Tuesday, August 04, 2009

America Must Let Kenya Bleed Herself Dead

So US foreign secretary Hilary Clinton has arrived and even before opening her mouth Kenya is the recipient of all barbs. Already Johnnie Carson is breathing fire and brimstone. The good ex-envoy to Nairobi is wielding the proverbial big stick singling our Wako and Aaron Ringera for thrashing.

Clinton will come, kick all the dust, generate all the heat and leave us with no light. And the bogeyman Carson must not belittle the world-renown lawyer Wako whose unique and sharp intellect Kenya has been lucky to enjoy for close to two decades. Johnnie needs to ask East Timorese what a brilliant legal mind Wako is before he suffers the wrath of permanent smile.

By attacking Ringera, America is becoming a global activist serving the interest of our numerous selfish NGOs. The dragon slayer is one smart lawyer whose Shakespearean pedigree is unrivalled. Show me any more qualified Judge speaking the right language to replace Ringera and I will show you a dreaming Waki.

Our own PORK
For goodness sake the K in KACC is for Kenya and not Kansas. And the ex-junior senator of New York must not act as Obama’s catapult to vomit on our lawns. We are a sovereign country and we can butcher ourselves all the much we care and only us can stop that not POTUS nor Hilary. We have our won intellectual PORK.

The West's obsession with so-called Agenda Four is nauseating. Four comes after three and we have no Agenda Five, so why the hullaballoo? We will tackle REFORMS at our own pace and we won't allow ourselves to be pushed nor please anybody. Kenya has its owners and the tenants including the enveoys must know their legal limitations.

TJRC is originally ours and we won’t modify to please global bullies, NEVER. The Friday cabinet meeting will be used to drive the point home and leave pretenders to power holding the political bathtub without the baby. NA BADO.


  1. TAABU, A GOAT IS WISER THAN YOU. YOUR THINKING IS WAY BELOW A GOAT BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE. Let Cason and them fight for the common you unless you are in the pockets of the criminals

  2. The "know-all" Americans are in town and their local awe-stricken cheerleaders are out of their woodworks. The best strategy is to allow them to listen to their own lectures and echos.

    For the lest of us, it is time to look for any business openings by interacting with the non-american delegates.

  3. It is amazing how some of these foreigners find their lecturing voices when they come to Africa. And what is even more amazing is how some Africans de-wax their ears in advance in readiness to listen to the vomit.

  4. If am not wrong, Taabu is being facetious. Don't compare him to a goat.

  5. Taabu "albeit" Taboo
    Raila is wrong in asserting that Africans do not need lectures on governance. Ati they may do with lectures on how to trade. Nonsense. How can you trade well when you have no governance structures to make your trade work? Infact the converse is true: just put in good governance and trade will take care of itself. Kenyans living out of Kenya are doing very well and are remitting 3 billion shillings to Kenya monthly. Because they live in environments with good governance. I will ask the proverbial question; which came first, the egg or the chicken: governance or trade?

  6. Jimmy, this is meant to be a sattiristic or a mockery of our system. Don't take it at face value. Think deeper man, it might help you decipher the knwoledge in here and be more appreciative, unless you are the he-GOAT!

  7. In today's nation. Tom Vilsack, the Ruto of US, was asked how the US could assist Kenya to improve food production. He said "it is upon Kenya to tell us but from my observation the country has all it requires"

    Why complain about foreigners lecturing you while it is you asking for it. You are even asking the world to tell you what you need. Others should do everything for you. Is this what is called the baby moses syndrome, psychologists?

  8. Mary Odinga,pyramid architect then a consular to somewhere in the US.Why do you find it surprising when the brother tells off those calling for good governance?In Kenya,corruption is always rewarded.

  9. Taabu, try 'JUST JIK IT' to fix stubborn stains in your brains that are responsible for your warped thinking. The only 50 sth moron who was awarded government scholarship by MOI and ended up brainwashed by the 'Mzungu self righteousness' The Americans you tend to worship are worse killers and more corrupt than 100 Railas or Kibakis of today. Its like a pot calling charcoal black. But for Taabu, he seems to think with his head stuck between the legs of a Mzungu or his god Raila.

    Poor mzee.

  10. Kweli Kenyan leaders have no shame! It was just the other day our two useless principles were pleading with the international community to donate food aid for our starving citizens. How come I never heard them yapping of sovereignty then during their begging missions?

    We are in the land of plenty but we still cannot even feed ourselves! alafu Raila opens his big mouth about sovereignty.....

  11. Listen to the former chairman of the ECK Samuel Kivuitu

    "I recall in 2007 just before polls two ministers approached me separately. They asked me a question that puzzled me! ‘What if Raila Odinga was to win the presidency and lose his Lang’ata seat?’" he says. "I told him the law has to be applied."

    I never took the ministers’ inquiry seriously until the second asked the same question. That got me puzzled. What could be in store?"

    He thought of meeting Raila to give him the information but decided not to for fear of being seen as partisan. Kivuitu then sent a top Western Diplomat.

    He also sent the same diplomat to the Government "to warn them that any attempt to do anything fishy in Lang’ata constituency could lead to chaos."

    One of the ministers wanted Raila’s name removed from the voters roll.......

    Was he sidelined by some of his commissioners at the KICC to tamper with the election results? "It’s possible. Maybe they never wanted me to know what was happening... " he says.

    He is working on his memoirs but says the the most difficult part would be putting down his relationship with the rest of the ECK commissioners.

    And panua mongrels still have the pumbavu audacity to tell us that the elections were not STOLEN; that Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki won the elections fair and square - NONSENSE! He and his pumbavu cohorts STOLE the elections.

  12. Listen to Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi:

    Retired President Moi has warned that the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission could divide the country.

    The former president doubted the ability of the political leadership to handle sensitive matters that could arise in the commission sittings.

    He said historical injustices and last year’s post-election violence could only be handled through reconciliation efforts.

    The spectre of the TRUTH about the horrible past and present of Kenya coming out in public is a source of great terror and enormous fear to the likes of Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi and his soulmates such as Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki - as they played a big part in "creating" most of the shit.

    It scares Mr Kleptocrat and Mr pumbavu shitless and peeless. I guess this is what they mean when they say that THE GUILTY ARE ALWAYS AFRAID. Next thing you will hear from this pathetic group is something silly like this:

    "It wasn't me"


  13. Aahhh, America.
    The land where they take Dr. Orly Taitz seriously.

  14. you argue like a kiambu mafia who has never travelled past uthiru t ounderstand what problems bedevil kenyans.stop spreading bullshit on kumekucha!!!please

  15. Stepping aside from the topic, we ask, now that we are in a position to have communication superhighways:

    (a) can we practice participatory democracy?

    We know that the MPs in our parliament are no more informed than those outside. Some will say that, many do not vote in our interest.

    If this is accepted, can we have a system whereby, any law or lets say, major laws in Parliament are voted by Kenyans via communication highway? We mean, can't we use our mobiles and lap tops to vote for or against laws in Parliament?

    We are not suggesting that we have a well thought out formula for this idea. All we ask, is this an idea worthy pursuing in effort to take power to the people?

    Ideas and suggestions welcomed please.

  16. Hey you chaps penning obscenities towards Taabu, I wish you read the post twice before engaging your pens. Next time then, if you are busy now thinking of another tough demeaning superlative which in real sense describes you.

  17. At the end of the day, if they are commiting funds to Kenya, then they will have an active interest in how things work.

    We want ICC but we dont want the developed countries to criticize our governance, which is the very reason we are in such a mess.

    How hypocritical.

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