Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something is Bugging Me Big Time

There is something that is really bugging me and I am afraid I cannot keep quiet any more. I just have to speak it out. Dear friends and countrymen kindly bear with me because I will explode if I don’t speak out my heart now.

In the last general elections I had the privilege of casting my vote and I am proud to say that I did not make any of my mistakes of the past of voting along tribal lines. We had “one of our own” (Kalonzo Musyoka) standing and I simply ignored him and voted for the candidate that I thought was best suited for the job at the time. And he was certainly NOT from my tribe. I proudly voted Raila Odinga for president. When it came to MP I had no problem either. I will admit here and now that I am gender biased, given the choice of a man or woman, I tend always to lean on the side of the woman. And with good reason from my own life experiences. When it comes to entrusting responsibility on somebody whom I need to trust, I have hardly ever been let down by women. In my humble view women are the real unsung heroines of the resilient Kenyan economy. So for MP I proudly voted a woman called Wavinya Ndeti and everybody I met I convinced to vote in the same way. Well she won and I know our constituency shall never be the same again.

Now that was 2007. We all know that every election is different. From my many years analyzing politics one thing I can tell you with certainty is that the elections in 2012 will be very different with very different faces.

But “my beef” is with my good friends in ODM. It is widely believed that ODM is the most democratic party in the country. Really? I am sorry but I am really beginning to doubt that.

If ODMers were truly democratic, then why is it that my good friends who support the party get very annoyed, nay extremely upset every time somebody dares to float another name as a possible presidential candidate other than the name of the son of Jaramogi Odinga?

In my humble view where the country has reached now, we need a clean fresh start from a new generation of Kenyan leaders preferably somebody who is NOT in the political class this minute.

Don’t get me wrong. I am convinced beyond any doubt that Raila Odinga won the last presidential elections but to be honest despite the good work he has done thus far, I would advice him not to present himself as a candidate for the presidency in 2012. There are many reasons for this but top on the list is for the sake of national healing and reconciliation. Secondly a man who appoints the likes of William Ole Ntimama into his cabinet is surely a presidential candidate whose time is now past.

But of course I realize it is the captain’s democratic right to decide if he is going to stand or not. But surely can his supporters please give us a break while we discuss the future of the country? Can they bear to think of a future that does not have Raila Odinga in State House? Or is the new slogan now: No Raila, no discussion of any other presidential candidate?

Let the barbs come flying now but remember that I too have a democratic right to my own personal view and opinion.


  1. Chris, Sorry I never believe anything you say.

    For correction, in today's standard the Kreigler commission concluded that THE ELECTION WAS NOT RIGGED and Raila DID NOT WIN.

    Please don't have nightmares, kreigler is not Kenya and not black but he was very adamant about this one thing;

    "Kriegler said the talk of a stolen election was a creation of the civil society. He said several factors contributed to the election fiasco and that the Kenyan society was also to blame."

    He went on to say angrily that,

    "You had people who used the advantage of incumbency, civil servants participated in the campaigns using state machineries, and there was bloodshed across Kenya ahead of the elections. Looking for fraud at the KICC tallying centre by the KPTJ is honestly focusing at a wrong place," said Kriegler

  2. Chris, the fascists in ODM kill for less. ODMorons are not supposed to think, they are supposed to praise raila and demonize/kill kikuyus Thats the democracy that Nyongo and his pals are bringing here.

    Just wait and see how the odm zombies will come screaming here.

  3. Ni ukweli Vikii alisema jana, Chris anatebelea barabara ile ya Damascus - the famous road that leads to sanity and reformation of an individual.
    You sound like you are nearly there.

  4. Chris, you are not alone. Hata wakalenjin wengi wanasema hawatamuunga mkono Raila come 2012.
    I think people are begining to realise what this Raila and ODM is all about.

  5. i wonder why the molasses cry babies like Taabu and Okello have given your post a wide berth. obviously, they are of the no raila no peace crusade. but for once chris you have moved away from the marauding crowd of thieves and thot like a genuine Kenyan. let molasses and his murderors and morons of cabinet..ruto, ntimama, kosgey's....etc give us a break.
    sutrely, a man who is begging us to pay his fat lady kshs 400,000 a month for washing his dirty laundry and keeping his zippers up has no business going near the house on the top. maybe he needs to provide/service his wife first like all men.
    or its time he took his own advice and parted with his 64 year old smelly shrinkled foreskin..its free u know..

    odmers, go suck today no molasses morship at Kumekucha.

  6. why is everyone hiding under the anonymus tag if you believe what you are saying? without joining any side of this debate, if you agree with chris, mbona mnajificha under anonymous?

  7. anonymous 6:15
    you are also a victim of the subject.nyani haoni kuduke!

  8. What other options do we have?

    Kalonzo or Uhuru?....pleeease.

    Let us be realistic. This is Kenya and not some developed democracy. Let us not expect a presidential candidate to emerge (like Obama) from nowhere. Whether we 'kithni or ndekni',our next president will be one of the sorry faces we now have.

    Chris, Ntimama is a tribal leader just like all the rest and the trend of kenyan politics will be determined for a long time by these tribal kings who as we all know determine who the next president will be. BTW, wasn't he at the forefront during ODM campaigns? why didn't you have second thoughts then?

    Folks this is all about choices. Raila's devils are all out in the open. Kibaki's, Kalonzo's Uhuru's etc are all pulling the strings from the darkness. Personally, I would rather deal with the nyang'aus that are visible.

  9. Chris, I discussed this same issue with a friend of mine not long ago and I had the same view. I think we need a clean break from the past. We need someone - just like Barack Obama - who brings people together by inspiring them to rise to take charge of their own destiny and not feed off their insecurities. I think the BEST Odinga and the GCG is to bequeth us a new constitution devoid of gimmickry and vested interests.

  10. ODM is "the most democratic party"? Well, that's bizarre.

  11. Chris,
    You are spot on. But the whole post latently admits that nothing is ging to change between now and 2012 and hence the obsession with personalities.

    If this poltical marriage of convinience (GCG) was to be selfish and offer Kenya a new katiba, we won't care less who is sleeping at SH. But truest me eac of the OLD FACES want that present power inatct all-motions-no-move notwithstanding.

    Granted 2012 is just but 4 years a way and where is this MESSIAH who we want? Even Obama had to start from Chicaga and 4 years ago maid is intention known. So where is our Obama ama not yet born? You have to dirty your hands to access the political water to clean it. Failure to do that we are headed for more corronations.

    If only we could be sincere then we would demand that CLEAN hand to have his/her hat in the ring NOW. Otherwise all the support for new leadership amounts to disguised dishonesty - reasoning by displacement where you crowd to fight perceived or real enemy as a cover to protect your own. Reminds you of Pakis after Musharaf quit.

  12. Plus Raila never won, there was no rigging in Juja or Nithi or Kandara.......I can swear that, got inside info n I know ODM bulldozed into the gava, however history will def. judge them very harshly

  13. Anon at 5.37
    All Krigler is saying with the kind of atmosphere that had been created prior to the election (both ODM and PNU created this mess. ODM by demonizing Kikuyus and PNU by painting Raila unelectable), it was very hard for the ECK to run a civilized election. He at no tme says Raila lost.

    My verdict, proper laws should be in-place to deal with such scenarios. We need to regulate how campaigns are run in Kenya by coming up with tough laws on ethnic relations, conduct during elections, nominations aka political parties act and finally how ECK commissioners are nominated, their conduct and how they will deal with situation like last year's.

    For now the two men sharing power is the best we can do and hope we will put in place proper laws and have everyone be convicted by the same laws i.e no one is above these laws.

  14. Some people are just there to be led by a rope like a cow being led to slaughter for even a dog refuses to tag on a leash occasionaly going after other scents on the walk path.After all the murders,evictions and destitution,the ODM demi god worked his way into government courtesy of his violent followers(reason why Obama didnt want him anywhere near that convention).Mr RAO now sits pretty doing the presidents bidding and only just recently negotiated a huge allowance for the fat lady(wont she burst) and what is the fate of all those murderous followers?They are even into more misery what with high oil,food and electricity prices.People you need to wake up!It aint about them,its about us!

  15. Chris
    I hate to agree with you but i guess i must since it is the truth.We luos have to accept the fact that "even though Raila would make a great president it is not a "must" that he becomes one" at this time he is still my candidate of choice but should a younger more promising person out side of parliament come up with a convinsing and persuasive case for the kenyan people then iam sorry Raila,i will have to put the country first on this one , but please chris please, please, please drop that Githongo nonsense , a man who lacks honor is not fit to be president , no matter how wrong the muraria's were he had no right to record private conversations without the consent of the recordees , all he needed to do was display a disclaimer in his offices that goes some thing like "you are being recorded in this faclity for your own good and for that of the motherland".

  16. Chris, it took you 8 long months to realise Raila Odinga ni bure kabisa… something that took me less than a day to realise. I only had to read ODM manifestos and campaign strategy to know ODM was in to rule, win or lose. Raila definition for CHANGE was the change of the one who sit in the statehouse and democracy to him meant gain for one tribe and lose for another, basically "our time to eat is now". He never really represented anything democracy, his inclusion of some of the most notorious thugs like Ntimama and Ruto should have sounded alarming bells for you.

    I come from coast, and just like you, I don’t vote along tribal lines and I don't believe tribe should be a criteria in choosing who should govern the country.

    What we need in Kenya is a visionary leader with burning visions for the present and future, someone who is able to articulate those visions with great inspiration and create specific, achievable goals, initiates action and enlists the participation of others.
    Furthermore, coexistence and pluralism is the way forward for our country now. We cannot live in a country that is divided alongside tribal lines and expect to achieve anything. The destiny of our country is in our hands collectively.

    4 years ago very little was known of this Senator of Illinois, today this young visionary leader has risen to become an international superstar, but what we don't know is, the young barack was unknowingly being sharpened while working as a community leader for the greater task that was ahead of him. What I am trying to say here is, you must be willing to be a servant before you can actually serve. Raila has never wanted to serve, he has always wanted to rule, right from day one. If he wanted to serve, he would have done something for the residents of Kibera, at least give them some decency and built a pit latrine which does not cost that much.

  17. ...and that leader in hypocrite kwale's opinion is 'DR' MUSYOKA.

  18. I would like to echo these words from Simeon Nyachae,

    "nani alimusubua Mzee Kenyatta after the independence? nani alimusubua Mzee Moi? nani anaendelea kumsubua Mzee Kibaki sasa?"

    name Odinga stand for trouble. don't say you have not been warned.

  19. Folks, the Uhuru/ Kalonzo bandwagon is working overdrive to demonize Raila. Never trust these people - despite repeated failures thy will keep on trying.

    Idiots for hire like Kwale even bring in the nonsense that he has always wanted to lead. Of course we know the likes of uhuru and wiper are 'content with being mere MPs' and as for duckie, seems the presidency was shoved down his throat. Or was he the best candidate around?

    BTW Kwale, do you expect anyone to take you seriously with these juvenile, cheap, boring old lines that flopped from the moment you panuas started spinning it eti....

    ..If he wanted to serve, he would have done something for the residents of Kibera, at least give them some decency and built a pit latrine which does not cost that much.

  20. Raila is the best thing that has happened to Kenya in recent months.


  21. Anon 10:22, until a new fresh face appears, Kalonzo remains the best in a bad bunch.
    I don't know whether he is a visionary leader or not, but I think he has stood the test of time and has proved he is a man who can be trusted with country's peace and unity.

  22. Anon 10:40
    You mean you cannot oppose Raila unless you are on PNU payroll?
    Well, FYI, not everybody is unable to make up their own mind, and I don't need anyone to tell me who is good or bad, I have my own WILL and Intellect and I will continue to express them accordingly.

  23. Kwale you said,

    ....I don't know whether he is a visionary leader or not,but I think he has stood the test of time and has proved he is a man who can be trusted with country's peace and unity.

    ****am lost, please explain to me how he can be trusted with a country's peace and unity?
    Please don't mention the peace talks he partcipated in when minister for foreign affairs (task any foreign affairs minister would have dealt with)

    As for unity, am not sure how he is or plans to be a uniter. First, just like the sloth at SH, it will take a long time for 6 provinces to accept him. That is why, in between jetting in and out of the country (does he still think he's in foreign affairs?)he only has the guts to visit central and ukambani.

    Now, tell me what peace and unity are you talking about? the vp deal after elections?

  24. I guess your blog really need money from Martha Karua and the daily nation goons that paid you chris we hear- so what is the difference between you and Kalonzo Musyoka Chris aka Kumekucha??

    I fact it ODM must take it's place in statehouse fully just like the Kenyan people voted in 2007 December, it is a pity many died while trying to protect their democratic right to vote- I guess the mpumbavu Chris has forgotten why ODM has to stand as they were before Kibaki rigged the elections and Killed thousands of innocent kenyans...

    So Chris you are in fact saying those ODM supporters and demonstrators that kibaki killed died in vain??

    Raila is still the peoples presidents and if democracy is to be put in action then shut up and get out the senile thieve and thug kibaki out of statehouse and let Raila Odinga the "president you voted for who won the elections fair and square take up his rightful place in statehouse before you come on your blog to post shiate and nonsense Chris aka Kumekucha-

    Those that have paid you to try and bull-shit kenyans are wasting their time- we Kenyans are tooo smart for that!!
    maybe you should sell your bullshit to central province and PNU!!!!!!!!!

  25. I guess your blog really need money from Martha Karua and the daily nation goons that paid you chris we hear- so what is the difference between you and Kalonzo Musyoka Chris aka Kumekucha??

    I fact it ODM must take it's place in statehouse fully just like the Kenyan people voted in 2007 December, it is a pity many died while trying to protect their democratic right to vote- I guess the mpumbavu Chris has forgotten why ODM has to stand as they were before Kibaki rigged the elections and Killed thousands of innocent kenyans...

    So Chris you are in fact saying those ODM supporters and demonstrators that kibaki killed died in vain??

    Raila is still the peoples presidents and if democracy is to be put in action then shut up and get out the senile thieve and thug kibaki out of statehouse and let Raila Odinga the "president you voted for who won the elections fair and square take up his rightful place in statehouse before you come on your blog to post shiate and nonsense Chris aka Kumekucha-

    Those that have paid you to try and bull-shit kenyans are wasting their time- we Kenyans are tooo smart for that!!
    maybe you should sell your bullshit to central province and PNU!!!!!!!!!

  26. I guess your blog really need money from Martha Karua and the daily nation goons that paid you chris we hear- so what is the difference between you and Kalonzo Musyoka Chris aka Kumekucha??

    I fact it ODM must take it's place in statehouse fully just like the Kenyan people voted in 2007 December, it is a pity many died while trying to protect their democratic right to vote- I guess the mpumbavu Chris has forgotten why ODM has to stand as they were before Kibaki rigged the elections and Killed thousands of innocent kenyans...

    So Chris you are in fact saying those ODM supporters and demonstrators that kibaki killed died in vain??

    Raila is still the peoples presidents and if democracy is to be put in action then shut up and get out the senile thieve and thug kibaki out of statehouse and let Raila Odinga the "president you voted for who won the elections fair and square take up his rightful place in statehouse before you come on your blog to post shiate and nonsense Chris aka Kumekucha-

    Those that have paid you to try and bull-shit kenyans are wasting their time- we Kenyans are tooo smart for that!!
    maybe you should sell your bullshit to central province and PNU!!!!!!!!!

  27. Kibaki the rigging thief and thug will go down in history as a killer of innocent kenyans to stay in power!! yes kenyan know that.

    do you PNU and kikuyu central truthfully believe that kenyans believe in your shenzi paids muzungu Kreigler ?? ha!!ha!! you are the fools -this muzungi was just paid to do what he knows how to do best lie.... and does he care about the kenyans that lost their life's by kibaki's police gangs?? nope
    the Kreigler shit head can even dare tell kenyans there was no rigging- go tell him to go and stick his head in kibaki's ass Kreigler shenzi sana he needs someone to blow off his head - or hang him like saddam Hussein-

  28. Kreigler the paid kibaki biatch has spoken and I believe he was addressing central Lesotho province which we will soon get read off...

    Kibaki the bitch has paid him as usual to lie.... as kenyans we do not need a white man to tell us what we saw with our own eyes.


  29. Chris??
    Grow up! if you have to post anything about ODM!! " President Raila the peoples president and remember or do you need to be reminded of the impostor in statehouse ?? called Emilio Mwai rigged himself-in thieving thug kibaki-

    Who is Senile and full of Alzheimer disease and has no say in Kenya except in central province where the Incest goons continue stealing and looting...

  30. Raila will be the next president of Kenya whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, take a rope...and you know how to use it.

  31. Chris stop being a paid snitch who is trying to use kumekucha blog to abuse ODM as a party - follow Martha Karua's advise... Raila Odinga will and must take back what we ODMer's voted for in 2007? stop pretending at you voted for Raila Odinga you shameful fool and you think anyone can believe your Kamba Shiate?? We ODMer's know what happened in December 2007 and Raila Odinga the peoples President will still be President in 2012 or earlier- He will take his rightful place in statehouse.
    Shame on you Chris- (Mukamba- wewe ndugu wa Musyoka Kalonzo) why lie here on your blog?? ati you voted for Raila?? what deceit!!shame on you..

    Shun PNU, Karua tells Narc-K members

    Updated 4 hr(s) 7 min(s) ago

    By Willis Oketch

    Narc-Kenya chairperson Martha Karua has warned party members against joining PNU during the party’s recruitment drive in October.

    Karua said any member who crosses to PNU from Narc-Kenya risked being deregistered.

    Karua, also the Justice Minister, cautioned party members in Mombasa after meeting Coast representatives.

    "If anybody is recruited he or she will be deemed as having resigned from the party," she said.

    She said the Political Parties Act forbids party members from joining two parties.

    Karua said Narc-Kenya officials were meeting grassroots leaders to strengthen the party.

  32. Chris, We are fed up of this sicko who keep posting inflamatory comments one after the other here in Kumekucha. It about time you start deleting this distrubed individual comments. he normally post about 10 comments in one post posing anonymous but we know the idiot is in America. From the comment number 24 its the same person all the way.

  33. Kenyans take note now the drunk hand picked son of Former president "MOI" called UHURU is trying to bring in the same Moi games ati calling it more important than the constitution that kenyans have been calling for since 2002 and kibaki refused!Uhuru the thug should shut up and give the IDP's Land now to settle on the land his father stole from Mau Mau veterans and other kenyans shenzi uhuru

    Split constituencies before law review, urges Uhuru

  34. anon4:38 PM
    yes yes i second you on this - I'm tired of this PNU paid goons on here who keep abusing the prime Minister - what is their beef with him? is it because Kibaki seems to be asleep??

    Chris do banish this PNU Riala bashers on here we ODM members are sick and tired of this sicko's.

  35. anon4:38 PM
    We all know you are the one who abuses the Prime Minister all those post are coming from the same IP address which is you! now you can't take the heat when your darling kibaki is given the same treatment with bloggers on here then move on .

    ati behaving like a cry baby telling Chris to delete?? why don;t you delete your own shiate?? that you post here abusing the PM??

  36. Chris,
    Granted that Raila is not the ideal candidate for 2012,who then in your right thinking mind should unite the wananchi,create wealth and build a safer kenya?-is it Uhuru,kalonzo,Saitoti Githongo Karua or Ruto?Kenya needs to move from its tribal,and trivial politics to its position of prosperity,where everyone can do business and live in harmony.we need not only a strong, but experienced leadership to help set this infrastruture where positive thinking and real change can develope.Again, i put it to you Chris, who in the current kenyan politics can deliver this?

  37. kalonzo is a very sinister operator

  38. You have not seen it yet, in other words, you have not yet met or encountered a woman who will leave you high and dry in a heartbeat. Guess what, the blistering day will come when you least expect to encounter a black widow. Pray that you don't run into a former nun brimming with vengeance or one of those " bitter returnees" from the United States.

    Women should not be elected to office because of their "gender" but for what they stand for in all spheres of life.

    By the way, I am one of those Kenyans who are looking forward to seeing two or three new (fresh faces) presidential candidates in 2012.

    Chris, guess what, strike out "one of your own" from the shortlist, yaani, anybody, any mkamba, any candidate but Kalonzo Musyoka, the one time slick operator from the dark decades of Nyayoism. He has always been a real player from the chapters of Kivulini and Msufi Mkavu.

    Don't forget to strike out the following names as well, Uhuru Mutt Kenyagiza, Ruto Rotter Rotor, Raila Roulette, Ngilu Niggle, Karua Rarua-Rower, Kombo Knobbly Kombo-Combo, Mudavadi Divided, and don't even think of mentioning the name Jimmy Jemmy Kibaki as a replacement for his you know what.

    See you in 2012 and beyond.

  39. Bure kabisa mavi ya kuku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Serious kiuk,kale & jangos should know kenya has forty odd tribe that produce `leaders` too. it's time to divorce from the notion that you have to come the above three to be an acceptable president coastal,northerners can do a better job given the opportunity

  41. Danson Mungatana!!!

    Young and charasmatic!!!

  42. Charles.Nairobi.
    Ntimama-am sure yo would reward your loyal mates with plum positions.
    In the dirty game of politics you need people you can trust..!

  43. Sylvester Wakoli Bifwoli for president!!

  44. have you noticed raila worshippers like Phil have gone AWOL.
    The other day he thought the whole country is begining to accept molasses. It must be a shocker for you bwana phil to read this.

  45. People like Kalonzo Musyoka, Ruto Rotten, Askari Kombo-Kombo, Mudavadi Divai, Wakoli Bifwoli Lifwolo, and others, are calloused political climbers who have perfected the art of betraying their very own friends and electorate, they'd stab their own grandmothers in the back in order to make it to the lesser kitchen tables at the statehouse.

  46. Kevin Myers: “Africa is giving nothing to anyone - apart from AIDS”
    July 12, 2008 on 2:18 am | In Reality news, Articles, environment, globalism, politics, society |
    Holy shit… Myers destroying the Africa pityfest in the indo:


    No. It will not do. Even as we see African states refusing to take action to restore something resembling civilisation in Zimbabwe, the begging bowl for Ethiopia is being passed around to us, yet again. It is nearly 25 years since Ethiopia’s (and Bob Geldof’s) famous Feed The World campaign, and in that time Ethiopia’s population has grown from 33.5 million to 78 million today.

    So why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic demographic growth in that country? Where is the logic? There is none. To be sure, there are two things saying that logic doesn’t count.

    One is my conscience, and the other is the picture, yet again, of another wide-eyed child, yet again, gazing, yet again, at the camera, which yet again, captures the tragedy of . . .

    Sorry. My conscience has toured this territory on foot and financially. Unlike most of you, I have been to Ethiopia; like most of you, I have stumped up the loot to charities to stop starvation there. The wide-eyed boy-child we saved, 20 years or so ago, is now a priapic, Kalashnikov-bearing hearty, siring children whenever the whim takes him.

    we now have almost an entire continent of sexually hyperactive indigents, with tens of millions of people who only survive because of help from the outside world. This dependency has not stimulated political prudence or commonsense.

    Meanwhile, Africa’s peoples are outstripping their resources, and causing catastrophic ecological degradation.

    So, how much sense does it make for us actively to increase the adult population of what is already a vastly over-populated, environmentally devastated and economically dependent country?

  47. One thing I learned by chance as a teenager when I started travelling outside of Nairobi was that there are at least two kenyans.....

    There are the people like you and me who blog here and there those 'average' kenyans who earn a salo that will shock you....unfortunately we do the talking they do the voting and our opinions matter very little in those decisions.

    Thats why 'we' were shocked at the violence while 'they' are raring to go even tomorrow if need be. We have simply failed to engage this guys and cary them with, therefore forget that dream of a new someone they don't will never come true,

    We have had matibas,and the like when ROA run the fisrt time he was young, even the match talked about kalooser had his 15min of fame and bombed out....his only real chances is if none of the big boys and girls are running and the same old tribal politics are run to the max hec he claimed RAO was unelectable for being luo.....pretty much what the clintons thought of how can leopard change its skin?

    They way kenyan politics operates is that its a democracy ....something some slow guys here seem not to get....If Ntimama represents a large constituency of kenyans....and I mean constituency in its broader meaning....then is political suicide in a democrary to ignore him....presidents in a democracy unfortately have to do that.....

    I have a rwandese friend who went back home soon after kagame came to power and was dissapointed to find some old known thugs in gov....fortunately kagame afforeded him an audience to air his issues and he was told that to hold the country together for a while that was necessary.....same with kenya depending on you bias RAO is enteraining Emelio or vice versa for the sake of peace for all kenyans......

    so lets not try and be too simplistic. The field is open and any 'gladiator' can jump in........unfortunately you cannot vote against... so be that knew person and try your may find that you can still work very well under RAO much better than you think........

    I have always maintained that most kenyans voted RAO because they hated the kikuyus,not because the know what he stands for....prior to the attempted kikuyunisation of kenya by Emelio and co....kalonzo was right to say that RAO being a luo was simply not took a great percieved or real offense on kenyans to forget their luo hatrade...most old politicians would count on it....and that may be RAOs and kenyas nxt great battle a genuine non tribal kenyan politics its a long way coming but hope it comes soon.

    A major change is not carrid out by one man, its about that person reading the prevailing mood and riding it like a surfer rides a wave and kenyans are still too tribal to see clearly.....most of it is childish and based on personal issues with some member of the hated tribe....that is then generalised....and the all too human need to feel superior to anyone by any means possible be it age, education, skin colour , hieght we are so desparate we have even included tribe.

    Sir Alex

  48. The Constitution will change and Executive powers will be vested in the Prime Minister. He/She would have to command a nationwide appeal and a grassroots movement that will include a majority.

    Therefore the Presidency will be in effect, ceremonial a best. That said, come 2012, a new face will occupy that office. As for the PM, it remains to be seen if ODM will scuttle this constitutional ideal that Kenyans have time and again laid claim as a preferred structure of governance. That leave Raila in an awkward position and probably vulnerable, to a NEW FACE.

    I've championed Raila's cause but Kenya needs to move on and do away with the past. If the constitution is revised, 2012 will bring in a new wave of leaders. Forget Uhuru, forget Raila and Forget Ruto.

  49. You could be right ut WHY DONT YOU LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE by rejecting him

  50. It has taken you 8 months to realize that Raila is no leader?! You are truly weird. So why did you vote for him? If you had taken the time to assess his performance in Kibera for all the time he has been Langata MP, you would have known that he is incapable of leading anybody, not even leading goats to cross a road. He could not mobilize Kibera residents to help themselves by building pit latrines in order to permanently do away with flying toilets(or vision 1750 behavior), he will mobilize and lead Kenyans to realize vision 2030, complete with European standard roads? What a daydreamer. It seems to me he would do better to help Kenyans realize vision 1500!

  51. Chris has this newfound wisdom come from the realisation that raila actually lost the election and that he is illegaly in office?

  52. We voted for ODM in large numbers. i doubt if i will vote again unless it is a woman president especially this woman who doesnt know her tribe, Njoki Ndungu. another woman i can vote for would be wangari mathaai or ngilu. these men are just grabbers after power. i hear kibaki wants to be prime minister 2013!


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