Wednesday, July 21, 2010

William Ruto caught unawares

For somebody who sits behind a computer in Nairobi or somewhere on California reading Kumekucha and other political sites, the win by Chirau Mwakwere in Matuga was a shocker. To yours truly who is always in touch with Kenyans on the ground, the only thing that was surprising and called for further investigation was the huge margin of victory.

But I still do get shocked all the time by Kenyan politics and I will tell you what staggers me so much at the moment. It is the speed at which our politics is changing.

Let me illustrate this by focusing on one politician in particular.
William Ruto and with Prime Minister Raila Odinga: Sulking?

William Ruto, the Higher education minister. Make no mistake about it, Kenyan voters greatly admire survivors and politicians who emerge victorious against great odds. Older Kenyans will remember one Paul Ngei whow as said to have more lives than that of the proverbial cat. President Moi decided that he was gpoing to finish him politically and propped up former chief of general staf Jackson Mulinge to stand against him in the Kangundo constituency. In those greatly discredited queue voting elections, Muling got more than 70% in the first round and was supposed to be declared winner unopposed. Many Kenyan journalists had even started writing Ngei’s political orbituary. But against all odds the man (using threats and every dirty trick in the book) forced Moi to cancel those elections and when the two candidates went into the secret ballot, Ngei somehow won narrowly. Now after those elections ministers were sworn in at Uhuru Park and the huge crowd wildly cheered the political survivor when he came to take his oath of office as a cabinet minister.

William Ruto had a very similar image in the eyes of Kenyans barely a few weeks ago. The man was greatly admired for being a thorn in the flesh of such political heavyweights as ODM leader Raila Odinga and also for being a survivor when such powerful people wanted him out.

Now incase you are not aware, ordinary Kenyans at the grassroots level have taken the draft constitution very seriously indeed and a huge number of them have actually read right through the bulky document. Things are actually very different from what they were in 2005 when one Raila Odinga led opposition against the Bomas draft and used it to lift himself politically. Fast forward to 2010 and William Ruto is trying to use the same strategy to position himself for 2012. And so he has been using some of the tactics Raila Odinga used in 2005. Like telling the people blatant lies about the draft constitution. It worked well for Raila in 2005 because people swallowed everything hook line and sinker. A poor excuse of a Kenyan interviewed on TV then even admitted that as long as Raila had read the document and decided it was bad, he had no business reading it for himself.

But 2010 is a different ball game. Apart from it being a lot more difficult to cheat Kenyans, there are things like the Ukweli (truth) meter (in the committee of experts’ brilliant campaign to create awareness on the constitution). Then we also have Citizen TV moving from village to village across the country entertaining Kenyans as they educate them about the draft. Newspapers too have been occasionally telling Kenyans what politicians are saying and comparing it to what is in the draft constitution. The result is that Ruto has been challenged several times during his rallies by ordinary people in the crowd who have screamed back “uwongo” (lies).

What has actually happened in a few short weeks is that Ruto is now viewed by most Kenyans as a very devious character who will not hesitate to tell lies to achieve his agenda. This is exactly the character of the man since his days at the Hilton Hotel jobless corner as a job seeker to his meteoric overnight rise to the top as a very wealthy man. Naturally this is the kind of image that would make it very difficult for him to successfully seek a national political seat. In fact he may even ran into serious problems retaining his parliamentary seat at this rate.

On the other end of the scale the image of Mwai Kibaki has been tremendously transformed mainly because of his steadfast support of the new constitution and his countrywide campaigns. If the constitution passes chances are history will treat Mwai Kibaki much more kindly, he may even emerge as a hero of sorts. That my friends is the nature of politics and a man’s image. Very fickle stuff I assure you.

But the man whose image has reached the greatest heights of all is Prime Minister Raila Odinga. I dare add that his recent hospitalization has helped (sympathy really counts for a lot in politics). There is no doubt that if presidential elections were to be held today the son of Jaramogi would have no competition. Now don’t get me wrong!!! I am NOT making any predictions for 2012 because a week is a long time in politics and 6 months can be a century (the way things are going right now).

The lesson politicians must take from what has happened to Ruto is that in the coming days political reputations will be made and destroyed in a flash. Guys, the ball game has changed dramatically and yet most politicians have been caught napping and are still holding the ball and standing still when play has long moved on (with another ball).

Kumekucha watch
Property prices at the Coast have hit the roof and are still rising. But Kenyans are still not wasting time seeking property next to the proposed Port in Lamu (see property Number 6).


  1. Good article, and i agree Kibaki stands to benefit most from the Katiba's enactment.
    As for octogenarian PM who betrayed his ground troops after getting to the throne, his popularity and that of his party has been relegated to his usual province. That of his Luo kinsmen.

    As long as he keeps surrounding himself with jaluo's like miguna, kajwang, nyongo and midiwo, then his political future is akin to that of Kamotho.

  2. You should credit your readers with some intelligence. The purpose of this post was just the second last paragraph. Ever heard "people we consider astitute bocome imbeciles when they disagree with us." This is far more so in odm.

  3. Seems Chris is back with his Raila for president posts. Continue dreaming and while at it tell us how bad Kalonzo, Ruto, Uhuru etc are.
    Your fellow kinsman Prof. Mutua Makau has been beating that drum for the last few months.
    If you have not learnt anything from Makwere's win, i pity you.
    Those propaganda antics and media stories do not matter to Kenyans. Raila can hire as many spin doctors ans he wish, he can even host the Queen wearing a green shirt and an oversized cape in his recently tax payers refurbished mansion in Karen but Kenyans have not forgotten his kabila adui election stratergy and the violence that ensued and he aint going anywhere near state house.

    But its your democratic rights to try and spin it like Miguna.
    What happened to ODM Haki yetu anthem?? Let me guess, the same morons are the ones pushing Uhuru to increase their wages...what a bunch of thieves!!!

  4. Ruto is just there for the big bucks being poured in the NO camp by the racist right wing whites from the dirty south in United States. These vile racists are merely targetting Obama from a different local angle.

    Most of their dollars are quickly finding way into bottomless pockets of NO crusaders and anyone who uses Langata road daily like me will have noticed that Ruto's posh 5 star hotel opposite Shell at Wilson is now being built at a break neck speed.

    Don't forget even more cash is flowing in from the Evangelical clergy and of course more millions the from giraffe that sees far AKA Arap Moi.

    Clever Ruto is also calculating on the old adage that any publicity is good publicity. We now watch him daily on TV as he tells porkies to gullible masses but the fact is that everyone now knows him and when he positions himself for 2012 later on, he won't be seen as a journeyman but a hard nosed bare knuckle fighter. What a clever b@stard!
    Chris, some few months back you predicted the Somalis would bomb Kenya before the end of the year. Since that chilly prediction, they have murdered 100 people in my beloved Kampala. The murderous Al-Shabaab even invaded Laiboi at the border and ambushed our police there injuring one. Luckily, the police fought back and killed two hardcore jihadists. I have feeling it's just a matter of time before they try to attack our cities. I hope I'm wrong!

  5. Chris,

    Hold your horse, Bwana. Don't break your leg dancing for Raila; save your energy 2012 is just arund the corner. And Brother Kalonzo is waiting to mop the floor with Raila. The House of Mumbi can't wait to hand over th baton to Mwana wa Kibeti.

    If you end up on the losing side with Kavirondo Mafia, shauri yako, don't say you were not warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. FYI Ruto's posh 5 star hotel opposite Wilson is being built on a grabbed land which belongs to Kenya Airports Authority. It's also on a flight path and a danger to flights coming to land. Is it any wonder that a Cessna crashed some few months back at Nyayo Highrise Estate? Once this draft is passed, Ruto can kiss goodbye to this hotel among other lands he illegally acquired when he was a henchman at the YK92 when his mentor was busy killing and jailing multi party activists. Ok, even if all these miraculously doesn't happen, Ocampo is busy waiting to ponce. Whichever way the tide flows..someone is screwed! Some very exciting times we are living in I tell you.

  7. If presidential elections were held today, the people of Kenya would deal with Raila the way they have delt with Luo-ODM in Mugirango and Matuga by-elections.

  8. Ruto used to sing about madoadoa and sangari while Raila would sing about Kabila adui. To me these are two bloody thirsty thugs.

  9. Chris.

    Hope you are remembering your promise as tomorrow is Friday. Funny how days fly by so fast. I'm so excited, hope you will remember to do the necessary.

    Be Well.


  10. Chris,
    You've gone too far this time...AGAIN!

    Just what exactly do you have against the jobless corner at Hilton? I myself have been jobless and know the comfort that comes from sitting with fellow "kibaruas"
    smoking "veve"(them not me) and looking out for "kanjo" all the while admiring the occassional "msichana mrembo" passing by

    The women in Nairobi have suddenly become very beautiful Chris, and the jobless corner draw alot of comfort from this consolation as they while away their time waiting for devolution and counties to create for them jobs.don't deny us this relief please. i know you and the likes of Taabu are now doing well in life driving your latest models toyotas but please remember us "wasee mtaani"

    NIKO na DATE.katiba ni sasa

  11. M.Pesa,

    We all know you get hyper when the old geezer from bondo gets good mention but pleaze stop spamming klist with your numerous useless replies.

    Go on day dreaming about 'the good fortunes' of chris and that looser Taabu. why are they begging for our emails every day if they were doing well?

  12. I agree with you but tempted to disagree with you in some areas. I'll argue based on the way I understand politics in Kenya.

    I thought you were eavesdropping at my place yesterday to come up with this post. I was conversing with my dudes and what we know is that "NO" is making blunders with their lies. These lies are the ones which are making the undecided to head to "YES" side.

    Politics in Kenya is changing so fast so that in future one can easily loose votes by spreading lies. That's exactly what's happening to Ruto. On many occasions he's being questioned for giving contradicting statements or not being clear.

    It doesn't make sense to Kenyans when Ruto goes to Coast province and tell the majority Muslims to reject the constitution since America are supporting it, and they are also likely to introduce the Anti-terrorism bill, then later when he goes to other areas not dominated by Muslims he tells them to reject constitution because of Kadhi courts. I wish he puts his arguements clear so that Muslims are not left confused of whether he's their friend or foe. I find it's very difficult to please both Muslims and Christians in this fight.

    It doesn't make sense when "NO" proponents tell people that the proposed constitution has a clause that allows government to forcefully acquire land from people, when we know well this can happen even in our current constitution, but then one is compensated, and so it will be the case in proposed constitution. They need to bring sound arguement on this.

    I wish they had said proposed constitution will protect gays and lesbians, but not that it will allow same sex marriage. Telling people it will allow same sex marriage is a lie and this gives "YES" proponents an arsenal to kick them.

    The clause on abortion can be abused - I wish that was their arguement, instead of saying that the proposed constitution allows abortion.

    We know very well the constitution has weaknesses. I wish Ruto and company could had stuck to these weaknesses instead of exaggerating the same weaknesses to the point of filling them with deceits. Adding deceits to these weaknesses is what is giving the "YES: proponents an added advantage.

    Furthermore, sometimes you can be right but the way you phrase your statement becomes subjected to many interpretations some of which renders your statement as a lie.

    When your tribesmen believes in you you can easily deceive them. I think Ruto took the constitution fight for granted that he thought the same way he's deceiving Kalenjins is the same way he can deceive other people. He has been wrong. Ruto is generally being painted by "YES" proponents as a liar; someone who is against the constitution because Raila is supporting it; a non reformist who has come out in the open and joined other non-reformist like Moi; e.t.c.

    Nonetheless, as I had indicated long time ago here, Ruto is very aware that he can't win in presidential contest. So what next?

    Before I go ahead let me say that I'm using the current constitution to make my arguements. Ruto is working hard to have all Kalenjins behind him, the success of it can secure his place in politics in future, though I'm yet to understand how this will happen with the proposed constitution, once it is passed. We know very well the gains Kalonzo got in 2007, it can happen to Ruto.

    Therefore before we say Kibaki will gain, we need to know that Ruto can also gain because he has managed to pull Kalenjin votes behind him so that whoever wants Kalenjin votes will need to consult him. I still see either Kalonzo or Uhuru or both will try to form a sort of coalition with Ruto.

    So let's not think that if proposed constitution passes then it'll be the end of Ruto. The only way he can fail is when ICC arrest him or when the proposed constitution is implemented so that his illegally acquired properties are successfully taken by the government. But will these happen?

  13. Luke wrote

    and the jobless corner draw alot of comfort from this consolation as they while away their time waiting for devolution and counties to create for them jobs.


    Wise observation.


    Then we also have Citizen TV moving from village to village across the country entertaining Kenyans as they educate them about the draft.


    Panem et circenses


    On the other end of the scale the image of Mwai Kibaki has been tremendously transformed mainly because of his steadfast support of the new constitution and his countrywide campaigns. If the constitution passes chances are history will treat Mwai Kibaki much more kindly, he may even emerge as a hero of sorts.


    Use evil means(contravene Public Officers and Ethics Act) so as to produce good results?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Blogger Chris said.....Fast forward to 2010 and William Ruto is trying to use the same strategy to position himself for 2012. And so he has been using some of the tactics Raila Odinga used in 2005. Like telling the people blatant lies about the draft constitution. It worked well for Raila in 2005 because people swallowed everything hook line and sinker.


    Wacha kuleta watu juu. I am being forced to come out of referendum campaigns to respond to your inaccurate and distorted posts.

    Could you care to publish exactly which lies Raila told the masses in 2005? Ama ni hizi uwongo zako za kawaida?

    Are you implying that those who opposed the mutilated Wako told lies about how the Bomas draft was changed by Wako?

    Please do not insult our intelligence. First off, the current proposed constitution is very very different from the Wako draft, so dont even dare draw a comparison.

    Secondly, Raila did not oppose the Wako draft alone. At that time, in 2005, even Moi opposed that constitution.

    Thirdly, Raila's 2007 presidential bid had no connection with the 2005 referendum and for you to attempt to connect the two is simply mischievious. ODM came into existence after the 2005 referendum and no one knew who would be the presidential candidate betwen Uhuru, kalonzo, Balala, Nyagah, Ruto, Raila and Mudavadi. Raila eventually emerged tops, through a democratic process, despite the antics and betrayals of Uhuru and Kalonzo.

    Yours may be an attempt to restore dwindling numbers and what better way to do so than publish what amounts to innuendos against Raila? Its a beaten path.

    Lastly, I come to the question of Ruto and Raila. Even in your wildest dreams; Ruto is not and can never be in the same political league as Raila Odinga. Ruto is free to pursue his presidential ambitions, but he will never ever come anywhere near what Raila has achieved. Neither can Ruto defeat Raila at ANY political contest.

    It seems your mind is so clouded (perhaps already corrupted by the mindless NAYSAYERS) Chris and you fail to appreciate what it has taken to reach where the country has reached. Mark you, we have not even crossed the bridge yet. That will happen on August 4th. Makes me question your motives with this ill advised post.

    Meanwhile, you carry-on posting lies. At least you will not fool some of us.

  16. Phil,

    Continue suckling the draining tits of Raila and while at it make some taaataa sounds. Your soiled diapers will be changed sometimes and you can sometimes suck on your thumb.

    Better join other toddlers in your Jukwaa raila orphanage.

  17. Chris, how dare you mention Phil's deity in the same breath as Ruto. Raila sees no harm, says no harm, does no harm and he has never received a bribe.

    One wonders how many zombies we have in Kenya. If only being foolish was gold....!!

  18. Why do africans lose it when they get excited by some idea. We know YES is winning but why break the law by bringing in PSs or allowing Renneberger to campaign. This "losing it" is what led to the violence of 2007/08. People will do anything to see their side wins. We talk of racism, but africans are the most intolerant people I know. Excite them with something and they dont want to see anyone with an opposing view. Reminds me that during the multiparty campaigns moi said "obbosition kwa mwafrica means kill". Moi is not a person one should be quoting approvingly but I think he knows very well how the african mind works.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Why do africans lose it when they get excited by some idea. We know YES is winning but why break the law by bringing in PSs or allowing Renneberger to campaign.


    Well, it seems you are not listening and watching.

    Phil has told us that, those of us who reject this document are "the mindless NAYSAYERS."

    This means that, those who accept this document are the brainy type. Haya. Let us examine these YES men and what they are up to.

    If you are brainy man like Wetangula, and you are told that, we are constructing a government that will be defacating money for those who may or are wasting their youth drinking, wouldn't you be excited?

    See brainy Wetangula preaching the gospel of free money for the Wazee here:

    On top of what brainy like Wetangula et al are telling us, just imagine the brainy USA ambassador adding his voice by saying this.

    The American investors are in love with governments that tax their profits so as to pay the poor elders. As a result, he promises us that, from 4th August they will flock to Kenya. All we have to do is pass this thing.

    Some are telling us that, Kenyans have really changed, Yes, we have really changed because, we need not save, strategise how to build and protect wealth.

    Why bother when you can mess around and still enjoy your life at the expense of others when you are old?

    Yes, that is the change we can believe in. We may be mindless, but, we totally reject the gospel of free money for we are not told where that money shall come from.

    And, even if they are candid enough to tell us that, those who work and save shall be punished, we shall in front of man and God denounce such slavery for every man should eat from his own sweat.

  20. Blogger Anonymous said...
    Why do africans lose it when they get excited by some idea. We know YES is winning but why break the law by bringing in PSs or allowing Renneberger to campaign.

    How is this illegal, YET the national accord AGENDA 4 mandates the same grand coalition government deliver a new constitution (amongst other crucial reforms) to Kenya?

    The US government was part and parcel of events leading up to formation of the grand coalition.
    They are funding and promoting civic education which most of you are misinterpreting as campaigns for YES. Why not talk about right wing politician and churches in the US who are heavily financing NO side?

  21. Phil wrote:

    How is this illegal, YET the national accord AGENDA 4 mandates the same grand coalition government deliver a new constitution (amongst other crucial reforms) to Kenya?


    Public Officers and Ethics Act S 16provides that:

    (1) A public officer shall not, in or in connection with the performance of his duties as

    (a) act as an agent for, or so as to further the interest of, a political party; or

    (b) indicate support for or opposition to any political party or candidate in an

    (2) A public officer shall not engage in political activity that may compromise or be seen to
    compromise the political neutrality of his office.

    Surely, are you implying that, this Act was nullified by the Accord?

    Does it follow as a matter of fact that, since a government is required to do something, the neutrality of the civil servants must be nullified?

    And, when they take sides, as they have, are they not taking sides against Kenyans who pay them?

    And, if yes, can civil servants who are serving one side be seen to be politically neutral as required by the law?

    And, can the next president/govt. use the same excuse to push civil servants into the murky water of politics? If no, why?

    Well, it seems only end matters and not the means in this Kenya of ours. Kweli, we have peculiar manners as Safaricom guy observed.

  22. Mwarang'ethe,
    Is a minister a PUBLIC officer, please clarify and while at it please think deeeply.

  23. Mwarang'ethe

    I am not implying anything. I am saying directly that the adoption of this constitution is the foremost business of this grand coalition government. It has been right from the start. PSs are government employees, so it automatically becomes their business.

    I am aware of existence and provisions of the public officers and ethics act. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to the issue of the constitution making, there is no such thing as political parties, which is the subject matter of the ethics act you quote.

    On the other hand, the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, 2008, which created the Grand Coalition Government is entrenched in the constitution. Common sense tells us the constitution is the supreme law, thus an act of parliament cannot and should not nullify a constitutional provision. This is as simple as ABC.

    Taking you back, PSs were called to a meeting and in case you are not aware, and there are those PSs who resolved to campaign against the draft. Do some homework on that.

    PSs, apart from being civil servants, are also Kenyans and are entitled to basic rights. So are we going to deny PSs their most critical democratic right merely because they are employed government?

    The next president can never compel civil servants into the critical matter of constitutional campaigns simply because the national accord expires upon the enactment of the new constitution, which thankfully is very clear about separation of powers and the conduct of public servants. If, God forbid, the new constitution is defeated and we have to go back to the previous imperial presidency constitution, you and I know that that public servants (Chief Justice, AG, Police Commissioner, All PSs and their offices) are effectively personal servants of the president, not even the government. Thank God for small mercies, the national accord offers some semblance of checks and balances. Kenya's current situation of a coalition is a very unique transitional government.

    The IIEC, whose chairperson purportedly threatened to write to Francis Muthaura to withdraw PSs from the constitutional campaign trail, is itself a creature of the Constitution of Kenya Review Act 2008, which in turn was created by the National Accord. It is like a village chief trying to overrule a PC in the current set-up, something that is not even lawful. The IIEC Chairman says senior civil servants should not campaign. I wonder which law gives him such powers.

    A constitution affects all Kenyans directly and this referendum should not be mistaken to be a competition for political power, as in a general election. Every citizen is entitled to participate in the creation of a constitution as well as the decision on its adoption through a referendum.

    This is referendum not a political process. It is a proposition that applies to the entire electorate. I would expect William Ruto, Joshua Kutuny, Chris Kumekucha and others to reason that this constitution is a political contest. But not you Mwarang'ethe, am disappointed.

  24. Phil,
    Is the IIEC boss also in the YES camp? And if not why was he flanked by Kitonga?

    Your chief-PC analogy is akin to which came first, the hen or the egg?

  25. Chris, thanks for focusing on the heart (meat) of the matter, the reality of the changing political climate in Kenya, and above all, the constitutional aspirations of the people in various regions of Kenya.

    As for Ruto, he will not have any difficulty retaining his parliamentary seat in 2012 and 2017.

    The only damage he has incurred so far is that of any national political aspirations ("calculations") that he may have had while trying to use the 'NO' Campaign as a vehicle to catapult him onto the 2012 national presidential podium.

    Ruto may have fallen, or he is already falling on his own spear (sword if you will) with regard to any of his personal dreams of seating and warming his feet in front of the stone fire place at the old time colonial State House.

    Ruto's capital has suffered so much as far as being a future presidential candidatee with a deserved national appeal is concerned. I stand to be corrected on that assertion. Time will tell.

    Further, shadows from the Rift Valley Stigma ("sisi waKalenjin ..." approach as preached by people like Kilimo and company) will be very hard for him to shake off in all things national or in places far away from his regional political base.

    However, let's extend some credit to Ruto for having done better than any of the usual political cowards, fence seaters, yes-men(women), blind followers, toothless cabinet ministers like Musalia Mudavadi, Uhuru, Balala, VP Kalonzo and other well known political opportunists in our midst.

    As for Raila son of Jaramongi, he will need to try and distance himself from some of his under performing lieutenat commaders and foreign foot soldiers ("outsiders"), the very same people who failed to help his party recapture the battlegrounds in Matuga and some place (name?) in Kisii.

    Kenyan politics are changing and the conscientious barrometer of the average Kenyan has risen to a higher degree since the aftermath of 2002/2007 general election.

    Raila needs to watch his every step, word and action all the way to 2012, otherwise, some segments of the Kenyan electorates may pull a last minute Matuga pit manuever on his regional party commanders.

    Times have changed, mindsets are gradually changing, and the youth are still trying to figure their way forward as Kenyans struggle to embrace generational differences, navigate through regional political shifts and grasp the everchanging national political landscape.

  26. Phil, never ever ever underestimate future or potential presidential candidates from other regional enclaves in Kenya.

    Numbers from those very same enclaves may end up consolidating in many ways than some people have calculated or seem to have assured themselves in terms of winnig a political grand slam for their party in 2012 general election.

    Kwani, where is the man that was once known as Gordon Brown from Chinichini (Downing) Street and his party faithfuls?

    Raila Odinga may have become a political brand among some Kenyan households, thanks to Daniel arap Moi and his watchdogs at various detention centers, as well as at the "Nyayo School of Political Detoxication" that was run by senior police officers like Opiyo, civil servants like Oyugi and company.

    Have you ever wondered whether, Moses would have done any better had he managed to cross over into the promised land and settle therein with some of the young exiles who had all but forgotten the extrme conditions and pains suffered during the 40 years odeal in the wilderness?

  27. Raila has gone as high as he can. From here it is all down hill mpaka kaburini. Financially, he has done well wit that grand theft of Kisumu Molases Plant and the beach land in Malindi he grabbed from the squatters.
    Anyway the majority of Kenyans will not miss his gasia na kisirani yake.

  28. Phil,

    Wonder no more why some people fear a raila presidency. With advisors like you, there is a lot to fear.

    On the draft, am remided of a line in the Blood Diamond when Leonardo Di Caprio says they (white mercenaries) had been made to fight all kinds of wars in africa under the pretext that they were fighting communism. At the end he had realised that "it is all about who gets what."

    The Gava guys and the business community are expecting to make a lot of money on the passing of the draft. America and Germany have made huge promises.

    I hope something will trickle down to mwanainchi. It is all about who gets what.

  29. Phil wrote

    This is referendum not a political process. It is a proposition that applies to the entire electorate. I would expect William Ruto, Joshua Kutuny, Chris Kumekucha and others to reason that this constitution is a political contest. But not you Mwarang'ethe, am disappointed.


    Bwana Phil, your arguments and that of the Govt. can be summarised in a sentence. Might is right. Good luck brother.


    Anonymous said...
    Is a minister a PUBLIC officer, please clarify and while at it please think deeeply.


    Ati we think deeply? There is no thinking involved, it is just knowing how to read which you seem not able to.

    S 16 (3) provides this:

    "This section does not apply to a member of the National Assembly or a councillor of a local authority."

  30. King Nebuchadnezzar7/23/10, 4:00 AM

    Phil and other daydreamers!

    Read the writing on the wall!


    Do you still need my Interpretation?

    This is the interpretation:

    MENE - God has numbered the days of your party (ODM) and brought it to an end.

    TEKEL – you (ODM) have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

    PERES - your party is divided and given to the Ruto and his allies.

    Mark those words and see if they will not be fulfilled. This is a prophecy according to the book of Daniel in the bible. Daniel: 5:25

  31. "This is referendum not a political process. It is a proposition that applies to the entire electorate."

    Tee--hee-heee. Can anyone spot

  32. God or gods? How comes your mighty gods of old have never spoken again since they left messages on the wall for Royal King Nebhur Kadhir Nezhar?

    The people are still waiting for your gods to text some messages in historical (dead)locations such the Oracle of Dephi site, Great Wall of China, Roman Colisuem, Wailing Wall, the tombs under the Vatican, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, Pyramid of Giza, Zimbabwe Ruins, Mt. Rushmore, Mt. Sinai or even in our own backyard, Mt. Kenya and Menengai Crater, or next door at Olduvai Gorge?

    Food for thought. What does the Creator of the Universe (the Alpha and Omega) desire for mortals in Kenya?

    Do you know? If you do then let Kenyans know about it and make them understand it.

    This is I know for sure, Kenyans from all walks of life will have to formulate ways and means through various avenues, the Proposed Constitution being one of them, in order to coexist and prosper, or else they will continue to spin their ethnic wheels, political webs of deceit, and regional alliances for greed and xenophic enterprises, for the next three decades.

    BTTQ, Was Mr. William Ruto, MP, EBS, MWKP, KRV, Gen of NO Camp, "caught unawares" or is he just trying to make a temporary aka protracted track record for himself?

  33. Raila and his worshippers want to turn all civil servant into his foot soldiers ready for 2012. But no matter what illegal method this man tries to use to acquire power Brother Kalonzo will still use him to wipe the floor.

  34. Ati Raila wants to turn Muthaura into his prefect. Well, wonders never ceases especially in Kenya. You will have to smell Raila everywhere even in you kitchen. Take a walk and smell the coffee.


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