time-tested adage


    Well, Uncle Dan can rant and rave but tough luck for the poor old man. He is lucky to live and enjoy what he denied others. Detaining him would gift him martyr status.

    Moi and his old school of thinking doesn't know when to quit or shut up. More than 2/3 of Kenyans spoke YES and Moi is still insulting their verdict. Well, he has been defeated so many times in the last 8 years that he was in his 24 years presidency, NA BADO.

  4. Blogger Chris said.......
    Deadly Daniel
    President Kibaki, please detain Moi, Kumekucha begs

    If we were operating in the old days, now would be a very good time to detain one Daniel arap Moi (without trial or due process) for being a serious threat to peace in Kenya, let alone the security of the state. That is one detention order I would sign for President Kibaki with great pleasure and never lose any sleep over it.


    Are you sure about this?

    Personally I do not.

  5. This author of this should be taken to court by Mzalendo Kibunja for brewing hatred against the retired president and suggesting things that will elicit emotional outburst from Kenyans.

    Chris, please crawl back to the woodwork you appeared from...ooh, word has it that you were a casual labourer in the YES campaign team..
    Poor boy!!

  6. Taabu, stop peddling LIES...

    Only 5 million voted YES and we had 15 million registered voters.
    This constitution doesnt even have the mandate of 50% registered voters.

    What a bogus piece of law!!

  7. Chris,

    This is a Fascist post you have written. How could you advocate for detention without trial in this day and age. What is the diference between you and Kariuki Chotara who used to beg that Inflation and Karl Max to be detained? I say he only difference is that he had the Naivasha Bus Stop and you have the internet as your platform.

    Moi should continue to do whatever believes in as long as he stays within the law.

  8. Taabu said...
    Remember this time-tested adage



    It may have the monopoly of violence, but, thats the heart of the problem today. Whenever some people have monopoly on anything, they will use it to defend vested interest and/or for profit.

    It is for this simple reason, the WISE men who formulated the American constitution found it wise to include the 2nd amendment.

    This ensures the Americans right to bear arms. They do not have this right so as to allow citizens arms to hunt rabbits. No. It is to defend their lives, families and properties from any one, including their government when it becomes tyrannical.

    Seen from this perspective, there is nothing whatsoever to glorify on state monopoly on violence. In other words, you ought to weep that, we have a constitution that does not allow you to defend and even remove a tyrannical government.

    If we understood the meaning of a free people, we would have included the right to bear arms in our so called new constitution. With such arms, we would be able to defend ourselves and even uproot a tyrannical govenment like that of Moi.

    But, since we are not FREE MEN, we sit like ducks in our houses when robbers and police strike at us. And, in a strange way, we seem to like this slavery.

  9. Mwarang'ethe,
    But I thought our many robbers have the right to bear arms, LOL.

    If only beautiful theories were reality! And BTW now the US have a model (bearing arms) to iga ama?

    Speak of selective reasoning to advance your course. Good luck, next WEALTH and LAND please.

  10. Chris, you honestly amaze me.

    As usual you are ontop of the political situation as it is in Kenya today. Other analysts (even in the Daily press) are always busy analyzing non-issues. But you for some reason always get to the heart of the matter and the real and present dangers.

    That's why Kumekucha is always a must read for me and I get really dissapointed when I find no new post from you for a long time.(hint, hint)

    Do the jeers perhaps get to you sometimes?

  11. This post is the product of an evil mind which still believes that you can imprison the human spirit by detaining the body. This was the basic premise of Nyayo era detentions and Nyayo House torture chambers.

    I thought we had buried these dictatorial mind-sets in the avalanche of the 70% affirmative referendum vote. But it appears these evil minds are irredeemably waiting for an opportunity to practice what they truly are, dictators. God is Great they didn't get to power in 2007; Chris and Prof Nyongo would be happily manning new torture chambers.


    Btw, latest reports from the Hague has it that a Kenyan, former monk (priest) was involved in transporting blood diamonds and other gemstones for warlords in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    The "transporter" or "monk" who is no longer a monk (priest) since December, 1996, has been subpoenaed to appear at Charles Taylor's trial. According to published reports, he lives in Flanders, Beligium with his long term Flemish partner and mother of their four children.

    The irony is that he was known as the "monk" by the customs officials, merchants, militia groups as well as the war loads. He is a holder of four passports, very fluent in Arabic, French, German, Portuguese but speaks average English, and had several business in Antwerp, Flanders (Beligium), Zanzibar (Tanziana), Malindi (Kenya), Port Elizabeth (RSA), Jedah (Saudia), Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong.

    He has an outstanding warrant issued in South Africa since June of 1998.

    Naomi Campbell seems to have been among several women who were the icing on Charles Taylor's cake, unlike the "monk" who was part of the trusted team of Charles Taylor's underbelly diomond operations.

    More news and links to follow as the case unfolds.


    Which state? Certainly not the Kenyan one if you just flash back to two years ago. Such wishful thinking.

  14. Anonymous said...
    But I thought our many robbers have the right to bear arms, LOL.


    When you disarm law abiding citizens, you leave them at the mercy of robbers. It is so because robbers will always have guns whether it is legal or not.


    If only beautiful theories were reality! And BTW now the US have a model (bearing arms) to iga ama?


    We may first ask, where did you study constitutional issues?

    This is the deal. Man has INHERENT RIGHT of self defence that has existed even before any state was formed. The same applies to all animals, and if you wanna see that, try killing a cat.

    Now, assuming you are a man, let us suppose some robbers armed with guns have come to your house in Nairobi.

    As they knock, they tell you this. They will take your property, rape your wife and daughters, and if you joke, they will also deal with you.

    In such a scenarion, what choices do you have? You have only two choices. You can call so called state with its monopoly of violence which you seem to glorify.

    As we know, the police will not come. In such a case, you can only pee and poop on yourself as you watch your property being taken and your wife and daughter being raped.

    However, imagine a case whereby, we affirmed the INHERENT RIGHT OF SELF defence in our so called new constitution.

    In such a case, you will be armed when robbers come. With your gun, you will do what FREE MEN have done since time immemorial, which is to defend their bodies, their property and their families. Since robbers will be aware of this, they will not come to your house. Today, knowing you are a harmless slave, they come with a swagger.

    However, since we have accepted slavery for too long, it is very difficult for your TRAINED mind to comprehend what we are saying. It is from such utter ignorance, you glorify our slavery.

    While at it, do you think if we had guns what happened wakati wa Moi and in 2007-8 would have happened?

    All that you saw was as a result of us relinguishing the right to bear arms. As a result, tyranny won and shall keep winning until we realise how FREE MEN ought to relate with so called state.

  15. The lowest position Mt Kenya region will settle for in 2012 is Vice-Presidency. As other communities go about salivating for the presidency and vice-presidency positions, it is important that they understand that vice-presidency is an irreducible minimum for GEMA.

  16. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar fetched!

  17. Funny how the same people talking about how the "perfect" new constitution will end impunity are the same chameleones furiously peddling it.from the ferociously biased media to the intense use of govt machinery,impunity is only bad when youre not the one effecting it.

  18. Moi is a citizen of him or not.Ranneberger is a foreigner promoting his country's neo-colonial,western "civilising" objectives in my sweet Africa.I'll fight for my own people's right to speak,regardless of my agreement with their sentiments.

  19. Mwarang'ethe,
    Sorry you are WALKING ALONE after trolling the net and seeing dust on Aug 4 (forget that fad ati intellectual are onely). If only you had what the hindsight to know when to SHUT UP or ooze wisdom in silence like Mutahi Ngunyi who is stil cleaning eggss off his face.

    You see the so-called intellectual discourse must remain relevant to reality unlike yours of WEALTH/LAND and now your new baby called ARMS. Ego expansion sio mbaya but your is so skewed and selective reasoning makes you such a sour looser (except you don't see/know it).

    So here you are condenscendingly preaching about second amendment and just before long your utopian presciption was so ORIGINAL it trashed all other katitbas. Ama it a Saul-turned-paul looking for e-relevance with chest-thumbing?

    Until you sober up to spice your long monologue with reality, you need a reality check before asking others where they learned constitutinal issues. Yours amounts to grandstanding and braggadocios. Please take a leaf from (humble) Ngunyi though in your typical aura of self-importance you will predictably trash all others.

    Bring it on, e-gallery is FULL.

  20. I am offended whenever i hear anyone missing 2 words together. Moi and democracy! These 2 are like oil and water. Moi can not and should not talk democracy. For his misrule was autocratic or kreptocratic they say. A man who used detention willy nilly, he can't talk of democracy. Moi who started land clashes should be the last to talk to us about peaceful co-existence.
    But detaining him would make him a saint that he doesn't deserve.
    As for church leaders, they ate from that american organization so they have to justify their budget. It will stick in their throats for a long time to come.

  21. Mwangethe, please note this. That any political or economic analyst's best friend is his/her credibility.
    Most of your posts look constructive and eloquent but how credible are they? I find most of them wanting of substance hence credibility. And you seem not to learn even from hindsight.
    Good day

  22. People, help me here? What was the mantre for the reds? reject it, amend it and then pass it! And what did the Kenya people do? Well, one third of the voters agreed with their calls, while two thirds didn't. So why do the reds want to believe that the 1/3s view is better than 2/3s? What is democracy then?
    Is it not of the people, for the people, and by the people. So, referendum was won by the people for the people. So let us live with it. Ruto, Moi, Njue, et al, live with it. If you won, you would have called it democracy. Others won. It's democracy too. OK

  23. Mwarang'ethe you need to STOP your bravados and chest thumping comments, you seem arrogantly enclaved in your utopian cocoon.

    Please tell us where you learned constitutional issues? Before asking others were they learned theirs.

    Plus you asked a blogger in the earlier blog were he/she learnt about money and banking...were did you learn yours 'Prof' Mwarang'ethe?

    CBK Monster - Challenged you to debate with him/her on Money and Banking
    And we are yet to see your replying, chicken.

    If you need firearms licence go and apply for one. And if you cant kill a cat shauri yako! And if you pee and poop on yourself when robbers come to your crib, Please make sure you have enough toilet paper to wipe after your poop and thats the bottom line.


  24. Mwarang'ethe,
    You must be seething with RAW RAGE or cowering for cover. You have opened yourself up after e-fame corrupted your BIG HEAD. Ama in your typical bravado you will come waxing pseudo intellectual ati you are a LONELY don preaching to fools?

    You must be one modern Einstein (punch holes please!) to have STUDIED LAND/WEALTH and now ARMS.

    Please prof SAVE US from knowledge famine with your INFINITE monologues, will you please?

  25. Mimi mame ambiwo matafute 'Prof' Mwarang'ethe kwa sababu yeye manajua mahali Shamba (Land) yangu malienda.

    Napia matanisaidia kupata Mali (wealth) namanipeleke kule Utopia!

    'Prof' Mwarang'ethe uko wapi?...Lol!

  26. Mwarang'ethe:
    Your logic is sound. But note also that some of the places where the rights to bear arms are recognised are also some of the most "policed states" i.e where law enforcement is efficient and where the so-called monopoly of violence is unambiguously located. A dose of reality now and then is good.

  27. Mwarang'ethe

    ".....which is to defend their bodies, their property and their families" and their religion. Thats the exact definition of Jihad. I think it is proper for us to inform the ATPU. Otherwise, I fear we will be abetting jijazie.

  28. Government expenditure is already out of control as it is with the old constitution. How much worse is it going to get (with the new constitution) since we all know that the Kenyan Government (and Governments all over the world) spend money that they don't have and never achieve the tax collection targets they set.

    If the most advanced country (socially, economically and otherwise) in the world included the right to bear arms as the 2nd amendment in their constitution what were they really trying to do? Shouldn't the Committee of Experts have looked into that?

    Attacking Mwarangethe doesn't change the fact that Kenyans have been royally ass f**ked by the new constitution.

    Let us focus on the intellectuals are teaching us and follow up their wise words with our own research (available on the Internet, in bookstore, in campus library) then argue like we really know something.

  29. Everything that we are doing now has already been done before! Writing, passing and implementing a new constitution etc.

    Banking, usury, capitalism, democracy has been in existence long enough for us to understand that pitfalls of each one.

    How many of you Anons have researched social credit, alternative money systems, depoliticizing money and credit money (without usury) to call such ideas utopian?

    CBK Monster where are you? Let's go head to head on the money and banking challenge

  30. The........... You sound he he pissed of, and by the way how comes you sound exactly like 'Prof' Mwarang'ethe ama you chickened out and opened another e-mail, Mwaranag'ethe be man enough when asked for a challende! Do dont go hiding in Aliases! He he tunakujua! Am a computer 'genius' so whichever form or alias you use....sorry for blowing your cover. Your ideas are still Utopian.

  31. Did you know that Moi's running around the country like a headless chicken under the guise of campaigning against the referendum was his last tour and stage show in the now ever changing arena of Kenyan political circles?

    Moi seem to have forgotten the fact that so many Kenyans forgave him and his sons, unlike Mobutu Sese Seko who died a like a common immigrant in a foreign land surrounded by those who wers sttill trying to get their money's worth packages for their loyal services rendered over the years under his beck and call.

    My greatest revenge and personal satisfaction was seeing an emascualted Moi, a shadow of his former self waste precious energy on roving around the country at the wrong time, with a wrong agenda, for all the wrong reasons in the world and with a defeatist attitude of a very old bull grazing in free and open pastures.

    FYI, you heard here first, that the next time Moi's name will be mentioned or heard again on similar scale, will be during breaking news about his death announcement and the consequent shedding of welcomed crocodile tears, snarling stares, and slithering of 'who is who' at his burial that will occur at time, day and date yet to be determined by the Creator of the Universe.

    The Giver and Taker of mortals' earthly fleeting lives.

  32. Chris,
    The Referendum is OVER and YES won it. No team including Moi and Ruto accepted defeat. Game over, get over it Chris. By the way, why dont you parade Moi in Uhuru park and shoot him to dead so that you can be so happy and stop ranting about him every day.
    You are celebrating so early. The easiest part is done, the hardest is yet to start, ie implementing it. Do you know that, you have just devolved corruption, tribalism, clanism, cronyism to the counties instead of resources? why is this katiba so silent about East Africa Community? havent we signed a treaty to the effect that by 2020, EAC will be a Political Federation? What then becomes of the structures we have just created in the new katiba? Are they inline with EAC treaty? are we really serious of our integration into EAC?


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