Saturday, May 15, 2010

Advertiser's Announcement

Fellow Kenyans,

frustrated by powerful unchecked moribund presidency?

sick of bloated expensive cabinets?

angered at inability to recall ineffective unproductive loudmouth MPs?

tired of countyless regions and essential services being far from you?

unamused by televised city council wrestling matches?

disillusioned with centralised decision making?

fed up with trampling by state of your human rights?

unsatisfied with your ability to demonstrate haki yetu peacefully without police brutality?

disgusted with run away institutionalised rampant corruption?

unhappy with ineffective prime ministers?

troubled with past decisions made by President Kenyatta/Moi?

Then vote YES for the draft constitution on August 4th 2010!

YES-You Excel Successfully

This Announcement has been paid for by the friends and supporters of the YES campaign


  1. I vote NO because of MORIBOUND president and INEFFECTIVE prime minister.

  2. Luke,
    True English is an alien language but couldn't you take time to do your article some small justice ama you were in such a hurry to post?

    Not that it matters but again it is not the first time you are butchering the language.

  3. Who did it? Well here is the TRUE FACE of Kenya:

    1.Govt printer is under OP (and who is the prezzo=Kibaki)

    2. Who is the minister of security @ OP=Saitoti

    3. PS, Security=Kimemia reporting to

    4. Head of Public Service=Muthaura

    5. Police Commissioner=Iteere.

    6. Who is the suspect/investigato=NSIS=Gichangi

    7. Government Press=Gitonga and

    8. Migwi.

    And we have 8 provinces. So what do 1-8 above have in common? No prizes for guessing please.

  4. frustrated by powerful unchecked moribund presidency?


    The only way of checking the president is to deny him the money power. This requires two things:

    (a) Limitation of issue power of money, and

    (b) competition.

    Without these limitations, the President retains the powers to deliver wealth to his friends at the expense of the many. This is not a checked president. You forfeit the money power and your are doomed to subjection as a subject.


    tired of countyless regions and essential services being far from you?

    Yes. However, by 2012, the Kenyan public debt shall be over 1 TRILLION Kenya Shillings. To pay back these debts, we must go for more AUSTERITY MEASURES as we see in Greece etc. This shall mean spending cuts essential services. Thus, essential services will get worse.


    angered at inability to recall ineffective unproductive loudmouth MPs?

    Will the effectiveness of the MP judged in accordance with the number of questions he asks in Parliament, his attendance, the bills he drafts or the number of unmanned dispensaries he shall build in his area using CDF, but, which shall remain unmanned due to austerity measures which must come as go forward?


    unamused by televised city council wrestling matches?


    We see mps wrestle in Taiwan with chairs. However, that has not stopped Taiwan being one of the most developed nations. As long as taxes are low, investors love to invest their money there.


    fed up with trampling by state of your human rights?


    All human rights must start with human equality. This equality is trampled upon when the equal right to land is trampled upon by the laws of men. Once you trample with this right, to talk about other HRs is to fool mankind.

    The utilisation of the right to land is dependent on the unrestricted freedom to exchange which in turn ensures prosperity and peace.

    This means that, the inherent right founded in natural law, to issue money by those who sell and buy cannot be abrogated by manmade laws. However, once trampled upon as this "new constitution" does, all other proclaimed HR are aborted.


    disgusted with run away institutionalised rampant corruption?


    Corruption is not the problem; it is the solution in a chaotic economic system. Man can acquire wealth by two means. Firstly, he can use the way of production and exchange, i.e. economic means (peaceful means).

    The other way, which is SIMPLER, does not require production. It is by the way of seizure of another man's production by use of force or violence and, or theft using law which is the political means to wealth. This new constitution retains political means of acquiring wealth. That is an entrenchment of corruption.


    disillusioned with centralised decision making?


    Of course. Having said this, a number of things can be said. The reserves ratios for our banks shall still be determined in Basel. Is this not centralisation of power, and even worse outside Kenya?

    The amount of wealth that shall be transferred from wealth creators to the rentier class shall still be decided by 3 men in a dark room and who shall not be accountable to any one in Kenya. However, they shall be answerable to others in Basel and Wall Street.

    Why do you decentralise political power which mean nothing, but, not the money power which makes the world go round? You deceive the masses with empty gestures.


    unsatisfied with your ability to demonstrate haki yetu peacefully without police brutality?


    Citizens burdened with debts running to trillions will never have time to study, think and crucially, the means to organise in defence of their rights. More so, once you relinquish equality and the money power, you are a slave/subject and slaves/subjects have no rights.

  5. Mwarang'ethe,
    Please listen to yourself and stop BORING us with monologue. Don't you get that you can never pretend to have answers to everything.

    Stop the delusion, the cheerleaders are driving you crazy. Please spare the patients your UTOPIAN prescription. Or better still usimeze wewe mwenyewe.

  6. Excellent as usual bwana Mwarangethe....wacha the haters die with envy

  7. Dear Kumekuchans,

    Vote Yes,

    To put an end, for ever, to Raila's promises of majimbo ya ukabila.

    Vote Yes,

    To bury for ever Raila's talk of parliamentary "democracy" where an executive PM is choosen by parliamentary thugs.

    Please, Vote Yes,

    To end, once and for all, Raila's politics of "kabila adui."

  8. The ODM-organized jeering of VP Kalonzo at Uhuru Park is totally unacceptable.

    Raila and ODM must understand that the days of political thuggery (where they organize Kibera barbarians to come and intimadate and embarass other leaders) are over. This is the same thing they did to Kalonzo in Tononoka in 2007 and forced Kalonzo to go separate ways.

    Then there was what has become Kibera anthem of "Ruto Must Go." Pure divisive and delusional culture.

    If Raila and ODM can do this, what would happen if they were to come to power?

  9. Anonymous said...
    Please listen to yourself and stop BORING us with monologue. Don't you get that you can never pretend to have answers to everything.


    The problem with you and many others is that, you choose to believe in communicated nonsense so as to provide yourself with false hopes.

    Let us educate you a bit, for who knows, one day you might see the light.

    In Article 30 of the "new constitution," servitude and forced labour is outlawed. Fine so far.

    However, we ask, when you are forced to work extra hours to pay for land rents at Thika Road which are being created by all of us via infrastructure, but, monopolised by few, what do you call this? You must be very stupid not to see this as involuntary servitude.

    In Article 40, we have protection of private property. Fine so far. But, does the private property as captured by this "new constitution" cover Thika land rents created by all of us, but, monopolised by a few? If so, for what consideration, do these few monopolise these rents?

    Article 42 requires fair remuneration. Fine. Is the remuneration at EPZ fair? And, even if we find it unfair, what can we do under the framework of the new constitution?

    If you tell the EPZ investors to raise wages, they will just fold and move to Uganda. Since you are borrowing $$ to even build latrines, can you afford such independence stance? No. So, there shall be no fair remuneration for Wanjiku.

    Article 41 also allows workers to strike. However, to strike against who? The workers can only strike against the immediate employer/investor.

    But, the truth is that, the investor must squeeze the worker's wages so as to meet the unjust demands of landlords (monopolists) and gods of money (monopolists). All these monopolists are entrenched in the new constitution. So, any strike against the employer is futile. It is an empty right.

    In any case, why do workers strike? Mostly it is for higher wages to keep up with inflation. But, exluding energy, who causes inflation? The central banks, government and the banks.

    Article 43 (c) says that, all shall have a right to be free from hunger. Fine. But, what do we read today in the DN? It is this:

    "Crisis as farmers grapple with fortune of huge harvest."

    When this is happening, we are warned that, "According to the Famine Early Warning System Network, an agency of USAid, previously drought-affected areas will experience some food security over the coming months."


    Only very deluded people can believe such nonsense as government ensuring right to food. Anyway, keep up with your false hopes.


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