Friday, February 06, 2009

Valentines Lies

Lies don’t just exist in politics … they are all over … in business, social life, among close friends, family members. But what is most heart breaking is the tendency for people to love and believe lies. They many times prefer to believe and cling onto a lie than face the truth as it is.

But this lie lies much deeper than you think contributing to many illegitimate kids that are not capable of handling the truth … and neither can they understand it. Maombi tu kwao ndio ya ta-work. They were born out of lies … brought up with lies … and are living a lie … and the life of lies is all they understand. Good news is that nothing last forever and anyone who is interested can be quickened into a new direction and for today let’s start from the basics.

Another day of what is apparently supposed to be a day to show those you love the Love … will be with us in a week. The town is starting to glow red as the commercial aspect of the day takes shape. Some peoples hearts are already red waiting with a lot of anxiety to see what their partner will show or do to assure them of the love. And right there goes the 1st wrong step. Valentines is not the designated day of the year that your partner is tasked with providing the love and show you how special you are … it’s an everyday thing for him/her to show you the love. Check yourself out for your intentions of been remembered and the meanings you make related to some behaviours. If you will use valentines to look for evidence that you are loved or special … know right now that your in big trouble … your relationship is in trouble.

One of the skills required for a successful relationship is the willingness of the partners and their ability to be vulnerable and ask for what they need and want. That your man/lady went out and bought you a lovely card/flowers means … he/she went out and bought a lovely card/flowers. That behavior alone does not mean he/she loves you. He/she may love you … but that alone is not the true indicator of his/her love or valuing.

So this valentines do yourselves some goodness … sit down together and plan the way you are going to celebrate your love and your gratitude for been in each other’s life. Don’t get into the mix and traditions of valentines … take the opportunity to care for each other and your relationship together … in ways that are meaningful to both of you.

And in that light … pliz don’t be pressured or guilted into acting like you care or care more than you do. Borrowing the words of a pal of mine … valentines day is a day set up for disappointment- encourages disillusionment and offers false messages. Be sure you only do/say what is in your heart to do and say. Make sure your thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs match.

If your dating someone you think is worthy of your special attention … let them know. Only you can make it happen … and only you can keep it real.


  1. Happy Valentine from Eurotrash (KenyanEuros)!

  2. Sayra,

    You call UrXlnc your "excellency", r u going to buy him flowers or you like it... erm woman to woman?

  3. What is Valentine's day about? Is valentine some brand of ketchup?

  4. Come on Vikii. Valentine is the day you make love and not war. in other words you fight and urgue during the year but on Valentine's day who make up with kiss and passionate sex.

  5. Sex? I am not married and that is probably the reason I am not in the know. Nevertheless I get it now, thanks my friend.

  6. Dear Sayra,

    It’s Friday so let’s talk about love. Refreshing post, I must add.

    In case you didn’t know, Valentines Day was invented by a very lazy intelligent man. In doing so, he duped all women and gave men the greatest gift of all. You see, this event gives men an opportunity to do absolutely nothing all year round except for that special day. Look, I can lounge on the puffy couch watching TV for an entire year provided I get you some red roses and chocolate one day in February. I may have to spend a few shillings for dinner and a movie; but after that, I’m all set to go for another long year of hanging out with my boys at the pub playing pool. Is life sweet or what?

    But now let’s get serious. What lies are you talking about? The way I see it, there’s never been a woman on this planet who’s ever been conned into a relationship of sorts i.e. hit and run. I mean, I could borrow my brother’s tuxedo, rent an SUV and house-sit my pal’s home in Runda over the weekend. Now, if you love me for nothing else but my borrowed sophisticated looks, si you are the one who’s being a devious gold digger? My true colors i.e. my Kawangware abode and my only mode of transportation (my feet) will make you flee.

    Lakini sasa, and you brought it up, everywhere I look, I see ‘horse tail hair’ on heads, 4 feet tall women in high heels, push up bras, fake plastic eyelashes, fake fingernails and red lipstick (even though both you and I know the only people with red lips ni watu wa chaanga). It’s really a confusing world when it comes to women these days. Oh! Where are the natural beauties??

    And you get surprised when fellas start harassing their village bred maids….yes the ones with dirty fingernails and cracked feet. Yeah baibe!!

  7. Are we talking about the Namwaba's bold faced lies?

  8. Vikii,

    You wanna try me? delicious bootylicious and available. i am free and lone on 14th of Feburuary.

  9. We got maize through clean deal, Ruto associates say

    By Vincent Bartoo, East Africa Standard

    Agriculture Minister William Ruto’s political allies in the North Rift region were this week caught up in the maize scandal.

    It has emerged that some of them might have secured maize from the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) for a song.

    They were allocated thousands of bags of maize, which they claim to have bought but actually never left the NCPB depots.

    Investigations by The Sunday Standard revealed that they secured authorisation letters to NCPB depots countrywide, allowing them access to different quantities of maize.

    They purportedly bought the maize from NCPB at Sh1,750 a 90kg bag then resold the produce at Sh2,600 to millers for the same quantity.

    The millers collected the maize from NCPB depots, hence the sellers did not incur transport costs.

    The millers would later process the maize to flour and sell it at high prices, reflecting the cost they incurred in buying the maize from the brokers.

    Those who spoke to The Standard on Sunday pleaded innocence. They maintained they are hardworking businessmen who just happen to be Ruto's associates.

    Uasin Gishu politician Jackson Kibor admitted that he was allocated 100,000 bags but denied he got help from Ruto to get the maize.

    He is among those named in Parliament last week as having been allocated the maize to mill through his Mafuta farm.

    Kibor’s farm has however no milling capacities but insisted he was allocated the maize in his capacity as a businessman.

    "I bought them because NCPB was selling maize. There were no restrictions as to who qualified to buy the maize," he said.

    Another Ruto ally, Mr Oscar Sudi, also defended himself from claims he used his influence to get allocations from NCPB.

    "I have always had a contract with Unga Limited to supply them with maize. So when I bought maize from NCPB, I was simply meeting my obligations," he said.

    Kibor and Sudi denied they exported the maize to Southern Sudan where a 90Kg bag of maize is said to be fetching a minimum of Sh3,000.

    "As far as I am concerned, I am not guilty of any offence because I bought the maize with my money and did not break into NCPB stores to steal it. I also did not sneak the maize outside the country," said Sudi.

    Kibor showed journalists a copy of a letter he wrote to the NCPB depot manager in Moi’s Bridge directing him to allow Mombasa Maize Millers to collect his 100,000 bags.

    But he was hard pressed to explain why the maize remained at the depot after buying it.

    Expressed interest

    "I bought it and immediately sold it because the millers were offering a good price. So it did not have to leave the depot," he said.

    Mr Silas Simotwo, the managing director of an Insurance firm associated with Ruto, is another man on the spot over the maize scam.

    He is alleged to have used his influence as a close aide of Ruto to push through a deal to supply NCPB with gunny bags worth Sh153 million to pave way for the selling of the maize by the board.

    Simotwo admitted having expressed his interest to supply the gunny bags but denied using African Merchant Assurance Company (Amaco) to secure the deal.

    "I came across a tender for the supply of the bags advertised by NCPB and I got interested," he said.

    Added Simotwo: "Acting in my personal capacity, I made inquiries about the tender including asking for prices of gunny bags which I intended to import cheaply from India."

    Simotwo said he never got to deliver the gunny bags as he learnt the Government later cancelled the tender and bought the bags for NCPB.

    "I did not intend to use Amaco’s money to buy the gunny bags. This was purely a personal initiative," he reiterated.

    Simotwo denied he authored letters authorising NCPB to allocate maize to companies linked to prominent personalities.

    "I am not the minister’s personal assistant, neither am I a Government employee. So how could I have had the authority to write letters bearing Ruto’s official letterhead?" he posed.

    Kibor and Simotwo accused Ikolomani MP Bonny Khalwale of witch-hunt when he implicated them in the scam in Parliament on Wednesday.

    "Khalwale is abusing the privileges he has in Parliament to tarnish the names of innocent and hardworking Kenyans who just happen to be Ruto’s associates," said Simotwo.

    Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny has also been fighting off claims that he is among those who got a share of maize allocations by virtue of his close relations with Ruto.

    The MP insists he is "a principled man who can never betray the interests of Kenyans for individual ends".

    Ruto hosted the MP and Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba in his Eldoret North constituency last week. The two denied involvement in the maize scam.

    "If I will be found to have been part of this alleged scam, I will be the first MP in a long time to resign from Parliament," declared Namwamba.

  10. Guys haven't recovered from Chrisy, New Year's, and school fees, and now they have 2 deal with Val's? What a disgraceful holiday! It should be abolished. I'm so glad I have a simple understanding wife.

    Happily married man

  11. Kalamari,

    Sasa wewe ... why are you advocating laziness by calling it an opportunity given to the men to do nothing till valentines? And you wonder why your women are playing you? They need your attention not the flowers and chocolates that you give ones in a year.

    Mimi naona the lies you have started ... why go to her on a borrowed sophisticated looks. Why don't you just be you and be the best that you can ... at where you are? Always the 'devious gold digger' is not interested in you but your cash and you interpreting that to mean she would be interested in you as a person. See what am talking about? That is why i said ... be careful of the meanings you make related to some behaviours. If i like sophisticated looks ... that's just it ... anyone with them will get my attention. But them getting my attention does not mean i love them or am interested in them beyond the sophisticated looks.

    Kwani unaangalia wapi? If all the women you see are what you have listed then i can't help but wonder where you look .... unaangalia wapi ... sema ukweli ...

  12. Sayra,
    Are you sure you want to know where Kalamari is looking? I fear for the answer if it were to come, please close the door and say it in between the walls, Kalamari please!!

  13. Sayra,

    For a minute there I wondered whether I was in the right blog :-)

    I agree with your sentiments completely. Some of the people in need of validation of love on valentines, will let/allow their partners treat them poorly throughout the year, then on 14th February, because flowers, fancy dinners and what not are bought... they have to pretend everything is alright.

  14. At least I already found my Valentines gift:


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