Monday, July 12, 2010

Chirau Ali Mwakwere wins Matuga seat back

Breaking News

The man Kenyans love to hate bounces back in style

Kenyans don’t like him. Indeed many who have worked closely with the man say that he is a difficult man. But Matuga voters thought otherwise yesterday and unanimously returned their man Mwakwere to parliament. The former transport Minister got 16,350 votes against his closest rival Hassan Mwanyoha of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) who had 10,887 votes
Despite his arrogance, investigations by Kumekucha show that Mwakwere has an excellent development record on the ground coupled with the simple fact that the Digo community had to protect one of their own more so when he seemed to be under such serious threat with all the Coast billionaires pouring money in the constituency to ensure that he lost.

Indeed the political campaign against Mwakwere got rather vicious at one point where somebody photocopied hundreds of thousand of letters purported to be a leaked Memo from the Keny Ferry service where Mwakwere allegedly directed that passengers start paying a small fee to cross the ferry. My man on the ground says that the move backfired badly because most of the ferry commuters reading the letter angrily declared that the letter was fake and that somebody was out to finish Mwakwere.

One Matuga constituent told my man on the ground that Mwakwere has brought more development to Matuga than all other previous MPs put together despite the fact that he has never been allowed to settle down properly in his parliamentary seat. It is not clear what the constituent meant by “settle down properly in his parliamentary seat” but it probably has something to do with the numerous controversies Mwakwere has found himself in including the infamous Koinage street prostitutes saga.

For now wild celebrations are currently going on in Matuga that are threatening to spill over a much larger part of Coast province.

I shall do another more detailed post later.

Read more about announcement of Mwakwere victory HERE

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  1. Please be warned. Do not send Chris your genuine email address. You will be hacked by the NIGERIAN con artists and your friends will receive distressing emails asking for money purpotedly from you.

  2. Only God can help us now

    Chris, this is all your fault-you didn't provide internet access in Matuga so that those constituents could read this blog and find out why they should NEVER EVER have considered re-voting for Zipapa in a million years

    Truly one man's meat is another man's poison. Ole wako na bado

  3. ODM once again bites the dust,shows that Kenyans have gotten wiser and refuse to be drawn to politics of hate and deception.But my heart goes to the two bearded sisters-Orengo and Nyong'o-who after the Mugirango humiliation have still to swallow some more.Its actually a massive blow to their ego's coz actually these two were rejected by voters in Nyanza but Raila rode roughshod over the wishes of the people and imposed the duo on the lame excuse that he wanted learned Mps.So much for that,Makadara,here we

  4. Seems ODM has lost their so called clout. Even after giving their illiterate candidate a direct nomination ticket, the SOB lost with over 6,000 votes.

    Thats what happens when you break the pentagon and replace it with bootlicking jaluo's aka miguna, kajwang, nyongo etc...

    ODM is now a Luo outfit!!

  5. When the fish starts rotting it begins with the head. When the ODM head started calling other other non-Luo communities kabila adui and takataka, the party began it skunk smell.

  6. It may have taken the Digo people of Matuga to point to the new career awaiting Raila come 2012 - that of selling mandazi in Kibera.

  7. ODM will blame the loss to their messiah’s sickness. Si he even campaigned in Kisii and his candidate was NO. 3! The TV clips at Nairobi Hospital failed to win him sympathy as he wished. Did I hear that ODM minister for EA Corporation bragging at the hospital how they had convinced the mass action (mass murder) general he shouldn’t worry as they had the ground in Matuga covered?

    Raila is such a buffoon. He is admitted to hospital and instead of healing privately, he turns his ward into a TV studio seeking 2012 sympathy? He’s finding it hard staying at home and keeps inviting people to his home to remain relevant on TV.

    Did Raila’s advisors goof when they advised him to plant a mugumo tree at Nairobi Hospital? A mugumo tree requires a lot of watering by the person who planted it and Raila may remain a frequent guest of the hospital. I love the way Raila and his ODM goons overrate themselves. Kazi iendelee!

  8. Oh no! It's hard news to stomach but I guess the people of Matuga have spoken and that's- however stinking- is democracy! Let's now move on!

  9. What is common to Raila, Orengo, Anyang, Midiwo, and Miguna Miguna? They are all Jaluos and they make all the decisions in ODM. No wonder the party has become a Luo "thingamajigg" and the people of Matuga showed the party the middle finger. Mzee Moi was right when he asked, "ODM kitu gani?"

    Where is Brother Kalonzo to retire this Kavirondo Mafia?

  10. The curse of ODM is its association with ethnic cleansing.

  11. King Nebukadnezar7/13/10, 4:20 AM

    This by-election confirms what level-headed Kenyans know, and what Justice Krigler confirmed: NO ELECTION WAS STOLEN ...and you killed your way to power.

    I hereby declare ODM reign of terror is soon coming to a permanent end!

  12. If we do the calcualtions we can see that ODM got 10877 votes while UDM a party associated with Ruto got 5165. so if they had combined forces they would atleast have 16042 votes. and the race would get closer since even all registered voters didnt vote. And after all ODM didnt lose the seat.
    As Kumekucha clearly said here before elections are won at the registration stage.
    ODM has lost ground thats for sure but lets wait after the referendum to see what will happen or when the Grand thieveing Coalition is dissolved. No permanent enemies in politics and by the way isnt the by-elections showing us how ethnic driven our politics are today. "no one from outside can bring development to you"

  13. @Luka,
    Ati FT kitu gani? Rumours has it that you have even disowned SG and courting AI, ni kweli? Please confirm or deny na usalimie flopping WR.

  14. ODM is not having fun these days. The party must reject the original philosophy of tribal hate and violence that was put together by the PENTA-GOONS. The strategy of getting power by stone throwing and uprooting the railway is not working. Bribing local communities to make Raila an elder doesn't work either as shown in Matuga where Raila is already a Digo "elder."

    It is time to overthrow the Pepo Mbaya Mafia (aka Kavirondo Mafia)from the party's leadership, or else the people of Kenya will sweep ODM as takataka and throw it into the Indian Ocean in 2012.

  15. Honestly, if ODM could not finish Mwakwele, then hii chama imekuwa bure kabisa.

  16. Chris,

    The problem in ODM is this: people like Orengo and Nyong'o who are sent to campaign treat local communities like as if they are Luos. They forget they are not addressing Luos in Nyanza. Take the case of Matuga; they kept saying Raila said this and that, or Raila promised this and that. They forget that the Digos are not Luos and don't give a damn as to what Raila says or thinks. These campaigners must realize that Raila is only a messiah to Luos, period.

    These campaigners who hail from Nyanza must understand the people first and put themselves into the mindset of the locals. Otherwise, going forward, the decline of ODM will be fast and furious!!!!!!!

  17. Mwakwere even managed to win more convincingly than in 2007,a clear pointer to ODM's dwindling fortunes.Even their former erstwhile defender,Phil has read the signs of the times and is lying low like an envelope or antelope or whatever...tee...heeeeee.....!

  18. Chris

    There are a lot of comments above that can be classified as hate speech due to their tribal connotation. I recommend that you delete them ASAP

  19. Where are the ODM professional mourners to cry that the Matuga seat is their haki and has been stolen again? I miss their River Nile of tears.

  20. Congrats Zipapa! Even if u suck as a minister, ur people love u.

  21. Where are the KK intellectuals to sanitize this stinking post? Come on Mwarang'ethe please save us.

    You see the hits and post go so fast unlike the OZONE minded one before it. Kweli sisi ni manyani!

    And the obsession with RAO and ODM, kwani Kenyans dream Raila? Wacheni upusi.

  22. M-PESA,

    I suggest you go back to your bure kabisa deserted blog and mourn there!!!!

    Usituletee hapa.

  23. Where is Mzalendo Kibunja to see how the so-called Diaspora/elite are more primitive than the villagers akina Ruto with HATE SPEECH.

    We are faithfully living the national lie. Why do we pretend to ask for objectivity when we are genetically programmed as BIGOTS?

  24. What will ODM do next?They will ask Strategic Research-a well known ODM propaganda outfit-to come op with a survey indicating the partys support is at an all time high in Nairobi and are almost guaranteed to win Makadara.

  25. I don't give a damn about Mwakwere's victory, after all it won't help me at all.

    What I care now is about the terrorist attack that happened in Uganda, and events that followed.

    Yesterday our MPs called the government to protect the citizens of Kenya. I compliment their concern for the Kenyan citizen, however my compliments don't go far.

    A look at them again shows some PR to their citizens and nothing more. Their concern comes at a time that they want their salaries be increased, but don't want to fight for the salaries of our policemen to be increased.

    Police reforms and security improvements in Kenya are two inseparable things that one cannot call for improvements of security without security reforms. Part of the reforms is increase in salary. Our MPs want their salaries increased but they haven't pushed for the salaries of security people to be increased.

    That's why all I saw in their concern for Kenyan citizens is PR.

    Philip the Visitor

  26. Poor Raila,

    I thought the coast guys are ODM damu and will give Raila a win...It would have been a nyce get well message for Raila, who is recuperating from a mild stroke.

  27. Some things I see have led me to conclude that majority of people generally like discussing trivialities. Just before this article was hurriedly posted, we had a very educative and useful post by Mwarangethe, which attracted less passion. So what is more relevant: Mwakeres election in Matuga or the intellectual bankruptcy, which is endangering our future as a nation?

    By the way, Mwakeres triumph, Raila Vs Ruto wars are of little or no value at all?

  28. Anonymous said...

    Some things I see have led me to conclude that majority of people generally like discussing trivialities.


    "The greater part of mankind may be divided into two classes;
    that of shallow thinkers, who fall short of the truth; and that
    of abstruse thinkers, who go beyond it. The latter class are by
    far the most rare: and I may add, by far the most useful and

    ... At worst, what they [abstruse thinkers] say is uncommon; and if it should cost some pains to comprehend it, one has, however, the pleasure of hearing something that is new. An author is LITTLE TO BE VALUED, who tells us nothing but what we can learn from every
    coffee-house conversation."

    "Nothing appears more surprising to those, who consider human
    affairs with a philosophical eve, than the easiness with which
    the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission,
    with which men RESIGN their own SENTIMENTS and PASSIONS to those
    of their rulers."

    So, said David Hume.

  29. The ODM herd will never reach Canaan when the lead sheep is limping. Hata Mwakwele anawachapa kiboko.

  30. We dont want any long winded lecture sessions here.If any one thinks their ideas are that good,why keep posting them in this obscure blog,why waste your time(if you dont have any better use for it)writing lengthy posts that have no chance of influencing any change anywhere.Wouldnt it be more worthwhile with your intellectualism to seek audience with the IMF and WORLD BANK and tell them why you think their policies are so wrong or better still get a job there and effect change from within?

  31. Yaani, This guy Mwakwere got more votes than he did in 2007? In fact the margin he got this time round is 6000+ more votes than in 2007!
    Does it mean ODM rigged in 2007?

    Please explain...

    Kumekucha Princess

  32. Anonymous said...

    We dont want any long winded lecture sessions here.


    So, what do you Sir?

    Do u want on the surface views which rest upon the homogeneous absence of imagination and the passive avoidance of reflection?


    If any one thinks their ideas are that good,why keep posting them in this obscure blog,


    Who told you this blog is obscure?

    why waste your time(if you dont have any better use for it)writing lengthy posts that have no chance of influencing any change anywhere.


    What is the purpose of this blog if not to influence Kenyans?

    And, how sure are we we are not influencing some people?


    Wouldnt it be more worthwhile with your intellectualism to seek audience with the IMF and WORLD BANK and tell them why you think their policies are so wrong or better still get a job there and effect change from within?


    Likewise, why not seek audience with Kibaki, Raila, Moi and other leaders and tell them why you think their policies are wrong? Or, you agree with their policies?

    While at it, why not also get a job with the GOK and change policies from within?

    On a serious note, the fact that, you believe, or dare believe in your small mind that the changes we need in Kenya will come from WB and IMF tells us a lot about your state of mind.

    We know what you want. It is plenty of talking heads spewing lies, insults and nonsense on this blog.

    U seek views that are neither knowledgeable nor self-reflective, but largely ideological nonsense catering to the worst impulses in our society

    We know we are in an age where criticism, dialog and thoughtfulness are seen as a liability. You desire commentaries that are nativist, racist, tribalistsic, reactionary and morally repugnant.

    We know we live in an age when we put premium on ignorance. As we are reading, Sen. Michael Bennett is well-educated and smart, but, had to hide his qualifications in his primary campaign so as to not undermine his chance of being re-elected. This is in America, so, what do you expect in Kenya?

    Thus, as a cheering robot, we understand your embrace of anti - intellectualism and political illiteracy.

  33. To be sincere up to now I'm still wondering why people are concern with ODM vs PNU war, or Ruto Vs Raila war.

    Recently Ruto visited Raila in hospital when Raila was sick. I'm sure if Ruto falls sick Raila will visit him. At least I've got out of the cocoon within which we think ODM vs PNU war and Ruto vs Raila war are important, even after MPs from both sides united to fleece the taxpayers more money. If Chris doesn't do research then once I get time I'll do a research of these 'leaders', their companies, and how their companies work together despite them appearing as political enemies in public. At least one thing I know is that Kiraitu was once Raila's personal lawyer. I'll not be shocked to find out some of these 'leaders' who we have all along known to be enemies are business partners of some business empires.

    One among the major reasons that our current 'leaders' fight for power is to enable their business empires to grow without interference.

    True leadership is what most of us will not wish to be because it involves becoming a servant of the people. Serving the people rather than them serving you - this is what we do to our 'leaders' - we serve them. Serving the majority of the people in our current status involves going against the minority elite, which eventually makes a leader to be ready to sacrifice even his/her life for the sake of serving the majority of the people.

    So far we lack such leaders and that's why we replace them with others who, before they became our 'leaders', had been involved in fraud in some government agency or parastatal, or in University's Students Organisation.

    The people of Matuga are now happy that they have an MP, so were all of us in 2002 and 2007. They are being praised for "speaking loudly", for "making the statement clear" e.t.c as media people always say. Unfortunately, as we also all came to realize, Mwakwere will not bring "manna from heaven". We'll continue staying in our mud thatched house, going several kilometres to fetch water (please note that I'm still of the opinion that voting for leaders is important only that in our current Kenya we always replace fake leaders with fake leaders).

    So what is the solution?

    This is where Mwarangethe comes.

    But though I agree with Mwarangethe in some areas, there are areas I don't. I believe that you have to kill the pawns, then knights, then climb the castle, and kill the king before you capture the queen and subdue the kingdom.

    Mwarangethe has always been providing us with the solution of subduing the kingdom, which involves killing the king and capturing the queen, but he has never told us how we can kill the pawns, the knights and how we can climb the castle. This is a terrible oversight that if we fail to see then we'll easily be killed by the pawns and knights before we reach the castle.

    That's why we should never overlook our 'leaders' by arguing that the real problem is not them. Yes, the real problem cannot be them, but there are some instances where they either protect or propagate the real problem, which can be a system. Moi is a good example, because he massively gained from the real problem to the extend that he supported and protected it. This is where voting also becomes important.

    I wish I had more time and space to argue coherently. But still I insist that ODM vs PNU war, or Raila vs Ruto war is irrelevant as it normally leads not them, but us, to loose.

  34. Anon said in response to Mwarangethe:

    "We dont want any long winded lecture sessions here.If any one thinks their ideas are that good,why keep posting them in this obscure blog,why waste your time(if you dont have any better use for it)writing lengthy posts that have no chance of influencing any change anywhere...."

    I say:

    I wish you had attacked Mwarangethe based on other things but not this. World over management styles have been influenced by what people have written. You cannot compare their lengthy writings with Mwarangethe's. That CEO you admire might have been influenced by one of the books.

  35. But though I agree with Mwarangethe in some areas, there are areas I don't. I believe that you have to kill the pawns, then knights, then climb the castle, and kill the king before you capture the queen and subdue the kingdom. ...

    but he has never told us how we can kill the pawns, the knights and how we can climb the castle. This is a terrible oversight that if we fail to see then we'll easily be killed by the pawns and knights before we reach the castle.


    Sawa Philip. We shall answer this issue comprehensively soon.

    The topic of that answer will be something like this:

    "How Nyanza Province Shall be Double Taxed."

  36. "How Nyanza Province Shall be Double Taxed."

    I'm eagerly waiting for it.

  37. Unless you are a Gorbachev,to be in a position of priviledge and willingly take steps to change the world order,knowing fully well your actions will whittle down your authority,all else I read here remain just illusions.You have a snowballs chance in hell of changing how things are done.You will wax knowledgeble,rant and rave,grow old,die and leave the world in its current order.Ps,for those stung quick to reply,I havent mentioned names!

  38. Atten: Professor Mwarang'ethe.

    My overdue apologies to you and to several Kumekucha adherents at LMU/LA.

    I have always joked and assumed on numerous occasions that Kumekucha's Profesor Mwarang'ethe, PhD, EBS, was one Professor Felix C. Owino (no pun intended, given the circumstance).

    After having been bombarded with several texts messages, emails, voicemails, and phone calls, I hereby retract my baseless assumption, and at the same time, apologize to you as well as to Kumekuchans at LMU/LA for the wrongful assumptions against your Kumekucha persona.

    All things considered, your handle is not that of the above mentioned individual, otherwise, the handle would have taken an emergency break or unscheduled leave from Kumekucha due to some circumstances beyond control at this point and time.


  39. Why do the Raila worshippers go mute when Mwakwele screws them up in broad daylight, and yet they mourn and weep at Ruto at every opportunity? This Digo Zipapa has really dipped the noses of these DOMO DOMO lazy butts in the sewer of politics. And Kalonzo will bath them in the the same sewage in 2012.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Unless you are a Gorbachev,to be in a position of priviledge and willingly take steps to change the world order,knowing fully well your actions will whittle down your authority,all else I read here remain just illusions.You have a snowballs chance in hell of changing how things are done.You will wax knowledgeble,rant and rave,grow old,die and leave the world in its current order


    There is nothing to admire in a man/woman who is timid and a coward.

    Your solution is very simple as that of every moral coward this world has ever seen. Accept your fate and live with it. If you have accepted slavery, thats okay for thee.

    As we speak, inquiring minds are watching some people re-organise Latvia, a nation whose economy has been vanguished as ours along the lines we have proposed.

  41. ODM is a spent force whoever disagrees is bafoon.

  42. The ODM fly-by-night leaders and their greedy campaigners have done an abysmal job in Matuga since the last general elections.

    They simply failed to understand and respect the mood of the local people in all political camps on ground zero, Matuga.

    They completely ignored the people (5,165 voters) who ended up voting for UDM's Kassim S. Tandaza, the Trojan horse (sea horse) that was well known by Dzipapa himself and his strategists.

    The previous election and the past by elction had nothing to do with PNU vs ODM electineering or ala carte vote harvesting competition.

    The by election was all about an on going resistance, a gradual awakening by the down trodden Digo community aimed against "outsiders", the Mombasa tycoons and their henchmen (Nairobi/upcountry cartel), who have and continue to trample upon the basic rights of the Chonyi, Digo, Duruma, Giriama, Jibana, Kamabe, Kauma, Ribe and Rabai for centuries.

    ODM bighorns (bigwigs) and their so called local leaders didn't bother to take the time and have their party views presented and heared by the elders of the people at the Kaya sessions that have taken place on numerous occasions.

    Luckily, PNU's heavyweights did take the time and used local representatives, native sons and daughters and the elders whom they knew and felt could be trusted not to jump camp at the last moment.

    On the other hand, PNU's wise leaders followed a formart similar to the one done at the Kaya, which is consensus decison making exercises, where everyone's views are taken into consideration when the final vote is take or an agenda is agreed upon by the representatives of the larger local communities without any undue imposition of "Tosha Mentality".

    ODM's hdqtrs wasted a lot of time, funds, ooportunities and last minute chances of securing vital votes that would have helped them win the minds and hearts of the Matuga voters and maybe clinch the political deal (seat) in Matuga.

    ODM's fly-by-night politicians thought that bulldozing the region was the way to go, while disrespecting the local elders and the people was the better avenue to rival PNU's political footprint in the Matuga region. It didn't work, and it's not going to work in many other areas when the time comes.

    To make matters worse, ODM sent the very same political clowns, goons, and misfits who were seen on tv and in public (by the people of Matuga) celebrating Dzipapa's ouster from parliament as well as salivating for his cabinet position.

    LOL! One size doesn't fit all and it will not fit. The politics of western part of Kenya and slums of Nairobi does not auger well in other parts of the country, Matuga being one of them. Wake up before it's too late.

    While it may be easy to talk (down) to the electorate in other regions of the country, political leaders need to know that they have to try harder and talk with people (sisi kwa sisi, bega kwa bega) with the residents of the coastal region of Kenya, if they really want to make any headway by 2012 and beyond.

    Matuga's by election results are going to have adverse effects in the coast region, even folks like Najib Balala and company are no longer safe come 2012, unless they avoid being seen to be in the cozy company of the "Coast billionaires" and the "Nairobi cartel".

    Whoever said that Mdigo ni mzingo, including the Chonyi, Duruma, Giriama, Jibana, Kamabe, Kauma, Ribe and Rabai, are in for a very rude awakening, now that the Mijikenda have began to see the light and seek their rightful place and equal representation in the world of Kenyan politics.

  43. Anon 9:25 AM,They are still in shock,Lwanda Magere finally displays he is human after all,has a hole in the head,two straightword whitewashes,and another one looming,and pls no excuses that the Captain is sick,he was never meant to!The belief shaken to its core...!

  44. These are Silly ODMites saying that the Captain was sick, ati that is why they lost in Matuga. Was he also sick in South Mugirango where he roamed day and night waxing animal parables and what not, and yet the Kisii people still screwed them up too.

    These desperandos and genocidaires need to realize that Kenya is not a large soccer stadium where they can bring their vuvuzelas and stones in briefcases and try to intimidate and coerce their way to power.

  45. Human worship is cursed in every civilized community. That is why Raila worshippers walk around like zombies living in a world drowning in delusion.

    What happened to their old anthem they used to sing that they are poor because of "Historical Injustices." Are they now going to start blaming their failures on the Digo people for voting the "wrong way?" What a useless existence they lead.

  46. One Kenyan has spoken, ati nita kufufusela ukiendelea kuongea kama pingua wa siasa. The man Chirau Ali Mwakwere won the Matuga seat because we lost due political students like Orengo, Mudavadi and company.

    The ODM are kurutus who still think that every political gathering is a Kamukunji on the grounds of University of Nairobi, during the dark days of Moi's era, when the general public was united and overly hungry for any would be leaders to come to the rescue.

    Those days of Nyayo and Cheshi ya Machambasi are gone and the current politicians must relearn the art of operating with the circles of multi-party politics, otherwise, tutawafufusele mpaka kura ya 2012.

    As a matter of fact, ODM may end up like the ancient FORD, FORD-Asili, FORD-KENYA and whatever fossilized political poop that is still around in our midst.

    Don't try to threaten me with your ODM thugs, all I am saying is that the writing is on the wall and a house divided will never ever survive a well calculated political onslaught.


  47. Wow 46 comments and counting. This is the intellectual discourse readers demand of KK. They have left their prof Mwarang'the dry with 14 comments only.

    What a coloured naltional lie. The passion surely lies on ODM/PNU mchongwano but do I say! Live the lie and grow fat.

    Intellectual my foot!

  48. anon 5:36,

    Stop envying Mwarangethe, take some time to read some of the authors he mentions and you will be smart in due time.
    And by the way, hiding behind anon to throw snides is not enough. Your IP mwalimu Taabu is betraying you.

  49. Dzipapa! Dzipapa! Dzipapa! Rauka! Rauka! Rauka Eeeeeeeeeh! Kwangazalaaaaaaah Eeeeeeeeh! Chirau kapepete na kupakata Matuga yosi.

    Ayeeeeeh! Dzipapa! Dzipapa! Dzipapa!

    Hate him or love him, Chirau is here to stay for a very long time, and it now seems as though, he is the only politician assured of his parliamentary seat in 2012.

    Ali Mwakwere is the real Come-Back-Chirau of Kenyan politics.


  50. Philip said...
    Recently Ruto visited Raila in hospital when Raila was sick.....
    They are one and the same. They dine in the same posh hotels, drive tanks insulated from the mwanainchi and spray dust on the people when they arrive in helicopters for rallies, yet neighbors were quick to hack their neighbors at the behest of these greedy politicians. Will we ever learn?
    Philip said...
    True leadership is what most of us will not wish to be because it involves becoming a servant of the people.
    There is nothing wrong with being a servant of the people. In fact I consider it a noble profession.
    I put this to you Philip and the other bloggers here, would you work with other like minded reformists regardless of tribal background to bring about meaningful progress to our beloved nation?


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.