Sunday, June 21, 2009

Can The Mungiki Lead A Revolution?

I've avoided talking about the Mungiki because I'm terrified of those guys.

Over the past few days I've been thinking about this group of hardworking, industrious and extremely dangerous guys. I've wondered what motivates them, what grievances they have...and what solution could be found to stem the rising insecurity they pause to Central Province and eventually to the country. Like many organizations without a discernible public face, the Mungiki is difficult to figure out. What is clear is that by the gruesome nature of their murderous exploits, they are sending a stern message to us that business will not be as usual until their demands are met.

For starters, it is clear that this group of guys (do they have women in their ranks?) are extremely bitter with a Kenya they feel their forefathers fought for yet they can't even get jobs in. They frown at a government that does not seem to have a solution to their increasing frustrations...where they can't start businesses, can't raise decent families, can't afford the basic necessities of life, yet they see their leaders retire to expansive bungalows in tree-lined streets across the city. Why do we then wonder why they've resorted to tough tactics?

I recently traveled to Nyeri and saw for myself the difficulties some of the youth of that region face. Joblessness. Poverty. Hopelessness. What struck me was the similarity of their plight to what I've often seen in Nyanza, the Rift Valley and Western Kenya. Should I go to Mombasa and other parts of Kenya, I know the story will be the same. In a word, our youth are disillusioned and are ready for a revolution. They are ready to take on the leaders and create a situation where the nation's wealth won't be concentrated in the hands of just a few folks at the expense of everybody else. In fact, what do you expect the Mungiki youth to do when they see the Kenyattas with land the size of Nyanza Province while they coil in squalids? Should they sing Glory Hallelujah? And what should they do when Kibaki used them at the 2007 elections with promises to form the core of the Kenya Army then dumped them? Sing Hail to the Chief? I don't think so.

So what's the way forward?

Me thinks the time has come for the Mungiki to spread its wings across Kenya. I say so because this nation is ready for a revolution and I have seen that the Mungiki has the capability and the zeal to make it happen. What the Mungiki leaders need to do is broaden the scope of their mission to include liberating Kenya from the bondage of elitism and inheritance politics. They must act to keep Kenya from falling into the hands of Uhuru, Gideon, Jimmy and other big-name kids. By so doing, they'll be creating a level playing field for tough girls like Martha Karua and untainted brilliant men who've been kept from running for office by a system that glorifies sycophancy and ridicules penniless courage.

I abhor the murderous tactics of the Mungiki, but I'm also aware that we all take them seriously because of their success at intimidating communities. I hope they can turn their attention to using that success to free this nation.

My word to the Mungiki is...don't kill the small man. The small does not ride in a guzzler Mercedes or Prado. The small man does not live in a gated bungalow. And as sure as the sun rises in the East, the small man does not eat in the Serena and Safari Park. Those are the toys of your enemy!


I know the Mungiki can be the new Mau Mau against the black rulers who've turned out to be even worse than colonial rulers. I personally think it's time to give our brothers from Central Province a chance to kick the hell out of this deaf system. Shake the system by going after the toys.

Go get them, folks!


  1. okello, are you serious?

  2. Okello? Does Mungiki represent the voice of most Kenyans or only Mt. Kenya Mafia?? I think you should answer that revolution questions using your own brains....

    Meanwhile : here is what is happening on Iran since the stolen elections happened.. here is a a breakdown from very serious iReporters inside Iran making sure they can account for all innocent Iranians imprisoned by force..

    Imprisoned Iranian Journalists and Politicians

    By MUHAMMAD SAHIMI iReporter in Iran

    [TEHRAN BUREAU] Since June 13, the start of nationwide demonstrations and protests against Iran’s rigged presidential elections began, a clampdown on many of the leading reformist politicians, as well as journalists and bloggers, has been under way. Many have been arrested and imprisoned.

    There are strong rumors that some of them, including Messrs Tajzadeh, Ramazanpour, and Aminzadeh (see below), are under strong pressure to “confess” to planning the demonstrations well in advance of the elections, and having “connections” with foreign powers. The following is a list of those whose arrest and imprisonment have been confirmed, together with a brief background for each.


    Dr. Mohsen Aminzadeh: Member of the Student Followers of Imam’s Line (SFIL), the leftist group of the students who took over the United State Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979; Deputy Foreign Minister in the Khatami administration; member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Revolution Mojahedin Organization (IRMO), one of the two leading reformist parties; founding member of the reformist Islamic Iran Participation Front (IIPF), Iran’s largest political party; director of the Mousavi campaign.

    Dr. Saeed Hajjarian: Member of SFIL; leading reformist strategist; advisor to Mohammad Khatami during his presidency; editor-in-chief of Sobh-e Emrooz (This Morning), a leading reformist newspaper shut down by the hard-liners; member of the Central Committee of the IIPF; deputy Minister of Intelligence in the 1980s; member of the SFILM; handicapped by an assassination attempt on his life in March 2000.

    Behzad Nabavi: Leading reformist strategist, a founder, and member of the Central Committee of IRMO; Deputy Speaker of the 6th Majles (parliament); chief negotiator with the United States that led to the release of the American hostages in 1981; Minister in the first Mousavi Cabinet in the 1980s; jailed for years by the Shah.

    Mohammad Tavassoli: Tehran’s first mayor after the 1979 Revolution; member of the Central Committee and political director of the Freedom Movement of Iran (FMI), a reformist/centrist political party founded in 1961 by Mahdi Bazargan, the first prime minister after the 1979 Revolution; jailed for years by the Shah.

    Mostafa Tajzadeh: Deupty Interior Minister in the first Khatami administration who supervised the elections for the first city councils and the 6th Majles, a process praised for its even-handedness and transparency; member of the Central Committees of both IIPF and IRMO; outspoken critic of the hard-liners.
    Mohsen Safaei Farahani: Member of the Central Committee of the IIPF; former head of Iran’s Soccer Federation, deputy Minister of Economy in the Khatami administration.

    Hedayatollah Aghaaei: Member of the Central Committee of the ERP.

    Davood Soleimani: Deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance for Domestic Press in the first Khatami administration; Tehran deputy in the 6th Majles; member of the Central Committee of the IIPF.

    Dr. Ali Tajer Niya: Mashhad’s [a large city in northeastern Iran] deputy to the 6th Majles; member of the campaign team of Mr. Mousavi; member of the IIPF.

    These courageous men and women have done nothing other than defending the human and political rights of their Iranian compatriots. They deserve the support of all those who care about human dignity and freedom.

  3. Mwambu The Great6/21/09, 11:16 PM

    Sorry folks, there is such a thing as a sick society. Mungiki has always been a Kikuyu problem, is a Kikuyu problem, and will always be a Kikuyu problem.

    Until some Kikuyus (most Kikuyus are good) learn to respect the basic and fundamental norms of civilization, they are destined to either Mungiki or Vigilantes.

    Any questions?

  4. More Iran courageous men and women have done nothing other than defending the human and political rights of their Iranian compatriots.

    Jahanbakhsh Khanjani: Spokesman for the Interior Ministry during the Khatami administrations; member of the ERP.

    Saeed Leylaaz: Economic advisor to the Khatami administration; journalist; strong critic of President Ahmadinejad’s economic policies.

    Abdolfattah Soltani: Prominent attorney Iran’s Nobel Laureate for Peace); attorney for several jailed human rights advocates; attorney for the mother of Dr. Zahra Kazemi, the photojournalist that was murdered in an Iranian jail; imprisoned for his human rights activities.

    Shahab Tabatabaei: Director of the youth committee of the Mousavi campaign.

    Mohammad Reza Jalaei Pour: Director and spokesman of the nation-wide movement,

    Abdollah Momeni: former Secretary-General of the Office for Consolidation of Unity

    Dr. Abdollah Ramazanzadeh: Deputy Secretary-General of the IIPF;

    Mohammad Ali Abtahi: Chief of Staff, and then Vice President to Mr. Khatami for parliamentary affairs; the reformist leftist clerical organization that supports Mr. Mousavi.

    Dr. Ebrahimi Yazdi: Secretary-General of the FMI; Foreign Minister in the Bazargan government after the 1979 Revolution;

    Dr. Mohsen Mirdamadi: Secretary-General of the IIPF; chairman of the 6th Majles’ Committee on National Security;

    Mohammad Atrianfar: Deputy Interior Minister in the first Khatami administration; member of the Central Committee of the Executives of Reconstruction Party (ERP), a reformist party; editor-in-chief of the popular daily Hamshahri

    Rajabali Mazrouei: Member of the Central Committee of the IIPF; Isfahan’s deputy to the 6th Majles; journalist, and director of the Association of Iranian Journalists

    Journalists and Bloggers

    Mahsa Amrabadi: reporter for the E’temaad-e Melli (National Trust) daily, the mouthpiece of the National Trust Party of Mr. Mahdi Karroubi, the reformist candidate.

    Karim Arghandehpour: journalist writing for reformist newspapers Salaam and Vaghaa-ye Ettefaaghiyeh, both of which were shut down by the hard-liners. He also has a blog,

    Khalil Mir Ashrafi: A television producer and journalist

    Behzad Basho: Cartoonist

    Kayvan Samimi Behbahani: Managing editor of Naameh (Letter), a monthly publication, close ties to the Nationalist-Religious Coalition (NRC)

    Somayyeh Tohidloo: a blogger at ; political activist; sociologist; supporter of Mr. Mousavi

    Abdolreza Tajik: political activist, economist, and close to the FMI and the NRC

    Dr. Ahmad Zeydabadi: distinguished journalist writing for and print media in Iran; Secretary-General of the Organization of University Graduates of Islamic Iran (Advaar-e Tahkim); a supporter of Mr. Karroubi; close to the RNC.

    Mojtaba Pourmohsen: editor of Gilaan-e Emrooz (Today’s Gilaan; Gilaan is a province in northern Iran, bu the Caspian Sea); contributor to Radio Zamaneh (a Persian radio in Holland).

    Hamideh Mahhozi: a journalist active in southern Iran

    Amanollah Shojaei: a blogger living in Bushehr, in southern Iran

    Hossein Shokouhi: reporter and journalist writing for Payaam-e Jonoob (the Message of the South), in southern Iran.

    Mashallah Haydarzadeh: Another journalist active in southern Iran

    Ruhollah Shahsavar: A journalist working in Mashhad (in northeaster Iran)
    Mohammad Ghoochani: prominent reformist journalist, editor of many reformist newspapers shut down by the hardliners (e.g., Shargh [East]; Hammihan [Compatriot], and the weekly, Shahrvand Emrooz [Today’s Citizen]); editor of E’temaad Melli; son-in-law of Mr. Emad Baghi, the prominent journalist and human rights advocate.

    Jila Baniyaghoob: prominent female journalist, working previously for many reformist newspapers;

    Bahman Ahmadi Amooee: journalist and husband of Jila Baniyaghoob

    Eisa Sahar Khiz: an outspoken journalist who has been a critic of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei;

  5. mungiki is the answer to such jokers as uhuru and kibaki. like okello says, they can now help bring the problems of kenya to a halt by forcing a change of leadership.

  6. Sam,

    I never can understand you. You want the Mungiki in Kenya? Tell me where your home is. i will send them.

  7. Sam,

    Killing people, throwing stones, uprooting railways, heckling, matusi, boycotting businesses of 'kabila adui', etc by whichever group is never going to be the solution to our problems.

    If i were to be asked, it is the small person, you and me, who should be dealt with first. We have for a long time made major leadership decisions (at the box) on the basis of ethnicity, association, emotion, etc, without bothering about qualifications and ability to deliver.

    My argument is that dealing with the big person now(how come you don't list an Odinga?), though i don't agree with your suggested methods, will only give rise to another big person, possibly you, Sam.

    So, your Mugiki, Chinkoronkoro, and Jeshi la whoever have grievances, without doubt. And their grievances are not any different from yours and mine. But we have failed to deal with the underlying problems, key being leadership, by allowing ourselves to be used and dumped repeatedly.

    Until that time we empower ourselves and make decisions based on principle and not emotions, we can eliminate as many merc and prado guys as we get our hands onto, but the problems will remain.

  8. First of all I would like to confess that I haven't read this post, I'll read it after I have made these comments.

    I'm burning with anger over this story

    If this is where we are heading then we are still far from reform, in-fact we could not have seen reform from Raila as we had earlier thought.

    I'm seeing the same Raila in this news
    claiming that he'll bring reform.

    I have liked Raila and always view him as someone who can bring reform, however my admiration for the guy has waned to almost a negative. He keeps on proving to us that he's not the 'messiah' we thought he was going to be, that he's just a wolf while the rest are hyenas. I don't think I'll choose a wolf over a hyena, better I stay alone.

    What does Raila thinks when he says he'll bring reform when on the other side he is propagating nepotism. I see pretense of the highest degree.

    We all know the escalating insecurity, poverty, tribalism in Kenya. Reform does not come through pushing for new constitution but reform comes through those small things like fighting against insecurity, poverty and tribalism through meeting APs in a village and encouraging them to work hard; starting a small borehole project in a village; encouraging Wambuis and Kipkoech to work together in the same market; raising funds to feed hungry people; creating awareness to people not to destroy property in the name of demonstrations etc.

    It is pitiful that Raila, just like other leaders, are failing to do this small deeds yet they shout for the media to hear them that they will bring reform. He has joined the ranks of Kalonzo Musyoka who has never addressed issues of hunger in Kamba region, or Uhuru Kenyatta who has never addressed the issue of landless Kikuyus yet he has thousands of acres that are idle, or Mwai Kibaki who has never addressed issues of insecurity in Othaya, or Ruto who has ignored issues of PEV etc.

    Or is it that, as Kijana Wamalwa said, "power corrupts", Raila is already corrupted by the same power he wanted to use to bring reform to Kenya? If that's the case then it's time we need to tell Raila, "you have left us, and joined the people we wanted to fight, through you, and now we don't want to see you, infact we will start fighting you also."

    I'm pleading with Kumekucha not to delete my post because this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. We the people of Kenya need to learn this so that we don't make another mistake of voting in people we think are angels in our midst.

  9. God Forbid if Mungiki thugs raided your house at 3AM, raped your daughters and circumcised your wife, you would be more careful before advocating violence on successful Kenyans who have made it through sweat and tears.

    What I have said may sound gruesome and horrendous, but that's a reality to many small business owners in Central province who have refused Mungiki's blackmail!

    What Okello has written is called an INVERTED PYRAMID OF PIFFLE which is an article-writing style that places the meat of the story at the top, to grab the reader's attention immediately.

    The Mungiki spokesman called Gitau Njuguna Gitau always calls an open press conference yet he's never arrested or interrogated by our pathetic police, your guess is as good as mine.

    Believe me even if the Government sat to dialogue with these Mungiki animals, another group would pop up to take it's place since violence and intimidation would have been rewarded.

    Let Mungiki scum first renounce violence and come open, then maybe Kenyans will have a sympathetic ear. Violence must never be rewarded! Careful Mr Okello, you are a known public figure, this incitement may come to haunt you one day!

  10. Sam Okello, I wish you could have gone deeper before presenting this post. You have only passed through it and left it incomplete, such that it's likely to elicit bad reaction out of misunderstanding of what you are trying to push.

    If I try my best I would say just like Mutahi, but not exactly, that good people who can lead Kenya to prosperity are cowards, they fear if they stand they'll be assasinated, so in the ned we are left with evil people fighting fellow evil people.

    That's why, at the moment, all those who have openly declared their intention to run for 2012 presidential election are a s evil as the incumbents they are trying to fight. It is for these reason that I still see that we are far from reform, and also we still see no change in our lives, yet we had a lot of hopes on the new faces we brought to parliament. In other words we replaced evil with evil.

    Supporting Mungiki will be the same thing, trying to replace evil by evil, in fact Mungiki can easily become more evil than the current leadership.

    So what's the way forward? Kenya needs people, like Martin Luther, who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of future generation. People like you and me. Sitting here while typing on this blog is not enough, that's why, you are likely to see me in future, like Ambassador Ranneberger, trying to bring awareness to Kenyans on the need to stop tribalism, see beyond tribe and choose a leader who is there for all Kenyans.

    I know educating Kenyans and telling them the truth will touch some people's nerves, especially anti-reformers, but I'll strive to do this, and I encourage you to do the same.

  11. As we noted yesterday, the Kenyan as well as other developing nations economic policies have utterly failed.

    As a result, we have millions of young men who have no hope of every getting a decent job. Anyone who wishes to appreciate why this is so, should read Mahatma Gandhi's views on economic issues. He warned of this danger, but, no one cared to listen.

    For instance, the Kenyan economic development/thinking is dominated by three fallacies:

    One, a nation can have sustainable development through the actions of the foreign investors.

    Two, it is the role of the government to create jobs and wealth.

    Third, investing all our savings in the Nairobi Stock Exchange will change economic fortunes of our nation. Flowing from the third fallacy, Kenyans have recently channelled their investments through NSE to fund giant multinationals like KBL (which do not need our savings) and monopolists such as KenGen.

    By engaging in such investment activities, Kenyans including their leaders, hope that some wealth will trickle to every corner of the nation. This is a lie.

    Let us be clear, we do not object to the three strategies/fallacies in toto, for they have a role to play. However, when they dominate our thinking, we end up where we are.

    Let us give an example. A few days ago, we read of someone losing his house in Nairobi worthy KES 150 million. If we assume there are about 100 such people, we can see a billion here. Is this not the same money we are asking foreign investors to put in productive sectors in Kenya? And, when we get the same money, where do we choose to invest?

    For instance, we know that, this year alone, we had rotting pineapples in Buret and rotting mangoes in Mombasa. Surely, a pineapple processing factory would not even cost kes 20 million. That would leave someone with kes 150 for a house with kes 130 million to buy a house if he must buy such a house.

    So, why not invest in such ventures that create wealth for the nation? No, we are waiting for foreign investors to come. Rubbish thinking.

  12. in my second paragraph, line 4, I meant "end" and not "ned".

  13. Sam
    You seem to be naive to think that Mungiki can bring about a revolution. You think they should be against the sons of big men inheriting political leadership and single out Uhuru, Gideon and Jimmy. You incidentally forgot that Raila is also a son of a big political gun.

    The way to stop political inheritance is through the ballot in a democratic society. Obama is good example who made to the white house despite his background. We shall always have the sons of big men and poor men in our society as none chooses his father.

    I don't think we can blame all the Kenyan problems on the elite as you are tying to imply. Poverty is not the only reason we have gangs like mungiki. It is greediness and desire to live beyond our means that is problem. People in other countries in the region like Ethiopia and Tanzania are poorer than Kenyans yet we don't have this problem.

    The next time you travel to Nyeri anywhere else in Kenya try be positive and see what unexploited opportunities exist in those the regions. Mungiki is extorting money from the hard working people in those areas. Think of solutions like how the Youth Fund and increased CDF allocations can be used to create jobs for the youth

  14. Sam and please reply to me, first thaks for writing a honest article. Nowadays i peep in and if the article ha been written by tribal Taabu i keep offf it like the way i avoid aids.

    Mungiki is a national security threat. Its true Youths are lost but why dont we hear the youths from other region hacking their own. Even if there is poverty, these are youths who are just too much in crime and the only way out is to kill to legitimise themselves. Their ultimate goal is to get power of course but these guys having power is spelling doom to this nation. About whether they have female ranks. They have them, who are hardened and brutal like they are. Its these kind of women that you wont like to be near your you or your neigbourhood. hey look toxic

  15. I hate this clown Sam Okello!!!
    Sam Go back to that shity hole you crawled out! Luo Shiate!!!

  16. Jeff,

    You make an excellent point when you say the small man has made critical decisions at the ballot box...almost all of them wrong. But my frined, when you take a walk along those dusty village paths, what you see is an army of an electotaret that is hungry, ignorant and easy to exploit. Many of our leaders have taken advantage of such folks. So, is there any group that has proved itself capable of catching the ear of these clowns we call our leaders? You and I know the Mungiki has.

    Go after their toys, guys!


  17. Kim,

    Mungiki stands for three things. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Isn't it a pity that our beautiful girls, who should be out there nurturing our future, have been forced to fight for justice instead?

    Go after their toys!


  18. I agree that the Mungiki, unlike the sacks of potatoes that reside in Kibera slums, are well organized and can pull such a revolution through.

    My concern right now is with the reforms that the rt hon dr prime minister is promising. Let's get along with them, including sorting out the Mau, Land reforms (in Orengo's docket) and replacing the diplomatic corps with relatives and friends. ODM has a majority in parliament and this should be very easy.

  19. Okello, you are a sadist. You have a warped mind. You seem to enjoy seeing spilt blood and grimacing faces. You derive joy in other people's pain. You prefer violence to peace. You prefer dictation to election. To you, the end justifies the means, even if those means are inhuman and unsustainable. You have no humanity and humanness in you. You are a beast. Do you REALLY mean what you say and say what you mean?
    I sympathize with anybody who is under your leadership, mentor-ship, influence, friend or even enemy. YOU ARE SICK.

  20. Ure joking right? As per usual a sensationalist piece with potentially bad implications.

    You fail to understand how revolutions work in the first place, the Bolsheviks had a revolution and became tyrants, so did Hitler, so have countless African leaders, it is a method that doesn't work; not in todays world.

    Kenyans (esp middle class one's) are unappreciative of what mechanisms we have to hold our leaders accountable. If anything the focus should be on community cohesion, strengthening the media to be more transparent and progressive, strengthening vulnerable groups, supporting civil society, these are things that most people can do in their neighbourhoods, that is a revolution, not what you are suggesting.

  21. Nope, he's not joking. He has access to insider information--lots of overtures being made to the Mungiki. Their task will be to ensure that kikuyu of central province dont come out to vote in 2012.

  22. Sam,

    Coil in squalor....

    I don't quite see mungiki reforming to any serious revolutionary or leadership role in Kenya. They have not made this their stated mission. I see them more as a mafia group. They are bound to evolve from street thuggery and killings into business and white collar crimes.

  23. Sam,
    The prevailing economic climate will not subscribe to your cheap rhetoric, activism is not helping us either, and we need to preach healing embracing an affirmative action led by like minded people. Revolution will not solve those problems that are now engrained in our moral fabric. What we need is an extensive social engineering starting with you!! To re-educate you to learn how to live with others harmoniously, not fanning ethnic hatred with inflammatory statements taht will pit neighbour against each.
    A thriving social economy is not a social experiment or fantasy like writing children's books, but it is about gradual transformation of people's mindset to suit, adjust and challenge prevailing circumstances.
    Change or no change, as long as the draconian laws are in place, nothing tangible will be achieved by this economy. What we need to fight for now are:-
    1. Providing our people with a voice to champion things that affect them at grassroots level by building strong and thriving communities. Developing cohesive cahoots of communities of practice strongly linked to service delivery and wealth generation
    2. Robust scrutiny system that will monitor service delivery and seal black holes in abuse of public office
    3. Constitutional framework that does not sit on an individual's shoulder but makes the office bearer answerable to the people
    4. Criminal justice system that is efficient bringing crooks to justice and protecting hard working citizens
    5. A police authority that is independent of the ruling class to safeguard security and protect its citizens
    6. Devolved system of governance that is transparent, accountable, inclusive and representative
    7. Equity in terms of infrastructure linking and accessible to most communities
    8. Access to services that is readily available to all
    And lastly a working nation driven by a common goal, supported by people who are ready to sacrifice their self interest in order to transform the socio-economic agenda supporting vulnerable members of the community equitably. This should compliment and add value to people in the community whose values thrive on honesty not driven by emotions or vested interest. Unlike your ilk who basks on peddling poorly grounded conspiracy theories clouded by rumuors or hearsays often short of academic insight, we need doers and visionaries. Kenya needs people who can feed it, design working, practical policies supporting the infrastructure not 'domo domo'.
    This is not to say some Kenyans have not taken up this challenge, a considerable number have given up on our leadership, instead working hard to make a difference. Politicking will not put food on our tables, but offering realistic solutions with visionary insights should be entertained. Hey social economy based on trust can drive this economy far.

  24. Sam

    is it fair to ask a question that you have already answered or preempted?

    ...I've avoided talking about the Mungiki because I'm terrified of those guys...
    ....are extremely dangerous guys...
    ....the rising insecurity they pause to Central Province and eventually to the country...
    ....What is clear is that by the gruesome nature of their murderous exploits....
    ...they've resorted to tough tactics...

    you however proceed to state without batting an eyelid

    ....Me thinks the time has come for the Mungiki to spread its wings across Kenya....

    If that is not an irresponsible statement, i dont know what is.

    there is no amount of reasoning that can justify that ill logic (pun intended).


    Also Sam lets not generalise and confuse the crusade for more democratic space with ambiguities

    ...They frown at a government that does not seem to have a solution to their increasing frustration..

    government is an enabler, solutions must come from the citizens

    ...and create a situation where the nation's wealth won't be concentrated in the hands of just a few folks at the expense of everybody else

    its not so much that the wealth is concentrated in the few as in that, those in positions of authority continue to loot and practice corruption and erode ability of public institutions to efficiently deliver services to the public.

    In summary, i sense a desperation and disillusionment in you and it would appear you are getting derailed from the track of pursuit of democratic space.

  25. If you had an idea of how annoying you are considering your age and ambitions you would forever keep quiet. Anyhow, its your democratic right to 'air' whatever you think be it right or wrong, clever or stupid, smart or idiotic.

    You are trying really hard to win the battle (of having a crowd to cheer you on) by capitalizing on the haterz attitude and you somehow forget that the WAR still rages on and its far from been over. You somehow forget that the war is not worn by the divide rule but by a people coming together and working towards a common good for all, and that a small battle won by having a crowd to cheer you on could be more dangerous.

    You have now conveniently discovered that mungiki are extremely dangerous guys to the contemptuous kikuyu kingdom? And until you visited Nyeri the kingdom-ers were rich people? Then you somehow want these mungiki people to spread their wings? A while back these contemptuous kingdom-ers were the source of our problems ... right now they are the solution? Give me a break MAN.

    How on earth can a group like mungiki - rapists, murderous, evil, ugly traditionalists, most backward and illiterate to the core kind of people lead a revolution? Do you even know who mungiki are?

  26. Simmer down guys.

    Sam is simply playing the devils advocate by provoking thought.

    What is troubling is that Mungiki has the ability to morph into something larger and become an essential part of our lives just like the mafia in Italy. Hence they'd control government and every facet of our lives. They are already collecting taxes and in some cases citizens are swearing allegiance to them. They are in direct competition with the GK.

  27. Revolution is a word so easily bandied around quite alot these days e.g. "the new East African Marine Systems submarine cable in Mombasa will lead to a revolution in the way we work and live" see what i mean? easily bandied

    The truth is all Kenyans have an equal stake in the affairs of this country,and thugs who want to use violence and lawlessness to terrorize and intimidate others are trying to achieve a wrong end by wrong means that's not the way to claim their stake even if its their rightful share

    you can never consider Mungiki to lead the way in any direction except to HELL and no deals should be done with a devil having no memory or friends

    Taabu there were some computer errors in my birth certificate that's why 1998.....

  28. Sam, whatever your name is, I do not think you should be trusted with writing and editorial of at any level. Either your mind is soo undeveloped or you are simply and idiot, imbecile. If you don't have anything sensible to write about then my advice is "do not write"

  29. guys how can you talk abt revolution when there is NO WATER in nairobi? This city produces 60% gdp

  30. hehehe

    some light humor

    now this is conning with genius and impunity, no shots fired, no innocent civilians brutalised, no ak47s car-jackings etc. just some amazing street smarts "banking"

    and you can take that to the bank, suddenly takes new meaning altogether

  31. Dont joke with Mungiki. These are not liberators, they are killers.

    Go to Italy and witness what Mafia is capable of doing. Mafia can not bring forth a revolution, they can only murder, blackmail and rob. Similarly, these are what Mungiki can do.

    We need a cleaner youth movement to fight the corrupt elites.

  32. The answer to your questions is yes The Mungiki can lead a Revolution. YES, YES, YES.

    These people are standing for what is right in Kenya. For example why has nobody fought for the rights of the displaced in 1992 elections in Burnt Folest areas?

    Also we should not forget that the PEV violence of 2007-2008 has not been solved and the perpertratars of the land crashes are still around. Do not trust ANY politicians who promise they can't keep, period.

    The third very importnt point concerns the Director of Oscar Foundation Mr. Oscar Kamau King'ara and the other man by some of the policians in Central who are afraid of the land question that King'ara was exposing.

  33. saaaaaaaaaaaaah

  34. UrXlnc,

    Sounds like an inside job to me.


    Tribalism dulls your memory to such an extent that you can only remember the name of assassinated brother King'ara and of course not his kihii colleague Oulu.

    Your Mungiki liberators killed, behaded, skinned the two-year Omondi in a Nairobi slum. This is the militia you expect to liberate Kenya from the grip of the home guards: Jenga Mungiki Karume, Uhuru Muigai Mungiki Kenyatta (son of a homeguard),John Mungiki Michuki,George Kinuthia Mungiki wa Muthengi Saitoti, Mwai Emilio Mungiki Kibaki, Koigi Mungiki Wamwere, John Chris Mungiki Kirubi, Professor Joe Mungiki Wanjoi,Kabando Mungiki wa Kabando, Lucy Mungiki Kibaki, Martha Mungiki Karua, to mention but a few.

    These are the true owners of Mungiki! I do not know how they are going to liberate themselves from themselves, let alone Kenyans.

    You want Mungiki to go and return the stolen/grabbed Kalenjin land to Kikuyu Mungiki land grabbers, the so-called IDPs! You, like Mungiki Saitoti, Mungiki Kibaki and Martha Mungki Karua are living in a dream world.

    Ati you want Mungiki, the children of the House of Mumbi to ''liberate'' Kenyans by installing their mother Martha Mungiki Karua who not only actively took part in rigging back Kibaki to presidency (in itself a gtreasonable act) but also along with Lucy Mungiki Kibaki, are the mothers of Mungiki, as Kenya's president. You are crazy!

    Try it! You have never yet seen the people's revolution.You should be afraid and trembling when the youth ignore their own lives and put themselves at great risks by heckling killer Mwai Emilio Mungiki Kibaki, who is the only person in the country who sees the exploited poor as watumbavus!!

    It is not long go that Lucy promissed to give land to Mungiki killer youth claiming that they are suffering. Are they they only unemployed youth in Kenya? What is so special about them that makes them so unique and deserving of special treatment from the first lady other than the fact that they guaranteed her husband a second term in office?

  36. Kiama said
    "The answer to your questions is yes The Mungiki can lead a Revolution. YES, YES, YES"


  37. Kiama, you may hide in nairobi but i promise you your names and details are with vigilantes and Kwekwe. Just wait for a bullet or panga on your head

  38. Kiama said
    "Also we should not forget that the PEV violence of 2007-2008 has not been solved...."
    How dare you cold blooded creature mention PEV? Were you not involved with your Mungiki comrades to burn Luos in Naivasha? I think YOU have not been solved, and the solution is a bullet


  40. You who is positing at 6.58pm did I try to disrespect the jaluo man who was working with Oscar or did I just forget his name.

    I was a handcore PNU in the last elections of 2007 but after I saw that many of these people have not done anything for the innocent PEV violence victims I dont think that I can trust them anymore. That was my point.

    The youth everywhere are upset with people who were with "baba Moi" in the 1980s and other such like impostors.

    If you cant understand high level logic and politics dont blame me.

  41. You also at 9:34pm who are you to decide who can or cant read a revolution eh? get some cajones bro.

    Kwani didnt the man nyanyasaring dictatotr of Uganda, Museveni, lead a revolution in Uganda? If he can there then anyone else can also. You dont have confidence or what.

  42. Now why is every Tom, Dick, and Harry after Kiama. You can tell your useless friends at Kwenkweke I dont give a damn. You need to know the very complicated politics that is currently taking place for the hearst and minds of the electorate in central and the diaspora at large.

    I can't talk about it right now.

  43. Listen here this at 9:38pm the people who killed other Kenyans are wrong, hear from me. What I ma advocating for is the rights of all Kenyans to get the Kenyan dream which was stolen during independence by you know who.

    I am actually fighting for the rights of Kenyans who lost in the PEV violence in the RV and other areas also. Some people have to much land is the major problem in Kenya today and after independence.

  44. this blogspot should stop feeding our heads wit hthis mungiki bullshit coz it is a kikuyu affair that should not preoccupy the minds of other 40+ tribes

  45. this blogspot should stop feeding our heads wit hthis mungiki bullshit coz it is a kikuyu affair that should not preoccupy the minds of other 40+ tribes

  46. ..and the Mafia can lead the revolution in Italy...and Taliban can fight for w omen's rights in Pakistan...and the Al-Shabab can liberate Somalia and introduce democracy...Mungiki tosha!! you are in good company

  47. Kiama wewe ni mungiki and thats okay unless kwekwe catch up with you, sasa lead the revolution in central first

  48. I said here once that KENYA IS NOT A GREAT COUNTRY. We are just a country with many idiots. You wake up everyday and find on the roads, in schools, churches, at work, in the streets fools and idiots who are a replica of the political leadership. A country full of small people who have nothing to show, a country with few traces of greatness in a few exeptional people. We are great only when you compare us with Uganda, somalia, Tz, Ethiopia and the other loosers. A people who have refused to take calculated risks, postponed making hard sacrifices and refused to learn. I HATE KENYA






  54. Mungiki(1)-ORIGINAL had honest objectives, Mungiki(2)- CURRENT menace, is colonial objective against the people. It functions like the MauMau(2) It's intention is to distablise peace in order to enable the colonialist interest to re-entrench back by taking away from the Africans everything they have gained.
    The levers of power that control the Mungiki is foreign. Mungiki is therefore a recolonistion tool that does not do reform but is part of geopolitical manoeuvre for economic conquest.

  55. The Al-Shabab, Al-Alkaida, Mungiki(2), are created from the same manuscript and have an identical master. This Master was afraid of Mungiki1 because it was from the people for the people for change and reform, so they used the term Mungiki to create a clone like dolly the sheep.

  56. History of the Mungiki depicts violence and murder. Violence and murder shouldnt be lauded and praised as a solution begeting revolution. Thats caveman mentality,and after the caveman came Jesus, who some thought we had to kill to get ahead. Think, What would Jesus do?
    If you dont believe in Jesus then i can understand the thirst for blood of another being. Satan has many tactics to rid us all, and thats through civil war which Mungiki exemplify.

  57. We have one nobel peace prize winner in Kenya, we shouldnt tarnish that image we gave the world with the darkside and dirty linen. We value our tourists bwana!
    The fix is not violence, research Gandhi and peaceful methods that exemplify the Golden rule, the ten commandments, the lessons in the Quaran, or ask the Dalai Lama, or something in that direction.
    Kenyans are diverse, lots of good ideas available if we care to unite and put aside vengeance, and tribalism. History shows not alot of good has come of the Mungiki sect so why put them on a pedastal in the name of Revolution. Hey, We'll get the nobel peace prize revoked and a sanction slapped on. People like the Mungiki should be sent to the Hague for crimes against humanity and would end up in hell anyway whether or not its all for a good cause, theres no Peter pan involved in a Mungiki revolution.
    The car is not broke, it still runs and there will be an upgrade to a prado or a merc for everyone if possible but it wont be the Mungiki way.
    Please Mr Okello, sense the Kiboko to be felt like some of us did growing up, and still in adulthood from the likes who condone a Mungiki sect. We learn from our mistakes.

  58. low level class of Ugali eating, dusty-footed morons need to learn from the Somalis, not hate them for their successes. Somalis are doing a great bussines in all over the world, including all big cities in united states and Europe let alone this dirty little place called Eastligh or what ever name, that said, i advice the somalis to simply take their bussineses to other greatful places if this nonsense doesn't stop. if these smelly morons don't stop their stupidity, we are going to take our money and our land and leave behind these child-killing, church-burning and chips-eating apes to their darkness. word to the wise!

  59. Okello, I mostly agree with you. I am not a mungiki member but have made business dealings with its members (they never said they are members, but everyone knows they are). I know many people from my community (I am not Kikuyu) who have made similar dealings with them and are happy for the last two years. None of us would rather go to government and its inefficient machinery to deliver on thw same issues. I know that if a reversal of the service provided was to be made, it is likely to be by the government's operatives, whose mentality is only for selfish gain. I have seriously thought of duplicating the Mungiki idea in my area. I never saw any of the Mungiki members armed. I took time to study the way they operate and they seemed very well organised. Where they have provided services, I noticed that even civic and parliamentary representatives-probably to justify the taxes and local authority fees. I think we should encourage the government to assist the Mungiki to operate more openly. You realise even I have chosen to be anonymous!


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