Friday, May 15, 2009

Borrowing Tried Hands of Trusted Neighbour

Some queer things can only happen in Kenya. Only here do you rattle a President and induce his foul mood on national TV leading him to declare how dear his wife is. But the same fellow has no time nor word of reassurance about a territorial dispute with an expansionist neighbour despite his oath of office.

Surely selective amnesia served generously in bowls of expediency is no big prize for a leader with no conscience. Only in Kenya do you find a President insulting the dead by collecting corpses for a state funeral 20 years after their demise while ignoring the bloodbath and massacre in his own backyard.

Only within our shores can afford the luxury of dictatorial OUTSOURCING leadership. Just ask Kenyan journalists who had to cross border to seek clarification in Kampala from a skilled master to whom we have successfully exported bigotry as we cheer him on.

Payback time
Museveni is playing the cheap Kenyan politics better than our own scoundrels. If anything Kibaki owes him gratitude as the ONLY leader who promptly congratulated him for bastardizing our democracy.

Living lies must be our singular national forte. Look no further than octogenarian Ambassador Francis Muthaura who without batting an eye warns other PSs against leaning towards any of the coalition partners. I guess taking minutes and directives from PNU is the epitome of non-partisanship.

The fortress of denial is cracking and will surely come crashing down sooner rather than later. It is the same business-as-usual mentality oblivious of the changed circumstances that is steadily pushing Kenya to abyss. Meanwhile the gatekeepers continue with their maddening spree to strip Kenya of all her flesh and blood.


  1. Dont you ever get tired of your PNU this PNU rants while turning a blind eye to the rot in ODM.Even the average Kenyan on the streets has a better grasp of what is exactly happening as he knows neither side has angels only that KK insists on sanitizing one side.Even a cheap political analyst know to whom the Migingo affront is directed at,not that Kibaki is doing any better by letting the mind games to continue.



    This guerilla warrior should not bring his dictatorial nonsense to Kenya, and his foul language which he intimidates Kibaki with. He scares no one in Kenya which is much bigger than his silly ego.

    He knows what kind of idiots he can intimidate, but not the rest of Kenyans.

    Migingo and the surrounding waters belong to Kenya, period.

    With his tail between his legs, he has so far lowered his flag and is now already pre-empting the obvious announcement of the survey - that Migingo belongs to Kenya. What a waste of our 140 million shillings when people are starving.

    The fool should move out his crooked guerrillas out of West Pokot immediately and quit imagining slicing off any portion of Kenya.

    It is not just Luos who live or fish in Migingo Island - these are Kenyans plus of course some guests including Museveni's stupid Ugandan security intruders.

    And by the way who told this Ankole bastard that the railway uprooters in Kibera were all Luos. Video clips show a national picture of solidarity regarding the protesters. Territorial matters of Kenya - whether at Migingo or Pokot, will be resisted by all Kenyans alike.

    It is clear Museveni is trying to create red herrings to cover for his crime during the PEV in which his security forces intruded into Kenya and killed civilians. That's another matter altogether.

    Museveni will not prevent Kenyan fishermen from participating in their only source of livelihood. Otherwise he should be aware from his landlocked vantage that good neighborliness pays. Mark these words.

    Museveni should stop dreaming of grabbing Kenyan revenues accrued from the fishing industry the way he loots in Congo. These are Kenyan resources.

    And to our sitting duck - the so called 'duly elected' president - shame on you for subjecting your citizens to such harrassment and bullying. Shindwe kabisa! Can't even protect your borders until the PM, ministers, MPs and civilians including yes - those Railway uprooters- act to protect their territory. Can't even protect your own kin in Nyeri from Mungiki, or even care about IDPs. Bure kabisa. Kenya should just donate this Kibaki to Museveni.

    And where is that shrill voiced Alfred Mutua who should from now henceforth start referring to Migingo by it's rightful pronunciation - its never been called Mijingo.

  3. Museveni known as
    "M7" is nothing but a dictator with a massive ego and a lot of paranoia. He has his problems with Koni etc and conflates all the Nilotes as an enemy of the state AKA his tenure as President. Its unfortunate this guy is so entrenched back there in UG.
    His shelf life is so over!

    nice post- from Jukwaa- I couldn't say it better:)

  4. Museveni's spin doctor is a copyright or clone of Alfred Mutua fool.
    hey who would have guessed Kibaki and Museveni would employ brothers as their spin doctors of lies and cheap shiate!

    Clarification of President Museveni's Statement on Migingo Island

    This is a clarification, on statements attributed to H.E President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni regarding ownership of Migingo Island to Kenya, in a lecture delivered at the University of Dar es Salaam on 11 May 2009.

    His Excellency’s statements have been misconstrued, misunderstood and taken out of context.

    President Museveni’s Dar es Salaam lecture was delivered in the spirit of EAC integration and cooperation, highlighting the futility of dissipating regional energies on arbitrary boundary considerations. Whereas, focus should be upon regional integration for the enjoyment of the regions abundant resources by all EAC citizens.

    President Museveni’s position, and that of the Government of Uganda, continues in keeping with the issued joint communiqués of Kampala 13 Mar 2009, the Lusaka meeting between the two Heads of State, Arusha 29 Apr 2009 and Nairobi 11 May 2009.

    Therefore, it is unfortunate that certain members of the Kenyan political class continue to misinform and mislead the Kenyan public on the Migingo Island issue. The Government of Uganda views with grave misgivings the motion, moved and currently being debated on the floor of the Parliament of Kenya, championing the use of Kenya Navy and Air Force in the resolution of this matter.

    Furthermore, the Government of Uganda resolutely refutes allegations of its armed forces presence in the Kenya West Pokot region.

    The Government of Uganda further reiterates its commitment to the diplomatic resolution of this matter and recommits to unequivocally accept the findings of the technical survey team, and adhere to such in keeping with its territorial, regional and international responsibilities.

    Fred Opolot

    13th May 2009

  5. Interesting information on Uganda's Museveni-

    Oil wells in Uganda are the personal property of Museveni and family

    The now economically feasible oil prospects in Uganda should not be greeted with much fanfare because of the secret nature of the contract. So far, the Ugandan government has refused to release details of the contract citing a confidentially clause, which was included in the contract. It should come as no surprise since this contract was against the national interests of Uganda. I must reveal, at the cost of endangering my life, that this contract is against the national interest and is very bad for our country Uganda.

    By the nature of our job, we are sometimes privy to details of meetings which the President holds behind closed doors. The following is the essence of the oil contract, which I will with great pain release to Ugandans.

    First, the contract is hidden even from parliament because it was drawn between President Museveni and family (in their private capacities) as the sole and primary Ugandan investors, with Heritage Oil where Tony Buckingham is the CEO, as a secondary partner. To be clear, legally, Museveni's family owns the oil wells, and NOT the Ugandan government on behalf of the people of Uganda as we often imagine or delude ourselves.

    This means that all the oil wells belong to Museveni and his family as personal investment and property. The people of Uganda will only get taxes arising from the sale of oil to the government of Uganda.

    Has it ever occurred to you to wonder why the government of Museveni does not want to build the hydro-power station at Karuma Falls to generate electricity for the consumption needs of the country? Or even to implement the old plan of building a hydro-power station at Murchison Falls/Kabalega Falls for hydro-electric power generation to supply the entire country? The reason is simple: If there is enough electric power capacity that the two Falls can easily provide, why should the country purchase oil to generate electricity from Museveni and family's company?

    Has it not puzzled most of you that Museveni is very interested in building small hydro-electric power stations across the country, which can only supply inadequate power, even if used for only lighting purposes in those areas? And which cannot support large scale industrialization even in those remote village areas? Think again before you jubilate, fellow citizens. We are in deep crisis. Museveni and family will own the entire energy resources with a select group of foreign companies and players such as Tony Buckingham.

    Second, the Museveni's family enterprise will be able to extract maximum concessions from Ugandans, as they manipulate the energy needs of the country for their benefit and comfort. Museveni will be the new so-called "Oil-Sheik" like the Sultan of Borneo or the Kings of the Middle East. This means that they will rule forever as a dynasty. Forget any significant change in your welfare as a result of the new reveue, and instead prepare for a life of submission for it is your continuous humility that will be rewarded with crumbs by the new oil barons; to benefit from the economic order, you will need to be a sycophant like the Kakooza Mutales and many others.

    Third, the Kingdom of Bunyoro should realize that after them, the next people to be courted with the ultimate aim of subjugation are the "Abacholi". Though given their reputation in these circles as "stubborn", always speaking up and never giving him a break, General Museveni has also considered the option of eliminating them.

    In a meeting whose details have become known to me, it was planned that the Madhvani Group would be given the land where the oil is. Then when the oil find was later declared, the Ugandan government could then say that it was on a private land, so that "Abacholi" collectively have no rights to it. But it was also recognised that the people (Acholi) on the land are "very stubborn" and would not let Mzee push them around. It was thought that the best way was to "eliminate" (read: murder) some of them but this idea failed to gain enough support because of fears that it might generate support in northern Uganda, for rebels like Kony.

    Eventually, as pressure to secure and develop the oil grew, investment in the venture needed to go ahead. Mzee had no choice but to go ahead and publicly declare the oil find. Otherwise for a long time now, the fact that two exploratory oil wells were being sunk in Amuru (where Madhvani was to get land - the 40,000 acres), was kept secret.

    But how could the plan to grab and keep the oil resource as a personal investment and property of Museveni's family be carried out and defended? Here is the how they planned to do it:

    It was though that because killing leaders of the "Abacholi" might drive them to support Kony, he (Kony) must first of all be destroyed. After that source of potential blowback had been defused, then the land (oil) in Amuru would be simply be expropriated, since the "Abacholi" are big headed and never to be trusted to cooperate with 'investors'.

    If for whatever reason that course of action did not succeed, then Tony Buckingham could summon his considerable force of private military contractors to help to keep Museveni in power forever. Mr. Buckingham has experience in the field of manipulating political power using private military operations. He has been involved in running military-business complexes revolving around natural resources in places like Papua New Guinea in Asia to West Africa and in particular, in Sierra Leone With professional mercenary groups, which included Executive Outcomes of South Africa under Colonel Ed Barlow, and Colonel Tim Spicer of Sandline International and other extended security businesses including Saracen. In short, Buckingham has the connections and power to deliver and sustain a perpetual monarchy with Museveni and family as the heads.

    We must remember that in 1997, Tony Buckingham and company were given control of Sierra Leone's biggest diamond venture, the Koidu Diamond mines in Kono district, in exchange for keeping Tajan Ahmad Kabbah who had been overthrown, in power. So far, he has interests in the diamond mines worth several billions.

    Tony Buckingham is extremely well connected to powerful figures in the British and other western governments. When they were destroying Sierra Leone in direct violation of the United Nations Security Council resolution banning moving in of arms to escalate the conflict, the governments of UK, Canada and US knew but did nothing to stop him. Today, the mines do not benefit the Sierra Leoneans but Tony Buckingham and company and to some extent those connected to former Kabbah's government. (For a fuller treatment of Buckingham's background and nefarious projects in Africa and elsewhere, see other online sources like The Wonga Coup from an African Perspective, Marketing the New 'Dogs of War', Tales of Tony Buckingham -- Editor)

    When we hear that the shares of Heritage Oil Company went up in the London Stock Exchange on news of the Amuru oil find, we must ask to whom is that money going? Since the Heritage Oil company works with the Museveni's, the money goes into their pockets because it is their joint investment in the Ugandan oil.

    So the clear reason why the oil contract cannot in its present state see the light of day, even before the parliament of Uganda is because it is a private contract between Museveni and family on one hand, and Heritage Oil on the other. It is a personal investment contract with the Museveni's as the main proprietary owners. The Ugandan state owns nothing for if it did, why should we be afraid to release the contract to the owners, who are the citizens of the country?

    Finally, I want to applaud Radio Katwe for calling to order Mr. J.C. Amone for using racist and discriminatory language against Tutsi. I am a Tutsi who is a Ugandan and very proud of it. I have to come out to tell the truth because I love Uganda and the people of the north. I know very well that northerners and particularly "Abacholi" have suffered from NRM/A bigotry. Some members who were promoting that bigotry against the northerners are now in FDC. I went to Kyankwanzi with some of them. We fought the northerners together but they fell out with Mzee. I do not like it here in PGB either but I must work for my country. Where should I go? However, I feel compelled to write, even at the cost of my life, because I love my country Uganda.

    Oil wells in Uganda are the personal property of Museveni and family
    Published : 16 Jan 2009, Kampala
    By a PGB Officer

    The now economically feasible oil prospects in Uganda should not be greeted with much fanfare because of the secret nature of the contract. So far, the Ugandan government has refused to release details of the contract citing a confidentially clause, which was included in the contract. It should come as no surprise since this contract was against the national interests of Uganda. I must reveal, at the cost of endangering my life, that this contract is against the national interest and is very bad for our country Uganda.

    By the nature of our job, we are sometimes privy to details of meetings which the President holds behind closed doors. The following is the essence of the oil contract, which I will with great pain release to Ugandans.

    First, the contract is hidden even from parliament because it was drawn between President Museveni and family (in their private capacities) as the sole and primary Ugandan investors, with Heritage Oil where Tony Buckingham is the CEO, as a secondary partner. To be clear, legally, Museveni's family owns the oil wells, and NOT the Ugandan government on behalf of the people of Uganda as we often imagine or delude ourselves.

    This means that all the oil wells belong to Museveni and his family as personal investment and property. The people of Uganda will only get taxes arising from the sale of oil to the government of Uganda.

    Has it ever occurred to you to wonder why the government of Museveni does not want to build the hydro-power station at Karuma Falls to generate electricity for the consumption needs of the country? Or even to implement the old plan of building a hydro-power station at Murchison Falls/Kabalega Falls for hydro-electric power generation to supply the entire country? The reason is simple: If there is enough electric power capacity that the two Falls can easily provide, why should the country purchase oil to generate electricity from Museveni and family's company?

    Has it not puzzled most of you that Museveni is very interested in building small hydro-electric power stations across the country, which can only supply inadequate power, even if used for only lighting purposes in those areas? And which cannot support large scale industrialization even in those remote village areas? Think again before you jubilate, fellow citizens. We are in deep crisis. Museveni and family will own the entire energy resources with a select group of foreign companies and players such as Tony Buckingham.

    Second, the Museveni's family enterprise will be able to extract maximum concessions from Ugandans, as they manipulate the energy needs of the country for their benefit and comfort. Museveni will be the new so-called "Oil-Sheik" like the Sultan of Borneo or the Kings of the Middle East. This means that they will rule forever as a dynasty. Forget any significant change in your welfare as a result of the new reveue, and instead prepare for a life of submission for it is your continuous humility that will be rewarded with crumbs by the new oil barons; to benefit from the economic order, you will need to be a sycophant like the Kakooza Mutales and many others.

    Third, the Kingdom of Bunyoro should realize that after them, the next people to be courted with the ultimate aim of subjugation are the "Abacholi". Though given their reputation in these circles as "stubborn", always speaking up and never giving him a break, General Museveni has also considered the option of eliminating them.

    In a meeting whose details have become known to me, it was planned that the Madhvani Group would be given the land where the oil is. Then when the oil find was later declared, the Ugandan government could then say that it was on a private land, so that "Abacholi" collectively have no rights to it. But it was also recognised that the people (Acholi) on the land are "very stubborn" and would not let Mzee push them around. It was thought that the best way was to "eliminate" (read: murder) some of them but this idea failed to gain enough support because of fears that it might generate support in northern Uganda, for rebels like Kony.

    Eventually, as pressure to secure and develop the oil grew, investment in the venture needed to go ahead. Mzee had no choice but to go ahead and publicly declare the oil find. Otherwise for a long time now, the fact that two exploratory oil wells were being sunk in Amuru (where Madhvani was to get land - the 40,000 acres), was kept secret.

    But how could the plan to grab and keep the oil resource as a personal investment and property of Museveni's family be carried out and defended? Here is the how they planned to do it:

    It was though that because killing leaders of the "Abacholi" might drive them to support Kony, he (Kony) must first of all be destroyed. After that source of potential blowback had been defused, then the land (oil) in Amuru would be simply be expropriated, since the "Abacholi" are big headed and never to be trusted to cooperate with 'investors'.

    If for whatever reason that course of action did not succeed, then Tony Buckingham could summon his considerable force of private military contractors to help to keep Museveni in power forever. Mr. Buckingham has experience in the field of manipulating political power using private military operations. He has been involved in running military-business complexes revolving around natural resources in places like Papua New Guinea in Asia to West Africa and in particular, in Sierra Leone With professional mercenary groups, which included Executive Outcomes of South Africa under Colonel Ed Barlow, and Colonel Tim Spicer of Sandline International and other extended security businesses including Saracen. In short, Buckingham has the connections and power to deliver and sustain a perpetual monarchy with Museveni and family as the heads.

    We must remember that in 1997, Tony Buckingham and company were given control of Sierra Leone's biggest diamond venture, the Koidu Diamond mines in Kono district, in exchange for keeping Tajan Ahmad Kabbah who had been overthrown, in power. So far, he has interests in the diamond mines worth several billions.

    Tony Buckingham is extremely well connected to powerful figures in the British and other western governments. When they were destroying Sierra Leone in direct violation of the United Nations Security Council resolution banning moving in of arms to escalate the conflict, the governments of UK, Canada and US knew but did nothing to stop him. Today, the mines do not benefit the Sierra Leoneans but Tony Buckingham and company and to some extent those connected to former Kabbah's government. (For a fuller treatment of Buckingham's background and nefarious projects in Africa and elsewhere, see other online sources like The Wonga Coup from an African Perspective, Marketing the New 'Dogs of War', Tales of Tony Buckingham -- Editor)

    When we hear that the shares of Heritage Oil Company went up in the London Stock Exchange on news of the Amuru oil find, we must ask to whom is that money going? Since the Heritage Oil company works with the Museveni's, the money goes into their pockets because it is their joint investment in the Ugandan oil.

    So the clear reason why the oil contract cannot in its present state see the light of day, even before the parliament of Uganda is because it is a private contract between Museveni and family on one hand, and Heritage Oil on the other. It is a personal investment contract with the Museveni's as the main proprietary owners. The Ugandan state owns nothing for if it did, why should we be afraid to release the contract to the owners, who are the citizens of the country?

    Finally, I want to applaud Radio Katwe for calling to order Mr. J.C. Amone for using racist and discriminatory language against Tutsi. I am a Tutsi who is a Ugandan and very proud of it. I have to come out to tell the truth because I love Uganda and the people of the north. I know very well that northerners and particularly "Abacholi" have suffered from NRM/A bigotry. Some members who were promoting that bigotry against the northerners are now in FDC. I went to Kyankwanzi with some of them. We fought the northerners together but they fell out with Mzee. I do not like it here in PGB either but I must work for my country. Where should I go? However, I feel compelled to write, even at the cost of my life, because I love my country Uganda.


    Posted anonymous by a Worried Officer, PGB from Uganda

  6. The Uganda mafia and its tentacles
    Published : 2009, Kampala
    By a Reader

    Dear RK,

    Please allow me in this popular website to chip in and assist our compatriot, the "Independent Analyst" who wrote in this website, a letter entitled"Museveni, Saleh"s Criminal oil, mineral deals in Uganda", posted on 02/10/08. There is a danger that this very important article might be overlooked by Katwe readers and the country, because it is continuously being overshadowed by the never ending outrageous and scandalous events which keep on streaming out from our seat of power. In order to salvage our country from the jaws of the local and international mafia, now headquartered in Kampala, all Ugandans must cooperate, and answer the "clarion call" which RK started just a few years ago, so that the task of studying, exposing and eventually destroying this cancerous growth is hastened. For too long Ugandans have been focusing exclusively on Museveni the despot, ignoring the power behind the man; the evil empire, many times more monstrous than Babylon.

    My compatriot in his article, cited above, appear to have already covered some considerable ground in his research. However, when one is trying to understand a cobweb of mafia type of organizations which are backed by sleazy trans-national corporations plus the added covert support of rogues states one can never come up with a comprehensive and exhaustive enquiry. Even this additional contribution may well be just a tip of the iceberg!

    My suggestion is that my compatriot should look at the different organizations under the following heads:
    This is a subsidiary of Executive Outcome. It was established to provide security for Branch Energy, with the aim of looting the Karamoja gold, etc. It is believed that Major Gen.Salim owns 45% shares and Branch Energy owns 25%. It is not clear who owns the remaining shares. Military hardwares for Uganda are believed to be procured by Saracen. They are also alleged to have been involved in recruiting mercenaries to fight the LRA. One Saracen employee is believed to have been found dead along the border of Southern Sudan , sometime ago, well before the recent "Operation Lightening thunder". Maj.Gen Salim Saleh is a close associate of Heckie Horn (MEP), an EU parliamentarian. At one time both were investigated by the UN for violating the UN embargo on the Congo . Salim"s partner in crime was one of those selected by the EU, despite the obvious conflict of interest, to observe the last (rigged) Uganda election, of 2006. Does it surprise any one that the report was favourable! It only goes to show the extend to which Western institutions insult the intelligence of African leaders and their people.

    Other possible shareholders are Tim Spicer, Jean-Pierre Bemba (already nicked) and Tony Buckingham (former SAS in the Balkans), etc.
    The company was incorporated offshore, in the Isle of Man , in 1993, by Tony Buckingham, and Simon Mann. Incorporation in the Isle of Man suggests that the company has something to hide, ie tax evasion or something more sleazy than that. It is subsidiary of "Strategic Resources Corporation", which aims, inter alia, at controlling the "natural resources of failed states". White South Africa"s war of aggression against Mozambique , Angola , Namibia , etc.aimed at forestalling the death of apartheid, came to an end, when Black South Africa attained independence, in 1994. This white mercenary group was made up of those soldiers who were demobilized. The rogue company was founded and registered in the UK by Eben Barlow, Tony Buckingham and Simon Mann( now rightfully in Equatorial Guinea jail).Other EO personnel are reputed to be Nic Van de Burg, Michael Grunberg, D H Parker, Salim Saleh., possibly Raymond Moi, etc. The company has contracts with De Beers, Chevron, Rio Tinto Zinc and Texaco, all partners in the looting and destruction of Africa . Mr. Eb Barlow created EO from "Koevoet" formerly a police unit which operated as a death squads, which masterminded black-on-black violence in South Africa .

    Executive Outcomes was reportedly dissolved on 1st Jan. 1999 when the newly independent Black South Africa introduced the 1998 Regulations of Foreign Military Assistance Act aimed at stopping mercenary activities. Thereafter the company seems to have gone underground and resurfaced like the proverbial phoenix under the dubious name of "Lifeguard", incorporated separately in Pretoria .

    Executive Outcomes is deeply enmeshed in the same network exposed in a South African courtroom in September, 1996, as responsible for the death of Olaf Palme the Swedish Prime Minister, in 1986. The alleged conspirators cited in the case were one, de Kock, Brig.Johan "Dirk" Coutzee and James Anthony (Ant) White.

    EO personnel also are assigned to guard the Karamoja gold mines, while the thiefs "carry on looting", just like in the British comedy series. The mine is believed to be jointly owned by Yoweri Museveni and the beloved Baroness Linda Chalker. Allegation has it that Mr.Landa has lost control of Linda, who is now living "free range" in Uganda . According to "Le Figaro" the French Newspaper, EO enjoys support at the very highest level in the UK , ie the brainchild of the Privy Council. Sometime back Mr. Courtesy Malcolm wrote, "EO is the vanguard of the British monarch"s recolonisation of Africa, an operation that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in the last five years and promise to cost millions more"
    The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange. The UK company details are not particularly of relevance to my enquiry. As yet I have been unable to obtain details of its operations in Uganda and names of Directors who are Ugandans. Possible other shareholders - Michael Bloomberg, Tony Buckingham, Executive Outcome (corporate shareholder),etc.
    SANDILINE International
    This is another mercenary group formed by Executive Outcome, the holding company for Alba Marine, Stuart Mills, etc. It was founded by Simon Mann and Eben Barlow. Tim Spicer, a retired Scottish Guard and former SAS and holder of OBE. Was he knighted for raiding and looting and Africa successfully? Nevertheless he was chosen to lead the company as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) in Dec.1996 the company was officially incorporated by Tony Buckingham, Simon Mann,(who was also involved in the bloody Sierra-Leone diamond war), Eben Barlow, Tim Spicer, Michael Grunberg, and Nic Van de Berg. The writer recalls that the British Parliament sent "peace keeping" troops to Sierra Leone , supposedly for six months but the troops have been there more than six years!. To me this does not come as a surprise, because "diamonds are for ever". Both Sandiline and EO are controlled by a shadowy front, Viz, Chelsea Plaza 107 in London. Mr. Tim Spicer later started another mercenary company, Crisis and Risk Management Ltd, which metamorphosed into Counseling International, which again metamorphosed into Trident Maritime. He now owns Aegis Defense Services. It has a subsidiary called Aegis Management which is a sanitized form of Sandiline. Col. Tim Spicer was involved in many mercenary activities including one in Papua New Guinea, when he attempted to seize Paguna Copper Mines by force. This sparked off a revolution. Guess who came to his rescue! He was released on behest of the Godfather, the British government. Later he was again involved in yet another ill-fated mercenary expedition in Equatorial Guinea, with Mark Thatcher, who because of his family connection was let off the hook on "plea bargaining", allegedly with the help of Whitehall. Plea bargaining is tantamount to admission of guilt in return for pardon/fine.Their unlucky friend, Simon Mann is now serving life in Malabo prison. Attempts by the British establishment to stop the fugitives being extradited to Equatorial Guinea to face trial was turned down, thanks to Robert Mugabe. That is only the second reason why Mr.Mugabe is wanted so desperately by Britain , dead or alive! The first reason is because the Zimbabwe army"s earlier intervention on the side of the Kinsasha regime of Mr Kabila(senior) in 1996 et seq., to foil yet another plot to topple Mr.Kabila , by the British/USA backed forces of Uganda , Rwanda and Burundi . Executive Outcomes is believed to be closely linked to the UK private military company Sandiline International. Some of their linkages have been revealed in "Jane"s Intelligence Review", a UK ( Coulsdon, Surrey ) based company, of September, 1997. Possible shareholders- T.Buckingham , Simon Mann, Mark Thatcher, etc.
    Key players in this company include Senior demagogue, Lord David Steel, a Privy Councilor and former Liberal Leader. He is busy recruiting more African leaders into this U K based Masonic Lodge ring. He is a close friend of Tony Buckingham, a partner of Tullow Oil

    Possible shareholders, T Buckingham, Eb Barlow, etc
    BRANCH ENERGY( Uganda ):
    The company is controlled by Branch Energy Africa, a subsidiary of a Canadian firm Diamond Resources. The holding company bought Branch Mining from Barlow in the late 1995. After that they began operation in Kidepo National Park .

    Possible shareholders- Brian Westwood, Salim Saleh ( alleged to own 45% share), etc
    Possible shareholders: Salim Saleh, Tony Buckingham, etc. This company needs to be investigated further, in view of its possible link with Salim Saleh.
    Main shareholder is another Tony Teixeira a Portuguese born South African citizen. His other company Lyndhurst was involved in diamond mining in Angola . He illegally supplied arms and offered logistics to UNITA in exchange for mining rights. See UK Hansard debate on 18/01/2000. It is not clear to what extent this rogue company is connected to the Uganda mafia.
    MOSAISI FRIES Em: The Master puppeteers:
    The above website says, about Mr.Museveni: "A Uganda demagogue who believes that nobody else can lead Uganda . He has handed over Uganda "s resources to his foreign masters in the UK . He is involved in the instability in the Congo . Museveni is using Uganda army as a private army to back his Saracen mercenary company in the plunder of Congo "s minerals""
    Please note that some of the mining companies registered in the country are mere fronts, using Uganda as a springboard for looting the Congo , where their "minerals" actually are derived from. It is believed that Salim Saleh, using his connection with Branch energy is teamed up with a company called Glasol in Kisangani . They also have an interest in having the so called Gen Nkundabatware control the towns of Lubao and Mbuji Mayi with the aim of looting the lucrative diamond in the area. According to Zairean sources, the rebel leader Laurent Nkunda is no more than a mercenary of Barrick Gold, a Toronto based company and Anglo-American Corporation sponsored by the British Crown. It may seem strange to Congolese why Mr.Kabila invited UPDF back into the DRC, given their known track record. The problem with Kabila which the Congolese should take note of is that his personal interest is in conflict with that of the DRC. He is in the pocket of Barrick Gold and Anglo-American, who are deliberately misadvising him. Barrick Gold and all the Kangaroo companies in the region are "allies" and therefore Mr.Kabila shares the same Godfather with his supposed enemies., Nkunda, Kagame and M7. Their long term strategy is to make Nkunda powerful enough to control Eastern DRC for long enough to enable the Anglo-Saxons to make a case in the UN for the cession of Eastern DRC, and thereby facilitate the creation of a Tutsi controlled region, comprising of Uganda, Rwanda Burundi and Eastern DRC. Unless the AU can create a force to counter this plan the Congolese will regret why they ever trusted Kabila to lead their country. Eastern DRC is about to be illegally ceded from the DRC! It is not without cause that the Tutsis ( a tiny minority in the entire GLR) have already two memberships of the UN Security council!

    All said and done, I wish to conclude that there is no way the British establishment can exculpate itself from accusation of connivance with these mercenary companies, looters and killers of the third world, because nearly all the companies are domiciled in the UK and most of the directors are UK citizens. Could it be that by incorporating in the UK the directors know that their activities, which they do for "Queen and country" have the backing of the UK Government and therefore the veil of incorporation will never be lifted to expose them? If so, then it becomes clear why every time these rogue traders get in trouble with laws of the client state/international law, the British Government is always seen coming to bail them out, as it happened with Tim Spicer(Papua New Guinea) and more recently, "well-bred" Mark Thatcher.

    One notices that there is a pattern: In Uganda the mining concessions granted, ie in respect of Karamoja, for extracting the gold and in Bunyoro for the oil have both been given to British companies, possibly fronting for the Privy Council, without the normal tendering procedure being followed. This leads one to conclude that even the Amuru land due to be stolen by Museveni, supposedly for Madhvanis sugar estate, is just another lie. Mr.Madhvani could well be yet another front for a British company fronting for the Privy Council, given that the real motive for the illegal and forceful acquisition of the land is not for a sugar plantation but for the oil underneath. Their Godson, President Yoweri.Museveni has no choice but to oblige, whatever the Godfather wants, without any tendering formalities. It has to be Amuru, (where there is oil) and no where else! It is a matter of life and death for him to deliver, albeit illegally, or else he will be cast into hellfire

    People of the GLR must understand that what is happening in this region is straight from Anglo-Saxon Policy think tank for 21st century text book. The plan is that they will go all out to the third world, forget about good governance, democracy or human rights and exploit (I rather say loot) the resources of third world countries to ensure that the mother country(ies) can maintain their already high standard of living. Some of these ideas can be gleaned from a book entitled, "Re-ordering the world"; Geopolitical perspective on the 21st century, by George J Demko and William B Wood (ISBN: 978081331724). The great Oxford Don Isaiah Berlin was believed to be one of the chief architects of this liberal think tank policy. Tony Blair Britain"s ex-Prime Minister, and now "Advisor" to Kagame"s bloodthirsty regime, is said to be a passionate disciple of the late Professor Berlin, who, as only fate would have it, died in November,1997, just six months after Tony Blair became British Prime Minister, in May 1997.

    Compatriot "Independent Financial Analyst", fellow countrymen and women, the whole thing is a maze of complex underworld relationships, so difficult to unravel and even far more complicated to comprehend perhaps than the "trinity". The fraudsters take cover behind the twin pillars of English Company law doctrines of "corporate personality" and "limited liability". All the companies and people involved in this racket are like a magician's series of concentric rings, each one inside the other. They are also like the proverbial Arab folklore of the phoenix bird that sets fire to itself and then rises anew from its hashes, every so often; Like the amoebae that keeps replicating itself repeatedly and endlessly as a way of reproducing ( vegetatively), in order to maintain its species. Like the snake that keeps shedding its skin while the real snake inside the new skin remains the same viper; Like our chameleon, the legendry Theif-in-Chief, who changed from Yoseri Tuhaburwa s/o Kayibanda to Yoweri Museveni s/o Kaguta and who is now armed with his immortality luck portion from Zanzibar, Pemba, Malindi, China or wherever and can metamorphose into a pussycat and quickly back to Yoweri; like the stock puzzle of the mythical pregnant bat a friend once told me of, which has a fetus, the fetus inside also has a fetus of its own, and the fetus of the fetus also has its own fetus, etc, etc, ad infinitum. Behind these "veils of incorporation" are very powerful individuals in high places and establishments, both home and away, who are but wolves impressively adorned in sheeps' clothings. Their Godfather(s) operate while leeched onto the prey client- state (in our case Uganda ). The client-sate is then ordered to carry out all sorts of illegal activities, including money laundering, just like the proverbial lion which uses the monkey's paws to pick up hot chestnut from the blazing fire. For further information about Uganda's true image abroad please visit website and see the caption " Uganda now the fraud capital of Africa ". It goes on to say, "Uganda has outflanked Nigeria , Africa's infamously criminal country, in terms of fraud".

    I hope that in providing this additional research information I have helped to shed more light on the enemies of Africa and thereby alert fellow patriotic Ugandans and Africans alike to know the octopus- like- wizard, and all its tentacles, whose nefarious activities are the direct cause of our endless suffering in the GLR and in the continent. Their activities deprive us of the stability and funds necessary to build modern infrastructure, proper medical, educational and other services, which would raise the quality of life in our country/continent. My heartfelt suggestion is that mining technology is not a preserve of the West (Anglo-Saxon). Africa should expel these Western companies en mass and replace them with similar companies from Russia , China , Japan , etc, (subject to open tenders). Without such drastic measures, the whole of Black Africa will remain the laughing stock of the world.

  7. Fellow Ugandans let try to use some common sense here basing on the figures we receive from the government, its believe that the LRA are estimated to be about 650 people only. No break down on the composition is given which means this is their gross number: fighters, women and children.

    Lets say half of the men have women, and each woman has an average of one child though there could be those with three, two, one or none. So we project it as 300 fighters, 150 women, 150 children and 50 abductees to give us 650 people.

    The government also says these people are moving in small groups probably in 50s or at most 100, then my question comes, how can a group of 50 or 100 people kill 400+ (wouded not included) Congolese in one go using machetes etc and still continue to live among the population? Why didn't they carry out the killings in the past two years before the invasion of the UPDF? Why would they do it to the Congolese of all people?

    Don't misquote me, I don't condone any form of aggression against innocent civilians by whoever. I'm not trying to make Kony a saint as he has his well made CV for all to see but to solve the equation, we have to look at the two variables in the form of Kony and UPDF. They are all culpable.

    Has one ever thought why the UPDF always gets to the scene of such massacre shortly after the killings? And why don't they usually pursue them? Its because they can't shoot themselves in the foot.


  8. Kenyans be wary of Museveni in your back yard- read this post- that is my family friend facts are M7 ordered him dead believe us M7 stops at nothing to kill anyone who confronts him

    We Ugandans can see Museveni has taught your kibaki well- our police force and army kill the same way and call it guerrilla warfare( in kenya you call it Mungiki executions-same thing

    Lt. Bosco Opio's last moments
    Published : 15 Jan 2009, Kampala

    Dear readers,

    today we bring you a transcript from analysing the black box of the MiG 21 fighter jet that was hit by a missile one hour after take off in Garamba, DRC. It was provided by a trusted source.

    The output clearly show how the whole incident happened from take-off to the final crash. Some verbal statements and last words of our deceased colleague have been withheld, they are really sad.

    This is a challenge mainly to the UPDF parrot spokesmen who glibly go on TV, radio and newspapers to deceive Ugandans and the world at large about what is happening in Congo. In so doing, they add insult to injury, disrespecting the service and great sacrifice of those who have paid the ultimate price for the blunders of their leaders and this evil regime.

    The aircraft crashed 18 miles North West of Isiro airport in a remote part of the Garamba forest. The pilot reported fire and smoke in the tail and cockpit not long after taking off. The in-flight fire was caused by Kony's surface to air missile(s) which hit the oxygen generator in the forward safety hold.

    The generator was outdated, improperly labeled, lacked safety cap and was prohibited from being transported on a jet. The loss of control resulted either from flight control failure or incapacitation of the pilot due to extreme heat and smoke.

    In addition, it is important to note from the transcript that, Lt. Opio could have bailed out of the crippled plane, but the ejection mechanism failed. As to who is responsible for providing these junk, badly maintained aircraft, is a matter to be examined another day.

    May his soul rest in eternal peace.

    To help you understand the transcript:

    RT = Radio Transmission
    TWR = Isiro command and control centre
    DEP = UPDF [Defence Air Force] Departure Control
    ? = Data that could not be wholly retrieved
    Critter five ninety two = call signal of Opio's aircraft

    1403: 24


    Critter five ninety two, fly runway heading, runway one left, cleared for takeoff.

    1403: 28

    RT - 2

    Runway heading, cleared to go one left, Critter five ninety two.

    1403: 31

    CAM- 1

    ?? lights are on.

    1403: 34

    [Sound similar to engines increasing in RPM]

    1403: 35

    CAM- 1

    Bleeds are closed.

    1403: 39

    CAM- 1

    Set takeoff power.

    1403: 42

    CAM- 1

    ?? Power is set; we have ninety five, ninety four.

    1403: 47

    [Sound of clunks increasing in frequency similar to aircraft nose tire traveling over bumps in runway]

    1403: 57

    CAM- 1

    ?? three hundred knots.

    1403: 58

    CAM- 1


    1404: 07

    CAM- 1

    V one.

    1404: 07

    CAM- 1


    1404: 09

    CAM- 1

    V r.

    1404: 15

    CAM- 1

    Positive rate.

    1404: 15

    CAM- 1

    Gear up.

    1404: 16

    CAM- 1

    V two

    1404: 20

    CAM- 1


    1404: 21

    [Sound similar to stabilizer- in- motion indicator]

    1404: 24


    Critter five ninety two, contact departure, , good day.

    1404: 27

    RT- 2

    Good day sir.

    1404: 31

    CAM- 1

    Flaps up. beautiful weather clear blue sky

    1404: 33

    RT- 2

    Afternoon departure, Critter five ninety two's out of five hundred going' to five thousand.

    1404: 36


    Critter five ninety two, departure, good afternoon. Radar contact. Climb and maintain ten thousand.

    1404: 40

    RT- 2

    Ten thousand, five ninety two.

    1404: 43

    CAM- 1

    Slats retract.

    1404: 44

    CAM- 1

    Slats retract.

    1404: 46

    [Sound of click]

    1404: 50

    [Sound similar to stabilizer- in- motion indicator]

    1405: 05

    CAM- 1

    Following the Boeing straight ahead of us in a turn.

    1405: 07

    CAM- 1


    1405: 08

    [Sound similar to stabilizer- in- motion indicator]

    1405: 18

    PA- 3

    1405: 45


    Critter five ninety two, turn left heading three six zero.

    1405: 48

    RT- 2

    Three six zero, five ninety two.

    1405: 49

    CAM- 1

    Three six zero.... climb power, climb check.

    1405: 56

    CAM- 2

    Power's set.

    1406: 29

    CAM- 2

    Gears up and checked, flaps up, spoilers, is disarmed, the ignition is off, fuel pumps are set, air conditioning shutoff is override, hydraulic pumps off and low, flood and logo lights at ten, and altimeters at eighteen.

    1406: 40

    CAM- 1

    Thank you.

    1406: 42

    [Sound similar to stabilizer- in- motion indicator]

    1406: 50


    Critter five ninety two, turn left heading three three zero.

    1406: 53

    RT- 2

    Three three zero, five ninety two.

    1406: 55

    CAM- 1

    Tthree three zero??.

    1407: 18

    CAM- 1

    Six for seven.

    1407: 18

    CAM- 1

    Six for seven.

    1407: 22


    [Tone similar to altitude alert signal]

    1407: 24


    Critter five ninety two, turn left heading three zero zero. Join the WINCO transition. Climb and maintain one six thousand.

    1407: 29

    RT- 2

    Three zero zero the heading. Join the WINC at sixteen thousand, Critter five ninety two.

    1407: 33

    CAM- 1

    ??.... Clear left.

    1407: 41

    CAM- 2

    [Sound of cough]

    1407: 42

    CAM- 1

    ?? radar tuned on.

    1408: 00

    CAM- 1

    Got something out there about eighty miles out.

    1408: 02

    CAM- 1


    1408: 03

    CAM- 1

    Singing in langi local dialect [soft under tones].

    1408: 08

    CAM- 1

    There's a break here like.. ??.

    1408: 28

    CAM- 1

    I'd hate to be in this thing at a hundred and eight thousand and in through this weather.

    1408: 32


    Yeah. Some words in local dialect similar to kinyankore]

    1409: 18

    CAM- 1

    [sound of cough]

    1409: 21

    CAM- 1


    1409: 26


    [Sound similar to stabilizer- in- motion indicator]

    1409: 30


    You don't want to hold them down for a while, proceed as on course? Sounds fading

    1409: 32

    CAM- 1

    No, they're OK for right now.

    1409: 36



    1409: 44

    CAM- 1


    1409: 02


    I’AM?? Turbulence?? Intermittent signal interruptions I repeat intermittent signal interruption do u copy that

    1410: 03

    [Sound of chirp heard on HELMET microphone channel with simultaneous beep on interphone channel]

    1410: 07

    CAM- 1

    What was that? Back on air repotting explosion in my belly

    1410: 08


    Roger that can u control her

    1410: 12

    CAM- 1

    ?? 'bout to lose a bus?

    1410: 15

    CAM- 1

    I ve got some electrical problem.

    1410: 17

    CAM- 1

    She is gaining turbulance .

    1410: 18

    CAM- 2

    That battery charger's kicking' in. ooh, I’ve got flames closing in.

    1410: 20

    CAM- 1

    We're losing everything.

    1410: 21


    Critter five nine two, contact command and control centre on one thirty two forty five, so long.

    1410: 22

    CAM- 1

    i need, we need to go back to isiro.

    1410: 23


    [Sounds of shouting from cokpit]

    1410: 25


    Fire, fire, fire, fire [from pilots voice in cabin]

    1410: 27


    am on fire, am on fire.

    1410: 28

    [Sound of tone similar to seat eject warning horn for three seconds]

    1410: 30

    CAM- 1

    ?? to isiro ejection failure, ejection failure

    1410: 29


    Critter five ninety two contact isiro command centre, one thirty two forty five.

    1410: 32

    RT- 2

    Uh, five ninety two needs immediate return to isiro.

    1410: 35


    Critter five ninety two uh, roger, turn left heading two seven zero. Descend and maintain seven thousand.

    1410: 36

    [Sounds of shouting from cockpit subsides]

    1410: 39

    RT- 2

    Two seven zero, seven thousand, five ninety two.

    1410: 41


    What kind of problem are you havin'.

    1410: 42

    [Sound of horn]

    1410: 44

    CAM- 1

    Fire. I’ve been hit going up all in flames

    1410: 46

    RT- 2

    Uh, smoke in the cockp... smoke in the cockpit.

    1410: 47



    1410: 49

    CAM- 1

    What altitude?

    1410: 49

    CAM- 2

    Seven thousand.

    1410: 52


    [Sound similar to cockpit over head glass moving]

    1410: 57


    [Sound of six chimes similar to cockpit interphone]

    1410: 5


    OK, i need oxygen; i can't get oxygen there.

    1411: 00


    [Sound similar to microphone being keyed only on interphone channel]

    1411: 02


    ??ba, is there a?? Way we could test them? [sound of clearing his voice]

    1411: 07


    Critter five ninety two uh, when able to turn left heading two five zero. Descend and maintain five thousand.

    1411: 08

    [Sound of chimes similar to cockpit service interphone]

    1411: 10

    [Sounds of shouting from cockpit ]

    1411: 11

    RT- 2

    Two five zero seven thousand.

    1411: 12


    Completely on fire.

    1411: 14

    [Sounds of shouting from cockpit subsides]

    1411: 19

    CAM- 1

    Outta nine.

    1411: 19

    [Sound of intermittent horn]

    1411: 21

    [Sound similar to loud rushing air]

    1411: 38

    RT- 2

    Critter five ninety two i need the uh, closest airport available.

    1411: 42


    Critter five ninety two, they're going be standing by for you. you can plan runway one two....

    1411: 45

    [One minute and twelve second interruption in CVR recording]

    1412: 57

    [Sound of tone similar to power interruption to CVR]

    1412: 57

    [Sound similar to loud rushing air]

    1412: 57

    [Sound of repeating tones similar to CVR self test signal start and continue]

    1412: 58


    .. Contact isiro approach on, correction you, you, keep on my frequency.

    1413: 05


    Ugandan nine sixty turn left heading two seven zero, join the WINCO transition.

    1413: 09


    Heading two seven zero to join the WINCO transition, Uganda………....

    1413: 11

    [Interruption of unknown duration in CVR recording]



    Need radar vectors. [Radio transmission from unknown source]


    [Sound of repeating tones similar to CVR self test signal, starts and continues]


    [Sound similar to louder rushing air]


    [End of recording]

    all facts

  9. Why Museveni ordered the arrest of Monitor journalists
    Published : 13 Jan 2009, Kampala

    Details are emerging of the circumstances under which three senior Daily Monitor journalists were arrested and ordered to report to the CID headquarters at Kibuli. See Monitor journalists arrested, released on bond Monitor, Jan 3, 2009, Monitor journalists accused of 'aiding the enemy' Jan 6, 2009.

    Our information is that when President Yoweri Kayibanda Museveni read the story by the Daily Monitor headlined "Reclusive Kony: UPDF's tactics under spotlight", he got very angry.

    Museveni had hoped that the "Operation Lighting Thunder" against rebels of the LRA would highlight his son and successor-to-be, Lt. Col. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, as a competent and successful battlefield commander.

    But instead the operation has shown Muhoozi to be as incompetent as his father, President Museveni.

    That is what made Museveni angry with the Monitor report. He got on the phone and called both the Chief of Defence Forces, General Robert Aronda Nyakirima and the Inspector General of Police, Major-General Edward Kale Kayihura and told them to "do something."

    Aronda asked Kayihura to act and the police had to find something to charge the journalists with to cool down Museveni's anger.

    There was also a major disagreement between Aronda and Muhoozi on how to prosecute the Operation Lightning Thunder. The reports from our sources in the army on how Aronda felt it was not wise to to extensive bombing because it could harm civilians, have been proved correct.

    Muhoozi, who is under pressure to prove to his father that he is a "man" wanted the MiG-21 to bomb the area before LRA leader Joseph Kony had time to escape.

    Muhoozi stormed out of the meeting with Aronda and another officer in charge of the operation, Brig. Patrick Kankiriho, who was in charge of the field operation.

    Published : 09 April 2009, Kampala

    Entebbe, Uganda

    Museveni is also aiming to forestall the growing political revolt to his rule. There has been a widespread political wave of anti-Museveni dissent in the Western Uganda caused in part by the lavish favouritism to a small tight, clique of his Bahiima-Basiita tribesmen.

    But Museveni's deployment of three relatively junior military officers to head a very delicate and complicated mission in a foreign country as a means of containing military rebellion and protecting his family's multi-billion dollar thefts is causing rifts even within.

    Reports from senior security commanders have revealed that surprisingly, the biggest opponent to Museveni's military adventurism has been his daughter, Mrs. Diana Kamuntu, who recently confronted him at State House over his policy to carpet bomb the LRA camps in DRC.

    She reportedly challenged her father to justify the carpet bombing of children, school girl's held as wives and sex slaves, innocent civilians and even the LRA soldiers most of whom are innocent abductees. It is reported that Museveni flew into a towering rage, spitting fire at Diana but she stood her ground.

    Reports said later on during the family Christmas get together, the feud escalated with Museveni getting quite personal and describing her spouse Geoffrey Kamuntu as "Ekifeera niako akashaiza ka Diana", thus casting aspersions on her husbands ability in very intimate matters.

    Diana is reported to have fired back "Ndekera omushaiza wangye" literally, leave my husband alone. She further told her father not to interfere in the management of her bedroom.

    But Museveni had gotten so furious that he couldn't cool down, and took matters outside the family space. He was later heard lamenting to his security guards at State House, Entebbe that, "Diana akanan'zuuma munoonga! Mbwenu kurwakashaizake ako Ekifeera niako akazhaizha kaho!"; loosely, Diana has insulted me very badly over her 'useless' husband.

    But Museveni's family feuds pale in comparison with the disdain from the top military brass.

    Army and intelligence chiefs have belittled Museveni's statements that Operation Lightening Thunder was a success, providing Kony's guitar and wig as proof! They have also termed as "naked lies", Museveni's statement that Kony would be either be captured or killed "very soon".

    One security chief said "Museveni should never have uttered rubbish that Kony had a manual about intercepting radio signals. In military terms, he should be court-martialed for subjecting our national army to such a humiliation. Military radio frequencies are by convention always classified as per signals and language used. Museveni is just the 'chicken thief' that he knows."

    The commander equated Museveni's naked lies to his earlier statements that neither his NRM gov't nor himself had any knowledge of the Juba Peace Talks which Museveni then attributed to "this chap called Ruhakana Rugunda". "Why is this mad man called Museveni now demanding that Kony should sign the peace agreement yet he has in the past denied knowledge of any peace talks? Indeed if both himself and his NRM have never heard about the Juba peace-talks, can he explain where he was and what he was doing when a lady called Josephine Apira, of the LRA ashamed him by refusing to handshake him in Juba? Wasn't he attending the Juba Peace Talks? He should stop believing he can fool anybody. If his wife and children have already deserted him, why should he expect others to follow him blindly?".

    Another senior army commander then remarked that Museveni is so crazy that if say his son Muhoozi got killed in war, the news would be kept secret for months.

    Operation Lightening Thunder has been described as the most visible exhibit of Museveni's being militarily incompetent, naive, family-focused, reckless and simply stupid. He said Museveni simply prioritised the needs of his family in continuing to loot Uganda's wealth as the only logical basis for this botched operation. "He has ended up showing that his son Muhoozi did not learn anything from his greatly praised military course at Ft. Leavenworth in Kansas, USA."

  11. Posted by a former Uganda Army office in hiding

    Arming the pirates

    Other news that should cause concern in certain foreign quarters but is still unconfirmed, are reports suggesting that weaponry and resources have been diverted from the US sponsored African Union Somalia mission to Operation Lightening Thunder. A senior commander said that Museveni recently told a security meeting that he had lost interest in Somalia especially now that Ethiopia was poised to withdraw their troops. The commander added that there were indications the incoming US administration may ask for the removal of both Ethiopian and Uganda troops. Nigeria has recently promised to deploy its troops in Somalia.

    One Ugandan intelligence chief said the Ugandan government had been discovered to have been supplying (i.e. selling) AU force weaponry to Somali clans with the result that some of the arms ended up being used by pirates. The pirates have been menacing and often hijacking ships in both the Indian Ocean and Red Sea area and demanding for huge ransoms.

    The source said that Museveni had also been supplying RDC rebel Laurent Nkunda with AU Somalia mission weaponry.

    Uganda has volunteered soldiers in the so called African Union Somalia peace-keeping mission. But the offer of UPDF troops drew criticism right from the beginning, with some analysts even equating Uganda's participation as equivalent to asking a hyena to look after chickens and goats or the Mafia to guard banks.

    First Uganda has an active guerrilla war that has raged for over 20 years which this same army has not only miserably failed to end, but infact, has in some instances fuelled.

    Secondly, politically, Uganda is led by a bunch of con artists with long records of corruption, embezzlement of public resources, being undemocratic, flouting electoral rules, using the army for political control, etc. Uganda had also invaded the DRC for which the international court of justice had imposed a US $10million compensation ruling, the Uganda courts had ruled the last two elections as massively rigged, etc. How could this group be expected to achieve in Somalia, what they had failed to in their own homeland?



  12. My Kenyan Brothers and sisters don't worry M7 is a scared short useless man and he will pay for his sins dearly and let me remind you M7 is not Ugandan it is a pity your leaders seems to copy M7 ( too much bloodshed of innocent citizen


    Museveni imports more intelligence equipment, arms to come from North Korea

    We have got reliable reports that the government of President Yoweri Museveni has been beefing up its security by buying more intelligence equipment.

    The latest equipment, one of our sources says, is high frequency electronic eavesdropping equipment from Canada to be used for tapping phones. The equipment used by CMI and ISO now is also from Canada.

    CMI has a high frequency microwave listening antenna located just near the Mulago roundabout opposite the Government Chemist's office.

    It is the one used to listen to conversations of suspected opponents of the NRM regime. A mobile phone is essentially a very advanced, full duplex walkie-talkie so it uses radio waves. In order to tap phone conversations equipment that tunes in to and filters these radio waves is required.

    Meanwhile, we are also hearing from this source that next year the Museveni dictatorship is to import arms from North Korea. We do not yet have details on which types of arms they are but we shall report when the consignments arrive.

    Museveni is digging in as his authority becomes weak and his fear of coups or an assassination become sheer paranoia. A source within ISO told us that there was an assassination attempt or plot on Museveni around April or May this year.

    After the previous coup attempt by the late Brig. Noble Mayombo, Museveni is not taking any chances. The facade of leading by a popular mandate at the ballot box is becoming too difficult to keep up. Despite the public appeals to voters on behalf of his NRM party, Museveni has been quietly taking the stance of a man who knows that the chances of a peaceful transition to a post-Museveni era are all but nill. Trusted intelligence operatives have been tasked to keep a close eye on his supposed enemies in Rwanda, who he fears will give aid and comfort to plotters in Uganda.

    Of recent Museveni has been moving around with escorts carrying large briefcases to big public functions like at Kololo airstrip. The cases contain anti-bomb equipment, the details of which we are not free to disclose at this time.




    Instead, the national Army has killed its domestic citizens -- more than one million in northern Uganda, primarily Acholis, with the assistance of its allies, the Lord's Resistance Army -- and it has invaded foreign countries.

    In Rwanda, Congo, and the Sudan, Uganda's army has left a trail of blood and mountains of skulls: Uganda's 1990 invasion of Rwanda helped spark the genocide that claimed the lives of more than one million innocent Rwandese; in Congo more than five million died as a result of Uganda's invasion and occupation, as affirmed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which in 2005 ordered $10 billion in compensation.

    The residual effect of the culture of genocide unleashed by Uganda continues in Congo, with new fighting in Eastern Congo carried out by Uganda's and Rwanda's acolyte, the terrorist Laurent Nkunda, whose chief of military staff has already been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in April 2008.

    Maximum exposure must be applied to the Godfather of genocide in Africa, Yoweri Museveni, less the incoming Barack Obama Administration continues the policy of business as usual, trading five million Congolese lives for gold, diamond, timber and coltane.

    Already the signs are not good: Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State will bring as shadow Secretary of State Bill Clinton. If any foreign player is as guilty as Museveni for the Rwanda and Congo genocide, then it is Bill Clinton.

    As president, this American master charmer armed and equipped Uganda's army in the 1990s and his Administration trained in the United States the officers who led the invasion of Rwanda from Uganda, including Paul Kagame, who is today Rwanda's supremo.

  14. LETTER TO KENYANS BY UPDF SOLDIER( even if I wanted to I can leave-M7 has hunted those who tried and finished them i will remain a voice within- Kenyans must act now and push him out of migingo island the man i know very well is a danger to anyone he comes across.

    here is my story

    I believed in Museveni strongly and joined him under FRONASA. My father was very much against it. For him he was a staunch UPC like most westerners. Now 30 plus years later, I and many of my colleagues now in UPDF (former NRA), we shall forever live in shame and regret for the part we played in destroying the country called Uganda.

    Wherever you look, you see a decaying country. Daily we receive intelligence reports of mismanagement in all sectors of the country, from each and every government institution, all ministries, the army, police, State House, Parliament, our party NRM, you just see a country decaying yet Yoweri is busy thumping his chest claiming he has done wonders. Ugandans should just rise up before it is too late otherwise they will have no country left. It is not far fetched to see us in a situation like eastern Congo or Somalia considering what is happening. If Ugandans think they have a government, I wish them well, but for some of us who know the inside, we see a time bomb.

    In past governments things were not perfect but a big part of the problem was because of the war we had brought on the people of Uganda. Inspite of that, when we captured power, we found almost all sectors of the country strained but still in working condition. Uganda was still far from being like a tiger economy but this country had one of the best foundations in Africa, to leap ahead. Mention the public service! We had one of the best police forces, well run prison services, many good schools, hospitals, agriculture institutions and well developed support services for farmers throughout the country, unions and cooperative societies for all sectors, ferries, an efficient nationwide phone and postal system, roads, a fully fledged airline with both domestic and international routes, a railway system that served most of the country from Arua to Kasese, an industrial town (Jinja) -- and what do we have now? A rotten country. Nothing. Only Museveni's friends and accomplices who grabbed 'privatised' corporations and assets are smiling.

    All Yoweri has invested in is the State House in Entebbe, his presidential jets, his hotels around Entebbe and Kampala, a huge army of guards to protect him and his family, but nothing tangible for the rest of the country to live on. Maybe Ugandans are slaves working only for the good and comfort of their masters the Museveni clan.

    To write this article some of us were very afraid because of the young elements who maraud around and can betray us to Yoweri. But some of us we are not doing this for ourselves it is for the sake of our children and grand children. We wasted our chance of a good life when Museveni deceived us that his program of destroying, killing and fighting was the way of progress. The result is there for all to see. Now some of us have decided to take this risk otherwise Uganda as a state is no longer viable if Yoweri continues in power.


  15. Kenyan you are not alone! this is what has been happening in our motherland too.

    According to these sources deep within CMI and ISO, it appears Museveni is preparing to use all avenues of terror to ramp up insecurity in the country with the objective of creating an excuse to impose a curfew because he fears that people may organise against his government during the night as 2011 approaches.

    From projections based on the available clues these officers say we could see a serious deterioration in security leading to a night time curfew and heavy military presence in key areas. This will ensure the president has the upper hand not only to intimidate, hamper civic organisations and other campaign activities but also in case things don't go his way in the election as is most certainly going to be the case.

    Ugandans, kindly take note, Museveni has never and will not hesitate to use all forms of violence from setting off bombs to going back to his tricks of using mutayimbwa to terrorize the population. Those of you who were in Kampala in the period 1979 to early 80s (Binaisa, Military Commission days) know the senseless violence I'm talking about.

    A government terrorizing people in order to better 'protect' them might appear diabolic to some but is a favorite tactic of power hungry despots throughout recorded history

  16. anon10:00 PM

    I feel for you.

    The Museveni government he has little to show for their long stay in power except incompetence, theft of public property and the general break down of civil order and public morality. Senior party and government official openly engage in criminal activities and sponsor acts of violence meant to scare the population. No wonder Ugandans increasingly view them with contempt.


    M7's interest in the GOSS-Ukraine arms deals revealed
    Last updated : 09 Oct 2008, Kampala
    By State House analyst

    We are picking up intelligence from our sources within State House and the UPDF contingent based in Mogadishu, Somalia.

    Our authoritative sources are indicating that Yoweri Museveni is a player in the piracy actives along the Somalia coastline.

    The sources on the ground at the time indicated that Bush's so-called "Peace-Keeper" in Somalia (who incidentally also boasts that he is the liberator of Southern Sudan!) was out to embarrass both the Kenyan Government and GOSS/SPLA. This is what we in Uganda gathered regarding the on-going hijack of the ship carrying 33 battle tanks (T-72) from Ukraine and the demands by the pirates of a 20 million dollar ransom.

    The Ukrainian ship being held by pirates off Somalia and the current Terrorism Alert now in Kampala should not be de-linked and it is one of the tricks Museveni uses to cover his tracks according to our source based in Mogadishu.

    It should be noted that Yoweri Museveni has never forgiven the Kenyan government for "stealing his show" when they brokered the peace talks between the Khartoum government led by President Omar Al-Bashir and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) to a successful conclusion.

    We are told that SPLM has in appreciation, availed business opportunities to Kenyan businessmen as opposed to former allies in the Ugandan government whom the Southern Sudanese have started to reject.

    Also, Yoweri Museveni is not much appreciated by the new leadership in Southern Sudan considering that there exist high levels of suspicion concerning his true role in the death of their leader late Dr John Garang, and the current killings of innocent villagers in southern Sudan under the guise that "it is the work of LRA/Kony".

    Kenyans are urged to remember an article that appeared some papers 2008 under the heading "UDPF and Intelligence Officer's stories of Mayombo". These arms deals between southern Sudan and Ukraine were mentioned in the sub clause: "The Death of John Garang".

    This is the same consignment of military hardware from which Yoweri Museveni wanted to make his cut and we believe disagreements arising from this led to the death of his fellow "Freedom Fighter" Dr John Garang (RIP). Note: the article erroneously mentioned T-62 tanks but as it turns out they had ordered T-72 tanks.

    At that time the Ugandan Ministry of Defence was the intermediary. Yoweri Museveni was not happy when the late Noble Mayombo passed word to the SPLA that for the service of playing middle man, his boss had grossly inflated the cost with a view to skimming off a cut of obscene proportions. It is apparent that after that spat the Sudanese decided to do business with new friends in the Kenyan government.

    just a warning for the Kenya president M7 does not make friendship, he uses people and i wouldn't be surprised if he did to Kibaki what he did to Dr John Garang of Sudan

  18. I found this article online
    and Museveni muscling in on Kenya makes sense!!
    Seems that former president Bush did all he could to support Museveni's bloodbath!!


    General William E. Ward, Africa's New U.S. Overlord?

    Then we have to ask why Uganda today has been converted into a virtual large aircraft carrier from which all types of military and "humanitarian" missions are launched into central and eastern Africa. In addition to Entebbe air base, which is now one of the best equipped and supplied on the African continent, several other military installations exist in Uganda that house Special Forces units and other US Army personnel.

    The answer, of course, is that we have to accept for better or worse that the USA has nominated itself as the world's policeman and needs other military activists as partners. President Museveni of Uganda fills that role. No others, except Liberia, have shown interest in playing host to the Africom HQ. All other major countries in Africa, including South Africa, Nigeria and Algeria, have refused either to host Africom or provide permanent military bases for US troops. The Museveni government, however, is a military dictatorship that has been at war in adjoining states and engaged in internal fighting from the day it took power: a jewel in the US Pentagon planning with a well established CIA structure existing amongst the seven hills of Uganda's city of Kampala. This was made clear last year with the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, meeting the leaders of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to discuss the present conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa and the Sudan.

    She made it clear that Uganda's president was the real power in the region. This we have seen with his entire army secretly invading Rwanda, years of battle operations in the Southern Sudan, invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo and fighting against his own people within the North and East Uganda. Year after year, month in month out, we have been receiving reports such as the one in the London 'Times' of the 14th November 2007 that more than 1.5 million people were herded into camps by the Ugandan Army. Some were beaten, raped and killed; many more fell ill and died from unsanitary conditions. In the worst period, fatalities peaked at 1,000 a week.

    Jendayi E. Frazer Ignores The Mountains of Corpses
    Yet this week Bush refers to President Yoweri Museveni as a leader of strength who has helped to solve conflicts in Africa giving as an example the present murderous battles being inflicted on the suffering Somalis by Uganda troops whose invasion was without a just cause and was made at the very time Somalia had found its own democratic peace. We saw the uniformed President of Uganda in a state of rapture as he waved to his troops bound for the Somali killing grounds. It mattered little to him that the rest of Africa except Ethiopia had scorned the hyped and ill-informed analysis by Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and that Resolution 1725 on Somalia has all the markings of US strong arm tactics, double standards, domination and manipulation, something all good leaders of today's Africa resist. Frazer admits she has a good friend in the Uganda President: the Pentagon is untroubled by the consequent suffering of the Uganda masses.

    We have over the last two weeks been watching an event "Out of Somalia." It reminds me of the old Hollywood Keystone Cops when one looks at the mighty American fleet unable to dislodge a handful of Somali pirates who have seized the Ukraine MV, commanded by Captain Viktor Nikolsky, loaded with thirty million dollars worth of killing weapons which included thirty Russian T.72 tanks, grenade launchers, anti air craft guns and tons of ammunition, all destined to add to the misery of Africa and no doubt to enforce killings over the modern conquest for oil within the Sudan, supported by Museveni of Uganda.

    So we have to ask ourselves why Bush defends Museveni despite his terrible record of violence while even international aid donors, who for years hailed him as part of a "new breed" of African leaders, have become increasingly impatient with his handling of corruption and the slow progress of political transition in the country. These failures are continually being emphasized by the United Nations where the looting of DR Congo's natural resources has been squarely placed on the shoulders of the Uganda military. To prove their case against him the U.N. referred to the discrepancy between the two countries' mining resources and their exports.

    For example, Uganda exported six tonnes of gold in the past few years whereas its national production is always negligible. Then the World Court ruled that the Museveni regime violated human rights. Bush has paid no attention to this ruling which read: "The United Nations' highest court, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, holds Uganda responsible for the killing, torture and cruel treatment of civilians in Congo and ordered reparations. It dismissed Uganda's claims of self-defense and called its actions an "unlawful military intervention" and interference in Congo's internal affairs. For Bush to be blind to the real problems of Uganda and the misery in which its people are now living can only be that he needs such a dictator because of the oil in Uganda's northern neighbour, the Sudan, and Museveni has certainly been consistent in his support of U.S. policy and designs.

    Since his rise to political power in Uganda in 1986, the country has served as a principle staging area for logistical and humanitarian support for the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement and Operation Lifeline Sudan, the UN's humanitarian relief efforts to the people of southern Sudan. In a revealing statement made during a banquet in Uganda's capital, Kampala, President Museveni admitted his government had actively supported the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, a longtime U.S. client organization, in its fight against the Sudan government where millions have died as the result of internal war. Furthermore he has visited and met with members of the autonomous Southern Sudan government in Juba without notifying the national government in Khartoum. Sudanese national leaders denounced this act as a deliberate provocation, saying: "We are still one country."

    Violence Yesterday, Violence Today, Violence Forever
    Looking back over Museveni's career it is fair to say that as a young man, when I knew him, he was a warrior against corruption but he and his close "comrades" were never friends of liberty. He scorns the rule of law, shuns due process and is always willing to run roughshod over people's rights.

    He believes in violence as a legitimate means to bring about "revolutionary" political change and in using the army as an important pillar of political power. At the University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, Museveni wrote a bachelor's thesis, of which I have a copy, defending Frantz Fanon's calls for the use of violence.

    Both before and since becoming president the themes of violence and military action have played central roles in his speeches and writings. His people have been degraded to a peasant society and have lost the dignity that was the envy of the continent. He is the "lap dog" of America and nothing is going to change except Ugandans will become poorer and have their hopes blocked by the continuing self-serving praise of his presidency by a few powerful people in that country.

  19. taabu your careless talk will one day earn you a trip to the next world. You are now competing with sam okello on loose talk

  20. my dear kenyans neighbours, M7 does not speak for all Ugandans -
    please click on the link and get some home truths-


  22. taabu, you are copy pasting anti m7 posts here to potray that these are ugandans. Take your trash and shove it


    Keep reading********

    Museveni's "peacekeepers" in secret deal with Somali insurgents
    Last updated : 13 Sep 2008, Kampala

    A source in military intelligence has told Radio Katwe about Uganda's involvement in the US led fake war against the Muslim militants in Somalia, how the Ugandan forces are secretly selling weapons to the insurgents they are supposed to be controlling.

    In December 2006, the Bush administration tried a "regime change" operation through their eager proxy Ethiopian PM Menes Zenawi. Both men vainly believed they could defeat what they saw as a radical Islamist threat through military force. So they decided to invade Somalia and neutralise the shaky Islamic Courts Union government who briefly ruled Somalia two years back. But as is often the case when actions are based on arrogance, prejudice and greed, the plan has floundered on the rocks of unintended consequences. Somalia has gone from bad to worse, the whole region is now unstable and experiencing a horrific humanitarian disaster. The extremism which they allegedly sought to crush has been given ample reason to grow stronger, more wide spread and virulent.

    Now opportunists like Uganda's Museveni have been recruited to try and contain the mess in the name of "peacekeeping".

    True as the writer indicates, the United States has clear geo-political designs on the Horn of Africa. Readers are encouraged to read an interesting account The Americans Have Landed by Thomas Barnett from Esquire magazine.

    But in addition to geo-political concerns, the struggle to control resources is an issue worth considering in the Somalia-Ethiopia conflict. US oil companies are signing PSA (production sharing agreements) with Ethiopia in the Ogaden region along the uncertain Somalia-Ethiopia border. See this Bloomberg report of August 21, Ethiopia, U.S. Billionaire's Titan Resources Signs Oil Accord

  24. Army sources say:

    President Museveni has been ever since double-crossing the Americans by secretly reselling some of the arms which Uganda is getting with US funding to the very Islamists who the Bush White House contracted Uganda to fight.

    Somali clan forces now boast of having weapons funded by the United States including rocket propelled grenades, some mortars and other gadgets like GPS systems.

    The money from the sale of the arms is being pocketed by the Museveni backed mafia in the UPDF.

  25. does the US still support Museveni? under Obama's new polices? like they did under Bush? ama kazi enaendelea hivyo hivyo then - no wonder Kibaki is afraid of MZ!!

    By contrast, Uganda is Africa's largest recipient of UK military and economic aid, and Rwanda has a similar relationship with the U.S. Both countries have become centers for trading gold, diamonds and coltan (the rare mineral that makes cell phones possible). Although none of these resources exist in any quantities in either country, they DO exist in great plentitude in the Congo. US military aid to Rwanda has ballooned the Rwandan army from 7,000 (before Kagame's war 1990-1994 to seize power) to 70,000-100,000 to today.8 Rwandan troops are now being "farmed-out" to the U.N. and U.S. allies for cash, not unlike the mercenaries, called military "contractors," being used in Iraq and elsewhere.

    And, when we begin considering who the criminals are in Africa, it is worth noting that Zimbabwe's Mugabe had the poor judgement to send troops to the Congo to oppose the completely illegal Ugandan/Rwandan invasions that began in 1996 and are continuing today.

    This is not to say that Darfur does not deserve our concern and attention, but when the U.S. State Department starts throwing around the "genocide" label, you can be pretty sure that the targeted African leaders are NOT favorites of U.S policy-makers. On the other hand, no matter WHAT crimes are committed by local despots that great-powers outside Africa support, much, much greater crimes (such as wars of aggression for economic gain) never get even a mention.

    Because I am Lead Defense Counsel at the UN Tribunal for Rwanda, I have had access to original UN and U.S. Government documents that have been suppressed since mid-1994 but which are now in the record at the ICTR, and many of which are posted on the website of original source materials I have been creating to permit researchers to draw their own conclusions rather than accepting my or our Government's "spin" on the politics of Africa. Please check out

    Also, please note that the Pentagon established AFRICOM, the first military command structure for Africa, just last year, a clear signal that the struggle for the vast resources and undersupplied markets in Africa is just beginning. AFRICOM joins PACOM (war planning for Asia, including the Vietnam War); EUCOM (European war planning...the US segment of NATO); the Southern Command (military planning for interventions in Latin America) and CENTCOM (responsible for military strategy in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and...Iran).

    The establishment of AFRICOM in 2007 is undisputable evidence that U.S. policy-makers see Africa as an area of military contention for the foreseeable future. Africa is the last continent, with almost unlimited nature riches, over which all major economies must seek influence to fuel their industrial production.

    Before we swallow wholesale the accepted story of "good and evil" among African leaders, a careful study of the politics, history and big-power aims in Africa is probably warranted -- although it is very painful to face up to the machinations of our own military-industrial complex because to do so will require fundamental change within our own society, rather than to look elsewhere for "the problem."

    However, as responsible citizens of the most dangerous Empire the world has ever seen...we must.

    The future of humanity hangs in the balance, not because of violence committed by local despots, which is, of course, despicable, but because of the political, economic and military manipulations of the post-WWII American Empire which benefits from fueling local conflicts to ensure that its allies (and influence) prevail in every corner of the globe.

    However, there has been one good recent development on the International Human Rights "front".

    The President of Sudan was indicted for "genocide" and war-crimes by the International Criminal Court even though Sudan has not signed the treaty, which is exactly the same legal position in which the U.S. finds itself because of Bush's rejection of the Clinton's signature on the Treaty of Rome that set up the Court.

    When Bush of other American leaders are similarly indicted by the ICC, too, we will be sure that "international justice" is being meted out evenly and the "Rule of the Powerful" will have been replaced by the Rule of Law.

    But, as it is now, the powerful decide who among the less-powerful will feel the lash of retribution...or reap the rewards of co-operation

    I realize that the above may be shocking -- and may call my sanity into question in some circles -- but facts are facts, and can re-order our perceptions, if we have the courage to examine them.

    best regards to all,

    Prof. Peter Erlinder
    Wm. Mitchell College of Law
    St. Paul, MN
    Lead Defence Counsel-UN/ICTR, Arusha, TZ
    past-President, National Lawyers Guild, NY,NY

  26. anon11:19 PM?
    why are you bothered with Taabu giving kenyans some real news on Museveni? this is a good read

    what are you afraid of as a kenyans? shouldn't you be happy that someone is bothering to inform us?
    who cares why? i din't know much about Museveni and now I know.

  27. ugandans, generally an infrerior and backward people, who told you we need your help in dealing with m7? Updf is a very small outfit which we can easily decimate. We are just trying to be diplomatic with you. In addition, a war with uganda will lead to a huge loss of civilian lives including yourselves. Our superior airforce, by african standards, can easily carpet bomb kampala with our huge stock of stinger warheads in 30 minutes. Let me add that you are not our brothers, you are simply trading partners period. Please take your m7 problems and keep off our blog. he doesnt worry us at all. We know he talks that way with express permission of our moribund kibaki. Make no mistake that no matter how it looks, kenya is the boss. Lets finish with more pressing matters. Uganda is a small economy, inferior country with simple technology that entirely relies on the big boy. And no our problems are not the same. When yours is just m7 ours are interwined complex matters beyond you thinking capacity; and who told you we are interested in eac? The only thing we are interested in is colonising you, which we have already achieved economically. Tanzanians realsied this too late and we have colonised them too. Kenya is their 2 largest exporter. You must realise what kenya really is, we are not simple, our interest is not integration but trade. We are using integration to push for better and easier access to the region. You think we would have allowed m7 to be eac president. Are you mad? How can president of canada rule usa? You are not in our league, not in 100 years even with oil. Ask nigerians they will tell you. ask yourself why israel is a superior country without any resources. once we fix our internal problems you will realise who we really are. Seebo! (whatever that means)


    Director of UK Company Denies Supplying M7 with Chem Weapons
    August 2008 Kampala

    Dear readers, in response to the story linking a top Museveni aide Mr Ananias Tumukunde, to a Danish national Mr Tobiasen who allegedly supplied chemical and biological weapons to Museveni, a Mr. Ian Day the Operations Director of the UK company which Mr Tobiasen works in responded saying they supplied equipment to detect poisons and chemical/biological weapons, but do not deal in these dangerous substances.

    This is Mr Day's response in full as published, including the Editor's note from Black Star News.
    For the original story visit Black Star News

    Please may I introduce myself. I was the Operations Director for the Ugandan project which your article of 29th July "Uganda Acquired Chem Weapons: U.K. Official," refers. As Operations Director, I was responsible for operations and training, not contracts and finances.

    First of all – your article is grossly misleading and completely inaccurate, in fact it is possibly libelous and personally damaging to me and Mr. Tobiasen.

    We DO NOT DEAL IN CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL OR NUCLEAR WEAPONS. We are a UK-based company, completely cleared by the UK government to supply equipment to many governments throughout the world, including Uganda. All equipment supplied had full and complete UK Export Licenses, authorized by the Foreign Office and the UK Ministry of Defense.

    The equipment supplied to the Ugandan Presidential Guard Brigade is designed to DETECT the presence of somebody/some group trying to use poisons or chemical/biological agents. We supplied this excellent and widely used detection and protection equipment to protect Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and 52 members of Her Majesty's Commonwealth Heads of Government during the November 2007 CHOGM Meeting held in Kampala.

    I was personally in charge of operations and training for CHOGM so I know exactly what was sold and for what purpose. The Ugandan Government have NO CAPAILITY to use Chemical or Biological weapons, neither would they want to.

    Mr. Tobiasen has nothing to do with operations and was the Financial Director of the company which supplied this detection and protection equipment. To refer to him as "Doctor Death" is both scandalous and libelous. No body in the Western World deals in Chemical or Biological weapons. We are all part of the UN Weapons Convention and believe strongly in helping all governments over the world to counter the awful threat that some rogue governments currently pose. We are regularly inspected by UK Government Officials (both the UK and Danish Governments have some of the strictest rules anywhere in the world).

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. I would very much appreciate these facts being put straight in your, frankly, libelous article.

    I cannot comment on the current court case against Mr. Tumukunde and Mr. Tobiasen. Please correct this damaging and grossly incorrect article.

    Mr. Ian Day


    1. A Mr Ian Day is listed as Operations Director with a UK company called The CBRN Team Ltd, (CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear).
    Website since shut down)

    2. Mr Niels J. Tobiasen is listed as Managing Director.

    3. Mr Day refutes charges that have not been made, and answers questions that have not been asked or are irrelevant.

    Mr Day's involvement with CHOGM security Nov 2007 does nothing to quell suspicions about these new charges because Mr Ananias Tumukunde was arrested in April 2008, and at the moment, his case is connected to Mr Tobiasen, not Mr Day.

    4. As far as we can tell, it is Mr Tobiasen not the company being investigated, though that may change according to what the UK authorities find.

    5. The companies legal status, performance of licenced activities or good standing with its clients are not in question. Though it should be noted that in general, it is not uncommon for entities to camouflage illegal activities with legal ones, and often this is the best way to commit crimes undetected or with impunity.

    As an example, for us in Uganda the Museveni government through its agents in legal and quasi-legal bodies like CMI, JATT, PGB and Police frequently operate outside the law, while loudly insisting that they are in fact acting within their charter for the common good.

    6. By the very nature of their work, CBRN Team Ltd employees are best placed to assist or advise someone acquire, conceal and or safely transport dangerous (CBRN) materials.

    7. Very small quantities are sufficient to do great harm. Experts can produce doses or concentrations to low levels which are harmful only when ingested through food and drink, directly inhaled or injected.

    8. This does not have to be a government-wide operation as only a few people need to be involved. The private and criminal nature of Mr Anania's method of transporting cash points to such an arrangement.

    9. Mr Day is yet to say on what authority he stood to confidently declare the Museveni government is not only incapable of using, but also completely uninterested in chemical or biological weapons ( WHICH IS A LIE MUSEVENI IS WORSE THAN SADDAM HUSEIN AND HE WILL DO WORSE THAN WHAT SADDAM DID TO THE KARDSIH PEOPLE M7 IS A MAD MAN.

  29. anon11:19 PM

    The post is about Museveni and Kibaki, so what exactly is your beef? or you are one of those who support M7 madness? shame on you!!!

  30. I found this on the internet:
    Does Kibaki know who he is dealing with? the man called M7? this man is a piece of evil if i were Kibaki I would stay away from this animal

    M7 aide Ananias Tumukunde Linked to Chem Weapons: U.K. Official
    Last updated : 30 Jul 2008, Kampala

    A U.K. Member of Parliament is investigating allegations that a Danish national supplied chemical and biological weapons to Uganda, The Black Star News has learned.

    The Danish national also appeared in a U.K. court charged with conspiring to launder money with top Uganda officials; it is believed that the proceeds may be tied to procurement of chemical and biological weapons by Uganda.

    The Danish national, Niels Jorgen Tobiasen, appeared Monday in a Southwark, U.K., court in a preliminary hearing.

    "I am informed that he has been arrested along with two Ugandan officials for supplying chemical and biological weapons to Uganda," an aide to a U.K. member of parliament informed The Black Star News, referring to Tobiasen. "I am also making urgent inquiries," added the aide to MP Mike Hancock (Lib Dem – Portsmouth South).

    Tobias was charged with "conspiracy to money launder," between April 2007 and April 2008 "together with Ananias Tumukunde and Rusoke Tagaswire," according to the indictment sheet obtained by The Black Star News. Additionally, Tobiasen "entered into an agreement knowing or suspecting that the arrangement would facilitate the acquisition, retention use or control of criminal property by or on behalf of another person," according to the indictment sheet.

    Tumukunde is a top advisor to Uganda president Yoweri K. Museveni on science and technology; Tagaswire is a Uganda military official.

    There have been widespread allegations that chemical or biological weapons have been used to kill prominent Ugandans. Last year, when a top Uganda military official, Brigadier Noble Mayombo, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Defense died suddenly, there was much speculation as to what caused his demise.

  31. Taabu aka Shida,
    you have to hand it to kenyan journalists who've suddenly became braver than they ever were in their lives before. They would have NEVER dared question Dr.Kibaki the way they questioned Museveni in that press conference. exported courage indeed

    Meanwhile its a beautiful day here in MIJINJO island, even the fish are sunbathing as they await for their rightly appointed OWNERS to catch them. won't you join us?

    Never mind the mad wa Jaluo; its NOT an insult to call them by their ethnic name is it?no need to and ng'oa reli unnecessarily

  32. The fact, about Museveni is that Museveni is neither a Ugandan Muhima or from any group from Ankole. We know he is neither a Hutu by his efforts to overthrow Habyarimana and causing the death of hundred of thousands of Rwandese. He is a Tutsi 110%. Museveni's fear of sounding off his Tutsi origin is because there are historically no Tutsis in Uganda so that would make him a Rwandese by default. He does not even mention this fact in his Mustard Seed book. He jumps right into his new life without stating where/how it begun.

    It is an obvious tendency that most non-Ugandans who hold big offices in the country do not want to be known they are foreigners, worse still, that their immediate parents or themselves are either non-Ugandans or first generation Ugandans.

    A case in point is the President's spokesman John Nagenda who has not produced any documentary proof to show when he became a naturalized Ugandan. Instead he behaves and makes decisions with pride as a Ugandan with embeded roots in one of the country's ethnic groups, the Baganda.

    This, against the fact that even Wikipedia states clearly that Nagenda is a Rwandese (Ref: "John Nagenda (born 25 April 1938, Gahima, Ruanda-Urundi (Rwanda and Burundi) was an East African cricketer. He played one One Day International in the 1975 World Cup".) Unfortunately, Nagenda does not want Ugandans to know or even think about this truth. [Wikipedia is not always gospel truth but this is an important finding -Ed]

    In fact one of Nagenda's younger relatives one day told friends that the real name of the Nagenda family is Nagyenda, but they "Bugandised" it to Nagenda.

    The late Vice President Paulo Muwanga when he was appearing before the Uganda Human Rights Commission in Kampala in 1987 answered the questions of the panelists like Edward Sekandi and Justice Arthur Oder.

    But whenever Nagenda would ask Muwanga a question, Muwanga would refuse to answer Nagenda saying he could not reply a foreigner.

    My problem is that it is these foreigners who have no sympathy for human rights in Uganda. I am sure a true Muganda will have a moment to rethink his decision to exterminate an Acholi, but a fake Rwandese-cum-Ugandan may not have such second thoughts. That is why Uganda is experiencing this level or brutality and human rights violations inflicted by people who have no ethnic roots in the country.

    We saw the same in the 1970s when Sudanic elements committed attrocities that left Ugandans blaming the Ugandan Nubians who were resettled in the country by Lord Frederick Lugard centuries before the Hutus dismantled Tutsi Kings in Rwanda, resulting in the immigration of the Kayibanda family.

    It is the reason Museveni is leaving the dislocation of Nubians in Bombo to take its natural course. He himself can not lay absolute claim ethnically to any region of the country so he can use any amount of lethal force with no regards for local lives.

    Editor's Note: fellow Ugandans, some soldiers in the army told Radio Katwe in 2006 that Janet Museveni's origins are from the Banyamulenge of Congo who settled in Ntungamo. They did not presented any evidence to back it, but when we talked they insisted it was true, and said that is why you don't see Janet telling us much about her family or sisters and brothers.

    We are interested in setting this story straight, but our boys cannot walk up to Janets relatives and ask questions because they might be found out. So if you have some information about this rumor, you write and air your opinion. If anybody has ever seen any photo of Janet's wazee, or knew the grand-parents and other relatives, you tell Ugandans what you know.

    Unfortunately, those Bahima of Uganda who have identified too much with Museveni's regime and have joined in the looting may find themselves having been duped very badly.




    1. Both were born in foreign countries than the ones they eventually came to rule with a ruthless hand.

    Those countries are Austria and Burundi/Rwanda. One man became the ruler of neighboring Germany, and the other rules neighboring Uganda respectively.

    2. Their citizenship was a controversial issue throughout their lives. One only gained German citizenship in 1932 when he was in his fifties or more. The other one now holds Ugandan passports but if, how and when he formally gained citizenship is still not clear.

    3.Their immediate families were involved in some unusual scandal. In one case, his mother was the third wife and also the cousin of his father. Because of this, special permission had to be got from the Vatican (Pope) in order for the church to recognise the marriage. This took time and since they were already living together, this man who was destined to become a powerful ruler was born and spent much of his life as a legally illegitimate child.
    In the other case, rumors abound of a scandal involving his mother which forced her expulsion from the village and fleeing to Burundi as we reported yesterday. From time to time, she reportedly exhibited "unusual" behavior probably from a mental illness.

    4.They both had trouble with surnames.One future dictator had trouble with his family name or surname. At first, because he was an illegitimate, he used his mothers family name Schickgruber. After many years he took on a step-fathers name, but the spelling kept changing from Hiedler, Huetler, Huettler and finally Hitler.
    The other ruler (still living and powerful) has also mysteriously hijacked a family name "Kaguta" by co-opting it from one old man Amos Kaguta formerly from Kinoni in Western Uganda, who has now been claimed as "the father". Amos Kaguta's last known location was being held in State House against his will for many years now.

    5. Both were medicores at school, but making claims far above their actual achievements. One dreamed of being a high class artist but was rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts which gave the reason of "unfitness for painting". He was then advised to try architecture, but again met with failure because one needed to have finished high school and he had not. Having failed to study, he struggled in life selling his paintings on postcards to tourists in the street, and when he ran out of money went to live in a shelter for homeless people.

    In the case of the other man, he has claimed near genius academic achievements in his autobiography, as a child prodigy. But school records show very modest grades such as "D" and "C". In that same book of Mustard Seed, he claimed to have graduated with a bachelors degree. But there is growing doubt as to whether he ever graduated at all from any University. His other claims of bold, exemplary leadership during the years of exile are slowly coming to be seen that they have a grain of truth but are many times wildly exaggerated. He also spent part of his younger days living in the homes of generous friends.

    6. Both men held controversial racist ideologies which they nevertheless managed to sell or impose very successfully to the wider, more educated elites of their countries. Both men saw a section of "other people" as the big problem of their time.
    One man came to see the problems of the world as being caused by Jews. This young man saw Jews and other people he did not like (e.g Gypsies, Russians, Blacks) as the culprits of the economic and political upheavals in Europe. In his eyes, they were the force behind the downfall of the German empire. He became a rabid racist and convinced many intelligent people through clever language and fierce charisma that a certain race or group of people was "corrupting the Aryan nation" and must be "forced to submit to poison-gas". This led to the extermination of millions of Jews, Gypsies and other "undesirable" minorities.
    The other man has as his eternal enemies, "Obote", "UPC" and "Amin". He can hardly make a speech without demonising. Even though they have been off the stage for decades now, for him these are the main problems in Uganda of today 2008.
    Radio Katwe is still piecing the story together but the evidence is growing that the attempted extermination of our brothers in the north can be linked to this mans racists ideologies, where a section of people, namely "northerners", (the people of Obote, UPC and Amin) are his main problem in life. Which means getting rid of them in squalid camps for example, is the solution. We in Uganda should also remember with much shame that just as in Germany, this has been done under our noses as we looked away, ignored and some of us even supported these mad policies.

    What does the absolute dominance of people from one part of the country in all areas of government tell us about this man's mindset? Is it not clear that for him, people from certain tribes are a problem that needs to be solved by marginalising and excluding them from public life?

    7. Both were mediocre soldiers, who later became mythologised as brave warriors.
    One man was decorated for bravery in World War I, but failed to be promoted to an officer because he lacked "leadership skills". In one battle he suffered tempporary blindness from an attack of mustard gas, but some doctors say the blindness could have been a Conversion Disorder which was called hysteria in those days.
    As for the other gallant General, read the story on our front page of 30 Nov 2007 "How Kazini outfoxed cowardly lion M7" to know about his battlefied exploits.

  34. One Wife Man,

    even the fish are sunbathing as they await for their rightly appointed OWNERS to catch themLollest ... you made my day.

  35. Jaruos belong to Uganda and NOT Kenya! Mueveni should claim them too!

    Phil's Mistress

  36. anon 3.25
    That mistress is an idiot. Her village is really missing her. She always misses every opportunity that comes by her to keep quiet.


  38. Wifeless Joe,
    Kwenda kwani you think MJINJO ni heaven? Well, just sunbathe besides the fish before we flash both of you species to Nile, or better still AUCTIION u to Arabs.

    Meanwhile KK has been hijacked by Seebos, please tell them to clone theirs, hii ni ya Kenya juu ya Kenya and they must NOT PUKE ON ON OUR AKALAS.

    PS: WEA ARE THE CHAMPIONS - 18 times and acceptance, MTA DO?

  39. It has always been a mineral resource and military issue, but stupidly our members of government have trivialised it.

    Migingo is only priceless from one perspective, it is Kenyan territory, other than that the costs of fighting for it are very very high.

  40. When President Jomo Kenyatta rejected Museveni in 1976
    Last updated : 29 Jan 2009, Kampala

    Here is a short story that makes me laugh every day we meet Museveni as told to us by Amama Mbabazi during our visits to Nairobi during our bush days, when we would sneak into Kenya for some supplies or medical attention.

    He repeated this joke a few times each time he had taken a glass too many of his whisky.

    Have Ugandans ever asked themselves why our Visionary Dear Leader never talks about the late Jomo Kenyatta first President of Kenya or his son Uhuru, yet he spends lots of time telling whoever has time to hear how close he was to Julius Nyerere?

    Well, here is the story as narrated to us by his long time servant who happened to be in a meeting in early 1976 with his master, Mzee Kenyatta (RIP), Charles Njonjo, a few Kenyan top security officials, one Bruce Mckenzie and the late John Wycliffe Kazzora.

    Kazzora happened to have been the one who organized this meeting using his good connections with his long time friend Charles Njonjo to introduce to the Kenyan leaders a great "revolutionary and freedom fighter" fighting Amin who should be facilitated

    The meeting is all set on a Sunday after mid day when Mzee Kenyatta returns from church. Mzee Kenyatta was resting in Nakuru State House those days.

    In walks John Kazzora in tow with a young shabbily dressed thin man and Amama Mbabazi who has always been smartly dressed.

    Kenyatta and his officials at first mistook Amama Mbabazi as Museveni since he looked more composed and well dressed and as Kenyatta later confessed more Ugandans.

    Well the Kenyans were not impressed more so for wasting Mzee's time on a Sunday when he should be resting.

    The first question Kenyatta asked our young revolutionary Museveni was which part of Uganda he came from since he looked more like a person from Rwanda. Our young leader started murmuring under his breath. (Was this question calculated one, based on other information? M7 looks just like any Ugandan. -Ed)

    Second question was asked by Charles Njonjo why Museveni was fighting Amin and what he represented. The visionary leader failed to see this as a trap and started murmuring his Marxist ideology which never went well with the Kenyans and John Kazzora who were more inclined to the western world.

    Well to cut the story short, Kenyatta was not impressed and in his deep voice (you should see Amama imitating Kenyatta), told Museveni the best he could do for him was to send him for "mental treatment" in Mathari Mental Hospital since he did not appear to be aware of what he was talking about.

    The cheeky Bruce McKenzie chipped in by saying since he was based in Tanzania, Muhimbili Hospital would be the solution since Kenya did not have money to waste on Marxist-oriented ideas and thought Amin was a better and honest person to deal with as opposed to Museveni who looked more of a gun man and lacked proper grooming.

    In fact, Kenyatta later warned Njonjo never to bring "thugs" in his house ever again.

    Charles Njonjo was overheard asking Kazzora after the meeting where exactly Museveni came from. Kazzora also "mummured" according to Amama!

    In senior security circles, it is highly thought by some close associates of Museveni that he may have had a hand in the assassination of Bruce Mckenzie as a revenge for his comments by feeding Amin's intelligence with false stories about Mckenzie which sometime he perfected during Amin's days and continued to use against his friends and prominent people during the days of UNLA.

    Some of Mckenzie's boys got to know and planned to hit back if ever Museveni set foot in Kenya. A chance came when one of his boys called Robert Shaw cornered Museveni in a Nairobi restaurant but by the grace of God, Museveni escaped never to set foot in Nairobi again.

    Museveni never forgave Kenyatta for that humiliation. So young Uhuru, you now know why Museveni has always been cold towards your gestures.

    Well Amana may confirm or deny this story if he ever reads Radio Katwe which all senior Army Officers do anyway. People like Major General Kahinda Otafire, Jim Muhwezi, the late Akanga Byaruhanga, Henry Tumukunde, David Tinyefuza have all heard this story before since it is not new.

    Capt Vincent


  41. note to whoever is spamming the comments ection with long posts: we don't fucking read them. It is tedious trolling and it along with kumekucha's worship of Raila is nauseating.

    BTW, why the silence on the committee that kept quiet about Raila's maize scandal?
    Do you idiots ever stop to think that both sides of the plotical divide are fuckers who don't give a shit about Kenyans?
    Your uncritical love for odm is very pathetic. Reminds me of the kanu sycophants of yonks ago.

  42. The so called maize scandal was fabricated to stop cheap maize from entering Kenya, so that those who had horded maize got maximum returns, just note what is going on with maize being impounded without going through the proper channels what Dear Mugo is saying is sell our maize or else!


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