Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sammy Kamau: Product of Honesty and Sweat


  1. This must be due to deception,rigging, fraud and "industry", no?

  2. He he he he...good one Vikii. Sure Taabu has been used to claiming the success of Kamau and Wanjiru's kinsmen as due to DECEPTION, FRAUD and other silly words.

    Now we wonder how they pulled that one ehe...

    Even if you hate them they stillget blessings and are rewarded for their hard work.

  3. Kudos!
    The just deserts of DECEPTION, FRAUD, IMPUNITY...and other vices.

  4. All Kenyans are tribalists! If you are proud of your tribe, then you are a tribalist. If you dislike or look down on other tribes, you are a tribalist, if you hate other tribes, you are a tribalist. Face it, you are a tribalist.

  5. wow

    let me join the only other decent comment (John Maina) on this post and congratulate Sammy Kamau for a job well done.

  6. you know what, christ was right about nation's sure decline to oblivion......there's a prob with their web page.

  7. wanhiru will go to another homcoming in laikipia and get mugged by mugnikis like last time after olympics. kudos but please chunga mari yako. iko vinyama ya central ita jaribu kukuibia. ok!

  8. Nyundo juuuuuuu. Hoyeeeeeee

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  14. Congratulations Sammy

    Ahrr am annoyed with these gay comments. What chris does out there with his behind is his business. Am about to puke

  15. Any attack on Chris is very welcome even if it is ridiculous

  16. 4/26/09 10:12 PM you are daft.

  17. On LBG and HBC, people should read PLO Lumuba's legal opinion in the Standard. Orengo is to blame for everything. He keeps misleading rao to cover his poor negotiation skills.

  18. Well done Samuel Wanjiru.

    Samuel was born and raised by a peasant single mother.

    He reveres his mom so much to an extent of adopting her name, Wanjiru, as his own surname.

    Through devotion and stamina, Bwana Wanjiru is on top of the world with riches, fame and glory and no one can take that away from him.

    He has done Kenya proud, once again while insane politicians continue leading us to self destruction.

    And to all others born and raised by single parents including me, there CAN be hope!


  19. And to all others born and raised by single parents including me, there CAN be hope!

    Wow, how cool is that! such encouragement.
    the difference is the same--loads of maladjusted types from double-parented homes (just look at KK posters) and there is always hope.

  20. One Wife Man4/27/09, 2:06 AM

    Taabu aka Tabu,
    congratulations are in order for Sammy-indeed hard work and honesty can take you anywhere and our runners are the best in the world

    i don't know why some people here are trying to suggest Sammy won by crossing the finish line the day before at night and declaring himself winner come the following day.....

    that is simply not true

  21. Congrats Sammy Kamau Wanjiru. Honesty, discipline and hard work are the best policies. The fruits are very rewarding and you enjoy them in peace.

    The reverse is true, sample this:

    Sunday 26th April at Lari Constituency.

    Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka: If I had not joined hands with Kibaki prior to the formulation of the National Accord, then “things would have been different.”

    Yes indeed, "things would have been very different." Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki would not have succeeded in STEALING the elections. You, Mr Msaliti, helped him to STEAL.

    And some people wonder why Kalonzo's middle name is MSALITI, You have heard it from Msaliti's own mouth - that if he had not "joined hands" with Kibaki prior to the formulation of the National Accord, then “things would have been different.” He was an accomplice in the STEALING of the elections of December 2007.

    Here we have two opposites: Wanjiru won thru honest hard work while Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki "earned" his "victory" by way of ELECTORAL THEFT.

  22. yes!!!! Proud of him as a Kenyan and a Londoner, the weatehr was perfect for hom!!!

  23. while guys from rift valley are busy selling their nationalities to arab states and dropping out of the medal maps like flies, the guys from central have gladly replaced them. those haters who have always had unkind words for these people better style up, encourage your sons to marry the kikuyu girls like raila did and join the success team. you cannot continue rotting in despair after generation and generations of whining, tagging on the coat a savior (PM) who is busy lining his fat pockets...

    heard that Taabu??

  24. Mpesa, what is wrong with being raised by a single mother? Absolutely nothing. Dont use thius as an excuse to be funny, or maladjusted. Wanjiru has worked hard, just like all other runners and they all deserve to be congratulated. For the rest of you, who are proud of him for being a Kikuyu, shame on you. We should all be proud of him for being a Kenya. My congratulations are in order.

  25. Anon 12:55 AM,

    You say:

    "And to all others born and raised by single parents including me, there CAN be hope! Wow, how cool is that! such encouragement......loads of maladjusted types from double-parented homes (just look at KK posters)"

    You forget one very important thing, Sammy Kamau Wanjiru has spent a lot of his time in Japan where he lives and trains. Japan, the people, facilities and the environment have played the biggest role in making Sammy what he is. Had he stayed here in Kenya He would not have turned out the way he has; he would have simply have "marinated" in this environment of ours that "honors" FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT and turned into a ...... (Jijazie)

  26. "wanhiru will go to another homcoming in laikipia and get mugged by mugnikis like last time after olympics"

    Oh dear, the bigots didnt take long before they emerged. That story turned out to be bullshit. I'm not even sure nation retracted it in their subsequent publications. But, why let facts get in the way of bigotry, huh?

  27. anon 2:50 AM,

    nijaze? Had sammy remained here he would have either been killed "extrajudicially," forcefully or voluntarily recruited into the mungiki crowd or blinded by the lethal brews manufactured and sold in the area - these would have been his last words before dying: Ata ukizima taa, bado tutaendelea kukunywa njohi!

  28. Anon 2:51 AM,

    That is not bigotry, it is simply a fact. Infact Sammy should be very careful when he comes visiting Kenya,
    otherwise he will be attacked by robbers at his home area again just like after the Olympics.

  29. Polyg.. Luka,
    Imagine 6/11 selected by PFA. Poor SG and FT are in HOSTILE TERRITORY, utado?

  30. Anon 2:46 AM,

    I quote you:

    "encourage your sons to marry the kikuyu girls ..........and join the success team."

    Success team? Kikuyu's = Success team? You must be out of your mind.

    I could give you many reasons why i disagree with you but I shall just use one: Are people who generally thrive on fraud, deception and theft successful? You have been seeing just last week the kind of savage behaviour that Kikuyus have been "serving" one another - burning, cutting up and beheading their own tribsmen and women. That is not success. Those are simply the fruits of your fraudulent, deceptive and thieving ways, some of the chickens coming home to roost.

    Your fraudulent "success team" balderash does not wash.

  31. Anon @ 2.47

    It's not my fault that you are clueless on stereotypes and prejudices pertaining to broken homes and sigle parenthood.

  32. M-Pesa,
    No need to harangue folks who have no clue, just PROVE THE DIFFRENCE and let it show. Otherwise there is reversed WHINING where one thinks he is special by prefecing his SUCCESS on unfamiliar past. Ever heard of stroking and preying on personal insecurities? Congrats.

  33. Former Justice minister Martha Karua has criticised the government for failing to deal decisively with armed gangs in Central Province.(Lucy was right, George "Goldenberg" Saitoti has failed in his duty and responsibility as the minister of Internal Security. The next day Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki expressed confidence in George "Goldenberg" Saitoti! How ABSURD!!)

    She said vigilante groups and members of the outlawed Mungiki sect had armed themselves to carry out killings in Kirinyaga and Nyeri as if the government did not exist.(The Kibaki govt is a serious flop.)

    People have been walking around with pangas and carrying out killings and burning houses, which are an indication that the government has failed the people,” she said. Ms Karua was speaking at Gathaithi village in Nyeri East District, where 30 people were killed last week by suspected Mungiki members in a retaliatory attack after 14 of their own were lynched by villagers in neighbouring Kirinyaga District.

    When Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki STOLE the elections and Kenyans got annoyed, you called the Kalenjins savages. Now look at what you Kyuks are doing and will continue doing to yourselves... Who are the real savages now? Kikuyu's, walking around with pangas and carrying out killings and burning houses in their own home province of central.

  34. Anon 5:20 AM,

    What makes things worse is that the intelligence services (NSIS), the police and army are under the responsibility of PNU jamaas (Kikuyu's to be precise). Hawa watu bure kabisa they are busy STEALING, LOOTING and CONNING while their fellow Kikuyu's are "very hard at work" butchering themselves.

  35. I dont really like Kyuks but I must give credit where its due, and where virtues of hardwork, discipline and kuvumilia have shone: congrats Wanjiru.

    Where are the Kalenjins? Why do you let other people like Ethiopians, kikuyus share your bread? ama mlikuwa mmezoea vya bure vya Moi? Prove me wrong

  36. This anonymous dude is very silly. "kikuyus share your bread" is stupid to the core. Kikuyus as well as Kalenjins are the end of the day Kenya wins. For the umpteenth time. Kalenjins still and will continue ruling the roost in middle and long distance races. Get a life sucker!!!

  37. This is hard work we want. Fair competition, open, clear, no rigging Mwai style.

    Congratulations Sammy.


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