Monday, September 29, 2008

Why Judge Johann Kriegler Is A Conman At Best

Kenyans are idiots sometimes. That is the truth. They have great respect for people’s academic qualifications and experience without looking too deeply into the background of those people. Especially if those people are white. They also have too much respect for cash without asking themselves exactly where that cash came from (but that is a story for another day).

Johann Kriegler

What I would mainly like to dwell on today is one Afrikaan conman judge who came into town and had Kenyans eating out of his hand in no time at all. His name is of course Johann Kriegler.

Anybody who had a chance to view any of the TV call in shows the judge participated in would not have missed the anger at the judge from many Kenyans calling in. And with good reason.

There are many things about Kriegler and his report that are very annoying but top on the list is the man’s insistence that he found no evidence of fiddling at the vote tallying centre at KICC. What hog wash!!! Mutahi Ngunyi’s grandmother would have found plenty (and she has no legal training).

Let us for a minute replay some of the telling eerie events of last December.

As Kenyans were anxiously waiting for the election results, the police commissioner, Major Gen Hussein Ali held a lengthy press briefing at the KICC with journalists where representatives of the political parties were present. The gist of it was to tell Kenyans that they must accept election results irrespective of which candidate was declared winner. Nobody paid much attention to this because at the time the ODM candidate Raila Odinga was leading by a wide margin. But looking at it in retrospect and looking at what happened next, it is quite clear what was going on. Kenyans were being prepared for big time fraud.

The good judge has also insinuated with a straight face that one of the main problems that could have created mistakes in the tallying at the constituency level was the fact that returning officers did not have electronic calculators to add up the numerous votes.


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To cap this whole comedy, many Kenyans have received the Kriegler report with open arms because according to them the judge was “very wise” in not “rocking the boat” so soon after the horrors we saw early this year in post election violence.

Excuse me, this is the exact same attitude that culminated in those very troubles. If you take time to review many comments in this blog in the run up to the ill-fated general elections, you will realize that there were many people who felt that it was very wrong for us here to dare discuss tribal tensions which in their view did not exist at all. In fact the general feeling was that it was this writer who was creating and fanning those tribal tensions.

Well now we want to sweep under the carpet what happened last December. That is Kenyans for you.

Personally I am still very angry that somebody would have wasted my time getting me to vote when the election results had already been “fixed.” And now to make matters even worse, we have invited an Afrikaans judge (remember the guys who legalized apartheid?) who in private has shown lots of contempt for Kenyans and in public the same by trying to hoodwink a whole nation in telling us about pocket calculators and absolutely nothing else at the end of a high profile tour of our country.

The sooner Kenyans looked in the mirror and cut the cow waste and faced the truth, the better it will be for all of us. Nay, at least we will have a fighting chance of saving this great country. There is absolutely no hope if we continue to bury our head in the sand and pretend that the forest is not already burning.

General biographical information on Kriegler

Raila moves into the premises traditionally reserved for leader of the official opposition

Now US says arms in hijacked ship were headed to South Sudan


  1. elections were almost 10 months ago....move on sound like one of those whinning guys who can't let go of their ex....its best to move on!

  2. Chris,

    The elections were stolen and we know it. Only other solution was a civil war which I am sure ODM considered and ruled against. Most of Kenya is too poor to sustain a war. Next best thing is to coexist with the Grand Thief ie live with the baby from the rape ordeal and fight another day, making efforts to seal loopholes. This is a 'wise' decision. Let it be!

  3. Chris,

    Am surprised that you could make such a skewed post. Why should you blame the messenger? You could have done better if you had come up with any new information, but what you do is continue to ignite the same emotions that are perpetrated continuosly by your ODM leaders.

    It is a well publicised fact that it was ODM's strategy to stoke ethnic emotions and take advantage of the resulting tension to gain votes. It is also a known fact that this is the only strategy ODM have in their bag. Any body who had any evidence of rigging had their day at the Kriegler commission. If you have any new evidence the door is not closed yet, you can go to court, or forever shut up.

    Why do you think the ODM leadership has moved on?

  4. Well said Chris.

    What do these commentators mean when they say we should move on? After people have died and others remain homeless just because of the irresponsible actions of Kivuitu and company?

    Move on, maintain status quo, then you have another disastrous election and another round of senseless killings and displacements in four years? Is that where we should move on to?

    Kenyans were defrauded in 2007. The Annan appointed commissioners have found that the electoral laws are not only faulty and grossly one-sided, but the commissioners themselves are compromised and highly incompetent. Recommendation is: TOTAL OVERHAUL OF ECK; to have a more professional, efficient and all inclusive body.

    Next, the ECK commissioners hold the country at ransom by refusing to resign. Your duly erected seems unable to constitute tribunals to investigate and force them out. Then no less a person than your equally incompetent Vice President (aka acting Commander in chief) defending the disgraced commissioners. And why not? He owes his position to them!

    Then some myopic commentators come here and tell us to move on. To Armageddon I presume???????

  5. Untilwhen are we goin to dwell on election issues?People have moved on with their lives,they are pre-occupied by hustling with inflation.
    And by the way,which kenyans were angry?I cant understand why u people keep refering to kenyans as if kenya is another word for ODMers..kenya is for all of us..U should say that ODM supporters were angry!
    You should move on with your lives and tell Standard that kenyans need a break from Raila this ,Raila that as if the whole is sick when raila is happy and sick when Raila is Sick!

  6. We should disuss how to send Kivuitu and his pack of traibalists home and reform ECK. That I agree with. But I don't want to relive the Jan rape ordeal.

  7. Chris:

    This clinging on to an irrational and baseless claim that the elections were stolen is not good for your emotional health. The fact that Molasses claimed so doesn't make the clain legitimate. The time to move on was yesterday. And if you must look for villains the go after the people who raped and murdered peasants just because the peasants exercised their democratic rights.

    Move on brother or be eaten from inside by despair.

  8. What are going to do about it? Whine untill you are taken to your grave? Surely, there must be something more redeeming you can think about besides Raila's presidency that never was and never will.

  9. Chris and Co,

    Last year you were threatening hell if Kivuitu was not reappointed chairman of ECK. Then he was reappointed. Now you want to hang him. If only you knew what you want out of life and stick to it Kenya would be a better place for everybody.

  10. If you don't stop whinning and organize yourselves and reach out to "Kabila adui yetu," Kalonzo will have a free ride to state house in 2012. You can take that to the bank.

  11. Chris,

    I really think your anger is misplaced since the good judge from SA didn't just gatecrash on here. Your anger should be directed at our corrupt government headed by twin brothers Kibaki and Raila.

    Let me tell you a short story. Just yesterday we were watching news with some friends from Spain here in Nairobi. Of course the first big story was about the hijacked ship which has Kenya's military hardware worth over 30 million U.S dollars and the Govt even supported this with documents as evidence. This is believed to be the FOURTH consignment of military hardware purchased by the Govt.

    IRONICALLY, the second item in the news was STARVATION in parts of Turkana district where locals live on handouts from international agencies. Typhoid is the order of the day due to dirty water and kids die daily from treatable diseases. Most adults here are just illiterate. My Spanish friends were gobsmacked how our leaders could be so callous by disregarding the very basic needs of our people and instead going military shopping of such magnitude yet there's no security threat from any nation.

    Your guess is as good as mine what the money used to purchase the deadly arsenal could have done in these remote parts of our country. Mind you in other parts of Baringo, Ukambani and even Central there's famine and people are starving and dying daily.

    In Kibaki's own backyard where he's an MP yet never visits, jigger infections and AIDS are ravaging entire communities without anything being done at all by local bigshots. This is in a country where despite the majority live under a dollar a day (70bob), the president earns a cool Ksh 2.5M!!! while MPs and Ministers rob the treasury blind by trousering nearly Ksh 1M per month!! Mta do?

    And back to the deadly weapons hijacked at sea. Word on the street is that a son of a famous politician helped broker the deal and pocked a cool $1M. Still proud to be Kenyan?

  12. Chris is right. A lot of us Kenyans are idiots. I don't have to go far, right here on the comments section we have clowns (obviously panua mongrels) telling us to move on. Move on where? Move on, maintain status quo, then you have another disastrous election and another round of senseless killings and displacements in four years? Is that where we should move on to?.

    The elections of Dec '07 were STOLEN!Period. And unless you panua mongrels stop deceiving yourselves and trying to CON the rest of Kenyans to "move on" ..... Armageddon is the sure destination.

    Chris is right, a lot of Kenyans are idiots.

  13. Chris is right. A lot of us Kenyans are idiots. I don't have to go far, right here on the comments section we have clowns (obviously panua mongrels) telling us to move on. Move on to where? Move on, maintain status quo, then you have another disastrous election and another round of senseless killings and displacements in four years? Is that where we should move on to?

    The elections of Dec '07 were STOLEN! Period. And unless you panua mongrels stop deceiving yourselves and trying to CON the rest of Kenyans to "move on" ..... Armageddon is the surest destination.

    Chris is right, a lot of Kenyans are idiots.

  14. 11@29 pm & All who preach the gospel of "lets move on"
    Do you think if you cover the stolen election the same vitriol will not explode 2012? the same events will certainly recur. We should be praying we stick here & deal with the issues instead of enjoying false peace!!! Like the quack said, 2012 will be a christmas party.


  15. Blimey! You talk about having bats in belfry? Chris is a classic archetypical!
    The elections took place 10 months ago and here we are with the same old song "elections were stolen". If this is how it's gonna be like in Kumekucha, then I have to stop blogging here, I don't live with that kind of mind-set. You wonder why some people are still living in stoneage? This is the same attitude that has kept Africa away from development despite being the richest continent in terms of natural resources.

    Kreigler only came to Kenya to help you idiots move on and if you can't see he was God-sent, seriously God help you all! Did you really expect Kreigler a man of great experience, a lawyer who defended the great heroes like Mandela and other South Africa great freedom fighters to come and tell you what you want to hear? Or you expected a Raila coronation from Judge Kreigler? God help you all!

    There are other important things to discuss here than an election result that cannot be changed. It was only last night again; Kenya was in the UK and European television, this time "Glue kids of Kenya" and how Kalenjin mobs burnt alive 35 women and children in Eldoret. The presenter Ross Kemp could not contain his emotions when he visited the scene of former Assembly of God church in Eldoret. This has provoked an outcry from viewers in UK and Europe and so far an online donation to save Kenya children has been set-up. Is this the kind of Kenya you want to live in, very disturbing and embarrassing to say the least?

  16. Here is a review video of Ross Kemp work with kids in Kenya.

    More documentary video to follow soon.

  17. I shall quote Candy @ 2:42 AM:

    "Do you think if you cover the stolen election the same vitriol will not explode 2012? the same events will certainly recur. We should be praying we stick here & deal with the issues instead of enjoying false peace!!! IT IS NOT BEST OR WISE TO MOVE ON....YOU CANNOT HAVE A SEPTIC WOUND, COVER IT & THINK YOU HAVE "MOVED ON""

    Very well said Candy. I couldn't have said it better.

    This is what Kwale and his fellow panua mongrels want to CON us to do. It will not work! They may not realize it now - they are still blinded by irrational and demented hatred and heavily embroiled in FRAUD and DECEPTION - but all this nonsense and silliness that they have subjected Kenyans to will soon and very soon come back to haunt them. THEY SHALL REAP WHAT THEY HAVE SOWN, GUARANTEED.

  18. What is Candy doing here? This is a faggot free zone!

    Go back to your queer's blog! There is no place for gays here to spread your sick perverted lies.

    For those who don't know Candy is a Kamba queer who like to be shafted in the ass.

  19. 3:20 am
    You must be the pervert, Candy is an old blogger here on Kumekucha.
    Dont attempt to load your filth on innocent bloggers.

  20. HAHA, 3:20 am.
    And if I may inquire how did you come across this info? Then again, PROPAGANDA just because you do not fancy the TRUTH that Candy has well stated. Meza wembe.

  21. Odmers, Obviously we want to help you. You have been told to move on but you say you will not. So what will you do? The election result you are unhappy with can only be overturned by the Courts. Kriegler could not have done it.

    Did i read somewhere that rigging of the US election is already underway with blacks with names like those of convicted felons being removed from the roll and foreclosed fellows (mostly blacks) having to reregister at new addressses (but have no new addreses and time is up). I dont support rigging but am yet to see a perfect election anywhere. Of course we have to improve but voter fraud will always be there.

  22. Anon 3.46, Candy is a regular blogger on blake's blogspot called 'Kenyans against homosexuality'. He is a very outrageous blogger with all sort of claims to feed his sick lifestyle. The most recent comment he claimed half of Kenyan men are gay. If you want to find out more about Candy, visit

  23. Phil/various anons

    This is how you move on.

    - get a job
    - stop dreaming about Raila being president, maybe in 2012 if he changes tactics
    - have some ambition, like replacing Raila as head of ODM (he is beatable, anyway)
    - whatever has happened in the past cannot be reversed. You can only work today for tomorrow to happen
    - there is nothing for free. Stop occupying other peoples houses in Kibera and Mathare for free, pay or move out
    - like the kid next door, you never chose your parents or where you were born
    - whatever you hope (pray) for, you will surely get
    - whatever you do to your neigbour, he is capable of doing the same to you
    - patience pays (ask Moi, Kibaki)
    - Again, stop dreaming

  24. 5:27 am et al.
    I am NOT gay & AGAIN I REPEAT, NOT. Too bad if some gay guy somewhere (what the heck are you doin checking out those sites anyway?) shares my blog name!! But sorry to burst your bubble...I'M VERY MUCH FEMALE.


  25. Jeff,
    What maakes you think that Phil is jobless? Please bro stop ASSUMING anything that poorly conceals your stereotypical mindset. It is the same complex that informs your street list that cannot pass any work 100. Just look hard enough and you will get substance bereft of emotions to engage others with.

    Why are you dancing yourself lame to a stuck record? Your song of threatenting to stop blogging amounts to self threat-please effect it. And as for your obsession with anything C4, use the remote and explore other channels. No assumptions please.

  26. Taabu,

    It's a multiple choice. You can pick any combination that fits you.

    You say..."It is the same complex that informs your street list that cannot pass any work 100."

    To make anyone understand your point, it is a well tested method to be at their level.

  27. Jeff, your arrogant attempt to belittle Kibera residents is amusing no one but yourself. Most of us in Kibera are happily self employed unlike many of us here in the diaspora who can only make ends meet by washing the bodies and bums of old muzungus or being night time watchies in office buildings/blocks. These are facts!

    I do not know why you PANUist are such intolerant and ignorant fellows. The mere fact ODM accepted to sign the NARA accord does not certainly mean the party agreed with the results Kivuitu announced. It just shows maturity and tolerance on ODM's part. It should not also be construed to mean there are no other options available.

    For instance, the so called 'septic wound' will eventually lead to amputation. As you can possibly imagine amputation may mean seceding and forming a new independent state.

    As a result of the 30-hours of hell wherein the votes of one candidate were deliberately and furiously topped-up, many Kenyans gave the possibility of seceding serious consideration because it appears elections will just be mere ceremonial events because the winners must always be winners even when they have been voted out!

    The first step in healing that wound is to overhaul the ECK. Why are we waiting???

  28. m-pesa

    what a sad truth. that is exactly what needs to be changed. misplaced priorities by leadership.

    it would be nice to explore new topics but i do not believe that all people have moved on, in fact i think those who were making this out like some game are the ones who've moved on since most really had nothing to loose. but for those caught up in the real mess, their lives are virtually at a standstill.

    and as per the kriegler commission the problem(s) have not been resolved.

    i wonder whether its more correct to say that "its almost one year since the election and people are still whining" or "its almost one year after the tragedy and still no solution in sight"

    i do not think chris' point is about the outcome of election in that respect we could safely say everybody has moved on but rather that we are no closer to a solution to fix the mess (ECK etc), to move on with that requires concrete steps towards a solution.

  29. Phil,

    I only arrogantly belittle the Kibera residents who are occupying other peoples houses. They need to move out.

    You say..."The first step in healing that wound is to overhaul the ECK. Why are we waiting???"

    To me ECK is only a symptom of a ider society problem, which is lack of resect/trust in institutions. ECK can be replaced today with an Elections Board (EBK)or Elections Regulatory Authority (ERA), or other fancy name and acronym, complete with brand new faces. Does that mean they will do a better job? Me thinks not, if the underlying problem of lack of respect and authority of institutions remains.

    Just as an example, the other day parliament passed the Political Parties Act. Now the MPs have realised during implementation that some of them will soon be out of jobs, or some other 'shortcoming'. Now they are calling it unconstitutional. Yet they are the ones who did it!!!!

    This i think is what Taabu calls IMPUNITY. This has become our way of life and it's basically what needs to change. If we cannot respect the laws that we ourselves have passed, we solve problems through mob-justice, we cannot succesfully try simple corruption cases, we cannot wait to bribe that policeman/clerk...then replacing that commmissioner/policemen/judge/clerk with another is an excercise in futility.

  30. Jeff,

    Judge Kriegler's report, as detailed as it was, did not tell us anything new. When the regime uses laws that everyone agrees are outdated to oppress and suppress, then obviously civil uprising will occur. (You saw how Maj Gen Ali used draconian colonial laws to outlaw anything ODM proposed in January. You saw the information minister outlaw live broadcasts just to sustain Kibaki's stolen election)

    There have been calls for comprehensive and minimum reforms, infact since the days the current President was in opposition but he has used his powers to frustrate the opposition that created and gave him his presidency. Because of bad politics, mostly practiced by those who seek to protect themselves, the country has been denied the opportunity to chnage and move ahead with the times. We have been a country pursuing a new constitution for more than 15 years after the first calls were made. This is more than any other country in recent world history!

    Now, some smart PNU ministers, mostly with any eye trained on 2012, are suggesting that instead of making piecemeal amendments to electoral laws, it is better to wait and incorporate Kriegler's recommendations with the new constitution. How stupid are we to buy that line?

    Past experience tells me there's no guarantee a new constitution will come soon, especially considering it has to got through a referendum preceded by acrimonious constitutional conference. If it fails (and fail it will), we are back to square one with the old ECK, whose commissioners are appointed by ONE man. Additionally, we shall remain stuck with undesireable electoral laws that the likes of Kivuitu and Ali took advantage of to impose an unpopular president on the people.

    Therefore, ECK must be overhauled NOW and not next year. The shortest route is for the commissioners to voluntarily resign. Having declined, the president can form tribunals, but this is a long cut, so to speak. The reason we have parliament is NOT to over-pay lazy MPs, but for them to make relevant laws. Their job will be to make constitutional amendments to the ECK act and other relevant laws concerned with elections. And there we are.

    For instance, you remember, way back in 2005, LDP (now ODM) had proposed, and now Kriegler has suggested that the voting card be abolished and an ID card be used as a voting card. These are the sort of changes which will be easy to implement because they do not cost much in terms of resources and parliament can easily legislate it immediately it reconvenes.

    What say you? Move on?

  31. Phil, those Diasporans you are despising are the same ones that have helped to stabilise the shilling after ODMers almost destroyed the country, and FYI there are many of them are in white collar jobs, others owning business etc.

    Since some of you don't believe you are stuck in an African curse and that's why you find it difficult to move on, I will take you to Malaysia, a developing country that's is non-white and also importantly a country that gained independence from Britain just few years ahead of Kenya.

    In March of 2008, Malaysia held a general election which was marred by ethnic violence (no fatalities) and no where near what was seen in Kenya and also with accusations of fraud.
    Previous elections in the country had fueled complaints that an allegedly subservient Election Commission, gerrymandering, vote fraud, compliant media, misuse of government resources and massive vote buying gave the ruling party that has ruled the country since independence an unfair advantage. It had been highlighted to the Election Commission of Malaysia that its electoral roll has been suspect, because of the discovery that it contains nearly 9,000 people aged more than 100. This raised suspicions that the books are contaminated with dead voters which leave the election vulnerable to fraud. Further discoveries of people who have been born in the same year possessing different identity cards and living in many different localities, were uncovered by Elections. These people are registered to vote in various places throughout the country. These issues led to questions regarding the fairness of the elections
    Anyway, voting went peacefully in the capital, with Malaysians lining up throughout the day to cast ballots. For weeks, pundits have predicted that Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's Barisan Nasional, or National Front, coalition would win as it has every election since independence in the 1950s.
    However, allegations of corruption, ethnic tensions, and worries over the economy strengthened the opposition. Does that sound familiar with Kenya, then read on.
    Violence broke out in Malaysian countryside, where police fired tear gas to disperse angry group of opposition supporters, who threw rocks at cars and buses that were transporting voters to the polls. Witnesses said the rioters were trying to stop the buses on claims they were carrying unregistered voters to cast illegal ballots; with violence pitted against the ethnic Chinese who were seen to have benefited from the booming economy, while the Malay enjoyed political dominance and ethnic Indians were at the end of stick complaining about marginalization. The ruling govt responded with fierce crackdown on rioters.

    Please read more:

    When the voting was counted, the result was surprising as the ruling party was returned to power, albeit was the worst result for the ruling party in history.

    But it's what happened after that I am interested in. The Malaysian have now accepted the result and have since moved on. While other countries in Europe and North America are experiencing credit crunch, Malaysia seems to be matching on although the political turmoil during the March election have stifled the economy and investment.

  32. Kenyas illigal flauting UN arms embargo on south sudan is fuelling war and suffering in a troubled country. these reckless action will cost Naibobi dearly as Khartoum will not tollarate the illegal arming of southern sudan rebels.

  33. 8:24 AM
    Do shut up stop using innocent kenyans for Kibaki and his cronies filthy deals!! Khartom should go for Kibaki and his cronies not innocent kenyans - blow him away to kingdom come.. he and his cronies made the deal and pocketed the money to supply south Sudan with BASUKA'S.. why blame the rest of kenyans?? did you see them pocket any ill gotten money from the deal?? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Kibaki and cronies will pay dearly this deals were made in 2006 and early 2007 as the sources confirm... finger prints of Kibaki and cronies... let them carry their own cross.

  34. sources privy to information say Kreigler was paid good to go and retire in south Africa and it serves Kenyans right to have accepted a Kaburu who in his hey days hated African I'm told.... 5000 dead to him is good riddance so why the hell would he right a report not backing the Senile goon kibaki who paid him top dollar to mess all evidence????

    Kenyans wake up... you and only you alone can fight for your democratic rights... why should a white flesh fly all the way from south Africa come to tell you otherwise... times of thinking and believing the white man is always right are gone why can't you all think for yourselves and resolve your own issues instead of waiting for the white man to come and tell you what is wrong or right??? fools that you are.... when will you learn.....

  35. Kwale,
    That was a good piece from BBC but do you know the perils of generalizing a case study? While buying into the BBC synposis line and sinker your remian oblivious of Dr M. Mathir's philosophy and now curse of undercuting Badawi. Your historical take betrays this month's re-emergence of one Anwar Ibrahim who landslide wine has embarassed the ruling class despite spirited and serial atempt to pin him on sodomy claims.

    So bro, next time before you cut and paste, sharpen your context and make it clear devoid of assumptions and emotions. Your obession with anything diaspora is stale. Give your kite wings of fresh ideas and l;et it fly, will you?

    PS: BTW Kwale are your saving with BB safe?

  36. Don't be fooled, Candy is a man but in his head he believes he is a woman despite having jibbery hanging between his legs.

    What a shame Candy and even worse it's you denying it here while in other sites you proudly declare yourself a queer who like to be shafted in the ass.


  37. IDPs

    Their worth kaput after elections??????????

    IDPs reject aid, demand to go home

    Updated 21 hr(s) 43 min(s) ago
    By Francis Ngige

    Scores of internally displaced persons at Ruring’u Stadium in Nyeri have accused the Government of neglect.

    They claimed that although the Government was aware of their plight, it was not willing to resettle them in their former homes.

    The more than 40 families declined relief food provided by the Provincial Administration and trekked to the district commissioner’s office to register their protest.

    They claimed that by providing them with food, the Government wanted them to stay longer in the camps while IDPs elsewhere had been resettled.

    The food that included 10 sacks of maize, five sacks of green grams and cooking oil was left littering the field as the IDPs rejected the weekly rations.

    They vowed not to take the food until the Government fulfils its pledge to return them to their homes in Rift Valley and Nyanza provinces.

    But Nyeri DC Michael Mwangi refuted their claims and said the Government was still working on modalities to relocate the families to their homes.

    Mr Mwangi said the Government was aware of their presence at the stadium and had already compiled their data with the aim of resettling them.

    "We have not forgotten them as plans to return them home are still on course. They should not reject the relief food since they will need it even if they are to return to their homes," the DC said.

    Mr Charles Maingi, a representative of the families, said the continued provision of relief food was a sign that the Government was not ready to resettle them.

    Maingi claimed Government officials had on various occasions visited the camps and promised IDPs that they would be resettled.

    "Last week, the officials told us to pack our belongings as they look for transport to various destinations but nothing has happened since," said Maingi.

    Another representative, Mr Joseph Maina, said the IDPs at Ruring’u were ready to go back to their farms even without the Sh10, 000 that was being awarded by the Government.

    "If they don’t want to give us the cash, they should just provide transport for us and ensure we are safe," said Maina.

  38. Kriegler said it himself "i came here for a cover up job and thats what i did exactly"

  39. Foolish Africans do we surely need the USA to fight our battles?? ECK messed ... why is Kibaki and cronies afraid to fire them??? is it because of the millions they paid Kiviutu and the other officials?? and that they hold the secrets of the truth of what really happened on the fateful elections days?? why else is it deficult to remove them from office? "NOW USA HAS TO STOP VISA ISSUE?? THERE IS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYES HERE..... SOMETHING STINKS... KALONZO MUSYOKA SHOULD EXPLAIN TOO-

    INTERNATIONAL pressure on the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) to quit went a notch higher yesterday when the United States slapped a visa ban on officials of the electoral body.

    The new twist in the push for the overhaul of the electoral body came as the Government outlined steps it is set to undertake to overhaul the ECK and the entire electoral process in Kenya before the next General Election.

    ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuitu was denied a visa to travel to the US by its Embassy in Nairobi with a message that it was the wish of the international community for the body to disband. Kivuitu was not available for comment while all his press officers a Mr. Lemayan, Chris Musyoka and Boniface Muoki could not be reached as they declined to pick their phones.




    Kenya: Country Set to Adopt Biotechnology

    28 September 2008
    Posted to the web 29 September 2008

    Sammy Cheboi

    Kenya is set to adopt the controversial biotechnology as a means of boosting food production, Agriculture minister William Ruto has said.

    This is despite opposition from some stakeholders who have raised their concerns of safety of genetically modified foods.

    Biotechnology is good agricultural production and those opposed to it are either acting out of misinformation or selfish interests, the minister added.

    "There are no miracles. If we have to produce more, we must embrace the technology. As a country, we have the option of adopting it to fight hunger or rejecting it and perishing," Mr Ruto cautioned.

    He spoke during the official launch of National Biotechnology Awareness strategy for 2008-2012 at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre. Genetically modified (GM) foods are products that have had their DNA directly altered through genetic engineering.

    Unlike conventional genetic modification that is carried out through time-tested breeding and whose food has been consumed for thousands of years, GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s.

    Mr Ruto challenged multinational companies opposed to the adoption of the technology to provide alternative methods of increasing food production. He said it was unfortunate that fierce opponents of genetic modification were themselves beneficiaries of the same.

    "Biotechnology is the way to go if we are to confront its opponents. It is time we set our country free from superstitions and myths on any new developments," he said.

    And he posed; "we are pursuing disease resistant, early maturing and high yielding crop varieties. What other options are multinationals offering the country?"

    He said the country's need for more and cheap food that is safe to the people and the environment must not be hijacked by parties with vested interests.

    Controversies surrounding genetically engineered crops and foods commonly focus on the long-term health effects for consumers, environmental safety, labelling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights, ethics, food security, poverty reduction and potential disruption or even possible destruction of the food chain.

    The strategy is in response to Cabinet approval of the National Biotechnology Development Policy which aims at raising awareness and understanding for informed decision making.
    Relevant Links
    East Africa
    Food, Agriculture and Rural Issues
    Legal and Judicial Affairs
    Science and Biotechnology
    Sustainable Development

    Mr Ruto said the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology had prepared a Biosafety Bill to be tabled in Parliament to regulate, guide safe use and transfer as well as commercialise biotechnology in the country.




    Kenya: Country Set to Adopt Biotechnology

    28 September 2008
    Posted to the web 29 September 2008

    Sammy Cheboi

    Kenya is set to adopt the controversial biotechnology as a means of boosting food production, Agriculture minister William Ruto has said.

    This is despite opposition from some stakeholders who have raised their concerns of safety of genetically modified foods.

    Biotechnology is good agricultural production and those opposed to it are either acting out of misinformation or selfish interests, the minister added.

    "There are no miracles. If we have to produce more, we must embrace the technology. As a country, we have the option of adopting it to fight hunger or rejecting it and perishing," Mr Ruto cautioned.

    He spoke during the official launch of National Biotechnology Awareness strategy for 2008-2012 at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre. Genetically modified (GM) foods are products that have had their DNA directly altered through genetic engineering.

    Unlike conventional genetic modification that is carried out through time-tested breeding and whose food has been consumed for thousands of years, GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s.

    Mr Ruto challenged multinational companies opposed to the adoption of the technology to provide alternative methods of increasing food production. He said it was unfortunate that fierce opponents of genetic modification were themselves beneficiaries of the same.

    "Biotechnology is the way to go if we are to confront its opponents. It is time we set our country free from superstitions and myths on any new developments," he said.

    And he posed; "we are pursuing disease resistant, early maturing and high yielding crop varieties. What other options are multinationals offering the country?"

    He said the country's need for more and cheap food that is safe to the people and the environment must not be hijacked by parties with vested interests.

    Controversies surrounding genetically engineered crops and foods commonly focus on the long-term health effects for consumers, environmental safety, labelling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights, ethics, food security, poverty reduction and potential disruption or even possible destruction of the food chain.

    The strategy is in response to Cabinet approval of the National Biotechnology Development Policy which aims at raising awareness and understanding for informed decision making.
    Relevant Links
    East Africa
    Food, Agriculture and Rural Issues
    Legal and Judicial Affairs
    Science and Biotechnology
    Sustainable Development

    Mr Ruto said the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology had prepared a Biosafety Bill to be tabled in Parliament to regulate, guide safe use and transfer as well as commercialise biotechnology in the country.




    Kenya: Country Set to Adopt Biotechnology

    28 September 2008
    Posted to the web 29 September 2008

    Sammy Cheboi

    Kenya is set to adopt the controversial biotechnology as a means of boosting food production, Agriculture minister William Ruto has said.

    This is despite opposition from some stakeholders who have raised their concerns of safety of genetically modified foods.

    Biotechnology is good agricultural production and those opposed to it are either acting out of misinformation or selfish interests, the minister added.

    "There are no miracles. If we have to produce more, we must embrace the technology. As a country, we have the option of adopting it to fight hunger or rejecting it and perishing," Mr Ruto cautioned.

    He spoke during the official launch of National Biotechnology Awareness strategy for 2008-2012 at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre. Genetically modified (GM) foods are products that have had their DNA directly altered through genetic engineering.

    Unlike conventional genetic modification that is carried out through time-tested breeding and whose food has been consumed for thousands of years, GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s.

    Mr Ruto challenged multinational companies opposed to the adoption of the technology to provide alternative methods of increasing food production. He said it was unfortunate that fierce opponents of genetic modification were themselves beneficiaries of the same.

    "Biotechnology is the way to go if we are to confront its opponents. It is time we set our country free from superstitions and myths on any new developments," he said.

    And he posed; "we are pursuing disease resistant, early maturing and high yielding crop varieties. What other options are multinationals offering the country?"

    He said the country's need for more and cheap food that is safe to the people and the environment must not be hijacked by parties with vested interests.

    Controversies surrounding genetically engineered crops and foods commonly focus on the long-term health effects for consumers, environmental safety, labelling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights, ethics, food security, poverty reduction and potential disruption or even possible destruction of the food chain.

    The strategy is in response to Cabinet approval of the National Biotechnology Development Policy which aims at raising awareness and understanding for informed decision making.
    Relevant Links
    East Africa
    Food, Agriculture and Rural Issues
    Legal and Judicial Affairs
    Science and Biotechnology
    Sustainable Development

    Mr Ruto said the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology had prepared a Biosafety Bill to be tabled in Parliament to regulate, guide safe use and transfer as well as commercialise biotechnology in the country.

  43. 11:19am aka "dula"
    What plain gibberish!! If for instance, there is a "Phil" character, blogger in "kenyan pundit" for example, does that automatically mean its Phil of Kumekucha??
    *P.s, No Pun Phil*
    Wacheni upumbavu & focus on "WHY JUDGE JOHANN KRIEGLER IS A CONMAN AT BEST"

  44. anon 3:13

    it appears this is the only language kenyan leaders understand either hounded by kenyans (who have recently become even more toothless due to the now entrenched "mta-do" attitude) or by visa denials. soon leaders will not want to travel outside as we were told by karua that "heaven can be found in kenya"


  45. UrXlnc

    3:44 PM

    Rucy Kibaki told you to go back to korogocho.... who born you:):) Martha Karua's Heaven is with her boy friend Priest we all know that:)

  46. haha 5:51

    "who born you"

    haven't heard that in a while,

    vipi wewe

  47. Yes, I am gay and proudly so! No need denying it.

    If anyone is interested, I can show you how it's done. gay sex is sweet.


  48. stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes
    pick any idiot from the streets of europe or from the backwaters of north america, and kenyan will worship every word that comes from the idiots mouth.

    a kenyan was once asked why he belonged to a particular religion, worked for a certain organisation, and why s/he was dying to live in some gated neo-colonial neighboured.

    s/he said, "because wazungu live there and i want to be among them so that i can be like one of them".

    that was in august of 1993, and unfortunately, s/he is still trying so hard to move into the ... neighbour as of august 2008

    in the meantime s/he still has no running water, septic, sewage, electricity and affordable housing in her/his ancestral home. let alone rural access roads, good schools, postal service, internet connection, reliable public transportation, hospitals, and a single radio and tv stations in her/his village/division/district/provincial neighbourhood.

    the sad thing for the "little wannabe mzungu" is that 's/he still uses a pit-latrine whenever s/he goes up country for the holidays or family emergencies. the facts on the ground speak for themselves whenever they invite you over during funerals, weddings and whatever celebrations.

    the hero worship of senile wazungu like johann kriegler, tourists, expatriates, imperial missionaries and company, is so endemic and will continue to florish in our small villages and banana republic of kenya for years to come.

    'mental colonisation' is not just one of our national identity but it's our main inbred lifeline.

    stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes

  49. Only an irrational, unreasonable, cantankerous, pigheaded, unthinking dunderhead can think that the ECK ALONE is sorely to blame for the election fiasco. Kriegler merely pointed out what the ECK itself could not because of political reasons, that vote fraud FIRST took place AT THE POLLING STATION, culminating in wrong and unbelievable results at the final tally at KICC. YOU START WRONG, YOU FINISH WRONG, FOOL!
    Unless the ODM spirit of self righteous entitlement to reap where they never sowed is expunged, unless they are willing to accept that they too are not angels and are in fact riddled and contaminated with the pong and evil smelling sewage of dishonest ex-KANU crooks, the likes of Gumo, the Kosgeis, the Rutos, Cheruiyot, Mudavadi and Raila himself, they will NEVER liberate themselves from their daily nightmarish torment, that what was so near was yet so far.
    If Phil and others like him want to secede, i say by all means go ahead. We shall say good luck, good riddance, have a good life and ferk you very much!

  50. Kriegler was appointed by the mediation team that included Kofi Annan.

    How can such a team appoint a conman?

    Wacha porojo!

  51. Kriegler was appointed by the mediation team that included Kofi Annan.

    They surely did not appoint a conman, so stop the propaganda

  52. You'd think that raikonnen, who figures himself/ herself/itself v. smart (haaa!)- would put across any point without sounding angry, white, elitist and disillusioned.

    Let us not bury our heads in the sand, as Chris correctly point out.
    ...Yeah, nothing happened...

  53. Where do you get off with your racist tyrade against Krigler because he happens to be Afrikaans. The man has an excellent track record at fighting for human rights and played his part in bringing down Apartheid. But no, because you don't like his finding you play the race card... Using your logic who should be leading these commissions, certainly not any British, Russians, Americans, Chinese, Nigerians, Ethiopians, Rwandans or heaven forbid Kenyan because of crimes committed by their fellow countrymen in the past...


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.