Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prepare For General Elections

Every publisher and media person knows that sex sells. It moves newspapers like crazy and that is exactly how one Rupert Murdoch made his fortune mainly publishing the notorious UK tabloids, The Sun and News of The World. But can sex start a revolution and save Kenya? Or rather the lack of it.

That is the question that has to be asked after women under the banner of Gender 10, a group of 10 civil societies called for a sex boycott by all Kenyan women of goodwill. The women have called for a seven-day abstention to pressurize President Kibaki and the Prime Minister Raila Odinga into ending coalition wrangles.

Because of the unusual nature of this protest and also because their timing was perfect G10 got front page treatment in media most notably the Daily Nation, but one still has to ask the question, will the sex boycott work? What impact can it possibly have in a country that has already gone to the dogs so to speak?

---------------------------Quick tip
Avoid the heavy traffic coming into Nairobi from the airport. Brand new budget hotel 15 minutes from Nairobi City Centre at Mlolongo.

Not to mention the fact that some women feel insulted by this latest move because it portrays them only as sex objects whose only weapon of protest or blackmail is what they have to offer between the sheets.

There is little doubt that this Gender 10 move will be discussed on offices, bars and homes across the country and beyond over this long weekend. But sadly it is unlikely to achieve very much in terms of the results.

Still the pressure is mounting.

It is like cutting a Mugumo tree. The many small blows you land on the tree may look insignificant but collectively they will all contribute to the felling of the tree.

Incidentally I am informed that both ODM and PNU are at this moment very busy strategizing and preparing for elections.

P.S. Besides our leaders (including both principals) are so old that sex is no longer what it used to be. So even if their wives (and girlfriends) were to join in the boycott, it will have little effect if any in pressurizing anybody.


  1. Another stupid post by Chris, recycling obvious shit. PLEASE YOU DONT HAVE TO lazima

  2. chris...for real you lack material. but you got to write mate...for real election is upon us again as soon as aeletral reforms are in place...that is no doubt the doubting thomases wembe wameze... you heard it from me its dec 2009 guys...this moribund GCG is messed up...wont work and is a waste...RAO knows he got to up the ante and the thief from the slopes knows it...his day are numbered...

  3. One Wife Man?Not Sure...4/30/09, 6:11 AM

    Chris aka Kumekucha,
    it was only a matter of time before the women started to go abit fruity in the head living in this banana republic which Kenya is today

    We Kenyan men were already far ahead of them but it took them so long to catch up-kudos women, our craziness loves your company, and now the cocktail is complete-next time don't leave us out here too long we were beginning to go moribund and ineffective. now call us EUNUCHS also

    Imagine (as I do) that the general elections will NOT happen before 2012 and the sex ban is extended another 1095 days. we are talking about reducing the number of babies in Kenya by almost half (50%) in just 3 years time because no new babies will be born. In which case the title for your post should be "prepare for population DECLINE"

    btw when are reforms going to begin?when we start having sex again or is it vice versa?

  4. The sex boycot is just a waste of time. Raila was castrated by Moi's dreaded during the dark Nyayo days and he cannot rise to the occasion. Can you imagine Kibaki on top of Lucy doing it? OOh boy! Kibaki is a spent force and I really wonder if he can wake up if he did it. He would suffer a tragic stroke.

    Did the women who called sex boycott first consult their husbands? Or are they a bunch of women who failed to get a man to marry them and belong to the frustrated lot? If they are unmarried, how do they boycott sex?

    Any couple in genuine love will not listen to the bunch of busy-body women since ones marriage has nothing to do with failures of Kibaki and Raila.

    The best thing for Kenya - pray God to kill Kibaki and Raila and most of our political problems will be solved.

  5. What else do you expect from APES

  6. Am sure raila would do the same to become the president; worst still lick an ass full of shit to become LGB. Moi said you could buy the guy with 'shilingi kumi'

  7. The last ano is a mad junk, there is nothing in his bloated head. How can he insult people like that. Anyway Kaloosa is having Kenyans' blood in his hands for having forced Kivuitu to announce the fake results, as well as the one-wife man and the ruttle snake, Kinuthia and the PC. God bless Kenya.

  8. Anon 6.46 please take your crap and shove it up your ass. There is no monopoly in insults, jinga wewe
    The person with blood on his hands is the Ape-in-chief whose direct order led to the burning of more than 30 women and children in a church among other things just so that he becomes a powerless PM. Now he asks for fresh polls... we are not suprised since thats how we expect apes to behave

  9. Since Raila's greed for more power has been growing each day after his outbursts on toilets and nusu mkeka, can he now demand that he counter-signs the law establishing the Interim Independent Electoral Commission, whose members was passed by Parliament this afternoon?

    Raila should also inspect guard of honours when he returns to the country and during national holidays. We want real power-sharing. State House should be spilt into two and Raila takes one wing.

  10. Unfortunatley the sex boycott wont work since the biggest problem, Odinga, is castrated and cannot perform

  11. Chris,
    Ok, let’s say you’re right and PNU / ODM are busy strategizing for elections. As far as I know, politicians (especially Kenyan politicians) only call for early elections when it’s to their (not our) advantage.

    We all know Kibaki thinks of himself first, second, and last. Would he support early elections, knowing he's personally kicking himself out of office? Ha!

    Kalonzo, enjoying his VP seat. Hasn’t built up the support from Central Kenya (nor, for that matter, anywhere else). Will he?

    Raila, seemingly having lost his bedrock support of 2007 and currently enjoying the trappings of the PM’s office. Is he willing to risk becoming a backbencher without a red carpet and a prime ministerial toilet? Remember, in Nov. 2005, he refused to quit and waited to be kicked out.

    Would the ordinary MP, who’s most likely indebted like hell having committed themselves till 2012 (most likely even beyond), find it to their advantage? Some have even taken this years salary in advance and most likely blown it. Now you want them to look for more cash to campaign? Good one.

    I just can’t see any advantage for these selfish guys to call early elections. What I saw in the calls of last week for early elections from both Raila and Kalonzo was just posturing, like two kids in a kindergarten, both scared shitless to fight but want to keep up the pretense.

    Please enlighten us.

  12. As long as the girlfriends and mistresses cooperate, I see a strong chance of success...

  13. chris you have yourself to blame for reducing kumekucha to such rubbish talk reminiscent of a muratina den's.
    I wished you could ignore this subject and write on more important issues. If you have nothing to write home about tomorrow is another day.

  14. Chris, why not write on Mungiki? Isnt it because you strongly support them? Intel has it that your membership number is 343...please confirm

  15. Papa Plus,

    I have already started my sex strick and no man is having my kunanani for the next 7 days!

    Chris, I told you jana to leave posts to the women. Men must keep away from this site for the next 7 days!!

    Phil's Mistress

  16. the sex boycott proposed by teh G10 women if the list of issues is not met is very shallow and hollow

    its very sad and understand the frustration, but shows how poor or pathetic society has become

    it erroneously shows that the only bargaining power collectively as women is matters sexual which is not true at all

    more significant and noticeable impact would be in the supportive roles many women play to men not necessarily husbands such as attending functions and celebrations, organising functions etc. these are likely to have far much more reaching impact since the logistical aspect of many functions would be hopelessly chaotic without the input of women leadership.

    there are numerous examples, wedding parties, baby showers, graduation ceremonies, etc

    if women were to go slow or selectively boycott functions were current MPs or perhaps the principals + 1 were attending, that might have more impact.

    shame on these women for thinking way below the bar

  17. All you anons bitching, moaning and whining about Chris and his Kumekucha posts should go ahead and start your won blogs. They are free you know...

    I think that a one week sex strike is hardly a strike! They should have coupled the sex strike with a hunger strike until these issues are resolved between PNU and ODM.

  18. Since Raila and his ODM gang daily burst our ears with outbursts on how the PM is an "EQUAL" partner to Kibaki, why would Raila retreat to Kibera to demand fresh elections? Why not call them himself as his POWERS equal those of Kib?

    If he doesnt dissolve Parliament and call elections, then can he and his gang shut up and admit they are too inferior in the Govt and Kibaki has the absolute powers!

    The 50-50 power sharing is an illusion Raila and his ODM gang will live with till 2012. Wake up to reality.

  19. to add to 7:75 above

    This bunch of G10 women went for sensationalism rather than solution finding

    They could instead have picked a handful of public functions and boycotted, no dancers, no flower girls, no whatever else it is that beautiful, elegant and respected women grace these occasions for, some just with their presence and others because of the behind the scenes work they do so well, and they would have come out standing tall and with dignity

    What these group of individuals have done is lower the esteem of many women who deserve far much better.

    As has been said many times, we elect our leaders, and have to pay for it.

  20. Sex sells but not to a mzee kibaki.

    It is not a secret that Kibaki doesnt want any reforms and uses the miracle man to block any changes.

    One thing is crystal clear. Kibaki can not make it in bed. The move by the G10 to boycot sex is redundant. Lucy is not willing to make it with a man but to slap any man close to her. What of the activist? She is enjoying it with Kabando.

  21. Aww c'mon you lot. I fully support the women of Kenya on this.

    I think it's an effective instrument for pressing for change and that indeed women MUST extend the 7 days to until Emilio and the stuttering bumpkin decide to cooperate and get the minimal reforms moving.

    Well done, Kenyan women--keep it up!!


    It is true majority of LUOS are homosexuals!!!

    Shocking stastistic here!:

  23. Anon 9:09

    Study conducted by Dr. Muraguri, published by Beth Mugo, both from you know where, jijazie. There can no longer be any credibility where these tribes are concerned, its all hogwash.

  24. Anon 9:16

    I agree, this tribe will go to any length to demonise and trivialise all others 42 tribes in Kenya and blow out of proportion mediocre performance from their own backyard, and remain mute, deaf and dumb on killings by Mungiki and theft of public funds, and rampant nepotism, ethnic chauvinism and bigotry.

    This time its going to be real hard to convince people with lies and propaganda

  25. Anon 9.16 & 9.21 is the same fool...we know you as the usual village bastard. Well, The survey was done with wazunguz whom your Ape-in-chief worships, licks the asses full of shit because they are white so that they support his cruel agenda on Kenya. If you are gay you are gay. Just shut up and get bent as usual. You dont need to worry abt the sex boycot since it involves pussy not ass!

  26. RAO is busy asking for a VIP toilet, red carpet and LGB position while his 'apelets' are getting offering & shafted in the ass just to earn a few shillings to buy sukuma. How can this happen? This is the same ape who has failed to provide simple toilets in Kibera where the greatest pollution in the world is taking place, the same goon has been supporting mungiki because the people being killed are kiuks, If kibera apelets were killed by mungiki you would have seen him the next day (RAO must have drowned a drink in celebration after the mathira massacre, no wonder he hasnt said a word)...JINGA YEYE, NYANI KUBWA

  27. Hi Kenyans

    I'm new in UK and live in Portmouth area. I know there are Kenyan Diasporans here. Please hook me up with some Kenyans in this area and I would like to know where to get Kenyan stuff in London or Kenyans in London.

    Many thanks

  28. Anon 11:11 AM,

    I don't know any Kenyans in Portsmouth in fact there aren't many black people there, so what attracted you to Portsmouth of all places? Sunnier weather or close to seaside?

    If you are looking for Kenyans, the nearest place to find them is Essex, London or Luton. or visit, they have all the informations you need and much more about Kenyans in UK.

    xxx All the best.

    Wangu wa makeri

  29. Hi

    I am Kenyan living in Portsmouth, Waterloovile to be exact. I Suppose you might be at the uni here in which case it will be ueasier to meet other Kenyans

    Many Indian shops will have some ugali unga but no sukuma wiki my dear but keep on checking Tesco has sukuma wiki.

    Good luck and keep it Kumekucha.

  30. Anon 11:11,

    Go to Mashada via this link;

    ...and ask your questions there. There are many Kenyans in UK on that site.

  31. When I lived in Kisumu it was common knowledge many Asians kept their favourite butt boys diguised as houseboys. They'd lounge around the house all day,doing nothing and even getting an attitude with the wife ,secure in their position as buttslaves.Ask around in Milimani estate.
    Even in school,though Luos succumb easily to perversion.

  32. Jan/Feb this year, I left many many comments regarding the shocking rise of homosexuality in Kisumu, no-one believe me, infact i was called all sorts of name assuming I was bashing luos. Now I have been vindicated as the article in today's Daily Nations stated.

    Pleople, stop burrying your heads in the sand, the 'problem' is real. Homosexual activities in Kisumu is no joke, it bigger than what many people may think.
    One of the highest in the world.

    I know this is a taboo to many Kenyans but its not about tribes, it's REAL.

    PS: I am from Margoli Western Kenya.

  33. Now that Kumekucha decided to burry its head concerning the Mau Forest issue, since it touched the heart of ODM, it will be interesting to see how they find their way around not discussing the recent parliamentary report on MAIZE SCANDAL that finds RAILA's SON and FAMILY guilty.

    Chris, we are watching you on this. Lets see how FAIR kumekucha reporting is.

  34. in all honesty the women had good intentions but the result was not necessarily what we wanted.

    There are other ways of dressing the sex ban up. For one, being the woman for your man isnt just about sex, its about other things, so starve him of everything; attention, desire, flirtatiousness, tlc, etc etc. Thats when he will feel the pinch.

  35. Yup. They're doin that too.

  36. Probe Raila's family over maize, say MPs

    By OLIVER MATHENGE and CAROLINE WAFULA Posted Thursday, April 30 2009 at 20:03

    The role of Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s family in the maize scandal that rocked the country earlier this year should be investigated, a parliamentary committee has recommended. The committee also called for the sacking of two permanent secretaries over the scandal that led to the loss of Sh800 million.

    The Departmental Committee on Agriculture, Lands and Natural Resources says the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) managing director should also be fired for mishandling the sale of maize from the stores.

    “Investigations should be carried into actions of the Permanent Secretary, ministry of Agriculture, Permanent Secretary, ministry of Special Programmes, Managing Director, National Cereals and Produce Board and all officers in volved in maize importation to establish whether there was professional negligence,” says the report. It also wants the Kenya Anti-corruption Commission to investigate the Cabinet ad hoc sub-committee on food security on alleged irregularities in maize imports.

    On Mr Odinga’s family, the MPs say that “based on the evidence adduced before the committee, on maize importation, the committee recommends that the role of personal assistant to Prime Minister, the Prime Minister’s family, the son and associates in all this import saga and particularly, possible link to maize importers, be investigated further to establish whether indeed the companies were registered in Kenya or foreign as alleged”.

    Price increase

    The report that was tabled in Parliament yesterday by the committee chairman, Mr John Mututho (Naivasha) is a culmination of investigations into the acute maize shortage that hit the country early this year. The report points to an erroneous projection of maize stocks as the source of the maize shortage and the consequent famine.

    The committee investigated the alleged maize shortage, causes of price increase for food and possible or proposed recommendations on the causes and future mitigation measures. However, reached for comment, Prime Minister Raila Odinga described the call for investigation on the role of his family in the scandal as “a bunch of nonsense”.

    Speaking through his spokesman, Mr Dennis Onyango, the PM said: “It is a bunch of nonsense and House committees need to be led by men and women of integrity if their reports are to be taken seriously.” NCPB boss Gideon Misoi said he would comment after reading the report. “Once I have read it, I will be more than willing to comment on the findings.”

    Efforts to reach Special Programmes PS Mohammed Ali and his Agriculture counterpart, Dr Romano Kiome, were futile because their telephones went unanswered. The two did not reply to inquiries made through phone messages. While tabling the report, Mr Mututho said that, the sacking of Dr Kiome, Mr Ali and Prof Misoi would pave way for investigations and allow criminal or civil proceedings to be instituted against them.

    The MP said the committee had done its work and it was up to Parliament to adopt or reject the report. “We have done our work on behalf of Kenyans and we leave the rest to Parliament,” he said while tabling the findings in the House. He said the committee had perused “between 5,000-6,000” documents to support claims in the massive report.

    Parliament will debate the report after it is allocated time by the House Business Committee, which sets the agenda of the House. If adopted by MPs, the government will be obliged to implement the recommendations. Mr Mututho said that his team had been wrongly accused of protecting Agriculture minister William Ruto with regard to the maize scandal.

    “I wish to correct the wrong impression created that we are covering up for the minister. We are not protecting anyone and this is not about politics,” he said. His team, he said, established that a Cabinet committee had usurped the minister’s powers of organising purchase of 1.7 million bags of maize.

    Mr Mututho’s committee heaps blame on the scandal on the Cabinet ad hoc committee on food security. The team of 11 MPs accuses the committee chaired by the Prime Minister of being responsible for the maize shortage and playing a part in the maize scandal, claiming that it had deliberately over-priced purchase of 1.7 million bags imported to meet the maize deficit.

    The ad hoc committee was in charge of the importation of maize, and according to Mr Mututho’s team, it did have influence on the companies that tendered for the maize imports. According to the parliamentary team, the Cabinet committee altered the tender specifications to allow the highest bidder to win the tenders.

    The report says the team had received evidence that at the tendering period, one of the bidders was able and was willing to supply non-genetically modified maize at $150 (Sh12,000) for a tonne but did not qualify. Instead, the report says, the Cabinet committee settled for a bidder quoting $430 a tonne, almost three times more than what the lowest bidder had offered.

    This, says the parliamentary committee, resulted in the country buying only 1.7 million bags when settling for the lowest bidder would have enabled it to purchase up to 5 million bags

  37. If this MAIZE SCANDAL about Raila had involved a PNU minister or the presidentand not Raila, you wouldhave seen that story published in KK even before the local dailies hit the news stands.

    Now that in involves Raila, chris, Taabu or Sam Okello will try to bury it with other irrelevant stories or keep the current story running until they find something that vindicates PNU.

    now that is how things are done at KK. Where is Mwarangethe or John Maina with their hollier than thou attitudes about Raila? hiding of course!! this one they cannot touch...


  38. Hehehe! Raila is not escaping this one like he did with Molasses, leo amekamatwa and he is going to have to defend himself in parliament, and Ruto set the bar quite high. What a public spectacle it is going to be! Raila the conman will finally be exposed for the cheap crook he truly is.

  39. KK you have a great opportunity to raise awareness on important issues that cannot be discussed as freely by the MSM. The maize scandal as well as Mungiki killings would be such topics. Do you have any insights through your contacts on these matters?

    Anon 12:49, the Kikuyu have replaced the Asians as scapegoats. Old prejudices still linger, though.

  40. ENTER URL:

    Odinga, Fidel

  41. the guy has criminal records even in maryland courts? seems an apple does not fall far from the tree...

    and we thought only kikuyus are thieves lol...

  42. Since Raila became the PM, the Odinga family has been transformed from a family into a criminal enterprise. When Raila was Energy Minister under Moi, he merely enriched himself and established a record when he became a multi-billionaire in under two years. But this time, it is the whole family that has unleashed their greed upon the poor people of Kenya. The money they got from the maize is peanuts compared to the Triton Oil money. The sad thing about the stealing of the maize is that many Kenyans especially in ODM zones directly died of famine as a result of this unsatiable greed by the Odingas.

    In the Triton Oil scandal, the Odingas (Raila, his sons, his notorious sister, and Oburu's equally notorious son) pushed for the Luo director of the Pipeline Company to release the state oil behind Kiraitu's back. Once the oil was released to Triton, Triton distributed it to companies owned by these gangsters often with fake documentation. The gangsters never paid for the oil running into billions of shillings. Hopefully, the details of the meeting between the fugitive Triton boss and Raila in India will one day come to light.

    Using satellite phones, Raila's sister has become a top underworld oil broker with the help of Nigerians and with operations based in international waters off Mombasa. With Oburu's son, it is the story of a short man who has decided to be the dume of Kisumu, As a nouveau rich he samples the life of Kisumu with the air of entitlement befitting the appetite of a newly enthroned top dog. Recently he had to change his newly imported top of the line Mercedes when he found someone else driving a similar vehicle in Kisumu. And it has only been a year since Raila became PM!!!

  43. Forget the stolen maize! Forget the Trito Oil! It is what is going on at the Ministry of Health Services under Anyang' Nyong'o that will shock ODMers to death when it is finally uncovered.

  44. now that is how things are done at KK. Where is Mwarangethe or John Maina with their hollier than thou attitudes about Raila? hiding of course!! this one they cannot touch...


    4/30/09 7:41 PM

    Our response:

    Well, we do not hide from honest debate and analysis.

    Now, there are two issues here. The facts and the relevant legal conclusions that one may draw from the facts so established.

    We are more than happy to give our legal conclusions, if we are furnished with the relevant facts, or where facts are self evident or in public domain.

    Let us be specific. Let us look at this statement by the Committe:

    On Mr Odinga’s family, the MPs say that “based on the evidence adduced before the committee, on maize importation, the committee recommends that the role of personal assistant to Prime Minister, the Prime Minister’s family, the son and associates in all this import saga and particularly, possible link to maize importers, be investigated further to establish whether indeed the companies were registered in Kenya or foreign as alleged”.

    Our comment:

    In this statement, they want investigations to establish if the alleged companies were registered in Kenya, or foreign as alleged.

    Now, what was so difficult for the Committe to find out if these companies were registered with the Registrar of Companies in Kenya and just tell us??

    And, since we do not have these facts, how can we comment wisely?

    Mr Mututho also said that:

    He said the committee had perused “between 5,000-6,000” documents to support claims in the massive report.

    Our comments:

    One, how come he does not know the exact number of documents he received and perused?

    Secondly, since we have not seen the 5000 - 6000 documents, how on earth, can we comment wisely?

    To comment without having seen full facts, or without the facts being self evident or in public domain, it is just utter foolish to comment in an informed manner.

    Having said that, we seek not to defend anyone who may have taken part in these, or other scandals. We only say that, we are ill-equipped for lack of relevant facts at this moment, to offer any authoritative, helpful and wise comments.

  45. te he he he heeee...Mwarangethe

    when it comes to Raila, you want full evidence, you even doubt that the committee perused all those you have evidence against the chairmans assertation other than strong bitterness that the snake Raila and his family corruption has been smoked out??

    you can cheat all the people sometimes but you cannot cheat all the people all the time. but its your democratic right to defend raila even when its clear that while he was involved. how do you as a chairman reward the highest bidder of a contract if you dont have a hidden agenda. is it so difficult to see beyond your tribal cocoon Mwarangethe?

  46. Mwarangethe said,

    1) One, how come he does not know the exact number of documents he received and perused?

    2) Secondly, since we have not seen the 5000 - 6000 documents, how on earth, can we comment wisely?

    our informed comment,
    in regard to your 1st question, if you have worked in a busy advocates office, you will know that files are serialised meaning you can actually know how many files you have handled per case.
    in answer to your 2nd question, we wonder how and who the hell you are to be given all the files that the able honourable members drawn from both sides of the political divide went through just to make your usual skewed opinion.

    if raila, his son and family members have a case to answer as it has been alluded, stop your verbal diarrhoea and let the anticorruption agency investigate.
    the honourable thing for the PM is to step down pending investigation since he will influence the case while in office.
    but is he honourable enough??

  47. Anonymous said...
    te he he he heeee...Mwarangethe

    when it comes to Raila, you want full evidence,

    Our response:

    We have said, if the facts are known to us, are in public domain or self evident, we can give an informed comment.

    Anonymous wrote that:

    you even doubt that the committee perused all those you have evidence against the chairmans assertation other than strong bitterness that the snake Raila and his family corruption has been smoked out??

    Our response:

    We do not doubt that they perused all the documents. We only asked, why come he is not sure how many documents he perused??

    Anonymous wrote that:

    how do you as a chairman reward the highest bidder of a contract if you dont have a hidden agenda.

    Our response:

    One, we do not think that the law requires the lowest bidder to win. Thus, the fact that the highest bidder won, cannot be used prima facie, as evidence of corruption.

    However, if investigations prove there were ulterior motives, then, we will be happy to have the law take its course.

    Anonymous wrote:

    is it so difficult to see beyond your tribal cocoon Mwarangethe?

    Our response.

    Since when did name Mwarang'ethe become associated with Luos? You will find this name in the Mt Kenya region.

    Anonymous wrote that:

    our informed comment,

    in regard to your 1st question, if you have worked in a busy advocates office, you will know that files are serialised meaning you can actually know how many files you have handled per case.

    Our response.

    Unfortunately, you have not educated us. Yes, it is possible to know the files handled per case. Thats why we asked, how come the chairman of this committe is not sure exactly how many documents he received and perused?

    Anonymous wrote:

    in answer to your 2nd question, we wonder how and who the hell you are to be given all the files that the able honourable members drawn from both sides of the political divide went through just to make your usual skewed opinion.

    Our response:

    We have not requested for all the files. We only responded to the assertion that, we are silent on this issue. In that response, we observed that, since the facts are not known to us, are not self evident or in public domain, we cannot give a meaning comment.

    Anonymous wrote that:

    if raila, his son and family members have a case to answer as it has been alluded, stop your verbal diarrhoea and let the anticorruption agency investigate.

    Our response:

    We have nothing against investigations going forward. All we said is that, at this stage, it is foolish to comment for we do not have full facts.

  48. "We only asked, why come he is not sure how many documents he perused??"

    How trivial can you get, you Mt. Kenya idiot? Who cares how many documents he read? As if there is some natural correlation between the number of documents read and the veracity of the evidence. Stupid schizophrenoid.

  49. I hate Mwarangethe! He SUCKS!!!!

  50. You thought Raila is was clean?

    Raira is a thief!

    He stole the molasses plant from his own poor people, He is now stealing maize meant for your starving relatives, and buying the latest Beamers that his thieving son crashes.

    Why can't he do the honourable thing and resign from the govt like Martha Karua!

    Phil's Mistress

  51. Kumbe hii kijana ya Raila kweli ni mwizi na mtu wa Bhangi. Bhangi am okay with it but mwizi, hapana
    First in the Maryland US

    Then, Maize, Triton and many more.

  52. Rumor mongering and gossip peddling!!!


  54. Kenya is at war with itself with its economy is in turmoil, majority of qualified youths are jobless whilst leadership is snoring and fighting over frivolities. The political dispensation requires sanitising with serious reflections on whether we are being led to Canaan or doom. While majority of governments are busy with economic reforms to overcome this economic melt down we are busy discussing non issues in pubs, forums and media.
    What if the state of economy gets worse, do we have plan A or B? How would we cope with massive fiscal stimulus to counteract demand destruction in the economy? What will the effect of borrowing without limits as is happening in central bank, how would it impact on the local banking industry and would there be alternative. Who is involved in this discussion? What would this mean in the context of local economy and how far will the banks be able to stretch and sustain their borrowing under the prevailing circumstances? At the bottom will be the informal sector and medium sized enterprise who between them sustains large proportion of the economy, and will be affected with possibilities of debilitating cash flow problems and massive lay offs. On one end will be Kenyans citizens struggling to cope with debts and joblessness. And finally , I would expect our law makers to be weighing options by offering interventions to overcome the storm expected either through quantitative easing or other forms of fiscal stimulus as opposed to the mudslinging doing rounds about denying others sex or not. The snowball effect cannot be ignored as Kenya depends largely on foreign exchange earning in terms of import/ export which at the moment there is large is a black hole. Lastly, tourism being one of the highest income earners where potential visitors are tightening their belts regarding holidays abroad, UK for instance has seen rise in local tourism by significant proportion.
    Back home families are now living in fear not hope about where the health system is at; next meal will come from; school to take their children and roof to cover their heads. Meanwhile the leadership are bickering about who will be in charge of parliamentary business, for crying out loud history will judge Kibaki and Raila for pushing Kenya back into the hole that Moi had dumped them during his regime. The cost of health for instance is beyond reach of 70% of population and if delivered is selective, low quality and not universal. Education on the other hand is in shambles, opportunities and choices for our children are diminishing where being educated is not being seen to emancipate but pushing families to economic quagmire with debts and no jobs at the end of the tunnel. Education reforms is equally in a mess with expansions of universities done in public barazaas at the expense middle level training to sustain and support the thinning agriculture industry, manufacturing, retail and commercial enterprise. It is ridiculous in this era that renewable sources of energy are going to waste as our farmers continue to tirelessly burn themselves using manual labour sometimes expensive ways of harnessing the produce. When will we on the map for having produced cheap and affordable farm implement for the farmer? Therefore a government worth its salt should re-evaluate its Research and Development policy by building a sustainable working relationship between academia, entrepreneur/investor and government. Vision 2030 should not be a precursor for industrialisation but a road map influenced in phased strategic framework addressing issues highlighted above including basic needs, barriers and gaps for Kenyans to lead a sustainable universal quality of life.
    To crown it all majority of Kenyans are concerned about provision of basic life skills, health and well being , setting food on the table daily as a universal right supported by the government to raise their standard of living as well as providing safe and secure environment. Who will be happy to do business with Kenya at this time, investors included and donor partners? In my naïve analysis I equate Kenya to an irresponsible head of the family who comes home drunk every night, not able to perform family obligations of protecting and offering good quality of life to the family. Any resentment is punished or banished. Your guess is as good as mine the, offspring of this family are more likely to be irresponsible often in drugs, substance misuse and crime. The Mungikis, insecurity and recklessness are vices we have bred over the years now haunting us. Consider a case, where a family whilst the government does its many Kenyans

    All these challenges are results of failed leadership thriving on blemished policies. Instead of our leaders investing in building thriving and sustainable communities we are treated to drama of all kinds with corrupt rewarded where deception takes centre stage. As for PNU, DMO, particularly Kalonzo my sympathy is with him acting a lone ranger on behalf of selfish, self conceited and demagogic group to whom reason is alien. This will be a defining moment for most leaders whether to re-write history or be destined to their political obituaries rather than steering our lovely nation back the road. Judgement is with Kenyans whether we would like to be taken back to dark old days by following tribal chauvinistic pigs or choose our destiny wisely. These leaders will go to annals of history for their rigid ideological adherence to stale ideas designed to maintain status quo. A real commitment to service delivery for the citizens is not a priority at the moment. Instead of investing in ways to resettle IDP’s, build sustainable cohesion in our midst where we appreciate each other‘s culture and exploiting the diversity for the sake of integration. On the contrary, we are investing in planting seeds of dissension, odium and resentment discordantly. Instead of investing the energy in building the disintegrated infrastructure we are rewarding friends, families, tribes with tenders and jobs.
    Our choice during 2002 elections was to provide opportunity for all with everyone instilling sense of conscientiousness and hope in order to surmount fears planted during Moi’s regime. On the contrary, we are debating about the past versus the future, and if the past was a failure as in our case is it worth comparing?
    The hope is the people to connect with its government along with all that it offers to bring momentous change in their lives. Every Kenyan is now finding it harder to save, juggle demands of supporting extended families while a few are snorting on oodles of wealth often acquired illicitly exacerbated by greedy politicians at the expense helpless common person footing heavy bills of sustaining hapless anti corruption tsar. Our real struggle is a consequence of misguided policies. The scales have been tilted for interest of tribal goons and chieftain political elite viewing Kenyan leadership as their God given right. Kenya people are not the problem but the retrogressive leadership entrenchment in colonial heritage embroiled around the 70 year olds who should be shown the door by all like minded Kenyans.

  55. Kenya is at war with itself with its economy in turmoil, majority of qualified youths jobless whilst the leadership is snoring and fighting over frivolities. The political dispensation requires sanitising with serious reflections on whether we are being led to Canaan or doom. While majority of governments are busy with economic reforms to overcome this economic melt down we are busy discussing non issues in pubs, forums and media.
    What if the state of economy gets worse, do we have plan A or B? How would we cope with massive fiscal stimulus to counteract demand destruction in the economy? What will the effect of borrowing without limits as is happening in central bank, how would it impact on the local banking industry and would there be alternative. Who is involved in this discussion? What would this mean in the context of local economy and how far will the banks be able to stretch and sustain their borrowing under the prevailing circumstances? At the bottom will be the informal sector and medium sized enterprise who between them sustains large proportion of the economy and will be affected with chances of debilitating cash flow problems and massive lay offs. On one end will be Kenyans citizens struggling to cope with debts and joblessness. And finally , I would expect our law makers to be weighing options by offering interventions to overcome the storm expected either through quantitative easing or other forms of fiscal stimulus as opposed to the mudslinging doing rounds about denying others sex or not. The snowball effect cannot be ignored as Kenya depends largely on foreign exchange earning in terms of import/ export which at the moment there is large is a black hole. Lastly, tourism being one of the highest income earners where potential visitors are tightening their belts regarding holidays abroad, UK for instance has seen rise in local tourism by significant proportion.
    Back home families are now living in fear not hope about where the health system is at; next meal will come from; school to take their children and roof to cover their heads. Meanwhile the leadership are bickering about who will be in charge of parliamentary business, for crying out loud history will judge Kibaki and Raila for pushing Kenya back into the hole that Moi had dumped them during his regime. The cost of health for instance is beyond reach of 70% of population and if delivered is selective, low quality and not universal. Education on the other hand is in shambles, opportunities and choices for our children are diminishing where being educated is not being seen to emancipate but pushing families to economic quagmire with debts and no jobs at the end of the tunnel. Education reforms is equally in a mess with expansions of universities done in public barazaas at the expense middle level training to sustain and support the thinning agriculture industry, manufacturing, retail and commercial enterprise. It is ridiculous in this era that renewable sources of energy are going to waste as our farmers continue to tirelessly burn themselves using manual labour sometimes expensive ways of harnessing the produce. When will we on the map for having produced cheap and affordable farm implement for the farmer? Therefore a government worth its salt should re-evaluate its Research and Development policy by building a sustainable working relationship between academia, entrepreneur/investor and government. Vision 2030 should not be a precursor for industrialisation but a road map influenced in phased strategic framework addressing issues highlighted above including basic needs, barriers and gaps for Kenyans to lead a sustainable universal quality of life.
    To crown it all majority of Kenyans are concerned about provision of basic life skills, health and well being , setting food on the table daily as a universal right supported by the government to raise their standard of living as well as providing safe and secure environment. Who will be happy to do business with Kenya at this time, investors included and donor partners? In my naïve analysis I equate Kenya to an irresponsible head of the family who comes home drunk every night, not able to perform family obligations of protecting and offering good quality of life to the family. Any resentment is punished or banished. Your guess is as good as mine the, offspring of this family are more likely to be irresponsible often in drugs, substance misuse and crime. The Mungikis, insecurity and recklessness are vices we have bred over the years now haunting us. Consider a case, where a family whilst the government does its many Kenyans

    All these challenges are results of failed leadership thriving on blemished policies. Instead of our leaders investing in building thriving and sustainable communities we are treated to drama of all kinds with corrupt rewarded where deception takes centre stage. As for PNU, DMO, particularly Kalonzo my sympathy is with him acting a lone ranger on behalf of selfish, self conceited and demagogic group to whom reason is alien. This will be a defining moment for most leaders whether to re-write history or be destined to their political obituaries rather than steering our lovely nation back the road. Judgement is with Kenyans whether we would like to be taken back to dark old days by following tribal chauvinistic pigs or choose our destiny wisely. These leaders will go to annals of history for their rigid ideological adherence to stale ideas designed to maintain status quo. A real commitment to service delivery for the citizens is not a priority at the moment. Instead of investing in ways to resettle IDP’s, build sustainable cohesion in our midst where we appreciate each other‘s culture and exploiting the diversity for the sake of integration. On the contrary, we are investing in planting seeds of dissension, odium and resentment discordantly. Instead of investing the energy in building the disintegrated infrastructure we are rewarding friends, families, tribes with tenders and jobs.
    Our choice during 2002 elections was to provide opportunity for all with everyone instilling sense of conscientiousness and hope in order to surmount fears planted during Moi’s regime. On the contrary, we are debating about the past versus the future, and if the past was a failure as in our case is it worth comparing?
    The hope is the people to connect with its government along with all that it offers to bring momentous change in their lives. Every Kenyan is now finding it harder to save, juggle demands of supporting extended families while a few are snorting on oodles of wealth often acquired illicitly exacerbated by greedy politicians at the expense helpless common person footing heavy bills of sustaining hapless anti corruption tsar. Our real struggle is a consequence of misguided policies. The scales have been tilted for interest of tribal goons and chieftain political elite viewing Kenyan leadership as their God given right. Kenya people are not the problem but the retrogressive leadership entrenchment in colonial heritage embroiled around the 70 year olds who should be shown the door by all like minded Kenyans.

  56. Raila will put up a paid up advert next week apparently to clean his family's name and challenge both the credibility of the report and the integrity of the Committee. I wonder whether his advert will be credible, or whether he is a man of integrity.

  57. Raila is gay

  58. @7:51 am:
    Tell us what we dont know. And abbreviate it.

  59. Only one tribe in Kenya wants to rule Kenya for ever.

    These people will use every thing at their disposal to maintain status quo.

    1) Equity uses Kenyans' money to finance vote stealing. Kenyans boycott Equity.

    2) Daily Nation tarnishes the image of Kisumu as a homosexual city. Kisumu is a metropole and is a home to Luos, Luhyas, Asians, Kalenjins, Kikuyus, Kisiis, Ugandans, Tanzanians and Maasais. This is an insult to all Kisumu residents.

    Daily Nation financed stealing and is still supporting ethnism.

    Boycott Daily Nation.

    3) An MP from Naivasha uses propaganda to target the PM in the maize scum. It is in Naivasha, where this MP among others organized Mungiki and others to kill innocent Luos, Luhyas and Kalenjins.

    West Kenya has to wake up. These people want to rule and dictate Kenyans for ever.

    Join hands and stop them.

  60. Anon 8.54

    you said:

    3) An MP from Naivasha uses propaganda to target the PM in the maize scum. It is in Naivasha, where this MP among others organized Mungiki and others to kill innocent Luos, Luhyas and Kalenjins.

    Our reaction:
    Grow up.
    1) The MP for Naivasha is not the only member of that committee, he is the chairman. There are ODM members within the committe and if they are dissatisfied with the report they will oppose it in parliament. There is always an assumption that if the committe is not lead by an ODM gut it has no intergrity, let the PM defend himself with FACTS and after that we can say the committe was just out for vendetta.

    2)By linking maize scandal to Naivasha violence shows how you clearly think with your nether regions. Does the alledged robbery of Kenyans by PM'S family compensate for Naivasha or Kiambaa Church deaths in your thinking?

    As I have said before, a thief is a thief is a thief whether he is Fidel, Castrol, Odinga or Oginga.

  61. Anon 8:30 AM, two weeks ago Raila said he is not gay.

    But i don't believe there is no smoke without a fire. All Jaruos like matako, and they easily succumb to pervesion and anything to do with white man's world. They worship Mzungu and will copy anything mzungu does.

  62. Anon 8:45 AM, and all the golf and country clubs on the slopes are indigenous inventions. Who's copying who? Wake up and have look around.

  63. Why is Raila sending statements to the press? Why is he illegally commenting outside parliament on a matter scheduled for debate in parliament? Why is he attacking Mututho who is only but a Chairman of a committee MAJORITY of whose members are ODM?!! He would be well advised to get tactical advise from Ruto about his coming defense in Parliament. It is obvious that Raila has no clue who his enemies WITHIN ODM are because if he did, that committee report would never have been submitted with all those explosive revelations! Hehehe, so much for all the hullabaloo about 'condrolling' parliament.

  64. Anon 9:16 AM,
    Ukweli usemmwe, wajuluo wanata matako sana. They like to give and receive from the rear end, even their women prefer ass to pussy. Kisumu is now called anal city.
    The last thing we want is them demonstating for "haki yetu matako".
    Leave them alone let them enjoy each other hairy ass.

  65. 6:43 AM

    as far as I recall your tribal shiate is still showing here and the only gays(shoga's) known in kenya are Kikuyu's so maybe you should address that ass licking to yours truly Kibaki eh?

    Shenzi sana wewe.. no wonder your kinsmen are murdering each other and being executed by police in Central province while you are busy smiling on here mpumbavu sana wewe.....

  66. anon7:06 AM

    Raila's greed for power ? are you kidding me? how about Kibaki's greed for looting kenya dry and his thirst for executing his own tribesmen??

    why are you quiet on that? I guess your people in central province are worth shiate....

    Na mambo bado.. the mungiki youth will clear central province off all the thieving thugs called Mt kenya elite.. and that is the only way they will be able to protect themselves from Kibaki executions!!! the senile bastard we all know that he is.

  67. anon6:57 AM

    You my friend are the mpumbavu, most kenyans know that the Eldoret burning was planned by Kibaki, why were the culprits released on lack of evidence?? doesn't that tell you mungiki have already sold out? they were sent to do the Eldoret Job to destruct kenyans away from Kibaki's rigging of elections!!
    and not to stop there isn't the same Kibaki who ordered the police to shoot and Kill innocent kenyans including children and pregnant women?? (go look at the mortuary pictures)

    Kibaki ordered the execution of Mungiki youths all through 2006-2008 and it is still going on..
    Thanks to Muite now the ICC(Hague) has that proof plus video taped affidavits proof of Kibaki rampage massacre of innocent Kenyans

    You my friend seem to forget Kenya has a coalition government and yes Elections should be called- Marende should speed up all the bills the new electorate body should move with speed


  68. anon7:13 AM
    The only person who we all know practices incest with his his kids and is a shoga is Emilio Mwai kibaki and to top that a man who denied his own wife and daughter has no right being in statehouse.
    it is a wonder he kills his own tribesmen like they are flies - wewe na yeye shenzi sana

    Shame on all the Kikuyu's who keep quiet while kibaki and cronies execute and slaughter their youth in central and Nairobi. you lot are all money greedy and blood thirst and next you will slaughtering your own children and mothers..

  69. anon1:23 PM

    Maragali kikuyu thug right?
    We all know Homosexuals are kikuyu's go to the Kengeles and ask for Sam and Dominic alias Kamau and Njunguna they head the homosexual Kikuyu club for many years since the 80's as i recall

    So now my friend you want to talk about homosexuality go ask Mr. Kiereni's (East Africa Breweries) sons and don't stop there ask Mr. Gicau former Kenya power and Lighting MD) don't stop there go ask Uhuru's Brother Mo and isitoshe I can name most of the Homosexual Kikuyu elite in Nairobi..

    My friend if you think the Daily Nation wants to tarnish the Luo 's and print such shiate then I 'm going to print on the internet all the Kikuyu Homosexual- gays I know in Kenya the elite crowd some are even Married and lets see what Kenyans will say.. they all masquerade in suites and same are even in parliament as Ministers and MP's from central province hiding behind marriages.

    Don't worry I will even print their past and current partners..

    lets see who will be laughing on here!!

  70. Hello, hello. Some crap of shit from some single women and men. I give credit to the ladies from coast who explained it plainly in "kiswahili sanifu" for those who have ears and of course brains to hear. Whoever came with such an idea is just a silly shrunken caricature of an idiot. One such guy is Mr.Kavemba from umoja. I saw you on internet and am disgusted and I regret ever having voted for you. Anyway it was just a wave, now we are wise. We need great ideas and not just vomiting crap!!


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