Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kenyatta Day Present: Uhuru Settles IDPs

Acting just in time to celebrate his dad's day, the DPM and Minister for Finance Uhuru Kenyatta has proved himself a doer and not the mere talker that other leaders are. UK personally witnessed resettlement of hundreds of IDPs in Rongai from their Mawingu camp. What is more, the land used to resettle them was previously owned by the Kenyatta family.

If only other leaders would follow in Uhuru's footsteps and donate part of their obscene acreage to resettle the remaining domestic refugees. Uhuru’s gesture must be emulated by others if leaders are to earn their votes. It is the height of insensitivity to own a whole PROVINCE of land and refuse to donate a negligible fraction to miserable and deserving souls. That the government buys it from you is even a greater selfless motivation to sell.

Kenya needs true leaders like Uhuru who lead by example and from in front. Forget about the noisy elders from Rongai with their misplaced complaints that the government favoured the IDPs and has done little for the 25,000 squatters in the area.

Professional squatters are better left to continue living the life they know best. Let the IDPs have roofs over their heads and a place to call HOME. Kudos to UK.


  1. Hehehehe,Taabu have a great kenyatta day, kweli kenya ina wenyewe.

  2. giving back stolen land does not make uhuru a true leader.
    he's just (the son of) a plain thief who was caught with his pants down and now he's quickly pulling them up.

  3. More power to Uhuru!

  4. It was J.J. Rousseau, who wrote this:

    "The first man who having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself as saying "this is mine," and found people SIMPLE ENOUGH TO BELIEVE him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortune might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are UNDONE IF YOU ONCE FORGET THAT THE FRUITS OF THE EARTH BELONG TO US ALL, AND THE EARTH ITSELF TO NOBODY."

    Even if they cannot listen to wise men who have demonstrated that monopolization of land is the cause of poverty and violence, can't these people listen to God who they pretend to worship every sunday and sabbath? For it is written in Exodus 19 - 5 that: FOR ALL EARTH IS MINE.

    It is our firm conviction that:

    - The Creator freely gave the earth to all His children, and therefore, all have equal rights to its use.

    - When the Bible says that, "In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread," it must be taken to mean thou shall not eat bread in the sweat of thy brothers' brow.

    - those who live in idleness on wealth produced by others are in violation of Divine law since they eat in the sweat of their brothers' brow.

    - It is blasphemous to believe that God has given some people all the land and condemned others to landlessness, poverty and slavery. And, if He has done so, we would wish to see the Divine signature to that effect.

    - We believe that every child born into this world has express permission to use land without consent of any other child of God.

    - When men organise a society, land has its value and things produced by men have their separate value.

    As population increases, the value of land increases and this value is community made value and no one has the right to take it away from others. However, what one has produced with his labour belongs to him he who has produced it.

    Having said this, we can now say that, the greatest evil or the greatest crime ever committed against mankind is nothing but the God denying crime of an iniquitous system in terms of which some men are permitted to consfiscate in the name of man made laws and customs and thereby pocket THE COMMUNITY CREATED VALUES OF LAND while the State supported by the creators/beneficiaries of this iniquitous system ROBS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES THAT PART OF WEALTH CREATED BY INDIVIDUALS.

    This must be so for there can never be equality of all under such a system. Thus, such a system is in violation of the essential spirit of Christianity and all other religions we are aware of.

  5. Mwarang'ethe
    Nice pitch that one. But I am sorry you need platinum ticket to access the divine signature. Can you afford the going price for such a ticket?

  6. Ruto says he will run for president in 2012

    Ruto has finally thrown in the towel and said that kalenjins will not support a looser in 2012. He will gun for the presidency himself.
    Like expected, ODM, a party built on arrangements of tribal chiefs is headed to the rocks and its jaluo leader will only remain with jaluo votes when the dust settles.

    Read more of this hot story from the local dailies. As usual Taabu has to criticize anything positive a kenyans from Central Kenya does.
    Kumekucha has no balls to discuss RUTO RAILA feud.

  7. Has anyone looked at the picture opposite Taabus name. Its that of a rat. It perfectly describes and fits Taabu. Somehow, we all know who we are.

  8. Funny the choise of stories at Kumekucha.
    The other day, its founder chris attacked Nation Media Group a private company saying it was managed by Kikuyus (even though the chief is a Luo) and was bound to fail.
    Then, the 53 year old Taabu attacked Kalonzo for fronting for a Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba alliance calling it a tribal outfit. Taabu religiously supports ODM which is a conglomeration of tribal chiefs and their flock.
    Today, the same Taabu has again attacked Uhuru whose only crime is to give IDP's resettlement land. Uhuru is also a Kikuyu who has presidential ambitions.

    In as much as one would want to believe its a coincidence, the trend of Kumekucha listings suggests that its sole purpose is to demonise Kikuyu's and everyone associated with them. Its even sad that people who looked learned like Mwarang'ethe have been sucked into this circus.

    Why not rename KK to Kikuyu Killers??

  9. mwareng'ethe
    we moderns have defined freedom in individualistic terms, as the personal freedom to "do as we like" without limit or check.

    first of all, let's get one issue straightened out here, namely, the creator of the universe is not a christian nor does the same creator subscribe to any of the so called man-made religions in the name of hocus pocus.

    christianity and other religions are political instruments that were invented to subjugate the ignoramuses through out the ages.

    so keep christianity to yourself and stop shoving it down into other people's throats. the bible is nothing more than a book of fairy tales that has nothing to do with the creator of the universe. correct me if i am wrong in that regard.

    too little too late for people like uhuru. they should be ashamed of of themselves for fence sitting over the last twenty-one months while fellow kenyans wallowed in refugee camps like escaped slaves.

    uhuru operates on the basis of expediency, and not principle. his vote induced political gesture will not win him the colonial static house come 2012.

    while handing over grabbed land back to a select few will not solve the resettlement issues in the country at all. the ill informed move will only cause more land skirmishes between the new scomers and the old time squatters.

    by the way, robin hood gave back to the poor the loot he had taken from the greedy elite as soon as it became available. i wonder why one uhuru kenyatta has waited for the last twenty or thirty years in order to return the people's land that had been first looted by the colonial settlers, then later grabbed by his father and the infamous post-colonial company of elite political thugs?

  10. anon 7:51

    After getting a little mzungu education, you feel so knowledgeable dismissing everything with a simple hand gesture.
    well, pride comes before a fall and i bet soon you will know there is God. About Uhuru, i guess you fight him since he is Kikuyu doing the right thing.Raila, Mudavadi, Ntimama and other of your non kikuyu leaders who hold illegaly acquired large tracts of land that they have been selling to Orengo are the saints while Uhuru is the demon. How poetic!!!

  11. Nobody and I mean nobody who lives and works in Kenya,employed or in business is not a thief.The mentality here is to cut many corners and get rich as soon as you land that job or that contract.For those who throw brickbats at others coz they are public figures,ask yourself,what is it that you do on a day to day basis and how clean are you?We start with you Taabu.

  12. "...people who looked learned like Mwarang'ethe..."

    The operative word here is LOOK.
    There is nothing learned about someone who has no capacity to synthesize and apply ideas besides just simply quoting, regurgitating, cutting-paste and so on. So yes, Mwarang'ethe certainly LOOKS like it. But many with eyes can see through his facade. The quack is well placed in KK.

  13. Why doesn't he give the rest of the 800,000+ acres that his thieving fraud of a dictator father Jomo "Mwizi" Kenyatta stole from the Kenyan taxpayer when the wakoloni paid millions to resettle landless Kenyans?

    Seeing these ignorant, goofy, toothless and brown teeth smiling Kikuyu buffons smiling as Uhuru "awarded" them stolen land as if they had made it into the doors of heaven, made me conclude that some Kikuyus are hands down the dumbest pieces of s*#t ever created on this planet earth.

  14. Taabu, what part of:

    ".... which the government is reported to have bought from the former First Family."

    did you not understand?

    Uhuru Kenyatta DID NOT re-settle the IDPs, the Kenya Shilling did. The shameless son of a former grabber was merely living up to character - extracting political mileage from ignorant folk ... like you.

  15. "Seeing these ignorant, goofy, toothless and brown teeth smiling Kikuyu buffons smiling as Uhuru "awarded" them stolen land as if they had made it into the doors of heaven, made me conclude that some Kikuyus are hands down the dumbest pieces of s*#t ever created on this planet earth."


  16. as expected, the poor innocent kikuyu's who were raped, their properties looted and their land stolen in dec 2007 are the laughing stock in Kumekucha. the victims of hatred are still getting more insults
    and guess what, we have not yet broken any house rules so insults directed to kikuyus can continue;

    Here are the house rules
    'Any post/s breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, out of topic, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.

  17. Anonymous wrote

    Seeing these ignorant, goofy, toothless and brown teeth smiling Kikuyu buffons smiling as Uhuru "awarded" them stolen land as if they had made it into the doors of heaven, made me conclude that some Kikuyus are hands down the dumbest pieces of s*#t ever created on this planet earth.

    Our comment:

    Let us not make the mistake of blaming the poor Kikuyus (ahoi) for there are victims in this tragedy. After all, an empty sack cannot stand.

  18. Kenyans have now bought this land twice.

    The tax payer paid the white settlers to vacate. Yes, they did. But Kenyatta grabbed the land. The Kenyans finished paying back the loan to the Bank of England in 1983.

    Now, Orengo has paid Uhuru billions to re-acquire the public land which his father stole.

    The land should have been allocated to the IDPs without giving Uhuru a single cent. You see how he is smiling falsely, cheating these people that he has donated the land.

    We want transparency. How much did he get, Mr. Orengo.

  19. "Why doesn't he give the rest of the 800,000+ acres that his thieving fraud of a dictator father Jomo "Mwizi" Kenyatta stole from the Kenyan taxpayer when the wakoloni paid millions to resettle landless Kenyans?"

    Foul-mouthed idiot (i.e. anon 1:07am) who fails to comprehend what Orengo is up to.
    A mind is a terrible thing to waste even if its not your own...I imagine.

  20. Uhuru the most popular gay man in gay circles. the IDP's chould be wary of their sons following in his example.

  21. anon 8:48 pm

    we moderns - call us "greedy kenyans" if you will - have defined and continue to define political freedom in individualistic and ethnic terms, as the personal freedom to "DO AS WE LIKE" ("our time to eat") without LIMIT or CHECK.

    my previous comments had nothing to do with the after effects of "getting a little mzungu (colonial) education" nor do i "feel so knowledgeable dimissing everything with a simple 'hand'gesture."

    i do agree with you on one issue, which is "pride comes before the fall" so does ignorance lead to a very destructive existence.


    without side stepping the endemic land issues that plague the kenyan society, let me clarify one of the reasons why i don't subscribe to the christian god as taught, preached and delivered by the imperial missionaries of old.

    i am very much aware of the fact that there is a CREATOR who made the universe, including the PLANET EARTH that we humans call home while we are still alive.

    however i don't not believe nor acknowledge the man-made christian god as well as subscribe to the organized religions and man-made (authored)religious literature that people of the christian faith love to refer to as the "bible" aka "word of god".

    it's the way i see it and my god is not your god or may not be your the kind of god you belief, which is just fine with me.

    it's my opinion that the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE can never be contained nor confined to some piece of historical literature that has been handed down over the last several years.

    let's never forget to keep in mind (one undeniable truth) which is, the CREATOR of UNIVERSE has been around for more than a TRILLION years before catholicism, christianity, islam, confucianism, buddism or even the egyptian and babylonian national religions were developed (crafted) for various reasons.

    so, continue to hold onto your religious beliefs and don't ever feel threatened or offended by others who may hold different views of the CREATOR than you do as per your faith belief system.

    get back to the issue of how huge tracks of LAND(S) that were GRABBED in the early-mid 1960s are now being RESOLD back to the kenyan government by certain individuals who are claiming that "it's the right thing to do" by "freely giving back to the community" that most deserves it.

    what happens to the other 25,000 other kenyans who will be evicted in order to resettle the victims of pev?

    imagine an angry militia of 25,000 landless people. they will cause untold mayhem than mungiki,the rv warriors and paramilitary police combined in 2012.

  22. thieving uk should return all the land and monies his parent stole from hungry kenyans, his stupid gesture of generousity is deception at best.

  23. Jomo "Mwizi" Kenyatta and the rest of his thieving family are now masquerading as "saviors" to these ignorant wretched Kikuyus in the Rift sad.

    Don't these grinning buffoons showing their bad stained teeth realise that they are not getting any land for free? I guess not. Most of these smiling, goofy, toothless Kikuyus are probably too dumb to realise that the Kenyattas stole the land that was meant to resettle them way back in 1963!

    Now almost fifty years later a thief and his family gives you back what was yours in the first place and being the ignorant, dumb, low IQ Kyuk that you are you show to the cameras your rotting, gap toothed goofy bad haliatosis grin as if you have just won the Lotto Jackpot!

    Ignorant retards deserve their useless hero ati Uhuru "Mutongoria" Mwizi Kenyatta.

    *Ret us plaise mbe to the gleat reader of the House of Mubi!!

  24. Anonymous wrote:

    i am very much aware of the fact that there is a CREATOR who made the universe, including the PLANET EARTH that we humans call home while we are still alive.

    however i don't not believe nor acknowledge the man-made christian god as well as subscribe to the organized religions and man-made (authored)religious literature that people of the christian faith love to refer to as the "bible" aka "word of god".

    Our view:

    As long as we agree there is the Creator who owns this earth which we find when we are born and leave when we die, we see nothing to argue about.

    As concerns christians, there is much we can say, but, we chose not to say much for now. All we can ask is, for those who call themselves christians and carry Bibles every sunday and sabbath is:

    - Where do they stand on the question of usury or the so called interest for money?

    - Where do they stand on matters of land and therefore on the question of equality of human beings?

    They are silent. One must wonder, why this silence and the Bible they carry is crystal clear on these things?

  25. I am confused and baffled here good people of Kenya. Is there a case on conflict of interest in this deal?. Kenyatta family sales land to the GK to rest IDPs. I will not bother with how Kenyatta family got the land.

    One Uhuru Kenyatta is the defacto leader of the Kenyatta family. This same man Uhuru Kenyatta is the Minister for finace of the gova of Kenya. Question? Who represented the Kenyatta family and who represent the GOK? If treasury which Uhuru is the boss of is paying Uhuru Kenyatta for land. Ain't there conflict of interest here?

    I think so I don't know about you, but I smell a fat RAT in this case.

  26. here is a new blog for youth committed to seriously change the rules of kenyan politics in 2012.

    All these people currently in parliament are useless, you know it, I know it, so what shall we do? Welcome to the blog below and lets start serious talk. This blog can be a script for the grassroots movement to force change. Its open to all members of kabilavijana wa kenya!

  27. @1:35 PM, thank you for stating the rational fact.

    Folks, there is a serious conflict of interest here, but that said, it will not make an iota of difference to many including these goofy, low IQ looking Kikuyus shown in the pictures above who would prove incapable of spelling the word "CAT" even if you spotted them two letters C and A.

    Listen here folks, the problem here is an absence of ethics. We are dealing here with a group of people (not all Kyuks are bad), that do not subscribe to the most basic ethos of a civilised society or the morals thereof. That is what is at play here folks.

    UHuru, his late thieving father, Jomo "Mwizi" Kenyatta know absolutely nothing about morality. They are both thieves, murderers (killing Pio Gama Pinto, JM, Mboya, etc) and supporters of anachronistic nihilist sects (Mungiki), etc.

    So, when you ask these depraved, amoral types to think about notions such as conflict of interests, it is the equivalent of teaching abstract math to a baboon; they have no understanding of ethics, folks.

    Anyways, I hope some brave soul like Khalwale brings this issue up in Parliament.

    Useless thieving low IQ bas$#*rds.

  28. Let not be fulled.How did the Kenyatta family acquire more than half of central province.Where shrewd business men or scoundrels who grabbed what ever was on their cite.If Uhuru resettled IDP's , he would be surrendering what was not his to begin with.

  29. aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    wise man kenyatta wrote in facing mount kenya that, "the colonialists gave us the bible and took our land" or "our land was taken while we were still busy praying."

    so, when or how did kenyatta and his henchmen trick the rest of the country into giving up the land that had been surrendered by the settlers?

    is that one of the reasons why kenyatta used to shout "harambee! tovute kwa pamoja, while i pull prime land away from your reach."

  30. To paraphrase Berlusconi, luos are more beautiful than intelligent.

    And christianity is the dumbest religion on earth. Human like creatures have lived on earth for about 5 million years and yet christards (sorry, christians) want us to believe that we can only have "eternal life" by believing (whatever that means) in a palestinian who came to earth about 2,000 years ago. is their eternal life for the guy who lived here on earth about 5 million years ago? of course there is no eternal life, unless this just means indestructability of matter.

  31. Kikuyu phobics like Taabu and Okello have had two years to wank at the sight of hundreds of suffering kikuyus living in misery in tents in the open.

    Somehow, it comforts them from the agony of losing the 2007 election

    Let the poor people get some rest now. Go find something else to turn you on. Like a woman..

  32. The reason the IDPs are there in the first place is the land grabbing on 'whole provinces' by a few...jut sdrive around Nakuru to see...

  33. Seeing these ignorant, goofy, toothless and brown teeth smiling Kikuyu buffons smiling as Uhuru "awarded" them stolen land as if they had made it into the doors of heaven, made me conclude that some Kikuyus are hands down the dumbest pieces of s*#t ever created on this planet earth.

    10/20/09 1:07 AM

    Seeing those dark skinned Gorillas from Kibera being paid 5 bob to heckle and get a beating from Gsu makes me wonder if they are not full of shit.


    Uhuru settles his Kikuyu tribesmen on the land his father Jomo Kenyatta grabbed from the Kalenjin. The future president of Kenya only sees Kikuyu in all is humanitarian acts and yet he wants our votes.

    The future president without authority of Parliament uses our tax money to buy land for his Kikuyu people. What makes him believe that 80% non-Kikuyus have a duty to sweat and make life tolerable for his tribesmen only?

    This man should be taken to porison where he belongs for shamelessly killings after the 2007 post-electons violence, stealing our tax, our land and creating conditions that led to the IDPs. What part did he take in the meeting at State House that saw the butchering of non-Kikuyu at Naivasha and Nakuru? The man belongs to prison. Period!


    Uhuru settles his Kikuyu tribesmen on the land his father Jomo Kenyatta grabbed from the Kalenjin. The future president of Kenya only sees Kikuyu in all is humanitarian acts and yet he wants our votes.

    The future president without authority of Parliament uses our tax money to buy land for his Kikuyu people. What makes him believe that 80% non-Kikuyus have a duty to sweat and make life tolerable for his tribesmen only?

    This man should be taken to porison where he belongs for shamelessly killings after the 2007 post-electons violence, stealing our tax, our land and creating conditions that led to the IDPs. What part did he take in the meeting at State House that saw the butchering of non-Kikuyu at Naivasha and Nakuru? The man belongs to prison. Period!


    Uhuru settles his Kikuyu tribesmen on the land his father Jomo Kenyatta grabbed from the Kalenjin. The future president of Kenya only sees Kikuyu in all is humanitarian acts and yet he wants our votes.

    The future president without authority of Parliament uses our tax money to buy land for his Kikuyu people. What makes him believe that 80% non-Kikuyus have a duty to sweat and make life tolerable for his tribesmen only?

    This man should be taken to porison where he belongs for shamelessly killings after the 2007 post-electons violence, stealing our tax, our land and creating conditions that led to the IDPs. What part did he take in the meeting at State House that saw the butchering of non-Kikuyu at Naivasha and Nakuru? The man belongs to prison. Period!


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.