Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Working Nation Labouring in Pitch Darkness

Its hard to believe acute chronic power rationing is back with us again. Usual culprits Kenya Power and Lightning are trying not to offend the sensibilities of Kenyans by calling it power load management scheme when every faculty screams reminisence of 1998 and 2000 blackouts. A big stick is indeed a spoon in 2009

Beginning tomorrow twice a week and for the forseable future we will be living and working in pre-colonial village times using the sun for natural illumination until just before dusk. There will however be no real-power sharing at night which is good news for after dark revellers because they will get to continue enjoying their nocturnal activities in the light. KPLC saw it fit not to give criminals and hooligans more cover of darkness than they already deserve

The only thing that can get a country repeatedly into this type of energy crisis situation we're in is lack of straight and forward thinking.One can only wonder what happened to plans and finances to expand the country's sources of electrcity. we are bequeathing the amply deficient legacy of successive unsuccessful governments who must surely have been unable to see past beyond their noses when it came to fending for Kenyans. leo haijakucha see you in the dark


  1. Funny, I don't hear Samuel Gichuru et al complaining.
    Do you?

  2. Is there a gava in kenya today?

    Raila, Kibaki speak out at Agoa forum

    To demonstrate fuss over democracy in Africa Raila said: "In Africa elections are never won. They are only rigged and the loser never accepts defeat."

    source:std newspapers

    For me, Agoa is change to believe in Kibaki appeals to America to soften rule on apparel exports
    President Obama’s senior envoy is not stuck on formality, after all
    Yes, you can push to the front row in trade, says Clinton
    AGOA forum
    Agoa idea stifled by American self-interestBy David Ohito

    It was an interesting but tense moment for President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga at the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) forum.

    Raila who previously said Africa did not need any more lectures on governance himself delivered a similar lesson. The PM belaboured his election experience saying Africa held elections frequently, although this never translated into democracy.

    To demonstrate fuss over democracy in Africa Raila said: "In Africa elections are never won. They are only rigged and the loser never accepts defeat."

    The Prime Minister said African countries could learn from Hillary’s example when she conceded defeat to then-candidate Barack Obama during the US presidential primaries last year for the Democratic Party ticket.

    In an apparent reference to Kibaki’s disputed presidential election that plunged the country into violence, Raila said it was a lesson for Africa.

    Dramatic changes

    But President Kibaki defended the progress made so far: "We are meeting at a truly remarkable time. Over the last few years, Africa has witnessed dramatic changes in the political and economic landscapes. We have ushered in new democratic leadership, opened up freedom of the Press, liberalised our economies and reformed our trade and investment environment."

    On reforms Kibaki said: "We have introduced several reforms in our electoral system, media and human rights record. Our constitutional review process is in top gear and a new Constitution could well be in place within a year."

    He continued: "Institutional reforms have been started and we are committed to complete them in the shortest time possible. This will significantly change our security, judicial and democratic processes and attain full accountability for all Government actions."
    Raila said it was paradoxical that Africa is the richest continent in terms of natural resources, including oil, yet remained the poorest. He said Africa should be protected against effects of climate change occasioned by Carbon emissions from the West.

  3. Annon: 1:25 quoted:

    "In an apparent reference to Kibaki’s disputed presidential election that plunged the country into violence, Raila said it was a lesson for Africa."

    Now let's get objective here... its either you are a chronic Raila hater or just like standard group, always looking for a scandal where non exists.

    What RAILA said was true.Do you need bifocals to see that Africa stinks from flawed elections? Just because he contested the results of the last presidential elections doesn't mean he cant comment on the poor state of election affairs in the continent.

    I'm no Raila fanatic, but i give the man credit for one thing: unlike many, he's a career pan-africanist, democrat and politician. He knows his country, he understands his continent and comprehends his world.

    He has studied so much and everytime he gives a speech, its laden with so much fact and information that makes his opponents look like political infants. the football analogies he uses on his kibera crowds? well, he understand their language and it always delivers...

    Lets stay objective please, Raila was right to highlight the fact that Hillary Clinton was a true democrat, and that she would exemplify the success our women can achieve in society, and that Agoa was about Africa. We cannot separate trade and governance so he was within context.

    Whether Kibaki won and got rigged out by Raila or vice versa, it doesn't change the fact that in Africa, e.g Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, Guinea etc, election winners must always use force to silence their opponents.
    About Kibaki defending Kenyan record on reform agenda, WHAT DID YOU WANT THE HEAD OF STATE TO DO... ABANDON HIS OWN COUNTRY AND STATE THAT HE WASN'T IN CONTROL? He is our president for now, and among his many duties, is to be the frst in line of defence when the country's credibility is at stake.

    Both gentlemen did well to host and represent Kenya during the conference.

  4. Thats what you get when you privy-tise. Stima ina wenyewe. Are you surprised ? I will repeat this again - who ever hatched the idea of making stima private in a an underdeveloped country like kenya was a real GENIUS.

    He should be rewarded with a statue in the middle of Nairobi for all to remember him.

  5. Taabu,
    How do you expect to generate enough hydro-electric power in the Sodu Miriu dam when the Kales and their illiterate leaders refuse to quit Mau forest? They stil believe we are in Moi days when they could cough and spit their mucus on everybody. Raila is going to teach them politics. He has already used and dumped them. Remember they were killing people in Jan 2008 in the RV while singing: "No Raila, no peace?" Wajinga hawa!!!!

  6. meanwhile kivuitu continues

  7. by the way Luke

    isnt this the norm

    when/what the left hand gives (SEACOM/TEAMS/EASSy)....,

    the right takes away ( Kenya(ns) Power(less) and (no) Lighting )


    feel free to interchange specifics e.g STK/ICC and TJRC

    Justice and "Forgiveness"

    Tokenism and Authority



    tuta do??

  8. UrXInc,

    Kivuitu is a mentally disturbed man, the less said about him the better. He was supposed to go and a PhD in theology. God's creation comes in many forms including a Kivuitu.

  9. It is good that Raila admits that in Africa election losers never accepts defeat. If only he had accepted defeat after he lost in the last elections, many innocent lives would not have been lost.

  10. Acccording to Molasses Raila Odinga, he can only lose an election if he is rigged. He borrowed that logic from Charles Taylor of Liberia (now before the ICC). He better look for another logic because come 2012 and Kalonzo will kick his ass.

  11. Kenyan leadership is like that common village drunkard whom everyone knows is an irresponsible father and who likes to blame everyone and everything except himself for the problems bedevilling his family.He will never agree to accept he's the problem!

  12. Ati kalonzo wil kick his ass.Don't be cheated.I can't vote a Kamba coward for president.Let the truth be told.We in central can't join a smaller river.With a divided ODM,we don't need Kalooser.UHURU TOSHA.

  13. I agree with you.If Ruto supporting Uhuru.The house of Mumbi will rule forever.We are either no.1 or 2.Wapende wasipende.

  14. Kalya yapped:

    "I'm no Raila fanatic, but I give the man credit for one thing: unlike many, he's a career pan-africanist, democrat and politician. He knows his country, he understands his continent and comprehends his world."

    Hehe he he...

    Democrat? Pan-Africanist? You kidding me. Which democrat calls other tribes "Kabila adui?" And even has audacity to call looters and rapists "freedom fighters"! Has the guts to cruise Africa's biggest slum in a Sh 30M Hummer when people starve! Condones rigging in ODM strongholds! Fooled the Maasais when campaigning he will insure their goats, chickens and cows! Acquired the Molasses plant in most dubious manner! Boot-licked dictator Moi for political gains! Bloodied by the botched '82 coup attempt... And even wants to sit down for chapati and tea with Mungiki mass murderers?

    Kalya, leta ingine. You are not dealing with kids here. Eti Raila is our Mandela! Lol, He's just a typical ethnic chieftain and just like most Kenyan politicians, his hunger for power has no bounds.

  15. M-pesa,

    You allege that Raila called (Kikuyus) "Kabila adui." This is a big FAT lie. A big pile of nonsense.

    Do not state such blatant lies over here. You and your kind (Vikii, Kimi R.... and Kwale) like creating such kinds of pumbavu lies, try to pass them off as the truth and then go on to spin even more nonsensical FABLES based on the this "truth" - which is actually a BIG FAT LIE.

    I challenge you to provide a link to a video (youtube etc) proving that Raila said that - the burden on proof is on you, or forever shut up about this "kabila adui" nonsense.

  16. Anon 7:36 PM,

    Kivuitu is not a mentally disturbed man.

    You simply hate him because he is speaking the truth that scares you shitless and peeless.

    You would rather this truth that he is speaking remains hidden. Pumbavu wewe!

  17. While Kenya attempts to come to terms with its past, Tx hosts an EUI business conference. No small feat for a country that was avowedly socialist just two decades ago.

    Sure they did not have anything like the colonial past that Kenya did but nonetheless if we're not careful...

    This is enough to get the Kibaki and Raila to move in the same direction.

  18. Why are the Luo Elders craving to meet Kikuyu elders? Kikuyus don't organise their lives around Councils of Elders. What is more, Kikuyus have very low regard for people who invite themselves, or force themselves to be friends. They must wait to be invited if they are worthy the invitation. In the meantime, these lakeside wazees should engage themselves in something productive like digging their shambas, milking cows, etc.

  19. Leaders have to lead. They have to demonstrate to their people that democracy does deliver," said Mrs Clinton, as she berated Kenya on behalf of her President, Mr Barack Obama.

    She talked about Kenya’s lost opportunities in governance, economic growth, human rights, but fell short of saying we have extolled the vice of corruption and impunity as if they were virtues.

  20. 92 polls officers picked in my absence, says Kivuitu

    Ninety two returning officers were appointed at the eleventh hour during the 2007 elections, a thing former Electoral Commission Kenya chairman Samuel Kivuitu says was a “serious” mistake.

    In an interview on Wednesday, Mr Kivuitu said the 92 were mainly appointed as deputy returning officers and lacked necessary qualifications.

    “They were not trained like others. Some were not gazetted. This is a serious mistake that I discovered late,” Mr Kivuitu said, adding that he was sick when the appointments were done and that he was embarrassed when he noted it later.

    It was a requirement that one should have presided over an elections before to be appointed returning officer in 2007 elections but only a few of the 92 had done it, Mr Kivuitu said.

    During an interview with NTV at his Nairobi home, he admitted that there were several anomalies in the elections as per the Kriegler report.

    Changed tally

    In Limuru, a returning officer brought the results to Kenyatta International Conference Centre before disappearing and ignoring phone calls, he said, adding “the case was the same in many other places.”

    In Molo, the results were changed three times and Juja (twice), he said and named Kieni as another affected area where the presidential tally was changed upwards.

    “When I saw the difference I said I will get the explanation from the returning officers to know whether the elections were free and fair,” he said, adding that there was nothing much he could do since after announcing the results he became a spectator and that the matters could only be solved in the courts.

    The Kieni returning officer, Mr Kivuitu said, told him he entered the right figure in the computer but it was changed.

    Mr Kivuitu said there was double voting in some polling stations in Central, Meru, Embu, Nyanza and Ukambani.

    The former chairman, who served ECK for 16 years, said there were no PNU agents in Luo Nyanza because the PNU party made a “silly” mistake of deploying Administration policemen. Some of the APs were killed.

  21. What i find amusing is that a few months ago both the luo and the kalees were calling kikuyus all sorts of names but now both want an alliance with the kikuyu.

    Also a few months ago the luos were telling kalonzo to forget kikuyu support because kikuyus cannot vote for anyone else. Now luos seem to believe they can get kikuyu support.

    I suppose kikuyus will pick the alliance that best serves their interests. Obviously KK.

    Can some one tell me why people say kikuyus cannoyt vote for a non-kikuyu. Am taking it seriously because a meru friend of mine recently told me that he knows kikuyus very well and he knows they cannot support someone from another tribe. I know one cannot really speak for a whole tribe but let us talk generally. So kikuyus, it true?

  22. anon above 1.54

    you say

    I know one cannot really speak for a whole tribe....

    you are contradicting yourself unless you have 2 personalities.

  23. Just a quick query on your blog rules below:

    "Any post/s breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, out of topic, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS."

    HOMOPHOBIC???????? - Has the Kumekucha blog now joined the "Homosexual is normal" bandwagon????

    Please clarify...anyone...



Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.