Sunday, April 05, 2009

Of Ultimate Political Tantrum and Wages of Sin

How some phrases come so handy and very apt in capturing history as it unfolds. Sample these:

1. Chicken come home to roost
2. Asante ya punda
3. Perils of not belonging
4. Dancing yourself lame to a stuck record before the real tunes
5. Your past is a ghost never exorcised and FINALLY
5. Wages of sin ............

Well, living in denial or the naivety of playing plastic surrogacy never caused constipation. You can CON a people sometime but may never know the enormity of the devil you are creating until the can are wide open and the worms come out crawling. The price is big and no vice is SUSTAINABLE.


  1. I wonder if Karua would be throwing the same tantrums had she got what she wanted ie appointment as the DPM or possibly VP had they successfully got away with the electoral loot, or if kibaki had not openly shown his preferred heir apparent.
    Karua is playing politics and I wonder when it is she discovered the rot in the judiciary and yet the whole world saw her screaming 'go to court' and defending the electoral theft like her whole world depended on it.
    I like that she has come out to defend the truth, but I just don't trust her.

  2. The same story goes to some of kumekucha contributors who go full length defending the undefendable. You would mistake them as benefactors to the masters payroll.
    Do not be mistaken, when the wave hits, you will not even know from where it came from leave alone where it hit you.
    My advice, stand by the truth and justice to all and you never will regret your efforts. A government created on theft cannot stand the test of time.Even packaged as a coalition,it cannot work.


    Citizens Killing.
    Politicians Killing,

    Kenya is doomed we need a new government minus the old murderers and looters!!!!!


    Citizens Killing.
    Politicians Killing,

    Kenya is doomed we need a new government minus the old murderers and looters!!!!!

  5. I have respect for Martha Karua as the one politician "running for President" who has really been practising what she preaches. I have heard politicians accusing others of having beeen in KANU when they rose to occupy (through conmanship if I may add) the highest office in that party's constitution.

    Martha, as far as I am concerned, should be listened to when she speaks against corruption because she, unlike some of her 'competitors', has no known personal involvement in the vice.

    What I really do not understand is this sudden thirst for reforms. Martha has been running the Justice and constitutional affairs ministry for four years now during which time both the CJ and the AG were serving and had been for years. If these rants are really based on any principle, then it's my humble submission that, she should have turned the heat on them the day she stepped into Sheria House. It looks to me like she only noticed their inadequacies when she started running for President.

    As for the ahsante ya punda, chickens coming home to roost and all that other stuff, I would prefer we focus on the real issues she is raising because we can also come with an anthology of these fancy-sounding phrases about William Ruto and his masters that actually includes motions of censure. The important thing is; Who is charged with appointment of judges? If the answer to that question is not Martha Karua, then I think there is no merit in her argument and she should move fast and resign so she can concentrate on her Presidential campaign which seems to hold very dear.


    Ever since the Mau report was released and ODM politicians were named, there has been a suffocation intensity of contributions here at KK from one Taabu and Sam Okello all trying hard to outdo each other in keeping our minds occupied elsewhere. It has not gone unnoticed that even Raila has been uncomfortably silent on this issue choosing instead to whin in public how he is ignored by the President.
    It is until the learned Kenyans like Taabu and Okello learn to think by themselves instead of always fighting to protect their King. Even a non entity like Kanoo has joined the choir and the only voice of reason left is Vikii after Kwale got fed up with the juvenile behaviour of Phil, Okello, Taabu and ODM morons.

    Death of Mau means death of Kenya as it is. Forget the useless Migingo that we came to learn about last year.

    Where is Chris to shed light on this issue?

    Taabu's Mistress

  7. Simple question,

    Is there any kenyan in his right mind who thinks Raila can save Kenya?

    1) this is the man who JOINED MOI/KANU in 1998 hoping to INHERIT KANU. Moi choose Uhuru...
    2) this is the man who said KIBAKI TOSHA instead of having a democratic election process. as we came to learn many months later, he had made BEHING THE CURTAIN deal of becoming the PM.
    3) this is the man who FRAUDULENTLY acquired molasses plant after giving MOI NDP
    4) this is the man who SELECTED THE MOST CORRUPT to joined his HALF CABINET...Ruto, Ntimama, Gumo, Kosgey (Mr/Mrs)...
    5) this is the man WHO USED INNOCENT BLOOD to obtain a powerless PM post.

    this is one man that will olead Kenya to war in his quest to achieve the ever fading dream of spending a night at state house.

  8. Last year when Karua was negotiating for PNU (and she did a perfect job of fooling the ODM group lead by dimwit Orengo who are now crying for renegotiation), she was a devil reincarnated to ODM morons in KK.

    Now that she is opposing her master and threatening to resign..sic....she is a hero to ODM morons in KK..

    and we wonder why Kenyans are so gullible lol..!!!

  9. if you can't travel to the usa and the uk you have to stay in kenya; there is nothing in the usa or uk that kenya does not have....even the person non gratia who claims kenyans are vomiting all over is not in kenya anymore....

  10. Martha Karua wants reforms because she knows she crafted the corrupt machinery to deny ODM victory. The machine is still there and she wants to be president in 2012. If she wins fair and square, Gicheru will still be there to rush the swearing in of one Uhuru Kenyatta. That is why she is running amok. The only thing I say is that if Martha has then stood by Justice in December 2007 and January 2008 - she would be a hero today. Raila would have seen dust. too late lady. You have been used as a toilet paper and dumped. Kwisha.

  11. Well, i wouldnt vote for Karua if she stood for presidency, but that has to do with her personal style ie arrogance etc. However i am disapointed with what the thick, moribund 'othayan sloth' (as someone coined the word) is doing. Isnt this the guy who was peeing in his pants as Kenya burned last year, as Martha negotiated to save him after stealing in broad daylight? This was the senile old man who was facing down (in cowardice) in parliament during the swearing of MPs as Ababu et al disrespected him on his face; Wasnt Karua the only person who bravely withstood the storm and saved him from shame and scorn?. Matiba and later Karume said that this guy is ungrateful and now i believe them. He allows our country to be invaded/ annexed; people are dying of hunger, corruption is rife, he defends an ineffective CJ just because he illegaly swore him into office+ appoints corrupt judges....then to put the icing on the cake, with all the problems facing the country, he calls a press confrence to tell us he has one wife.
    Kibaki is an enemy of this country and the army should do something to save us since no solution is working.

  12. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

    The lady has bigger balls than most of the so called circumscised men in parliament.

  13. Agreed Papa, at least she's principled and consistent.

  14. karua is not incharge of the courts. The judicial service commission recomends people to the president for appintment as judges.I have this feeling that she has a personal grudge against abida ali, one of the new judges. She talked of "people sacked from parastals" being made judges. abida ali once worked in a parastal.

  15. Thug Molasses Raila wants the govt to discuss protocal and his salary while Millions of Kenyans are starving. When Minister Mwakwele says the Bondo bumpkin is hallucinating, I concur.

  16. Is it a common Luo cultural trait for grown-up men to complain that they are being undermined by other men or is it strictly a Raila characteristic?

  17. In the aftermath of the disputed 2007 Elections, Karua vigorously insisted that Raila takes his protestations to the outcome to court. Fast forward to 2009. It has suddenly dawned on her that the judicial system is flawed and is robustly calling for its total overhaul. Could the real Martha please stand up? Kenyans are fed up of gerrymandering by our politicians!


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