Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, October 06, 2008

Kivuitu Headed For The Chopping Block?

I always try very hard never to brag or gloat. So that is the last thing on my mind as I remind readers here about the warnings we gave to former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya that he would end up being used as a scape goat in the Grand Regency scum. Sadly Kimunya never saw it coming until it was too late and he was being undressed in parliament in a most humiliating way.

Now there is another man whose neck is rapidly headed for the chopping block and he does not seem to have the faintest idea. That man’s name is Samuel “I will not resign I did not beat up anybody” Kivuitu.

As you read this Kivuitu cannot travel to the United States courtesy of a travel ban slapped on 22 commissioners of the ECK. Although the travel ban has been imposed by a foreign power, at the very least this new development should have made the ECK chairman sit up and smell the coffee. Instead Kivuitu is busy discussing “retirement perks” and it would seem that he is even demanding more cash to leave office to make way for major reforms at the electoral body.

If truth be told, politics in Kenya has changed considerably since last December and the ill-fated general elections and the situation continues to be considerably fluid. Increasingly we are seeing public opinion and the will of masses winning the day. What happened to Kimunya should be a stark reminder of this. Kimunya’s case is particularly instructive because some extremely powerful forces were behind him and he made the mistake of thinking that this was enough “cushion” against anything. In fact Kimunya has been assured by these powerful forces that he will surely be re-appointed to the Finance docket in the next cabinet reshuffle by which time he will hopefully have been cleared from all wrong-doing. Ever wondered why for the first time in the history of the country we have an acting Finance minister (John Michuki) and yet the Finance minister is not sick or hospitalized?

Samuel Kivuitu seems to have sentiments that are quite similar to those that Kimunya had before he was quickly bundled out of office under intense public pressure. The difference is that Kivuitu’s ultimate fate could make Kimunya’s look like a walk in the park. There is an extremely high possibility that the chairman of the ECK might just end up behind bars.

There is no doubt that Kenyans are very upset. I dare say the vast majority of Kenyans are extremely angry about what the ECK did last December that cost the lives of so many innocent Kenyans, not to mention property of an untold value. But what has aggravated things is the insistence of people like Kivuitu and his fellow commissioners that they will NOT resign. This has just added insult to injury.

I am of course keenly aware that Kivuitu was taking instructions when he did what he did. Indeed Kenyans will remember that at one juncture he called a press conference where he fell just short of naming some very nasty Kenyans who “should not have been born” who seem to have put immense pressure on Kivuitu to announce some “prepared results.” A few days later that story together with a denial by the ECK chair that he did NOT sign a paid advertisement sent to the daily press detailing election results fizzled out. It was clear that somebody somewhere reigned Kivuitu back in line. Rumours have been flying that threats were made while others insist that cash was paid. Interestingly the Kriegler commission did not dare touch these bizarre chain of events that happened shortly after the election results were announced.

Now there is the business of the next general elections and there are high possibilities that certain powerful elements within PNU will want to distance themselves and their candidates from allegations of election theft. Now what better way to do this than to sacrifice a high-ranking official of the ECK?

The first time this information came to me, it sounded extremely far-fetched. But then I have remembered that there are a lot of other even more far-fetched things that have happened in politics over the last few months. One of them was of course the dramatic resignation of one Amos “I will NOT resign” Kimunya.

Of course Kivuitu and the commissioners would have been on much safer ground had they resigned much earlier this year, heading calls from most Kenyans and many bloggers here as well. But alas, that opportunity is now long gone. And there is real danger ahead for these guys.

Let us wait and see shall we?

Read more about the travel ban on ECK commissioners

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  1. Kivutu and all the highly paid but compromised commissioners must go. I hope the much talked about CHEGE and IMBIRA will also answer for their sins - otherwise the MKM will still try their dirty tricks whenever elections are held.

  2. May they (Kibaki, karua, uhuru, kalonzo,mutula, kimunya etc) all die of guilt and rot in hell.

  3. Even Raila who was the biggest victim of this fiasco has put it behind me , please chris let it rest and lets move on , even America who has been the king of racial discrimination is about to elect a black man in a country where whites decide who reigns white house.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOO leave it alone why?? Why should we forget...
    So that those who stole & supported an election theft can escape their immense feeling of guilt & shame?

  5. It is times like these that Kenyans must be reminded of the person responsible for the massacre of mostly Kikuyus, Luos and Kalenjins, Kisiis etc. I will deliver these undisputable points in the common man language so everybody can understand:

    1. NARC win in 2002. Kenya is the most united and optimistic country. Kenyans in Diaspora want to return home. New constitution in 100 days. The future was WOW.
    2. 2002-2007: Kibaki squanders the goodwill of Kenyans by enabling and energizing a powerful and corrupt Kikuyu kitchen cabinet…Moi style (remember, pple were trying to get away from Moi). Burns newspapers. Anglo Leasing, hoodwinks citizens by way below standards free primary education, allows tribal ministries just like Moi e.g. Finance Ministry. Allows Mungiki and its politicians to flourish. Fires ODM aligned ministers, introduces gun runners to Kenya, Fabricates economic data to show fake growth, sells govt. assets to pariah states. The list is endless.
    3. In doing all in #2 while openly favoring rich Kikuyus, Kibaki was about to hatch the rotten eggs of hate. Opposition politicians took advantage of the news and opinions in the public domain to fan anti Kibaki propaganda. Here you start hearing terms like ‘adui’ etc. Between 2004 and 2007, the general and most accepted opinion is that Kikuyus are ‘eating like gluttons’ alone. In reality only the rich were benefiting but still we cannot deny that Kikuyus got approx. 80% of the youth fund from Equity Bank.
    4. Knowing that Kibaki was leading them to hell but unable to willfully stop the gravy train flowing to Central, the Kikuyu began demonizing Raila esp. thru thousands of emails, texts comparing him to dogs, Amin and even the devil. After Kibaki single handedly appointed ECK commissioners and then began transporting weapons in government vehicles, all Kenyans knew the fix was in.
    5. The arrogance displayed by the common Kikuyu man did not help matters. The hate was at boiling point. Some suggested that the elections be postponed but to no avail.
    6. What followed, death and election theft, was expected by every genuine Kenyan.

    The ECK was just a tool in Kibaki’s master plan. I wonder why he killed my friends and family.

  6. Chris,

    When you talk of the ‘chopping board’, I hope you are referring to its literal form.

  7. This is not personal attack but it is my view point! I have been observing the situation in Kenya reading comments from different commentators. Several commentaries have changed position from time to time but none changes more than Kalonzo Musyoka.

    This man Kalonzo is supposed to be born again christian! Yet he does not say the truth! He can't even keep his word!

    Kalonzo said that he supported Kibaki to steal election so that Kenya could be stable! What stable?

    He said that we should not ask Kivuitu to go home till Kriegler report is out. Now the report is Kalonzo says that Kivuitu should not go home because his going home would cause a constitutional crisis! What crisis? I wonder!

    What constitutional crisis than the one we are in Kenya today? Who is the legitimate president of Kenya? How and why did Kivuitu find Kibaki as the winner of last election?

    If Kivuitu has confessed that he didn't know who won the election, then how come he announced Kibaki president?

    Was he pressurised? Yes. By who? Mutula Kilonzo on Musyoka's instructions and Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua and Amos Kimunya! Did MP's know of Kimunya's actions when they voted that no confidence thing? Time will tell.

  8. anon12:46 PM

    Kenyans know Kibaki and cronies were behind all the rigging and mascare of innocent kenyans.. even primary school students will tell you the same..... who kibaki is and how he is worse than Idd Amin the who was known then to be the worst Africa leader..

    example of Kibaki ordering the execution of more than 500 mungiki youths and to date some are still missing bodies rot in the mortuaries forced to be buried in mass graves and now their families will never have the chance to mourn or bury them.... kibaki is an animal fit to be hanged like Saddam Hussein- how does one deal with a murderers such as Kibaki and his cronies- not forgetting Mt. Elgon youth Massacre that kibaki ordered to finish most youth in other regions??

    kenyans have woken up to a monster in statehouse and he has to be removed by the truth of what he did to the innocent people of Kenyan who died under his command....

    Kiviutu was falling orders but one must remember it is not rumors he was paid for his dirty deeds and he must pay dearly he and his team do not deserve to be alive while our loved ones are 6ft under!!!period!!!!!!!!!

  9. anon1:00 PM

    who cares- we have innocent kenyans that due to Kiviutu's recklessness they had their heads chopped off by the kibaki murderous mungiki gang!!!! so why shouldn't kiviutu's head be chopped off? he deserves to be 6ft under just like all the innocent kenyans he helped killed by kibaki and cronies called the mungiki!!

  10. @Samson 12.46

    That's the truth. Adieri en adieri. Thruth will never rot.

    nyar ochuka

  11. Kenya has big monsters. Most of them hide their evil character s behind the church. And mind you the churches support them.

    Number one is Kibaki (catholic) supported be catholic cardinal.

    Number two is Moi supported by protestants

    Number 3 is Kalonzo (born again Christian) supported by protestants

    These dangerous men dont give a damn about Kenya. The pray for wealth, power and money ONLY.

  12. @anon 1.18. Yes, one cannot argue with those few truths.

    let us wait for the four-letter cursing Kwale and his cousin b-carotene.

  13. Anti-Obama book to be launched in Nairobi today

    Where the hell are the mungiki's to circumcise this slime head mCcAIN SHIATE HEAD.... KENYANS how can you allow an american shiate head to come abuse your brother on his ancestral soil- even Kikuyu's say thye support Obama as kenyans politics aside... this guy should be deported with immediate effect now now!!! shenzi Dr Jerome Corsi, who authored "The Obama Nation; Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," launches the book this morning at the Laico Hotel, Nairobi.

    kenyans wake up and through him out!!!

  14. Kivuitu must go?

    Kivuitu go? Go where?

    is it just me or haven't we seen this play before? Am I the only one with a sense of deja vu? C'mon brothers and sisters, dogs and cats, goats and sheep, how is kidding whom here? You know the way this story ends. Acha kujidanganya already. Kivuitu smelt the coffee along time ago. Ni sisi vipita njia who can not wake up and smell the pile of gabbage and open sewers right outside our back yards where our kids are knee deep in filth and human waste as they play.

    For those uninitiated, let me forecast the script; it goes a little something like this -

    Kivuitu will not resign. Debate will supposedly rage for a while. Once every ass has been covered, Kibaki will announce that Kivuitu is stepping down to pave the way for blah blah reform and efficiency blah blah...

    In short, Kivuitu will only step down once the paymasters say it is time to step down. That is how shit rolls in Kenya.

    Mta do?

  15. Chris,
    Please move on and let the festering wound ROT under expensive bandage of DENIAL. Leave Sam out of it, you know the old man is soon RETIRING and writing his memoirs before embarking on PhD Theology. We are a SAVED nation blessed by a CARDINAL and a good fearing VP, let the rest pass please, will you?

    Now is you chose to flog Sam, rest assured the worms will come crawling and the sight is nasty. Not even old good Krielgler would dare touch the live wire with a km long pole. Kenya iko na wenyewe and Kivuitu knows better lest his blood enriches the soup.

    MOVE ON, will you?


    Karua pushes for overhaul of poll system
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    By GEORGE MUNENE and WANJIRU MACHARIA (email the author)
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    Posted Monday, October 6 2008 at 20:42

    Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs minister Martha Karua has called for an overhaul of the electoral system.

    She said only comprehensive reforms would address problems that have been rocking the elections over the years.

    “Piecemeal reforms can’t solve rigging and other irregularities that have been witnessed during elections for many years,” she said.

    The minister defended the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) against accusations that it was responsible for last year’s flawed polls.

    Being biased

    She said contrary to the impression created by critics, the ECK was not to blame for the irregularities.

    She said the Kriegler Commission categorically stated that the election was not rigged at the Kenyatta International Conference tallying centre, and accused the electoral body’s critics of being biased.

    “Those calling for the resignation of ECK commissioners are not honest and they should stop peddling false accusations to satisfy their egocentric interests.”

    Rigging, she said, was done at the constituencies level by some leaders of political parties and individual Kenyans.

    “There was bribery and rigging of the polls at nominations and during the elections. In some cases political parties cleared candidates which were not nominated to vie for various political posts and ECK was not involved in the mess,” she said. She was speaking at Rukenya Anglican Church in her Gichugu constituency over the weekend.


    Elsewhere, assistant minister Mwangi Kiunjuri yesterday accused leaders talking about the presidency in 2012 of not being committed to delivering a new constitution.

    He said it was clear that those aspiring for the top post and their cronies were sure that Kenyans would be using the current Constitution, even after the next five years.

    Mr Kiunjuri was speaking at Kampi ya Moto Secondary School when he officially commissioned a community borehole.

    “It is shameful for the leaders to forget what they promised the people and put their interests first,” he said.

  17. kipkemoi is the hero!!

    one party rule worked better; such problems would not have arisen with the queing method - moi was right

  18. ANON8:27 PM

    Martha Karua Bitch should hang let all the evil that she did that many kenyans lost their life's come out ati she dares tries to stand for presidency with the support of Jirongo what a joke!!!!

    Kiviutu what is he waiting for he should toboa all the siri's - and the truth will save him(I doubt kiviutu should be hanged like Saddam Hussein period!! Martha karua should join him!!!

  19. ha!!ha! wacha tu!!sources in PNU I should repeat disgruntled members now confirm Uhuru and cronies (we all know who they are) sponsored and are behind Dr Jerome Corsi book launch and smear campaign on presidential candidate Obama and guess who else is also involved in this fiasco?? yours truly the Daily nation Newspaper!!!

    Didn't i say here a while ago that Kikuyu's are ready to smear Obama left right and center curtsy of McCain and Bush??? Remember America were the first to congratulate Kibaki and now you can see why!!!!! Uhuru and cronies plus Daily nation are shenzi sana and whether they like it or not Obama is going to the white house no rigging this time.... mpumbavu sana fisi mavi!!hawa,,,

    Anti-Obama book to be launched in Nairobi today

    Updated 6 hr(s) 57 min(s) ago

    By Alex Ndegwa

    The author of a smear crusade against Barack Obama is in Kenya to advance a negative campaign against the US Democratic presidential candidate on his ancestral soil.

    Dr Jerome Corsi, who authored "The Obama Nation; Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," launches the book this morning at the Laico Hotel, Nairobi.

  20. anon9:06 PM
    Uhuru and his friends in PNU wata meza wembe. they have no idea the league they are playing in ati he thinks being a former presidents son gives him the right to hold a smear campaign against Obama??? yani this goon Uhuru didn't remember to suck his moms milk at birth?? na ata oneshwa adabu. shenzi sana

  21. anon 9:06 PM
    not surprised with the Daily nation gutter press being involved with this smear campaign - I just went to their newspaper and they have not even mentioned Dr Jerome Corsi book launch ( so they are guilty as charged)

    Kenyans from other parts of the country should boycott the daily nation in a big way to show support for Obama!! hey kenyans lets show this goons who they are dealing with!!! enough is enough how dare they try to smear Obama - let Dr Jerome Corsi book launch buy their gutter newspaper and central province Lesotho goons !!! now they have gone too far!!
    we are all kenyans and we should support our own not hold smear campaigns with a white goon!!!trying to smear our brothers name...

    kenyans from other provinces boycott the daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS!!!!!!!boycott the daily nation gutter press boycott the daily nation gutter press !!!!!!boycott daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS -boycott daily nation boycott daily nation!!!!!!!!


  22. non 9:06 PM
    not surprised with the Daily nation gutter press being involved with this smear campaign - I just went to their newspaper and they have not even mentioned Dr Jerome Corsi book launch ( so they are guilty as charged)

    Kenyans from other parts of the country should boycott the daily nation in a big way to show support for Obama!! hey kenyans lets show this goons who they are dealing with!!! enough is enough how dare they try to smear Obama - let Dr Jerome Corsi book launch buy their gutter newspaper and central province Lesotho goons !!! now they have gone too far!!
    we are all kenyans and we should support our own not hold smear campaigns with a white goon!!!trying to smear our brothers name...

    kenyans from other provinces boycott the daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS!!!!!!!boycott the daily nation gutter press boycott the daily nation gutter press !!!!!!boycott daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS -boycott daily nation boycott daily nation!!!!!!!!


  23. non 9:06 PM
    not surprised with the Daily nation gutter press being involved with this smear campaign - I just went to their newspaper and they have not even mentioned Dr Jerome Corsi book launch ( so they are guilty as charged)

    Kenyans from other parts of the country should boycott the daily nation in a big way to show support for Obama!! hey kenyans lets show this goons who they are dealing with!!! enough is enough how dare they try to smear Obama - let Dr Jerome Corsi book launch buy their gutter newspaper and central province Lesotho goons !!! now they have gone too far!!
    we are all kenyans and we should support our own not hold smear campaigns with a white goon!!!trying to smear our brothers name...

    kenyans from other provinces boycott the daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS!!!!!!!boycott the daily nation gutter press boycott the daily nation gutter press !!!!!!boycott daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS -boycott daily nation boycott daily nation!!!!!!!!


  24. non 9:06 PM
    not surprised with the Daily nation gutter press being involved with this smear campaign - I just went to their newspaper and they have not even mentioned Dr Jerome Corsi book launch ( so they are guilty as charged)

    Kenyans from other parts of the country should boycott the daily nation in a big way to show support for Obama!! hey kenyans lets show this goons who they are dealing with!!! enough is enough how dare they try to smear Obama - let Dr Jerome Corsi book launch buy their gutter newspaper and central province Lesotho goons !!! now they have gone too far!!
    we are all kenyans and we should support our own not hold smear campaigns with a white goon!!!trying to smear our brothers name...

    kenyans from other provinces boycott the daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS!!!!!!!boycott the daily nation gutter press boycott the daily nation gutter press !!!!!!boycott daily nation KIKUYU GUTTER PRESS -boycott daily nation boycott daily nation!!!!!!!!


  25. sad people. Really sad pathetic bunch. one fool dreams up an idea and then all the others rally around it as if its the gospel truth even though they al know its a figment of someone's hallucinations

  26. Odmers,

    You killed people. "Rigged" election should not make you kill. No amount of blame shifting (very common with africans) will take this away. Kriegler recommeded the setting up of a new commission, with even a new name. All that the likes of Kalonzo and Mutahi Ngunyi (i thought he is well liked in odm circles) are telling you morons is that the current eck should remain in place until the new one takes over. Makes sense since we are having so many byelections.

    About obama. If he is really "one of our own", then obviously americans cannot elect him their president. And what is with the fury about his being smeared. Have we been given the vote in the US election? Methinks kenyans only want freebies (very african also) from obama.

  27. I've for some time now watched with a lot of disgust this clown from Kangundo making a lot of noise... The sidekick who cannot think beyond his tribe.

    He now wants all MPs to resign before ECK does... And he was saying it with a lot of glee. Well, we dare him to resign first! He and his political benefactor Judas Iscariot.

    To say that MPs entered the 10th Parliament irregularly, is to say that he was one of the beneficiaries of fraud. Muthama, just continue day-dreaming, because from what I know, Judas Iscariot is not becoming President... May be in 3012, perhaps that's when miracles will start happening.

  28. Reading some of your posts it is very easy to understand the rabid hatred shown by people who went and killed crippled women and children. Anon 1.12pm, 1.15pm, 2.19pm, 8027pm, 8.31pm, 9.06pm 9.10pm and 9.21pm is just one guy called ZANZIE, posting and answering himself. Unfortunately for you losers, Kibaki is the president of Kenya right now, and not you or anyone you know can change that fact. Your best bet is to wait until 2012 and try demonising Kikuyus so that your molasses thief can go to State House.

  29. Judas Iscariot must declare his wealth!

  30. 10:50 pm...
    SO WHAT???

  31. E.C.K. is just one of many establishments whose expiration date is long overdue i'm also glad Chris that you've recognised politics in Kenya has changed-Kenya iko na wenyewe one of which is the public's opinion another the will of masses
    Let Kivuitu face his fate like a man-he is going down no arguments about that his only choices now are do i go down alone or take others with me? let him decide like a man
    The real danger for Kivuitu will be resigning and continuing to reside in a country whose ill-fate he helped shape politically and together with us he'll be reaping the consequences for years to come

    Something for him to write in his biography

  32. my bad the "so what" was meant for 10:55 pm...throw in 11:50 pm as well.

  33. Anon 12.31am,

    So stop the blame shifting. And stop hoping for freebies from your "cousin".

  34. WOW!!

    The "election was stolen" crowd is back with a vengeance from the circumcision break.

    Now, the next break they need is for mental circumcision so that they can learn to argue objectively instead of intellectual stone throwing.

  35. "Samson umerogwa na Wakikuyu!" That is what Raila told Samson. Funny thing is that Samson has believed it because Raila said it.

  36. Chris,
    Leave Sam alone. Lets talk about other more important issues like gay rights in Kenya.

    Gays need to be recognized in our country. They cannot be ignored for any longer! They are a political force to reckon with and law must recognise this and legalise homosexuality in Kenya.


  37. 12:52 am...thats your sicknss right there, what makes you think I'm luo? Barry aint my cousin, Sigh, I wish he was..(more siighs)!!!
    Uta do???

  38. our current leadership is predictable

    as i said some time back. to his credit, kibaki will not fire/sack his officers. they may be pressured to resign or run their full terms and not renewed at the end of it

    as i recall, kivuitu and the other commissioners terms almost all expire in the months preceding the general election, by courtesy and "thanks" to brilliant planning ahead of one mzee moi aka prof of politics.

    as an exit strategy kibaki could perform the double edged sword swoop and deliver the coup de grace on ECK, by not renewing their contracts (some form of passive sacking/firing) and by so doing "favorably" redeem his legacy due to their apparent sacking, and yet the said fellows will not "feel" sacked/fired but having voluntarily relinquished their posts on expiry of kibaki's term. this is known as having your cake and eating it as well, a feat that only one emilio mwai stanley kibaki has comfortably achieved since 1963. no hard feelings here, this is pure politics

    na 'iyo ni maendeleo

    lets have some hate flowing freely


  39. Now why would anyone think am Kwale's cousin? Terrible smear, besmirching my good reputation and character. I dont even have access to sky, bbc, c4. Comon!

    And why this hysteria over a silly book lauch? Write your own and likewise it shall be launched at LAICO. Its only a book!

    And worse, how many of you self-proclaimed Obama supporters will vote in November? As with circumcision (or lack thereof), the bondo bumpkin should put a summary end to this grating habit of people mourning louder than the bereaved.

  40. Candy:
    Right on!
    They're people too.

  41. Where else in the world will an election body perform so badly in the court of public opinion and still stays in office? Kenya is truely a banana republic. Citizen how is kenya deferent from other failed neighbourng states?

  42. Candy, b-carotene, wrong place to preach your sick homo lifestyle! Find your own site and campaign there, not here!
    Homosexuality is an admonition in African culture, all queers should be exterminated from the face of our country.
    Faggots out of Kumekucha!!!!!

  43. If the court of public opinion is as bitter, biased and malicious as kumekucha (or maybe kenya), why expect certain outcomes? Align your expectations with reality, my fellow countryman, lest you succumb to coronary thrombosis.

    ps: surely, why clobber me for supporting the rights of other people? they are God's children too. and then you even conclude re my orientation. that is not fair. not fair at all.

  44. ...there really are 2, mbili, TWO "candys"???
    I was the initial one...but I'm not ready for that kinda mistaken identity, until I figure out another blog name, I'm no longer candy. ODM ROCKS...& ECK must go!!!


  45. Now just look at this:
    What a stupid govt--instead of dealing with crime and all manner of ills in the kenyan society--they waste time and resources on this. Bure kabisa!!

  46. ODMers, you are the same shrill whiners who claimed that you would not go into the election without Kivuitu. You even dared Kibaki to fire him, now what are you groaning about?
    On another note, has Oburu kept his date with the surgeon as he promised the Nation he would? The week is almost over and we do not know whether he has now graduated to a real man. Younger boys from his clan have already been transformed into men in droves but we do not know whether he is one of the wazees who are still jittery. Has he decided to change his mind, anyone?

  47. Teeheehee...

  48. Kimi,
    Aha... you think with your wonder.....


  49. Kivuitu & ECK total waste of time. I have better things to do.

    Obamaniacs and Obamaphobics...Sorry your vote will not count.

    Their is just something with our luo brodas...Those who love them just love them, and those who hate them, do so with a passion.....Not that they really care anyway.

    KK luo brothers ...There are some samia women out here

  50. Ivy,
    those dear Samia sisters should be careful-a light at night also attracts moths and gekos

  51. Anon @ 3.39AM.
    Oburu publicly proclaimed last week but one that he together with professor Olweny had an appointment with the surgeon last week. In fact, he shouted it in Kisumu in front of prominent Luo folks like the council of Elders and also the likes of Nyong'o and Orengo, who incidentally, publicly revealed that they had already crossed that river, and also the Bondo Bumpkin himself, aka the messiah. The messiah consequently gave an edict at the forum and instantly, overwhelming droves of young and old Luo men were flocking to health centers to be carved into masterpieces. What is wrong with me asking if Oburu has lived up to his word and kept the promise?

  52. Kimi,

    Cut or uncut, Oburu will not put his thing down your rectum. So just forget it. And get a life ...and a name. Your inferiority complex makes me wanna puke.

  53. E-Cop

    The samia girls just want to have one of these carved masterpieces, and by the way they are not looking for angels, they have realized that you can only get angels in heaven.



  54. What crime did Kivuiti commit? Not announcing Raila Odinga as the winner? Is that a crime? And why should he resign? After how many years (I don't know) presiding ECK why should he go now? During Moi era rigging was so brazen but no-one ever called for Sir Kivuitu to go? Why now? Is that how you treat your elders and most importantly someone who have served you and the country for such a long time?! C'mon people, you don't throw a bucket of cold water to your elders!!

  55. fifth

  56. Ivy
    thank God samia girls respect carved masterpieces not CUT men's pieces

    i wish someone would shout this good news in Kisumu in front of prominent Luo folks like the council of Elders give an edict that Samias and luos are open for business

    i respect your 5th ammendment plea lol!

  57. Samson, as much I respect b-carotene objective ideas, we are not cousins.
    And with all due respect, we are totally two different species, like chalk and cheese. He is one of those "libel" type that believe in "one's rights" - unnatural and bizarre things like women CUT, homosexuality and he also happen to be an anti-Kamba Christian elders. Call me old fashioned but I like to stick to things the way God intended them to be. And of course I have no probs with Kamba christian elders!!

  58. Ivy,
    Kwani that spicy lunched was laced with somethinmg else?

  59. kimi @3:18
    My fellow countryman, had another emelio clown other than kivuitu been placed instead, the rigging would have been worse and probably there would be no kenya today......

    Kivuitu was more of a devil we know choice than the ideal candidate and from what I'm getting the idiot only had partial info into the shenanigans or the full extentent of the riggging machine.......Kibaki had gon back on the ippg development under Mo1 to have a comission agreed on by all parties.

    You see as usual the PNU crooks use things strictly for cnvenience the law was not chnaged yet Mo1 was gentleman enough to allow ippg but the crook emelio was too scared to even allow that respect Mo1 can claim to have more balls.....

    kwale @5:45 Kivuitu is just incompetent, plain and simple.....the guy should have not allowed kenya to go into an election with sucha useless comission ...all that stuff Kriegler 'revealed' kivuitu even agreed with and had even comlained before about some, the guy even declared some people eveil enough that it was a mistake that they were born but he had no guts to resign and distance himself form all that....he just wallowed in it freely yet condeming it.....
    The guy is Useless in that job plain ans simple the earlier he leaves the better for all....
    He is not paid to be an elder, he is paid to deliver and if he cannot perfoem he should respectfully tetire and hunt for respect as na elder

    Sir Alex

  60. anon11:50 PM

    is the guy called zanxzie the one you fool practices incest with?? how come you know him?? or are we to believe now kumekucha has kibaki intelligence following people around like Moi times?? shenzi wewe you can't scare anyone on here- go back to central shiate hole.

  61. anon1:26 AM

    at least it is circumcision break not incest filthy break:)should we say more???

  62. 2:09 AM
    Yup here is another Uhuru worshiper thug like you knows no better!!go write a book on Kikuyu incest then.... maybe that will cool off the filthy kikuyu libido's .

  63. 3:18 AM

    Better practice circumcision than PNU kikuyu incest... why not go preach to your PNU incest lovers that incest is unacceptable to other tribes in Kenya- world record on incest is central province no wonder Jacaranda school for the disabled is filled with children from central - who are born from incest relations between kikuyu family members!! go check it out!! and this my friend are facts !!!

  64. anon5:45 AM


    Next it will be your relatives 6ft under and i hope you will praise kibaki and kiviutu when you are burying them since they started the trend...... I'm glad that you are ready to go that route.... after all to you the death of innocent kenyans is no big deal- due to Kibaki and Kiviutu's incompetence your family should line up next...

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Anon 7.59, who told you by writing hundreds of comments using anon make any difference to Kibaki or Kikuyus? Kibaki like it or not is going to rule over you for the next 5 years and as for Kikuyus they will remain Kikuyus, if you don't like it, go get yourself a rope! Do you think they care or lose sleep over you?!
    I told you last time wewe ni gunia ya takataka. You should be hanged upside down with your bollocks flipping up in the air!

  67. Under the watchful eye of the dutiful PM, the racist Obama critic has been frog marched out of Kenya. Thank you Raila.

  68. I guess kambas are the new errand boys for the MKM. First kivuitu-kalonzo-kilonzo at kicc, then mutua-kalonzo-the cargo belongs to kenya, while the illiterate former defence minister and the okuyu partners in crime sit pretty. HOW PATHETIC!

    Hijacked tanks 'for South Sudan'

    Contract numbers include the initials GOSS, thought to be government of South Sudan.

    The BBC has seen evidence suggesting that the Ukrainian ship being held by pirates off Somalia is carrying weapons and tanks destined for South Sudan.

    A copy of the freight manifest appears to show contracts were made by Kenya on behalf of South Sudan's government.

    Kenya has repeatedly said the weapons on board the MV Faina are for its army. A South Sudanese official said South Sudan had nothing to do with the tanks.

    The MV Faina is currently surrounded by warships monitoring the situation.

    Last week, the Somali government said the ship's owners were involved in direct negotiations with the pirates, who are demanding a $20m (£11m) ransom.

    'Diplomatic embarrassment'

    A copy of the MV Faina's manifest given to the BBC appears to confirm that the contract was issued on behalf of South Sudan, although the Kenyan defence ministry is named as the consignee...................

  69. You! Kwale! Another significant difference--you earn-as-you-blog, which cant be said for some of us struggling types.
    Plus you also fabricate things, sort of--I actually DO like Kamba elders, esp the Christian types.
    So, its now on record--you're not my cousin (phew!!).

  70. 8:47 AM
    Kwale you seem scared and rattled by me mentioning your relatives being on the mingiki chopping board next:) you see your Kibaki does not stop at ordering shot to kill on other tribes!! bit goes further and executes mungiki youths his own tribesmen just to stay in statehouse- so my dear Kwale as much as you lick kibaki's ass to him you are dispensable like everyone else around him:) Pole sana you are the mpumbavu that has no idea which side of the brains to use.... 6ft fit under is where you and your blood thirsty PNU relatives belong shenzi wewe.

  71. Kwale,

    You are a must read for me in this blog. Dont reduce to the likes of 7:59. You are beyond that - buddy.

    All the same we need a new post - on Why and how Rao ordered the deportation of an insane man in a insane country - You know in a state of mad men, any one who is not mad is mad.

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  72. Ok, this hijacked ship in Somalia is about to explode in our faces. Seems that Kenya Army cosigneed on this shipment of tanks on behalf of SOuth Sudan according to BBC.

  73. What is alarming is that we have entered into conflicts around the region by helping South Sudan acquire arms. It does not take a genius to understand the concept of I scratch your back, you scratch mine. And with the violence witnessed after the elections, one has to wonder in fear about the upcoming elections and exactly what might happen when these favors are called in. Mukidhani mawe, panga, rungu and mishale was bad, just think what guns and missiles will look like.

    Something to chew over for our dear country...

  74. well well

    kalamari it appears that your theory

    may not be too far fetched if the report highlighted by anon 10:21 are true

    may be not a kibaki kick back but if there ever was a time when C in C needs to speak out to allay fears

  75. If it is true Raila ordered the deportation of that man, then it was a very big mistake. He simply gave the man publicity he otherwise would never have had. Remember, this is the same guy who claimed that Obama is a closet communist by way of his "cousin" Raila. Now wait and watch the right wing press in America. Raila does not seem to have been advised that this guys story and his plans in Kenya was already in the NY Times, Time Magazine and the mainstream American media. Raila should therefore keep away from Obama as much as possible if he wants to help him. Inserting himself into the middle of the republican smear campaign is truly stupid. The republicans are not Kibaki and PNU, are far more sophisticated and will milk this blunder for all its worth. Guess Raila's ego could not help it and he will end up regretting his action.

  76. Here is the story from the New York times already, though it does not indicate if Raila ordered his deportation.

    NAIROBI, Kenya — The American author of a best-selling book highly critical of Senator Barack Obama was detained by Kenyan immigration agents on Tuesday as he prepared to give a press conference in Nairobi.

    Jerome R. Corsi, the conservative gadfly who wrote “The Obama Nation,” in which he attacks the Democratic presidential candidate, was being held Tuesday because he was trying to work in Kenya without a valid work permit, according to local media reports. The reports said that Mr. Corsi would likely be deported.

    Elias Njeru, a spokesman for Kenya’s immigration department, said, “His immigration forms were not in order.”

    When asked if Mr. Corsi would be deported, Mr. Njeru said he did not know and that Mr. Corsi was still being investigated.

    “I don’t know whether he came here to work, but his papers indicated he was a visitor. If he was going to work, he would need different papers,” he said. “When he arrived, he said he was a visitor on holiday. If he started to work, that would be the problem.”

    Eric Kiraithe, Kenya’s police spokesman, said he had heard the reports of Mr. Corsi’s arrest and was pushing the immigration department to release more information.

    “I’ve just sent an officer to the immigration department and I should get more on this soon,” he said.

    Many Kenyans would be very sensitive about Mr. Obama, the Democratic contender in the American presidential election next month. His father was Kenyan and many people here are intensely cheering him on. His photos have been plastered across the back of mini-buses and stories about the election are front page news almost every day.

    However, affection for Mr. Obama is not universal, especially within the divided Kenyan government. Several government officials, including some aligned with President Mwai Kibaki, have distanced themselves from Mr. Obama, saying he is American, not Kenyan, and asking what is the big deal about his candidacy.

    One explanation is Mr. Obama’s criticism of some of Kenya’s leaders as corrupt. Another is the ethnic tensions that divide Kenya and plunged the country into chaos earlier this year.

    Mr. Obama’s father, who died more than 20 years ago, was a member of the Luo ethnic group, the same group as Kenya’s prime minister, Raila Odinga. Mr. Kibaki is a member of another large ethnic group, the Kikuyu. Mr. Odinga nearly defeated Mr. Kibaki in an election last December that was tainted by widespread allegations of vote-rigging by Mr. Kibaki’s party.

    Violence erupted and fighting between Kikuyus and Luos, among others, killed more than 1,000 people, shaking Kenya in the worst strife since independence in 1963.

    Mr. Corsi’s attacks on Mr. Obama are similar to those in “Unfit for Command” a book he co-authored in 2004 that helped derail Senator John Kerry’s presidential bid by questioning his record as an officer during the Vietnam War.

    Among his allegations in “The Obama Nation” is that Mr. Obama is a radical liberal who has tried to cover up “extensive connections to Islam” — Mr. Obama is Christian — and that Mr. Obama has maintained secret ties with certain Kenyan politicians. Mr. Obama’s campaign and others have disputed many of the allegations in the book.

    Mr. Corsi was preparing Tuesday morning to give a press conference about his Obama book at a big hotel in downtown Nairobi. Dozens of purple chairs and a microphone had been set up. The room was soon deserted.

  77. yes kimi

    but on the home front, we need to hear from the infamous C in C on matters closer to home

  78. Daily Nation gutter press supports Dr Jerome Corsi, who authored "The Obama Nation; the kikuyu gutter press paper still maintains in it's NTV news that Dr Jerome Corsi,will succeed in bringing Obama down even if he didn't launch the book in kenya.... kenyans should boycott the Daily Nation kikuyu gutter press this is a very malicious paper and should be brought down.

    shame shame......down with the daily nation kikuyu gutter press.

  79. ha!!ha!!Kalonzo musyoka is peeing on himself ati the kenya army ordered the tanks and guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now with the proof and truth out can Kalonzo tell kenyans how much kick back he received from the south Sudan government??? we want an answer now!!!

  80. Behold the stupidity of some Kenyans when the Author was being deported:

    "Trouble started shortly after 9am for the controversial author when a team of Immigration investigators and Administration Police officers arrived at the venue of the launch.

    He was questioned before being bundled into a waiting white Land Rover and driven to Nyayo House, the Immigration headquarters.

    Pro-Obama youths led by Mr Dennis ‘Thande’ Hamisi protested outside the hotel, claiming the launch was a smear campaign against the US Democratic presidential candidate.

    "We are here to register our displeasure and to oppose the sentiments of the Republican sympathiser and author," said Thande.

    "It is bad propaganda and an affront to the people of Obama’s father and grandfather," Thande said.

    An affront to the people of Obama's father and grandfather? These pathetic fools mean an affront to Luos? Do they have any idea how this would play out to Americans if the sentiments are picked up by and distorted by the Republicans? Why does Kenya have such mindless, ignorant idiots running all over the place? Are we cursed? These fools are NOT helping Obama whatsoever and they should leave Obama to run his campaign on his own, which he has done so far in a highly professional fashion, and he does not need assistance from tribalist nincompoops willing to drag him down to their level in the sewer.

  81. Kivuitu and Company, Rest In Eternal Pain once your kunguru necks have kissed the chopping block.

    The blood of all innocent victims of January, 2007 will stain you and your children children's until every life that was lost during the post election violence is accounted for.

    The Curse is on Kivuitu and Company until they their kunguru necks get kissed by the chopping blocking in due time.


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