Friday, March 27, 2009

Raila: Honest Audit or Smart Blame Game?

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has given out what amounts to an audit of the GCG to date. At the centre of his audit was corruption, the cancer that is mauling at every fabric of garment Kenya.

It must be the most difficult and helpless job being a GENERAL in an army of hostile soldiers. Supervision and coordination may sound rosy on paper but just ask iron lady Martha Karua about cronyism and DNA-based appointments in the judiciary. Her political tantrums aside, it took real politics for her absorb the impact of kick in the teeth from an appreciative king after being the intellectual and political face of PNU during the trying PEV period.

In defending the UNHOLY political union of power-sharing, Raila squarely placed the blamed on corruption to inaction and lethargy by the judiciary and police. And that opens the door on the debate of whether he is telling nothing but the WHOLE TRUTH or simply shifting blame as the GCG dithers with snouts fully immersed in the honey jar.

Raila acknowledged the difficult task of undoing the myriad of ills inflicted on Kenya and Kenyans over the past 45 years. And in there lies the truth and the common thread joining the present gate keepers at the hip.

On a brighter side, at least we have been presented with a formal audit to debate about on Kenya and NOT bedroom matters that are shamelessly nationalized. That said, the will to fight corruption may be there but the courage from the right quarters lacking in abundance. Speak of the mind willing but the hands are weak.


  1. Taabu,
    You are petty, how do this statement add any value to your post?

    On a brighter side, we have a formal audit to debate about on Kenya and NOT bedroom matters that are shamelessly nationalized.

  2. Chris,

    This was not an audit but a shameless "pass the buck" megalomaniac exercise. Before blaming the judiciary and the police, what has he done to those ODM corrupt ministers. What has he done to his corrupt son, Fidel?

    He says that the Grand Regent was not a coalition govt problem. If I remember correctly the legal transfer of the hotel occurred during the life of this coalition govt; as a matter of fact, the transfer of the title deed was signed by Orengo after threatening to resign if the the sale went through.

    Raila has come out in his true colours as the shameless face and defender of grand corruption in Kenya. No wonder people refer to him as the Grand Wizard of the Pepo Mbaya Mafia.

    As the coordinator and supervisor of the corrupt coalition govt, he should have owned up to the the corruption, apologize and promise to do better.

    What was even more disgraceful is that he did not put forward a plan of action to address what even kindargaterners know is ailing this country. If he is our saviour, we better be planning our funerals.

  3. Raila doesnt Learn

    Raila has been misused by the mafia since time of Moi.
    They are doing the same
    Look at the government officials aho were with him during this act
    Why does he always accept to be misused-for a simple limelight in the press.
    I am now thinking that Raila, and not Emilio is the problem for Kenyans.
    He thinks he can tame the anger Kenyans have.They wished the Coalition government disappears overnight.
    Its life is overdue
    Raila will never see that house on the hill
    Unwittingly, he is undoing himself by being the errand boy.Kenyans who voted for him are equally get further from him

  4. Taabu,

    Raila says the public is likely to lose only "small" amounts of money through the "little" corruption going on in the coalition govt. This reasoning sounds familiar.

    Kiraitu told us the same thing when Anglo Leasing came to light. Kiraitu said that since the Anglo Leasing people were wiring back to the Treasury the money they had intended to steal, the public would not lose any money and therefore people should not complain. Today, it is Raila telling us to embrace the same logic. Why can't these bastards be at least clever/original when lying to us?

    When Kenyans die of hunger as a result of stolen maize, is that something for Raila to brush aside as "little" corruption? Why has a sense of humanity abandoned these people?

  5. What happened to sackings Raila promised this week? Friday and not a single minister is fired. ama ni domo domo??

  6. 12:43 PM

    What? now Raila has Joined Muhoho(Airport managing Director in ghost multi- billion projects to fleece the Kenyan people??

    this is indeed serious all this crooks know each other and cover up for each other- no wonder he was in the news with the press covering up corruption claiming it is not that bad!!! when he has made ghost deals with Afro Asian ghost corporation that does not exist

    Raila should tell kenyans where the 800 million shillings paid to the ghost Afro Asia corporation went!!! where is the money?

    This is unacceptable - I'm the tax payer and why am I paying for a project that no one knows who is behind it ghost ghost projects yet again

    when will it stop!!! when when !!
    kenyans are indeed stupid- herded like goats and lied to day in and day out and nobody stands up!

    why !!why!!why!! are we so gullible or does this coalition government take the rest of kenyans for fools?

  7. anon12:59 PM

    What is wrong with you and the rest of Kenyan?? you are one of the goats being led on! wake up!

    why would Raila sack anyone? when he has joined the crooks in looting the country?

    guess who owns share in this ghost entity called Afro Asian corporation?

    ANSWER: Raila Odinga and cronies

    shame shame! Raila should sack himself*** period!

  8. Raila Odinga should Resign
    Owning shares in Afro Asian company ( another goldenberg) this time Raila is protecting his buddies

    since he owns shares' in the same ghost entity -Raila should resign and let the investigation take place on the other shareholders in Afro Asian Ghost project now.



    Goldenberg part 2

  9. anon1:16 PM

    This is hot news
    can Chris/Kumekucha follow up on this Afro Asian blockbuster what is going on is Raila really involved in this ghost company ati building a hotel and expo center at the Jomo kenyatta airport?

    can someone else please confirm this story = very sad if it is true
    kenyans surely what can we do to stop corruption when our leaders are the ones leading corruption.

  10. Raila learned this corrupt game when he served as Energy Minister under Moi. While it had taken some hitherto wonder boys like Ruto a number of years to become billionnaires, it took Raila Amolo Ondinga a record two years to become a multi-billionnaire under the tutorage of Prof. Moi. Suddenly, he was able to move to Karen from his Runda home which had been bought for him by the family company, EA Specter. Before that time, the only thing to his name was the shirt on his back. I remember he kept on telling the Luo people to be patient and wait for fruits from the his cooperation with Moi. The Luo people, like all other Kenyans, are dying still waiting for those fruits to materialize while Raila's sons strut around in Range Rover Sports.

    He is at it again telling us to be patient - that this time the corruption is not much. Dear citizens of Kenya, the joke is on us.

  11. anon1:26 PM
    Only a fool can look at the this Afro Asian ghost corporation one sided

    Why Raila 's name now?? was he in control of the airport in 2005-2007 when the deal was made?? Muhoho was in control so where does Raila's name come in? pal you people jump to conclusions every time- why don't you talk about KIBAKI'S STOLEN WEALTH? HOW ABOUT FORMER PRESIDENT KENYATTA WHO STOLE MOST OF THE LAND FROM KENYANS EVEN HIS OWN PEOPLE MAU MAU VETERENS THE FOOL..

    Look at Uhuru Kenyatta his fathers wealth ain't enough he employs mungiki youth to enforce kenyans to pay security tax to him..

    if you want to look for crooks, thieves and thugs plus murderers look towards central Provence and not all kikuyu's are thieves and thugs only the elite!


  12. Now what's wrong with this idiot:

    Amejipaka mafuta ni kama anaenda kuuzwa southern Sudan!

  13. It is a sad story that people are dying from hunger while others are saying that it is a small corruption! this is the person we call savior mmm i am left wondering.Even Kisumu City is full of corruption and i have NEVER seen President Kibaki sitting their so who are the people doing that corruption ? The council of ODM councillors and most of the officers are Luos because they belong to that region ! You beg for the service you do not get, they ask for bribe you pay and then you are given FAKE documents.These people are the same everywhere you go.It is just a reflection of our society.

    I love all Kenyans and especially Kikuyus.People keep on saying that Kikuyus are bad and i am sorry to say that even me i used to say the same thing and i used to think that we are suffering because of Kikuyus.Since the coalition government was put in place i have realized that evrybody is suffering.I mean those who are not having political god fathers.There are many good Kenyans no matter tribe they com from who are really working very hard everyday to support their families.

    I was shocked when somebody told me that we are now rich because prime minister is a Luo! This is the same problem other tribes are suffering from.

    If something is bad let us NOT defend those who have committed them.We should not say that when this deal was signed so and so was not in the office.He will come back and say that the contract was signed before him and you will see people will be voting the same crooks to parliament.

    They are making us poor so that we depend on their handouts.Most of these people are graduates so i wonder what really happens in their minds.

    I believe that when we shall stop hating each other because this is something within our means and we are capable of conrtolling and view all Kenyans as Kenyans and vote people we feel that can lead us BEST that is when even policiticians will take us seriously.

    Sometimes i feel like loosing hope of good life in Kenya but i still have the feeling that we need that hope and hope for the good to come someday.

    Change is a hard thing and in most cases it will be rejected or resisted so let us go slowly and also appreciate the little good they have done.They are human beings just like us.

    My promise is that i will vote the person i think can bring change to the whole country no matter tribe he/she comes from.

  14. Why Raila cannot sack corrupt ministers

    1) He needs the votes they command from their tribes; read Ruto
    2) He has directly benefited from the sleeze; his son Fidel sold maize to sudan
    3) He oily snout is also deep in the honey jar; read oil scandal where a company in which he is a manager is involved
    4) He cannot cut the arm that's feeding him; he is a PM because of the corrupt around him

    and finally,
    he thinks all Kenyans are gullible enough to listen to his spin spin theatrics now that they have been working with his ODM followers.

    Taabu's Mistress

  15. And this so funny:

    "I was shocked when somebody told me that we are now rich because prime minister is a Luo!"


    possibly ogango the lake fissserman after seeing another hummer. he understands not many things.

  16. That funny too:

    "He oily snout is also deep in the honey jar"

    And this so wont happen:

    "He needs the votes they command from their tribes; read Ruto"

  17. To contributor 3/27/09 5:39 PM

    And this so funny:

    "I was shocked when somebody told me that we are now rich because prime minister is a Luo!"


    possibly ogango the lake fissserman after seeing another hummer. he understands not many things.

    3/27/09 5:39 PM

    Thank you very much i accept that i do not understand many things in our country called KENYA.How do things work really ? Show me i will appreciate alot.But remember that i am not a fisherman. I am a hard working Kenyan citizen.Let us love one another and build a better country.The way things are i am afraid for the future.

  18. By the way there was a time it was written in daily news how universities ranked in Africa and i read something like University of Nairobi leading from Kenya but not in Business courses.The repoter failed to rank corrupt people from the universities they graduated.Does anybody have any clue ? I think they still maintain it in either way ! Cheers good Professors doing good work.

  19. Even with this 'Pass-the-buck megalomania', one thing I give Raila Odinga credit for is his willingness to expose himself to the press. I am not defending or even pretending that I can stand the usual CHILDISH obsession with cameras, I am not in any way assuming any substance can ever be found in anything related to him, but he is at least willing to talk to the Kenyan people.

    A state of the nation address is something every leader and especially the elected President has to give periodically. When we go to the polls and vote for you, we are basically signing a five year contract with you and it is only fair that you update us on what's going on. President Mwai Kibaki, a man I consider far more knowledgeable, much more sensible and a far better leader has been a complete failure when it comes to communicating with Kenyans. And this can only be arrogance.

    When some newspapers faxed him some questions the other day, he refused to even get back to them to acknowledge receipt, but waited till the last day when Presidential staff told the media house to "expect something this afternoon". When the afternoon came, the response was in prose and only addressed those things he felt he should address and not those raised in the questions. This is the exact kind of arrogance and aloofness that is responsible for the lukewarn reception his performance as President elicits.

    As for Raila Odinga's version of what the government is doing or not doing, I have heard that crap repeated so many times,it is not newsworthy.

  20. Jezus Krist Vikii, is that really you? Castigating Kibaki? Duh...

    I look at the whole thing differently. I don't need to see Raila on telly to tell me what i already know. The only reasonable thing for Raila to have done is as follows:

    1.Hold a state of the nation press talk.
    2.Admit that you and GK has failed to curtail corruption and deliver on promises esp. resettlement of IDPs and now the burning of E.A. largest water catchment area, the maize scandal....
    3.Resign from GK.

    Otherwise, stop pretending that you are any better than Kibaki. At least he knows that he is arrogant and mwananchi ni mazi ya kuku and he will not bother to brief anyone on anything save to remind us that he has only one wife mama Jimmy.

    What a freaking banana republic!

  21. Good gracious.

    I dont for the life of me understand WHY Kenyans are complaining. First, my PM and my President are working together. So either of the two can legitimately deliver their annual report.

    Second, you are just receiving what you have been shouting for. You are always complaining that no one is talking to you....well, my PM does that. ALL the time! regardless of relevance. He makes contact-which is what you all wanted. So what's your problem? The intelligence deficit is not his fault.

    Unlike many of you whiners, I personally prefer to see (and hear)less of these duanzies. I want to hear more substantive issues and hear more results from their ministers. Sort of like what Ruto is doing when not arguing against a local tribunal or defending himself against corruption. Like what Ngilu is doing delivering water to people. Like the giant steps Balala has made towards restoring the tourism sector. Like what Uhuru is doing proposing and funding youth development programs. Like Anyang's work in expanding access to medical care.

    I DONT WANT TO SEE THE FRIGGIN PRINCIPLES. I want to see problems resolved, and that rarely ever comes from the top.

    Seems like, after Moi's iron fisted supervision, Kenyans' peanut brains are unable to adjust to a hands-off managerial system.

    Very sad.

  22. isnt there a nursery rythme to explaine all what happebs in high office. Ther eis the one about
    17 times as high oa the moon, anyone got the words?

  23. Chris, did you really believe Raila would sack anybody? If you did, then i sympathaise with you coz you haven't seen or heard anything yet!


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