Thursday, October 08, 2009

All is Fine, We’ll Sort Ourselves Out Come 2012

It is harvesting season in the Rift and the peace valley is awash with cash from wheat and maize. But also doing roaring business are gun dealers with the buyers having their eyes singularly trained on the trophy year 2012. The issue is too hot for our local media lest they invite EXECUTIVE RAIDS.

Forget the 2007 preface with matches, bows and arrows, this time round it will be heads and bodies stopping bullets. Faint hearted will speedily brand this sensational but the truth remains TIMELESS and its legacy last forever. You can choose to permute our national pastime of deceit and bury your head deep in the sand oblivious of the impeding Armageddon.

The warlords of 2012 massacres remain free men roaming our streets. What is more, we are dutifully paying their hefty salaries from our tax. Make no mistake, these kings know too well how high the stakes have risen.

But trust AIRHEADS to trash the truth with serial juvenile attempts to reduce and denigrate what they hate to read and hear. Well, let such heads enjoy the warmth of the sand oblivious of the inevitable explosion facing their exposed backsides.

Denial paradise
We owe the Daily Nation plenty of thanks for BUGGING Harambee House to reveal what transpired between Annan, Kibaki and Raila. Surely, we have taken rumour-mongering to new national levels. And we are not talking about some yellow A4 tabloid but this is is coming from the most circulated newspaper in East and Central Africa.

Annan’s diagnosis as lack of political confidence is an understatement at best and recapitulation at worst. Otherwise you fail to explain how a boss can complain that his subordinates are standing in the way of reforms and he in return only promises to slap them on the wrist aka TAMING them.

The truth is nothing has changed and the objectives behind last poll’s fiasco remain very much the same. You don’t subject yourself to international ridicule only to turn around and surrender to the pressure from the same quarters. Unless you are a permanent resident of DENIAL PARADISE, like many faceless apologists here.

The political will died before 2005 referendum and is yet to resurrect. Forget about the lofty and academic three-tier approach being peddled in the face of obtuse impunity.

We are collectively living the beautiful national lie. In the meantime communities are arming to sort themselves once and for all in about 25 months from now. We haven't seen anything yet.


  1. Kofi Annan has failed!

    He swallowed the f........ sh........t from Raila and Kifaki

    The truth is, the reality awaiting Kenya, 2012. He cant hanle it.Kenya iko na Wenyewe.

    Do I say more?

    Raila and Kifaki fear Ruto- ati "reconcilliation". Ruto's lines.

    Kifaki has already asked his Jimmy to work with Ruto.
    Listen to this "Ruto will work with the president to bring about reconciliation.................

    I don't support Ruto, but the facts are that every decision being made revolves around him.

    Why?- without Ruto, can I say ther is no no Kenya. Thats the fact.
    Majority in Kenya are the Youth and from "poor" background. They worship his "courage". and fearlessnessthat worked on MOI.

    Thats why Ruto surpasses all politicians in Kenya today, including Kifaki, Moi and Raila.

    HE'S JUST TOO POWERFUL- Perception more powerful on the ground!

    Roto"............dare ignore this dude.

    Kenyans, PRAY and HARD at that

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  2. My advice to kenyans.

    But a weapon. Do not wait to be a sitting duck of the Mungiki or the Warriors.

    Luos, wake up and exchange your stones/rhetoric with Uzi's.

    Kaleos, stongly resist the "disarming North Rift home-guards" effort. The Mungiki are arming.

    He who has ears, let him listen.

  3. Making of a Kumekucha Taabu Miingi

    1. Screen the local dailies for anti-PNU type of news.
    Note; Standard will give you hits quickly
    2. Copy paste the story ready for editing.
    3. Add whining words, sarcasm, insults.
    4. Copy paste key words like Fraud, Theft, Kibaki, Deception, Denial etc
    from the file Word Power on Taabu's old PC desktop.
    5. Close the recycled story with catching words like DULY elected, Mta do, kenya ina wenyewe, National lie etc!!
    6. Save the changes.
    7. Log into Kumekucha and open post a story page. Copy paste the refurbished story to Kumekucha..aka 'You Missed This'
    8. Send an email to the paymasters informing them as always you are earning
    your monthly wages.
    9. Keep a minute by minute watch on the responses quickly deleting those that smoke
    out your hypocricy.
    10. Log off and increase comment load by posting as anon openly insulting objective comments
    pointing at your bias.
    11. Cheer other flower girls like Phil and Mwarangethe as they drum support for your
    once again 'ingenious effort'

    Kumekucha Prefect

  4. Kumekucha Prefect

    10/7/09 5:09 PM

    are you saying Kumekucha is a Kibaki PNU mouth piece? and he is paid for keeping PNU stories positive on here??

  5. peace is always preferable to violence

    peace begets peace

    us kenyans are never happy; each successive system is worse than the previous system....

  6. There is no way ruto and uhuru can be handed to icc. Let us stop fantasising. There will be no trials.

  7. yess reality hits u hard u cannot be pigaing peoples all the time any time ...92, 97,2002,2007...........and HELL NO 2012..THIS TYME bAZOOKAS DRONES KILA KITU...TUTAKUNYIA CHAI KERICHO. we shall know who the real warriors are...we fought the mzungus...sasa small blak round heads ni kitu gani...AMBIA Kapkorios...riftvalley na central pia iko na wanaume. kanuke 2012

  8. Anonymous wrote that:

    THIS TYME bAZOOKAS DRONES KILA KITU...TUTAKUNYIA CHAI KERICHO. we shall know who the real warriors are...we fought the mzungus...sasa small blak round heads ni kitu gani...AMBIA Kapkorios...riftvalley na central pia iko na wanaume. kanuke 2012

    Our comment:

    If we remember history properly, the Nandi people or the "blak heads" as you call them fought Mzungu between 1890 - 1906.

  9. Mr. Annan should wake up and smell the coffee ...

    By talking to some people in "authority" about the rearming along ethnic lines and not the actual people concerned like the BBC did - he has finally proven that just like Rwanda, he has learn't nothing about averting conflict.

    Calling the issue as sections of "criminality" was at the very least insulting to the families of PEVs and IDPs who fled their homes in 2008.

  10. Mwarangethe has finally crawed out of his 'WE' cocoon and is now seriously defending criminals who has made hunting down on poor kikuyu's a once every 5 year sport event.
    Like someone mentioned before, he is just an educated moron always quoting some wazungu books until today.

  11. Mwarangethe

    If the the Nandi people fought Mzungu between 1890 - 1906, and the mzungu was kicked out in 1963, we know its Mount Kenya (Kikuyu, Meru, Kamba) who resulted to guerilla welfare aka Mau Mau and smoked out the Wazungu while the Nandis and other cowards like jaluo's were busy slaving for them.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Mwarangethe has finally crawed out of his 'WE' cocoon and is now seriously defending criminals who has made hunting down on poor kikuyu's a once every 5 year sport event.
    Like someone mentioned before, he is just an educated moron always quoting some wazungu books until today.

    Our response:

    Firstly, is it possible to be civil? Why insults?

    Secondly, Mwarang'ethe seeks, and has never defended criminals. The point is simple for any one who is objective. Our point is this. It is well to brag how Gema fought the white man. However, it is useful to remember that even Nandi's did it. Thus, it is a useless point.

  13. Anonymous said...

    If the the Nandi people fought Mzungu between 1890 - 1906, and the mzungu was kicked out in 1963, we know its Mount Kenya (Kikuyu, Meru, Kamba) who resulted to guerilla welfare aka Mau Mau and smoked out the Wazungu while the Nandis and other cowards like jaluo's were busy slaving for them.

    Our response:

    Well, well. It seems that your understanding of Kenyan history is bogus.

    It is equally important to remember that when the Kiambu Kikuyu's were forming "BLOOD BROTHER" relationship with the white man, the Nandi's were fighting the same Mzungu.

    In that case, a Nandi people can as well legitimately argue that while they were fighting Mzungu occupation, the Kikuyus were forming "BLOOD BROTHER" relationship with the same Mzungu. In that case, your arguments are nothing but nonsense.

    Simple, these are not the kinds of arguments we should be having. However, if you think we will shy away, we will not.

  14. To anonymous who do not know the Kenyan history can start here:

    In the Book AFRICA UNDER COLONIAL DOMINATION 1880 - 1935, by A. Adu you will find @ page 73 something like this:

    "That the Nandi resisted the British so long was due to the nature of their society ... This ws the nearest thing to a standing army..."

    As concerns Kikuyus it is written at page 74:

    "This contrasts with the response of other communities in Kenya. In Central Kenya, for instance, each leader or group or clan reacted separately to this foreign intrusion. A typical example was the reaction of Waiyaki among the Gikuyu... At first he sought the friendship of the Imperial British East African Company ... who regarded him as the paramount chielf of all the Gikukyu. He ensured the safe passage of Count Teleki's expedition through southern Gikuyu and entered intoa blood - brotherhood treaty with Fredericj Lugard... After this treaty, Waiyaki allowed Lugard to build a fort on his land."


    Do not come here and purport to teach us things you do not know or you least understand.

  15. There is nothing to fear in 2012. Kikuyus and kaleos will be in the same party. They fought for power and against each other in 2007 but in 2012 they will share power. And kaleos cannot fight for rao again, even if he is rigged out a thounsand times. Whether we (other tribes) like it or not, uhuru and ruto will control kenya after the 2012 election.

  16. We all love the Mwarangethe that is well educated and objective until he gets sucked into Taabu's vitriol and he results to dancing to the 'tunes'. Be objective sir.

  17. I am suprised that Mwarangethe only responded to the comment slighting the Nandi's. It shows where his allegience is. His response was even emotional. The beauty of human nature is that you can pretend for a long time but soon the cveil comes off and the ugliness is exposed. Your veil has come off and the real Mwarangethe has been revealed. Honestly am dissapointed in you.

  18. One kalooser is rooting for a central, eastern and riftvalley alliance that is his contribution to nation building pls pls pls those with guns buy also bullets and use generously on kalooser...we need people who will appeal to all kenyans who want truth, intergrity, unity irrespective of their tribes....lets shoot all tribal allaiance goons like kalooser. The surest way to get a bloodbath is talk like kalooser's about tribal alliances.....that man is evil and a fool

    Sir Alex

  19. I see odmorons like Alex have finally realized who will be kenya's next president.

    Ok now start polishing the kamba epiphets....

  20. Sir Alex,

    We should also shoot the other goon Molasses Raila and his western alliance, don't you think so?.

  21. This is what Kenya needs for the different tribes to respect each other,we must first go to a full scale war.After that those remaining will appreciate the need to live in peace with their neighbours.Even Europe was there in 1918 and 1945.Kwani iko nini,kaumane..!!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    I am suprised that Mwarangethe only responded to the comment slighting the Nandi's. It shows where his allegience is.

    Our response:

    You and others are hell bent on seeing everything from tribal nonsense. Seeking to teach some ignorant people a bit of Kenyan history does not and cannot amount to allegiance.

    If you seem not to understand, what we are saying is that violence will take Kenyans nowhere. Our allegiance lies with poor Kenyans who are the victims and will be victims of war for we know is war not drinking porridge.

    Let us discuss the REAL ISSUES that affect all Kenyans and not these useless illusions of some cowards who think they are Napoleon.

  23. Only an alliance of tribes can make one president in kenya. No one can become president by directly appealing to the people using his personal selling qualities. The person (or dog) who will be placed at the head of the biggest tribal alliance will be president.

    This is so easy to see but people like alex want to pretend it is not so.

  24. It is o.k to state your opinions coz everyone has one but facts will always remain facts.

    The end of the colonial era was a worldwide event and not just specific to Kenya. Even a std 8 school kid will tell you that it was an era when almost 80% of african countries were gaining independence. The British empire was losing its grip on its colonies post WW2 and there was a strong emergence of America and USSR as the world superpowers (Cold war remember). I can mention a couple of other factors including the emergence of a pan africanist movement (Kwame Nkrumah e.t.c).
    It is not the MAU MAU that represented Kenya in the Lancaster house conference but representatives from all sectors (read tribes) of Kenya. Almost every tribe in kenya resisted the British in their advance westwards, but thats a story for another day.
    Tribal wars will always lead us into the abyss. You have Somalia, Sierra leone e.t.c where they started on the pretext of protecting ones own tribe but the warloads eventually turned against their very tribes people.

    Its funny how people here throw around tribal insults and eeeh Bazookas and AK47. Speak to your friends from Rwanda, Congo e.t.c and ask them about war...

  25. Oooh and before i forget...

    It just cracks me up when a member (say Mwarengethe) speakes his mind Objectively it confuses people and they resort into trying to look at his tribal/regional background to
    try and ascertain the origin of his thinking...

    Now thats how Myopic we kenyans have become.

  26. Am so stressed after reading and hearing war drums being beat on this site. I happened to have married across tribes and the thought of evil happening to my loved one is just stressing me. please lets listen to each other's issues and find a common understanding before we make people suffer.

  27. Remember, Rwanda was being governed by the "Government of National Unity" before the break of 1994 Rwanda genocide. The installation of a strongman and lead proxy warrior in the region was meticulously achieved by the choice of Mr. Kagame. In any case, Paul Kagame was very instrumental in the events leading to Rwanda genocide with the help of his western corporate backers. They have continued to heap praises on him in addition to sponsoring his visions for Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The resurrection of the defunct East African Community (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania) to include Rwanda and Burundi is merely a master plan to use Paul Kagame to quell any future uprising in Kenya using "well trained and battle hardened" Rwandese soldiers. Furthermore, there are numerous foreign mercenaries and private security forces employed by these international corporations to take care of their businesses, and there is no region where they work with impunity like Sub-Saharan Africa and other poor Latin America regions. Believe me, they will not allow the disruption of their exports by events similar to the turmoil of the aftermath of 2007 Kenya elections. This time they are ready.
    Africans must not ignore what is happening to the first US President who has an African blood in his vein. This guy was popularly elected. Yet, his popularity is slowly being chipped away by corporations who have distaste for anyone with grass root support!
    There are parallels of what happened in Rwanda with what is happening in Kenya! The common denominator is Kofi Annan! It is difficult to understand why Africans consider this guy, Annan, as some sort of savior! He was the head of UN Peace Keeping forces when those forces were ordered to standby and watch the slaughter of poor Rwandese in 1994. COME ON, WAKE UP!

  28. Taabu, enough already!

    We already know what ails 'us'.

    Please be more thought provoking in what you post as to elicit some intelligible discourse.

    The sarcasm is also played out. Something more interesting please!

  29. Why did these same Kenyan African warriors let the defeated colonial powers retain power over Kenya's land by allowing them to write bogus land laws that have enabled them to hold on to Kenya's land forever? How can you call yourselves warriors when the people you were suppose to have defeated are still calling the shots today? What kind of victory is this when the people you had supposedly defeated are still ordering you around to ravage you own kind for bribes? Why would any real warrior be proud being in bed with the enemy at the expense of protecting his own family?

  30. we all know the person who came up with the western alliance. That person is never wrong and so sir alex and the rest of kavirondo could not criticise it. there is something to be said about the kind of thinking that goes on kule ziwani.

  31. have a feeling some people..namely Kapkorios en co...are very afraid of one RAOD. so theplan is to curtail his ascend to presidency...all the more making him attractive. I dont trust this guy en his family ..afadhali RAOD mara million

  32. kapkorios cares about kenya, that's why.

  33. anon@4:34..said.'Only an alliance of tribes can make one president in kenya...' Really? and we blame our politicians for being foolish and the cause of all our misery now we all know why we are stuck in the mad. For the record Moi ruled kenya with no tribal allience for 24 as usual ur lying and just as you lied to urselves that you could steal an election and get away with it your silly reasoning will only cause blood bath and this time around you may not be so lucky...Are you saying you will vote an idiot into power against a stellar candidate just because he is put at the head of a Tribal allience? We are a hopless nation....the good news is that nobody except a central candidate commands a 'block' vote anymore so tribal alliences are going nowhere.

    Sir Alex

  34. Sir Alex

    I thot this jaluo raila will still fool kalenjins that he will give them freebies once they vote for him. he will tell them to forgive him for hiring his sister, and his brother while those who fought for him were getting fired.

  35. Sir Alex,

    You mean to say that Molasses Raila no longer controls the Luo block vote? Be careful what you go around saying, other Jaluos might misunderstand you and apply on you their "shock and awe" weapons, stones.

  36. Sir alex, you are talking about your wishes - which are fine but REALITY is different. Actually after the reintroduction of multiparty politics, moi ruled through an alliance of kaleos, luhyias and kambas. odm was an alliance of luos, luhyias and kalejins. Remember only 5 tribes matter in kenya: kikuyu, kalenjin, luhyia, luo and kamba. Once their positions are known you can prety well tell the winner in a presidential contest. the odm alliance was weakened by luhyias who also gave pnu votes. I know you you know all that I have said.

  37. Anon 2;14

    The luo block vote as always largely been a result of reaction to prevailing political situations, we all know that Orengo and RAO have not always hang out together, Anyang Nyongo was not always been buddies with RAO even the so called western Allince was in reaction to gema and other alliances that preceeded it. You see One kalooser labled RAO unelectable based on a long standing propaganda that Luos were not to be elected presidents but where to permanetly stay in is the fact this dangerous notions are being spread that causes the Luos or whetever 'other' to also group along the same lines. Orengo and Nyongo realised that some people simply 'conveniently'saw them as luos no matter what they personaly stood for, it took them a while but the eventualy got the point. This is what we are trying to fight, but some people are enjoing their so called tribal superority too much to be objective. In a world where real archivements are hard to come by,its enticing, all you have to do is be born in that particully tribe and your OK even if you have no food and your tribesmen are killing you, you can go to sleep(in your shack) happy cause your not Luo or kalengin this kind of mentality is the greatest hindrance to developement of this country.

    Sir Alex

  38. some people are saying a Kikuyu is unelectable in 2012, mtashangaa.
    just like they said uncircumcised luo is unelectable and he still got votes, a Kikuyu will still win 2012 and kikuyu bashers better start preparing psychologically for this eventuality.

  39. Your wrong sir Moi ruled kenya with a cohort of thugs from every part of kenya,with the likes of Kibaki as his long standing VP. He could get as many votes from central as from nyanza dispite Oginga Odinga and Matiba being in opposition. Rail only joined later when it became clear that 1. Moi wil soon be leaving after his two terms (th law having been chnaged)and 2.The so called opposition was a charade.
    Problem with mo1,is he appealed more to peoples greed and salfisness of belonging to the in crowd than to what we now want being to creat a nation where all who live in it, own it and can peosper. It too a long while for luo nyanza to block vote for RAO. Not many peopel liked hime at the begining.Kenya is not an easy problem to solve but your attitude of simply going with the flow is surely less than desirable you can do better than that.

    Sir Alex

  40. Luke 11:17
    Any country that divides itself into groups which fight each other will not last very long.A family divided against itself falls apart.

  41. some earthlings are always hampered by baggage from their past?

    i wonder how kenyans got to be who they are today? who is responsible for who they are? and how can they change the parts (ethnic destructive forces) of them they don't like?

    guns and what have you will not solve our problems. and while we are busy vying for the necks of the other tribe(s), let's look to our neighbour beyond the northeastern region of kenya and learn from their deadly mistakes since the mid-late 60s.

    while we still at it (procuring guns for protection/attacks in 2012), let's all beware of the fact that 90% of the current kenyan population will be gone (six feet under) by 2059 or 2069.

    i hope some young kenyans (to be born in 2039 & 2049) will remember to question the skulls of all dead kenyans as why to they wasted their little precious lives and golden chances of their struggling poor nation on fighting and slaughtering their neighbours for all the worst tribal reasons in 2012?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa! look at the last tribe standing by 2049! ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!

  42. It amazing that people will celebrate the the arms race in the RV. It vital to note that, regardless of who emerges the victor in the event of civil war, lives will be lost women will be violated the ecnomy ruined and the nation of kenya will have been destroyed. the net loser will be kenyans ie you and me.

    To remove the need for ethnic alliances the constitution should be amended to make it mandatory for the presidential candidate and the PM to garner at least 15% of the vote from every district thus ensuring the "kabla adui" and "kihii" rhetoric is banished forever. No kenyan community will ever be regarded as subordinate or as the enemy to be isolated or killed.

  43. Guys,
    this rhetoric about what is good and what we should do or not do doesn't change the fact that we are a failing and falling state. After all is said and done the inevitable is that we will fight regardless of personal tribal beliefs, religious inclination, social status, economic willpower, party affilliation or democtracti right. it boils down to what we have become, YES, look at how we have turned out to be, land of the have and have nots'. Man eat man society, we against them. We preach wine and drink it too. I personally saw people in the acquisition of arms, well the type being used in somalia, assault rifle, AK-47, rocket propelled grenades (RPG), assault 81 rifle, katusha rocket.
    I know this coz i am a soldier in the 5 KA 66 batallion, trained in israel at the Jaffa training facility. Oh yes, i know you could be shaking your head right now unbeilivebly, but the fact remains. when we recently went for patrols on the riftvalley border post of Lokickang we met hostile myot warioriors (pokot-marakwet combined militia) whose artillery left us with heavy fire and massive loss of life. Their mission to evict toposa-samburu militia group from their territory. Well on our way there we found dozens of trucks ferring large quantities of weaponary to northrift region. we intacepted one and before we knew it an anti- tank rocket was exploding 25 feet away from our convoy. The military is so divided commands are least followed. Weopanary is handed regarding tribe status, just put it that we are heading to the dogs.
    But on the brighter side we might just not kill that many since polarisation is cedeing.
    anyway hope you will be alive to comment by then coz i ain't taking chances either. May you survive to see the next goverment.By the way how can i acqiure a bullet proof vest. The army does not provide this gear.
    Thank you in advance.


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