Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Trio In Unison Widens Net Ropes In Fresh Faces

Future faces of generation youth Kenya have begun in earnest promoting change in the interests of young people.

All under 40s be warned: round hii si mchezo, and with that catchy slogan the youth of Kenya have been provided free with an older more experienced trio of youthful legislator Kiema Kilonzo, businessman Jimmy Kibaki and political activisit Tony Gachoka speaking their message in one voice; stop sleeping youth wake up you lack focus please

More fresh faces have been roped in including former langata constituency top seat contender Stanley Livondo and this is a good example of how generational inspiration is transferred-it's time for hawa youth to no longer use their energy as cheap political hirelings via rent-a-mob for Ksh 100/= per person at miracle campaign rallies

The Kazi Kwa Vijana initiative from the Prime Minister's office has been lonely in company and now has a friend in the form of this new national youth initiative outfit. Wherever your passion may fall you are well catered for in the youth forums coming your way soon across the country kicking off with Mutito constituency last weekend.hatu cheki na watu

Roping Fresh Faces
Stop sitting there at your computer laughing ask yourself what have you done for Kenya lately?paying taxes? get in line and leta ingine tena please nothing but charity. Youth are reminded stop being gullible stupid and chart your direction so you can play your role in future governance.

More fresh faces continue to be roped in to rally the clarion call and the line up will no doubt be longer and impressively age insensitive. Let the youth accept the safe guidance through to the next general elections in a non-partisan ageless style.its time they are mobilised and united and empowered and these are not just mere buzzwords or catchy sounding catch phrases.

Winning hearts of youth is no deceptive matter and no need to raise eyebrows concerning hidden political motives.its time for Kenyan youth to simama and experienced help is at hand- join it


  1. Remember YK'92? This is just another political outfit disguised in the name of the youth. We know who these guys are fronting for using the youth to push their agenda. These are priviledged fellows who have not and perhaps will never sacrifice anything for the sake of ordinary kenyans. I hope I am wrong but I fear I may be right on this one.

  2. Luka,
    Yes you are right, time is NOW. Go Jimy go, show them the way, you know better.

  3. "Go Jimmy, show them the way, you know better" Are you kidding me? This guy is hijacking a youth movement which has been in existence for a long time. Its about succession politics rather than a legitimate youth agenda as we know it. Sample this; Kibaki's political career is ending in 2012. What a better way for Jimmy to position himself both as a heir apparent in Othaya and as a player in the national scene. I guarantee you that this is not about his concern for the hopeless situation that the youth face in kenya today. Just name one initiative that Jimmy and friends have put forth for the benefit of the youth. Zero.

  4. Anon,
    Easy, don't fall for Taabu's toxic sarcasm. He means none of his words.

  5. It is only in Kenya where a 50 year old douche bag as ugly as sin Jimmy Kibaki could have the audacity to consider himself a youth.

    Ugly Jimmy, you are NOT a youth, you are a middle age rotund ugly man who bears a striking resemblence to your equally atrociously ugly mother Lucy.


  6. Even the idea of youth can be just as bad as tribalism or sexism ,will we use it to discriminate against even qualified well intention men and women who wish to serve their country? and if the loosers you have mentioned above are the so called face of youth the all i can say is LONG LIVE THE OLD ORDER, PLEASE!

  7. Luka,
    You are suffering from an acute bout of AGEPHOBIC- guilty as charged

  8. I can already forsee these fellows targeting youth the youth fund. Who controls this fund? Treasury which is under Uhuru. Put two and two together and you will see who these guys are bidding for.

  9. Taabu,

    As long as Jimmy doesn't break any law leave him alone to do his thing. This is a free ountry; you can also go back to Mogotio and a Youth-thingy or a Midddle-thingy or a Kazee-thingy.

    Thinking about Jimmy all day will not add value to your miserable life.

  10. Everyone should buy and read It Is Our Turn To Eat by Michela Wrong to understand exactly what we are up against in Kenya. It is a cultural fight and it will not be worn by such youth.

  11. Change in Kenya will only come when all of us start thinking positively about how to move the country forward and stop this we against them mentality.So if Jimmy's project is a continuation of this or that,whose isnt.You can clearly read the bias in Luka's post,trash Jimmy's initiave and then what?Those same old recycled family dynasties in ODM?Puleaseeee......!

  12. consider this,

    molasses raila 'mwizi wa mahingi' odinga is turning 65. this is the old rag than Taabu will harp in support till the cocks crow. by 2012, this fat frog will be 67 years old. other than ensure 20% growth of Kibera, this kikuyu hater has achieved nothing. even his latest 'come one come all' luo circumcision initiative was rejected by our own Sam Okello who prefered to hang onto his smelly member.
    poor ODMorons

  13. I think hawa mavijana wana do vitu enye si ma youth tumefail ku do, ama sivyo?

    Mi nategea hiyo siku yenye vijana wataamka wenyewe badala ya kungojea hawa mabudaa ka akina KIRAKA (KIbaki RAila KAlonzo) kutuambia kitu ya ku do na kuwapigia kura and then later kutuambia tunyongane, tukatane na tuuwane.

    Mazee, kuna youth mnoma mwenye atarun hii 2012 mwenye tunaweza msupport? Ama ka ni budaa then yule mpoa mwenye atatupeleka mbele?

    Mi nimeboeka na akina KIRAKA na maboyz wao ka akina Uhuru na Ruto, ni time inafaa tuwashow hatuwataki wote. Na pia tuchunge tusitie nguruwe wengine hapo kwa orezo.

  14. Somebody tell me why I am not believing that Jimmy Kibaki is not a front of PNU and Mwai Kibaki. Somebody please tell me.

  15. Taabu,
    Forget Jimmy, he is just trying to occupy his idle days.
    It is time for Kalonzo to take us to the next level assisted by Uhuru and Ruto. Period. 2012 can't arrive sooner!!!

  16. KIRAKA! Now that's funny.

    Phil, in the previous post you said you voted for Kijana Wamalwa in 1997. I know this is possible (am kamba and i voted for kibs in 2007) but I have a hard time believing it. In all your posts, it is clear you see people as groups (tribes) and not as individuals. I have seen you making very unsavory comments about kambas collectively, especially when addressing vikii. And your main beef with kambas is they in your view denied raila the presidency. Given your thinking, I would, on a balance of probabilities, say you did not vote for wamalwa in 1997.

  17. Am used to the likes of TAABU, CHRIS and Sam Okello alias Okello postings.....they have a flava.....

    Luka, where did you go to school, just a question, aii!!

  18. Jimmy be a 'Youth' then I be a toddler. kubbaff

  19. Leave Jimmy alone, amekula mbuzi ya nani?

    Young Jimmy brightens our day when he dance with old women in political rallies while making his monkey antics.

    The only reason why this laughing stock exists is to be laughed at, period.

    Life would be dull without mischievous Jimmy, Kenya's most famous Mummy's boy.

    He's he's rolling towards his 50's but hey, age is just a number. The dude is young at heart.

    Go on jimmy, don't listen to them. Keep us laughing.

  20. Look who's laughing now.

    The Mois, Biwotts and Kibakis have just offloaded their Mobitelea shares for a cool Ksh 2.4 billion. That's almost enough war chest to bankroll Uhuru for 2012 to secure to their empires.



  21. @12.54 am very very smart deduction.
    PHIL obviously voted for his god since he started voting to date, and he insists that this is Nationalism. Well, We all know he would eat RAOs shit if asked, even gladly offer his ass for shafting.....

  22. Guys for arguments sake, if god asked us to choose between Jimmy and Fidel in 2012, whom would you vote for?

  23. LUKE said
    The Kazi Kwa Vijana initiative from the Prime Minister's office.....
    Wait a minute right there
    This uncreative goon has now taken over this initiative from the ministry of youth and sports into his office? Since this was done, money has started diappearing mysteriously. I HATE THESE APES

  24. We know ODMers instructed Luke to post this jimmy crap to divert attention


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