Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kenya Must Opt Out of ICC's Death Trap

Desperate time calls for desperate measures and for Kenya that time is NOW. With IDPs being forced from the camps into hostile localities, we need HEALING in all forms and shape. And the starting point must be the cabinet to lead by example in renouncing Kenya's signature to the Rome statute enjoining us to ICC.

Ocampo and his brigade have generated more heat than light. His noise together with lectures from Annan have detracted our diligent ministers from their core duties. We cannot afford to have the two key ministries of Finance and Agriculture suffer as their holders look over their shoulders shopping for international lawyers at our collective national expense.

Kenya is for Kenyans and only we can save our country from stewing in her own blood. What is more, we are blessed with a REFORMIST president who will spare no effort to shame doomsayers.

We are in dire need of reconciliation and healing. The suicidal ICC's milestone around our collective neck is one catastrophic baggage we can safely do without. Kibaki must lead by example and from in front in signing Kenya out out of the ICC statute.

The loudmouthed and ever-patronizing US opted out of ICC, so why not Kenya? Their moral balloon is busted and we must be left to chat our own peaceful and unique destiny as we match towards vision 2030. Down with ICC and Ocampo




    Read this story which Taabu and chris do not have the balls to touch since its going to hurt their pay masters. where is mwarangethe and his land policies to tell us what a beautiful job orengo is doing paying his brothers who are land thieves in the pretext of helping peasants.
    I heard also that Raila wants to sell the malindi land that he grabbed.

    The story;
    The Lands Ministry has been criticised for buying grabbed or illegally acquired land contrary to recommendations of a commission of inquiry into irregular allocations.

  2. The haki yetu crusaders have come back to take even the little the public calls their own. Am sure this one will be hushed up since the saga involves luo nyanza cartel.
    Did i hear Orengo should resign??
    Of course not. He is no Kikuyu and we can always look the other side since IT IS TIME FOR JALUOS TO EAT.

    ODM=Reforms...did i say reforms of loose pockets to stuffed pockets from public coffers.

  3. Well, seems Taabu is busy muzzling contributions that do not massage his old ego.

    what happened to freedom of expression in kk??

  4. Did you hear that so called hotshot lawyer Orengo,trying to reason how crimes that were commited during PEV couldnt be tried unless the constitution(yes that old one than now looks like patchwork)is AGAIN tampered with.Never mind that in almost 2 years,this guy has never brought any tangible change to the way things have always been done at the lands ministry and has probably only gotten richer.Those are your reformers,they fought so hard to be in the cabinet so its only fair they eat.

  5. Taabu,

    Reverse psychology will not get rid of impunity. It is direct confrotation that will. I know how you wish things would move quicly towards ICC. rest assured, it will. Kenya is in too deep, and has reached a point of no return.

  6. we ngoja tu .................this tyme no ambush plan kaa watu wame kaa kimalamala...raundii si mchezooo.........KANUKE

  7. justice is part of a healing process....what will u do when someone kill ur family?....u tell ur self its time for healing?!?!?!, of course u want justice..there is no healing without justice.

  8. am not suprised that Orenga and co. have started grabbing land.

    I once believed in ODM as a party that would bring change. I was among the 13,000 kikuyus in Central who voted for Raila and ODM.

    then came the ethnic cleansing and Kabila adui talk. The church went up in flames with little defenceless kids being hurled into the fire. Raila went on BBC to describe the killings as good fr freedom and democracy before and incredulous bbc reporter

    Now I know. Its about eating. Its about greed. And since its a contest of two pigs. It might as well be my pig that has its head in the snout.

    I will always vote for my tribe, f***k democracy. Thats for suckers.

  9. "Luis Moreno Ocampo, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, confirmed that his office is looking into the murders committed in Guinea, where government security forces fired on an opposition rally in Conakry (the capital of Guinea) and killed more than 150 people on September 28, 2009. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, characterized the events of that day as a “blood bath.”
    Guinea is a State Party to the Rome Statute which established the International Criminal Court. “As such the ICC has jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide possibly committed in the territory of Guinea or by nationals of Guinea, including killings of civilians and sexual violence,” the Court stated in a press release.
    Other situations under preliminary examination by the ICC Prosecutor include:

    * Afghanistan
    * Colombia
    * Côte d’Ivoire
    * Georgia
    * Kenya, and
    * Palestine.
    Formal investigations are underway in four situations:

    * the Central African Republic (CAR);
    * the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC);
    * Uganda; and
    * the Darfur region of Sudan.

    A press conference will be held on Friday at the ICC on the confirmation of charges in the case against Bahr Idriss Abu Garda, who voluntarily surrended to the International Criminal Court in May relating to war crimes allegedly committed in Sudan in September 2007 against the African Union Mission in Sudan."

  10. Anonymous wrote that:

    Read this story which Taabu and chris do not have the balls to touch since its going to hurt their pay masters. where is mwarangethe and his land policies to tell us what a beautiful job orengo is doing paying his brothers who are land thieves in the pretext of helping peasants.

    Our response:

    We have stated many times here that, there is exists NO KNOWN LEGAL MECHANISM/S for taking land that has been allocated by the Kenyan President or the Commissione of Land.

    If you question Moi's allocation, then, you must question Kenyatta's and the Colonial Government as well. Thats a recipe for chaos. Or, where do you propose we hav a cut off and why?

    That is how it is and it shall be. It in the same spirit we have argued that Ndung'u being a lawyer knows this or should know. We have also stated that he recommended this just to keep Kenyans yapping over nothing. Thus, if you admire Mugabe "land reforms" go ahead and implement so called Ndung'u report.

    Having said that, we repeat what we stated. What we need is Land Value Taxation (LVT). And, to have this, we need to:

    (a) change land law, and
    (b) we would recommend CONSTITUTIONALISATION OF LAND RIGHTS to all Kenyans via LVT.


    "In an interview on the BBC's Hardtalk, Raila Odinga said, "the father … the catholic father who is in charge has given an explanation and the explanation is that these people who were attacking people from another community were being chased and when they were being chased they went to take refuge in a church and the pursuers then pursued them to the church … they did not know that in the church were children which were being kept there as refugees so in the process of cause they set the church on fire…"

    Click on image to watch video

    Raila goes on to say that his is not a defense of the massacre but his statement is doing just that. His statement that, "they (the Kalenjin militia) did not know that in the church were children which were being kept there as refugees so in the process of cause they set the church on fire" shows how hard Raila is working to take blame from the militia and allocate it to the victims.

    Raila Odinga did not offer us the name of the 'CATHOLIC FATHER' who gave him that story. The facts are that the massacre was executed in an Assemblies of God church and there was not catholic father in charge of the church. Raila's lies show how far he can go to fabricate a story to justify the massacre of innocent women, children and disabled citizens who were taking refuge in the church.

    The murderers who spoke to the press said,

    "The men and women had babies and small children, but they carried pangas to defend themselves. Is someone with a panga innocent? It is not our custom to kill women and children. We told them to come out of the church, but they locked the door and refused to come out. So we burned them."

    A third youth spoke. "They were not worshipping in the church. They were hiding. That makes it a cave not a church. Let Kibaki send a plane for the Kikuyus. They can go ... or they will be killed."

    Several more men confirmed that youths from this village had helped carry out the attack.

    Source: The Guardian, Jan 2, 2008

    Similar reports as above have been filed by several media houses. Contrary to what Raila said, the murderers knew that there were women and children in the church. I am sure they heard cries of little children as the fires raged.

    "As she climbed through the window, the attackers were on the other side - they grabbed her baby and threw it back in. The child died in the inferno," said a BBC correspondent"

  12. Raila on the Eldoret church massacre:

  13. Mwarang'ethe,

    I might have missed your earlier posts (if there were any) dealing with Land Value Tax (LVT). Would you might posting a VERY SHORT summary of the main characteristics of a LVT system. If possible, include some potential drawbacks if applied to Kenya (especially as it relates to the small scale land holder like my father who owns 10 acres in all).

    Thanks in advance.

  14. Anonymous said...

    I might have missed your earlier posts (if there were any) dealing with Land Value Tax (LVT). Would you might posting a VERY SHORT summary of the main characteristics of a LVT system. If possible, include some potential drawbacks if applied to Kenya (especially as it relates to the small scale land holder like my father who owns 10 acres in all).

    Our response:

    We dealt with that issue a few months ago. You can go back to old comments and see what we said about rural lands or agri. lands. You are not sincere just like the pharisees.

    How can their be drawbacks when we take UNEARNED INCOME from those few who privatise them (LAND RENTS which are created by the whole community) to fund the state and thereby reduce the burden on EARNED INCOME by those who create wealth?

  15. Mwarang'ethe,

    You haven't been helpful by cynically calling me a pharisee for asking for help from you. I am disappointed. Also, I would imagine that any system (unless crafted in heaven) would have some drawbacks. How do you expect us to adopt the LTV system without any serious balancing between its advantages and its drawbacks? That system may have worked in a far off land where we may never set foot like you, but for it to be accepted here in Kenya, you must, as its advocate, be prepared to deal with your imaginary "pharisees."

  16. Anonymous:

    How do you expect us to adopt the LTV system without any serious balancing between its advantages and its drawbacks?

    Our response:

    There is something called being clever and not being smart. Thats what you are.

    The only drawback we are aware of is that the rich idle will be forced to do an honest job like Wanjiku.

    If you know another one, assuming your education was not about learning how to read signs and adverts you can read further and educate us.

    If you want, and assuming again your education was not about choosing between a and b, and which must be correctly put, we can give you a comprehensice reading list for you and make your own judgment.

  17. Its every man for himself now. 2012 we put Uhuru in staehouse or atleast kalonzo.

    They can start the spontaneous mass actions then. This time tuko tayari. The idp camps will have many tribes roundi hii sio kabila moja tu.

    kwanza this Nairobi, watakuwa wanaiona kwa gazeti

  18. Stop threatening us. Kwani how many are Kikuyus compared to the rest of Kenyans and what is their territory?

    Why do you think its only Kikuyus who ended up in IDP camps? If you want ujinga from the rest of us you shall get it. We are not cowards.

  19. Anon 2:57 am:
    Very GOOD points, really. Unfortunately, Mwarangethe has little or no capacity to address your questions. The only thing he knows is to regurgigate from old (and dead) white men's writings with little thought to practical applicability. But that's not a sin in itself if you agree with me that the gift of critical thinking is poorly distributed across society.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Anon 2:57 am:

    Very GOOD points, really. Unfortunately, Mwarangethe has little or no capacity to address your questions. The only thing he knows is to regurgigate from old (and dead) white men's writings with little thought to practical applicability. But that's not a sin in itself if you agree with me that the gift of critical thinking is poorly distributed across society.

    Our response:

    If you read the Good Book you will find these words.

    "Why are you testing me, hypocrites?

    It is also written:

    "You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel."

  21. Anonymous said...
    Anon 2:57 am:

    Very GOOD points, really. Unfortunately, Mwarangethe has little or no capacity to address your questions. The only thing he knows is to regurgigate from old (and dead) white men's writings with little thought to practical applicability. But that's not a sin in itself if you agree with me that the gift of critical thinking is poorly distributed across society.

    Our response:

    Let us now take your challenge. We shall expose your utter ignorance of basic philosophical ideas about land as a social institution to the readers of this blog.

    More so, we shall expose to you that dead white men are ruling you without your knowledge for your reference is ignorance.

    Let the debate begin this way. The classical economists had three factors of production. These are:

    (a) Land,
    (b) Capital, and
    (c) labour.

    Today, in the USA, UK, Kenya, we have data and institutions which can enable us to talk intelligently about:

    (a) Labour market, and
    (b) capital markets.

    However, when it comes to land market, there is loud silence.

    When did this silence about land by economists begin? and why?

  22. Mwarangethe:
    A very straightforward question, which, despite all your self-professed intelligence and knowledge you have FAILED to answer.
    Kwenda kabisa, you quack!

  23. Yet another SILLY (kind characterization) question by Mwarangethe:

    "When did this silence about land by economists begin? and why?"

    Which economists? Land markets have been WIDELY studied and documented by economists, you idiot. Ever heard of google scholar? Use it! Your shallowness is beyond reproach.

  24. Anonymous wrote

    Which economists? Land markets have been WIDELY studied and documented by economists, you idiot. Ever heard of google scholar? Use it! Your shallowness is beyond reproach.

    Our response:

    We noted that we shall expose your utter ignorance to the readers of this blog. Your response says all about your ignorance. No wonder one great economist wrote that:

    "Neoclassical economics is the idiom of most economic discourse today. It is the paradigm that BENDS THE TWIGS OF YOUNG MINDS. Then it confines the fluorescence of older ones, like chicken-wire shaping a topiary."

    Given this level of ignorance on land question, it is utterly impossible to argue with you further for you need to do a bit of home work.

    And, if you wanna educate yourself (and any other blog reader) on how land dissapeared from economics, read the following books:

    (a)The Corruption of Economics by Mason Gaffney et al.

    (b) The Power in the Land: Unemployment, The Profits Crisis and the Land Speculator by Fred Harrison.

    That should give you the introductory knowledge which you seem to lack but, you are too proud to admit.

    Further more, let every reader of this blog, read the warning given to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in 1997, i.e. 10 years before the 2007economic crush and see for himself or herself how land has been ignored by "mainstream" economists who dominated government, banks and universities and which u seem to be totally ignorant.

    The UK economists, whose minds have been twisted as said above, rejected these warnings our of ignorance just as you do here and today you hear economists in central banks, government and even the Queen asking, how come no one saw this coming?

    Well, the bitter truth is that, some saw it coming and here is the link for the correspondence:


    Does Prof Luis Moreno Ocampo know that Hotel Windsor belongs to one John Michuki? Does he know what role Michuki played in the 2007 post elections violence? Who gave orders to shoot-to-kill if it was not the then minister of internal security, one John Michuki?

    Does he know what role Mutula Kilonzo played on the 30th December 2007? He leads him to Nairobi National Park and Hotel Windsor may be to compromise him. I do not know what transpired since I am one of those people Sir Charles Njonjo used to call ''insignificant people''.

    Kenyans never expected that the great prosecutor could have dined with the very people he should be arresting for The Hague.


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