Thursday, February 19, 2009

Defeated Ruto Censure Motion Saves Lives

Ruto may have weathered the political storm but most pedestrian pundits are ignorant of the heightened tension on the country side outside the city and our keyboards. North Rift was one place nobody wanted to be before the censure motion.

Te mainstream newspapers and TV stations conveniently avoided telling the story behind people glued to screens keenly watching parliament proceedings live in every joint in Eldoret. Maybe it was responsible of the journalists to practice guarded caution lest they be accused of being alarmist and RATTLING SNAKES.

Anybody with a keen eye on his/her surrounding must have witnessed a near exodus from the outskirts to town centre the day before the motion. Once beaten numerously shy and with the IDP wounds still festering and becoming septic, people were not taking chances after WORD WENT ROUND warning that Bonny Khalwale and Martha Karua and all associated with them by dialect must either shape up or ship out.

Forget about the empty gloating of security for all. The hot balloon has been pierced and deadly militia continue to roam our villages waiting for DEPLOYMENT. Kenyans have reason to fear for themselves. With no moral authority to order anything or anybody around except brute state force, the government lost Kenyans long time ago.

The faint hearted will wax patriotic and chest thumb about raw power oblivious of the potent tinderbox waiting to have its pin off. We all love peace that separates us from other apes but ours is exclusively premised on our love to live a collective national lie. Kenya has never been fractious and if you doubt it from the relative comfort of your keyboard then you better continue dreaming hard and please don’t wake up to the harsh reality.

Politics is no game for saints and Kenyans must brace themselves for the long haul with the present scoundrels on wheels. A few good people may be in it for the wider good but only until the shit hits the fan of expediency and self-preservation. Feathering their nests at our collective expense must be the unwritten memorandum which most appear to water with their blind loyalty.

Cheap politics of emotions
Thank God for small mercies albeit for all the wring reasons. Defeat of Khalwale’s motions may have restored short term peace in the PEACE VALLEY but not for long. Anytime political temperatures soar, the villagers see the flames engulfing the tinderbox. It remains a matter of when and not if the pin gives way.

In the meanwhile those weaned on newspaper and emotional politics can drink from their time tested cups with their heads deep inside the sand. Reality will eventually strike them hard on the face soon.


  1. well taabu, it looks like whatever dirt went under the rug can come out pronto.

    in the meantime now we have a different set of advocates of mass action

    maajabu hii

  2. The mere fact that what you wrote could remotely be the case, is a reason for people to realize that something has to give.

    We cannot exist in a society where some politicians gurantee their immunity from justice by the blood of poor Kenyans.

    This is the larger problem in Kenya, even above corruption itself . The fact that as long as a polician has the backing of savage militias, he can then do as he pleases....or else blood spills.

  3. Stop your unwarranted false hoods taabu , are you saying that kaleos would have started fighting if ruto was censured? why then didnt the mungiki strike when Kimunya was censured? Stpo your halucinations and step to the real world , kenyans now know the price of violence and they are not about to go down that path not for ruto or anybody else for that matter.

  4. We have a long way to go guys. When this "thieves" steal, its an individual undertaking but when crucifixion comes, they run under the communal umbrela. Its a shame that we have become so pathetic. If we all reduce our unrealistic expectations from our MP'S then we can curtail them from digging deep into the public coffers. We should rethink our strategy and reconsider our sheltering of the same people who steal from us. Na bado! I still think that Kenya belongs to all and so shall it be.
    Kweli I agree, navumilia sana sanaaaa!!!! kuwa mkenya..

  5. Taabu, if what you are saying is true then it needs to be asked whether your people are humans (with reason) or apes. If they are apes we must take them to "the planet of the apes", though I think the apes in that planet are more civilised than kalees and would probably not accept them.

  6. Taabu at it again, his pet subject of predicting Armageddon. It would have been very stupid to start tribal wars again in RV

  7. I dont expect much from this taabu aka misery. i hope curse befalls you!

  8. we kikuyus in eldoret know this to be true. if ruto had been censored idps would have increased ten times. thanks to all the mps who helped stop the massacre.

  9. It follows then Kalenjins will start war if Ruto is brought before the forthcoming special tribunal on PEV, right? That war will end up consuming Kalenjins themselves as Civil war will very likely breakout considering that it will not be a one sided conflict again like in 2007.

  10. The Kalenjins leaders would be idiots to encourage their people to start another fight. They should realize that such a fight would be fought on their land but not on their terms, and would ultimately end up consuming them.

    God forgive them for they do not know what they would be bringing upon themselves.

  11. I can confirm that what Tabu is saying has some element of truth.A rela of mine,a senior security officer in LD actually confirmed to me last night that thev been on high alert after word went round that kales were going to cause trouble especially to lunjes,some who had even started moving out.Its true guys

  12. So ruto can basically bully his way into power and we'll have to deal with it?

  13. does this mean that ruto gets to screw us and nothing can be done to him? it gets to a point where even he's own kale's will get tired of his antics. but lemme give credit where its due the. guy is shrewd politician, unlike kimunya he was able to make it a tribal issue and right now the kales are like muslims u have to tread carefully with them. ruto is going to exploit this fact for as long as he can

  14. Taabu, how do you feel that Kwale is now working with an oil corporation in Kuwait. Employed not as a Kenyan but as a EU citizen? does that makes you jealous?

  15. Taabu, how do you feel that Kwale is now working with an oil corporation in Kuwait? Employed not as a Kenyan but as a EU citizen, does that makes you jealous?

  16. Taabu, few weeks ago we attended this big leaving bash for Kwale at London at Royal Gala Palladium. Many people came, Wazungu na Wafrika all those who knew him and we had a good time, we danced and partied until 3am. I wish you were there.

  17. For a very long time now, Kalenjins have allocated for themselves the honor of being murderers and killers of other people in this country. And this trend didnt start with Moi's rule. History has it that as far back as the 1950's, right after the start of the Mau Mau war, Kikuyu's were herded into concentration camps. All 6 Million of them. The plan was to get the British troops that had been fighting the second world war in Burma, bring them to Kenya and release them on the hapless villagers. These were ruthless battle hardened warriors set upon our people. Why? Because the colonial master was tired of these Kikuyu's who wouldn't settle down to a dogs life like the rest of the natives. So time had come to finish them off. And to help out the burma troops here in this noble endevour of genocide, the colonial government recruited with the help of Daniel Arap Moi over 20,000 Kalenjins to join the Kings African Rifles regiment with the sole purpose of training them and releasing them into the concentration camp as guards but with the eventual target of using them as the massacre weapons when the time came. Unfortunately for the planners, one stupid british officer (yes, stupid they can be also)got the better of himself and started the massacre before time in Hola. The word of what happened there got out and landed in the British house of commons where it was debated upon. Equally, the Americans who has a bone to pick with the British splattered it all over their press, and made a big hullabaloo about it. This forced the colonialist to retract their plans of genocide in Kenya. The Kalenjins were instead used as home guards where for the duration of the war, they committed atrocities against the Kikuyu. Murder, rape etc. They got away with it even that far back in history as nothing was ever done to them after Independence and it seems that they have gotten comfortable doing it once every five years. Well the Bible says that life belongs to God and he who takes the life of another is personally cursed by God himself. This group of tribes has brought itself to the brink of eventual annihilation by God himself and its only a matter of time before this happens. You spill blood, the avenger of the blood will come after you.
    That not withstanding, its stupidity of first degree for Kalenjin's to think that there is ever going to be a next time after what happened last January. And if they want to try, let them kill the first one. And like Eli whose lineage disappeared from the face of the earth, so shall they disappear. They and their leaders like Ruto. God cannot be mocked.


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