Thursday, March 12, 2009

Letter to Kibaki From Moi

(Tongue in the cheek post)

Kabarnet Gardens


My Dear Emilio,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to express my utter disappointment in you and how you have handled things, especially in recent months. As a patriot I am alarmed and very worried about the future of our beloved country.

I have thought long and hard before writing this letter and I hope you will not take anything in it personally.

You know these days I cannot sleep at night. The moment I doze off I wake up only a few minutes later sweating after seeing horrifying nightmares of terrible violence and chaos in Kenya.

Emilio, I have reminded you many times that you are the president of the republic of Kenya and you must take charge of things. And I remind you of this yet again. You know that I have always said (and you know it is true) when you do nothing it is always interpreted as a sign of weakness no wonder people are doing what they want in the country these days as if there is no president. There can only be one result from all this—chaos.

Even the things that presidents have to do, you don’t seem capable of doing properly. I am sorry to ask this again, but why the hell did you not ask for my help if you knew you couldn't steal a presidential election properly? What you did in December 2007 was so obvious and really embarrassing. What were you trying? You know how neatly I used to do my things so that nobody could challenge me. But what you did Emilio was so amateurish and hardly befits a president of the republic of Kenya. In fact the bill for that little fiasco will probably never be footed in the lifetimes of our great grandchildren. Come to think of it, can’t you do anything without it ending in a blunder? Believe you me my friend, all these things are going to catch up with you in a very bad way, make no mistake about that. I am your friend and I am worried that you could end up not only causing grief to yourself but to my family and the Kenyatta family as well. As you know people are now talking g about ending impunity and I have a feeling this campaign will end up with them poking their noses into the past. If you do not care about your children Emilio, I can tell you that I do and I want nothing more but for them to live in peace without being hassled.

Then this thing of keeping a woman you cannot control in State House. I know when you were a minister under me, you and others used to make jokes behind my back about me being a senior bachelor and not having a wife. Well, now we all know who the joke is on don’t we?

Lastly you will know how sensitive I was to hunger problems in the country. You see there are many things you can do to people but things become extremely dangerous when they start going hungry. Correct me if I am wrong but you don’t seem to care let alone realize how dangerous this can be.

Really Emilio, you have to do something and you have to do it pronto because the country is truly sinking into chaos and yet you have all the power to halt this slide. As always I will be available to advice accordingly.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel T. Arap Moi

Former President and commander in chief of the armed forces, banana republic of Kenya.

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  1. ...And who is Moi?

  2. Why do Kenyans glorify Moi? Kenyans forget too first. During Moi's time, there was more hunger, more joblessness and more hopelesness. There is more doen since Moi left power than was ever done in the 24 years Moi ruled. It was during Moi's time that every state corporation collapsed. At least now most of them are operational, whether with allegations of corruption or not.

  3. Chris, you got 125 comments in the previous post, the single highest this year albeit none addressed your post. Furthermore, Kalamari got 95 comments, the highest ever for Kalamari!
    Is this your target now? You know this post is going to cause high emotions. R u looking for more hits?

  4. Moi perfected everything. From castrating Mwakenya suspects to milking all parastatals. From making establishing the foundations for ethnic fighting to perfecting political assasinations. From setting a precedent for compromised electrol chiefs and elections theft to retrenching the already jobless Kenyans on mere advice by IMF and World Bank. From stealing in Goldenberg with Pattni to chasing his wife from Statehouse (then replacing with uncountable number of mistresses whom you and I know and we used to hear their names mentioned in the streets of Nairobi). Moi was baba na mama of mediocrity per excellence.

  5. Remember Moi and the idea of 1988mlolongo elections. Where else are such elections conducted? The fellow was gullible, and I think Kenyans are equally intellectually challenged, that they woke up very early in the morning to line up. To their utter shock, some guys with short mlolongos were announced winners. Or people were whipped by the D.O. and his chief to line up for some political sycophant. Democrazy, Moi style.

  6. During Kibaki's first term, (ONLY 4 years) the country experienced the highest growth rate in terms of GDP while Argiculture under Kipruto Kirwa, coffee, tea, flowers etc etc production increased and there was NO hunger. When the cursed ODM joined the govt everything began to fall into pieces. Blame ODeMons! ODM is a party of evil people! DEVILS!

  7. Charles.Nairobi
    You can't STAND in the corner telling people to move, YOU MUST go there and set the PACE!
    The government has taken full advantage and everyone is relaxed waiting for the opportune time TO LOOT!
    The BOMB TICKS, Kenyans are FED UP,meanwhile useless MP'S continue RAIDING CDF COFFERS using proxy companies to get rich real quick.
    it's just a matter of time.
    Did anyone mention the VERY BRAVE COP shot at point blank range and fatally wounded AT KENCOM House yesterday afternoon?or is it just bahati mbaya in the line of duty?

  8. Panua mongrels are here posting comments that reek of Lies and deception.

    Chris, this is a tongue in cheek, but this part rings too TRUE

    "Even the things that Kenyan presidents have to do, you, Kibaki, don’t seem capable of doing properly.

    I am sorry to ask this again, but why the hell did you not ask for my help if you knew you couldn't steal a presidential election properly? What you did in December 2007 was so obvious and really embarrassing.

    What were you trying? You know how neatly I used to do my things so that nobody could challenge me. But what you did Emilio was so amateurish and hardly befits a president of the republic of Kenya.

    In fact the bill for that little fiasco (of the THEFT of the December '07 elections) will probably never be footed in the lifetimes of our great grandchildren.

    Come to think of it, can’t you do anything without it ending in a blunder? Believe you me my friend, all these things are going to catch up with you in a very bad way, make no mistake about that.

    I am your friend and I am worried that you could end up not only causing grief to yourself but to my family and the Kenyatta family as well. As you know people are now talking about ending impunity and I have a feeling this campaign will end up with them poking their noses into the past. If you do not care about your children Emilio, I can tell you that I do and I want nothing more but for them to live in peace without being hassled."

    Then this thing of keeping a woman you cannot control in State House. I know when you were a minister under me, you and others used to make jokes behind my back about me being a senior bachelor and not having a wife. Well, now we all know who the joke is on don’t we?

    This part I have quoted from your post is real, tragically real. Excellent stuff Chris. You deserve a big round of applause.

  9. Charles @ 3/12/09; 2:20AM,

    The professional political mourner, PM Raila, should have rushed to Kencom to mourn the shooting of the cop. But wapi, he is only concerned with the death of criminals. I guess, as someone aptly put it recently, it is because the criminals form the backbone of his electoral machine. No wonder he is desparate to get a foothold in the deadly Mungiki militia.

  10. Panua mongrels, you mongrels always go off on ridiculous panua tangents when you have been rattled (John "the rattlesnake" Michuki style) with the TRUTH that you always bury your heads in the sand trying to avoid.

    Chris is not praising Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi. If you really used your brains properly, this is what you would realize: Moi was a terribly incompetent leader, however, Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki is several time more terribly incompetent than Moi.

    Let me decipher this for you: Moi was an incompetent leader, Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki is an even more incompent leader.

  11. Anon 2:36 AM
    The only crime Kibaki commited was failure to appoint Raila as a powerful Prime Minister back in 2002/03. If Kibaki did that, these Jangs would not be complaining about anything. They would rather die of hunger as long as their man is in state house.

  12. Ati Kibaki is worse than Moi, what of Thug Raila Odinga. Within a year of being PM, he and his son Fidel, have created the worst famine in post-independent Kenya. Think about, personal and family greed of the Odingas has put at risk the lives of 10 million Kenyans.

  13. Stolen election here we come. if some one steals from you, you take steps to get the item back. you cant get it back by just whining and bitching around.

  14. Chris,

    Can you imagine where kenya would be now if Raila did not try to force a coup in 2007 presidential election? The growth rate was 6% then now it would have been double that!
    Raila has brought this country backward with his message for change which only foolish people believes in. This man is so obessed by anything foreign, apparently he consult South African witches to give him directions. Bwa bwa bwa ha ha ha... !

  15. Anon 1:14 AM,

    You asked:

    "Remember Moi and the 1988 mlolongo elections."

    Yes, I remember, the contestants with long lines were declared losers while the ones with short lines were declared winners.

    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki was also almost a victim of this but had to make a lot of noise to make sure the STEALING of his election did not occur. Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki is remembered for stating at the time, in a jibe that was clearly aimed at Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi, that "even rigging requires some intelligence."

    These were elections that were a travesty of justice, they were a farce, but then again history repeated itself during the December 2007 elections - only this time it was Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki doing the STEALING - Raila won but was declared the looser. Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki lost but was declared the winner.

    Also about the 1988 farce of an election, What was Kalonzo "Msaliti" doing? This:

    In the infamous 1988 mlolongo sham elections, Kalonzo was on the STEALING side that STOLE the elections via the shortest lines being declared the winners while the longest lines were declared the loosers. Reminds you of the elections of Dec '07.... Fill in the blanks.

  16. Panua mongrels are still in deep DENIAL. They still "believe" that Mwai "Pumbavu" Kibaki won the elections of Dec '07. They can repeat that lie a thousand times but it will never become the truth.

    The Truth is that Raila won but Mwai Pumbavu" Kibaki STOLE the elections, that's how he became to be fraudulently sworn in as the fraudulent president of Kenya secretly and in the dark. Anyone who wins an election genuinely is confident enough to be sworn in in front of Kenyans in broad daylight.

    Bottom line, Kibaki did not win, he STOLE the elections.

  17. Anon 3:19 AM

    Give us the concrete evidence Kibaki stole the election. You and your thug Raila underestimated Kibaki's popularity and so when he WON you thought he rigged the election.
    Hi ni ububafu kabisa! Luos believes anything this devil worshipper tells you. he told you to drop your trousers and shed your long-held foreskins and you did without a question. And when he told you kikuyus were the hinderance to promise land you believe it, he told you Kibaki stole the election and you belived it. next he will tell you to sacrifice your children to the devil and I am sure you will do it dutifilly!

  18. Anon 3.19am. there is no lie that is being repeated. All we know is the guy is the prezo and history will record him as having ruled for 10 years (assuming he completes current term).can you change this? if you cant then shut the fuck up. if you are my friend and i "steal" your girlfriend what use is it to you to keep on whining to me "you stole my girlfriend". You get her back, and if you cant she is legitimately mine. and who anyway properly wins or loses elections in africa.

  19. Anon 3:28 AM,

    Wewe ni Mbuzi, I will not waste my time trying to convince you the obvious. Kuchezea Mbuzi guitar is a big waste of time.

    Another reason wewe ni mbuzi is that you quickly jump to panua conclusions that I am a Luo, I am not. Wewe ni Mbuzi Kweli.

  20. Panua mongrels are here posting comments that reek of Lies and deception.

    Chris, this is a tongue in cheek post, but this part rings too TRUE

    "Even the things that Kenyan presidents have to do, you, Kibaki, don’t seem capable of doing properly.

    I am sorry to ask this again, but why the hell did you not ask for my help if you knew you couldn't steal a presidential election properly? What you did in December 2007 was so obvious and really embarrassing.

    What were you trying? You know how neatly I used to do my things so that nobody could challenge me. But what you did Emilio was so amateurish and hardly befits a president of the republic of Kenya.

    In fact the bill for that little fiasco (of the THEFT of the December '07 elections) will probably never be footed in the lifetimes of our great grandchildren.

    Come to think of it, can’t you do anything without it ending in a blunder? Believe you me my friend, all these things are going to catch up with you in a very bad way, make no mistake about that.

    I am your friend and I am worried that you could end up not only causing grief to yourself but to my family and the Kenyatta family as well. As you know people are now talking about ending impunity and I have a feeling this campaign will end up with them poking their noses into the past. If you do not care about your children Emilio, I can tell you that I do and I want nothing more but for them to live in peace without being hassled."

    Then this thing of keeping a woman you cannot control in State House. I know when you were a minister under me, you and others used to make jokes behind my back about me being a senior bachelor and not having a wife. Well, now we all know who the joke is on don’t we?

  21. Whatever, Moi did more to damage this country than Kibaki ever did. This thing of glorifying him is total nonsense, this is a man who stayed in power for 24 years, and plundered our resources, presided over the biggest corruption scandal ever and brought zero growth and increasing poverty to the country at a time when everyone else was reaping profits. And then you put nonsense like this?

    Wake up and smell the coffee, we have a 100 billion shilling budget shortfall, when the ministries have expanded to 43, we have a minister who cannot even explain why we have a maize shortage, when he authorized the sale of maize to southern sudan, and we are having the worst situation since 2002.

    Kenyans dont even notice how much progress was made because they havent had the chance to step outside the box and look in. We had the highest GDP growth for 15 years, we had begun to improve our road infrastructure, 1.5 million more children got to be able to go to school, and for the first time, the mwananchi could insult the president, and get away with it.

    Please, our conductor is admitedly not doing the best of jobs, but he is not the only one steering the ship. Yes he should be doing better, but for you to put this letter, its like telling osama bin laden to write to mother teresa and express his disappointment.The first thing needed is for us to pull through to 2012 and start afresh, no 43 ministries, no fatpay rises and expenses budgets and the elections should be split up so we can monitor things more transparently.

  22. Anon 3:48 AM,

    One hand you say Kibaki won, then you say this:

    "and who anyway properly wins or loses elections in africa"

    Listen to yourself, Listen to yourself again. You contradict yourself a bit too loudly, anyway, a thief always "trips" over the things he has STOLEN.

    Using your "logic," what you are telling us is that because other african presidents, the most recent one being Robert Gabriel Mugabe of impoverished Zimbabwe, STEAL elections, it is OK for STEALING of elections to happen here in Kenya - by Kibaki. Huo ni UPUMBAVU.

    Once again, using your warped logic, just because right now, as I am typing this comment, on this planet earth their is some woman/women (or these days even men) being raped, that is NO excuse for me to use that to justify my raping of your sister or mother. That warped logic you are using is PUMBAVU.

    And again do not go off on your usual panua induced tangents and think that I am a Luo. I am not.

  23. Anon 4:55 AM
    To be a Luo must be very bad for you to keep denying you are one of them.
    We all know Luos have inferiority complex and self-low esteem but I didn't expect someone to deny their culture and origin!

  24. To all those who believe that Kibaki is doing a good job as a leader then why are these ridiculous thing happening under his so called "good leadership?"

    * His fellow Kikuyu's going into murderous binges of chopping their fellow Kikuyu's heads off!! Is that what you call dignified living? Does really good leadership yield this kind of nonsense? No way!

    * Kimunya telling Kenyans to buy safaricom shares when he knew very well that there was a lot of monkey business going on at the Nairobi Stock exchange only for many members from his own community to painfully get their fingers burnt!! Is that what you call dignified living? Does really good leadership yield this kind of nonsense? No way!

    When Raila warned them that these shares were not safe they hurled insults at him, ati he is making his usual noise (domo domo) and that the NSE is not a fish market.

    Many upto now have not got back their refunds; some have even been ruined financially. Is that what you call dignified living? Does really good leadership yield this kind of nonsense? No way!

    * Kamba's, Turkana's, people from Kwale, and parts of Maasailand etc boiling raw mangoes and raw pawpaws to assauge their painful hunger pangs just to be able to survive? Is that what you call dignified living? Does really good leadership yield this kind of nonsense? No way!

    From these few examples, it is very clear that the driver of this bus called Kenya has failed and is still failing spectacularly in his "driving." Instead of driving us on the road that leads to real development and prosperity, he has slept on the wheel and the bus has veered off the road and into the bushes of mediocrity.

  25. Anon.55am, you are debating several people here and therefore getting mixed up. I have not talked of who won and who lost, after all we paid kriegler to tell us we will never know. I have only asked what's with the whining about a stolen election. can you do anything about it? No. it is boring. I saw ruto the other day on tv saying that things to do with the last election are no longer relevant. I suspect this is what most people feel. you have accused others of assuming you are a luo and then you go ahead and assume that everyone who finds this "stolen election" whining boring is panua!

  26. Kibaki has always been a reluctant leader.Part of the many blunders his administration has made can be attributed to his reluctance to take charge.
    l think this is borne out of the fact Kibaki has never lead a 'normal' life. This is one person who has resided in Muthaiga since 1962.He still live in those days when all was well.His desire when he won in 2002 was to rule for 10 years so that he is not seen as abnormal.Come 2007 things were so bad for him and to fulfill his wish he shamelessly stole in broadday light ignoring his 'mentor's' advice as highlited in the letter.

  27. The reason for luo low esteem is obvious. In this world the darker you are the more you are despised. It will never change. And the darker races have a fascination with the fairer races. this is why luos marry wazungus (first choice), high yellow (second choice) and light africans (third choice). It is an attempt to "improve" their race and it is bearing fruit because today there are many light luos.

  28. Lets not use this forum to through venom to each other based on tribe. Despite 'hatred' for each other on this forum founded on tribalism back home we are friends and neighbours. Whether you think luos are black and kikuyus have brown teeth at the end of the day when our country burns all of us suffer.
    The letter is a satire on Kibaki's blunders. The blunders can be attributed to the man and his character which is partly shaped by his background, past experiences and temprament.To me, Kibaki should never have been the president of Kenya in the first place.
    But he is a beneficiary of Raila & Co, who when they realised thet could not their way under uhuru made a decision to join General Kiguoya in the hope that they would be partners in the presidency. And there lies the genesis of this country's leadership. From 2002 there is this notion that still flies around Kenyan leaders that you can parade your tribesmen around you and then bargain for positions in their name.
    In 2007, Raila used the same trick and promised Ruto, Musalia, Ntimama and Balala that he would share power provided they convinced their tribesmates to vote for him. Raila should not pretend he was popular amoungst Kales. If kales are told by Ruto to abandon Raila,they would do so without question.
    To stop this nonsence of power sharing let us provide for 50% + one formular in the presidential elections.

  29. The letter is a satire on Kibaki's blunders. The blunders can be attributed to the man and his character which is partly shaped by his background, past experiences and temprament.To me, Kibaki should never have been the president of Kenya in the first place.

  30. I never seem to comment on the posts made on this blog, however I always end up writing something after being provoked by some anons.

    I still insist, we need a marshall plan to topple the current leadership and all politicians who are eying the presidency.

    We need to create a movement and identify selfless, fresh, untainted leaders to spearhead. Someone said here their is movement that has already registered 800,000 young Kenyans. I need details.

  31. Searest, you are the only commenter here with a name, everyone else is anonymous.

    Keep up bro, don't lose heart!
    I bet there isn't anything of that org you are looking for. I am very well connected diaspora but have not heard anything so far.

  32. Searest,
    anon 7:10 AM, here again. The only movement in Diaspora i know of is this secretive organisation called "Kenya-London Parliament" based in UK. Its hard to know what their objectives are but they have a 'parliament' with a 'house speaker'.

  33. Jimmy Kibaki will be the next PRESIDENT of Kenya mpende msipende!

  34. Chris aka Chriso
    ati UoN students have taken over Kumemkucha and are peacefully "commenting" since yesterday

  35. It is unfortunate that whenever a debate that is supposed to give a way forward for Kenya is held, some idiots always want to box it back into a Luo - Kikuyu warfare.

    This post was a nice satirical commentary and it aptly compared the bad and the worse. Raila was not in the post so why drag his name. Assuming that All Luos were taken away from Kenya (to I don't know where) do you Kikuyus think that you will now be satisfied with the state of affairs in the country.
    Are you certain that what you see today is the best example of good governance? In your eyes, is Kibaki a perfect saint only distracted by some Raila?
    People who have the benefit of a modest education and some morals to accompany it should not be the bad example you are to others. You are the real enemies of Kenya.
    You may have the right to a political position but you equally have the right to have a conscience. You know very well that if you settled and asked yourself about the circumstances prevailing in Kenya you will be dissatisfied by the status quo.

    I love my tribe but I also respect every other individual from other tribes - its not their fault they were born elsewhere. My heart yearns for a harmonious Kenya but even as I try to play my part in bringing the unity, I get pissed up when my tribe is used against me and I am insulted just so that a few idiots may continue plundering our beloved country.

  36. Anon 9:13 AM, and so you think Raila is an angel?
    People here disaprove with Raila as much as others disaprove with Kibaki.
    Noone here is coming up with ideas of how to bring this country forward simply because many of you think Raila is the best thing ever to come out Kenya, and still the only answer to Kenya problems.
    As long you keep holding those believes, there is no hope to Kenya!

  37. So far H E Mwai Kibaki remains the best president Kenya has ever had, although many challenges in his leadership. May God help Kenya come 2012 to have even a better president irrespective of tribal affiliation.

  38. Mzee Moi was never a senior bachelor at any one point or stage in his life.

    Mzee Moi like many men/husbands/fathers/neighbours of old, was what was known as a "single husband."

    A man who left his dear spouse at home or rather in the village in order to attend to his work/career related matters, hundreds of miles away from his home-villageville and people.

    And as many "single husbands" of his time, he always returned home during the end year holidays and whenver his official leave aka "lifu/likiso/likizo" was due.

    So that he could attend to all pending matters as well as pressing issues on the domestic front.

    That was an era when real wisemen on annual leave build or improved their future homes, bought more land, used the time to add new members to their families, and above all, tested the waters of being at home decades before the word "retirement" was mentioned to them by the employer.

    Those were the days when there were no golden "hand shakes" other than real genuine "kwaheri hand-shakes."

    These days, the word "retirement" is a killer word that is worse than any deadly poison available in Africa south of the Sahara.

    BTW, lol, Kenyans wanted real change so yesterday that they didn't know what to do with it when Mzee Moi "turned around handed it to them on a siliver platter" with using his ïnfamous fimbo ya nyayo."

    The people instead resorted to screwing up each other in all gross manner than they had done under Mzee Moi's era.

    Here is a small question to those who praise the toad at the state house: was the killings and mayhem in the aftermatth of 'election 2007' woth the deaths of thousands of innocent Kenyans, wanton destruction of property and a return to a destructive and dark ethnci rivalry worth the national efforts that led to Mzee Moi giving up his addiction to power of our small village known as Kenya?

    And let's not fool ourselves as a people with regard to the phatom economic growth that is alleged to have risen by a "merely" five percent.

    It did nothing to uplift the rest of the nation from its path of endemic economic decay, social backwardness and an infrastructure that still lags 400 years behind that of countries such as Canada, United States of America, Australia, Japan and the rest of some European and Asian countries.

    Where is Kibaki's so called benefits of a 'trickle-down- economy" in our villages (bullaas) in the Tana River area, North Eastern, Southern Rift Valley, Northern Rift Valley, Upper Eastern and in the coastal regions of the country?

    Token prostitution industry ran by upcountry women and men does not benefit the country in any way, shape or fashion.
    Mombasa town and the tourist resorts do not count because 75% of the properties are own and controlled by outsiders.

    And very little of the revenue ever makes into the country for the nbenfit of the common citizens of Kenya in the area.

  39. it's just plain embarassing to be a be associated with all this cheap rubbish politics and tribalism that makes up kenya.sijui kibaki and moi, mara raila this, kenyatta that, kalonzo, ruto, karua did and said this..... while we murder each other, starve and beg for food and money from the west, yet the kenya highlands is supposed to be one of the best agriculural producer in africa.
    what does being a kenyan mean anyway?all we share is a common land and currency.we should just introduce majimbo.that should be the final solution for kenya.because its very obvious we all hate each other tribally and cant get along.

  40. If given a chance, Agwambo can do better than this fence sitter under a mugumo tree.

  41. anon 5:59

    You seem to be disturbed by your race. That's a real inferiority complex or you are depressive. Please sea a doc.

    To a Mzungu, you are a nigger whether you are from Meru, Kiambu, Bondo or Lusaka. Even Indians are being mistaken to be Niggers.

    Man, be proud to be African, EA, Kenyan and forget your tribal stupidity.

  42. Moi is home and he has no role to play in our future. Kibaki is facing the sunset and soon he will be out of our space. Individually what are we doing to make a better Kenya. Can we write our future selves a letter to what what we aspire to be other than tribally diseased, abusive and disrespectful generation.

    The blogsphere has instead of widening the space for sharing ideas has become a poisoned pigsty where we rubbish each other. I am nostalgic about the old days of the "Weekly Review" magazine when issues rather than personalities were the basis of our national discourse.

  43. To Chris,

    I wish you could one day make meaningful contribution to Kenyans reading this blog.It has turned into a contest of this tribe is better than that. Kumekucha has a reputation of cultivating hatred. If you give your audience more objective materials to read then you will restore sanity.

    I hope 10 years from now you will not look back and regret for turning brothers against each other. You can make amends if you want.

  44. Chris, you have a duty to instill a sense of maturity in this blog if you honestly hope for it to achieve the purpose you set it up for.

    There was a time this blog was as informative as it was civil, at least to some extent. This is the past that you now keep harping on, but those days are gone. It changed from that state the moment you allowed housemaids in Eastleigh and fish dealers in Kibera who had just gained typing skills to indulge with the kind of unrestricted exploration that is unhealthy.

    Nobody is calling for censorship here, dont get me wrong. But keep in mind that there are two ways here; we can continue with this madness where , from January to december, all we read are the same old kikuyu this luo that nonsense. you know what really sucks, chris, is when people have only one message to pass using the exact same words. The other way is for you to set a standard (and you know you can do that)that scares the maids away.

    That's my two cents, but it is your blog. When you see a post attracting a hundred comments 90% of which appear to have been written for elementary school mchongoano sessions, that should be a cause for alarm to you as the blog administrator. You are accusing kibaki of luck of leadership and I think you need to adress the fellow on the other side of the mirror.


  46. I have a question for u my dear friend Vikii.

    Have you i any way or at any time contributed to the use of abusive language in this blog?

    Please answer.


  47. Chris:

    Thug Molasses Raila should leave the Universities alone to be run by the professionals. He is not qualified academically or otherwise to run a High School leave alone a university.

    * The thug has no high school certificate - he didn't finish Form Four (If anybody has any evidence, let him say the year the thug sat for "O" level and the grade he got).

    * The only document he has says that he has a Masters Degree in engineering from former Communist East Germany. The document is not supported by any academic work he did while in E. Germany. As a matter of fact, he spent most of his time while there in a Communist Youth Camp where he was drilled on Political Organisation and Mobilization Techniques. He was awarded the engineering document as an honour in recognition of his father's work of trying to spread communism in East Africa.

    * On return to Kenya, through his father's connections he was employed by the Faculty of Engineering at the UoN. He could not teach, and the student demanded that he be thrown out or else they would stone him. He left.

    * On leaving the UoN, his father gave him a job in the family company, Specter. He was restless and his father feared that his reckless dismal performance would ruin the family business.

    * Again, his father's contacts came to his aid and was given a govt job with Kenya Bureau of Standards. It was while there he started missing work for long periods of time. Little did people realise that he was spending a lot of time in Umoja organizing a coup d'etat with some of the most illiterate juniour Luo members of the Airforce. His father through former Ugandan president,Milton Obote, pleaded with the govt to save the neck of this thug. Because he was lucky to be born an Odinga, this man retained his neck. The other Airforce worshippers of his were not so lucky, they lost their necks to the hangman at Kamiti.

    * After that he spent a lot of years in jail for various criminal activities. Those years he spent in prison have been used by his worshippers as evidence of his liberation credentials. This is absolute nonsense. Every aspect of his political endevour has been motivated by his greed for power: first to try to install his father in the presidency, and later himself. It has never been about the downtrodden masses of Kenya. But let us be honest, he is gifted in hidding and lying about his motives. He has been able to convince some euphorically minded Kenyans that he means well for all people. But evidence points in the other direction: between 2001 and 2002 he joined Moi's govt and became a billionaire in a record two years, and he exploited and preached tribal hatred to emerge a strong second in the preidential contest in 2007.

    But apart from his manipulative genius, he lacks any other known mental attribute. Therefore, when he attempts to micro-manage the affairs of our universities, he lacks the requisite academic or management know-how to manage even a High School. And this should be made abundantly clear to this pretender.

  48. We are living in a democratic world and people should be allowed to express freedom of speech whether the views are negative or critical.

  49. Chris,
    I think the question is not whether Vikii has used abusive language in the past or not, this is your blog and I am sure you have heard about adaptive management. Constantly improving from the feedback we get from the monitoring process.

    In the last couple of days 100+ comments on various posts and you cannot point a fundamentally positive idea in the posts. All there is my tribe this, my tribe that. You can change that Chris and not by censorship. Play in the league that Kumekucha once played - Positive, incisive, intellectually provocative and honest league.

    In country going through a crisis as ours, methinks we need to identify some heroes. But I am sure many people will ask a question Nikita Krusckev asked when faced by Germans at Stalingrad - Do you know any heroes around here?

    Lets create positive ones. We can only achieve what we dream of and I certainly do not wish to set the standards so low for my kids and your kids. Can we go positive for a change. Ordinary folks doing wonderful things for their communities, schools, universities, conservancies etc.

    Lets get off serikali hii mode all the time.

  50. Chris,

    Is it possible that Moi, a kalenjin, a warrior tribe, someone who openly walked around with an assault weapon aka rungu ya nyayo, would forget to mention the issue of security?

    At the moment we have IDPs and Kenya being invaded by a small and poor country called Uganda and yet we are holding talks! I do not remember Kenyatta holding talks when Uganda threatened to annex RV and all parts west.

    That is a big shame and a travesty what is happening on Migingo island. Unless this was part of the deal with UPDF securing Nyanza during the PEV.

  51. For all those who are trying to blame Chris for the abusive language and tribal nature of the comments on Kumekucha, you are blaming the wrong guy.

    What you see happening in the comments section is just but a reflection of what is going on in Kenya "out there."

    Look at Kibaki at the top, this cartoon has slept at the wheel of this bus called Kenya; that is why the country is lacking leadership and direction. Look at the rest of the politicians, they are in a permanent state of division and hostility towards one another - Daily!!

    Look at the ordinary Kenyan, they are no different from the Kenyan politicians. We view everything thru tribal lenses. There is no real peace, it is just FAKE peace waiting for an "appropriate" spark to EXPLODE - and when it explodes next time it will be more explosive than what we witnessed after the elections of Dec '07 were STOLEN. This one will be the MOTHER OF ALL EXPLOSIONS that Kenya has never seen the likes of.

    The average Kenyan may appear to be "peaceful" on the surface, don't be fooled for underneath that surface lies boiling anger fueled by injustice and betrayal which has been going on since 1963. Otherwise how do you explain the crazy phenomenon of the Mungiki neck choppers going on murderous extravanganza's of chopping their own fellow Kikuyu's heads off with wild abandon? Something big is wrong.

    So, people, don't blame Chris. The guy is innocent. It is us Kenyans, specifically those who have rained injustice on Kenyans and betrayed Kenyans, who are to blame.

  52. Chriso aka Chris,
    is this a case of asante ya punda ni mateke and biting the hand that feeds you or whay

    responsibility for sanity in comments does not lie with you-its upto the people leaving comments here to behave themselves with dignity and not make this another Mashada by sinking to the lowest levels of human behaviour and acting worse than the people whose name they claim to speak in

    then again i suppose Kumekucha is like a bus and you are the driver. there must be some pickpockets at the back....

  53. One wife man aka Joe the choma man,

    People should be allowed to express their freedom of speech whether the views are negative or critical. There is nothing wrong with being self-opinionated!

  54. Where is the voice of Mudavadi in ODM matters? He has become a real flower girl as supremacy wars are fought between Raila and Ruto. I know it is not politically correct to talk about tribes, but surely, who is representing our Luhya interests in ODM? We need to unite and reclaim our share; we cannot be used to provide votes and then wait for crumbs while the Luos and Kalenjins share ODM's half loaf between themselves. I am as mad as Hell!!!!

  55. Chris:

    You should come up with good ideas like those tips to cut costs by Robert Nagila last night.


    Lets debate on those issues raised by Robert Nagila here.

  56. Chris:

    If the people of Kenya want to dissolve the country, they have an inalienable right to do so and go different ways. Nobody should try to force us to love each other or share the same country. The time has come for a honest discussion about the viability of our continued pretence to nationhood. My suggestion is that the large tribes (over two million people) be allowed to become independent nations. The smaller tribes will be absorbed by the bigger tribes according to their cultural affinity. Alternatively, the Bantus can go their way and the Nilotes their way. After thinking long and hard, I don't see how Luos will ever live with the Kikuyus in peace, and the other tribes will always be sucked into their silly wars. So, the earlier this marriage which was forced upon us by the British is called quits the better for our sanity.

  57. Moi ruled from 1978 to 1992 - the bulk of kenyas problems in this era were caused by:
    -international events (end of cold war),
    -USA (insisting on western style multi party elections and human rights now that it did not need kenyan bases for its navy/airforce),
    -international institutions (IMF policies including sale/dissolution of state corporations and assets that of course went to rich corrupt connected individuals and families).
    -incredible population growth rate
    because there was peace
    -there is nothing much more a man can do when he is surrounded by pickpocket ministers
    -at least during mois time 2000 persons did not die, thousands idps were not the result
    -corruption is caused by greed. greed is caused by always looking to western consumerism and wanting the same goods at the expense of the poor, and at the expense of the environment, and thinking western culture is superior to indigenous culture
    -what value is western free speech, multipartyism when it ends with more ethnic strife, more violence, less security and less food
    -south korea progressed under military rule and one party state
    -cuba and venezuela is progressing under similar conditions
    -moi punished the few pseudo intellectuals to ensure the masses had peace - now you have followed these intellectuals and have chaos - they preach free speech, multipartyism, free enterprise but they are enriching themselves at the expense of the masses
    -you only have to follow mois speeches and talks to see he puts enya first - as proof of this - following the dec 2007 when he saw the wanton looting and killings he had to be hospitalized for back problmes obviously from stress
    -there was peace under moi because he compromised - which is why odinga was back in govt after detention etc
    -had it been moi in dec 2007 he would have compromised in 3 days not 3 months
    -if kibaki won in 1978 you would have escaped 24 yrs of peace

  58. The way these are right now, instead of Majimbo its better to dissolve Kenya and then create smaller independent states.

    All provinces to become independent states.

    Now Raila can head the independent republic of Nyanza.


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