Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why Renneberger Must Leave Nairobi

Ambassador Renneberger disgraced himself.

Growing evidence has shown that Ambassador Renneberger was part of the colossal failure that was our elections. It is not a secret that American ambassadors are usually sent to foreign capitals to safeguard the interests of America, which include democratic ideals. The fact that Ambassador Renneberger could decide to go against what he was sent to Nairobi to do is a breach of the trust the United States government bestowed on him.

It is now clear that the ambassador was instrumental in misleading American agencies about the true picture of events in Kenya, both prior to and after the elections. It was because of him that the State Department hurriedly congratulated Kibaki when just about everybody with any common sense knew that the Othaya MP had not won the election. Indeed, according to exit polls by a Republican institute, Raila Odinga had beaten Kibaki by no less than seven percentage points. But through determined treachery, the ambassador saw to it that the polls were withheld till August last year. He asked that the poll results be sat on.

As if that were not bad enough, the ambassador followed this disgraceful act with a campaign of deceit that most Kenyans have not come to terms with todate. He was the man who made Jendayi Frasier look so confused when she came to Nairobi. He was the one who initially made Condy seem so out of the loop until she got a briefing from more credible sources than the partisan ambassador. It was this same ambassador who saw to it that the three-way structure that bundled in Kibaki-Raila-Kalonzo was put in place to calm the waters after he realized the scale of his screw up.

Whenever I meet Kenyans who praise Renneberger for saving Kenya I feel like throwing up. He didn't save Kenya. He set Kenya on fire. He made it possible for folks who'd rigged elections to find a safety valve. I can only hope that there are people with sufficient resources and the urge to find out the true role of this ambassador in the election debacle.

Until then, it is time for President Obama to ask this dude to pack up. And when he gets home, may he send our regards to George W. Bush should he pay a courtesy call on him in Dallas.

So long, Mr. Ambassador.


  1. Sam sam sam...

    When will it dawn on your silly flat head that even your molasses demigod stole the election? remember 110% votes for molasses in Kajwangs constituency?
    So before you stand on a pedestal and display your outright foolishness..check the facts silly and stop your Luo'ism of Kibaki lost elections...Kibaki won it with a 200,000 votes margin and you can either take it or continue the known luo trait of whinning until the cocks crow....
    your molasses is busy coordinating stealing of maize, fuel and raping of Mau forest as you harp about stolen elections...
    Ooooh, why don't you organise a demo against the US ambassadeur and while at it throw stones, loot and rape all in the name of elections...

    The real reason behind this unthought post is BITTERNESS since your molasses god was not invited by Obama after all the hulla balloo that Obama is his cousin, displaying a photo to the press of the bumpkin taken with Obama, and donating 50,000 dollars to Obama kitty that was flatly rejected 5 times..

    now likes of Okello are in pain and they want to unleash their bitterness to the ambassadeur...go on silly, weep till kesho...

    BTW, did Sam Okello get a cut when the molasses commanded all the Luo's to face the knife? if i remember correctly, the moron dissapeared from KK for a whole month....e-coward...te he he he he he

    Kumekucha Prefect

  2. anon 11:56,

    I love tirades. But for the elections in 2012 to be credible, Renneberger must go!

  3. anon 11:56,

    I love tirades. But for the elections in 2012 to be credible, Renneberger must go!

  4. Okello;

    You said "I can only hope that there are people with sufficient resources and the urge to find out the true role of this ambassador in the election debacle."

    If you don't know the truth about the ambassador's role in the elections fiasco besides Kisumu rumours and hallucinations, respect yourself and stop throwing e-stones. Secondly, when a new president assumes power he appoints new ambassadors as a matter of routine, so don't come later and make a Luo-style claim that President Obama read your call on Kumekucha and recalled the ambassador to US. Lastly, if you guys still intend to fight for Molasses Raila to be president come 2012, stop fighting the last war.

  5. Sorry Sam I am out of the topic.

    People don't allow the likes of Taabu and UrXlnc opinions influence you, if people here want to flaunt CV and addresses take no notice of it. In the world of internet people say all kind of stuff and one should never allow to be rendered impotence emotionally through jealousy of people they don't know. It is important to protect your emotions from unnecssary disorders like Jealousy and other destructive emotions over the internet. Jealousy/envy in form of inferiority complex is a serious and deadly psychological disorder. It is the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety that occur when a person believes is being threatened by a rival. Jealousy often contains a mixture of emotions such as anger, sadness, feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem and disgust. Even in Christian church jealousy and envy is considered as seven deadly sin. On the other hand according to studies, Jealousy/envy is one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. It is a universal and most unfortunate aspect of human nature because not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but also wishes to inflict misfortune on others. This may explain why one anonymous blogger here asked UrXlnc, how many people he has ever bewitched. I will not be surprised if he struggles with thoughts of harming somebody he feels is a threat to him.

    Be warned.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Psychologist

  6. Sam,

    Have you seen the half page in the obituary section of the Daily Nation today?

    Why are people trying so hard to be associated with Obama, trying to show the world they are closer to him than others?

    Ati Jaramogi died on 20th January and Obama was sworn in on 20th January. What do the two have in common?

    In 1994 when Jaramogi died, those loudmouths trying to show us how close they are to Obama, did they even know he existed?

    How many people are born and die on 20th of every year??? What is so special about Jaramogi???

  7. Chris, this story is all rubbish. It lacks any journalistic taste. It is a script I would pass for any Luo Nyanza MPs, including the learned James Orengo who behaves like the Kariuki Chotaras of modern Kenya.

    The US ambassador was the darling of ODM before and after the Dec 2007 Presidential elections because he was lecturing Kibaki what was sweet music to Raila and ODM. The ambassador supported Waki report in its totality. Raila and his ODM gang were not amused since the Waki report incriminated top ODM leadership in the slaughter of innocent Kenyans under the guise of seeking justice over an alleged stolen Presidential election.

    Chris, Raila and ODM; foreign envoys become your buddies when they champion your cause and become enemies when the tide doesn’t favour you? During the referendum and after elections, Raila and his gang were full of praises to the US ambassador because they shared similar thinking – how to get rid of Kibaki.

    But when the same US ambassador speaks on Waki suspects, Raila and his gang accuse him of harbouring colonial mentality and he should not lecture to Kenyans how to handle their internal affairs. Spare us your raw rubbish Chris!

  8. Okello,

    Is Raila still crying at night for us so that we can sleep in peace?

  9. Why i Love Okello;

    1) He speaks with authority about Kenya while he is abroad busy wiping white retirees asses
    2) He is focussed in his fanatic following to a cause and in his unique case Raila's PR
    3) He is courageous to state his mind however stupid as has always been the case
    4) He to our utter suprise believes in his idiotic intelligence

  10. Sam,

    We do not have the power to influence who the US government chooses to represent it here. Even if we did, i do not see what purpose that would serve in as far as tackling the problems we face.

    An ambassador exists to secure the interests of his/her country. If Renneberger sought to influence the outcome of the election, it is probably because his appointing authority desired that to be the case.

    What we should be asking ourselves here is, why did we allow ourselves to be manipulated like that? How do we make sure that the same does not happen in 2012? What measures are we putting in place to ensure that institutions are strengthened in order to safeguard our sovereignty?

    All i see are greedy people who want to be in government in 2012, irrespective of the state of the country by then. They don't care if half the population will have succumbed to hunger!

  11. What do Ambassadors have to do with us? Even if Renneberger misinformed his government how are we to lose?

    America does not have the responsibity of governing the world, we govern oureslves. Let's resolve our issues ourselves!

    This post was irrelevant.

  12. Anon 11:56 'When will it dawn on your silly flat head that even your molasses demigod stole the election?'

    The key word here is 'EVEN'. Can you listen to yourself? Do you go rob a bank or beat up your wife because EVEN someone else has done so? This is the lowest I have seen in terms of moral values. I believe your motto is: Nitafanya kwa sababu pia yeye amefanya. God help Kenya, if these are our intellectuals.

  13. Mr Pumbavu's (Kibaki's) apologists and worshipers are in full swing over here "defending" the indefensible

  14. anon 3:23

    stop your selective analysis and check the content silly. the word on ODM lips is that Kibaki stole the election. its also common knowledge to all apart from dimwits like phil, okello, taabu, ivy (who is suffering abortion complications)that ODM massively rigged in its strongholds. and they lost the election so no one has moral authority to tell each other who stole silly

  15. Anon 11:56,

    You are very retarded. Do you go rob a bank, sodomize your Kid brother, thump your wife because EVEN someone else has ALLEGEDLY done so? You are one huge NITWIT.

    Mr Pumbavu laid the "groundwork" for STEALING THE ELECTIONS long before the elections took place. Among his many crimes was to unilaterally appoint PNU infested commissioners at tne now appropriately discredited ECK to do the Kazi iendelee shenanigans that unltimately led to the STEALING OF THE ELECTIONS.

    And this obsession of yours with other guys dicks... I think it's about time you were given one to suck. I'm sure a neck chopping mungiki extortionist can offer his for you to suck real good.

    You have also farted right here that Kibaki won by 200,000 Votes. That is absolute nonsense. It is a big lie and you know it. Why do you think Kivuitu and his fellow gang of election thieves were sent packing? For doing a good job? hell no! For BUNGLING THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION RESULTS. FOR ALLOWING THE ELECTIONS TO BE STOLEN.

  16. anon 3:28;

    Dr Molasses (Raila Jaluo jeuri) apologists and worshipers are in full swing over here "defending" the indefensible

  17. anon 3:51

    You are very retarded. Do you go rob a bank, sodomize your Kid brother, thump your wife because EVEN someone else has ALLEGEDLY done so? You are one huge NITWIT.

    Mr Pumbavu laid the "groundwork" for STEALING THE ELECTIONS long before the elections took place. Among his many crimes was to unilaterally call others 'Kabila adui' to do the haki yetu shenanigans that unltimately led to the half baked ODM STEALING OF THE ELECTIONS.

    And this obsession of yours with other guys dicks... I think it's about time you were given one to suck. I'm sure a luo extortionist can offer his for you to suck real good.

    You have also farted right here that Molasses lost by 200,000 Votes. That is absolute nonsense. It is a big lie and you know it. Why do you think Kivuitu and his fellow gang of election thieves were sent packing? For doing a good job? hell no! For BUNGLING THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION RESULTS. FOR ALLOWING THE ELECTIONS TO BE STOLEN.

    Kibaki won by a landslide!!! take it or get a rope silly

  18. Anon 3:55 AM,

    No matter how many times you REPEAT a lie, it will NEVER become the truth. It Will always remain a LIE.

    This is why your "Kibaki won by a landslide!!!" is a gigantic pumbavu lie. It will never become the truth even if you repeat it a billion times, it will still remain what it is: A BIG LIE!

  19. In is wrong for an intelligent person to cite an exit opinion poll as a basis of determining who the winner is. It is basically a sample which will give a million different results according to the methodology and population sample used. Not to mention sampling errors.

  20. Dr.Murinho. Ati jealousy is a deadly sin. Then Yahwe is a deadly sinner 'cause he said he is a jealous god.

    Odmers need to do what wingnuts in US have done. They have accepted the reality barry is the prezo. In 2001 dems also accepted the reality that bush was the prezo. Please accept the reality kibs is the president and move on. the manenos of how he got there will change nothing. prepare for 2012, or whenever.

  21. The title of the essay says: "Why Renneberger Must Leave Nairobi."

    Based on that simple topics, we have seen a number of opinions. However, we think the first principles need to be stated. The principles are these:

    (a) It is very normal to hear men say this: Many men are slaves because one man is an oppressor. Therefore, lets hate the oppressor.

    (b) We can however, reverse the above statement and say: One man is the oppressor because many men are slaves. Therefore, lets despise the slaves.

    Given the above, we think the author has adopted the first statement. We would however, adopt the second statement because it is more profitable in the long run.

  22. Anon 5:06 AM,

    It is even MORE wrong for an 'intelligent' person and the 'intelligent' members of his 'fellowship' to STEAL AN ELECTION.

    The sample was just a reflection of the TRUTH that Raila WON and Kibaki LOST. Simple. Only if you prefer to live a LIE would you claim otherwise.

  23. How can we put our hope on a foreign ambassador to change the politics of Kenya. Yawa just because a white guy said that Kibaki won and we jump like we' ve been beaten by ants. hehehehhehe why dont we look inwards and strengthen our belief in wanting better governance coz i believe no matter who is ambassador or who isnt we have the capability to chnage our currrent leadership

  24. I see the first year law student in love with elizabethan english is back. Mwarangethe, which serious person today uses words like "thee"? And when are you going to try to impress us with a few latinisms? As you have been told the "we" thing is irritating. Do you make comments here on behalf of a law firm or something?

  25. Leave Renneberger ......
    The guy is going anyway but its important to remind us all that there are peoplee foreign and local who will do whatever is necessary to protect thier interest....moral don't just sit on your arse and expect some guy with goodwill to look out for you.....even bieng kenyan must work for you or you should move on and try Americam or Tanzanian citizenship..seriously no ones is going to be there fore you just cause your kenyan.....even the said ambssadors mainly take care of private individual bussines people in the name of American interest....very few people in governments the world over actaully do anything in the sake of the general public.......
    What if I may ask is Americam interest? Ora a nations interst....its but the sum of all the people who ceratinly have different and sometimes even opposing intersts....the Bush's crappin all over Iraq was in the name of Amaerican interest....yal know thats was a lie...just a few American benefitted...

    Sir Alex

  26. Predictably, the folks who want to bury their heads in the sand about what went on in Kenya are on the attack. Is it just that they want us to bury the past and move on or they truly believe that Kibaki won the election? Regardless, I think the point from which we start correcting the foolishness that went on in Kenya is to send Renneberger away. We want a new ambassador who will respect the voice of the Kenyan people, ans who will support the choice of the Kenyans...even if it's Bwofoli they choose to elect.

    So long, Mr. Ambassador.

  27. The fact that kibaki stole the elections and was caught is really hurting some people here. What is it to you appart from being a fellow tribesman? There are better kikuyus. why are you so stuck on a looser?...abandon the guy....I he infallible just because he is your tribesman?....the guy stole its a fact..just get over it...Lets be objective for once the fact that yo voted for him does not mean you stole with him...why defend him..when its so clear he lost?...if this is not bigotry what is.....the guy is human he has tamaa and tried to pull a fast one but was caught...bahati mbaya....lakini trying to claim that he won when even he will deny it is shamefull to say the least.

    Sir Alex

  28. Sam,

    If i may ask, what will we achieve by sending Renneberger away? (Assuming we can even do that)!


    USA ambassador is known to have been wined and dined by Kibaki and his cronies regularly unlike the hate Kibaki had for the German Ambassador who made sure the truth on ground was known by all EU countries..

    The hero here is the German Ambassador and kenyans should thank him for fighting the USA ambassador tooth and nails to get out the truth..

    Just like we all need Kibaki's mouth piece Peter Ogego Out of Washington..

    Obama must remove Bush's Mouth piece ambassador from Kenya!!!


  30. The 2007 elections were discredited and for Ranneberger to have taken a position was quite un-called for. See, foreign missions are supposed not to meddle in the affairs of the host nation. If they should, it should be from a non-partisan point. Obama will be recalling this IDIOT soon.

  31. Sam Okello,someone posted here earlier that its the tradition in the US for an incoming president to appoint new envoys upon assuming office.Those with a sense of history will remember one Smith Hempstone had been appointed by George Bush senior and upon Bill Clinton taking office,Hempstone unsuccesfully lobbied to have his term extended.Therefore Ranneberger's exit is a predictable event and we dont want you to start beating your chest when it eventually happens that you were the initiator of calls for him to leave.Where have you been for all the time the envoy used to make weekly courtesy calls at the PM's office?It was even widely reported in the local press that the former members of the Pentagon (before it was reconstituted)were grumbling the envoy had been acting as the PM's consultant and advisor and that Molasses seemed to be enjoying it.Where were you then,oh where were you Sam Okello?

  32. Joe,

    To leave a man like Renneberger in place is to set ourselves up for a repeat of 2007. What many folks here don't realize is the power of a nation called the United States. What America wants goes.

    Well, here is an example of what might just happen. If in 2011 this partisan ambassador were to decide that Raila is his man, he will do everything to make Raila be president. He'll find a way to twist the results and make them reflect a reality that suits him. If that should happen, what will happen to the man who will have won the election fair and square? And won't others cry foul?

    That's why I'm saying we should remove obstacles to democracy...which includes the American pointman in Nairobi.

  33. Only Raila-worshipping Luos continue to believe in exit polls after the real votes were counted. Even in the US where you live TV stations often reverse their positions after making announcements based on exit polls especially when the election is close. Remember Florida in 2000 - how many times TV stations had to withdraw their announcements.
    Raila lost despite his massive rigging, and he will lose again untill he knows how to campaign like Obama.

  34. Sam Okelo,

    Two days on the Nairobi Star, they must like you very much, but now i know you better. if you run, i will vote for you.

  35. all the anons sould know okelo is runing for presdent, he is not a raila man, he is just saying truth.

  36. Anon 7:42 we all know the ones who say 'presdent' instead of 'president'!Sam Okello,President Obama is in all likelihood now better briefed on the situation in Kenya than when he was a senator and it might not favour your demigod molasses at all.What if and its a possibility the Obama administration sends in an envoy who wont be overawed by molasses's theatrics,after all who would want their granny to live in political uncertainity if you had the power to make things move?

  37. What!! did any one look at this cencus?- posted on JUKWAA

    so calculation on the voters in each province was wrong ( Central Province population does not add up)

  38. Sam Okello,

    Please, ease off the poor ambassador, he had nothing to do with Raila being not invited to his ka-chini's inauguration. Obama just didn't want to see molasses-filled theatrics. There were better shows in DC.

  39. PM Molasses is inviting foreigners to come to a conference to help us figure out the "Kenya We Want." If only he walked to Kibera and asked them what they want they would tell him about ugali and toilets. Does this thug really need foreigners to tell him what kind of Kibera Kiberans want?

    This conference is another way of Fleecing the Nation. Some Luo NGOs and companies have been given all the contracts relating to this conference on condition they give 40% kickbacks!!!!!!!

  40. is renerbaga kibaki golf budy.

  41. your such an idiot , condy and frazer come to realize what really had happened and let kibaki rule since odm rigged the election and killed and massacred kenyans. Kibaki is a safer bet than raila. watch what happens in 2012 raila wont be close this time

  42. imagine this, Raila as the president of Kibera sorry Kenya....Okello, Chris, Phil, Taabu and the other puppets wouldbe all over themselves trying to do each other on the praise anthem...

    with Prezo Kibaki, we dont have sycophancy..

    Long live president Dr. Hon. Kibaki

  43. Sam Okello, with these kinds of emotional outbursts, are you convinced there is any noticeable difference between those idle Kiberans and yourself? Will you guys ever get better, as in, evolve?

  44. Ranneberger was serving American interests, and as far as the West is concerned, Kibaki was a safer bet than Raila. The PM's deal with Muslims through the infamous MOU really pissed off some people in DC. But lets not forget that it is the same Ranneberger that gave Raila 500,000 dollars for "setting up the office of PM." Thats a cool Kshs39 million for which Rao did not have to account to Treasury.

  45. Guys, Obama's middle name is HUSSEIN. What can be more Muslim than that? He is now the president of the US of A. America sees PERSON not group of people. When will you stop grouping people on Muslims, black, white, Luo, Kikuyu, Ogiek. People are just that, people. No wonder Kenya is the way it thanks to this mentatlity.

  46. when sam say something against raila, pnu praise him; when he say something against kibaki, pnu call him names; pnu=hypocrite

  47. I like to come here but sometimes you really have to wonder. Is kenya britain or france? In fact even the brits know that they are not that important to the US. I of course know that humans are given to delusions. Like they believe the maker of the universe is conerned about what happens (eg having sex with the wrong person)in one planet in one solar system in one galaxy.

  48. Sam,

    "If in 2011 this partisan ambassador were to decide that Raila is his man, he will do everything to make Raila be president."

    That's outrageous! But if it is true then woe unto on us. An ambassador should have nothing on us.

    Plus an ambassador has no real power, his power is his government. If an ambassador interfere with our internal affairs its because we welcome them to do so. If we don't let them, they can't do us nothing!

  49. there is only one truth for the kibaki people; their truth; anything els is a lie

  50. Dr. Mournho,
    It's always refreshing to read your postings and advice, amid all this momonyoko wa ubongo.

  51. some of us have been called luo haters but seriously what do people think of the half page in the orbituary section of the Nation about jaramongi and bho. i know not all luos got together to write it but what would you think of people who think like this.

  52. I hope we will get to a point where we can spot trouble from a distance and take corrective action. The point of this article has all along been that Ambassador Renneberger was part of the election debacle. This is not a PNU/ODM war...and ther is no reason it should be reduced to that. I hope the Americans will send us a man or woman who will let Kenyans decide who to lead them, not America and the West deciding who they are comfortable with.

    That's all I'm saying, folks.

  53. Okello,

    1..2..3....Raila is the greatest thing to happen to Luo's since the earth was created...

    repeat a couple of times and you start thinking thru' molasses eyes like all these Molasses minions; taabu, okello, ivy, phil, chris and the other morons

  54. What's up with Noah Wekessa anyway??

  55. Anon @ 11:54 PM

    Noah Wekessa was right to ask PM Molasses to explain the food shortage in the country. Since the formation of the coalition govt, Molasses Raila chairs the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Food Security.

    Again the tribal warloads of Kenya are concerned by who asked the question and how it was asked rather than the contents of the question. In the meantime, Kenyans die of hunger while PM Molasses trots the globe, his son crashes govt Mercedes, and his fat wife suffers from over-eating.

    What is more, PM Molasses is holding a conference and inviting foreigners to come and tell him about the "Kenya We Want." Above all these foreigners are supposed to tell him that Kiberans want toilets and Luo Nyanza want anti-AIDS medicine.

    Wekessa should have stared down this jerk instead of apologizing!

  56. If Raila cannot cordinate and supervise one crucial ODM-ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture, then what would happen if he were to be the president? This guy, like his father before him, was born and socialised to be the Leader of the Opposition - far away from the daily rigors of running a country.

  57. Anon 11.16pm. 20 jan may have some meaning in witchcraft. But since barry was sworn in twice may be jara will have to die a second time.

  58. There is no need for tantrums about this Renneberger guy. This goon was a Republican appointee and is already a lame duck on his way out. That Someone else will be posted to Nairobi pretty soon is a fact so let me not hear no Kumekucha patting his own back ati his pressure forced this goon out.

  59. ALL,

    You have lost your heads and lost the track and you now live on your lips and emotions. If you react to an article in that manner it means you have something to hide. If you differ in your position to the opinions of the writer, simply state them and let the world read and weigh them out. Even where tribe is not supposed to feature, you have been conditioned to think within the tribal can... c'mon, think Kenyan, think national!!! which generation will cleanse the country of its weighing tribal baggage if your youthful generation is still chained by the tribal loops??? It is time to get out of the can and start defending informed positions and not personalities. Remember, if you live reacting from your well of emotions, chances are very high you have no point but just a junk of emotions to protect tribal n cultural baggage. Wake up folks and be Kenyans first. Protecting your kingpins holds no future to your lives and your kids' lives. Stand for the voice of reason; be an advocate of proper governance and leadership founded and floated on integrity.

    Mkenya Halisi, and am not shy to sign off with my names:

    Chrisogonas Odero Mc'Odhiambo

  60. Why does Chris allow idiots to come write rubbish here just because there is freedom of free speech! Or whatever it is lawyers like harping about? One year down the line, some crazy guy writes about a mzungu who only consequence is that he is now a mijikenda elder in all his whiteness. And we are supposed to be appreciative? Folks back home are now starving. And in the meantime, ODM MPs are busy selling maize they bought from national silos to Sudan. The same MPs are busy harping about a new constitution. Wheat in the South Rift is rotting in the barns with no one to buy it, while in the North Rift, wheat farmers are laughing all the way to the bank seeing as how the minister in charge of agriculture is from there made sure that the NCPB bought their wheat and NOT THAT FROM THE SOUTH RIFT. The prime minister uses political muscle to muzzle off a second grain handler on the pretext that the current one is operating at 30% capacity. And he forgets to let us know the real reason its at 30% is because grain importers wont use the muhindi/mwarabu facility because of uncompetitive pricing. Incidentally, the PM is a shareholder of the facility in question. Kalonzo and Raila are enjoying new Range Rover vogue vehicles that were bought last year, in the face of starving kenyans and as if the vehicles they were assigned to in February last year were not worth their royal behinds to be found in them. Raila goes around with a retinue of guys in suits and dark glasses looking like they are characters in a badly edited 'men in black' movie. Picture these black looking dudes in black suits and black sunglasses bought off the streets hanging out of doors and window of brand new kompressor Mercedes cars. Is this what winning an election was meant to bring to this country. I am not sychophant for Kibaki o! But all things considered, its better him all over again than the alternatives we are having today. Our nation is at standstill. Nothing is moving anymore. Things were moving between 2005 and 2007. They surely weren't moving as we the citizens would have preffered. But at least they were not at an impasse like today. So Mr. Okello, shut up!Look for something more worthy to occupy your mind. And you Chris, do your work and moderate nonsense out of this blog


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