Friday, February 13, 2009

Is Raila’s Life Really in Danger From Terrorists?

Politics is a dirty game, they say. The main reason why they say this is that many times the end justifies the means when it comes to decision making in politics. Meaning that a politician will do anything to win an election and the same for their survival. And when I say "anything" I mean anything in the full sense of the word.

The local media made a curious report yesterday which appears in today’s dailies. We are told that the police are on a high alert over a terror attack threat on Prime minister Raila Odinga. We are told that terrorist kingpins are upset over Kenya’s continued support to America in their fight against terror. We are even told the exact nature of the planned attack (something unheard of when it comes to terror attacks). It is said that the evil plotters plan to bring down a helicopter that the PM will be traveling in.

Of course it is possible that terrorists have suddenly gotten extremely rusty and have allowed information on their exact plans to filter out (when we know even the people carrying out the terror missions never have the full details until the last possible minute). But it is also possible that this whole thing is a hoax designed to achieve certain political objectives.

Kumekucha titbits: Laptops get dropped all the time. Did you know that this can easily cause your hard drive to crash with vital data and information trapped inside? Hard disk recovery in Kenya exists and could be your only option if such misfortune befell you.

All my warning bells went off when I read this report and further inquiries amongst those who understand this business concurred with me. Terrorist are first and foremost politicians and the current situation in world politics with a brand new administration in Washington is NOT conducive to a terror attack anywhere in the world just now. To make matters worse the man sitting inside the White house now has a Muslim name “Hussein” and is much admired amongst a vast majority of the people whom terrorists will always seek sympathy from for their heinous actions.

Then to target Kenya just now would not make any sense at all. Further it is imperative to note that one of the reasons why the Americans got very nervous about a Raila Odinga presidency stemmed from the fact that his presidential bid received enormous support from a number of Arab countries. This makes it very difficult for me to believe that terrorists would want to target the PM of all people, even if they wanted to carry out an attack on Kenyan soil.

So what would the possible motive of this curious report be?

Every politician knows that public sympathy is an extremely powerful weapon. It wins elections and can magically turn the tide of public opinion. There are many examples where politicians the world over have used sympathy to win public support but let me give an amazing example from a neighbouring country.

When president Jakaya Kikwete was running for the presidency in 2005 on a CCM ticket, a curious incident happen during a public meeting in Dar-es-salaam. It was clear even at that point that Kikwete was going to win. But his handlers probably wanted to leave nothing to chance. So the presidential candidate was invited to speak and he just said a few words and then fell and passed out in full view of TV cameras and the mammoth crowd. Later he held a press conference to say he was okay and was probably just a little tired. He also added that he had been fasting. I was in Tanzania at the time and I can tell you the mood of the country changed dramatically after this drama and in the end rather than winning my a simple majority, Kikwete won the presidential vote with a staggering over 90% of the vote.

We know that politically Raila Odinga is struggling at the moment. Indeed he has entered the political struggle of his life. Some analysts even say that he is finished politically.

If we take these facts and put them next to the alleged terror scare on his life, things begin to make a little sense.

Because after all, any serious security person will tell you that it is a big mistake to reveal the fact that you are aware of an attack on a person you are protecting. The best policy would be to pretend that you have no idea. That way you will be more prepared. In the Kenyan situation we are even telling the terrorists that the PM will now be using military helicopters which are harder to target. Wow!!!!


  1. Chris,

    Are you suggesting Molasses Raila is crying wolf again? Wasn't he supposed to mature as PM and stop those silly-lad tactics? Your way of seeing it is in perfect harmony with his past behavior.

    Another way is to remember that in his shameless and greedy parsuit of the presidency he signed a lot of MOUs with all kinds of groups -some of which are not known for their love of peace. Didn't he even promise to turn some parts of Kenya into sharia regions? If he over-promised or ate someone's goat, let him carry his own cross.

    As our PM I would like to sympathize with him, but how do I know who he has been associating with and for what purpose. You know this guy has never played his game above board. Starting from 1982, his life has been shady and associted with violence. In his numerous travels abroad in the last five years, who knows where he has been going or doing? Who in Kenya can honestly swear that he knows what Odinga goes to do abroad every other week?

    Alternatively, how do we know he is not conning us of our sympathy after some of his family members and political allies have been caught steeped in maize and oils scandals. If he is attempting to con us of sympathy, wouldn't it be extreme heartlessness of him to do so after his friends have caused artificial famine by stealing our maize. Would it not be extreme thuggery for a multibillioneer who drives Hammers and flies choppers to try to extract sympathy from a starving nation?

    Anyway, I wish him well but I think the time has come for him and Kibaki to step aside and let the nation move on without them. Let him go and sort out his problems with the "terrorists" away from our lives. A man is defined by the company he keeps!

  2. Now you can also republish what I said here about assassinations a few weeks ago Chris.

    Who stands to gain most should Raila Odinga be liquidated? If you can answer this question then you will be doing yourself a great service.

    Is it a mere coincidence that Raila's security was downsized just last week and now the same police are purporting to leak highly sensitive intelligence to the media?

    Or are we being prepared for the worst?

    It is exactly 19 years since the charred and mutilated remains of Robert John Ouko were found at the foot of Got Alila.

    You should know that fulfillment of Kofi Anan's AGENDA4 is giving a lot of people nightmares. These are the same people who see Raila Odinga, William Ruto and the unity of ODM as the biggest threat in the fulfilment of AGENDA4. On top of this, no one appears to have any idea of stopping the ascendancy of Raila to the top seat, whether a new constitution is enacted or not.

    If you consider the weird actions of one Bonny Khalwale and the failure of parliament to approve the constitutional amendment bill,it looks normal in the face of it, but there is a lot

    Therefore be prepared for more stage managed 'scandals' and even 'fatal accidents' in the next few weeks or months!

    Raila's death will not only bring an end to the NARA accord and hence end obligations to the other coalition partner, it will also throw ODM (the presumptive ruling party) into disarray and ensure old order politicians continue to misrule this country for at least another 50 years.

    Are you ready for this?

  3. Or Chris, Could the political establishment be preparing kenya for a major polical death (assassination??!!!). I am just curious. We have of late seen what the NSIS has released in terms of proganda! and NSIS is part of the police who released the said report. Funny!

  4. That would be great news Chris!!

    I wish they kill him now!!!!

  5. Phil:

    Stop it!

    Suddenly you have found kinds words about Ruto? Aren't the same party-winger who in the past has been writing how Ruto is full of himself; how Raila didn't need Ruto to win Karenjin votes? You buggers are as mad as hell after Ruto bulldozed his way to deputy party leader without the blessings of the Luo Mafia. We know that you have been told to go easy on Ruto while Luo bosses strategize on how to downsize Ruto once and for all.

    Everybody knows the plans of the Luo Night Runners is to take care of Ruto first before turning their guns on Kalonzo. But fortunately, your myopic tactics will never catch General Ruto asleep. He cannot fit in Raila's pocket like Coward Mudavandi. The Kalenjins will never be used again to fight Luo wars.

  6. Raila should remember that those who associate themselves with stray dogs should never complain of fleas.

  7. Chris,

    All our lives are in danger. Do we ever come here to complain?

    This man Raila should get a life and stop seeking attention to divert from the real issues affecting our country.

    Bure kabisa!!

  8. The so called threatening sms's could as well be originating from kamiti prison.those prisoners are still sending me those stupid'YOU HAVE WON YOURSELF ksh50,000/='and proceed to ask you to sambazia them 100/=.The gava appears defeated in the whole thing.If Agwambo has received then Kibaki must have received too but because he's the symbol of unity,jamaa wamelalia story

  9. Chris, you are a genius when it comes to understanding Raila's games. He comes up with the Hollywood plot and makes sure it reaches the ears of the intelligence services probably through a paid "informer." The security services panic and go public so that they are not blamed later. Then there are headlines of a plot to assassinate the PM. And Voila! Sympathy flows in like river Nile.

    Mission accomplished, the thug of a PM goes flying the same "targetted" chopper while joking to his companions that they could die in the air.

    I tell you Chris, with this fellow it can't get lower than this. I hope he knows he might be wishing death upon himself with these juvenile behaviour.

  10. Chris,

    You need to ask yourself why would terrorist want to assasinate a kenyan politician?

    Terrorist go for the real thing, why would they go for unknown Raila Odinga? because he is Obama's cousin?

    Get real!

  11. The SMS is a hoax most likely organized by the PM himself. Let him go play with his foreskin alone, we have more urgent things on our minds.

  12. Phil,

    You are sicko!

  13. Raila is simply the Joseph Kony of Kenya. A thug who can never ascend to power without violence.

    Back in 1982 were it not for the intervention of Milton Obote Raila would have been hanged for his role in the coup attempt that left thosands of Kenyans dead. Again, last year he caused so much death and destruction.

    One would have thought that such a thug is man enough and not cry for sympathy.

  14. How did the terrorists get Raila's phone number?

    How come the news about the terrorist plot on Raila's life came as he embarked on a four day tour of Western Kenya, an ODM zone?

  15. The so called 'Situation Report' is written by one Njue Njagi, the Nairobi Provincial Police Officer. It did not originate from Raila but a Mt. Kenya crony, if i must use that.

    The bloggers who are blaming Raila for it should be directing their queries to Njue. The reason given by the police for Raila's alleged planned assassination is itself very suspect.

    Somebody could be planning something on Raila while at the same time preparing Kenyans not to speculate far, were that to happen.

    This is a serious matter that should not be treated casually as Chris is trying to make us believe.

  16. There are three things that Phil specializes in:
    1. Worshipping Molasses Raila.
    2. Eating matumbo
    3. Barking at the full moon.

    Phil, you need to get a better life.

  17. Morara,

    The "Situation Report" was cordinated and surpervised by Thug Raila, the manufacturer of all intrigues in Kenya and then it was fed to the police through the so called "informers." That is how Thug Raila operates.

  18. Somebody somewhere wants to inherit Ida Odinga. The police should focus their attention on the community that condones wife inheritance.

  19. Anon 2:52am

    I don't think Raila stands to gain anything from this. Sympathy votes, as Chris might have tried to put it earlier, comes in handy at some opportune time, like very close to an election.

    If indeed Raila was to manufacture such a crazy story, for how long do you think he is likely to sustain it? If as some say that he is down politically, will he need to be coming up with such stories every time to shore up his support? You can only need sympathy votes when you are out to achieve a one off thing, like win an election.

    I refuse to believe.

    There could be more than meets the eye in all this.

    By the way, i don't consider him a 'thug'!

  20. Why is Laila targeted?

    Because Kibaki will soon be allested and taken to Hague reaving Laila as the onry plicipal. Mungiki is against this. They are lecluting tellolists to shoot to kill Laila.

    I'm sure they will succeed. The whole police force is full of Mungiki. All plovincial police bosses from Coast upto Western plovince are Mungikis.

    The next Kenyan plesident is Kalonzo Musyoka.

  21. @3:21 am
    if they dare do that Kenya will be no more. Madoadoa including prostitutes at the coast, matatu operators and Mungiki thugs in RV, Werstern, NEP, Nyanza and coast would be history.

    Either we want a united Kenya or we want a Kikuyu dominance. The latter will only be in Central.

    Every life in Kenya should be valuable.

  22. Anon @3:32AM

    Go choke up on your Kikuyu hatred mucus. You are one of those thugs that think stone-throwing can take you very far.

  23. All the thugs that support Raila should realize that the next president of Kenya is Kalonzo Musyoka, wapende wasipende. Kalonzo is not associated with stolen maize, stolen molasses factory and thuggery. His presidency will usher in a glorious time of peace and development.

    Up yours!!!!
    Leta ingine the only place Kalonzo is going, is down, down, down-Now that Kibaki & PNU are no more... Hague is here: )

  25. Chris,

    You have finally come to see what the likes of Vikii, Kwale, Kimi and others have been saying all along.
    You owe them an apology and if you want people to take you seriously you MUST publicly apologise to them all.
    It doesn't take a genius to work out Raila's character,you haven't seen anything yet. He will try and do anything to ascend to the throne, and if he does (God forbid) Kenya will turn into Raila Kingdom. Everything including dustbins will be named after Raila Odinga.

    You saw it yourself when he tried to call himself Obama's cousin just to get adulation. Expect more lies ahead.

    There is this disorder called attention-seeking personality disorder like Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy, the person, usually female, creates opportunities to be centre of attention by intentionally causing harm to others and then being their saviour, by saving their life, and by being such a caring, compassionate person. Few people realise the injury was deliberate. The MSBP mother or nurse may kill several babies before suspicions are aroused. When not in saviour mode, the saviour may be resentful, perhaps even contemptuous, of the person or persons she is saving.

    Next time I will saw you how Raila is using a similar kind of disorder to turn attention to himself for his selfish gain.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Pyschologist

  26. Iam wondering why Kenyans are all that tribalistic.

    If Kalonzo is associated with stolen votes and this is a fact, why do all Kambas want him to be president.

    If Saitoti stole our money in the Goldenberg scam, why do Kikuyus love him.

    If Karua was found sleeping with a priest immoraly, why should she become our president.

    If Ruto has been mentioned in the maize scam, why do Kales support him.

    If Kiraitu stole fuel, why should we Merus support him.

    If Kimunya stole Grand Regency, why should we accept his entry into the cabinet.

    I appeal to educated young Kenyans to shun this tribal craze. Support Kenyan unity and support real clean young politicians and not thugs. Kenya need a change- urgently.

  27. Anon 3:32 AM, you think Kenyans will ever fight for Raila again? DREAM ON!!

  28. Anon 4:32 AM,

    You failed to mention Raila.

    If Raila is incompetent PM and stealing maize from poor kenyans, why do Luos want him to be president?

  29. Exclusive: The Names in Waki's Secret Envelope Two pages missing
    11-21-2008, 09:38 PM
    This is definately a raw nerve, but people i present to you the names in the Waki List of Shame...

    The secret envelope handed to former Secretary General Kofi Annan in Nairobi had little secrets since it was keyed in by a team of clerks and printed in the open, out of the many handlers of the envelope contents we managed to see an original page with the following names that totalled 212 although our source explained that an extra two pages could not be traced…however these are the men and women who will face a tribunal to explain their role in funding, inciting and planning the 2008 Post-election Violence.

    As Waki silently admitted in his press Conference most of the account was derived from the KNHCR although the lists differ slightly with the inclusion of Nyachae, Njenga Karume and other big names in business and Insurance, they are largely the same.

    Open the envelope with me

    As you do let me say these, the following people should be investigated, more evidence gathered and prosecuted its about time we send a serious message to impunity, the government will be affected but at times challenges are good in a war they sharpen our attention… now go on read the names…note that a tribunal was recommended for further investigations so all the names here are of alleged perpetrators… post humus
    Lorna laboso
    Kipkalya kones
    David kimutai too

    cabinet ministers
    1. Hon.william ruto – agriculture - odm
    2. Hon.sally kosgey – higher education - odm
    3. Hon.najib balala – tourism – odm
    4. Hon.henry kosgey – industrialization - odm
    5. Hon.uhuru kenyatta – deputy prime minister trade - pnu
    6. Hon.william ole ntimama – culture and heritage –odm

    odm members of parliament /assistant ministers
    1. Hon. Franklin bett – odm – planning, inciting and financing.
    2. Hon. Boaz kaino – odm marakwet west – planning, inciting and financing
    3. Hon.fred kapondi – odm mt. Elgon – incitment.
    4. Hon.kabando wa kabando – pnu mukurueni – acquisition of weapons.
    5. Hon.stanley githunguri – kiambu – pnu – financing.
    6. Hon.elizabeth ongoro – kasarani – odm – incitement, planning, participation and financing.
    7. Hon.omondi anyango – odm – nyatike- incitement, planning and participating.
    8. Hon.john pesa – odm – migori – incitement and financing.
    9. Hon.ramadhan kajembe – odm – changamwe – participation and financing 10. Hon.peter mwathi – limuru constituency – pnu.
    11. Hon. Chris okemo – odm –nambale – incitement.
    12. Hon zakayo cheruiyot - odm - kuresoi 13. Hon clement waikara - pnu - gatundu.

    former mps and ministers
    1. Jayne kihara – naivasha (pnu) – bought pangas at branch kubwa supermarket.
    2. David manyara – former kanu mp – aided and financed.
    3. Mark too – hosted a kalenjin warrior cell next to eldoret airport.
    4. Moses cheboi – former mp kuresoi incited and hosted meetings to strategize eviction of kikuyu’s and kisii’s from kuresoi.
    5. James koskei – former mp kuresoi.
    6. Simeon nyachae – incitment and financing.
    7. Njenga karume - financing.
    8. Patrick muiruri.

    prominent aspirants and politicians
    1. Mike brawan – odm parliamentary aspirant nakuru.
    2. General retired koech.
    3. Joseph kebenoi – kuresoi.
    4. Ezekiel kesenday – kuresoi.
    5. Mayor gikaara – nakuru.
    6. Wesley ruto

    ‘men of god’.
    1. Rev. Kosgey – incited communities against each other through his radio sermons.
    2. Benjamin murei – seventh day adventist who urged kalenjins to be armed like him and even quoted a bible verse in support of the violence.
    3. Pastor isaya nyossa – pastor in likuyani incited flock.
    4. Pastor of kirathimo church.
    5. Mochorop oyonge – spiritual leader – led illegal oathing.
    6. Joseph koromech – led in illegal oathing.

    teachers and lecturers
    1. Dr. Jacob bitok – moi university – marshalled mosop area.
    2. Thomas koech – headmaster kapebee secondary school.
    3. Kipkoech too – former head kakiptui primary school.
    4. Mr. Seretum – knut sec. Gen nandi north branch.
    5. Joshua arap keter – headmaster kasacheni high school.
    6. Simeon raberet – headmaster amoro secondary school.
    7. Mr.bii- headteacher tata secondary school.
    8. Wilfred bii – former teacher currently board member mau summit.
    9. Josiah koech – headmaster koige primary school .
    10. Mr. Maina – headmaster nakuru blanket secondary school – incited against kikuyu.
    11. Chepkwony – teacher murilishwa secondary school.
    12. Komen – teacher joyland academy.
    13. Pius koech –former teacher

    1. Joshua arap sang – senior editor kass fm – openly mobilized people for attacks on air
    2. Benjamin akumu alias malo malo – newspaper vendor led group in burning houses in rift valley
    3. Inooro fm
    4. Kameme fm
    5. Kass fm
    6. Radio injili
    7. Coro fm insurance
    8. Martin odhiambo - organized supplies and financed youths for attacks

    humanitirian workers
    1. Joseph sang – retired clinical officer
    2. Kibieyego – medical worker at kakuma refugee camp in turkana, financed and aided attacks in north rift

    telekom kenya
    1. Peter belsoi – works for telekom kenya a son to a former army officer coordinated fundraising for youths.

    1. Jackson kibor – wealthy businessman who even supported the violence in a bbc interview
    2. ****son ‘dyma’ – owns dyma wholesale and petrol station – financed…
    3. Mash wa darfa – coordinated revenge attacks in karatina and naivasha
    4. Mark kariuki – proprietor belle inn in nakuru – hosted meetings and financed
    5. Pharis ndungu chege – former naivasha mayor and businessman – attended meetings to plan revenge and financed attacks
    6. Timothy kamau – on of the key naivasha businessmen who planned revenge attacks
    7. Joseph kuria – owns farmers hotel in nakuru participated in violence
    8. Hezron wamutonyi – runs a butchery and bar business named buffalo, he hosted raiders and promised shs.25k for every kalenjin killed and 18k for every luo killed
    9. Zakayo – owns a hotel along kanu street in nakuru…financed attacks
    10. Ben – manager leopard park hotel – coordinated accommodation and attacks against non- kalenjin/luo from hotel
    11. Kimotho – an eldery man in free area nakuru who bought weapons and supplied them to youths in nakuru
    12. Meta meta – businesman in naivasha
    13. Owner of rafiki supermarket in naivasha
    14. Lucky boy – business man – financed raiders
    15. Wajulia – financed attackers
    16. Mu***** – transported businessmen
    17. Kigoshi – local businessman naivasha financed raiders
    18. Dr. Ngige – real estate businessman who led locals in naivasha after kibaki was announced winner to go round demanding that non-kikuyu’s leave the area.
    19. Wagaitho – financed and aided attacks
    20. Omusula a.k.a. Zamleck – kisumu businessman who is the proprietor zamleck music studios
    21. David njuguna ‘zebra’ – financed revenge attacks
    22. Jack sokohor – businessman with butchery in londiani, incited, fed warriors and coordinated arson.
    23. Mr. William – businessman in tinderet who commandeered youths and financed their operations and recruitment
    24. Mr.jacob – led kalenjin raiders in arson
    25. Mrs.eunice maina – eldery kalenjin businessperson who aided and housed warriors
    26. Mr. Maiyo and jeremiah kosgey – hosted and fed warriors just before announcement of results and gave orders for attack
    27. Jacob kiprono alias mataifa – coordinated attacks
    28. Mr.kiarie ‘baba kariuki’ – burnt forest shopowner who owns a gun shot several kalenjin youths
    29. Kaguthi- incited youths to attack kalenjins and luos in langas estate in eldoret
    30. Mr. Kamteini – funded attackers in eldoret
    31. Antony samoi – made bows and arrows in langas and supplied them to kalenjin raiders
    32. Arap sang ‘lw’ – businessman who led arson on kikuyu property in eldoret
    33. S.p.siele – financed attackers in molo – he is a wholesale trader
    34. Wilson mutei – financed attackers
    35. Dennis chemase – financed raiders in eldoret north
    36. Richard chesmet and salina kosgey – financed attackers
    37. Stephen letting – participated in violence
    38. Mzee pilot – housed raiders on 29th december at his house and when they left they began an orgy of arson and killings
    39. Mr. Thomas b. – successful businessman who coordinated attacks and at one time was heard asking “ why are kikuyu still sleeping in their houses”
    40. Ishmael choge and amos korir – resident of kapsabet who led the attacks
    41. Peter ‘pokot’ – led attackers in kipkaren estate of eldoret
    42. Brother jew – huruma estate in eldoret bar owner who paid, recruited and ordered attacks on kikuyus
    43. Kiptala – coordinated langas attacks
    44. Thomas siratei – one of those who participated in the violence
    45. Mr.sambui – identified as one o the attackers in the soi area
    46. Joel torret – farmer in kuresoi who funded raiders to revenge son’s death in a robbery five years earlier
    47. Elijah ‘jua kali’ – participated in attacks
    48. Mathayo sang – financed and participated in attacks
    49. Francis kenduiywo –
    50. Geofrey koskey – his kio farm was used to train and house raiders
    51. Josiah gakono –
    52. Benjamin chirchir – hosted raiders
    53. John maritim – financed attacks
    54. David chomba ‘siagi’ –
    55. Josiah langat
    56. Tito –haraka farm was used by raiders
    57. Mathias –real estate businessman who incited and participated in evictions
    58. Matayo – resident amboskit estate who financed attacks
    59. ‘saitoti’ – a shopowner in eldoret who led a group of youths in attacks
    60. Mr. Sechita – led attacks in silas estate in eldoret
    61. Mr. Kaunda – organized attacks
    62. Nyabuti mosati – ferried chinkororo attackers to defend the kisii

    Civic, cdf leaders and activists

    1. Kirui ‘savco’ – aspirant in mauche ward – organized and mobilized attackers
    2. Wesley ‘chegau’ – nominater cllr.
    3. James tuwei – cllr. Cheptoech ward
    4. Bidii arap too – fmr. Cllr.
    5. Sigiwi – aspirant cllr. Mkulima ward
    6. Nicholas sitenci – cdf committee member mosop
    7. Kiptindiyo – cllr. Kapsimutuno ward
    8. Solomon tituren – odm activist
    9. Enoch sugut – odm youth leader
    10. Frank kibet – former nominated councillor planned and organized burning of pcea church
    11. Shaaban mbugu – lorry driver gave lorry to ferry raiders
    12. Mr. Alfred - matatu driver ferried attackers to arson locations
    13. Abraham chehem – construction worker who was part of raiderson locations
    14. Raymond meber
    15. Emmanuel lammi bor and clement kipkemoi – sons to a famous and wealthy man mr.bor were the most prominent in the burning and hacking to death of worshippers at kiambaa church in eldoret – they are in custody facing murder charges
    16. Wilson leitich – fmr. Nominated cllr. Hosted raiders at muchome farm
    17. Julius sigei – fmr. Cllr nyota ward and chief campaigner for moses cheboi disbursed money to raiders
    18. Jacob rono – cdf chairman and pa to cheboi
    19. Brwon – a cheplaski butcher who was spotted in kiambaa.
    20. Baru baru – odm civic aspirant for chemchu ward
    21. Cllr. Ochola – utalii ward, organized attacks
    22. Cllr. Obongo – kiamaiko ward
    23. Ouma – failed civic aspirant
    24. ‘jogindar’ – kijiji cha chewa in mathare incited violence and led in attacks 25. Chris kamau – led attacks in mathare
    26. Carlos –
    27. John paul – leader of bukhungu militia that attacked the kikuyu
    28. Owino-leader of the taliban
    29. Muturi muthee – leader of the kariobangi south mungiki cell that forcibly circumcised luo’s
    30. Jonah koech – fmr. Cllr londiani ward – funded attackers.
    31. Thomas cheruiyot – vetinary officer incited raiders at sirikwa hotel
    32. Joseph rotich ‘survivor’ – incited attackers
    33. Steve ng’etich ‘alexander’ – planning and participating in the violence
    34. Patrick amukona – farmer organized and aided attacks
    35. Zebii – a dj at a local club in migori participated in attacks and arson
    36. Hilary jirongo – farm manager of relative cyrus jirongo farm, incited locals to attack kikuyus
    37. John opere
    38. Morris ogunda
    39. Owath
    40. Ogeyo ogiro
    41. Jand oyoo
    42. Daniel osodo’
    43. Otingo
    44. Jones odinga
    45. Samuel odinga
    46. Elias odinga nb: please note
    37-46 are all aides of nyatike mp omolo anyango
    47.wandaka – resident of nakuru organized and financed
    48. David koech – son of a catechist who was involved in attacks and raids
    49.jonathan kuria – cllr hell’s gate naivasha. Ngunjiri – resident kitur farm Njuki – organized and aided attacks
    52. Sammy rotich ‘saw’ – participated in attacks police officers,

    chiefs and local leaders
    1. Thomas delsoi – rtd. Police officer – hosted raiders
    2. James toronei – rtd. Army officer – organized and financed attacks
    3. Maloba – ex special branch – supported and aided attackers
    4. Kihara njoroge – local leader
    5. Samson nderitu – local leader helped coordinate attacks
    6. Mr. Keror – former police officer organized and incited
    7. Joseph koromich – village elder
    8. Korir – fmr. Chief amaro location
    9. Joel langat – former ocpd, trained raiders
    10. Murei – rtd. Senior superitendent of police – was in charge of training warriors at cheptiwa village – chief ti*****a in subukia led attackers during arson commites across the area.
    12. Ephantus kiura – rift valley officer in charge of operations who assited mungiki during their attacks .
    13. Mr. Rono – mau summit retired chief hosted raiders
    14. Philip tuikong – haraka sub-chief who told a kisii neighbour to leave the area since an attack against non-kalenjins was being planned..
    15. William ngerech – chief temuyut location he was a former gsu officer assisted in planning and participated in attacks
    16. Cheruiyot – policeman at murinduko shopping centre helped in organizing the violent attacks
    17. Mr. Mohammed – do was openly biased in discharge of duties
    18 police and their boss at kaptembwa police station – looting and burning jupiter supermarket
    19. Benjamin koech – a policeman based at the kenya- tanzania border, organized and participated in burning and looting in narok and kumgor farm
    20. Kirui – police officer at kondele kisumu captured on tv
    21. Luseno lusaba – soy location sub-chief who participation in the orgy of violence
    22. Alfred chepkwony – chemamil ass. Chief in nandi participated in organization of violence
    23. Chief . Mr. Bernard – participated
    24. Mr . Osewe - - ocs kuresoi – negligence of duty
    25.sammy ngetich – acting chief chemomor location , planning of violence.

    Other names
    1. Mary wambui - pnu activist - financing
    2. Mburu gitoya - prominent businessman supplied weapons
    3. John nice
    4. Boba
    5. Mungai njoroge - musician
    6. Wa babu -
    7. Chiri kamanu - coordinated attacks in western
    8. Patrick wamukora - led attacks from his block
    10 in kakamega
    9. Virginia wambugua - - naivasha businessperson evicted luo tenants - propreitor njuki hardware
    11.owners - buba hardware, menrose hrdware
    12.wajulia - prominent businessman
    13. Joshua kulei - financed and housed raiders
    14.kiprono l.j. Magerer - kipkelion businessman
    15. Peter kavila -western ppo
    16. Wainaina - ocs malava
    17.peter matu and njoki - police officers malava Ngugi - ocs langas
    19. Ocs endebes
    20. Kirwa - a gsu officer shot james tukongon for allegedly being in pnu
    21. Nyagem - a lady police officer at kondele
    22.osewe - ocs kuresoi
    23.cheruiyot - policeman at murindoko area
    24.ocs olengurune - raiders met next to police station and no action taken
    25. Officers and their incharge at kaptembwa police station
    26.benjamin koech - businessman narok south
    27.dennis 'deno' - police officer kondele
    28. Ndegwa - policeman attached to migori
    29. Tarui - ap attached to siaya
    30. Ocs's - changamwe, chaani, mishomoroni, ujamaa, and shika adabu police stations plus senior policemen in the same stations

  30. @4:36

    The list is long brother/Sister.

    But do you agree with me that we usually dont question the behaviour of our people when giving them power to determine our future?

    I suggest that every appointment into a cabinet should be after the press, civil bodies and the parliament have thoroughly investigated the character of individuals.

    Actually the cabinet members and president should be NON Parliamentarians. Executive and Legislature should be clearly seperated.

    This would reduce the hope of a tribe to be allocated more cash than the others.

    Please use this blog wisely, to exchange ideas how Kenya should be healed.

  31. "There are three things that Phil specializes in:
    1. Worshipping Molasses Raila.
    2. Eating matumbo
    3. Barking at the full moon.

    Phil, you need to get a better life."

    There is absolutely no better way to say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. As you do let me say these, the following people should be investigated, more evidence gathered and prosecuted its about time we send a serious message to impunity, the government will be affected but at times challenges are good in a war they sharpen our attention… now go on read the names…note that a tribunal was recommended for further investigations so all the names here are of alleged perpetrators… post humus
    Lorna laboso
    Kipkalya kones
    David kimutai too

    cabinet ministers
    1. Hon.william ruto – agriculture - odm
    2. Hon.sally kosgey – higher education - odm
    3. Hon.najib balala – tourism – odm
    4. Hon.henry kosgey – industrialization - odm
    5. Hon.uhuru kenyatta – deputy prime minister trade - pnu
    6. Hon.william ole ntimama – culture and heritage –odm

    odm members of parliament /assistant ministers
    1. Hon. Franklin bett – odm – planning, inciting and financing.
    2. Hon. Boaz kaino – odm marakwet west – planning, inciting and financing
    3. Hon.fred kapondi – odm mt. Elgon – incitment.
    4. Hon.kabando wa kabando – pnu mukurueni – acquisition of weapons.
    5. Hon.stanley githunguri – kiambu – pnu – financing.
    6. Hon.elizabeth ongoro – kasarani – odm – incitement, planning, participation and financing.
    7. Hon.omondi anyango – odm – nyatike- incitement, planning and participating.
    8. Hon.john pesa – odm – migori – incitement and financing.
    9. Hon.ramadhan kajembe – odm – changamwe – participation and financing 10. Hon.peter mwathi – limuru constituency – pnu.
    11. Hon. Chris okemo – odm –nambale – incitement.
    12. Hon zakayo cheruiyot - odm - kuresoi 13. Hon clement waikara - pnu - gatundu.
    north former mps and ministers
    1. Jayne kihara – naivasha (pnu) – bought pangas at branch kubwa supermarket.
    2. David manyara – former kanu mp – aided and financed.
    3. Mark too – hosted a kalenjin warrior cell next to eldoret airport.
    4. Moses cheboi – former mp kuresoi incited and hosted meetings to strategize eviction of kikuyu’s and kisii’s from kuresoi.
    5. James koskei – former mp kuresoi.
    6. Simeon nyachae – incitment and financing.
    7. Njenga karume - financing.
    8. Patrick muiruri.
    prominent aspirants and politicians
    1. Mike brawan – odm parliamentary aspirant nakuru.
    2. General retired koech.
    3. Joseph kebenoi – kuresoi.
    4. Ezekiel kesenday – kuresoi.
    5. Mayor gikaara – nakuru.
    6. Wesley ruto ‘men of god’.
    1. Rev. Kosgey – incited communities against each other through his radio sermons.
    2. Benjamin murei – seventh day adventist who urged kalenjins to be armed like him and even quoted a bible verse in support of the violence.
    3. Pastor isaya nyossa – pastor in likuyani incited flock.
    4. Pastor of kirathimo church.
    5. Mochorop oyonge – spiritual leader – led illegal oathing.
    6. Joseph koromech – led in illegal oathing.
    teachers and lecturers
    1. Dr. Jacob bitok – moi university – marshalled mosop area.
    2. Thomas koech – headmaster kapebee secondary school.
    3. Kipkoech too – former head kakiptui primary school.
    4. Mr. Seretum – knut sec. Gen nandi north branch.
    5. Joshua arap keter – headmaster kasacheni high school.
    6. Simeon raberet – headmaster amoro secondary school.
    7. Mr.bii- headteacher tata secondary school.
    8. Wilfred bii – former teacher currently board member mau summit.
    9. Josiah koech – headmaster koige primary school .
    10. Mr. Maina – headmaster nakuru blanket secondary school – incited against kikuyu.
    11. Chepkwony – teacher murilishwa secondary school.
    12. Komen – teacher joyland academy.
    13. Pius koech –former teacher

  33. Chris, please dont strech the joke too far. You might regret some of your words if really such a thing would happen to Odinga.
    This info came from the police not raila. Hell knows who could be preparing such a move. However if it comes from the mafia then jan 2008 would be reduced to a big joke. This time round our country could be torn apart literally.
    Stop rushing up to paste unthought of ideas. Just a little more reflexion would have helped you to objectively analyse this story. smart up chief.

  34. ANON 6:13 AM,

    You forgot Phil is also blinded by his overgrown foreskin. i mean the foreskin is so long he cannot see beyond Raila's old hard foreskin.
    He dream Raila and sometimes ejactulate at night in his dreams.

    Phil's mistress

  35. Civic, cdf leaders and activists

    1. Kirui ‘savco’ – aspirant in mauche ward – organized and mobilized attackers
    2. Wesley ‘chegau’ – nominater cllr.
    3. James tuwei – cllr. Cheptoech ward
    4. Bidii arap too – fmr. Cllr.
    5. Sigiwi – aspirant cllr. Mkulima ward
    6. Nicholas sitenci – cdf committee member mosop
    7. Kiptindiyo – cllr. Kapsimutuno ward
    8. Solomon tituren – odm activist
    9. Enoch sugut – odm youth leader
    10. Frank kibet – former nominated councillor planned and organized burning of pcea church
    11. Shaaban mbugu – lorry driver gave lorry to ferry raiders
    12. Mr. Alfred - matatu driver ferried attackers to arson locations
    13. Abraham chehem – construction worker who was part of raiderson locations
    14. Raymond meber
    15. Emmanuel lammi bor and clement kipkemoi – sons to a famous and wealthy man mr.bor were the most prominent in the burning and hacking to death of worshippers at kiambaa church in eldoret – they are in custody facing murder charges
    16. Wilson leitich – fmr. Nominated cllr. Hosted raiders at muchome farm
    17. Julius sigei – fmr. Cllr nyota ward and chief campaigner for moses cheboi disbursed money to raiders
    18. Jacob rono – cdf chairman and pa to cheboi
    19. Brwon – a cheplaski butcher who was spotted in kiambaa.
    20. Baru baru – odm civic aspirant for chemchu ward
    21. Cllr. Ochola – utalii ward, organized attacks
    22. Cllr. Obongo – kiamaiko ward
    23. Ouma – failed civic aspirant
    24. ‘jogindar’ – kijiji cha chewa in mathare incited violence and led in attacks 25. Chris kamau – led attacks in mathare
    26. Carlos –
    27. John paul – leader of bukhungu militia that attacked the kikuyu
    28. Owino-leader of the taliban
    29. Muturi muthee – leader of the kariobangi south mungiki cell that forcibly circumcised luo’s
    30. Jonah koech – fmr. Cllr londiani ward – funded attackers.
    31. Thomas cheruiyot – vetinary officer incited raiders at sirikwa hotel
    32. Joseph rotich ‘survivor’ – incited attackers
    33. Steve ng’etich ‘alexander’ – planning and participating in the violence
    34. Patrick amukona – farmer organized and aided attacks
    35. Zebii – a dj at a local club in migori participated in attacks and arson
    36. Hilary jirongo – farm manager of relative cyrus jirongo farm, incited locals to attack kikuyus
    37. John opere
    38. Morris ogunda
    39. Owath
    40. Ogeyo ogiro
    41. Jand oyoo
    42. Daniel osodo’
    43. Otingo
    44. Jones odinga
    45. Samuel odinga
    46. Elias odinga nb: please note
    37-46 are all aides of nyatike mp omolo anyango
    47.wandaka – resident of nakuru organized and financed
    48. David koech – son of a catechist who was involved in attacks and raids
    49.jonathan kuria – cllr hell’s gate naivasha. Ngunjiri – resident kitur farm Njuki – organized and aided attacks
    52. Sammy rotich ‘saw’ – participated in attacks police officers,

    chiefs and local leaders
    1. Thomas delsoi – rtd. Police officer – hosted raiders
    2. James toronei – rtd. Army officer – organized and financed attacks
    3. Maloba – ex special branch – supported and aided attackers
    4. Kihara njoroge – local leader
    5. Samson nderitu – local leader helped coordinate attacks
    6. Mr. Keror – former police officer organized and incited
    7. Joseph koromich – village elder
    8. Korir – fmr. Chief amaro location
    9. Joel langat – former ocpd, trained raiders
    10. Murei – rtd. Senior superitendent of police – was in charge of training warriors at cheptiwa village – chief ti*****a in subukia led attackers during arson commites across the area.
    12. Ephantus kiura – rift valley officer in charge of operations who assited mungiki during their attacks .
    13. Mr. Rono – mau summit retired chief hosted raiders
    14. Philip tuikong – haraka sub-chief who told a kisii neighbour to leave the area since an attack against non-kalenjins was being planned..
    15. William ngerech – chief temuyut location he was a former gsu officer assisted in planning and participated in attacks
    16. Cheruiyot – policeman at murinduko shopping centre helped in organizing the violent attacks
    17. Mr. Mohammed – do was openly biased in discharge of duties
    18 police and their boss at kaptembwa police station – looting and burning jupiter supermarket
    19. Benjamin koech – a policeman based at the kenya- tanzania border, organized and participated in burning and looting in narok and kumgor farm
    20. Kirui – police officer at kondele kisumu captured on tv
    21. Luseno lusaba – soy location sub-chief who participation in the orgy of violence
    22. Alfred chepkwony – chemamil ass. Chief in nandi participated in organization of violence
    23. Chief . Mr. Bernard – participated
    24. Mr . Osewe - - ocs kuresoi – negligence of duty
    25.sammy ngetich – acting chief chemomor location , planning of violence.

    Other names
    1. Mary wambui - pnu activist - financing
    2. Mburu gitoya - prominent businessman supplied weapons
    3. John nice
    4. Boba
    5. Mungai njoroge - musician
    6. Wa babu -
    7. Chiri kamanu - coordinated attacks in western
    8. Patrick wamukora - led attacks from his block
    10 in kakamega
    9. Virginia wambugua - - naivasha businessperson evicted luo tenants - propreitor njuki hardware
    11.owners - buba hardware, menrose hrdware
    12.wajulia - prominent businessman
    13. Joshua kulei - financed and housed raiders
    14.kiprono l.j. Magerer - kipkelion businessman
    15. Peter kavila -western ppo
    16. Wainaina - ocs malava
    17.peter matu and njoki - police officers malava Ngugi - ocs langas
    19. Ocs endebes
    20. Kirwa - a gsu officer shot james tukongon for allegedly being in pnu
    21. Nyagem - a lady police officer at kondele
    22.osewe - ocs kuresoi
    23.cheruiyot - policeman at murindoko area
    24.ocs olengurune - raiders met next to police station and no action taken
    25. Officers and their incharge at kaptembwa police station
    26.benjamin koech - businessman narok south
    27.dennis 'deno' - police officer kondele
    28. Ndegwa - policeman attached to migori
    29. Tarui - ap attached to siaya
    30. Ocs's - changamwe, chaani, mishomoroni, ujamaa, and shika adabu police stations plus senior policemen in the same stations

  36. Phil,
    I keep on asking myself why you defend Raila Odinga even when the lies are so obvious. We live in a free country and i respect your right to accept to be lied to all the time.
    For many who look at the information twice before believing, we may need to remember an incident just before NARC came into power. Raila was travelling from Garissa and he was allegedly shot at while admitedly driving at over 100km/h.
    When the press was shown his car, the bullet holes were in one neat place.
    I may not be a nuclear scientist but if you shoot seven bullets at moving target you never get one neat cluster of bullet holes.
    The man, then like now was lying.

    But times have changed, terrorists in Railas' view and which he wants us to believe are made to measure, stuff that you go down to ASDA, Tesco or Nakumatt and order. Which dumba*s terrorists broadcast their intentions and even say which helicopter will be used.

    If Raila believes he will get our sympathy by dicing with death, the Man upstairs might hust grant him his wish and he might just choke on mbuta head which he truly deserves. What utter rubbish!

  37. So it is "terror attacks" this time round? What a load of rubbish! We have seen this clip before, folks. Many times.

  38. Chris,

    Are you the latest kalonzo recruit? Kila kitu ni Raila, give the man a break and focus on the real issues - stolen maize downed with triton oil,as the illegitimate sloth snoozes away.
    Since you seem to be a know it all, can you explain why Raila's security detail is in uncoordinated and in shambles, with security officers from different places all taking orders from different people. Some people like your tribesman who no one would benefit from eliminating, meanwhile enjoy presidential-like security.

  39. Anon 7:10AM

    You said:
    Since you seem to be a know it all, can you explain why Raila's security detail is in uncoordinated and in shambles, with security officers from different places all taking orders from different people

    I ask:
    Isn't RAO supposed to coordinate and supervise government functions his security being one of them?

  40. Chris, thanks for your opinion. It is your democratic right to have your opinion.
    Allow me to differ with you though. We say in masaku that a frog does not run during the day if ir is NOT in mortal danger!
    And there can't be smoke without fire. I presume that you have sources who believe that Mungiki is not the terrorist we are talking about here?
    Mungiki is in GSU, AP. Police and even the Army.
    We may be talking about internal terrorist you know.
    But can I tell you one thing. If Raila was to die at the hands of Mungiki, it won't be another Dr.Ouko or Mboya. It will be hot I can tell you. Sachang'wan style you know!
    Just keep your ears and eyes open. Just play with fire.

  41. Anon 7:31 AM

    Stop working youself up! Apart from leading you to throwing stones without plan, your lakeside emotions will take you nowhere.
    Kenya is not Raila; neither is Raila Kenya. The sun would still rise in the east and Kenyan women would continue to give birth to sons and daughters. Only his worshippers would miss his thuggery.

  42. "Chriso" aka Chris
    its said the devil attacks people who are a threat to him. i think if terrorists were to target anyone then it certainly would not be Dr.kibaki who is probably in bed with terrorists having signed an understanding of some sort with some unknown libyans in 2007 for election money in exchange for selling off piece-by-piece parts of our national heritage as a country

    If you recall in the 1998 bomb attack against the US embassy in Haile Selassie Avenues the terrorists had no problems sneaking into the country and assembling that destructive device and ferrying it to the destination where but for the grace of God they did not manage to gain unrestricted access to the target but they still managed to wreak havoc and destruction

    Well if Dr.Raila has the foresight to see whether he's life is in danger then i say kudos to him its more than i can say for the millions of kenyans who leave our houses everyday not knowing if we will fall prey to marauding car jackers or gun-totting bank robbers or overpass rapists or street muggers who endlessly prey on nairobi night and day

    in any case in this day and age terrorism is a real and present threat not one to be taken lightly by any country. a threat on the supervisors life is a threat on the nation and one that must be responded to with the seriousness it deserves

  43. No body is intrested in Raila's death , he is not in anybodies way , remember kibs has 99% power and was generous enough to delegate the remaining 1% to Raila, so in essence there is nothing raila can stop kibaki from doing what he wants dead or alive , as for the terrorist these guyz have better things to do than to assasinate a ceremonial PM in a 4th world country.

  44. Anon 7:31 AM, forget about Mungiki, I wish I have a gun, raila would be history.
    And I can tell you if you think you can cause chaos just remember Kisumu 2007-08. The security services will be out in force.

  45. Marisela,

    be careful when you mention those UK supermarkets. we are not interested to know where you doing your food shopping.

  46. before the elections the word outside kenya was regardless of the vote they would never let raila be president;that they would go to any extent.......

  47. No Raila NO Piss!

  48. if you haven't yet seen this report , its quite insightful.

  49. table of contents for the full report

  50. UrXlnc,

    Why do you waste your time on links we can find for ourselves. Or is it to cover shame you are feeling about Raila being exposed?

    You are a person who like to fool people around but we know all you games from inferiorty complex, jealousy, middle age crises, hypocritical raila worship et al.

  51. ODM is going to rally behind Ruto in the maize scandal. Why? Because going after Ruto would expose the role of Fidel (Raila's son) in the sale of maize to South Sudan. Fellow ODMers, this is the change we were promised! I wish I could recall my vote!

  52. Kibaki: “Hizo mawezere wezere wezere wezere ….”
    Karua: I beg your pardon?!
    Kibaki: Bloody bure! I was just singing to myself
    Mwakwere: Are you from Coast?
    Marende: Order! Order! Any member can sing if he is feeling sufficiently philanthropic!
    Kalonzo: It’s like I was telling my constituents the other day. A country is like an eighteen wheeled lorry painted green with “Rough Riders: Ride Or Die” painted on the rear windscreen with a colobus monkey, a banana and a rabbi in the front seat …
    Charity: And?
    Kalonzo: I forget at this point the point I was trying to make. But it was very important!
    Mutula: Not as important as my proposal. I propose all roads be expanded as follows: One lane for the president, one for the prime minister, one for cabinet members, one for the police and fire brigade, one for left handed people, one for right handed people, one for people under 6 feet, one for people over six feet, one for people who watch Tyra and one for people who watch Oprah. I also propose that all roundabouts be expanded with smaller roundabouts being put inside the larger roundabouts.
    Nyongo: (Sarcastically) Indeed.
    Kimunya: If I may speak…
    Ntimama: Quick! Someone please check that the chambers have not been sold to the Libyans!
    Mwakwere: Are Libyans from Coast?
    Bifwoli: Are we been served tea in this meeting?
    Ruto: You and food!
    Bifwoli: (Indignantly) Me? ME?! Look at you! You are covered by a very thin film of a powdery substance ….
    Ruto: It is NOT maize flour! Besides, is it a crime to wallow, roll and swim in maize?
    Bifwoli: Well ….
    Kiraitu: Pff! Krrkmmzz. Grrggnnn
    Bishop: Glowreh! Someone please help that Son of God from choking. Glowreh!
    Karua: He’s not choking. He’s laughing
    Nkaiserry: Is it just me or does someone here smell powerfully of diesel?
    Kiraitu: Can you ngo srow on this matter. I don’t have anything to do with the fuel shortage
    Sambili: Can we focus my friends. We have a crisis in Kenyan football.
    Raila: You know, football is like a game of football.
    Magara: Hear hear!
    Poghisho: Focus everyone. Can we discuss the Hague?
    Mwakwere: Bless you
    Poghisho: But I’ve not sneezed
    Mwakwere: Sorry. Go on
    Pohgnisho: Should we support the Hague…
    Mwakwere: Bless you! Is there a flu epidemic in the house?
    (Ngilu whispers in his ear)
    Mwakwere: Oh! The Hague! I get you, I get you. Is it in Coast?
    Mungatana: Let us discuss critical issues affecting the country. Did you know that GTV folded last week and I had paid for 3 months in advance!
    Raila: Who is Mungatana???
    Ngilu: Can Saitoti have a written statement delivered to our offices by tomorrow on this matter?
    Saitoti: There come a time! There come a time!
    Nyongo: Tell it to the birds
    Saitoti: Garment takes it very seriously…
    Bishop: Government you mean
    Saitoti:That’s what I said. Garment.
    Mwiria: Can the Minister for Tourism explain why it cost the treasury 20 million for the President to go to the Mara? Outrageous!
    Balala: The Honourable member is speaking from a position of disinformation. The president did not actually go to the Mara. We flew all the Rhinoceroses (or Rhinoceri if you prefer), Hippos (or hippi), Lions (or Lioni), buffalos (or buffali), Elephants (or Elephanti), impala (or impali), camels (cameli) and assorted birds TO the president. Mohammed and the mountain of you get me. Flights cost money, especially since some of us are storing fuel in a manner likely to suggest resale at a future date for an exaggerated markup. The flights are catered and you know how camels drink!
    Ruto: Exactly. In fact maize was served on that flight!
    Balala: (Modestly) My ministry was also able to move a river and a small lake
    Mwakwere: If I may ask a question…
    Nyongo: (Irritably) Are you going to ask if Balala is from coast?
    Mwakwere: No
    Nyongo: Good
    Mwakwere: Are hippos from coast?
    Kiunjuri: If we might turn our attentions to the tisha strike.
    Beth: The what?
    Kiunjuri: The tisha strike.
    Beth: What is that?
    Kiunjuri: My esteemed colleague seems to be wallowing in a fetid morass or ignorance if she is unaware that those of the noble profession entrusted with imparting knowledge to our youngsters have downed their tools in a sustained campaign for improved remuneration. There is a tisha strike.
    Wetangula: You people missed history being made! When i was in America ….
    Bifwoli: Uuuuuuwi! Uuuuuuwi! Wetangula is a tiktater! Wetangula is a titkater!
    Marende: Order! Order! If Wetangula is feeling sufficiently philanthropic to go to America
    Mwiria: And watch the inauguration from the top of a tree ….
    Wetangula: That is neither here nor there. The fact is I watched it live.
    Magara:We need to investigate if the Obama inauguration was in fact live!
    Namwamba: Lucy Kibaki is the director of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And Enron. And BCCI. In fact it’s no coincidence if you take the fourth letter of Hitler and add U, C and Y. Try it! Shocking stuff! A scandal!
    Kibaki: Bloody bure! I’m making some changes. From now on you call me either Mr President or The Emilio. In two weeks one of you will be fired.
    Bifwoli: Where’s our usual cup of tea?
    Ruto: I have made arrangements with … er … a catering company that will be providing us with maize porridge until the next election.
    Uhuru: My colleagues, the economic crunch is getting biting. Nowadays I am forced to share the same car as my driver! Outrageous!
    Kalonzo: Given that Button Moon is about to come on in the next half hour I beg of us to close this meeting and our allowances to be paid.

  53. Rarely do you I respond other people comments, but anonymous 12:54 you are spot on.

    UrXlnc is a very disturbed individual, who have a spilt personality - he can change depending on the topic and change depending on how he want to be seen by other readers.

    The most annoying aspect of this individual is the ability to make people believe he his genuine in his objectivity but while the topic is not going his way, he like to use links and paste them here in order to feel he is part of that topic.

    I also noticed another sad aspect of his behavior and that is insecurity in form of inferiority complex especially when someone like Kwale post a comment here. Perhaps he feels Kwale is more knowledgeable, much younger and more affluent than he is.
    Feeling inferior is a disease. Feeling inferior to someone richer, smarter, skillful, taller, shorter, healthy, beautiful, hardworking..........absolutely anyone is the symptom of the people suffering from this disease. Once again inferiority complex is an emotion experienced by the body. It is a conditioned reflex and once conditioned, it is like living in hell.

    People with better clothes, better cars, better houses, even with better mobile handsets makes you feel inferior. If you are suffering from this disease, you will find something in every one to feel inferior of. And you are completely blind to the plus points in you. Rarely you become aware of your plus points...........but that is rare because you are busy looking for something better in others and feel inferior.
    Living with this disease is worst way of living.

    Here are some symptoms of inferiority complex,

    Hypercritical Attitude: People who do not feel good about themselves have trouble feeling good about anyone else. They look hard for flaws and shortcomings of others to try to convince themselves that they really aren’t so bad after all. These people cannot feel intelligent, attractive, competent, etc., unless they are the most intelligent, attractive and competent person around.

    Inappropriate Response To Flattery: This can work two ways. Some people are desperate to hear anything good about themselves and will be constantly fishing for compliments. Others may refuse to listen to anything positive about themselves because it is inconsistent with their own feelings.

    Negative Feelings About Competition: People who feel inferior like to win games and contests every bit as anyone else, but they tend to avoid such situations because deep down, they believe they cannot win. And not coming in first is clear evidence of total failure.

    Tendency Toward Seclusiveness And Timidity: Because people with an inferiority complex believe that they are not as interesting or intelligent as others, they believe that other people will feel the same way about them. So they tend to avoid social situations, and when they are forced to be with others, they will avoid speaking up because they believe doing so will only provide an embarrassing demonstration of their dullness and stupidity.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Psychologist

  54. Col Gadaffi has proved that he is not a smart fellow. He has supported the likes of Koigi and Museveni who at one point in time where revolutionaries turned now crooks. I guess from the GR story its clear he was told that ODM and RAO were unti-African and I suspect that's the reason why RAO's death could be imminent Someone has sold Gaddaffi the story that RAO stands in the way of his grand plan to unite Africa......Thats the only Threat there may be. Someone has found a way to eliminate him.. The US connection is just a pathetic display of kenyan intelligence spindoctering.

    Sir Alex

  55. Dr Murinho,
    Just like kwale you are one sick individual imposter which is exhibited by your cut/paste posting. How about something original.
    Kwale did email me and i will post my communications with her here. It turned out that Kwale is a female

  56. Dr Mourihno,
    Please take full dose of your own prescription. You are one poor soul who revels in cut-and-paste and derive plenty of pleasure in elementary psychology. BTW just like other fellow faith healers you are only entertaining yourself.

    The truth be told, you have a heavy load burdening your shoulders and your small mind makes you project the hollowness unto others. You may be a genious of to your village folks but please keep guiet and you may gain the reward of assumed intelligence.

    Your juvenile rants to people whose intellect is far removed from yours only exposes you for what you are. Sorry for the plastic accolades you derive from the gallery. You are a disgrace to anything and everything intellectual which you assault with impunity. Common faith healers expand your ego, bring it on, numskull.

  57. John Maina,

    You are the one who is sick and very obsessed with Kwale. That was not kwale who emailed but me Anna Kyalo on behalf of Kwale. And here is the content of my email which you replied back to me.

    Hi John,

    Now that I have decided to leave Kumekucha, I would like to reveal myself to you. Off course you should know you have been very obsessed with me at Kumekucha and that is Kwale I am talking about the person you always think is a guy.

    You will be very shock indeed to know I am in fact a woman. I decided to disguise myself as a man because in the Internet you can choose the identity you want and still remain anonymous. Now that you know am harmless but just someone who like to pull a prank, I would like to meet up somewhere in London in your own time. I will be coming to London next week before I proceed to Middle East where I will be on 2 years work contract.

    Apologises for all the names I called you in the past but you will come to find out it was just a prank.

    Anna Kyalo

    Kwale would not have anytime time for you. I was looking to meet up with you and beat your arse up!

  58. John Maina,

    It is very shameful that you thought it was Kwale who emailed you. SHAME SHAME!!! he doesn't even know anything about this email.

    If you use your head properly you should have known the intention of that email, but because you eat, sleep and dream Kwale you fell victim of email prank. I will continue to expose your idiocy.

    Anna Kyalo

  59. John Maina,

    I have been waiting for you to challenge me before I post your email communications with me, some of which are too X-rated to be posted here.
    You even revealed to me that you were disappointed that I am a female because you had a crush on the kwale you see in Kumekucha.

    Anna Kyalo

  60. John Maina,
    Its very sad you are still fighting Kwale while he is enjoying himself and life without any knowledge of this. What are you trying to achieve with your battles with "Kwale"? What reward are you trying to get? You wasted your time engaging with unnecessary fights instead of commenting on issues posted here in Kumekucha. Kwale is not even worried about any of your rants or comments and he does not need your approval to live. He lives a very comfortable life.
    Quit wasting your time trying to win people you have their own minds.

  61. Anna Kyalo,
    Stop trying too had to be make a fool of yourself. Please stop it because you don't have what it takes to see that you are not getting the attention/reply you grave for. You are daft, pole.

  62. Yeah this reminds me of some incident where his convoy was 'sprayed with bullets' during campaign in Wajir. Talk of stage managed! ha ha

  63. Eunuch (Taabu),your friend JM was pranked and will have to bear his own cross.

    One of the email communication I had with John maina, he asked me how old I am, if am single, whether I live in UK and what kind of work I do, which hinted he like underage girls, I have now been passed his name and picture to London Metropolitan Police anti- paedophile unit to be investigated.

    Anna Kyalo

  64. Anna Kyalo,
    You never give up, do you? Well PRANKS cuts both ways. What is JM pranked you too? Stop felling a tree to scare birds my dear. Stop it for Pete's sake and whose brief are you holding in all the cheap gloat?

  65. Taabu, 90% of UK paedophiles are caught unaware online by impostors pretending to be someone they are not. Unfortunately for John Maina he was not aware someone was out to get him coz he was obsessed with kwale. John Maina was looking to harm another person's character now let him taste his own medicine.

    What goes round comes around!

    PS: There is far more worse to come for John Maina. Let him face the music!

    Anna kyalo

  66. Ann Kyalo,
    you are one sick and disturbed person and pls don't expect me to engage with your psychotic behaviour.

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