Friday, April 23, 2010

Ruto Victim of Cruel Humour, Musical Chairs

Hon William Ruto is ragging and shaking with anger. Now Kenyans can understand what he meant with BETRAYER. But Bill is a strong man who knows better to contain his flaming anger in the lungs and not let it seep to the heart where it could be fatal.

The whole rider is now we can trust all our learning institutions and kids from kindergarten to university with two INCORRUPTIBLE ministers Prof Ongeri and indefatigable Ruto.

Update: Meanwhile Keter is already missing the flag. He has been freed to do what he knows best.

Arap Moi must be laughing so loud at his students political students' attempt to outdo him at his game of musical chairs of yore.

So who is fooling who here? It attempting to create and impression of motion in the Ruto-Koskei swap, we are have just witnessed no movement except Moi's old political modus operandi. So the political muscles must be flexed at our national expense.

And the so-called face of Kenya recycling continues. Who cares as more Kenyans continue to perish on our roads. You cannot fail to see through the political schemes of dangling the Transport Ministry portfolio to Matuga electorates while Kimunya holds brief.

The cheap philosophy of replacing like with like cheapens leadership and governance to some political liver juggling. But we cannot complain because we get the leaders we deserve.

Maybe reminding Ruto who the real power wielders are was a political reality check. Sacking him would have only succeeded in polarizing Kenyans more as we approach the referendum.

On a positive note Ruto can transfer his energy and enthusiasm, team with Prof Ongeri and reform the decaying education sector. That would be such a political coup for Bill as he partners with Uncle Sam for the national good.

You know what, him who wants to conduct the orchestra must turn his back to the crowd. Na bado.


  1. In the never ending "Hammer versus Pliers" contests, it appears the Hammer managed to loosen the Pliers' hold on the Hammer's balls using the skirts of Dr. Kosgey. For how long the skirts will save the Hammer from the ultimate castration, only time will tell.

  2. These jokers the more they pretend to act the sound the same. But somehow Tinga has managed to remind Bill who wields both the knife and the bumpkin. Emilio as usual is back to his tried and tested boring fence-sitting fearing FEAR itself all along. Poor Kenyans meanwhile watch passively as they are collectively led down the garden path. OLE WETU.

  3. Ruto must have seen it coming unless he is nuts after RAO warned him in his own backyard last week of an impending Tsunami.

    RAO has done a Moi there by playing Nandi vs Nandi and Kipsigis vs Kipsigis. And let nobody cheating you that they don't covet/miss ass(istant) minister's post.

  4. Taabu,
    If Ruto is MAN ENOUGH he should have done a Nyachae on Raila, called his bluff and resigned. But Ruto knows better than Karua, he needs the flag to remain relevant.

    Let intellectual pretenders @ KK now show us what how smart they really are instead of just being cheerleaders, waiting to attack others.

  5. Raila has 2 more years before he follows Moi into retirement.
    During that time, Kibaki is allowing him to make as many enemies as possible with his imagined powers.
    Jaluos are always the same.

    Go Ruto Go, you are young and your political star is shinning brightly, time you crashed Raila's balls or whatever is left of them after Moi worked on the buffoon in detention. Wacha Sally Kosgey be used to dicide the Kalenjins, her kiboko will be unleashed in due time.

    We are with you Hon. Ruto.

  6. Ati Raila is bringing tsunami to sweep takataka from RV into the Indian Ocean, it is him (together with his foreskin) who will be driven down River Nile into the Mediterranean Sea of political retirement and dejection.

  7. You mean some baffoons are still stuck with the FORESKIN forklore in 2010? Please spit the cut and free your mind, it is 2010.

  8. Annon 4/22/10 3:21 AM said:

    You sound so EMPTY and I will educate you on some basic nomeclature psychology. People who chose identify closely related to bravado (NIMESEMA) suffers incurable personal and collective insecurity. You are trying so hard to sound intelligent but the more you insist the more AIRHEAD you confirm yourself to be. Endelea maybe one day you will improve by association. Poor (mental) bloke.

    My response:


    Why so quiet now? I have been waiting for your usual words of knowledge and positive critiques that creates a lot of understanding and is empowering. You surely are using your God's given gift to add value.


  9. Anon.1.04 a.m, what is this obsession you have with RAO's foreskin? Did he sleep with you forcefully?
    Ruto and Ongeri have tactfully been lumped together to eat. And eat, they will.

  10. Those itched by RAO's foreskin are those who propagate cultural rape in this country. Rather than appreciate different ways of life, they force other cultures that the only way is what their culture does.

    Would they rather other people adopt the culture of theft, deceipt and murder?



  11. Nimesema,
    Don't bother Mwarang'ethe, he is smart enough to smell information overload. He has been warned about patronizing and boring wwith catalogue of historical/economic conspiracies packaged as pseudo intellectual stuff. You fell for that but not everybody.

    If you want intellectual discourse look for PEER-REVIEWED journals and not BLOGS. Do you have what it takes to decipher an ABSTRACT?

  12. If you want intellectual discourse look for PEER-REVIEWED journals and not BLOGS. Do you have what it takes to decipher an ABSTRACT?

    4/22/10 6:48 AM


    You betray untold ignorance on where the world is today.

    So called peer review publications are nothing but control or suppression of what reaches our minds so as to maintain status quo.

    Thats why Richard Horton, an editor of the journal The Lancet observed that:

    "The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer review was any more than a crude means of discovering the acceptability — not the validity — of a new finding. Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer review. We portray peer review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller. But we know that the system of peer review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong."

    Are you not aware that, Long Term Capital Management which collapsed like a house of cards was founded by economists who were awarded Noble Prize in Economics?

    These are the peers who review so called peer reviewed journals you preach about.

    Can an article critical of the junk economics be allowed to be printed on jounals controlled by such junk economists?

    We know more than this. So, we do not want devil's philosophy.

  13. Those who are offended by the mention of Raila's foreskin should wake up and realize that he himself doesn't like foreskins. He believes that foreskins assist in the spread of AIDS and that is why he has been ordering fellow Luo men to drop their pants and get circumcised. Although Raila has opted to keep his foreskin, let us give him credit for championing a cultural change that is likely to save lives of his tribesmen. We should also praise him for advising his fellow Luos to get bank loans for business invesments and not use the money to marry second wives. I mean, how often do you get a man of such courage and wisdom?

  14. Mwarang'ethe,
    Sorry but your ego has consumed your intellect. So you thought you are the PARAGON of all knowledge from Land/bank/journals.

    You appear easily EXCITED by cheap REBELIOUS streak. While you may excite and enterteertain MIDGETS, you are not going anywhere.

    Now you can see why you rant and catalogue historical/econmic issues trolled from the net as facts. COME on, you cannot be an expert on everything, ama you think appearing an as an intellectual REBEL makes you stand out?

    There you FAIL big time bro. No wonder your posts have no legs nor wings but a changanyiko of everthing browsed on the net. You CANNOT publish that.

    Paper=identified issue/problem that is dissected and expounded/expanded. Your ego trip will make you break your skull when you hit the wall soon.

    Please stick to what you know and avoid appearing as Prof KNOW ALL, will you?

    PS: FYI all professions are CARTELS in disguise, how about that?

  15. Now you can see why you rant and catalogue historical/econmic issues trolled from the net as facts. COME on, you cannot be an expert on everything, ama you think appearing an as an intellectual REBEL makes you stand out?


    You sound extremely bitter for reasons which are only known to thee. Bitterness will only mess your heart bwana.

    We were taught by Pareto that:

    "Human society is the subject of many researches. Some of them constitute specialised disciplines: law, political economy, political history, the history of religions, and the like. Others have not yet been distinguished by special names. To the synthesis of THEM ALL, which aims at studying human society in general, we may give the name of sociology."

    Therefore, unknown to your SMALL & IGNORANT MIND, we are engaged in SYNTHESIS of specialised disciplines. As such, your arguments are dismissed as rubbish.

  16. Mwarang'ethe,
    Please add the word HYPOCRACY to the earlier two defining: boredom and patronizing. LOL, now you are a sociologist and not disappointing you trolled the net for a quote.

    You are a shameless hypocrite who claims moral high ground trashing everything colonial/west while deriving ALL YOU COMFORT from the veru devils you castigate.

    As POL100 student, you cheat excitement at REBELIOUS intellectualism can only exapnd your ego. Good luck.

  17. Why is Raila such a vindictive, divisive, and vengeful man? Is it a personal trait or a cultural trait?

  18. Both vindictive and cultural, leta ingine. Even Hilary stopped criticising BHO when she joined his govt.

    Smart politicians know when to stop. And if Ruto is man enough why not resign like Nyachae. Now he knows where it hurts most.

    But that does not spare RAO's gullibility either. He must show he is not a slave to Moi's ruinous ways. Wote sawa, hawa nyangau.

    For Ruto the message is there the world over: RESPECT AUTHORITY, nothing personal Bill, pole.

  19. Look at who's talking. I thought Kibaki is the one 'in-charge'. Why are we blaming RAO for Rutos woes? Such double standards bigots in this blog...

  20. Taabu,
    Please stop insulting Mwarangethe hiding under the umbrella of anon. Your writing patterns, sarcasm and IP are betraying you big time.
    Mwarangethe is the reason many of us still visit this blog and Chris knows that. Better stick with your nursery classes and leave the tough subjects to be handled by our smart mwarangethe.


  21. Anonymous said...
    Please add the word HYPOCRACY to the earlier two defining: boredom and patronizing. LOL, now you are a sociologist and not disappointing you trolled the net for a quote.


    Mwarang'ethe does not claim to be a sociologist, a lawyer, historian etc. He can proof his credential before the whole world. So, once again, you are talking rubbish.


    You are a shameless hypocrite who claims moral high ground trashing everything colonial/west while deriving ALL YOU COMFORT from the veru devils you castigate.


    Once again, you are writing rubbish. We have quoted Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall, Pareto, Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Plato, Blackstone and many other Western thinkers. So, where are you coming from Mr small mind?


    As POL100 student, you cheat excitement at REBELIOUS intellectualism can only exapnd your ego. Good luck.


    You are just repeating nonsense cos you have nothing worthwhile to tell the readers of this blog.

    Essentially, you arguments amounts to this:

    (a) One person cannot be in a position to understand law, sociology, history, economics etc.

    (b) Even if someone happens to understand these subjects, he must be not be listend to for he appears to be an "intellectual rebel."

    Only a mad man consumed by petty jelousy can concort such a way of reasoning.

    NB: Just counter any arguments we have made and we shall be happy to engage in such constructive dialogue. Thus, we would appreciate if you stop personal attacks which only depict your insecurity.

  22. Well said Mwarangethe,

    I hope Taabu and Phil stop hiding behind anon's and address you with their handles just as they post threads.


  23. After climbing on the backs of the Kalenjins to Prime Minister's position, Raila is calling Kalenjin leaders takataka. At the same time he is busy befriending the Kikuyus so that he can use their backs to get the presidency. But the Kikuyus have a long memory that remembers that he called them "kabila adui" not long along. Who doesn't know that he is a vindictive power maniac who would not hesitate to do to Kikuyus what he is now doing to the Kalenjins?

  24. it is disturbing to notice that somebody can at this ponting time pretends to explaining who rigged tha last general election by using juja petation and not others like kamukunji in Nairobi, west mugirango in kisii land etc, kenyans must stop pretending and stay with facts and the consequencies that went with it.

  25. Ruto is still at advantaged position, Kibaki just gave in to demote him rather than sacking him as Raila had wanted...

    Its just a a matter of time before kibaki raises Ruto above raila

  26. Anon at 4/22/10 11:01 PM said:

    Please stop insulting Mwarangethe hiding under the umbrella of anon. Your writing patterns, sarcasm and IP are betraying you big time.
    Mwarangethe is the reason many of us still visit this blog and Chris knows that. Better stick with your nursery classes and leave the tough subjects to be handled by our smart mwarangethe.


    My response:

    Taabu, I appreciate your writings and judging from it, you are an open person who says it as it is. I sincerely believe you cannot do as you've been accused.

    Your writing pattern is another writing style which is your God given gift. I commend that you were a good literature student.

    You together with Chris and Mwarang'ethe, we appreciate you for keeping us up-dated on this blog. Please keep it up and may God continue to give you strength to manage.


  27. Gang leadership in politics ends nowhere.

    Ruto the opportunist repeats history, just as he did dirty work in Y2K and was sidelined for the Uhuru project, his bitterness come from the fact that he did dirty work in PEV and started demanding to be paid for it, and he feels that he has been sidelined and cheated yet again.

    The self anointed is blinded with scheming & rage and that he missed the golden opportunity granted him on a platter- Naivasha - to lead his people to the PROMISED LAND.

    His downfall accelerated when he sold his people for 5M raised for Mau IDPs with his now deserted confidante from the coast proclaimed “this is the table of the future” and his “Central Sworn Enemy” convincing him that your enemy is my enemy and publicly calling their mutual enemy SENILE and STUPID - he could not sleep that night, he finally had the crown on his head. He was ENDORSED. He was encouraged that all he needed to do at that point was to oppose RAOs every word and he will be the MAN come 2012 he even challenged NYUNDO to face him LIKE A MAN at the height of constitutional negotiations.

    At that point the table was set for him to shaft his people he loudly discarded parliamentary system to presidential which he now disowns. He finally realised that the ego blowing trips - the Presidential Rover - was just part of the plan to shaft his people.
    One of his henchmen with his usual herds boy enthusiasm and bravado even declared – “we nowadays take afternoon tea at statehouse, sisi ni watu wa nguvu” – the shafting was elaborate to simplify things.

    His conman soul mate jomo junior has been rewarded with his buddies appointed to vacant positions of power and suddenly has been born again as a YES MAN after leading from the fence. He is kept close as not to rock the boat by identifying his co-conspirators to Ocampo. The “power that was” first wants the constitution to somehow redeem his sins before the time of reckoning comes. He is banking on Ocampo discrediting jomo junior beyond repair before he loudly proclaims to the world that "THE HEAD" was the one chairing the meetings in “THE HOUSE” in his testimony.

    In the mean time Kalonzo “ambi” Musyoka is holding on for goodies before he is BORN AGAIN on the yes side. He does not realise that he was thrown a party [ 25yrs ] as a thank you and good bye for wiping ass with diligence. The message on the streets is that – HE IS ON HIS OWN. His job of shielding the stolen presidency is done. The constitution changes the game and since his numbers were officially artificially upped and with the new "no way jose" electoral regime he is just another spanner boy like Stanley “offered dabo” Livondo when it comes to numbers. He has been officially added to the PUMBAVU LIST. At the moment he has some breathing space as Ngilu is still stranded abroad, when she arrives you will see how fast he will be TRANSFORMED to yes - It will take place with lightening speed justified with the some old tired theological explanations to try and hoodwink his dwindling “flock” - My man Ndile will have a plenty to say in coming days.

    To summarise the two hunted gangsters by Ocampo cannot lead us. Mr Ambi
    as usual has not even declared how he will vote on the constitution he wants to lead under, his hand has to be forced, he thinks leadership is not showing your hand, he wants to play poker with the lives of our children like Prof Ongeri. We will be going 100 years back when Ocampo has taken the first two gangsters and leave this PIMP called Kalonzo to take over, but then again THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN not with the new Kenya and Ngilu to fluff up his ass as it should always have been with fairness and transparency in the ballot box.

    As time goes after the referendum it will slowly down on “the power that was” that all his dominoes have fallen and he does not have anybody to protect him post 2012, he will finally try to SPIN his protection utterance RAILA TOSHA as the nationalistic thing to do, but if you look carefully his balls will be on an iron vice.


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