Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Apolitical Gema Backs Raila: Smart or Suicide?

Folks, it is time for RE-INVENTION. Old wine are out in full force searching for new bottles: from non-political Karume-led Gema to reformist YK92.

The Jewish folklore of fattening a goat before eventually slaughtering couldn't have been more apt. But again in politics only interests are permanent and nothing else is.

We surely live in interesting political times. And history must be the richer for it as it beckons to repeat itself and resoundingly so.

Bishop Dr. Lawi Imathiu should have asked EXPERTS here at Kumekucha to know that his kite won't fly. He would have been promptly reminded of the sophisticated political mindset of the same people whose interests he claims to advance. No brainer.

Interesting time indeed when a tribal grouping DENOUNCES tribalism. The whole thing leaves you wondering whether we are ushering in a new dawn or staring at a mirage.

Well, the dye is cast and EXCITABLE experts can join the party in bashing and gloating in equal measure. Just take your pick.


  1. Look at the make up of the GEMA Group.

    Me feels that there was some input from Kibaki.
    A fact, that is supported by inclusion of Munga, He of Equity.
    He is chairman of the bank while Kibaki is the largest shareholder-mainly through proxies.

    Gema has realised that Odinga is uaassailble.
    I like the way Raila refused to comment on the succession debate (even if only in public!).
    Is it possible that Gema has concluded that UK is a difficult product to sell, or are they using Moi's tactics. of "raising you up like a balloon only to deflate you"

    Kenyans have missed and are now yearning /want a DECISIVE,FEARLESS leader. At the moment, only Raila is demonstrating this.

  2. Equity Bank

    we have gone nigerian. Not that I care!

  3. And what was the ODM (or even the bumpkin)? New wine?

  4. Blogger Anonymous@ 2:10PM said....

    Gema has realised that Odinga is unassailable.

    Excellent analysis bw/bi anonymous. It is only Chris and Sam Okello together with their BLIND AND DEAF surrogates who cannot see or hear this. Infact, Chris has been peddling a stale rumour that ODM is dead and buried, yet the party has a majority in parliament and has won all but one of the last six parliamentary by-elections!

    The fact of the matter Taabu is that you simply cannot stop an idea whose time has come.

    Some people could call GEMA tribal, but I call it cultural. You notice they could have easily gone to Harambee ot State House to meet Kibaki but they did not. You notice too, they could easily have joined the mongrel known as KKK, but they have not. Clever wazees!

    These GEMA chaps know that the time for a new constitutional order - complete with fresh leadership - has arrived. Elections fraudsters and Anti-reform agents of yesteryears are quickly shedding their wolf skin to don sheep's attire.

    There's only one way to go if you want to belong to the right side of history. And this is just the beggining, kazi ime anza.

    Isaiah 35:5
    Then the eyes of the blind will be opened And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.

  5. These old Gema wazee are powerless and politically impotent. Let them dare call for a political rally anywhere in Central region and see who will turn up! They are past their sell by dates and only want Raila to protect their huge illegal wealth if he ever makes it to the big house on the hill.

    That's why they cleverly present themselves as "cultural" leaders and not political since they know we are all aware they lack any political ammunition! Raila is not foolish, he knows the vote rich Mt Kenya region will vote for the youthful candidates and not the likes of tired and worn out Karume who is nearly 90 years old.

    That's why the Rt Hon PM keeps fantasizing about the likes of Peter Kenneth and Kilemi Mwiria in his political rallies. That's why the PM is desperately courting the Mungiki and asking for dialogue with it's youthful leaders like Maina Njenga who can potentially deliver millions of votes to him.

    With Uhuru heading for the Hague and Karua being a lone ranger, Raila for once can see a golden chance to fulfil his biggest dream of living in state house even if it's for only 5 minutes. But he will have to battle it out with Kalonzo for the central votes! Then again we are 3 years away to a general election and a week in politics is like eternity........Good luck bwana PM, you will need it!

  6. With Uhuru heading for the Hague and Karua being a lone ranger, Raila for once can see a golden chance to fulfil his biggest dream of living in state house even if it's for only 5 minutes. But he will have to battle it out with Kalonzo for the central votes! Then again we are 3 years away to a general election and a week in politics is like eternity........Good luck bwana PM, you will need it!

    12/15/09 12:08 AM


    When Western journalists/commentators comment on Chinese energy strategy, they say China is moving all over trying to quench its huge thirst for resources.

    However, when it comes to the West, which consumes more resources than China, they talk of energy security. Double standards.

    Likewise, when it comes to RO, to M-Pesa, "Raila for once can see a golden chance to fulfil his biggest dream of living in state house even if it's for only 5 minutes."

    However, such description does not appear anywhere near Kalonzo's name cos, "But he will have to battle it out with Kalonzo for the central votes!"

    Why all this double standards? It would be more useful, if we identify specific policies that these two men are fronting. Then, say, "this policy xx, of rr is not good, etc. and for that reason, I do not support candidate yy.."

  7. Phil,
    You are probaly the most stupid man alive!! How dare think GEMA would vote for raira molasses. delusional man you are!!!!
    GEMA cannot vote for a Jaruo!
    A jaruos cannot rule over the people of Mt kenya!!! Anyone else yes, but not Jaruo!!

  8. Anon 12/15/09 1:16 AM

    Ever heard of the saying: "A wise man will usually change his mind... only a fool does not".

    Maybe the Mt Kenya wazee's are trying to tell the young folks of Mt Kenya something...

  9. Taabu,

    ODMers are really exitable fellas. Now they think they have found a magical Gema horse to ride into Mt. Kenya vote basket. Poor fellas! They have eyes but don't see and ears full of wax.

    If only the EXITABLES read carefully, they would have seen that the wazees were there to talk about resettlement of IDPs from 1992 to 2008. First, the existent of these political IDPs is a terrible blemise on the legacy of Kibaki because he used to promise them (in 1992, 1997, & 2002) that if he came to power he would resettle them. Kibaki has failed to do this and the likes of Karume and Munga in the group are reminded by the wananchi all the time. Secondly (and most selfish of some in the group), some of the wazees own large farms which they are eager to sell to the govt for IDP resettlement. Karume has already sold one in Molo and is ready to sell many more. So, there is a huge economic angle to these visits to Raila's office.

    Every politician in Kenya is aware that Raila has been opposed to resettlement of Kikuyu IDPs without him get a political benefit. You will remember that he helped defeat the resettlement Bill Koigi Wamwere had introduced in the last parliament. Just before the vote, Raila left the Chambers and signalled all Luo MPs to vote against it.

    Both Raila and Ruto know they need GEMA votes to ascend to the presidency. But the big IDP obstacle lays ahead. Take the case of Ruto. He has been trying to reach out to the Kikuyu political class in vain. The problem hasn't been because he is alleged to have organised ethnic cleansing in RV, but mainly because so far he has been unable to present a worthwhile resettlement (coexistence) programme. Rejection of Ruto's overtures has been especially strong from the Kikuyu MPs from the RV.

    The problem is that Ruto can't sell the coexistence agenda to the Kalenjin so soon after telling them that Kikuyus are madoadoa. Same with Raila, he can't go to Kalenjins so soon after telling them that Kikuyus are "adui." However, Raila has a bit of luxury because he has already annoyed the Kalenjin. He doesn't have much more to lose by discussing with the wazees of resettlement of Kikuyu IDPs in the RV. In fact, if Raila were to lead a successful resettlement, he would win many common hearts from Central whether wazees like it or not.

    As we approach 2012 elections, those non-Gema presidential aspirants will have to deal with the resettlement issue in exchange for votes. Ruto and Raila start with a hearvier burden than Kalonzo. Not much is expected from Kalonzo on this issue because he is not seen to have contributed to the problem. So, Kalonzo starts at an advantage and is currently the favorite in Central, but an image of "you can't trust him" is beginning to take root among ordinary folks.

    Those who keep saying that Kikuyus will front Uhuru as a presidential candidate are driven by paranoia rather than the reality of what is going on behind the scenes. Kikuyus are shopping around for a non-Kikuyu who can be trusted to protect the community's interests. Of course, such a candidate will have to take a Kikuyu as a running mate. And that running mate must be annoited by the community and not seen as if he is merely chosen by the presidential candidate (the way Peter Kenneth is appearing).

  10. Mwarang'ethe,

    I don't support Raila for president because he sharply divided the Kenyan people along tribal lines in the last general election. He started by forming the Western Alliance (a tribal alliance of Luos, Luhyas and Kalenjins) aimed at isolating the Kikuyus. Then he preached to them that Kikuyus were a "kabila adui." Finally, he promised tears to the Merus if ever he came to power. Such conduct from a presidential candidate is unacceptable in any country which wants to move forward. Although he has many strengths, the fact that he is ready to do anything (including tribal bashing) to be president denies him my support.

  11. Whether its Gema,Njuri Ncheke or Kalenjin council of elders backing one for the top seat it wil make no difference, i think kenyans are now an enlighthened lot and hence can make wise desicions.Wat political input do u expect from likes of karume and other Wazees in Mt kenya.These are same pple who have made us to wallow in poverty as they enjoy lavish lifestyles only associated wit the rich and mighty. They hav now started panicking coz of their fraudantly acquired wealth,but let me assure them they can run but they cant hide and the time for reckoning has come.For me any politician accepting the endorsement of these men wil not only be committing political suicide bt also promoting the status quo class while majority of kenyans yearn for change

  12. Anonymous said...

    I don't support Raila for president ... he sharply divided the Kenyan people along tribal lines in the last general election.


    Better than someone saying RO's biggest dream is living in SH.

    However, your argument is based on the fallacy that were it for RO, Moi, Kenyatta, Kibaki there would be no tribalism in Kenya.

    This is the simplistic reasoning which have been adopted by our schools, media, etc.

    Firstly, let us say this:

    (a) There exists a clear link btw. the economic structures and viability of states. Kenya lacks economic structures needed for a viable state.

    (b) Thus, to change a state like Kenya, we must change the economic basis of the state itself. This has been the failure of Kenyan leadership.

    Thus, what we have now is a nation without any increasing returns sector. As a result of this utter failure, we have descended to a zero - sum game society fighting over static rents as described by a Muslim philosopher and historian Ibn - Khaldun (1332 -1406).

    Flowing from this observation, we have now entered into cyclical sequence of tribal wars fighting over STATIC AND NON - PRODUCTIVE RENTS that accrue to the nation.

    Flowing from the above, we argue that Kenyan/African problems stem from an ECONOMIC STRUCTURE that fails to produce the virtuous circles of economic growth that need increasing returns as well as lack of sufficient diversity and diffusion of economic activities that are self - sustainable. To tackle tribalim, this is what we ought to focus on.

    However, the changes we advocate will require a re- examination of the philosophic ideas under which we function. For this, suffice it to note that there are two canons of economics:

    (a) Renaissance Economic/philosophic thinking, and

    (b) Enlightment Economic/philosphic thinking.

    Currently, although very few people know this, the world is operating under (b), and the consequences are what we see in Africa today.

    Thus, for Kenya to become a viable state, it must rediscover Renaissance Economic/philosophic thinking and discard the Enlightment eco/philosophic ideas.

  13. Mwarangethe said:

    ..It would be more useful, if we identify specific policies that these two men are fronting...

    Unfortunately in Kenya, those policies are not worth the manifestos they are written on and you know that. The time tested trick is you just wax lyrical and blast poor Kenyans with what they want to hear.

    Let's not kid ourselves by comparing Kenya with the likes of UK and US where they campaign on Well defined and clear policies like abortion. Come the next election and these parties are well held into account of what they did or did not implement.

    Ours is a country where policies are written with only one and clear intention- of not implementing them! Just look at various parties and you will find lots of key members are thieves, liars, crooks and corrupt cheats.

    Party leaders blatantly and shamelessly appoint their own friends, hangers on, turncoats, lackeys and even family members to key appointments and when Kenyans complain they quickly flashed the middle finger, na Mta do?

  14. ANON 2:12 AM

    Your analysis was spot on. Can we see more of you here. Perhaps as a moderator. Kumekucha are u reading this ?

  15. Anonymous @12/15/09 2:12 AM

    Kikuyus are shopping around for a non-Kikuyu who can be trusted to protect the community's interests.


    Can we please know what are Kikuyu's interests and how their interests differ from other communities?


    So, Kalonzo starts at an advantage and is currently the favorite in Central, but an image of "you can't trust him" is beginning to take root among ordinary folks.


    What do these ordinary Kikuyu want Kalonzo to do for them?

  16. M-Pesa said...
    Mwarangethe said:

    ..It would be more useful, if we identify specific policies that these two men are fronting...

    Unfortunately in Kenya, those policies are not worth the manifestos they are written on and you know that. The time tested trick is you just wax lyrical and blast poor Kenyans with what they want to hear.


    M-Pesa, who influences the poor Kenyans? Is not people like you? And, if that is correct, where do you stand?

  17. My analysis. Raila has panicked because he has realised that ruto is serious about running for president. This means no kalenjin vote for raila. So raila goes GEMA. Only problem is that with a multiplicity of candidates, there will be a serious kikuyu candidate. The kikuyus saying here that there will be no kikuyu candidate are only right if the other big tribes identify only one candidate. If we look back we will note that kalonzo did not really talk of kkk. He only talked of provinces and appeared to be in a panic. I think he was alarmed by what he saw as the plan of kk. The plan of kk is to have both ruto and uhuru run for president. The kk alliance will happen after the election. uhuru will of course be president and ruto will either be vp or pm. kalonzo (he is from my tribe) was only useful to kikuyus when raila had all that kalenjin force behind. That wind having been taken out of raila's sails, kikuyus are ok on their own. Bottom line, with ruto running uhuru will definetely run and win.

  18. Raila courts Karume and some unknown reverend purportedly speaking for 8 million people? lol

    Pole sana pm. You need to mend fences with your Kale pals to have a sliver of a chance to win a national election. Even then it would be by a long shot.

    Without the kabila adui, hate mongering gluw holding the motley of thugs and crooks together at Orange house, the cookie will crumble effectively and swiftly. watch the luhyas decamp next from ODM

    after that, odm will be the Othumo Democratic Movement

  19. no comment. no comment.

  20. So is the "denunciation of tribalism" only possible when one "supports Raila Odinga"? What a bunch of parochial beings!

  21. Vikii said...
    So is the "denunciation of tribalism" only possible when one "supports Raila Odinga"? What a bunch of parochial beings!


    Karibu bwana Vikii.

  22. GEMA, inluding Kamba politics are determined by the politicians from those regions and not retired church leaders. Even Njuri Ncheke could not do it far Raila. No one, ever, has played politics in those regions and come out victorious without involving the communities leading political lights.

    Daniel Moi tried it in 1997 and the defeat was resounding, that not a single councillor was elected on a KANU. Raila has a 'K' that they refer to and it is the same tribal-divide politics that goes and his being seen to be warming to a candidate that has seen Martha Karua's politics head to the squalls.

    Whatever methods he uses in this world, Raila winning, in Central is still a dream as it was to his father before.

    Kikuyu, to vote for Raila??? After Uhuru Kenyatta is taken to The Hague (which might not happen) for allegedly coming to the support of his tribe after Raila lost an election and called for demonstrations that saw agitated Kalenjin youths visit terror, murder and rape on the Kikuyus across the country? Think bwana!

    Remember Bildad Kagia and what Jomo, the man told him in 1966 and picture him in his final days in Ofafa Jericho.

  23. Somebody please correct me. How insensitive are the GEMA tribes and those who voted against Raila to turn overnight and declare total support for him yet, at the elections, we were told, even here on KUMEKUCHA, that Raila does not need the Kikuyu voted to win the election and even govern Kenya.

    Just wondering how stupid, backward, or archaic they are to give support to someone who called for their extermination and annihilation.

    As at now, those people still habouring dreams should prepare for heartaches with Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka as the next CEO. Literally.

  24. Why do kyuks playing victims as a result of the post election violence when they also visited terror on other tribes?

    There several evictions of non kikuyus from central province, murders along nakuru-naivasha road (remember the scenes from aljazeera tv of youths fishing out non kikuyus from matatus), Naivasha killings and police shootings that targetted non Kikuyus. Violence was a two way traffic and each side should take responsibility.

  25. @ 9.12

    So, bringing it to the basic level of tribe, did Raila Odinga order for the evictions and demolition of Kikuyu businesses in Kisumu, Musalia Mudavadi, the same in Kakamega, and Ababu Namwamba, the same in Busia?

    Why the elective targeting of Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto??? When did they organise the violence and they were in the winning party?

    I have said it before Anon, OSCAR KINGARA, huddled a bunch of desperadoes, taped their voices in Karura Forest, or somewhere near there, handed over the tape to an ODM candidate in Githunguri, a certain Kanyua Githunguri, who in turn passed the same to Peter Anyang Nyongo and then over to the Human Rights Commission.

    In the recording, which has been circulated widely to most Human Rights organisations in the world, the 'alleged' murderers say they were being paid by a group of Kikuyu leaders (I will withhold the names), but wonder aloud, why others were not mentioned as Uhuru.

    That bloke killed with Kingara was from Nyongo's constituency. I think he was and Nyongo attended the funeral (I saw that on TV). On the same week that the died, they received cash from leading politicians and it is documented.

    Raila to get GEMA support and people are still living in tents? Dilemma

  26. Kenya needs imported leader now. Just thinking aloud!

  27. Best wishes Sam

    At long last, you have come to realise what many of us saw a long time ago.
    We can change little in Kenya- Kibaki's tenure has shown us that.He has not respected anything he ever promised to Diasporians. Quote one.
    But we must understand the man.So long as you dont step on his toe (read Lucy and family), he cares less. This is how you should read GEMA's visit to Raila-They have realised that they are opharns of this Kibaki's character!

    Bur give the man credit. Kenya has changed.It is open for expression.People have therefore become more apolitical.This alone is the force on the ground we are talking about.
    Unlike other politicians,Raila is using this force very well. eg.Buta's speech.It was a hit with the masses.
    Any politician who is able to show care for the masses in the whole country is a winner.
    Todays papers that "Moi etc are the next in the next phase to leave MAU- it is an advancement of this "win the masses" strategy.

    The real change force are the Kenyans on the ground IN KENYA.

    Unless Raila messes up, he is the people's man.
    Even in central provice!

    Ruto was coming up very well until this MAU and KKK came up.
    But a day is so many years in politics. All we can do is wait and see. But at the moment, Raila is the man of the moment

    What do you call Kibakis outright support of him last saturday? What do you read in GEMA's intruiges of last week?
    For those who care to listen, we are back to 2005-referendum.
    A new constitution will be possible,only if Raila decides so!

  28. Phil's Mistress12/15/09, 12:18 PM

    The same people raila called "kabila adui yetu" are the same he is looking for support??? Excuse me, GEMA people aren't that stupid!!! These are God choosen people!! and that's the reason Raila has decided to face Mt Kenya ...he is looking for divine intervention if he is to survive politically!

  29. Could you GEMA guys stop reinventing the story.

    GEMA leaders went to see Raila the PM and GEMA leaders resolved to support Raila. GEMA leaders said they no longer support tribalism and want to promote tribal unity.

    Its not the other way round. Raila did not go to the GEMA leaders. The world does not spin on GEMA axis

  30. Deroo

    You don't make any sense at all. Think clearly before pressing on PUBLISH YOUR COMMENTS.

    Where is your thought process, whether it is in defense of that tribe, the other tribe or whatever village/clan/house/rika?

    Kuderoderera tu all over the place.

  31. KK keeps falling down into the cess pit of tribal calculations. Is there no way out of this? Mwarang'ethe's idealism is so refreshing. We need more of that amongst our youth. Change will happen when a critical mass of young idealists break away from the status quo. In the meantime keep running the treadmill.

  32. Deroo you really must not have gone to school past standard eight.

    If what King'ara allegedly taped was not truthful or did not create panic amongst your friends, Uhuru, Thuo, et al, then why did they take him/them out (Oscar and the other njathe guy)?

  33. My Dear brother Sam,

    You know I like being blunt.

    Politically we did not agree most of the time, still don't... but you are one hell of a writer. There is no doubt that Kumekucha will be poorer in talent without you.

    I will tell you something else you may not know. Controversy sells and your presence here always used to kick up a storm and with it massive hits.

    In Kenyan politics those you do not agree with are your enemies but you and I are great friends and yet we hardly agree. That was a great thing for majority of Kumekucha contributors to see because they still don't get it and I fear that they never will.

    All the best in your future endevours, my brother. We will miss you.


    P.S. Is there any way that you can continue to write for us occasionally, even under some kind of pen name?

  34. stop chasing squirrels and go after the antelope! while you are talking about RAO and other stuff the Constitution is being born!Cows!


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