Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sungura Mjanja Kanu's Poisoned Bag of Tricks

Gideon Moi: 60 million is not a problem

As I sit down to write this article the sun is streaming in through the curtains and I am listening to the mega-hit Les Wanyika number Sina Makosa. A very old song no doubt but I love it still. I also love to study legends and there is a story of a legend behind this particular song.

I watched with my own eyes as the late Prof Omari was completely destroyed by the windfall that came to him when this song hit beyond all expectations. I loved the good professor. He was a genius with the rhythm guitar. But too much money coming in too quickly killed him.

One thing I have always noticed is that the more I study legends the more I realize their shortfalls and am rudely brought back down to earth with the reminder that they were human after all.

For a long time now KANU diehards have been quick to remind all and sundry that Kanu is the oldest political party in Kenya. And many Kenyans respect that.

But actually it is all hogwash when you examine this legendary party more closely.

Kanu was formed amid squabbling and accommodated bigwigs from various other political parties and interests, just like FORD, Narc and ODM after it. The difference and what kept the party around for decades was the limited political space that Jomo Kenyatta quickly moved to narrow and limit even more. What followed were threats, political assassinations etc. Kanu was made the only political party anybody who wanted to go into politics would have to do business with. When the second president of Kenya, Daniel arap Moi took over, a one party system was entrenched into the constitution.

So the truth is that the only reason Kanu is such a long surviving party is that it did not operate alongside any competitors for decades. That was simply NOT allowed. In my view Kanu is well and truly dead and the next elections will prove my statement correct

But what I would like to draw your attention to, my dear friends are recent going-ons within the former mama na baba party. Gideon Moi (still taking very careful instruction from his dad) is making some very deliberate moves to rid the party of its’ de-jure chairman Uhuru Kenyatta. And some of the tactics being used are fascinating.

Gideon Moi is planning to go to court to force a KANU national delegates conference. The big issue with calling for a national delegates conference is that the younger Moi plans to mount a challenge for the chairmanship of the party. Interestingly Gidoen said very early (sometime last year) that Kanu would field a presidential candidate in 2012 (and it would NOT be somebody who has failed to get the presidency before) This of course was a thinly veiled reference to Uhuru who stood against Mwai Kibaki in 2002 and lost.

As I have said in this blog before, Gideon has been on campaign mode for a long time now and chances are high that he will be the Kanu candidate for the presidency. In any case he is one of the few Kenyans who can independently finance a presidential campaign without breaking into a sweat or losing any sleep over it.

But what is even more fascinating is the game plan that Baba Moi and his son have. The idea is to split the Kalenjin vote by having two presidential candidates (if Ruto survives the Hague and runs he will be the second candidate.) This will neutralize the power of the community or the possibility of violence breaking out again. And then at the very last minute Gideon will be running mate to the winning Candidate (whatever party they will come from, whether PNU or ODM).

Not a bad strategy you will have to agree with me. But then I have said that the next presidential elections will upset every known form book and therefore even this well thought out strategy will be dead in the water.

Meanwhile the drama in KANU will be interesting to watch, especially when it starts boiling down to who will finance the national delegates conference that has to be called to elect new national party officials. The budget for that little circus is a whooping 60 million.

Extensive property listings are in the current Kumekucha classifieds.


  1. Meanwhile the drama in KANU will be interesting to watch, especially when it starts boiling down to who will finance the national delegates conference that has to be called to elect new national party officials. The budget for that little circus is a whooping 60 million.


    Well, both Gideon and Kenyatta can get 60 million KES. So, no sweat here.

    The question ought to be, why are a few idlers and idiots able to amass such amount of money when majority who work have nothing?

    The truth is this:

    We may wear ties, suits, use mobile phones, cars and planes, but, we are perhaps the most stupid/ignorant civilisation when it comes to the meaning of money.

    We are so stupid and ignorant such that, a man from the ancient Sumeria civilisation of 3000 BC would cry if he saw our ignorance about money.

    Sample this:

    In the ancient Sumeria at around 3100 BC, they started using pictographic tablets as the first evidence of abstract counting.

    The pictographic tablets did not only carry information. It was essential that the information they carried concerned the amount RECEIVABLE FOR WORK of an individual.

    Money in the form of coins or banknotes was not needed because, the state authorities kept accounts of equities and liabilities of each individual.

    The WORK of every citizen was precisely recorded and one was entitled to take as many goods from the temple's storage as his or her amount recorded on an account allowed for.

    In this way, public authorities could guarantee that everyone in the state would SPEND NO MORE than what he or she has EARNED.

    As a result, the Sumerian economy enjoyed the situation of zero inflation because the whole supply of intellectually perceived money was equal to the sum of receivables for work of all citizens. Value of goods was based on the value of work needed to produce them.

    NB: Under the Sumerian monetary system, Gideon, Uhuru would have nothing because they have EARNED NOTHING, while Mama Mboga who sells mboga at Kibera, would be very wealthy.

    But, under our "civilised" monetary system, it is the other way round. We have subverted the natural order of things and then we wonder why nothing seems to work.

    Thus, we cannot solve the problem of idiotic leadership as long as we have a monetary system that is so corrupt to allow those who do not earn to have more money and thereby, claim the wealth of those who labour.

    We spend most of our time looking for money. Then, isn't the time we spent some time to find our the meaning of the same?

  2. Mwarang'ethe,
    While we appreciate your intellectual discourses, your abstract (NOT PRACTICAL) rants only succeeds in exapnading your ego. Just like of Mutahi Ngunyi you are preying on Kenyans' intellectual laziness where they Sunday school recitals pass as opinions.

    You have flogged the dead horse of money and land into pulp. Climb onto something else, will you?

  3. To clean up this country it gonna take a miracle! A miracle like assassinating this junk of poli"trick"tions!!! American style!

  4. Chris, your political analysis is really weird and at River road street hawker level, instead of New York Stock Exchange level. Where did you get the idea that Gideon Moi can beat Uhuru in a KANU contest? The man will probably get support only from Rift Valley delegates. What a joke! Secondly, to claim that he is capable of splitting the Kalenjin vote is to insult the Kalenjin and ignorant. Since when have you seen the Kalenjin split their votes? The Kalenjin are far too politically sophisticated to be conned by a looser and dunderhead like Gideon who doesn't even speak their language! The unpalatable reality which you very spiteful and malicious ODM-Raila supporting clowns don't want to accept is that Ruto has the Kalenjin vote in his grip, has very good rapport with Uhuru, and would most likely support Uhuru against Gideon, for obvious reasons. The Kalenjin hence can never split their votes. They would either give ALL their votes to Ruto, OR ALL their votes to Gideon, NEVER to both of them, and right now, Gideon is a political joke, dead on arrival.

  5. Anonymous said...
    While we appreciate your intellectual discourses, your abstract (NOT PRACTICAL) rants only succeeds in exapnading your ego. Just like of Mutahi Ngunyi you are preying on Kenyans' intellectual laziness where they Sunday school recitals pass as opinions.


    Your argument amounts to this:

    (a) Having and continuating with a corrupt monetary system that enriches few idlers and idiots, is PRACTICAL.

    (b) A call for money system that allows HONEST, HARD working people to prosper while making destitutes those who do not work is ABSTRACT THEORY and IMPRACTICAL.

    We understand your standpoint for we live in an age of Cheerful Robots where there is abundance of rationality without reason.

    In this era, where there is abundance of communicated nonsense, men have become utensils of history makers and mere objects of history making.

    In this age, we are only supposed to echo the confusions of the officialdoms. As such, we are not supposed to raise demands on the powerful for ALTERNATIVE POLICIES, nor set forth such alternatives to the people.

    Contrary to the above which you ascribe to, we believe that, a liberal educator should:

    (a) be able to translate personal troubles into public issues.

    (b) show the interplay between personal troubles and social structures.

    Since you are unable to appreciate the above two points, you pontificate that, we are abstract and impractical.

    Yes, we may appear so, but, only, if one has no knowledge of the meaning of freedom.

    Freedom is not mere opportunity to choose between SET ALTERNATIVES or do what u like. More importantly, freedom as we understand it, is to:

    (a) be able to formulate the available choices, to argue over them and then the opportunity to choose.

    Seen from this perspective, freedom cannot exist without an ENLARGED HUMAN REASON in human affairs.

    From the above, it should follow that, in history making, we can have:

    (a) History making by default. In this scheme, which you cheerfully tell us to follow thee, like the Cheerful Robot, men abdicate history making and thereby, merely drift.

    (b) Having given up, they leave history making to narrow elites without effective responsibility to those who must live with the consequences of such decisions.

    You believe in (a). We reject it given the freedom we believe in . In other words, you may choose to become a Cheerful Robot, but, we shall not follow in that route.

    We reject your wisdom for it is the greatest threat to democracy for it gives power to men of very high and irresponsible ignorance.

    And, if you wanna see how Cheerful Robots are a threat to liberty, please watch this video about President Clinton's "banking modernisation" plans.

    You will see that some FEW ABSTRACT and impractical men and women pointed that, these moves would lead to bailouts to be funded by taxpayers. That was in 1999.

    What they talked about ABSTRACTICALLY in the view of PRACTICAL MEN, has now materialised. Seen it here:

  6. Mwarangethe,
    What is a better robot than one possessed with quoting newpapers and dead men passing it along as knowledge? Just answer that aloud and have an honest look in the mirror. And please don't smash the glass.

    You remind me of a first year PHI100 student who believes s/he is the custodian of all intellect even ignoring the don delivering the same.

    Their is REGURGITATION and internalization of intellect. Where you belong? No prizes for gueessing. Think through man, THINK.

  7. Hello Kimi Raikkonen,

    It's been a long time.

    Thank you for your comment.

    My "River Road analysis" is based on what I am reliably informed the Moi's are planning. You will notice that I did NOT say it will work.

    I sense a lot of anger in you against Gideon and the Moi's. Anger does not inspire good analysis (political or otherwise). You need a cool head for that.

    Otherwise anger makes you see red and you even miss sentences written in black and white and staring right at you like this one:

    But then I have said that the next presidential elections will upset every known form book and therefore even this well thought out strategy will be dead in the water.

    Secodnly your analysis of Kanu voting by delegates is strange. Everybody knows that Kanu delegates are usually bought with cash to vote for certain individuals and that is exactly how Uhuru won the chairmanship in the first place. It is also the reason why Saitoti went bonkers at Kasarani in 2002 because the kind of money he had spent the night before assured him of victory with the delegates only for him to realize that his name was not even in the running for chairman of the party.

    Gideon may not speak Kalenjin but he has the cash which does the real speaking during Kanu delegates conferences.

    I think if somebody insists of expressing themselves with insults they should at least make sure there facts are correct otherwise... you know what people will think and assume.

    @ Mwarangethe, Just wanted to point out that although Uhuru can afford 60 million the point here is what will he get in return for it? Probably a scrappy election which will most likely not add any value to his 2012 ambitions.


  8. Mwarangethe, THO YAWA!

    On this post, history is a great teacher and the fun part of it is that it never changes abit. History has it that, Kalenjins, including Pokot and their ASAL brothers Turkanas, Samburu and others follow a systematic voting pattern.

    They will do the same this time round, as they have done since 1962 during the KANU-KADU fight and later, through the Moi reign and in the two votes after Moi. They pack-hunt.

    Gideon Moi will not change the tide, not Kalonzo Musyoka and not Uhuru Kenyatta. They will vote where they want and not against any ideological bearing contrary to their existing one, which is ANTI-ODM.

    At the moment, they have decided to leave ODM and they will make their time when the opportune time comes.

    If you are waiting for Gideon to spoil Ruto's vote at this moment, then stand by the TOMB in Jerusalem to witness the SECOND COMING.

  9. Anonymous said...
    What is a better robot than one possessed with quoting newpapers and dead men passing it along as knowledge? Just answer that aloud and have an honest look in the mirror. And please don't smash the glass.


    We have stated and we repeat. We do not believe in personalising uiversal problems. This is the easy part and this is what politics in our age has been reduced to.

    Unfortunately, this will not change anything or solve our problems.

    We believe that, men do not change. Only social, economic and political institutions change. In other words, there is no material difference between a corrupt Kenyan in 2010 and his great grandfather of 1800 who was not corrupt. Only social institutions have changed.

    Therefore, when corrupt and dishonest men seem to do well in a given society, it has nothing to do with men's nature as such, but, the institutions in that society. It is from this stand point, we focus on social institutions and not individuals.

    In other words, blaming Moi, Kibaki, Raila, Mbeki, etc, is total waste of time for problems are structural. Actually, we actually sympathise with people like Moi and Kibaki, for under the economic structures we have, it is impossible to succeed.

    Now, in this debate, Chris has noted very correctly that, Gideon can raise 60 kes. We took this point further and noted that, Gideon is able to raise this kind of money without ever working anywhere because we have a monetary system unlike the Sumerian one, that rewards those who are idle while robbing those who labour.

    From this, we have asserted that, the only ay to avoid domination by men like Gideon is to reform our banking and monetary system to remove this anomaly. Again, you should have noted that, we did not attack Gideon as an individual for to do so, is waste of time. Unfortunately, that is what you are looking for.

    Do, you agree with our analysis and conclusions? If no, why?

  10. Raila, Ngilu union may tilt political equation in Ukambani......


  11. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz! Why would anyone compare Kumekucha's Mwarang'ethe to Mutahi Ngunyi?

    The Kenyan public knows who Mutahi Ngunyi is and his body of work speaks for itself.

    Mwarang'ethe is too historical as in very ancient Mesopotamian and time wasting.

    While Mutahi Ngunyi knows how to deliver the three-point-message with a summary. He is always brief and sticks to the subject matter unlike Mwarang'ethe who loves meandering all over Kumekucha and flooding it with his personal from ancient Mesopotamian school of thought.

  12. Mwarang'ethe is too historical as in very ancient Mesopotamian and time wasting.

    He is always brief and sticks to the subject matter unlike Mwarang'ethe who loves meandering all over Kumekucha and flooding it with his personal from ancient Mesopotamian school of thought.


    Very well said.

    Firstly, Mutahi Ngunyi and other socio, eco., political analysts see no problem with the established social, econ., political institutions.

    Thus, to him and many others, all we need is a good man to lead us. Therein, Mwarang'ethe disagrees.

    As we noted above, we are in the age of Cheerful Robots. One characteristic of Cheerful Robots is lack or hatred of long term history because they think human history started in 1963.

    For heaven's sake, if money as an institution started in Mesopotamia, how can you claim to understand it in 2010 without knowing what they did?

    Now, here we are trying to build a just and peaceful society. On this point, we point and we insist that, all we need are arrangements that:

    (a) give absolute protection to our natural right to property.

    (b) protect our personal safety.

    We further note that, under the current monetary and land laws, it is impossible to to protect our property. And, if we are unable to protect our property, we are also not able to protect our personal safety.

    The only problem with our argument is that, it requires we re- arrange our affairs in accordance with ideals of human freedom (see what we understand by freedom from previous post) and reason.

    Unfortunately, in this age of abundant rationality and little reason, this is tough business because, many believe that, all we need is to remove "corrupt" Moi or "sleeping" Kibaki etc from state house and we will be fine.

    At the risk of being shouted down, we dare say, these thoughts are mere illusions.

  13. Chris,

    What will be the role of former Mungiki Chairman Maina Njenga in this KANU power play? Maina has found ready a ready and high profile parter in Moi's bed.

    Also, I do not think Uhuru wants to burn his money on KANU. I do not think those constituency representatives he employs are for the benefit of KANU.

    My take is that Moi wants to revive KANU, but he desperately needs a pointman from GEMA. Uhuru has failed, now he is trying Maina Njenga. Whichever equation works, he wants Gideon to play a prominent role in the mix.

  14. Raila, Ngilu partnership to tilt the tectonic plates in Eastern? Why? I dont think so. Neither do I think Raila/Kenneth will do that in Kigumo. Those who were carrying placards are hirelings, some who came from Langata and its environs.

    Hirelings, like Jeshi la Mzee and many others, will always do that. If Raila was to go Central Province daily, there will always be crowd, even bigger than the one was yesterday.

    Dream on guys. It is a cliffhanger! In Kenya, until the constitution demands a well-spread scheme on national resources, devolution and even transparent governance, tribalism will thrive.

    That incubus called tribalism is the one that will control the way be cast our vote. In the next two generations, tribalism will be king.

    Until we change our constitution, educate the whole country against tribalism and inject the blood of nationalism, patriotism and pride for our country.

    Before that time, voting patterns will remain tribal. It is the simple thing that has kept Kenya politics going over the years.

    Wonder! Kikuyu, Klenjins, Kamba politicians are joined by Meru, Embu and even desperate coastals they are referred to as tribalists.

    Luo and Luhya leaders walk around seeking political support from other tribes and they are referred to as nationalists. Yet, no other tribe can venture into Nyanza for a political rally. Oh No

  15. Chris,
    what part of the country are you in?it's raining heavily where i
    am upcountry!unless you painted a picture of the sun on your curtains/window? otherwise i think we are not in the same Kenya

    I see you're not a Samba Mapangala fan?and not even a Them Mushrooms
    fan?i am disappointed Chris!but i don't begrudge you for that. however i must insist that Les Wanyika were to a lesser extent a shadow of the above 2, only that
    "Prof Omari" was a whiz at coxing that guitar to mutate all sounds
    musical into ear candy not to mention Them Mushrooms lost their way with the Jambo Bwana song of their twighlight

    However,please consider the earlier works of Samba Mapangala and Them Mushrooms and then tell me if you still think Les Wanyika comes anywhere close to the musical
    genius of these 2 bands

    oh yes, and of course KANU is dead

  16. Derooo,
    Kama nyani (haoni kundule) you identify the curse of tribalism while conviniently ignoring your KING who has perfected the vice. I know I am preaching to a choir in the form of a youthwinger but tell me who controls treasury/PA/OP/judiciary and all institutions that matter. And while at it please don't emply reverse logic in telling about your pet hate object RAO/Oburu etc.

    Kibaki is tribalism personified. Live a lie if you choose but don't choke from the same. But a youthwinger must earn his pay I understand. Bring on loser.


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