Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Predictions About The Web And A Strange Animal Called SEO

Kumekucha Weekend Business Special

The Future of Business Is Online And What You Need Is SEO Training

What the hell is SEO and can some training in it make a huge difference in your online business?

Some folks who read this blog get pretty upset when I venture to predict the future. Some of them go ballistic when I get out of Kenyan politics in my predictions. A case in point is what I said about a man called Barack Obama long before he had even declared his candidature for the presidency of the United States. Am not sure why they get so upset. Could it have something to d with the fact that I am usually so accurate in these predictions?

Still here is an important insight into the future of business which should be of interest to entrepreneurs and even those employed by entrepreneurs.

It is clear that the World Wide Web has already taken over the world. Everything these days is done online. And the fact that mobile phones can now easily access the web has made life very convenient for millions of inhabitants of this planet earth. It is rather obvious that use of the web will continue to grow in leaps and bounds.

What all this means is that there are also numerous opportunities for businesses to use the web to reach and serve their customers. The only problem is that with billions of websites out there how does somebody find your website? This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. It is simply the art of optimizing a web site for search engines so that those looking for the services that you offer are able to find your site easily and the information they are looking for as well as the products and services.

Amazingly in the year 2005 as many as 65 million souls were using the Google search engine daily to search for information, products and services. Just imagine what the number might be now? In 3 years when usage of the web has just exploded?

And don’t forget that anybody who uses a search engine to look for a product or service is usually looking to buy right away. This is why SEO is so important in this day and age. The truth is that it has become so important that nobody with an online presence can dare afford to ignore it.

My advice is that you need to just go out there and find a way to learn as much as you can about it. One leading world SEO expert who happens to be a Kenyan (and is a consultant to this blog) told me his interesting story where he learnt SEO very reluctantly in 2005 believing that he was being bothered by his clients who insisted that the only way they would keep on channeling their business in his direction was if he learnt it and learnt it well. Naturally today he is delighted at what happened then.

My two cents is that anybody who makes the effort now will never regret it. And by the way SEO training can be very simple and does not need to be as complicated as it may sound at first.