Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the real priorities for Kibaki and Raila?

Another recent post by Chris that you may have missed

How do you tell that somebody is a good manager?

It is easy to get fooled by a incompetent or lazy manager who just wants to cover their tracks and so I usually look at only one thing. That manager’s priority list. Actually this list can tell you a lot. For instance if you notice that the manager places a lot of emphasis on making sure that suppliers are paid on time and this is at the top of his priority list, what will that tell you? Unless there has been a crisis with suppliers at the company recently, this will suggest that you have a corrupt manager who is making money for himself off the company suppliers. Folks the priority list will tell you plenty, like where the real interest of an individual are.

Now let us carefully examine the priority list of the government of Kenya in recent times.

When faced with the choice of settling IDPs or going ahead with the national census the government’s choice was clear. Of course a national census is important but what harm would there have been to postpone it for even a year or two? And then some questions on that census questionnaire that the government insisted on keeping were a dead give away. Like the one about tribe. To me this is evidence that the jokers we call our leaders are already doing their tribal arithmetic for 2012 and it was very important to get the latest tribal figures. IDPs kitu gani.. SHAME SHAME.

How do you get consensus in government for something like the draft constitution? It is very simple. A meeting between four individuals; Kibaki, Raila, Uhuru and Ruto followed by other meetings between those individuals and their hecklers (oops I meant party members or supporters) would be the most effective way of doing it. Instead the government decides to spend a fortune gathering the entire cabinet (plus assistant ministers) in Mombasa for what is really a holiday at the taxpayers expense. The guys have even invited teambuilding experts (what will these experts tell warlords? This is really funny). Anyway let us wait and see what comes out of it.

And there are hundreds of other examples that would take as many posts and so let me end this by asking a few simple questions.

- What were the priorities of the first Kibaki administration when he took power in 2002? (Just to jog your memory; remember the 500,000 new jobs a year saga? Actually it was quickly changed to 500,000-jobs-a-year-just-make-sure-you-can-justify-the-figures.

- What are the priorities of the current grand coalition government? Hint: Free holidays and trips abroad at the expense of the taxpayer are very high on the list all that needs to be done is to find a good excuse.

- Priorities are what presidents and administrations are remembered for. What is Kibaki’s legacy? What will the bloated-strain-on-the-tax-payer grand coalition government be best remembered for?

- As a powerful Prime Minister and partner in the grand Coalition government what are the priorities of Raila Odinga?

Breaking News: Kumekucha Chris is back in a big way and is currently preparing a hot post for your enjoyment this weekend. The working title for that post is:
Cabinet ministers and their famous girlfriends. Look out for it very soon.


  1. Yes, Chris...ask RAO whether having his hands on THE trophy, by whichever means, is the priority.....

  2. The working title for that post is: Cabinet ministers and their famous girlfriends. Look out for it very soon.

    let's help:

    Girl called Cess- has a big mouth:--- Girlfriend to several top shots but the most famous one is known for his love of getting drunk also believed to be on Waki List. Makes lots of errors in maths. loves partying till dawn! Very loaded!

    Girl called Mwanaisha:---- Currently seeing a Narc-K politician (crocodile) from Tana River. This guy bought her a posh apartment in Kilimani area recently.

    Minister Soita SHITanda----

    Kabando wa Kabando----

    But anyway, who cares what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

  3. Chris, what is your priority?

    You tell us:

    "Breaking News: Kumekucha Chris is back in a big way and is currently preparing a hot post for your enjoyment this weekend. The working title for that post is: Cabinet ministers and their famous girlfriends."

    What does it say about your priorities Sir?

  4. Hello Mwarangethe,

    My mission is simple. To inform Kenyans and give them info that they cannot find anywhere else and to package it in the most entertaining way possible.

    Famous girlfriends of cabinet ministers will help those Kenyans who still believe every word that comes out of the mouth of Kenyan politicians to realize exactly what kind of people they are.

    Who you sleep with is irrelevant as long as you are NOT a public figure. When you are a public figure things change dramatically. Do you know how a country's enemies best digs for information? The method has not changed for centuries because it is so effective. They use women. So the Kenyan voter needs to know who is sleeping with who so as to make an informed decision.

    Lastly please read what you find fits your level of intellectualism and ignore the rest.

    Ohh and one last thing. Maybe you can also tell us something about the Brits whom I am sure you know well since you quote them often. The Brits are proper and don't read nonsense but then how come the same chaps buy The Sun and News of the World secretly? The Sun sells over 4 million copies a day!!!!

    For those who don't know the contents of this infamous sister newspapers let me just say they are filled with the kinds of storos that wud make my cabinet minister girlfriends story read like a nursery school story or a class lesson for nuns and The Sun always has a naked girl on page 3.


    P.S. Besides methinks that the majority always wins. My hit counter always goes crazy for days on end with massive hits when I carry the kind of stories I intend to post this weekend. Besides its' a weekend, why not relax kidogo with posts that don't tax anybody's brain too much? ama?

  5. Hehehehehe

    Chris has come back with a bang and is writing even porn as well as hot political stories...

    I like it sana.

    Bring it on Chris.

    Go Chris go!!!!

  6. Anyone know how I can meet mwanaisha and share with crocky?

  7. Chris said
    .....Lastly please read what you find fits your level of intellectualism and ignore the rest.

    Condenscending or defensive?

  8. When intellectualism fails, Chris turns to one of the powerful human instinct. SEX.
    Seems hits are so low here in Kumekucha that Chris is desperate to fabricate any stories to turn around his dying fortunes. Even Taabu and Mwarang'ethe seems to be lost on whether this Luo/Kamba son has taken the blue pill (viagra) by mistake.

    Raila's priority is to name an adopted lion agwabo...what a moron!!

  9. sasa wewe Chris,
    how do you know the sun has a n***d girl on page 3?
    Please remember KK is a PG site tafadhali-some readers are underage and its not fair on us to be so exposed to grown up talk like this

  10. Chris wrote

    Maybe you can also tell us something about the Brits whom I am sure you know well since you quote them often. The Brits are proper and don't read nonsense but then how come the same chaps buy The Sun and News of the World secretly? The Sun sells over 4 million copies a day!!!!

    Our response.

    Yes, sure, we can tell you something abouts Brits.

    They are not proper because as the "read" the Sun's page 3 with a naked gal, their economy is dying.

  11. "Do you know how a country's enemies best digs for information? The method has not changed for centuries because it is so effective."

    Pathetic excuse for gossip, slander and rumor-mongering.

  12. Shinzugas legs are simply golf sticks.I wonder what they saw!!!

  13. you got me here

    - What are the priorities of the current grand coalition government? Hint: Free holidays and trips abroad at the expense of the taxpayer are very high on the list all that needs to be done is to find a good excuse.

    my understanding is that ocampo means business meanwhile the US and EU have denied "some fellas" visas
    even bashir is having difficulty travelling

    kindly explain yourself,

  14. Hello UrXlnc,

    Last time I checked very few in the cabinet have been slapped with visa bans. Even Uhuru still travels freely. So far there is still more hot air than action from the US and EU.

    Besides don't you remember President Obama's inauguration where folks took the long trip to watch it all on TV?


  15. Hey chris hizo 411 tumengoja tu sana! Ama ziko kwa raw notes?


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