Monday, August 31, 2009

Bomachoge, Shinyalu: Kibaki's True Leadership

While ODM drowns in victory after winning the latest two by-elections, a poignant message lost in the celebratory heat is the above-fray leadership shown by President Kibaki. He left PNU to its own devices and chose not to reduce himself to petty and partisan politicking.

True leadership from the front and by example is practiced and not preached. And Kibaki has just raised the bar to the sky. In any case after WINNING his final term in 2007, he has no political business to conduct in either Shinyalu or Bomachoge.

PNU chair Prof G. K. K. Saitoti tried his best but fell short. But there is no need cause for alarm since ODM capturing Bomachoge from PNU reverses the political equation to what it was before the former lost Embakassi to the later. Game draw and now we can concentrate on our working nation before another holiday is declared to celebrate census results.

The more things change politically the more they retrogress. Well bloggers here have been waxing patriotic demanding political lullabies in the name of solutions without first dissecting the present rot. The by-elections have provided them with more than enough as evident in the emerging destructive so-called Kalonzo-effect that has just entered out political lexicon.

One thing is for sure, you don’t WIN a presidency at all costs and disturb your peace thereafter with politically inconsequential by-elections. Kenya made the turn in December 2007 and we will never the same again. Sorry to disappoint pretenders in search of evangelism.


  1. Taabu,this is not january 2008.That was the time we were stupid enough to believe a different set of politicians would change the way things are done in Kenya.But the people are wiser now.if you noticed,the celebrations after winning the two seats was minimal.What have ODM got to show after almost 2 years of being the majority party in parliament other than scandals,squabbling and indecisiveness?What will winning 2 seats add or change?

  2. well put taabu

    i like the "raised bar to the sky", too funny dude

  3. VOTE AT

  4. Bomachoge, Shinyalu, my foot!

    I was celebrating ODM win because I was fighting my perveived enemies, whom I'm very sure they don't exist. I always know my real enemies is all our politicians.

    Now let's go to the real issue, Kshs 380 million for VP's house? Could it have come at a better time? Not at a time that people are dying of hunger?

    Please give me a break. I'm gone. Now it's time for actions and not blog-complaining.

  5. The Kalenjin MPs, including retired president Moi are warning about "bloodshed" and "dire consequences" if Mau evictions are implemented. Don't forget some of those beating drums of war are beneficiaries of Mau land grabbing while others were involved in post elections genocide.

    Franklin Bett, a whole cabinet minister is clearly inciting his fellow tribesmen when he warns that "they play drums of peace but can do otherwise!" if they are pushed by the govt. If a single death occurs in Mau as a result of eviction, these war mongers should be held accountable. But so far, the incitement continues with IMPUNITY. Where is the Govt? Where is the police? Where is the AG?


    "An anonymous blogger whose identity was unmasked by court order after she called a Vogue Australia covergirl a "psychotic, whoring, lying ... skank" plans to sue Google for $US15 million for breaching her privacy.

    The model, Liskula Cohen, confronted and forgave the blogger after a judge ordered Google to tell Cohen who had allegedly defamed her on a blog called "Skanks in NYC".

  7. When you expose you guts and madness in public what is left to expose, PEVjust Kenyan is just another African country and its people want chang. ODM victory is a message to the politician that people want change

  8. In the USA Banker's Magazine of 25th August, 1924, it was written:

    "Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

    When through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile amd more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

    ... By dividing THE VOTERS through POLITICAL PARTY SYSTEM, we can get them to EXPEND THEIR ENERGIES in fighting OVER QUESTIONS OF NO IMPORTANCE. Thus by DISCREET ACTION we can secure for ourselve what has been planned and so successfully accomplished."

    Phew! That was written in 1924, and one can see its fulfillement in this blog. Fighting and fighting over nothing, while matters of importance are left untouched.

  9. Some of the Kalenjin MPs are mentally very slow to adjust to changing circumstances. They still think that violence will work as well as it did in early 2008. They think that Raila, the main beneficiary of their violence, is betraying them by distancing himself from their continued primitivity. Raila is just doing what he is good at. Can't they see that Raila is busy looking for another back to ride in 2012? Whoever said that some of these RV "leaders" are only fit for herding goats and cattle was not off the mark.

  10. Mwarang'the,

    You have "hit all the NAILS all over the heads - our heads!"

    I agree with you that we waste a lot of time and energies fighting with ourselves instead of the real enemy while matters of importance are left untouched.

    Mwarang'ethe, Keep on blasting your refreshing comments over here at Kumekucha. I only wish more of us reasoned like you do.

  11. Am so fed up with the immature Luos.So fed up.

  12. The post was about why PNU lost the by-elections, not how immature Luos are.

    For starters, PNU chief whip Thuo, was categorical that they lost the by-election because the party leader, in his wisdom did not want to get involved in the small party matters of campaign. They should have seen this coming all along. In 2007, Baba Jimmy campaigned for HIS re-election, full-stop.

    Secondly, ODM haters should lie low like an envelope, at least for the time being...while the party fanatics continue rubbing it in on the PNU losers.

  13. Taabu thanks for that dose of Reverse Psychology! I hope it was intended.
    Most bloggers here didn't see your post for what it really was... a cheek in the tongue otherwise called in sociology reverse psychology.
    Good post.


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