Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, October 23, 2009

KCSE Exam Cheating Reflects Rotten Values

Our filthy national fabric is being aired for all to see and marvel at. Past students who scored As and waiting to join campus are being hired to RESIT exams so as to boost schools’ profiles. The single fraudulent objective being to attract more money from gullible parents. But who is fooling whom here? No prizes for guessing.

Granted, the cheating may not be that widespread but only concentrated in the usual pockets of regions. And there lies the crux of the matter, why would a parent or guardian sent a student to mark time in school for a whole four years with the singular objective of buying his/her way to SUCCESS? This evil ritual is so annoying and demoralizing to the majority hard-working students.

And as they say a society is its own mirror. Honesty and integrity are virtues for the less industrious who sweat for their food. Why soil your fingers if a shortcut is available at the right price? We are our won worse enemies when we cheer thieves and murders as they lead us to the next available cliff.

The KCSE exam fiasco is another reminder of our rotten values. The same parents complaining about corruption will be the first ones to troop to the schools enrolling past candidates in search of admission. And here we are admonishing abstract impunity while watering the fruits of eternal self-destruction. OLE WETU.

Forget about a new constitution all we need is a NATIONAL REBIRTH OF BASIC VALUES. Generally what we consider success is nothing but primitively accumulated wealth by few individuals at our collective expense. And what is more, they have rented our mouths at no fee.

Most of Kenya’s maladies are self inflicted. Just look at the limping economy, predictable floods and at the top IDPs. Until we have a honest look at our national conscience and mend our ways, all the lofty talk about DELUSION 2030 amounts to nothing but baying at the moon.


  1. Taabu said;

    Most of Kenya’s maladies are self inflicted. Just look at the limping economy, predictable floods and at the top IDPs. Until we have a honest look at our national conscience and mend our ways, all the lofty talk about DELUSION 2030 amounts to nothing but baying at the moon.

    We suggest you take a deep look at the mirror. When you stand on the pedestal of preaching values you had better at the same token drink from the same values. Those who have been in KK for long know how you have been conveniently manipulating truth and how your selective criticism has painted chronic ODM thieves as heros due to your tribalistic tendencies. I agree you have offered your mouth and writing skills at no fee.
    Finally, while many like you continue to bury their heads in the sand when injustices are committed simply due to their political orientations, you do not expect the fruits of your groins to be any honest. An orange tree will never bring forth mangoes and thats what you are advocating.

    Will you delete this now that i do not agree with you?

  2. Thank you Taabu. This is the best post I have ever read from you.

    At least you realize that killing people is as rotten as stealing elections

  3. Ok, here's something more interesting. Can someone please explain to me why Raila and his brother Oburu have their head offices located at the Treasury where all the scandals seem to be cooked?

  4. You are a product of the same rotten values because you benefited from undeserved scholarship simply because you were a Kalenjin and Moi was in power.

  5. moi made a great mistake by failing to change the national exam system at the time he did away with the 7-4-2-3 and replaced it with the 8-4-4.

    the lives of kenya's future leaders can not be determined by one exam.

    i have ran into many people who have never recovered from the blows dealt them by the so called kenya bla bla bla exams.

    i wonder why we are still enslaved to the ancient exam system in 2009?

  6. I have only 1 question.if a certain number of known students in a school were caught cheating in the kcse exam.y do the honest ones have to suffer because of them by having papers under marked.THIS IS NOT JUSTICE.DEAL WITH THOSE WHO CHEAT


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