Monday, April 19, 2010

Juja Case Reveals How Presidential Rigging Was Poorly Executed

During the 1997 general elections I cast my vote in a very remote polling station. I noticed at a corner of the room two gentlemen whom I immediately knew were policemen. They stood at a point in the room where they could see how people marked the ballot paper. One of them was even making notes.

The two gentlemen were from the intelligence service and their work was to estimate the number of votes being cast in favour of their candidate as accurately as possible. These figures are later tallied and then the appropriate number of votes “added” in specific constituencies. Bear in mind that careful estimates are prepared in advance so the whole exercise moves very smoothly.

This is how Moi won the elections easily 1992 and 1997. The truth is that the winner in 2002 was Kenneth Matiba and in 1997 it was Mwai Kibaki.

Now you would think that if somebody played such a dirty trick on you, robbing you of victory, you would not want to do the same to others. But I probably think wrong because Kibaki used the same tactics in 2007 only that he did not do such a neat job of it and so got caught so easily.

Folks as you know the Juja seat has been declared vacant after the petition against legislator George Thuo was successful. But during the case some very fascinating things came out. Actually more evidence that Kibaki rigged the presidential poll.

Apparently a staggering total of 10,000 voters voted ONLY for the president and then walked out of the polling station. Even the presiding judge could not hide his amazement. And there’s more. No Form 16A or 17A was signed for Juja constituency. And then the most hilarious part of the whole comedy of an election was that the returning officer announced the winner on 28th December 2007 and then went on to do the tallying on 29th December 2007. His excuse? He was tired after a whole day of drama and stress and so he decided to announce the winner and then do his sums later.

This would have caused me to laugh so hard that my ribs would have been in trouble, if it wasn’t for the fact that these kind of games cost as innocent Kenyan lives in 2007, not to mention innocent women being gang raped etc. So instead of laughing it just makes me angry.

The father in the cap added by the PNU brigade was to stuff a few extra votes in the same manner in ODM strongholds. Unbelievably this had the desired effect because I have heard several people say to me that ODM also rigged. If this is true then Raila did a terrible job of rigging because he should have rigged himself into State house. And I guess the Administration police and the NSIS (the key people used in the rigging) were also taking orders from Raila. Actually they were taking orders from both Kibaki and Raila. COME ON!!! Anybody who believes such a cock and bull story should have their head examined.

But what puzzles me even more was how PNU expected to get away with such massive rigging. At least Moi’s figures were very carefully manipulated with some polling stations getting stuffed with only 300 votes or so (but this tends to add up when you do it countrywide). What happened in December 2007 is that some constituencies were stuffed with as many as 50,000 votes!!

See Nairobi airconditioning services in the current Kumekucha classifieds.


  1. Chris,

    What do you think of Bishop, pastor, Dr, Hon Wanjiru of Starehe? Did ODM rig and by extension Rao? They may have done it in Juja - but looks like it was worse in Starehe? Where is Kenya going really? Hawa jamaa wote in wakora?

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  2. Stop Chris From Love Posting4/19/10, 9:31 AM

    This is a good post, keep it up

  3. Chris:

    The truth about the electoral theft will be known when Kibaki and his family vacate state house.

    The fact is that Kibaki's votes were topped up by more than one million votes. They also topped up Kalonzos by about 500k votes. In some areas, they also attempted to top up Raila's vote so as to 'justify' that ODM also stole the elections.

    They then made a mess of the entire tallying process so that no amount of audit would unearth exactly what happened. What followed was that Kivuitu was kidnapped at gun point and driven to State House to give Kibaki the nomination certificate. An illegal and swift swearing in ceremony was then performed late in the evening.


  4. Dear ODMorons,
    Please, move on and try to prepare to battle it out in 2012 with Kalonzo, the majority's choice. I can tell you this for sure: While Raila does the jig promoting the proposed constitution, it looks like it is Brother Kalonzo who will enjoy leading Kenya under the new constitution. Kalonzo has been endorsed in Ukambani, Nakuru, Meru, and negotiations for the Central Province vote are under way behind the scenes. That is the reality, Kenya style. So, stop wining, strategize, and stop calling everybody you disagree with names.

  5. 10:43 AM
    ROTFLMAO. Thank you:-D

  6. my fellow kumekuchans, princess july sung in praise of ruto.listen to da song & give ur comments.

  7. ......Kalonzo has been endorsed in Ukambani, Nakuru, Meru, and negotiations for the Central Province vote are under way behind the scenes.........

    Very true and the script is so predictable. What is more, avoid the top-up, accept where convinient and wait for corronation. Did somebody aptly term it the evil trinity of DECIEPT, FRAUD and THEFT?

    Anybody who dares remind the band of fraudsters of the truth is readily branded ODmoron or ODmite. Well, reverse psychology has never been better employed to advance a flawed course.

    It is called LIVING IN DENIAL/LIE. Bring it on, well, NEVER AGAIN.

  8. The reality is that if Raila is matched against Kalonzo only, I can state without fear of contradiction that Kalonzo with eat Raila for lunch. With the exception of ODM diehards, Kalonzo is acceptable across the board as the most acceptable non-divisive presidential candidate on the scene. Mind you, this time there will be no Kalenjin warriors to enforce a sham claim of victory, and I don't see how the stone throwers will deny the majority their fair and just win.

  9. Political fantasy at its best. First came the CUT it didn't wash. The new gimmick is DIVISIVE. Well, if 8% is victory then I would rather SHAM victory that frausters cleverly evade to address. And where will Jomo Jr be (if you know the political mindset of his kinsmen)? Tell it to the birds please.

  10. My joy is that in the next elections there will be no talk of kabila adui, sangari, madoadoa and Lesotho. And the primitive talk of ancestral lands will remain just that, DODO-TALK. The 2007-2008 attempt at ethno-cleansing of RV was just a bump on the road to homoginization of Kenya. The newest frontier is Kajiando District/County - give it another twenty years and may the best senator win regardless of tribe!

  11. Chris,

    Please also do a post on how ODM rigged starehe and Raila.
    Ama its only Juja where that applies?
    Let me give you some ideas, you can claim like Phil has been preaching in the jaluo's jukwaa that Kamanda stuffed the ballot boxes later.
    You can even say the 14 thao difference is ridiculously big.
    Go on and cook something to make ODM look clean in the starehe one.

    This is how the next elections will play out. Ruto, Raila, Kalonzo, Uhuru, Eugene, Karua and a akina Heron goes for the top seat. No one garners 50+1 votes so we have a rerun between Kalonzoand Raila.
    Well, Raila takes Luo Nyanza, oops...Kalonzo takes Eastern, Central, Nairobi, Riftvalley...the two fight for North Eastern, Coast and Luhya votes.
    Final tally, Kalonzo..61% Raila 36%. Akina Phil and his moronic friends in Jukwaa like Adongo, Onyango Oloo, Politicalmaniac etc go into shock, become depressed and violent but this time round no Kalenjins to fight for their 68 year old toad king.
    Kalonzo takes the reigns and drives Kenya to prosperity. Molasses transfers his fanatical supporters to Fidel Castro and the Odinga dream of spending a night in state house continues to look more distant.
    Its just the way things are meant to be folks.


  12. The issue of returning officers making up figures is not unique to Juja. In Changamwe, where ODM candidate Ramadhan Kajembe was declared winner, the returning officer told the Kriegler Commission that after 3 sleepless nights, he decided to create figures so that everybody could go home.

  13. Money! Money! Money!
    Oh dear, not again.
    The Juja by-election will be nothing but a mighty show of who got the most cash between two super wealthy young politicians. Thuo owns the huge fleet of Citi Hoppas and Kabogo who avoids our notorious traffic jams by flying in his chopper. He even has a landing slot in Ole Polos where he frequents for nyama choma and mutura. I will leave it to experts like Kumekucha to unearth how these two youngsters made so much billions in such a short time through some very "interesting" methods. My hunch is that Thuo will just make it back albeit with a small margin of votes. That is if Ocampo will not have snared him first. There are widespread rumors that his buses were illegally used during the PEV. But that remains unsubstantiated although it ironically goes down very well with the local folks who see him as a defender of his people and a warrior. All these madness goes to show how rotten and pathetic our politics remain. This all in a country that rejects great leaders like PLO, Wangari Maathai, Raphael Tuju etc..ostensibly because, yes they are good, but belong to the "wrong" parties! I agree with Chris when he recently penned that article about Fidel gunning for Kasarani. He clearly stated that elections are not won on the ballot (in Kenya) but when importing and registering the voters. Sad, yes. But very true. So don't be surprised when those moneybags from Juja result to blackmail, violence and propaganda for the seat. And as poor voters unleash terror on each other, the elite are tossing to the good life in 5 star joints while cutting the next deal. First you get the money, then you get the power. Don't kid your self the likes of Kabogo and Thuo are desperate to become MPs because of that stupid and "small" salary of just 900k per month. It's all about prestige and power. Thank you Waheshimiwa.

  14. Contd'

    My good pals took me for a Mugithi nite last Friday in a certain club located inside Wilson Airport. suddenly at around 11pm, Kabogo and his huge entourage made a chaotic entry in a long convoy of very expensive 4x4 cars. I actually thought that the president was in the house! The bodyguards (obviously armed to teeth) were pushing everyone to the side and formed a cordon around their messiah, william Kabogo. All of a sudden, the band which was singing zilizopendwa tunes like "Afro mama, mtoto wa Sagana" changed the tune and started belting tunes in praise of Kabogo even urging him to "simama kama rais.." And he enjoyed every minute of it as he dished thousands to the band. After settling down, he ordered bottles of Martels and other expensive drinks which cost over 15k per bottle. All these to celebrate his win in Juja's petition. As they left possibly for another club with his security detail hanging from the vehicle's doors, I estimated they had blown away about 200k in just one hour, in just one joint in just one day in a country where most people earn just 75 bob per day! Go figure......

  15. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is one who gives us what we want. Whoever said that a leader reflects the society was right.

    In the times of old, when people sinned, God allowed them a RULER befitting their then state. The people would experience bad rulings with it's attendant consequences.

    When these people repented, turned away from their sins, God allowed them a LEADER befitting their then status and they would rejoice in their hearts even as they lived.

    And the cycle continued. AND WHAT WAS; IS; AND IS TO COME.

    The state of the minds of people in this country, as is samply represented by majority of comments in this blog is an indicator of why we had to have such an election and have such a ruler, yes a RULER.


  16. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is one who gives us what we want. Whoever said that a leader reflects the society was right.

    In the times of old, when people sinned, God allowed them a RULER befitting their then state. The people would experience bad rulings with it's attendant consequences.

    When these people repented, turned away from their sins, God allowed them a LEADER befitting their then status and they would rejoice in their hearts even as they lived.

    And the cycle continued. AND WHAT WAS; IS; AND IS TO COME.

    The state of the minds of people in this country, as is samply represented by majority of comments in this blog is an indicator of why we had to have such an election and have such a ruler, yes a RULER.


  17. Whoever equated Mwarang'ethe's agile contribution to PATRONIZING and the contents BOREDOM honestly is letting us (Kenyans) down.

    This blog is about sharing opinions, ideas, suggestions, getting info etc. Not WHO.

    Mwarang'ethe (Whoever that is) and (What a name) really do contribute a lot of knowledgeable info. If you do not want to read his contributions, just skip it.

    But do not spoil for others just because you are a dunderhead.


  18. Nimesema,
    Yes look honestly at yourself in the mirror and see the REAL dunderhead. So now you want to outdo Mwarang'ethe by reposting same 3 times in a row all with no trace of substance?

    Come on empty cheerleader why not show/tax what lies between your ears instead of exposing your post-molars in glee at efforts from others? Please try something original on your own instead of lurking in the shadows to spoil the fresh intellectual air.

    But again I am addressing myself for you are such a reputed airhead. Pole lakini, sio kwa ubaya.

  19. must admit siasa is a blood sport.These guys are both crooks.cheering any is a sin.
    However kabogo does not have to kiss ass like the little ahole George.
    don't get me wrong both are crooks but kissing ass is against my principle.

  20. M-pesa, what excatly is wrong with Kabogo spening his money? certainly goo dfor the economy isnt it.
    Phil - maybe you can tell us how in Nyanza there were 0% votes for any other presidential candidate but Rao and yes at least 5 constituencies in your shags had over counts of average 110% voter turnout. Kwani even the dead resurrected to vote ama? Whichever way, we are better off with Kibaki


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