Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Food Crisis: Time for Vultures to Scavenge

At the risk of being branded a doom sayer, past experience points to another opportunity for enterprising Kenyan leaders to make a killing over the present famine crisis. Times like these will prod the best thieving minds with power and money to import maize duty free and hoard it to create artificial shortage.

With no singular virtue defining us as Kenyans, expect the political and economic vultures to circle the carcass as they suck the last drop of blood. And lest we forget, all the WAR TIME theatrics are all clever gimmicks crafted with no intention of any real movement.

The plastic motions to confront famine whose symptoms have been staring us in the face for more than a year are smart ploy to cool off from Mau and stillborn TJRC. After doing commerce with Kenya’s dying masses, trust the scoundrels to manufacture another crisis to postpone Hague and Mau.

Here we are as a country with top notch academicians and well-paid parastatal heads now running like headless chicken as Kenyans starve to death. And to soothe tribal egos we shout ourselves hoarse about self-financing our national budget. Add to that the mirage of vision 2030 and you get a soothing melody that sends a whole nation to their collective death bed.

Leaking moral fibre
The genesis of all ailments afflicting Kenya is principally traceable to acute lack of leadership. Instead of confronting challenges, what we have are half-measures to deodorize stinking rot underneath. The moral fibre is so much shredded none of its threads can withstand any iota of credibility.

Meanwhile the next looting and thieving frenzy will start with the duty-free importation of maize. Take it a step further and you have the big boys importing phantom standby generators meant to ease power rationing. These are the fraudulent schemes of vices that define us as a nation.

All else are political theatrics designed to keep us engaged and enslaved to the present rot. NA BADO.


  1. Taabu said,

    'Times like these will prod the best thieving minds with power and money to import maize duty free and hoard it to create artificial shortage'

    Jane says,
    This is not new, but seems at early 50's your memory is failing you. Subsidized maize was imported last year and early this year by ODM's agriculture minister Ruto. We all know what happened when contaminated maize evolved into a full blown saga after the PM tried to hire some crooks to give the maize a clean bill of health. Some of that maize found its way to Kenyan market and southern sudan courtesy of PM's office and his son FIdel. This is common knowledge that Taabu is trying to tuck away.

    So we expect as usual Ruto and Raila to again use schemes like those ones only this time they have a perfect smokescreen in the name of Mau and TJRC. In other democracies, Ruto should have resigned and the PM should have tendered his resignation long tyme ago but of course this is un heard of as far as ODM is concerned. Raila who was telling the west not to LECTURE KENYA ON DEMOCRACY will soon stretch his hand with a begging bowl to the same 'Wazungu' as he cruises to visit his starving KIbera masses with 30 million worth Hummer and a motorcade of 10 mercedes benz. The haki yetu crusader has turned into a blood sucking ogre draining blood from his electorate as he fills his pockets.

    Leta ingine...this one we are not buying..

    Jane of Nakuru

  2. I must agree with you on all these ODM GOONS TURNED VULTURES. THANKS GOD THEY WERE RIGGED OUT.

  3. who is this new bird Jane of Nakuru,

    She has more brains than 10 Taabu's. Go on girl, name and shame these pretenders and the guys like Taabu and Chris on their payroll.
    Has anyone noticed that nowardays Taabu has a new post daily diverting attention from the sins of Raila???
    seems someone is getting paid per post. no wonder the new energy. However, seems kumekucha no longer enjoys any traffic nowardays.



  5. 5:03 PM

    Jane of Nakuru
    why don't you direct your comments to your Othaya thieve and murderer or have you such a short memory that you didn't see the police shoot and kill innocent kenyans on national T.V by the order of yours truly Emilio Kibaki the thug and the Murderer the killer of innocent Kenyans??

    Jane of Nakuru whether you like it or not.. Upende usipende KIBAKI WILL FACE THE HAGUE..

    KIBAKI IS WORSE THAN SADDAM HUSEIN AND IDD AMIN of Uganda opps his Friend Museveni too( kills Ugandans like flies!!

  6. Jane of Nakuru from her other posts seems to the tribalist on here..

    Sasa keep it up.. but the real Kenyans who care about Kenya will stand firm! end of Impunity Hague is the answer... No Immunity for Kibaki and His cronies or anyone who financed and Killed innocent Kenyans-

    Na nimesema



    MP names Solio Ranch grabbers

    By NATION ReportersPosted Monday, July 27 2009 at 22:11

    An MP from Central on Monday disclosed names of beneficiaries of the controversial Solio Ranch from his constituency. Mukurwe-ini MP Kabando wa Kabando further challenged his counterparts from Nyeri region to follow suit.

    Mr Kabando, who is a also an assistant minister for Sports, said his intention was to clear his name from accusations that all MPs in the greater Nyeri and their supporters are among beneficiaries of the land donated by government to settle squatters.

    The government bought the land following instructions from First Lady Lucy Kibaki. She had been touched by the plight of squatters who had for years been residing on a roadside in Kagochi area of Nyeri East District.

    The squatters had been evicted from Mt Kenya forest following a government directive to clear settlers from all gazetted forests in the country.

    Since the squatters had no where to go, having settled in the forest during the colonial rule, they had to put up temporary structures on the roadside.

    The First Lady, upon being moved by their plight while on a visit, instructed Central Provincial Commissioner Jaspher Rugut to look for land to settle all squatters evicted from gazetted forests within Nyeri District.

    However, it has now emerged that the resettlement exercise was riddled with corruption, with squatters missing out from the vast ranch to undeserving people, among them powerful politicians and their supporters as well as influential civil servants.

    The landless

    The five MPs in the larger Nyeri district were required to present names of landless people in their constituencies.

    Apart from Mr Kabando, other MPs include Gender minister Esther Murugi (Nyeri Town), Ephraim Maina (Mathira), Francis Nyammo (Tetu) and Nemysius Warugongo (Kieni). They could not be reached for comment.

    Our sister publication Sunday Nation published a comprehensive story on the controversy surrounding the whole allocation of the land at Solio ranch.

    Besides leaving out some landless people, the story disclosed that taxpayers lost more than Sh500 million in the settlement programme as the land was overvalued.



  9. Kumekucha so sucks nowadays.No wonder the average response has shrunk to about 15 comments per post.Most long time participants discovered,the futility of trying to make sense of the stuff a one track mind like Taabu posts.





    SHAME SHAME SHAME!!kenyans shame on you!

  11. No electricity, no water, no security, no food, no leadership, no morals in cabinet yet the absent president as always is busy snoring in state house while the country burns! Talk about leading from the front. I just wish Mama Lucy could give him a good kick from behind.

    Everything else has been left to the most hated man in Kenya, the Govt chief parrot and spin master. Spineless Alfred Mutua has already started bombarding Kenyans with endless "Najivunia kuwa Mkenya" campaigns throughout the entire the media.

    This onslaught is costing the Govt millions of shillings, money that can be used to buy medicine or famine relief for thousands of needy Kenyans who are starving to death!

    It's evidently clear that our leaders are very foolish, they can't think beyond their noses! These self important and egocentric upper class are only active while lining their pockets after pulling various maize scams.

    Najihurumia kuwa Mkenya!

  12. Mpesa, could this be a direct reference to your deity molasses aka raila mwizi wa mahindi???

    'self important and egocentric odm haki yetu crusaders are only active while lining their pockets after pulling various maize scams'

  13. Taabu and everyone else here. Enough already!

    As the post said:
    The genesis of all ailments afflicting Kenya is principally traceable to acute lack of leadership.

    Now, kindly desist from ranting, raving and whining continuously and lets start discussing how to:

    1. REMOVE the current thieves and murderers from the LEADERSHIP of our country; and,

    2. Electing into positions of power patriotic, selfless Kenyans to take us to the next level of development. They are there believe you me, in every sector of our society.

    Anything else is just a TIME, EMOTIONAL and ENERGY waster. Surely, we can put our collective 21st Century brains and global knowledge into good use coming up with all and every means to remove the ODM & PNU thugs from power.

    Please Taabu and Kumekucha authors, engage your brains just a notch higher and start providing SOLUTIONS instead of describing the PROBLEM eloquently from January to December!

    Enough said.

  14. Kenya is a failed state,lets put aside our pride and false sense of achievement and face the cold hard facts.Even electing new young and educated Mp's doesnt seem to change anything.They just join in the bandwagon and take their turn with the serving spoon at the high table of corruption putting to shame the semi literate leaders of yore with their gluttony and enthusiasm.One wonders what kind of cuisine or illicit brew is served in the hallowed grounds of parliament or what is it that makes people who were calling for reforms and just governance for all just the other day become the very opposite once they land in the August house.Anyone who happened to know Kabando wa Kabando or read the articles that used to be penned by one Ababu Namwamba may have an idea what am talking about.

  15. Anon 7.31pm, so now because Lucy Kibaki is involved in that Soilo Ranch saga, the rest of central province is to become a sacrificial lamb?

    I wasnt born attached to Lucy, or any other person for that matter, stop lumping us in one group, we are individuals. If anything any land grabber should face the consequences individually.

  16. First of all almost every country in Africa is considered a failed state, but seriously, even that definition of a failed state is a blurry one.

    I dont think we are a failed state, but we have many failures. A failed state would mean that the country is completely incapable of running, e.g. Somalia

  17. M-Pesa laments that:

    This onslaught is costing the Govt millions of shillings, money that can be used to buy medicine or famine relief for thousands of needy Kenyans who are starving to death!

    Our views:

    It is not costing the govt. millions, it is costing you and fellow Kenyans. Simple.

    It's evidently clear that our leaders are very foolish, they can't think beyond their noses! These self important and egocentric upper class are only active while lining their pockets after pulling various maize scams.

    Najihurumia kuwa Mkenya!

    Our views:

    We have noted here severally. Some may think we are crazy. However, the eternal truth is this. A govt. that can print money at will can never be controlled by its citizens. Money is power and power is money. End of story.

    All they can do is lament as M-Pesa and others are lamenting. As we know, it is subjects who lament and petition their govt.

    Until Kenyans appreciate the grain of truth in what we are saying, they shall lament like subjects until Jesus comes.

  18. DM-Nairobi said...

    Anything else is just a TIME, EMOTIONAL and ENERGY waster. Surely, we can put our collective 21st Century brains and global knowledge into good use coming up with all and every means to remove the ODM & PNU thugs from power.

    Our response:

    U may remove these thugs, but,how do we ensure the next rulers do not become like these?

    DM - Nairobi wrote:

    Please Taabu and Kumekucha authors, engage your brains just a notch higher and start providing SOLUTIONS instead of describing the PROBLEM eloquently from January to December!

    Our response:

    We have suggested three or four fundamental reforms on this blog that will lead to economic efficiency and restoration of social and political sanity. However, those who have engaged, have not done in good faith.

    We have suggested the following for those who are genuine:

    (a) Radical reforms on:

    (i) MONETARY,
    (ii) BANKING, and
    (iii) TAXATION system in Kenya.

    For instance, the DN in its editorials of today, reports that:

    "Central Bank figures show the industry’s bad debt stock has shot up from Sh58.3 billion to Sh69.9 in one year. That situation is enough to tell any prudent banker to play safe by investing in relatively risk-free assets, including government paper."

    So, we have Kenyans who are unable to pay their loans to the tune of 10 billion in one year. And, since Kenyans are "risky" in the eyes of the stupid bankers (masters of universe), they turn to buy govt. paper which only breeds inflation. How can you create wealth by buying govt. papers to fund propaganda that M-Pesa is talking about?

    If there is any serious economist on this blog, we challenge him to draw a graph showing the growth of the following components for at least a decade in Kenya and print it here:

    (i) Interest payments to banks.
    (ii) Income growth.
    (iii) Increase in land prices.
    (iv) GNP growth.
    (v) Inflation.

    Without any shadow of doubt, he/she will find that:

    -the INTEREST GROWTH assumes an EXPONENTIAL GROWTH while that of income is almost FLAT or DECLINING.

    The logical question to Kenyans then is, how can income that is flat or declining pay interest that grows at an exponential rate?

    More over, any biologist will tell u that when an organism/cell grows at an exponential rate, it is cancerous and it leads to death.

    (b) 100% taxation of land values especially in urban areas and along major infrastructure.

    For instance, how are we financing Thika road today? Are we not incurring debts to finance it?

    Instead of borrowing, we could have used land values along that road to fund this road. The same can be done for the railway lines, ports etc.

    This would mean building first class infrastructure without burdening Kenyans with more debts. This would free their income for consumption which is essential to production.

  19. Anon 9:15 PM,

    You said:

    "Kumekucha so sucks nowadays. No wonder the average response has shrunk to about 15 comments per post. Most long time participants discovered,the futility of trying to make sense of the stuff a one track mind like Taabu posts."

    Anon 9:15 PM, you have got it ALL WRONG.

    Most of those "long time participants" (the Vikii's, Kwale's and the rest of the panua mongrels) have fled with their tails between their legs because they have realized that their comments which were laced with a lot of LIES, HALF TRUTHS and DECEPTION did manage to "work." They FLOPPED miserably. They will not admit it, just as a thief will never admit that he is a thief, but it is the truth. THEY FLOPPED MISERABLY.

    For example most of them kept on vomiting the BIG FAT LIE the Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki won the elections "fair and square." They have been forced back to reality and realized that that claim that Mr Pumbavu won the elections is worth just about as much 1 Kilogram of pig excreta.

    They spinned many lies and half truths over here at Kumekucha which failed to make any impact and that is why they RAN AWAY WITH THEIR TAILS BETWEEN THEIR LEGS.


  20. Jane of Nakuru,
    Thanks for your insights and BOLD takes. Welcome to KK, you may be new and firing all cylinders but soon you will realize that the diameter of the mouth nor the thickness of the upper pair of lips doesn't necessary translate to quality, ama?

    It is one thing to be easily excitable but quite another to entertain the eternal embarassment when you discover the SKUNK you have been kissing. You are welcome to spew all the heat but next time please add some trace of light for illumination.

    And while at it NEVER EVER premise anything you say on assumptions. Anchoring your rants on assumptions will make you suffer the mother of all embarassment when the truth dons.

    But again I pray (fear otherwise) you have what it takes to decipher that. Please don't pick mchongwanos online and package it as truth unless you don't mind suffering the fate of the village genious who committed suicide after tailing when subjected to outside competition.

    INDULGE girl and expand your ego, won't you?

  21. Taabu,
    In as much as I like being optimistic, for the first time I am on the same side with you...saying tic toc to Armageddon. There is NOTHING positive in Kenya today. Only the murderers, thieves, liars, procrastinators, mindless, careless, sadists and corrupt are seeing or finding anything good in or about Kenya. Surely, should we be taking so long to make a new constitutional order, create a local but internationally accepted tribunal, remove destroyers from Abadares, Mau, Embobut, Cherangani forests??? Where are the professionals? What are they doing? Where is the joy of the Veterinary Doctor when livestock are dieing from lack of water and pastures? Where is the joy of the architect when buildings are collapsing every day? Where is the pride of the policeman when robbers and rapists are doing their thing in broad daylight? Where is the joy of the politician when he is going the exact opposite direction with his constituents? What is the joy of the president when his popularity is going down every day? Where is the pride of the PM when he is not co-ordinating the Ministries and is contradicted by as junior officers as PSs and directors? Where is the pride of the Govt spokesman when he cannot answer simple inquiries from journalists? Where is the joy of the farmer when he is not in control of both the input and output costs? Where is the joy of the youth who are so outclassed by the old guard that they cannot even stand up to be counted? Where is the pride of being Kenyan when 40 years after independence we are still being told we will be given food, education and shelter? And worse still they are adding electricity, water and fertilizer to the list!! Can the optimist out there please tell me ANYTHING positive about Kenya??

  22. @Mwarang'ethe

    Who said...
    We have suggested three or four fundamental reforms on this blog that will lead to economic efficiency and restoration of social and political sanity. However, those who have engaged, have not done in good faith.

    Much as I respect your views and critical analysis of topical issues, its obvious that such radical and refreshing ideas that you've suggested will NEVER see the light of day as long as the corrupt bufoons who rule Kenya remain at the top.

    Surely, you of all people know that Kenya is lagging behind not for lack of ideas but lack of a willing and capable Leadership.

    As I said before, exchanging ideas of how to transform our society (REFORMS) without first confronting the question of HOW & WHEN THE CURRENT CORRUPT LEADERSHIP CAN BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE is just a time waster.

    How do we ensure the younger generation of leaders we elect don't turn out the same as our old crooks? Is it that we completely lack people with DECENT Leadership CREDENTIALS, similar to KAGAME to take over running of Government?

    Those are the ideas am challenging bloggers here to discuss and not to endlessly describe our problems as if we don't know what they are!

    Come on...share your LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS Mr Mwarang'ethe!

  23. DM-NBO,
    You are right and I understand your frustrations. But come to think of it, you and Mwarang'ethe share the shameaspirations albeit premised on different pedestals. So need to harangue but seduce like minded Kenyans so that we acqire the crital mass.

    You are damn right on the FUNDAMENTALS. We are not at the bottom of the whole because of lack of ideas. Brilliant ideas are yellowing on govt shelves.

    It is the DEARTH of the will evident in lack of leadership. All we have are rulers and need leaders NOW.

  24. DM-Nairobi wrote:

    Come on...share your LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS Mr Mwarang'ethe!

    Our response:

    Is this not the chicken and the egg case? Anyway, we think there are at least two or three ways to get ENLIGHTENED leadership in Kenya.

    Firstly, we can hope for a nice leader by mere elections, i.e. by luck, i.e. philosopher King style. However, this is not going to happen.

    Secondly, we can hope for a military solution hoping that a Thomas Sankara will emerge. This is next to zero.

    The third option explicit mobilisation of the young people on certain KEY ISSUES.

    As you may have noted, Jimmy Mwai son of Mwai Kibaki has started mobilising for life beyond 2012. He is quoted to have said that all he wants is to enable young people start income generating activities. This is nothing but a game of smoke and mirrors.

    Having said that, we think the way forward would look like this:

    Register a political party and mobilise young Kenyans the way Jimmy son of Mwai and his faceless backers are doing.

    So as to attack the problem at its root, we would propose that movement be animated by the following non - exclusive issues:

    (a) An end or reduction by a very huge % to taxation of EARNED INCOME (Income, capital and consumption) and taxation of UNEARNED INCOME (100% taxation of Land Value Increament), WASTE and POLLUTION.

    Majority of Kenyans live by earned income. So, they would find this idea appealing to them. However, the proposals must be scientifically researched. How this can be done, we can provide an answer if need be.

    (b) An end to currency supply by the govt.

    It is not difficult to illustrate the problems of relying on the govt. for supply of medium of exchange.

    As M-Pesa has eloquently lamented, the govt. is spending millions on propaganda as Kenyans starve. Since it has the money supply monopoly, all it needs to do is print an IOU, hand over to Equity and get its accounts credited with numbers. It then uses those computerised numbers to write a cheque to Kiss FM or whatever radio station. Job done.

    The result since this currency is not backed by production of goods and services will be further debasement of currency, i.e. hidden tax which will make Kenyans even more poorer.

    However, if there was a choice on currency, Kenyans would reject payment in a debased currency. As a result, the govt. will be forced to be open with Kenyans as to the TRUE COST of running its operations. As we know, most of these operations like propaganda, KACC etc are just useless. Given this openess, Kenyans would say NO, NO, to such monstrous commissions and expenditure and thereby start controlling their govt. as a SERVANT and not a MASTER as it is now.

    (c) Banking reforms.

    Today, most investments are done via bank debts. The reason for this is that, interest payment to banks is given legal preference to EQUITY investment.

    To make matters even worse, when debtors are unable to pay, we pay taxes to fund courts, police etc to help banks get their money. This needs to stop. If we do not help equity investors recover their money, why should we do so with debts??

    Unfortunately, as we noted above, interests grow exponentially but not the income. As a result, for one to be able to pay debts with interest, the banks must give more debts, i.e. allow more people to create money just like a drug addict or ponzi scheme. If banks do not lend i.e. allow creation of money, as they are now around the world, many businesses go under. This system cannot allow sustainable economies.

    If we remove the legal bias towards debts, banks and individuals will be forced to invest in equity. This will make banks employ people who can assess the potential of CREATIVE IDEAS and not risk assessors who just say, buy govt. paper for it is safe. Futhermore, this will make banks put money in REAL PRODUCTIVE sectors of the economy like agriculture and not casinos like NSE and land speculation.

    However, since the leader of this movement will be untested, it will be a risky gamble.

  25. @Taabu,

    I fully concur with your views. We certainly need leaders NOW. And you are in an excellent position to steer the debate towards this end, rather than endlessly describing problems caused by our current inept, corrupt and murderous gangs governing Kenya in the name of PNU & ODM.

    You started off very well when you said:

    Having said that, we think the way forward would look like this:

    Your part a) on transformative leadership for Kenya was clearly on the right track then you tragically back-tracked and actually wandered off in part b) to the usual "eloquent description of our problems."

    I actually stopped reading after that...

    Come on Man...Lets have more of what you were suggesting (in part a) of your long treatise) about changing the Leadership of Kenya!

    As I keep saying, all these wonderful reform ideas people love bandying about are a complete waste of energy & intelligence if you don't have True Leadership governing Kenya.

    The current bunch WILL NEVER implement ideas that will benefit ordinary Kenyans and in the process reduce their evil access to public funds.

    First things first: Lets REMOVE these CORRUPT TRAITORS (coz thats what they are) from Kenya's Leadership, then we can start discussing serious reforms in all sectors of our Country.


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