Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Polygamy: New Marriage Law Targets Kibaki

Cabinet's attemtp to modernize marriage by legalizing polygamy amounts to opening a Pandora box to say the least. The demons crawling from that box would be so scary to imagine leave alone see. Imagine Mary Wambui taking cue from Jane Kanyotu!

The cabinet is at it again, pulling another fast one that will only invite President Kibaki's foul mood. Instead of focusing on weighty issues geared towards feeding the starving nation, here they are brandishing a smokescreen in the name of modern marriage law.

The irony of legalizing come-we-stay and allowing polygamy is a sure recipe for domestic anarchy. While it may sound modern by demanding the rich spouse to support his/her partner, introducing plural matrimony is to wreck havoc in the same homes they intend to protect.

Just imagine if Mary Wambui were to stake a claim due to obvious reasons. The cabinet is upto no good by compounding Kibaki's already RED mood with Uncle Sam by rubbing the raw family feud. With our ministers' propensity to have mistresses in every corner of the country, the courts are destined to be very busy besides official raiding of media houses.


  1. "Imagine that you have opened a new cinema hall in Nairobi. It has 100 seats. Imagine this, since there is "credit crunch" as propaganda wants masses to believe, you PAY some of your employees with gift certificates instead."

    Mwarang'ethe, your's is just but an example, but assume the employees are not interested in taking the " cinema certificates"? Also, who would regulate the issuance of certificates, and their value, if companies were given the nod to issue such?

  2. wewe Taabu,
    stop harassing those who are not EUNUCHS. wacha wale wanataka ku......

  3. thats is so stupid taabu, look something else to write about, we are tired of your not only kibaki who is polygamous...even your father is polygamous go fool other people but not expert like us

  4. Those who take time to comment on Taabu's daily throw-ups are encouraging the naughty old Taabu to continue with his shenanigans. Just ignore the village idiot!

  5. I am not happy with the leaders who are reducing ODM into a Luo thingamajig. I mean look at Ruto, Magara, and now Balala. What do they have against Messiah Raila and Luo hegemony?

  6. Anon @12:36,

    You forgot that Nyagah is almost as gone. In fact recently Balala referred to ODM pentagon as Penta-GONE. Leaders are jumping out of ODM like rats out of a sinking ship.

  7. Anonymous wrote

    Mwarang'ethe, your's is just but an example, but assume the employees are not interested in taking the " cinema certificates"? Also, who would regulate the issuance of certificates, and their value, if companies were given the nod to issue such?

    Our response:

    As concerns the value, let us start this way:

    Currency/money has two meanings. First, as a means of payment and second as a measure of value or unit of account.

    If this is the case, can you give us the legal definition of Kenyan shilling issued by the CBK as a unit of account?

    As concerns acceptability and regulation, we have s.4 of the CBK Act. It is more than sufficient to implement these changes. However, this will require proper education of the modern magicians at the CBK for they are ignorant on money despite their PhD in so called economics.

    This is a serious charge, but, we stand by it. If there were not ignorant, they would not be running inflation/debasement of over 20% per month thereby wrecking the lives of the poor.

  8. If the American travel ban list happens to include more Kikuyus and Kalenjins than Luos, there is going to be political backlash against Raila. It is likely to be interpreted as a conspiracy between the Obama and Raila to help Raila ascend to the Kenyan presidency by unfairly targeting Raila's political competitors.

    It may have been a coincidence, but when the intimidating letters were announced Raila happened to be in the US meeting Carson, the author of the letters. Thereafter Raila met Obama in what is referred to by critics as a photo-op of "Luo Cousins." Later, in Harvard, Raila did not help the matters by loudly and enthousiastically endorsing the the US policy of targetting individuals as "non-reformers." This has fueled the Kibaki-successsion politics since Raila is understood to be in the race for the presidency and those targeted have ambitions of their own.

    Diplomaticallly, it was a fiasco by the American because of the timimg and the appearance of unprovoked heavyhandedness. Whether these sanctions against individuals who may have different opinions from the US on policy debates will achieve the desired effect in the long run is yet to be known. But so far the US actions have not advanced the debate on reforms instead it has created anxiety among leaders and some communities because of the implications such sactions may have on 2012-succession politics. And that is not helpful to Kenya or to the US.

    My hope is that Obama finds a way of helping Kenya without being entangled in the Kenya tribal slugfest of Luos versus the lest of the tribes in the next presidential elections.

  9. Anonymous said...

    If the American travel ban list happens to include more Kikuyus and Kalenjins than Luos, there is going to be political backlash against Raila. It is likely to be interpreted as a conspiracy between the Obama and Raila to help Raila ascend to the Kenyan presidency by unfairly targeting Raila's political competitors.

    Our response:

    Be as it may be, which tribe causes inflation in Kenya?

    Which tribe does not suffer from inflation?

    If you answer these questions honestly, you will have no choice byt to realise that, the tribal nonsense/bs Kenyans keep on yapping about is nothing but utter ignorance on the real issues.

    For heavens sake, a 21st Century educated person should be able to do better than this. Oh, we forgot, the real objective of modern education is to bring forth an educated contented slave.

  10. Mwarang'ethe;

    You said, "For heavens sake, a 21st Century educated person should be able to do better than this. Oh, we forgot, the real objective of modern education is to bring forth an educated contented slave."

    Please, stop being condescending.

    First, while it is true that tribes don't cause inflation, it is also true that inflation is not caused by the simple fact of individuals holding diferrent opinions from those of Raila or those of his American sponsors.

    Second, knowledge of inflation (or any other economic topic) is not the sole mark of a 21st Century educated man.

    Finally, I think a good example of "an educated contented slave" is a man who finds total satisfaction in endless quotation of largely abstract theories from the library without bothering whether they are applicable to the circumstances of the general population surrounding him.

  11. Anonymous wrote:

    Second, knowledge of inflation (or any other economic topic) is not the sole mark of a 21st Century educated man.

    Our response:

    Fine. We used inflation just as an example. Our larger point is this, we have many issues we can discuss yet we never discuss them.

    For instance, what if we had solar water heaters in every house in Nairobi, how much power/energy would we save and then redirect the saved energy to our industries? Would this reduce the need to cut power for our industries? How many jobs for all "tribes" would we save?

    For instance, a few years ago, an American scientist came to "assist" us in the fight against the Rift Valley Fever.

    As a result, he went back with the samples for "more research." If he discovers a vaccine, what is Kenya's share from any sales for such a vaccine/medicine?

    So, the larger issue is, why can't Kenyans discuss such issues which can create wealth? We may be ignorant, but, we do not see how tribal discussions would help in above issues.


    Finally, I think a good example of "an educated contented slave" is a man who finds total satisfaction in endless quotation of largely abstract theories from the library without bothering whether they are applicable to the circumstances of the general population surrounding him.

    Our response:

    Let us take the above examples. Are they abstract ideas taken from a library?

    On the contrary, Kenyans/Africans have taken conventional ideas without thinking. For instance, since the WB favours huge dams for HEP for its own benefit, we think that power for boiling 1 litre of water in Kisumu must come all the way from Kiambere. As a result, we are unable to see the obvious that we can boil that water with the sun overhead. Is this an abstract idea?

  12. Taabu, I differ! Let Kenyans have the freedom to choose whatever matrimonial arrangements fit them as individual, er couples? Polygamy is legal under customary law, and very common in Kenya. I think we would be moving in the right direction if it were made legal in the civil marriage setting as well. Illegalizing polygamy under civil and Christian marriages hasn't prevented men from having mipangi ya kando. Interestingly HIV infection rates are lower among muslims, where religion allows polygamy.

  13. PKW,
    I hear you loud and clear but is legalizing behaviour the priority in our present circumstances? You are right about mipango ya kando but what tells you polygamy is the cure for ATHLETISM around the waist?

    True, the muslims may have low HIV prevalence but if that is the route then we need a new SOCIAL ENGINEERING. Are you ready to SHARE yourself?

    You must have been socialized from childhood to believe and know your place in marriage and IT MUST NOT BE questioning the BOSS and his liasons.

    On the flipside look at Jane Kanyotu and see what plural emotions can bring.

  14. If the Balala, the chief PENTAGON, is referring to it as PENTA-GONE, then those poor Kenyans who were seduced to give this fool support must take a note.
    Remember, about 1, 500 poor Kenyans (men, women and children) paid the ultimate prize (death) while ODM and PNU members were watching the slaughter on TV from their safe houses. They were being counseled by their foreign backers.
    These people do no really care about Kenyans other than using them for their selfish ends! You do not have to go far to find out why Kenya is owned by multinational corporations and speculators. Balala's statement tells you all you need to know about how these gangs view the rest of Kenyans; poor Kenyans are merely disposable tools in this deadly game!

  15. This bill is being pushed by none other than Jimmy Kibaki. When you consider what is at stake, Wambui is likely to take of with Deacons and an assorted array of golf clubs in the event of the inevitable.

  16. This post is nonsense in as far as it refers to Kibaki. However, its not rights for legislators to do away with traditional african marriages such as polygamy or even wife inheritance. What I hoped to see was a proper streamlining of african customary marriages so that they serve the purpose(s)and noble intentiona for which such marriages are initially formed. Its also very hard to outlaw custom, unless so many people are suffering under it that they, themselves decide to do away with the customs without the intervention of anybody.

    I say this, though am a woman.

  17. I will never support a man. He can go to local courts or even the hague if he so wishes.

  18. yes kabisa kabisa! let's get rid of "traditional african marriages such polygamy" and embrace european (christian) marriages,.

    and while we are at it, let's also learn to fully embrace 'gay marriages' such as 'man-to-man' and 'woman-on-woman' households.

    what else do we want once the primitive traditional marriages are done away with?

    lol! freedom to choose whatever we do as adults behind closed doors as well as in the quitness of our own bedrooms and within our homesteads should be left to those concerned without the influence of the moral stash police.

    pilipili tusi...... yatuwashia nini? why are some of us so bothered by traditional marriages between two or three consenting adults? why are we so vexed?

    why don't people keep their so called christian morality for the sunday-stage-shows in their various congregational churches and assemblies?

    is that the kind of morality policing that still supports millions of pictures of a european (german, british, irish, swiss, dutch, french, italian? looking jesus to be sold on the streets of nairobi and in many towns as well hanged in churches, schools and institutions around kenya?

    well, well, well. if some people (kenyans) want to embrace their superior european moral ways, then by the same token, they should be respectful of other people's personal and traditional choices.

    let's never forget to remind some of the so called haters of traditional marriages and their cozy friends aka european missionaries, aid workers, social workers, foreign journalists, diplomats and the occasional tourists that we the people of the land are very respective and tolerant of their serial monagamous marriages (like larry king's), gay unions and other alternative lifestyles since the day the first european/colonialist set foot in our backyard, and all we are asking for is that they reciprocate in kind.

    thanks in advance.


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