Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Stolen Elections That Never Was

Judge Kriegler has given his verdict: last years elections were not stolen, period. The good retired South African Judge couldn’t wait to have his report. He has tagged the stolen elections claim as a mischievous creation of the civil society. Those hailing Kriegler even add the fact that he is WHITE for good measure of assurance while those vilifying him have fallen to the time-tested Kenyan political parlance of money has been poured for a predicted report.

And with that singular sharp verdict from Kriegler, Kenyans have been found guilty of living a collective political lie in the last eight months. By extension Judge Kriegler is calling Koffi Annan who gave him the job bluff. Poor Annan is therefore guilty as charged for presiding over a dispute that never was. Know what? Kriegler has earned his money and must move on to other more important phases of his twilight life.

While Kriegler and his team traces the genesis of the flawed polls to INCOMPETENT ECK spiced with an uneven political playing field, the honourable Judge conveniently fails to see the CAUSE-EFFECT phenomenon staring him in the face begging to be busted. But again you need to be a lawyer schooled in clever antic of subjectivity and obtuse magnification of smokescreens at the expense of the wider picture to decipher the ‘seasoned’ legal mind of one ex-appellate Judge Kriegler.

In one sweeping conclusion, Kriegler blames partisanship orchestrated by incumbency and its surrogates and with the same wave of the hand he closes his eyes at the correlation. Well, association may not necessarily be causation, but once you remove the bias and confounders then all you have relating the response with the underlying factors is CAUSE unless you are playing statistics with chance. Poor witness testing before Kriegler become cannon fodder for vilification and not even polite, respectful reminders from

Effect no cause
The law must surely be an ass. Consequently practitioners of the legal profession must be ass riders. While governance by law is what distinguishes human beings from beasts of the wild, ones ears are often assaulted by lawyers presentations that is mostly trivia clothed as technicalities. Most cases are dismissed off hand on the same technicalities oblivious of their weights, beneficial or catastrophic. No wonder the legal cartel fashions itself as the exclusive club of LEARNED FRIENDS.

Please don’t bore me with the pedagogical origins which only succeeds in inflating personal egos. The woods are too thick and finding our way out won’t be an easy task. We are back at the beginning where we started it all. Can some smart Kenyan please propose the next catchy/appropriate commission before Cockar returns the known verdict ACTED WITHIN HIS POWERS?. No probe fatigue please!


  1. Doesn't matter - does Saitoti's clearance by the courts take away the Goldenberg stench from his behind?

    Duckie dug his own grave by singularly picking partisan commissioners, and setting the stage for hanging onto power. In the court of public opinion duckie stole the elections period. No amount of cleansing will take away the fact.

    So, leta ingine Taabu.

  2. next focus is on the commission to reinstate kimunya where the already known verdict of "he acted within his authority" will be tabled.

    after that a few more musical chairs life is back to "normal", until next elections a few MPs and ministers will lock horns in and out of parliament, more looting will continue but perhaps a little more discrete (which just translates to higher stakes -read payouts) and life goes on

  3. I for one am glad to finally learn that the last elections were not rigged and that Kibaki won it fair and square. I therefore take this oppotunity to congratulate him.

    The next order of business must be to rectify our election process. It is clear that the country is split almost 50 - 50. It is also a fact that Kenyans have no faith and trust in their government. Kenyans know that the constitution needs to be brought in line with the 21st century. We have to address these issues if we are serious about a better Kenya.

    In all seriousness, it is for the best that Kreigler reached this conclusion. Any other outcome would have fostered divisions within the country and GNU. We have to get past these elections and move on for our own sanity.

  4. Taabu,

    The commission was not set up to validate the hullucinations of those who have been crying of an election theft!!!

    The commission is supposed to examine obectively the available evidence (not rumours and hearsay of my unt told me this or that).

    What the retired judge is saying is that according to the available evidence, any reasonably prudent person of average intelligence would conclude that there was some system failure but not an orchestrated electoral fraud.

    But it appears that some Kenyans would rather continue to cling to the world they know best - a world of rumour, hearsay, and idiocy. That world allows them to justify burning, raping, and murdering their neighbours for voting "the wrong way."

    Some sections of the Kenyan population have a long way to go before they understand that in a liberal democracy, it is the one with the majority votes that rules and not individual or communal hullucinations!!

  5. Anon 5:22

    Please expand on what you mean by "majority votes" in the context of the just concluded elections.


  6. You guys must all remember when Raila made it from came from overseeing the Nigerian elections, he had only one verdict. Its almost impossible to defeat the incumbent. No body ever defeated MOI, MOI only wanted his pet project to be humiliated and the baton given to Kibaki whom he could trust more than UK, rem this guy worked under MOi for a very long time. They were budies bana. Even Kibaki breaking away to form DP prior to 1992 elections was all meant to split the Kikuyu votes and keep MOi in leadership. The script has always been written.

    I digress, the thing is RO Knew it was almost impossible to defeat Kibaki, plus the mood prior to the elections had already polarized the country. The 2007 vote split almost in 50:50 fashion in such a scenario with a weak ECK, there was no way Raila could have made it to state house even if he beat Kibaki with a slim majority.

    Raila even solicited the help of an american political strategist. This guy must have read the mood in the country and advice these pentagon guys that the best way to handle this situation in the event that Kibaki steals the election is to demand power sharing.

    Remember after forming the GCG, Raila has never mentioned moving away from this arrangement.

  7. (1) Taabu, why no mention of the KNCHR report? You wouldn't want your readers to think you're biased, would you? And since you bring up Kimunya, and since you called for his resignation and prosecution on poorer evidence than there now is that the top ranks of ODMers are full of ethnic cleansers and mass murderers, should you not be calling for the resignation and prosecution of Balala, Ruto, Ntimama and the Kosgeiys, all of whom are implicated in planning the violence?

    (2) While Kriegler and his team traces the genesis of the flawed polls to INCOMPETENT ECK spiced with an uneven political playing field, the honourable Judge conveniently fails to see the CAUSE-EFFECT phenomenon staring him in the face begging to be busted. But again you need to be a lawyer schooled in clever antic of subjectivity and obtuse magnification of smokescreens at the expense of the wider picture to decipher the ‘seasoned’ legal mind of one ex-appellate Judge Kriegler.

    That attempted explanation for the flawed polls fails. The main immediate reason for the flawed election was the widespread violence and intimidation both before and after the poll.

    Now. ODMers were busy murdering polling agents and APs in Nyanza even on polling day. Pre-election research demonstrates that ODMers were more likely to engage in intimidation and violence than members of other parties. ODMers were planning and paying for the violence as early as August 2007 (see here). There was massive violence during the ODM nominations. Neither the ECK nor the government at the time is responsible for ODM's plans for mass murder; or the violence seen at the ODM nominations; or the murder and intimidation of public servants before, during and after the elections. Since that was the main immediate cause of the failure of the polls to come up to scratch, there is no serious ground for blaming, in particular, the ECK.

    (3) Doesn't matter - does Saitoti's clearance by the courts take away the Goldenberg stench from his behind?

    Hmm. The reason why Saitoti's victory in the courts doesn't appear to have cleared his reputation is this: it could plausibly be argued that the courts were not impartial - in particular, it could plausibly be argued that the executive at the time leant on the courts to clear him.

    That's not the case with the Kriegler Commission. There's very little evidence that he is not impartial,or that he arrived at this verdict by giving in to pressure from the executive. So, if indeed Kriegler did say that the elections were not stolen, then he is likely to be believed.

    (It's worth noting that he didn't say, as the Standard reports that the election wasn't fraudulent. He simply said that the evidence presented by KPTJ for that claim showed no such thing.)

  8. For Raila to lead Kenya, he has to prove as PM he can unite the country. It a litmus test. Am sure these are the things that the owners of Kenya are keenly looking at. Remember Kenya iko na wenyewe.

  9. For Raila to lead Kenya, he has to prove as PM he can unite the country. It a litmus test. Am sure these are the things that the owners of Kenya are keenly looking at. Remember Kenya iko na wenyewe.

  10. Are kikuyus the owners of Kenya??????? let us wait and see!

  11. The elections were stolen and you can say what you want but that is the fact. How many commissions of enquiries have we seen in Kenya and what has been the results?

  12. If the next elections is stolen again, you will see what you have never seen in Kenya before. The last protests were nothing, the next one will be bigger, better funded and more this space.

  13. Anon 8:08

    Sad to say but I fear you are right.

  14. Daniel Waweru, I am happy that you show up once in a while to give these fellows an education. I thank you. Bigtime.

    And which elections were rigged again? This is an old lie that is, quite honestly, stale.

  15. waweru

    thank you for that link on leaders linked to the violence, been trying to hunt it down for a while now. the other two articles are not authorities on the subject and not worth noting

    the list however is disappointing

    it completely ignores the preliminary PNU launch at i think it was Nyayo stadium where speaker after speaker totally vilified RAO,

    it then ignores the other incidences such as the humiliation in Karatina hotel, the skirmishes in Meru where at least one person died, the kisii incidence with some militia unleashing terror on Ruto and Magara, aren't these incidences also considered highly likely to have contributed to fueling the animosity and setting stage for "revenge attacks"? very much the same as subsequent "revenge attacks".

    KNCHR must do the right thing to start from the beginning somewhere mid 2007 when politicians started mud-slinging, pangas purchased and ferried in GK cars etc, all the way through to those issues raised up until when the skirmishes finally subsided.

    otherwise if even one "minor" incident is missing then the report appears partisan

    quite honestly there should be no tag such as revenge attack or any other stupid excuse, its simply the following

    a politician using language that incites the supporters into aggression

    funding/ferrying or other provision of tools for aggression

    acts of lawlessness

    and (unwarranted) irresponsible (excess) use of force by government forces

  16. clap clap clap

    now that Taabu (after seeing the light) has clearly said that molasses and his bunch of murderors have all along been living a lie (of course after the good gudge saw through the charade). its time ODM gave an official apology for taking Kenya for a ride. since we know that wont happen with all the inflated egos in orange house, the least they can do is to enjoy the bits of power they have while it lasts. seems molasses if following his fathers footsteps to his deathbed...dreaming of becoming a president of the republic of Kenya. its not like his usual football antics u know. he better stick to circumcision cries and soliciting a salary for his fat lady from the exchequer.

    now wont that give him some heroic welcome in luo nyanza...bwa ha ha ha


    1. Certain individuals within PNU allegedly raised funds and organised gangs to perpetuate the post-election violence in Central Province. A number of meetings were in Nairobi by some leaders from Central Province where the plight of Kikuyu IDPs was discussed.

    2. The meetings started to take a sinister turn when retaliation against non-Kikuyu communities was discussed and organised.

    3. A number of these meetings were held in early December 2007 and January, February and March 2008,
    during which time these leaders met at Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC),Landmark Hotel and Marble Arch Hotel.

    4. Leaders who attended these meetings included Njenga Karume, the immediate former MP of Kiambaa. Other participants in the meetings were Stanley Githunguri, MP for Kiambaa, who allegedly organised fund raising; Kabando wa Kabando, MP for Mukurweini, who organised the delivery of weapons; Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy Prime Minister and MP for Gatundu South, who organised finances to fund pro Kikuyu organised gangs; and Mary Wambui, a PNU activist, who allegedly organised finances and arranged for arms to be delivered from Ethiopia via Moyale and Marsabit.

    5. Another politician mentioned adversely in relation to whipping ethnic tensions is Peter Mungai Mwathi, Lari MP, who uttered inciting statements at Kirathimo camp when he asked Mungiki to arm itself to defend Kikuyu people in the Rift Valley.

    6. The extent to which businesspeople financed perpetration of violence against non Kikuyu communities was not quite clear.

    7. A group of business persons met on 26 January 2008 at Kikuyu Country Club to fundraise for eviction of nonKikuyu residents. The meeting was attended by a
    Mr Bob of the Kikuyu Matatu Welfare Association and a Mr Wa Babu, owner of Makutano Bar in
    Kikuyu Town.

    8. Individuals said to have supplied weapons for use in raids were Mburu Gituya and John Nice.

    9. Small businesses such as Buba Hardware, Kimiti Hardware and Menrose hardware, all in Kikuyu, supplied weapons such as machetes.

    10. Religious leaders in areas such as Limuru and Nyeri used the pulpit to convey messages amounting to hate speech against non Kikuyu communities, ODM and generally rallying the
    Kikuyu to protect our community.

    11. In Kirathimo IDP camp in Limuru, which hosted Kikuyu returnees from other provinces, one religious leader urged the people that eg The Kikuyu should be armed the way I am armed with a Bible. Finally, gospel artistes, including Miuga Njoroge, performed in Limuru at rallies attended by the local community where hate messages were disseminated.

    12. Local language media also disseminated hate speech to Kikuyu audiences in Central Province and in the diaspora. Call-in shows on radio stations enabled individuals to make unregulated hateful statements. Inooro FM put on air highly emotional and distraught victims of the violence, a factor that tended to whip up the emotions of its audience. Music in the Kikuyu language played on Kameme and Inooro radio stations also engendered or raised ethnic tensions. One such song, by Miuga Njoroge, variously played by Inooro FM, lyricised about Raila Odinga and the Luo community in very negative terms.

    13. Non-Kikuyu IDPs alleged that organised gangs, and specifically Mungiki, played a role in their eviction. Eviction notices used by the youth seeking to evict non-Kikuyu communities from Central Province bore the signature of Mungiki.(up to date nobody in the government has confirmed how many known kikuyu's living then in central province were killed by mungiki/ kikuyu tribes on rampage since no newspapers or camera's were allowed in central province(but luckily services too pictures while on the run with cell phones of central provinces atrocities against non-kikuyus in the province... The nature of killings in some places like Limuru
    bore the semblance of known Mungiki killings.

    14.The nature of threats received by non-Kikuyu residents, particularly those that made reference to the number of heads needed, attests to the possibility of Mungiki involvement.

    However, many Kikuyu residents of Central Province as well as the Provincial Administration downplayed Mungiki involvement in the conflict. It was farmore likely that individuals masqueraded as the Mungiki organised gangs to frighten non-Kikuyu communities into leaving.

    reports indicate more than 4000 killed or missing non kikuyu's from central province are still missing to date?? where are they?? this are the poor who originally were working on the tea and coffee farms...

    why do you think the central province kikuyu's are uprooting their tea and coffee bushes?? they have no farm laborers let them stop pretending that it is not lucrative!!! there is nobody to pick it out from the farms since they killed all the non-kikuyu laborer who worked for them.....

  18. now that its clear the domo domos lost it squarely, isnt it time they left the govt and allow Kibaki and his capable team return the economy to 7% growth and single inflation rate????

    the busload of ODM busy bodies only thinking of getting salaries for their wives from kenyans is grinding the economy to a halt.

    my piece of mind.

  19. anon 10:00,

    i like your last paragraph where you agree that Kikuyus provide jobs for other communities in their expansive tea and coffee we are talking.

    thats to give respect to where its due..

    about the other trash you have picked from civil societies being funded by ODM , my advice is; go hang those pages of paper in your pit latrine where they will serve better purpose.

  20. 7:26 PM
    why don't you drop your idiocy and get real?? so who give Kibaki the 2002 election??
    Raila won the elections fair and square no matter what you kibaki paid muzungu biatch says-

    Raila is hte peoples president and your kibaki, Martha Karua cronies are still scared and know he will win yet again hands down....

    that is why the same thieving riggers have now mastered a new line.... Presidential age limit 65 yeas old and yes we can proof to you Martha Karua and Cronies paid Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi to table the bill.... a bill that was ejected at the constitutional conference in Bomas.. so what doe that tell kenyans??

    very very central province desperate sacred kikuyu who have no room left to looot, rig and steal... time out...

  21. bwa ha ha ...

    this is comical, everyone who opposes molasses and his choir of morons have been paid!!!

    i thot ODM was standing for change, now what change can a man who is in his advanced senelity age (65 and above) bring to Kenya...i thot they said the young peoples time is now but it seems that is as long as molasses carries the ticket even if at 67. poor Kenyans!!!!

    this is a the joke of a reader when the economy is making his constituents skip 2 meals goes on 2 buy a 10s of million humvee and goes showing off to the same poor fellows. to rub salt to a simmering wound as Taabu would say, he proposes paying his fat lady 400 000 kshs from the taxes collected from the poor constituents just for coping with his dying libido. now what kind of a leader is that.....bure kabisa..mave ya kuku

  22. the other two articles are not authorities on the subject and not worth noting

    The first was a link to a reuters report on polling day - presumably, Reuters are independent and non-partisan enough to be taken seriously. The second was to a survey done by Dercon. He's an Oxford professor with some experience of these matters. Unless you have compelling evidence that he's biased, I'm going to have to prefer his research to your assertion - made with precisely zero evidence - that we should ignore it because he's not an authority.

    it completely ignores the preliminary PNU launch at i think it was Nyayo stadium where speaker after speaker totally vilified RAO,

    it then ignores the other incidences such as the humiliation in Karatina hotel, the skirmishes in Meru where at least one person died, the kisii incidence with some militia unleashing terror on Ruto and Magara, aren't these incidences also considered highly likely to have contributed to fueling the animosity and setting stage for "revenge attacks"? very much the same as subsequent "revenge attacks".

    That would only be relevant if I was arguing that PNU did not participate in the violence, or that they were otherwise blameless. Suffice it to say that's not my argument. What I am arguing is that ODMer violence is the key reason why things went wrong. To do so, I need to show that there's an appropriate connection between ODMer violence and poll irregularities. Not that difficult: most of the violence and intimidation, as Dercon (and the KHRC's Violating the Vote) show, came from ODMers; the violence was, as we now clearly know, planned and paid for well in advance of the elections - as both HRW and the KNCHR have found; and there there was well-reported intimidation and murder in ODM zones both at the ODM nominations and at the elections.

    Further, the case that the elections were massively rigged by PNU has collapsed. It rested on the difficulties with the forms, the Molo and Kieni results, the difference in the number of Parliamentary seats, and the come-from-behind nature of Kibaki's victory. The evidence presented so far suggests that the difficulties with the forms don't amount to systematic fraud, pace the KPTJ. The Molo and Kieni results, it turns out, are entirely explicable - the Molo ones were announced before they were complete (see Korellach's testimony), and the Kieni results were simply botched. The difference in parliamentary seats is immaterial because, as we all know, constituencies were severely gerrymandered by KANU, and, in any case, PNU and PNU-friendly parties won more parliamentary votes than ODM and associated parties. Kibaki came from behind precisely because the votes from PNU strongholds hadn't been counted.

    Since the main competing explanation has been eliminated, we're left with the simple, and obvious, explanation - ODM hoped to win the election by stuffing the ballot in its strongholds (hence the unbelievable results in Luo Nyanza) and intimidation outside them. When things didn't go well, the infrastructure of violence was used to make the country ungovernable. Welcome to democracy Orange-style.

  23. Much as I hate the idea of having to pay Ida and Mrs Kalooser any money from the tax payers, which I sincerely hope never happens.
    It seems rather odd to me that everyone especially PNU is screaming and shouting bloody murder, conveniently forgetting that we are also paying Lucy in Statehouse 500 grand no less whom we haven't seen in months and who only gets that money because she.....'has to cope with Mr Snooze's dead libido'(in the words of PNU members here)

    Double standards or what?!!

  24. Mrembo, Lucy Kibaki as unlikable as she is is Kenya's first lady. What position does Ida Odinga hold? Why should she be paid for being a politician's wife. Why dont we go ahead and pay all ministers' spouses?

    I respect the fact that you at least acknowledge that nobody's wife should be paid out of the state coffers, but please dont drag Lucy Kibaki into this conmanship. She doesnt play in that league. That is a discussion we can have without lumping her into this bunch of nobodies.

  25. waweru

    i ignore the first two reports because most of the finer details on these reports are surpressed same as i ignore the exit polls of the San Diego Prof that shows RAO won the elections. bbc, reuters, our own local dailies provide useful insight and perspective but it would be foolhardy to assume that to be the whole truth.

    the only report i'd believe is a comprehensive forensic audit of the polls, but hardly necessary, all these others including kriegler commission are largely based on perceptions and how the witnesses present their arguments, with only a handful of people come up with (credible) evidence which of course in many cases could not stand high scrutiny.

    any explanation on form 16a, made after the such a long period and with a number of documents already tampered with am inclined to think are not credible.

    distilling the problems to entry issues, temporary results, etc is absurd, these are not illiterate fellows, there were methodology to be followed and if all were being followed there would be no complaints. other factors get forgotten like 3 hr blackouts etc.

    fingerpointing that is not my point at all, i would just hope that KNCHR would expose the entire rot from when it started till when it ended, otherwise more politicians will find loopholes to repeat the same

    your objective to show ODM as the primary aggressor, thats your headache

  26. Anon @ 10.00, why were there Kikuyu IDPs to be defended in the first place? Have u thought about that? If your idiotic ODM leaders had not gambled with the lives of their supporters in the first place, there would have been no reason for Mungiki and other other Kikuyu fighters to be mobilized to fight back.

  27. mrembo,

    we understand the pains of ODM morons trying to drag in the first lady into salary scam (who has kept a low profile to deny gossiping standard a chance to mudsling the respected family.)

    ida herself when asked abt the issue said how busy her dialy has become and she needs an office to coordinate her many duties as a PM's wife. what a hollow sorry excuse. is her molasses boy delegating some of his duties to her? maybe odm gossip inc, that would suit her. why doesnt she just stick to managing molasses plant and servicing her 64 year old mzee. now those would be valuable services...and would keep his mzee hands of the likes of Pretty Passaris

  28. Sylvester Wakoli Bifwoli for president!!

  29. 11.41, tuko na wewe. He makes a whole lot of sense to me.


  31. I LOVE WAKOLI!!!!!!!

  32. What is the genesis of the alleged bad blood between Raila and Ruto??

    Somebody with some insight out there, please!!

  33. ODM is the most undemocratic political outfit in kenya, this party has very angry ppl who are not fit to lead kenya in this day and age they are so 19 century mentality, oppsesed with getting one over the kikuyus and other who don't buy their cheap and greedy power grab excuse of a political party it's a mistake many pl in NEP have realised after voting for them in 2007 now alot of ppl are ashamed to have voted for them.

  34. Vikii,

    Among the promoters of WAKOLI here, you are the only one I can trust to present a coherent case. What has WAKOLI done to deserve this promotion??

  35. I'm nobody's lawyer and therefore will not pretend to understand the process of commissions of inquiry.

    What I do know though is that cases are decided based on the evidence before the court, thats why clever mafia chaps eliminate the evidence/witness so that we may all know who did it but as long as none goes to court and says so, the the vilain remains 'innocent'.

    Whoever orchestrated the rigging did it in such a manner that one cannot trace a single person directing and supervising the action, that is what will qualify it as a 'rigged' election, but being a kenyan I believe the method used was to plant a few guys in key positions who could creat confusion that can be easily mistaken for incompetence and in that chaos move votes.

    The best way to do it is to have several people who may not even know who the others are and each individualy does his/her thing...That I believe is how it was done.

    The fellow can later go and claim reward for their actions....Thats peretty much how munguki operates a target is identified but no organised aaction plan.... its like bounty hunting you get paid after the job is done and its free for all.

    So the poor South African judge cannot honestly say that the election was 'PLAN RIGGED' because there is no such evidence, but individuals acting alone made serious 'errors' conveniently....all one had to do is get the right guys and leave it to them....thats why it was so important for kibaki to choose the comissioners solo....
    and thats why they did not want a forensic audit nor a run-off

    Sir Alex

  36. Shame on the ODM leaders and their supporters who said they had evidence of the stolen election and when the time to present it to the commission they are nowhere to be found. In every civilized society the accuser bears the burden of proof. What is disturbing is not that they claimed the elction was stolen, but that they used the pretext to rape and murder innocent peasants.

    When Kalonzo whips their bare butts in 2012 will they again claim the election is stolen?

  37. how does a man who want to lead Kenya take 64 years to realise its not healthy at all to live with a smelly foreskin?

    now thats the question!!!

    sam okello, ukiona cha mwenziwe chanyolewa, tia chako maji...bwa ha ha ha


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I have always said two things;

    1. Elections in Kenya were not stolen and that if you have any evidence stating otherwise, you should present the evidence to the court of law and let the whole world know how elections were stolen. Look I have been vindicated on this one.
    Many of you under-estimated Kibaki's popularity and because of your brainwashed state of mind, you still cannot come around to the fact that, more than half the Kenyan voters did not vote for Raila. ODM's claims of overwhelming national support were therefore baseless and calculated in an effort to deceive people.

    2. I am not a tribal person but, I have always believed the next president of Kenya should come from either Kamba or Bukusu communities. So it either Kalonzo or Wakoli for the president.

    On a very serious note, I think Raila and ODM should do the most honourable thing and pull out of the government as it has been proved they rigged themselves in the govt through FRAUD and DECEPTION. It's time they live up to their lies and apologise to the poor Kenyans for brazenly lying to them.

    ODMers must now be shitting themselves after they have been named as genociders. Truth and justice will always prevail, and mark my words they will pay for their evil deeds.

  41. ODM planned the violence!!

    They planned they executed it, I saw it with my two eyes people being killed; they planned it they think we are fools nobody kills for free there is always a price for any bargain. Ruto will not get way with it, you will face the consequences. This is the start of your downfall you arrogant thing.

    Arap Moi

  42. To CHRIS...

    In your ealier post, you wrote about voting for the exremely cute M/s Wavinya Ndeti as your local Ukambani MP mostly because you are "gender biased". Did you know she's married to a Nigerian who happens to be one of the richest men in Kenya/Africa? Did you really find out what this Shadowy Nigerian fella does for a living? Did you care where Wavinya Ndeti got all her cash to splash around without any care during her campaigns? Does it bother you that Wavinya may be using her beauty, charm and seduction to rise to power even being made an Asst Minister? Is there any coincidence taht this Nigerian has close links with dubious characters like Harun Mwau? Fortuantely, anyone who stands for public office deserves public scrutiny....

  43. I just stumbled on the below at Jukwaa. Thought I'd plug it on here:

    Cabinet ministers accused by the official human rights watchdog of organising or funding the post-election violence have come out angrily protesting their innocence.

    Every last one of them ought to resign - or do whatever it is that Kimunya did - immediately. Being led by people who have been plausibly accused of mass murder is simply not on.
    --written by theanarchomugikuyu

    (--loads of sense, but what kind of a name is that?!)

  44. Waweru,
    I hear you loud and clear albeit dishonest, I must say. I give it to you that your very articulate in your posts.

    So what about your obsession with one Dercon as an AUTHORITY in on electoral dynamics? Well, Oxford may intimidate you to go gaga with everything with that byline. While at it and for contrast ever heard of one Prof David Throup (African Studies) of The John Hopkins University, DC?

    Serial references is good for academics but they don't value to your points if you fail to tie the lose ends to dovetail into your thesis. Your obsession with with so called authorities betrays existence of academic/intelectual mercenaries. Just like Throup you should preface every post with THINK if your source is something like ECK. Bring them on, won't you?

  45. RAILA MUST GO!!!

    He rigged himself in the gava!

  46. M-Pesa, leave Chris alone. he is man on transition - "once lost but now can see". Give him time, he's surely coming into full redemption.

  47. m-pesa,

    Wavinya ndeti is cute?! Oh good heavens are you impotent or something?

  48. That south african fella has not been able to prove that the election was rigged but that does not = kibaki won, what they have not said is how the 'incompetence' affected the results.......that should be telling.....

    It was not in his terms of reference to determine who won, his was to find out what went wrong.....Well he has proved that there was 'incompetence' some have concluded that that =kibaki won is strange but then again its kenyans....Panuers were the most adamant that Kreigler should not try to find out who won....but concentrate instead on what went they claim that he has proved kibaki unclever.

    I wonder what that team was expecting? Some guys to come out and say that they stole...? Obviously they knew they were bieng watched and they have had more than enough time to cover their tracks.

    With what they have, let them organise another election eliminate 'incompetence' and lets see who comes up tops.....So far the only other indepentent result were the exit polls that showed that RAO won.

    Sir Alex

  49. Sir Alex,

    Raila toka! Shenzi yeye. Mavi ya kuku!!!

  50. Understandably, english comprehension seems to be a problem for some of us. Kriegler's pronouncement does not mean duckie won 'fair and square'.

    We all know there were serious problems with last year's elections and this is a fact that no one can wish away.

    Raila haters can continue with their mission as Agwambo continues to wow everyone.

    Much as I dislike duckie and would whip his behind given a chance, we are compelled to view him as the necessary evil - ie pacify him and his people so that Raila can work in peace.

    They wanted to stay at SH for another 5 years - walipewa let them snooze on.

    Kazi imeanza!

  51. Githongo once again stressed that he had recently visited the country – on express invitation from Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Justice Minister Martha Karua – to ‘undertake a number of planned engagements’.

    *** Predictably coward wiper has distanced himself from Githongo after seeing the reaction from his kikuyu masters.

  52. RAILA TOKA!!!

  53. Does Kibaki know that the IDPs are still languishing in camps? Nzeki and his lot are only doing what has been perfected - benefit as mich as possible from the numerous gravy trains.

    **The disharmony among the implementing bodies has led to a situation where the displaced continue in their desperate situations while the board headed by retired Catholic Archbishop Ndingi Mwana a’ Nzeki has already pocked Sh7 million in allowances

  54. RAILA TOKA!!!

    7:19 AM

    atoke aende wapi na yeye ndiye nahodha?

  55. Anon 7:22...aende mbia, yeye ni marehu.

  56. Anon 7:22...aende mbia, yeye ni marehemu.

  57. m-pesa,

    are you the latest recruit hired to fight wiper's wars on kk? Ask the known hirelings, they will share the misery they have endured while trying to defend the indefensible.

    Keep your distance- am waiting to see how the loser wiggles himself out of the bout with Wavinya.

  58. The next elections we are going to have will be worst than the 2007 election , This south African commissioner has just handed a batton to kenyans to prepare for rigged election come 2012.
    just gety your pay and move on , we will handle the rest of the situation, ,,,
    LETS MOVE ON, the incumbent has been given the power to rig the election or preside and install whomsoever he wants to. WAKATI UTAAMUA.

  59. .....It was then that he accused me of allowing political hyenas to roam in Ukambani without informing him,” Ndeti said. She said: “I tried to move away from the V-P, but he followed me and pulled me back. He told me he was being fed with information about all my moves every day.” And soon after that word went round that Musyoka and Ms Ndeti had bitter exchanges at the venue.

    ****Aii, this is sexual harrassment, doesn't this LOSER understand that respect is earned. Hirelings, please talk to your son to patiently wait for the 'gema backs' to ride on - meanwhile let him keep his filthy hands away from Wavinya.

  60. Raila out! Wakoli IN!!!

    Wakoli Bifwoli for PM!!!!!!!!


    1. Certain individuals within PNU allegedly raised funds and organised gangs to perpetuate the post-election violence in Central Province. A number of meetings were in Nairobi by some leaders from Central Province where the plight of Kikuyu IDPs was discussed.

    2. The meetings started to take a sinister turn when retaliation against non-Kikuyu communities was discussed and organised.

    3. A number of these meetings were held in early December 2007 and January, February and March 2008,
    during which time these leaders met at Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC),Landmark Hotel and Marble Arch Hotel.

    4. Leaders who attended these meetings included Njenga Karume, the immediate former MP of Kiambaa. Other participants in the meetings were Stanley Githunguri, MP for Kiambaa, who allegedly organised fund raising; Kabando wa Kabando, MP for Mukurweini, who organised the delivery of weapons; Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy Prime Minister and MP for Gatundu South, who organised finances to fund pro Kikuyu organised gangs; and Mary Wambui, a PNU activist, who allegedly organised finances and arranged for arms to be delivered from Ethiopia via Moyale and Marsabit.

    5. Another politician mentioned adversely in relation to whipping ethnic tensions is Peter Mungai Mwathi, Lari MP, who uttered inciting statements at Kirathimo camp when he asked Mungiki to arm itself to defend Kikuyu people in the Rift Valley.

    6. The extent to which businesspeople financed perpetration of violence against non Kikuyu communities was not quite clear.

    7. A group of business persons met on 26 January 2008 at Kikuyu Country Club to fundraise for eviction of nonKikuyu residents. The meeting was attended by a
    Mr Bob of the Kikuyu Matatu Welfare Association and a Mr Wa Babu, owner of Makutano Bar in
    Kikuyu Town.

    8. Individuals said to have supplied weapons for use in raids were Mburu Gituya and John Nice.

    9. Small businesses such as Buba Hardware, Kimiti Hardware and Menrose hardware, all in Kikuyu, supplied weapons such as machetes.

    10. Religious leaders in areas such as Limuru and Nyeri used the pulpit to convey messages amounting to hate speech against non Kikuyu communities, ODM and generally rallying the
    Kikuyu to protect our community.

    11. In Kirathimo IDP camp in Limuru, which hosted Kikuyu returnees from other provinces, one religious leader urged the people that eg The Kikuyu should be armed the way I am armed with a Bible. Finally, gospel artistes, including Miuga Njoroge, performed in Limuru at rallies attended by the local community where hate messages were disseminated.

    12. Local language media also disseminated hate speech to Kikuyu audiences in Central Province and in the diaspora. Call-in shows on radio stations enabled individuals to make unregulated hateful statements. Inooro FM put on air highly emotional and distraught victims of the violence, a factor that tended to whip up the emotions of its audience. Music in the Kikuyu language played on Kameme and Inooro radio stations also engendered or raised ethnic tensions. One such song, by Miuga Njoroge, variously played by Inooro FM, lyricised about Raila Odinga and the Luo community in very negative terms.

    13. Non-Kikuyu IDPs alleged that organised gangs, and specifically Mungiki, played a role in their eviction. Eviction notices used by the youth seeking to evict non-Kikuyu communities from Central Province bore the signature of Mungiki.(up to date nobody in the government has confirmed how many known kikuyu's living then in central province were killed by mungiki/ kikuyu tribes on rampage since no newspapers or camera's were allowed in central province(but luckily services too pictures while on the run with cell phones of central provinces atrocities against non-kikuyus in the province... The nature of killings in some places like Limuru
    bore the semblance of known Mungiki killings.

    14.The nature of threats received by non-Kikuyu residents, particularly those that made reference to the number of heads needed, attests to the possibility of Mungiki involvement.

    However, many Kikuyu residents of Central Province as well as the Provincial Administration downplayed Mungiki involvement in the conflict. It was farmore likely that individuals masqueraded as the Mungiki organised gangs to frighten non-Kikuyu communities into leaving.

    reports indicate more than 4000 killed or missing non kikuyu's from central province are still missing to date?? where are they?? this are the poor who originally were working on the tea and coffee farms...

    why do you think the central province kikuyu's are uprooting their tea and coffee bushes?? they have no farm laborers let them stop pretending that it is not lucrative!!! there is nobody to pick it out from the farms since they killed all the non-kikuyu laborer who worked for them.....

  62. Those dreaming about "Raila out" continue dreaming. Raila is there to stay and to stay for a long long time!!! Kibaki is dying anyway!Who does not know this fact? If you don't, then you are the only one.

  63. Kimi Raikkonen you are asleep... like senile kibaki... your hero

    do shut up all kenyans are aware the house of mumbi was mobilized before even the 27th December 2007 that is to say the exact date it started in February 2007 with the mungiki's who refused to toe Kibaki's line after they were ordered to start slaughtering other kenyans during the compaign process......

    So Kimi fools like you still wet your pants when you hear the name Raila Odinga..... just like your senile kibaki who is clothed in diapers this days sources say:):)

    2012 is the year for true democratic kenyans and we shall win yet again hands down!!! I promise you that...
    you can post your Malaya Martha Karua who sleeps with priests or Uhuru the mungiki warlord who can't even share his stolen land with IDP's or Kalonzo musyoka who we all know was paid a big fee to stand by Kibaki and lick his ass....
    what is new?? central province murderers will br taught a lesson once and for all--- wait and see gunia wewe.....

  64. anon1:57 AM

    Better foreskin that incest cut filled dicks
    Kikuyu tradition where fathers sleep with their daughters and mothers with sons while sisters deliver babies with their brothers!! disgusting - i will chose foreskin any time than incest shiate dicks.. from central province....

  65. anon3:31 AM

    Arap Moi:)
    Kenyans all know you planned with kibaki the Eldoret church burning of kikuyu sacrifices in order for Kibaki to stay in power and you to save your billions - arap Moi shenzi sana and then you put the blame on Ruto both you and Kibaki wih the help of the malaya singing bird named martha Karua...
    Kenyans have facts hey ..... wait a minute we even have proof/....

    Take ODM to court I dare you so that the real proof and truth can come out you PNU shenzi murderers and cowards.............

  66. anon5:05 AM

    Sorry you feel that way - but you see "KIBAKI" is no more:) he can't even use the toilet by himself... someone must remove his diaper we now hear:)

    So who do you think is running the country?? even Martha Karua is scared that is why she has bought the grand opposition through funds sources now confirm from people like Former Governor of Central bank Duncan Ndegwa and his mighty group who are from Nyeri have 100% endorsed Martha Karua for 2012 Elections- "Chris" proof me wrong"
    You can't because I have the facts even the day the meeting took place between the Nyeri big wigs who are never in the kenyan lime- light and Marth Karua the biatch of kenyan....

    So you want to Lie to us that the same Kibaki who opened the Continental hotel Mombasa owned by the same Ndegwa is not aware of their full support for Martha Karua??
    Kibaki as usual is double dipping playing Karua against Uhuru....
    Usual kikuyu prostitution games..

  67. 1500 people died for nothing. So that some fool who dyes his hair becomes minister of health and another fools wife gets 400K allowance.

    For that 1500 souls were snuffed out, mercilessly.

    We are a sick small minded people. Tanzanians and Ugandans are miles ahead of us in terms of intellect and reason.

  68. 2 Daniel Waweru, don't tell me that we live in such a small world? Are you the dude from KU, the one I met during the worst two years of my life while I was pegged down in Garissa on a hardship assignment?

    I had just been tossed out of Nyali ... and dumped at the famous Garissa military base, while you used to spend your college holidays at the Boys Town, working with a group of expariates from the WFP.

    Does the phrase "Jogoo Kimakia" ring a bell? The equivalent of 'Garissa Express'and 'Kugeria.'

    Well, I may be mistaken, after all there are hundreds of Daniel Waweru living in Kenya and beyond.

  69. KIBAKI TOKA...he is senile (too much previous "white cup" in his brain!!)We have had enough from the kikuyu thieves!

  70. I agree with you. They tallk of the foreskin forgetting their brown teeth and jigger infested feet!!!!!

  71. Raila Toka, Mavi ya Kuku!!

  72. Those writing about Raila and the fore skin issues in Kumekucha- let me tell you something-I would rather have the foreskin than have brown teeth and jigger infested feet!!!!!!!Mungikis are you listening?

  73. you are very wrong, the election was indeed stolen, by none other than Raila Odinga and Otieno Kajwang. And to rub it in, they went on a killing spree. Raila should be in jail, with or without the foreskin.


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