Friday, January 16, 2009

State House Site Attacked And Other Tidbits

Husband and wife form committee of themselves to settle their differences

Imagine a man and his wife getting into a serious marriage-threatening disagreement. Apparently the cause of the domestic quarrel is some silly thing the husband keeps on doing while knowing only too well that it really upsets his wife.

Well it is pretty obvious that the way to sort out this problem is for husband and wife to sit down and calmly talk about the situation. Since the problem is serious, they should first decide whether they want to stay in the marriage. If the answer is YES, then they should try and find a solution (just the two of them).

Now just imagine a situation where the man decides to form a committee to look into the issue. And to make things really funny the members of that committee are his wife and himself.

That is exactly what the two principals did yesterday. President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga formed a committee to mediate coalition wrangles. And guess who is on that committee? The top pick of the main protagonists on both sides. So what is going on here?

While the Kibaki administration has rapidly became famous for forming commissions of enquiries that are destined to produce reports whose only purpose is to decorate government shelves and cabinets, the composition of this so-called committee leaves Kenyans wondering why the two sides would not just have sat down and talked.

Or is this part of the usual window dressing?

Seriously rather than waste tax payers money by taking up the valuable time of public servants, why not have Raila and Kibaki go to that Sagana State Lodge place over the weekend and have a lengthy chat over what they want to do now with their favourite play thing called Kenya?

State House Site Attacked

Apparently somebody has hacked into the State House website and is using it to distribute malicious software to visitor’s computers.

If you go to Google and search, and then click on the top result, you will view a Google warning about the site.

Now this is more than a little ridiculous and raises the million shilling question, how secure are Kenyan government sites, some of which hold extremely sensitive information?

Traffic Policeman Who Are Asking For Too Much And Bushy troubles In Athi River

Our informant was traveling to Nairobi yesterday and when his public transport vehicle neared Athi River, it suddenly diverted away from the road and hurtled deep into the bush a high speed. At first he panicked, thinking that maybe they had been hijacked. However the tout quietly explained that they were avoiding a police check ahead where the traffic policemen had gone bonkers in what they were demanding in bribes. After a while they met quite a number of other public service vehicles following the same bumpy route coming from Nairobi.

But there was something even more interesting our informant observed. Deep in the bush the landscape was littered with dirty plastic paper bags as far as the eye could see into the distance. He wondered where it had all come from and even more worrying was the kind of cost that would be required to carry out a clean up exercise. Looking at all the different colored plastic paper bags, our informant says it was not difficult for him to imagine a country completely buried in the stuff, in say the next 2 years. But who cares???

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  1. Chris,

    These are the ridiculous things that happen when an illegitimate president is in office as a result of THEFT. This circus will only end when we have a TRUE WINNER of an election in office. Kibaki has no legitimacy. His presidency is a result of THEFT and as we all know, anything illegitimate is always "unstable"

  2. You put it so well Chris:

    "the Kibaki administration has rapidly became famous for forming commissions of enquiries that are destined to produce reports whose only purpose is to decorate government shelves and cabinets"

    Phew! Talk about FRAUD and DECEPTION!

  3. By the way, where is Ringera of KACC? There are so many scandals all over the place ... the guy should be very busy!

    But what do we see him doing? Like his boss (Kibaki) sleeping on the job. It is now very obvious that this guy was just put at KACC so as to prevent any action being taken against these massive cases of grand corruption that are mostly committed by thieves and looters from his Mt Kenya communities.

    The guy is paid 2.5 million a month and has nothing to show for the fight against corruption, this is ridiculous!

  4. Chris,

    I thought you were more informed than this.

    ODM's NEC meeting of the new year was categorical. It demanded for a formation of a joint commission between the two coalition partners with multiple mandates. Obviously, PNU is giving in to ODM demands. Next, you watch what will happen in bunge when it re-opens. This is no longer a game.

    Please review news from Orange House more objectively. Your analogy of a failed marriage is in bad taste - as we all remember the concessions which ODM had to make to bring peace to this country.

    Or what were you saying?

  5. All the anons above,unless Kenyans stop seeing things in ODM-PNU lenses things will never change in Kenya.The day people will understand that US against THEM doesnt mean taking arms against your improverished neighbours,then change will have started from within.But as long as we rush to the defense of economic saboteurs,judging them innocent or guilty by just looking at their names,then ours will always remain a land of 1000 millionaires and 30 million paupers.

  6. Chris,

    Why were we not able to comment on this article ealier during the day?

  7. Iam not sure what we are suppose to comment on; marriage, committees or police?


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