Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Between the Rock and the Deep Blue Sea


  1. Are you trying to deflect the country's (ODM) problems today by bringing up Zimbabwe? We are clever.

  2. You know things in Kenya are heating up when “Deroo” aka “-Derek-“ aka “Kioko, BC Canada” resurfaces in Kumekucha. We shall watch your language.

  3. Anon 1.25, Deroo and Kioko BC, Canada, are two different people living thousands of miles away. You can believe that and if you don't ask me.

    About the post, it is woefully dehumanising for Morgan Tsvangirai to be forced to work under President Mugabe, the very person whose government has overseen the most chronic deterioration of a once promising national economy,disrespect for human rights and a no-holds-barred war on democracy.

    Tsvangirai has been a victim of clobbering by the Mugabe police, not for causing disorder in the country but merely for staking a claim in the country's leadership and pointing out what is visible to every living being--an economy crumbled by Mr. Mugabe's intractable and stubborn refusal to embrace common sense and a mediocre belief that the drafters of the constitution were wrong when they provided for the rights of everyone meeting the required qualifications to run for any electve office in that country.

    Morgan Tsvangirai is of course bigger that the average African politician. He is bigger that ANY average politician actually. He understands that the people of Zimbabwe deserve better and that is why he has continued to stand up and be counted even when easier options were available. But more importantly, he understands that any additional life lost that could otherwise have been saved by him compromising his ambitions and some of his beliefs,is one too many.

    Early last year, I predicted in this blog that Tsvangirai will one day win the Nobel Peace Prize. I believe he should have won it last year, but the world is not coming to an end. I am yet to see smeone so selfless, someone so in love with his country. If man cannot appreciate him enough, God will.

    But now he is in government. The policies that he has been advocating while in the opposition have a real chance of being implemented. The onus is now on him not to allow himself to go down the road many before him have taken. He has a duty to demonstrate a different kind of leadership in his own little way. It is one thing to shout on mountain tops when in the opposition and a completely different thing to responsibly and successfully handle the business of governance. With all the goodwill and support coming his way and with the finance ministry in the hands of his most trusted ally, the economy will surely recover.

    Like everybody else, I believe Tsvangirai WOULD HAVE been elected President in the Presidential runoff had the environment been conducive for him to participate. He should keep in mind the fact that he was supported by those millions of Zimbabweans and others not just to cure the economy, but also introduce a different way of doing things. Nobody expects less than that.


  5. "T-Teacher" aka Taabu,
    the sink or swim caption aptly refers to the dilema co-ordinator/supervisor Morgan is in

    i know if you can't beat them join them but surely join them to beat them from within? there's a first time for everything i suppose

  6. For those morons who think it's ODM who are sunk think again!
    PNU & its thieving ways are no more. Many like to think that chants of "No Raila, No Peace" are enought to have an appointement with Ocampo, BUT lest we forget the Mungiki meeting in State House....STATE HOUSE&&&%^£"!!???
    There is NO DOUBT, Kibaki, Uhuru, Karua & other top Kikuyu businessmen are in that pack headed to the hague. NO DOUBT, so tell me people who really is in problems tonight..: )
    P.s, Hint: did you see Karuas face when & after it was shot down? All is not well in "heaven"

  7. you only have to look at Mugabe to see how fortunate Kenya was to have Kenyatta and Moi despite their shortcomings...its time Kenyans see the positive points of these leaders...

  8. I was told BC Canada stands for Bring Cash.....guess from where???

  9. I used to think I can equate Morgan and Raila but have just realized the two are as different as heaven and earth. You see, if Morgan was Raila he would have paralyzed that country the way Raila's ODM did, but almost a year on Morgan has been patient. He even refused to take part in a sham run-off since his supporters would have been clobbered, tortured and killed.

    They are both liberators YES, but one is in it as a self-seeker, the other only time will tell.

  10. one party state like before and like in Cuba is the way to go...

  11. is Obama going to replace Rennebuger

  12. Blogger sereast said...

    I used to think I can equate Morgan and Raila but have just realized the two are as different as heaven and earth. You see, if Morgan was Raila he would have paralyzed that country the way Raila's ODM did, but almost a year on Morgan has been patient. He even refused to take part in a sham run-off since his supporters would have been clobbered, tortured and killed.

    They are both liberators YES, but one is in it as a self-seeker, the other only time will tell.

    Are you by any chance endorsing electoral theft by Africa's heads of state?

    It appears your skewed reasoning is misleading you to believe that negotiating coalitions after incumbents refuse to concede defeat at the elections is quite normal.

    I would like to hear more from you on what your definition of a LIBERATOR is and if MUGABE can be defined as one in light of the history of that country Zimbabwe.

  13. I wanted Kalamari to do this post not Taabu aka misery.

  14. Taabu,

    In case you are wondering where is Kwale, kwale has no more time for you here in KK.

    He was headhunted by a Middle East Oil company where his conceptual, analytical and strategic skills are much needed .

    He hopes to return to Kenya at some point to help re-build the country, BUT ONLY if people of Kenya have a mind and attitude change.

    Now based in Kuwait.

    Kwale's pal

  15. Phil @ 10:02PM

    What Sereast (@8:39pm) is saying is that we don't know how Tsvangrai will turn out to be now that he is in govt. At least we know for sure that Raila has turned out to be a self-seeking political thug. When it came to forming his part of cabinet Raila looked around for the best Moi-era thugs to give him company in govt; thugs like Ruto, Ntimama, Gumo etc. Some of these thugs, with Raila's blessings, have sold our maize, leaving Kibera people without ugali. I guess, without ugali in their stomachs, Kibera people don't need to ask Raila to build toilets anymore anymore - problem solved Raila-self-seeking style.

    That is all what Sereast is saying, and you need to come to terms with this reality outside your human worshiping cocoon. Seriously, Phil you need to examine your belief system.

  16. submission to oxford dictionary:

    to kenyanize an election...means to create ballots where none exists in favour of the ruling party

  17. Tommorow is St Valentine's day, I am looking for LOVE from a Kao's man. Anyone out there?
    Single lonely Nairobi girl.

  18. Taabu, stop your double standards. Sometime ago I posted an article here on the state in Zimbabwe and why Mugabe must go and you, Taabu, hauled me over bthe coals saying that I was trying to direct people's attention from the situation in Kenya. You said that Kenyans had enough problems of their own to care what is happening to others outside there. Now, I am surprised that the one who criticised my post on Zimbabwe has himself made one on the same. Taabu, does it mean that now the situation in Kenya has improved and that's why you are making this post? Pliz, Taabu!

  19. It's good to see you around, ritch.

    As for your beef with Taabu, welcome to the world. He and some of his friends here believe they are more patriotic than the rest of us and they know better what the country needs. They beieve the duty of deciding what should be thought, written and said is solely theirs, after all they are the REAL Kenyans. I just chuckled.

  20. Vikii,

    Have you answered Anon 3:33 AM, I don't know many Kaos.

  21. you can't blame moi for pickpocket ministers in his rickety bus

  22. Ritch,
    Calm down, why get hot under the collar? Just post whatever you like and stop employing reverse logic. Shred mine all you care but no need to go personal.

    BTW al I have is a picture and you have decided to give it a cool dose of print up. Tuko pamoja bro and bring it, gallery can be very hot you know?


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