Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, June 19, 2009

Future Face Of Generation Youth Kenya

championing change in the interests of young people


  1. Mwambu The Great6/19/09, 4:07 PM

    Are you kidding me? Jimmy Kibaki is not and can NEVER EVER be the face of youth in Kenya.

    He is too corrupt and should answer for attempting to harm or even assasinate Muite and Imanyara.

  2. Tony-fucking Gachoka? A man who illegally sells his own mother's land? Mathare, mathare tafadhali--matatu namba 4!

  3. Jimmy's face doesnt even give much inspiration and his mouth seems full of teeth.Kwani how many does he have or how big are his?

  4. If Jimmy is the kind of youthful leader that people want then wacheni Ntimama aendelee na kazi........he's way better of for the simple reason that at least he can speak!

  5. Raila,uhuru,mudavadi,Gideon,Jimmy,oburu,ngala,betty kones,salat sounds farmiliar,????!!!

  6. Anon 10:09 PM, It's the Kingdom of Kenya, uta do? Jimmy and rest are just chips off the old blocks, and they will be worse than their fathers. Because they have feelings of entitlement. Wataiba hata North East, and that which they can't steal they will burn. Uliza Gideon..

    Ni wezi wote.

  7. Seems I'm behind news. Was Fidel Odinga there?

    I wonder which family will be the fifth coz currently we already have Kenyatta's family, Moi's family, Kibaki's family and Raila's family.

    I thought those who should champion for youth are people like KJ, Mongolo, Nyambs, Mutoko e.t.c.

    Did I hear someone called Eldama who? Someone from Narok? he should do better than that.

  8. We are tired of anything called Ki...or Ke...
    Too much blood stains on their sleeves.
    Kenya should not be ruled by a killer folk forever. We should start developing some morality in this country.

    We need really people who think Kenya is a country and not a tribal entity.

  9. Here we have a youthful legislator, a successful junior businessman and a young political activitst who have come together vowing to prove you all wrong. what more do Kenyans want?shetani ashindwe

    these three have risen above petty politics and thorny issues of ethnicity to declare its time for the youth. collectively they possess an arsenal of skills between them enough to ensure their youth initiative KWA VIJANA succeeds

    Faceless youth of Kenya now have a direct representation on the national stage in the process of reforming the country and would do good to heed the helping hand given them to help themselves.

    this unlikely band of brothers is set to make history.This country, they acknowledge, should be governed by laws and not men

  10. Mwambu The Great6/20/09, 2:26 AM

    I look at the future face of Kenya and all I see is U-G-L-Y.

  11. You kiddin?
    The real face of kenyan youth can be seen among the railway uprooters, the slash and burn warriors of yester year, the enduring stonethrowers, the haki yetu chanters and more recently, the mungiki and their anti-thesis, the hague vigilantes. That is the future of kenya. Time to wake up.
    They're all just as ugly and smelly as the posted picture.

  12. More on youth:

  13. Wakenya amkeni jamani.

    Jimmy Kibaki, Uhuru Kenyatta and even Fidel Castro Odinga will never elect themselves in any election. These men with tattered and checkered histories will be elected by ornery myopic Kenyans- and you can take that to the bank! You know the drill which gives you a free ticket to bunge's gravy train, dish out 50 bob notes, packets of unga, some chang'aa and rant about your enemies, are in! That's a time tested formula. Easy peasy! Come 2012 and history will definitely repeat itself. We just never learn!

  14. Jimmy the potato sack cannot even lead himself. His face is an insult to the youth, his figure is a stark reminder of the ticks who have been feeding off the blood of kenyans.

  15. I'm sure there is something very very terribly wrong 2 even jst enunciate dat Kubaf Jnr has any ounce of representing anything let alone youth. Diz fellow thieves in claim , 4 sure time has come 4 da populace 2 vomit them. Wat a digress 4 championin our rights. Anybody u has read Shamba la wanyama will agree dat this r up 2 no good. Somebody said the other day dat this likes of K Jnr ave never n will never feel da youth coz they don't know wat da youth r going thro' n wil never know so who r they or wil they represent????????

  16. Jimmy should first hit the gym before calling himself a youth. Someone who cannot carry himself should never lead


  18. Jimmy Kibaki amekaa kama Lucy "the mad one" Kibaki. Spitting Image. Anything resembling "the mad one" can not be the face of generation youth Kenya

  19. Jimmy like his dad has a physique that is not inspiring

  20. Anon, even his speaches are not inspiring

  21. It is insulting and seditious to imagine kenyans being led by such a sloth

  22. who told these old pple that we wanted them to fight for our interests? Do they even know what our interests are or they just think we are a stupid, naive generation that they can use to propel themselves into government? if this is so, they got another thing coming...and thats fo-sho

  23. A boy whos work is to run around statehouse brokering for the rich to see HE Kibz

  24. Why is Jimmy missing in the serial killers list?


  26. Sasa matusi ni ya nini wakenya?

    Since when did looks make one a great leader? Stop telling us what you think about Jimmy's looks, am sure the computers would crash if some of you posted your pics here.
    Let's hear about his skills, judgement, vision, record, charisma etc.

    soma hapa,

  27. Say it again, Fidel who? The guy who can't make it on time to any appointment because of smoking pot?

    Plus Jimmy, the thick tongued idiot?

    And Tony who specializes in akina mama wazee (Ngilu-types)?

    Ati these are our the future face of Kenya. Kweli sisi Wakenya tumerogwa!!

  28. Even PNU zealots have distanced themselves from Jimmy the sloth

  29. Mpesa peleka ignorance yako chooni. Ati what do looks have to do with what? Look at Obama and tell me that his posture didnt play a role. You must look inspiring and represent freshness. Jimmy looks overfed around an electorate that is starving.....

  30. Luke,

    I think you posted this just to mischieviously annoy us. You must be laughing yourself silly because you have succeeded.

    All the same, have a nice weekend.

  31. Tell me one great elected leader who was overfed, ugly, heavy tounged, without shape and form. No pun intended, Jimmy should confine himself to being a financier

  32. Luke you just put me in a foul mood. I am now furious just imagining that an idiot can consider jimmy for ANY leadership

  33. I support jimmy for Othaya coucillor in 2012. This will be a good launchpad for his political career. Though i know pretty good guys running for the same who could cause a major upset/ embarasment for the son of head of state

  34. I can bet to the last coin that he will lose against Cllr ken Njihia who is popular in nyeri.

  35. The Kenyatta family and former home guard families ended up owning thousands of acres in Central Province while the majority of the people (their fellow Kikuyu's) in the province have next to nothing.

    The home guards hijacked both the independence struggle and the fruits it promised to bring. Kenyatta and the home guards abused the million-acre resettlement scheme and pauperized a whole community.. Pity that this same community does not see this and follows them - the home guards - blindly.

    To mentions any of their sons as potential leaders of this country make me feel like puking.

  36. jim@t kibaki!damn!a progeny of Lucy!!! the face of kenyan youth.where has he been all these years.

  37. jimmy kibaki could be the stanley guy eminem sang in his song STAN.

  38. i can see a pig on the left of the picture

  39. jimmy who has been specialising in eating all this time now claims he is a champion of the youth

  40. jimmys biggest achievement is weighing 120 kg

  41. mbona kamba mps are falling head over heals for jimmy? is it the usual kamba hunger?

  42. why does jimmy have big teeth? Is it an evolutionary adaptation due to his occupation ie eating

  43. "jimmys biggest achievement is weighing 120 kg"

    conservative estimate, no doubt. looks like a beached whale to me. useless nut. an end to dynasties.

  44. i hate men with hips like jimmy. How can a man have matako makubwa?

  45. does anyone have alqaeda contacts? I have a job for them

  46. i can see a pig on the left of the picture

  47. am looking for jimmys wifes number, am sure, with jimmy weighing 200kg obviously underperforming, we can have mpango wa kando

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hey Guys, we are being unfair to the trio. They have stepped forward and declared their intentions. What have YOU done about being Kenya's young leader? All you are doing is hiding behind "Anonymous" and pouring vitriol in the blog on those who have the guts to show their face. If you keep hiding the way you are doing, how shall we locate, identify, know you so that we can elect you? Isn't it true that people get the leaders they deserve?

  50. Lebo, anyone but jimmys and his crew. FYI we have come forward and many have declared intentions and offered themselves, even suffered for that matter. But thanks to tribalism, corruption, cronism and a system that favours the rich, talent doesnt stand a chance in kenyan politics. When you go to your village and ask for votes, watu wanaitisha doo, we are now a nation of handouts. That is why toads like jimmy will be in the next parliament

  51. Unless the Post writer is claiming Kenya youth are not educated and have no voice? and by the way wazee's like Jimmy Kibaki and his cronies? how dare you call this wazee's youths? or were you referring to their offspring?

    Our youths in Kenya will change the country round in the next elections.. no more thieving..

    wake up look around you? even the youths in Iran have woken up too.. do you sincerely expect Kenyans to stay asleep with people in Power who Kenyans did not vote for??


  52. "Our youths in Kenya will change the country round in the next elections.. no more thieving.."

    Heh-heh-heh. This will be fun to watch.

  53. 1.

    Jimmy Kibaki = The ugliest piece of S*#*t to have ever been posted on Kumekucha.


    Jimmy = spitting image of the equally ugly, deranged and deformed Lucy "Rucy" Kibaki.

    All Kibakis look soooo UGLY!!

  54. The complete picture of political dynasties

    so now we have Gideon joining the fray

    But this is just posturing and smokescreens, the end game is already laid out, the rest is showbiz to fool the "ill-informed" masses an dlook like there is some form of competition when in reality, they'll follow the same script of 2007/2008

    The crooks have already divvied the plum posts among themselves, all that remains is to play some political games and allow "voters" to vent

  55. truly kenyans wen i see jimmy kibaki i ask how damn and idiotic can we be we are a nation of 18 million fools jst look at ur leaders and ur future like one said U G L Y

  56. anon3:29 PM?

    Are you laughing at our youths meaning all those intelligent kenyans ages 19- 35 this includes graduates, many in management positions, scholars, lawyers, doctors, teachers, civil servants e.t.c?? you mean you think that kenyans lack the confidence and intelligence to turn our country in the right direction?? after many years of oppression?

    If Iran's citizens and do what they are doing today!! with all those guns pointing at them! why not the young citizens of Kenya, if yet again elections are stolen!!

    this time my friend they will stand firm. it will not be about Raila or Kibaki's cronies.. but the rights of the people of Kenya! period!!!!!

  57. It is interesting to note that not ONE comment here supports Jimmy and his initiative. Well, it seems all middle class youth across the divide have unanimously rejected him and lets say this is the first time ALL comments have concured and ODM and PNU zealots have agreed since this blog started

  58. Luke,
    In conclusion, Jimmy should just retire with his dad, period. Everything he will ever do,regardless of the intentions, will be rejected. History has appended/ fixed an ugly tag on him of a political elite kenyans now increasingly hate
    Cheers guys and have a productive week


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