Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Inside Story Behind Strange Killing At Sarit Centre

Kumekucha exclusive

A couple of weeks ago a man walked up to an ATM machine at Sarit Centre did his business and emerged. Seconds later another man stepped forward and shot him at point blank range. It was clear from the way he was shot that the idea was to make sure he died.

What followed was puzzling. A section of the media reported the incident and even added the critical bit of information that the man had some information on police extra-judicial killings.

Then suddenly the story vanished and nobody seemed to follow up what would appear to be a very big story.

Today I reveal the inside details behind the killing and exactly what happened.

The name of the deceased was Constable Kirinya and he was a driver at the Eagle Squad - a sister squad of Kwekwe which it has been whispered have been given express orders "from above" to execute anyone they IMAGINE is linked or sympathetic to Mungiki.

Constable Kirinya and his team arrested a notorious drug baron from Mombasa, who had Sh4m in cash and drugs of an unknown value. It happened that the drug baron was known to some senior cops - two of them being Nairobi Provincial Police Officer, Njue Njagi, and his deputy, Julius Ndegwa. Insiders say Njue and Ndegwa called for the suspect and shared the loot. Eagle Squad officers who had arrested the drug baron were given Sh200,000 each.

But Con Kirinya declined to take the money. He was given an immediate transfer to the North Eastern province to languish there as is the usual practice. He refused to take the transfer and fled to a foreign embassy in Kampala with the help of some influential friends. He promised to spill the beans of how Eagle arrested young men from their homes or places of work and executed them in cold blood under the guise of fighting Mungiki (as reported here in Kumekucha). He would have given critical details on how many young men had been killed and where their bodies were secretly discarded by the police. He promised the embassy he would reveal how Eagle had turned out to be an execution and extortion squad. The squad's officers are said to be targeting rich young men - whom they threaten to kill if they are not given a certain amount of money. Some end up being killed even after paying a hefty ransom.

Eagle Squad has been in the news for the wrong reasons. Families of young men (mostly Kikuyu) who disappeared without trace from July last year have been up in arms and human rights bodies, led by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, have stepped in the open and accused the Squad of arresting more than 5,000 young men who ended up disappearing without trace. Some of them were traced to morgues in many parts of the country with bullet holes while other bodies were found dumped in forests. Majority disappeared without trace.

The embassy said it was interested in the juicy dossier. Constable Kirinya said he would first return to Kenya to arrange for his family's relocation to Kampala pending relocation to the US. All this time, alarmed senior policemen had instructed top marksmen to hunt down Constable Kirinya and ensure he was dead meat and did not “sing” on Eagle's killing machine.

The cops who were tracking him down got wind he was in Nairobi and they trailed him to Sarit Centre where they shot him dead and made the scene of crime to look like he was killed by thugs.

The tragedy is, the mainstream media got wind of the killing but were silenced by the mighty and powerful Maj Gen Ali not to publish the story. It's not known why the embassy involved never went public after their informer was eliminated.

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  1. Thanks chris. This seems to me to be a well researched article. Keep up the good work. We will reclaim our country in good time.

  2. This is the Impunity Express

    Well done Chris

  3. Chris,
    Your pen is indeed old and scraping the bottom of the barrel doesn’t help things along.
    Even a cheap novel wouldn’t give this kind of story telling the light of day. Unconvincing.
    Btw—what happened to “the full list of names in the secret envelope handed to Koffi Anan”?

  4. Poor Con Kirinya for standing up to his soul. At least there are few good people still out there in this toxic country chocking in fraud.

    Impunity mutates and takes different shapes. Ours is a country enslaved in the vice of primitive welath accumulation. Kirinya refused to be INDUSTRIOUS. But just like those killed before him, his blood won't flow in vain. One day and very soon all the rot will be hang to dry.

    We have no working institutions. Instead the structures have been transformed to institutionalize IMPUNITY, na hiyo ni INDUSTRY.

  5. Constable Kirinya slept, dined, danced and romanced with the wolves. He paid the ultimate price with his dear life. We all know young Kikuyu men have been executed in Karura forest by the Kwekwe squad for being Mungiki suspects.

    one wonders why Constable Kirinya waited for over two years to try and spill the beans. One day the truth will come out no matter the amount of suppression. It always does.

    I feel sorry for the hundreds of innocent young men who have been executed by the same Govt their parents voted for in their millions. The irony is that the old senile guy they voted for doesn't give a rat's ass about them. He's just busy enjoying his sleep in state house while not eating nduma's and ngwacis. The joke is on us!

  6. For a brief interlude from rumor and innuendo, see:
    DONT panic, though.

  7. b-carotene;

    What are your doubts based on?

  8. It is amazing that a country like Kenya with the most brutal police services criminals still find there own ways.

    I was watching a documentary the other day on how police in a space of less than 6 hours managed to brutally wipe-out Mungiki adherent in Mathare slums. What was more shocking is the number of women who were raped by police during that raid. In the same episode, a group of GSU unit raided another Mungiki stronghold estate of Kayole with live rounds and tear gas and you can imagine what followed… shocking level of bruatlly! Shocking!!!

    PS. Anyone interested to know more about Rama Yade, I have uploaded a blog dedicated purposely to her political career in France. There will be regular updates (in ENGLISH), latest new, videos and gossips. For those who don't who Rama Yade is, she is the next Obama of European continent and like Obama she has African roots. Let her inspire you!

    ....Venez ainsi laisser vos commentaires et son contact d'inspiration vous à de grandes choses rêveuses:)! merci.

  9. Just like Argentina and Chile, there are death squads operating in Kenya. The truth will come out one day. Pinochet and the Argentinian junta were arraigned in court for their past atrocities. It will happen one day and i hope the perpetrators will see their day in court.
    Our Desaparecidos will not be forgotten. Good work, kumekucha.

  10. I shall quote M-pesa:

    "I feel sorry for the hundreds of innocent young men who have been executed by the same Govt their parents/relatives/tribesmen and women voted for in their millions. The irony is that the old senile guy (Kibaki) they voted for doesn't give a rat's ass about them" He probably regards them as wapumbavu na mavi ya kuku, wawaache kuregarega, wafanye kaazi.

    You people, your real enemy resides within your "clothes" and it is not the gentleman you like calling the "beast from the west." Open your eyes!

  11. Kwale,
    Your obsession with Rama Yade is appreciable but don't count on it. History is not a cut-and-paste phenomenon or are you simply a SERIAL .....After Yade whom will HOP to? You must have disapointed that nobody relished your thread. It is not a case of hoping for inspiration, it ends up diluting and insulting the otherwise good intention. Sio kwa ubaya lakini.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Joe, good question. Below, my thoughts:
    When God wants to punish someone He takes away his/her brain first.
    Consider these statements:
    1. “…has been whispered have been given express orders "from above" to execute anyone they IMAGINE is linked or sympathetic to Mungiki.”
    2. “He was given an immediate transfer to the North Eastern province to languish there as is the usual practice.”
    3. “He refused to take the transfer and fled to a foreign embassy in Kampala with the help of some influential friends…….promised to spill the beans of how Eagle arrested young men from their homes or places of work and executed them in cold blood under the guise of fighting Mungiki.”
    4. “The embassy said it was interested in the juicy dossier.”
    5. “…. but were silenced by the mighty and powerful Maj Gen Ali not to publish the story.”
    6. “ It's not known why the embassy involved never went public after their informer was eliminated.”
    Some fundamentals eg who, what, how, where, when, and perhaps why. You dont need much of an imagination to make up such a story.
    While Chris is clearly accepted as some kind of Jesus of Nazareth here in KK—but not for me. Unlike the average Kumekuchan, I find rumor and innuendo terribly unexciting and inclined to reject it.
    I agree (1000%), the police reform is necessary urgently and a strong case has been made by Waki’s commission. I would rather talk about how to move that forward rather than get stuck in the rut of telling the same old stories, without any mechanism for verification embedded within the story, and of course, singing the same dull tune of impunity.
    It would be more constructive to talk about HOW to implement reform of the police.

  14. Taabu,
    Remember when I came to this blog? - I was constantly talking about Obama. And you know what, it came to pass. Just watch this space. After Rama, "we" will have our own Obama in Kenya and guess what I'll be talking about it constantly. Keep tuned! Change is on the way!

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  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. B-Carotene,
    You are LIVING A LIE epitomized at its basest. Your penchant to misuse biblical reference (Messiah, Jesus etc) only helps in betraying the depth of your grasp. But then it is a market place and you play you role quite well is completing the composition. Indulge.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. b-carotene

    To me, this story does not sound far fetched. This is exactly how the Kenya police operates.

    But, like anonymous @ 3:39 said, and i quote Just like Argentina and Chile, there are death squads operating in Kenya. The truth will come out one day. Pinochet and the Argentinian junta were arraigned in court for their past atrocities. It will happen one day and i hope the perpetrators will see their day in court.
    Our Desaparecidos will not be forgotten. Good work, kumekucha

    I take comfort in the hope that these evil acts will be uncovered one day.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. I shall quote M-pesa:

    "I feel sorry for the hundreds of innocent young men who have been executed by the same Govt their parents/relatives/tribesmen and women voted for in their millions. The irony is that the old senile guy (Kibaki) they voted for doesn't give a rat's ass about them" He probably regards them as wapumbavu na mavi ya kuku, wawaache kuregarega, wafanye kaazi.

    You people, your real enemy resides within your "clothes" and it is not the gentleman you like calling the "beast from the west." Open your eyes!

  22. Taabu:
    Your incoherent babblings are..... painful.

  23. Do these police men supporting drug barons have kids and nephews and nieces?

  24. Joe:
    Thanks for your thoughts.
    Though I have minimal insider knowledge of the workings of the police I do not deny what they are capable of. I just think it doesnt help anyone's case if you cannot support your allegations.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Why do we have this same mad person posting the same comment one after the other. You are wasting space on www you senile idiot! Is one comment not enough or do you think by posting many comments you are more clearer?

  28. Nothing lasts forever ... that always gives me hope that soon all the evil will end. And an end to something means a beginning of something else. A change will come soon and let us not be caught unaware.

    Kenya belongs to us not to the dogs.

  29. Anon 4:47 AM,

    It is evident that the plain truth is hurting. Inachuna sana. Pole sana

  30. Police to the rescue

    A suspected car thief is rescued by police from a lynch mob baying for his blood after he was caught trying to flee with a car allegedly stolen along Kimathi Lane in Nairobi on Thursday. Photo/TOM OTIENO

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    Submitted by SJ502
    Posted November 14, 2008 05:30 AM

    The policemen did their job here and that is in order. A word of caution to all good policemen - if such a suspect is breeding profusely you shouldn't hold him too close to yourself...and it's a clear no go area if a suspect is reaching out too close to your side firearm! It's not worth it taking some risks, especially with this character here.

    At least they can work!

  31. This is a very sad story. The kenyan police are extremely rotten and something has to be done immediately. They are corrupt, brutal, untrained, unequiped, unfit, underpaid, greedy...

    Kenyans suffer daily in the hands of the people they pay to serve and protect them. Our govt. uses our taxes to pay useless politicians and their convoys and helicopters while housing our security agents in huts. sometimes 3 families live in one hut in totally inhuman conditions. How can we not expect them to behave like animals? They cant even chase a thief let alone conducting investigations to provide solid procecutions in court. WE NEED POLICE REFORMS AND RETRAINING NOW!! The money is there. Reduce the size of the cabinet, reduce the gova spending on useless things like convoys and helicopters and Obama billboards, reduce the salaries of the MPs and tax them!!

    For example the police in Mombasa North Coast especially from Bamburi police station are well-known for their corruption and framing all over the world. Tourists are being targetted check out this site

    Now imagine what the common hardworking mwananchi goes through in the hands of these thugs in uniform. I saw a number of times with my own eyes policemen slapping and robbing people of their meagre income they earned from working dsk to dawn in industrial area. I know a friend who saw a joint mysteriously appear from his pocket after police "frisked" him. NEVER LET A KENYAN POLICE OFFICER FRISK YOU!!

    Corruption is rampant in our country. As it has been said before impunity reigns supreme. Kenyans are hostages from all corners beginning with the politicians to the police to civil servants to thugs. What have we done to deserve this? I was in mombasa recently and I saw huge billboards proclaiming that Uhuru na Kazi is a corruption free zone. But in the immigration department corruption was there for all to see. Agents were there ripping off gullible wananchi who just wanted their right, a passport, from people they pay through taxes. The agents in turn shared with the officials the money to make files dissapear or passports be ready in a day. I was there for just 2 days waiting for my passport and I saw blatant corruption that made me cry. They civil servants were watching cartoons on TV or reading newspapers while tax-paying wananchi were waiting in a the hot hall to be served. (Why do they have TVs in such laces by the way? Do we pay them to watch TV? I also went to the mombasa KPLC office with a friend to pay his bill and they too were watching cartoons on TV!! WTF!!) What does Ringera earn ksh2m a month for? Why cant he have undercover agents just for a day there and clean up the rot. Then at the airport in Mombasa, I saw the immigration officials especially one who seemed to be their chief, harrasing kenyans and threatening them to withhold their passports until the flights leave. I saw students crying that they had exams the following week and could not miss the flight but the arrogant fat guy just smiled and said you are not taking the flight. What to do in such a case? Who to complain to? We are under seige kenyans and we have to do something QUICK instead of wasting our time and energy on petty and extremely stupid tribal vitriol. We suffer together regardless of tribes and we should unite in reclaiming our beloved country which has gone to the dogs.

    About Rama Yade c'est une marionnette de Sarkozy et elle ira nulle part. Im allergic to anything right wing.

  32. This is the kind of insider info that makes KK the most authoritative blog in Kenya. The big boys pay attention to what we say here!

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  34. Wakenya Pamoja,
    What along eulogy, please take the evidence to POLICE. Meanwhile say relevant to the post, won't you?

  35. Wakenya Pamoja,

    I actually enjoyed reading your whole comment, very constructive indeed. This is what kumekucha is lacking, objective commenter who see beyond tribes.

    However, I don't agree with your statement,

    "About Rama Yade c'est une marionnette de Sarkozy et elle ira nulle part. Im allergic to anything right wing"
    …I disagree; Rama is not Sarkozy's puppet! And she will be there for a long time after Sarkozy is gone. Infact the only thing I don't like about her is her Left wing views.

  36. @ TAABU what police? The ones we are talking about here? Seriously...

    And I think I stuck to the topic except for the comment about Rama in reåly to Kwale. Sorry my comment was long though I just got carried away.

    @KWALE Is UMP right wing? She is a member of UMP if im not wrong. Mais restons dans le sujet. Ce sera une histoire pour un autre jour. Let's not deviate from the subject in question.

    And the recent beatings and killing and torture in Kamiti. I was totally confused when the minister of justice called for immediate action. Isnt she the one who is supposed to take immediate action, ama can someone explain to me what the minister of justice is exactly supposed to do.

  37. b-carotene
    You sound like one of the flying squads killing people or a relative to the Police bosses which is which??

    remember even the police bosses with their master Kibaki are heading to Hague

  38. anon3:56 AM

    Did you ever go to school?? your lack of education is showing through quite embarrassingly, so how do you implement changes in the police force without finding out what exactly is the problem?? and if indeed there are death squads, should there be an investigation on who they are and who runs them?? is it the head of state Kibaki(anyway the buck stops with him) and his polices dogs??
    after finding out the rot that is the only way one can put a mechanism in place so that the same shiate never happens again..

    I think you my friend are related to this killers the way you come to their defense. shenzi sana

  39. The 'big' boys and girls have us fighting like pit bulls while they execute their plan with icey aggression...we cheer then on as our tribal champions untill when they demand our own flesh and blood its too late to back out.....
    Question must be asked why was mungiki such a threat? not even m01 nor jomo deed such evil, the cops are just pawns..lets not focus on them,lets follow the trail to its source and thats where our problem lies. If 'mungiki" a group of people who killed randomly could be foudn and killed, qs is where were the post election, mayhem not found out..I think it is far easier to catch guys palnning a mass diorganised war on a tribe than an amorphous terror group.......
    Mungiki's original message was touching on the real issues...sons of colonial sympathisers lording it over the sons of the people who fought the real war against the coloniser...the battle front had to be erased and a new one created.PNU vs ODM...shift the blame, use your 'enemies' to fight each other.
    The poor policeman was just a unfortunate guy. You see why its important to some people that we remain poor and vulnerable..that way we can be bought to kill our kith and kin. kenya has lost its moral compass, we are in darkness a call for praysers is in order, we need divine intervention. or we are a hopeless cause.....
    These guys were ready to do anything, the arturs, threatening to kill ECK chairms family if he did not announce the results they the cry for armnesty. yet we are obssesing with RAOs genitals....

    Sir Alex

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  41. Matako
    Peleka matako na upuzi wako Bongo. Hapa tunaongea mambo ya maana

  42. the death of the alleged victim had nothing to with "extra judicial killings" to borrow the term from what happened in chile, uganda, zaire (now drc) and south africa several decades ago.

    the dead askari in question had no hard evidence neither did he hand over any real evidence such as voice tape recordings, videos, or even a single photograph to the (foreign) embassy in a neighbouring country. otherwise, he would have been taken seriously and granted asylum had that been the case.

    his death could have been as a result of a mugging, random killing, robbery gone wrong, revenge by a jilted lover (very common among police), payback by a family of a victim of police brutality, vigilantism or worse mistaken identity.

    rumours are known to abound in kenyan circles whenever such deaths occur. case in point, rumours and conspiracy theories are still flying as to what really caused the death of several military personnel (from nanyuki) who died in a road accident while heading to a soccer game.

    be a devil's advocate for moment: the victim in question could have been a dirty cop who ended up being greedy and refused to share the ill gotten loot or gains from a perious heist, with fellow dirty cops or gangsters.

    in the menatime, the public is still waiting for the list of names and pictures of the 500 or 1000 young men (call them mungiki if you will), who were executed by the kenya police for whatever political, ethnic, religious, business or social reasons. where are the missing persons' information?

    i am sure most of them had national identities and records can be verified in 2008 as was opposed to the case dating back to the latee 1800s and early 1900s.

    yes, some people were killed but where are the names and pictures of the victims of extra judicial killings?

    where is the hard evidence? there is always plenty of evidence and outcry whenever poachers kill elephants and rhinos (animals). where is the evidence for huamns in this case?

    can someone compile them and later produce them so that justice may be served on behalf of victims of the brutal killings by special police squads.

    btw, strange killings do take place in nairobi, nakuru, mombasa, kisumu and in other urban areas on a weekly basis, if not on a daily basis. have we ever asked ousrselves who is behind all the killings?

    or it doesn't matter unless the victim happens to be a police officer, politician, resident mzungu (modern-day-settler), european missionary, local catholic priest or nun ( sorry I meant "sister"), expatriate, diplomat, tourist or some local wealthy business person.

    btw, let those who live in north america, and europe shelf their holier-than-thou political veneer for a second, and tell us kenyans whether there are not corrupt cops in their neighbourhoods in spite of the world class aclaimed top american and european justice systems in your immediate vicinity?

    the international media houses have done several episodes on police corruption, brutality and killings in europe, los angelos, new york, new jersey, florida, and recently in new orleans.

    of course it does not justify what has happened and continues to take place in kenya on a weekly basis.

    the point is, we need to get tangible evidence and present it to the international community as well as honest local authorities, in the same manner it was done with the dispicable photos from ahbu ghareb, the chilean caravan of death (during pinochet's regime), and the mass graves that have been unearthed so far.

    why? so that the families of the victims and survivors who are still in our midst can file criminal complaints against the government arising from the cases, in which innocent civilians, detainees and prisoners were shot, stabbed, tortured and clobbered to death.

    hard evidence always overules hearsay, rumours and fictionalised accounts of what happened or never happened in a not so distant past.

    the onus is us, all of us, to ensure that such crimes against humanity are well researched, documentedand reported so that the usual perpetrators are brought to justice as criminals hiding behind the official badges that they carry under the disguise of "utumishi kwa wato".

  43. 5,000 Kenyan young men disappeared without a trace.

    5,000 in number? There must be mass graves hidden some where around the country.

    Is 50 as if fifty young men or 5,000 as if five-thousand young man?

    5,000? A whole brigade goes missing and nobody notices the vacuum left behind by their absence.

    5,000 young men executed by police death sqauds?

    TRUE or FALSE?


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