Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Secondary School Strikes: Grand Coalition Government Courts More Disaster

It has been fascinating researching into the real causes of the current wave of school strikes that has left many Kenyans numb with shock. The first thing we have realized is just how complex the problem is. The truth is that those looking for a single reason to heap all the blame on will be disappointed because there are actually a number of reasons that have led to the current crisis. However many of them are related.
Also published in Kumekucha today: Sex in marriage: How to ask
Small Business Kenya: How to take your small business online

Fascinatingly, despite the fact that we are now told that over 300 schools countrywide have been involved in strikes, few Kenyans realize just how serious the problem is. For instance many do not know that in the course of this term alone Upper Hill School students have been on strike twice. The unrest that led to the death of a student was the second one. And so has Sunshine School in Langata.

It is interesting how the local media which has rushed to talk to teachers has generally heaped all the blame on parents who are said to dumb their unruly children in school and leave them to “terrorize” teachers. Surely how can this be true when youngsters spend most of their time at school (a minimum of 9 months out of 12). Would the reverse not be a little more accurate in that teachers who have mostly despaired in many schools across the country are molding the kind of youngster who end up terrorizing parents whenever they are at home. But having said that it is not a smart thing for all the blame to be heaped on any one party. Both share responsibility and it is supposed to be a team effort. Sadly these days, rather than co-operation the two key groups are busy mostly fighting and second-guessing each other at most schools, my investigation has revealed.

From my 3 day investigation I am forced to announce that the number one reason for the current problems in schools is that teachers have mostly abandoned their responsibilities in schools and are too busy trying to make extra money. While it is true that there are various other factors that have contributed to the current crisis including the withdrawal of the cane without an adequate discipline system to replace it, the truth is that if teachers were on the job, they would have sounded the alarm long before the first can of petrol was purchased to burn down anything.

What has in fact happened is that teachers have despaired and are only in schools to do the bear minimum to enable them earn their salaries so that they can re-invest in all kinds of enterprises that occupy their mind and indeed most of their time. There is nothing wrong with a teacher being enterprising, the only problem is that teaching is the kind of profession that does not work with anything less than total dedication.

The reaction of the government to the wave of strikes is bound to make the situation worse. As usual they have rushed to address the symptoms (so that they are seen to be doing something) and nobody is interested in digging out the root cause of this unprecedented crisis. That is why the ministry has banned DVD and CD players in school buses (what does that have to do with the problem?). Indeed they have also opted to charge as many of the students as possible in courts. While I agree that no mercy should be shown to arsonists, the reality is that quite a number of innocent students will get a chance to mix with hard criminals in police cells and you can be sure that they will never be the same again.

A more productive approach would be to start with the teachers and ask them where they were when the students planned and launched their attacks. This will hopefully lead to teachers admitting about their current state of despair which will in turn lead to the issue of the cane (which must be re-introduced). This will be much more useful than banning music in school buses and locking up barely legal youngsters.

P.S. 1 :

In your weekend special this Saturday: How prominent Kenyans made their money. Kenyans worship money and they really don’t care how their leaders made their cash as long as they have plenty of it so that during election campaigns, they can distribute Kshs 50 or even Kshs 5 to voters (when some of them have stolen thousands from each individual Kenyan countrywide). For those interested in the way in which these wealthy well known Kenyans made their money my detailed series of articles this weekend will amaze and surely disgust you. Dump your girl friend or boyfriend for yours truly this weekend (I promise not to disappoint). And let’s meet right here in your one and only Kumekucha Weekend special.

P.S. 2

Yesterday I published a story in my raw notes that I can NOT dare advertise here. Get the details on what it is about including a sneak preview into the hottest article I have ever penned in my over 20 years in Kenyan journalism. Email me NOW for FREE details and also regular advance information on what is going to be published here including Breaking News Alerts. And it is all FREE. Email me at;

P.S. 3

I appeal to regular readers of Kumekucha to remain on high alert and to refuse to be taken in by common trickery, especially in the so-called comments in this blog (and I am NOT talking about the ones coming in from a mental asylum in Spain). I have visited every single blog and web site reporting Kenyan news and I can authoritatively tell you that no other site invites more criticism than this one. But why? Just ask yourself the simple question; why don’t these “unhappy readers” move elsewhere instead of spending the whole day here trying to prove that our articles are either NOT factual or that (this is the latest one) I am recycling old Kumekucha articles. There was an especially amusing incident 2 days ago when some well-trained-in-propaganda-techniques-Kenyan pounced on a single statement in an authentic email I reproduced here, talking about photographs, to suggest that the personal account on a sexual assault by the Kenya police was pure fiction. Co-incidentally on the same day the Daily Nation carried an article (with much less details) confirming that the assault actually took place.

It is also fascinating that the attacks are mainly focused on articles that I write myself and not so much on the other contributors. Some of this chaps lack reading skills because they also pounce on guest posts written by others that I post myself. Anything with Chris’ name at the bottom is earmarked for scrutiny with the intention to attack.

Heheheheheheehe. I know you guys are terribly worried at what I know. Lakini pole sana, I have no intention of holding anything back from my dear readers. So… bring it on!!

I am not one to brag but there is only one possible explanation as to why Kumekucha is the most attacked Kenyan blog on earth. Folks, they fear us too much and with good reason. Keep it here and if you are easily confused by clever propagandists, just skip the comments area and read the posts only and then wait for as long as 2 months for the story to break in other media.


  1. Kisumu experiences renewed Railamania
    Published in Standard Magazine

    BY Harold Ayodo

    A butcher who wrapped a quarter kilogramme of meat in a newspaper with the picture of Prime Minister Raila Odinga narrowly escaped death by lynching in Kisumu recently.

    Irate residents of Manyatta bayed for the blood of the seasoned butcher who was only rescued by police.

    "How could he wrap a quarter kilo of meat with bones using a newspaper with a colour picture of a national leader like Raila? It’s unheard of," says Oloo Otieno, a resident of Kondele.

    Ouma’s harrowing experience has made butchers cautious when serving clients after he closed shop.

    "Now we usually confirm that the old newspapers we use do not have pictures that may offend our customers," says a butcher.

    Vendors of groundnuts at the Central Business District (CBD) also say they vet newspaper pages before using them to wrap the delicacy.

    Matatus in Kisumu have pictures of Prime Minister in order to attract passengers . PHOTO BY James Keyie

    Small-scale businessmen and women say the same applies to pictures of Illinois Senator and Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama.

    It is for reasons such as this that the late Vice President Kijana Wamalwa coined the term Raila mania.

    Residents say elevation of Raila to the second Premier of the country is no mean achievement considering the hardships he underwent fighting for expanded democratic space.

    Bar patrons who have mastered the politics of Premiership usually get free rounds of beer from the people who listen to the tales.

    Dwellers of the lakeside town even dismiss mainstream newspapers that do not bear his picture or story on the cover.

    Vendors concur that selling a newspaper without either a front-page coloured picture of or a story about Raila in the region is similar to marketing pork in Saudi Arabia.

    "Kuuza gazeti hapa bila maneno ya mzee ni ngumu," a vendor says. (Selling newspapers here that is not about the old man is difficult.)

    Newspaper vendors reveal that they sold the highest number of copies ever when Raila and Obama toured Kisumu together on August 26, 2006.

    A vendor says the front-page picture of Raila and Obama in the Sunday Standard waving to crowds in Kisumu sold out before 8am on August 27.

    Some residents keep copies of newspapers that carried banner headlines when Raila made ‘landmark’ political statements like warning of a ‘political tsunami’ four years ago.

    Mama Milka Akoth has newspapers with stories of Raila since he was arrested over the 1982 coup, upon his release, his election as Lang’ata MP in 1992 to elevation as Premier.

    Weighty speeches

    Akoth says she has kept the papers because there are times Raila speaks in parables and it requires time to unravel his speeches.

    "Many did not understand what Raila meant when he warned of a political tsunami four years ago until the Government side lost the referendum," recalls Akoth.

    The philosophical grandmother of six says the tsunami was not spent until it swept several Cabinet ministers and Vice President Moody Awori from office last year.

    "Agwambo ndio mchuzi ya magazeti. Kama hayuko kumekauka," says Akoth. (Raila is the spice of newspapers and without his stories the papers are dry.)

    Akoth is among many Kisumu residents who still have on the walls of their sitting rooms the posters Raila used to campaign for President in the last polls.

    Many matatus have posted huge photos of Raila inset on a US dollar bill on the back windows of their vehicles to attract passengers.

    Matatus and boats on Lake Victoria have pictures of Raila, Obama and former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.

    Witty cab operators have miniature flags of the United States to attract the many foreign journalists who troop to the ancestral home of the Illinois Senator in Siaya.

    Mothers have named their babies after the Premier in the belief that they would follow in his footsteps.

    It is the same reason why the Executive Prime Minister Hotel attracts several clients at the lakeside town.


  2. Ntimama Watch - Day 2

    Clearly...I am not the only one who has noticed something very fishy going on with the press,politicians and civil society who have totally buried and ignored the fact that a whole minister last week admitted on National Television to wiping out between 600 and 1000 Kenyan citizens.

    So today, I am starting a Ntimama Watch that will keep this issue alive until some action is taken on the minister either by parliament,the police, the President, PM or whoever. Parliament seemed so eager to take action former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya regarding the Grand Regency deal. Why the silence on this and the minister made a direct confession on National Television? If you did not see the confession, watch it here.

    So this is Day 2 of Ntimama Watch. we urge the Police Commissioner Hussein Ali to take action on this minister. Such impunity is unacceptable in modern day Africa. This is not the first time William Ole Ntimama has been accused of being part of tribal cleansing or hatred. We demand action!

    (Feel free to add Ntimama Watch to your blog and lets get some action)

    kenya christian:

  3. we urge Maina Kiai (Kenya Human Rights Commission), Law Society of Kenya, Human Rights NGO's, CNN, BBC, Church Leaders, Transparency International, Diplomats and other representatives, Muslim leaders, Hindu leaders, Traditional religious leaders, MP's, Atwoli and other workers union, ODM (if they have balls; wapi PM Raila..bule kabisa) demand public apology and for Ntimama to step down and be prosecuted!!!!

    chris continue ignoring this since its not Mt. Kenya fellow who said...

  4. he he e
    he.. chris still trying to con us some cash with fake raw notes..what is this now...

    *Yesterday I published a story in my raw notes that I can NOT dare advertise here*

    so we contribute some money to read your upuzi? please include your con skills in saturdays edition of how Kenyans make dirty money that u have advertised. also include Ruto, YK92, Jirongo, Raila with kisumu mollasses, Mudavadi with golden berg, ngilu with HIV funds in your release...

  5. With all these strikes going on i am afraid of the future generation of this country. Are these the future leaders we are bring ing up?
    Our society is decaying and at a fast rate. Who is going to save us?
    Chris i agree with your comments...I have just been thinking if parents take disciplined children, who have been trainned and are well mannered what makes you think that they will stray? A collegue was just sharing with us on how they went to a PTA meeting in one of the prominent schools and some parents had the audacity of daring teachers to beat up their kids and they will see.
    So i am wondering will our children burn up ur houses tomorrow coz we refuse to give them the latest jeans or shoes?
    It is the responsibility of us all (society)to bring up well mannered, disciplined children.
    Do you remember the days when you made a mistake and any motherly/fatherly figure in the estate will reprimand you and give you a spanking of your life? And he will even dare you to tell your folks? Try and do that now and see.
    When you are dating you hide from the society no one was supposed to know but now goodness they are doing it in the open....Mtado? and parents are even proud. I just think we need to go back to those days when we were burdens of the community.
    A teacher is supposed to teach and give you knowledge (that is his core responsibility) behavioral science remains and will remain the job description of parents and guardians


  6. With all these strikes going on i am afraid of the future generation of this country. Are these the future leaders we are bring ing up?
    Our society is decaying and at a fast rate. Who is going to save us?
    Chris i agree with your comments...I have just been thinking if parents take disciplined children, who have been trainned and are well mannered what makes you think that they will stray? A collegue was just sharing with us on how they went to a PTA meeting in one of the prominent schools and some parents had the audacity of daring teachers to beat up their kids and they will see.
    So i am wondering will our children burn up ur houses tomorrow coz we refuse to give them the latest jeans or shoes?
    It is the responsibility of us all (society)to bring up well mannered, disciplined children.
    Do you remember the days when you made a mistake and any motherly/fatherly figure in the estate will reprimand you and give you a spanking of your life? And he will even dare you to tell your folks? Try and do that now and see.
    When you are dating you hide from the society no one was supposed to know but now goodness they are doing it in the open....Mtado? and parents are even proud. I just think we need to go back to those days when we were burdens of the community.
    A teacher is supposed to teach and give you knowledge (that is his core responsibility) behavioral science remains and will remain the job description of parents and guardians

  7. Anon @ 1:01

    Since clearly you cannot read, let me do it for you. I am not selling anything here. I am offering a sneak preview which is FREE.

    I am NOT interested in you "contributing some money to read my upuzi" last time I checked it is a free country so let those who want to read Upuzi read while you concentrate on saying something constructive.

    Thank you.

  8. Well said Anon 1.01

    That's what Luos and Raila need and they will shut up! The security bodyguard motorcade, visits abroad and overzealous reporters following his every move. Luos are showmen people; they like to show off because they have nothing and so when they see something that will give them publicity they just cannot contain themselves. Thanks Kibaki for giving them that!

    Kibaki is not a showman, he does not like publicity and that's why he did not go to UK. How many times have you seen Kibaki going on public for the last 6 years? He likes to keep it cool. Let they excited cat go running!

  9. Surely Anon 1:24

    What do you show off if you have nothing to? What is that the luos show off? Jameni

    A blogger once said tell us what is so unique that you people have that other people dont have....Show the luos and let them floss on your behalf, now that you jamaas have some amazing things and you are hiding them.....Tick tick...Show us. We are waiting

    Come on dont keep us waiting for long

  10. NTIMAMA WATCH my foot!

    William Ole Ntimama appeared on Citizen (Royal Media) last night on ‘Swala Nyeti’ where he amongst other things spoke about his controversial remarks which the NTV want us to believe were “Sisi tume maliza watu mia sita “

    Ntimama clarified that his words had been misquoted and what he said was – “Watu mia sita wame maliza resolution zao”. It is up to NTV to prove him wrong and it us up to the Kenya Police to act accordingly and arrest the minister for allegedly confessing to murder!

    Maj Gen. Ali has not been the one to waste time whenever helpless ODM supporters or civil society organise peaceful demonstrations. Why, pray, has he NOT ordered his policemen to arrest and charge Ntimama???

    Its quite simple. The dogs are out. It is obvious even to the most casual observer that Kimunya's downfall has to avenged. Uhuru Kenyatta's impunity has to be ignored. ODM ministers have to be targetted and accussed for corruption and abuse of office. It is not surprising that Nation Media Group are amongst those media houses that have been tasked to spread propaganda against ODM ministers. In the last one month alone; Nation has published articles questioning ministers Kajwang, Nyongo, Orengo, Ngilu and Ntimama. These are individuals who have been trying to clean up the mess, eliminate corruption and bring efficiency into our public institutions. Yet, in the eyes of NMG, they need to explain why they are doing their jobs!

    This is the time for REAL CHANGE. Please let be.

  11. They caught about with Radovan Karadzic this week and surely in the nick of time they will catch up with ole Ntimama.

    Chris, why don't you leave the issues of whether Grand coalition is going to work or not aside? Raila told Kenyans on Tuesday that Grand coalition IS going to work. He told us he and president Kibaki are committed to see it work. These guys have moved on.
    Why don't you embrace the reconciliation here in Kumekucha too? What is written here does not reflect what is happening on the top (government) or anywhere in Kenya today.

    On another different issues,

    Yesterday Phil tried to publish an article of "The high profile visit of Raila to UK elaborated with motorcade and British bodyguards"

    Why don't you publish the HIGH PROFILE VISIT of Barack Obama to the middle East and Europe that has the REAL elaborated motorcade and bodyguards.

    Europeans are on frenzy about Obama, a recent survey showed 52% of all Europeans want Obama to be the president of America comparing with only 19% for John Mcain.

    Today 24/07/08 mark this day, Obama is going to make history. He will be the first unelected president of America to address a crowd at the famous Berlin Gate (Brandenburg) in Germany. This has prompted a big security operation in Berlin because of the nature of the event so much so the German Chancellor Angela Markos was forced to make a statement on Television yesterday.

    From there, he will be going to France where he will meet President Nicolas Sarkozy at La Ville-lumière:!))

    From there he will be heading to London on the weekend to meet the PM and the former PM Tony Blair.
    Only selected members of British media will be allowed to ask Senator Obama questions when he visits London. The man is still a senator and people are going mad about him.

    Do you know a street in Tokyo has been named Obama?

  12. Let the blame game begin. Parents blaming teachers, TAs blaming lucky to be in the middle.
    The expats say a childs character is formed by the age of 8. TAs can be blamed partly for poor academic perfomance but not character, and its bad upbringing that leads to bad character that falls squarely in the Perozs court.That is what leads to burning schools.

    We have a case of babies raising babies. in the african set up small children where 'raised' by grandparents that was the smartest move cause the grandparents had the time and the experience. They could for example tell if and apparently harmless behaviour would later be a problem in the childs adult life.....something their imediate parents never could do cause of lack of experince.

    Parenst did not start being busy today. They have always been too busy to look after children thats why the african set up produced unversaly acceptable grown ups it was almost guranteed that after a certain age one matured.....not the case these days....we have many 40yr old babies. Every parent will tell you that by the time they figured out how to raise kids the kids had left home, hence wisdom in the grandparents raising the kids.
    What we have now are busy parents like always what has changed is the lack of dedicated workforce(formaly grandparents) with the right values and experince. The results are there for all to see. Children are not angels if not properly raised can become just about anything.

    Hitler was once an ordinary teenage boy...and so was Amin and dother villains in history....they were not born evil or angels the just became cause the environment allowed it.

    Sir Alex

  13. Chris,
    Now that an Obama AIDE has privilaged you with his diary, why don't you trash anything Kenyan and go EUROPEAN/FOREIGN. Move on is the catch word and may be that is the respeonse to your post on schools' unrest.

    When you get excited at attending a single meeting and believe a politician it only succeeds in betraying your naivity. A single address that makes you change your bigotic view about a leader is a clear show that your hitherto vitroil was premised on nothing but street rumoours or worse still inherited village propaganda.

    Deflecting attention from grave issues doesn't make them disappear. Here we have a national crisis with roots in DECEPTIVE leadership and the geniuos are urging us to second Kumekucha to Obama's trip to the middel East and Europe. Obsession with everything foregin is only useful upto the extend that they manifest themselves in your maturity and not the reverse.

  14. Taabu, you guy i couldn't have put it better.
    I read the whole article and i was asking myself what has it got to do with ""Secondary School Strikes: Grand Coalition Government Courts More Disaster" so i decided to take the 5th ammendment coz i am in a foul mood day and i might just do some E-shooting online.


  15. Sorry but Kwale were you not the same person doubting Obama's paternity and saying he is american.

    Now that you heard Raila Speak, he is your buddy...Ala bwana what is your msimamo?

    Even the good book says a "double minded man will receive nothing from the Lord"...Sorry i couldn't help it...LOL

  16. Obama is NOT kenyan, obama is not even American, OBAMA IS A LUO!!!!!

  17. @12:30 and 12:36. Some congressional committee or other on Africa might find your website and the video interesting. I would encourage you to send it to them--just for the record, even though chances are they have it already. Btw--they are the same ones to whom Maina Kiai and others testified earlier this year.
    Otherwise, good you started Ntimama watch. Keep it going.

  18. Ivy, you can use anon but your writing gives you out. I have never ever ever commented on Obama or paternity anywhere. That’s a lie from pit of hell you silly little twerp.

    I see Obama as a role model for black people everywhere in the world. He is an inspiration to many and he should inspire you too to dream big.

    Even Anon 3.47 has put it better than I can. Obama is a LUO!!!

    As for Raila, he can never be my buddy. Never! And not in a million years. I am only praising him because of his effort in trying to reconcile the country. Unlike you and Taabu and your ilk here, Raila has moved on but that does not say I will vote for him 2012. He can outwit Mugabe from Zimbabwe or get Osama bin Laden alive but that will never change the way I view him politically. I hope that’s crystal clear to you.

  19. Kwale for your info. i just forgot to click on open ID i don't pride myself in being annonymous that is why i have gone to gr8 lenghts to have a blogger ID to stop your good friend from impersonating me.

    Enyewe, whay do you pride and joy in insulting people....Get a life can't you present your arguements without insulting people? Grow up...
    It will take you time, not all guys who put on trousers are men, you can still put on a salwar kameez and be a man...You got that and pls dont reply i am in no mood kujibiana na wewe


  20. Ha ha ha ati I insult people here. When you people learn the slang language. None of those words mean anything in the real world.
    They are used in a homourous way in the modern urban slang.

  21. For godsake, some of the bloggers on this site should stick to cleaning toilets. If you really do not like Chris's or phil's post then dont bother to comment. Everyone has its own opinion of the articles published on this blog, but can you guys make your comments relevant to what is being published. Don't start going off on a tangent, prime example is the likes of Kwale - who really gives the rats ass about Obama? If you are so concerned, why dont you start a blog on him.

    This blog is about events happening in Kenya and about Kenya, so keep at that.

  22. Ivy,
    Take a DEEP BREATHE. Now you should know better whom you are dealing with after being told that SILLY is not an insult. Well, kuna watoto na UTOTO. There is very little to boast about when all your pide is prefaced with your address. BTW Google maps can do a better job at London street names and why not try cabs/taxis?

    Ivy, I will send you AF's chewing gum that relieves stress you never need. A teacher will tell you the characteristics of the most voluble students always crying for attention and the incommensurate performance index. Twist couldn't have been more right-silence has its benefits unless you don't mind shamelessly engaing the opening seperating the chin from the nose.

  23. Since some people here want to debate perternity issues

    how about where is this chick originally from?

    There claime she is rwandese,tz, somali ,ethiopia, Eretria.....whats your take.
    I'm sticking with she is from supuland.

    Sir Alex

  24. Sir Alex: Did her father desert her mother? Might you know?

  25. Anon. 5:36

    I see where your coming from I'm just trying to lighten the mood I think you should leave people with their family issues so far we have heard the Obama family saga thru the story of his mum as passed on to Barak.

    Snr Obama has not had his say and unfortunately he is dead. Unless you have only had a relationship with dog, you will know that between two adults in any relationship only God knows what transpires, what he says she says is very often misleading.

    People leave each other for various reasons. Barak has elected to identify with his father.....that should say something to you. That is assuming your IQ is above room temperature(23)just incase you have no Idea.

    Sir Alex

  26. Sir Alex,

    she is very supuu supuu supppuuu! haya man!

    Even supupier in bikini.

  27. Sir Alex: A very simple question demanded an equally simple answer--yes or no or i dont know. Jus that, no need to be defensive and/or abusive. Akili mingi huondoa maarifa.
    The insults dont help either--shows just how lacking in good explanation you are.

  28. I just got this from the website about Obama. Read it and there is a video to watch.

  29. Taabu

    I wouldn't mind the chewing gums, you know some of us are good in multi tasking unlike you, you know we can chew gum and cross the road at the same time....That is what we do in the real world.

    Back to the post....Is it that we refused to be mentors to our young brothers and sisters? Or is that they have been mocked by the exams?
    A parent says that the problems we are having in schools is that most PTA's have been dormant and that they need to be revived again...I hope the task force will give us answers that we desperately need co i am trying to imagine if they were mocks how come in most schools you are finding form two's leading strikes, another theory is that teachers are the one's inciting students because of the performance contracts...Enyewe we are a nation at crossroads and something needs to be done ASAP. The question is What?


  30. We are a nation at crossroads with inflation, high food prices, extreme poverty,continuing corruption, school stikes, IDPs, unemployment,etc

    Through all this, you would expect any right thinking president to provide hope or better still solutions.

    Instead, the executive preseident does what he is best at : sleep and continue burying his head in the sand.

  31. anon 6:33

    raila is busy giving talks in 1 star motels while his kibera constituents and luo nyanza are dying of hunger.

    kibaki improved the economy, brought cdf, free pry and sec edn etc before the clowns joined the gava.

    now raila is busy praising Kibaki after being given a PM post....kweli jaluo ni wale wale biz

    kids are striking coz ODM showed them thats how u get ua rights...


  32. 'IVY',

    Raila plays high stakes 'chess games' that the MKM and minions like you will never understand...before you know it..CHECK MATE.

    Secondly, If you have been following the news, most of the strikes have been in central schools. mmmmmm...I wonder why.

    Thirdly, please explain to me how kibz 'brought cdf'.

    Finally, ati free education. The economist really factored in the effect on standards and other things obviuos to non economists like some of us.

    Before I leave, what are the indicators of an improved economy? please don't tell me free education. The economy ony improved for the MKM who have been on a 'selling kenya spree'

  33. Anon 7:01 i agree

    and while at it i am just wondering, if Kibera is inhabited by luos? The last time i checked it was guys in Marigat, Baringo Central fellas who were going hungry (Baringo Central is Moi's constituency Kibaki's bosom friend and chief campaigner)
    LAt but not least i dont remember Kibs giving handouts apart from the districts he was dishing left right and centre.
    According to statistics ..Central tops it up in strikes, Nyanza i guess was number five.
    At least RAO can give speeches in one star or even zero star hotels, when did Kibaki give his last speech.
    Ivy i have always prayed that my namesakes will be a bit brighter as the name suggests. I am so disappointed to be sharing a name with you. Are we really cut from the same cloth...God forbid

  34. Let me take a break from the loonies and the retards and address the thinkers......
    like I have said before nothing great just happens, you have to build it, you have to make it happen, kenya has been running on autopilot. The only concerted effort that we have had has been to loot and destroy.
    We have never had an outlook beyond our nuclear families and for some their tribes. The reality of life is that the verious talents and skills required to build a modern nation cannot be found exclusively in a single family clan or tribe especially a nation as diverse and as challenged as kenya.

    It is far easier to attempt a 'solo' flight which looks fine except like the mungiki have proved, its only fine if you also move out of kenya because the neglected lot can start to bite back.

    Schools are institutions and such thing require long term vision and investment that may only accrue benefits 10 to 15 yrs long after people would have forgotten ones contribution. It also requires honesty, for example the best place to bulid a university for the nation of kenya at a particular time would have been the coast or kisumu or even lodwar but some tribalist idiot will ensure it gets built in their backyard.

    That in short, is what has gotten as into this hell hole. Sadly some progeny of such myopic thinking do pay this honourable blog a visit dragging in their lazy minds and leave a stinking feeling. They give us the unenviable job of trying to straiten a full grown tree bent at birth.

    Sir Alex

  35. Your demigod Raila is on his way to Kenya now. He left London this morning, so go and wait for him at JKA later this evening in Kenya time. he left 10.00am UK time. so give him 7-8 hrs to touch down at the airport.

    Go Mkaribishe 'Rais' back home.

  36. The real Ivy,

    Kibaki went to London in 2006 on a private visit and he gave his speech in London Hilton Hotel 5* hotel.
    He thanked the Kenyans in Diaspora for remitting money every year worth $5 billion to help improve Kenya economy.

  37. Anon 7:16...

    what do you mean we are already there waiting for him. We are blogging using or i-phones...but do i say? Anyway that is what we know how to do best...FLOSSING you dont just buy a phone that you can receive calls and send sms...We buy real phones.


  38. Ivy,

    Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to remind your namesake to try and post a comment without mentioning Raila's name.

    'IVY', Raila giving a speech in a motel or a park will not take away an ounce of clout and respect that some of us have for him. On the other hand, kibz can stand on top of state house or a gold pedestal on top of the most glamorous hotel - he will still have nothing to say to ...anything as usual.

    As the executive president isn't it his duty to make sure no one dies of hunger? Or are you finally acknowledging what we have been saying all along - that kibz is only a president for the kikuyus.

    Finally, please don't call yourself Ivy.

  39. anon 6:43
    There is nothing stopping Emelio from going to sort out kibra after all he has been the president of keberians for the past 5yrs what has he done for them as their president? PNU campaigend in kiebra where is Livondo and his hammers?

    PNU was financing livondo merely to try and oust RAO they had no love for the people of kibera otherwise they should have poured that money now for development issues to help the same ppl and embarass RAO but alas they are AWOL.

    kibera is every kenyans responsibility. Kibz was finance minister and vp for many yrs what did he do for kibera? The Gava of kenya only started cdf juzi,...its not like money is given to RAO then he squanders it. The gava as a whole is supposed to look into the plight of every kenyan as kenyans including kibera residents.

    If your a kibera resident and want to see RAO on something pls make an appointment at the right office,nobody here is his secretary.

    RAO is doing for kenya what no one has done in a while...mark that doing for kenya even to the extent of face saving kibz, for the general good of all kenyans.....bear in mind the same kibz only succeded in tribalizing kenya.

    I'm sure if RAO was active in kibera you wuold be saying he has no national outlook. I guess it pains you that the guy is walking the talk an as a resutl making Emelio look the clueless crook he is.....some guys are busy trying to shift attention away from him by mentioning lame.
    Just admit it. you backed the wrong horse....give it up. Pepo mbaya ashindwe.

    Sir Alex

  40. Anon 7:21

    Precisely 2006 we are in 2008? 2 years have gone by.....And that is the legacy Kibaki has left with you?

    So let me ask you what is that changed in your life...I bet the 5B were not from your pocket? There is nothing like communal wealth...That is what we tell you jamaas everyday politely but you dont just get it...Adios

    Ps...At least you are not that dumb to notice there is a fake Ivy in the blog.

  41. anon12:30 AM

    Kenyans demand action on Kibaki for the shoot to kill order he gave the police to kill innocent kenyans during and after the 27th December 2007 elections more than 1500 kenyans dead...


  42. anon12:30 AM

    Kenyans demand action on Kibaki for the shoot to kill order he gave the police to kill innocent kenyans during and after the 27th December 2007 elections more than 1500 kenyans dead...


  43. anon12:30 AM

    Kenyans demand action on Kibaki for the shoot to kill order he gave the police to kill innocent kenyans during and after the 27th December 2007 elections more than 1500 kenyans dead...


  44. we urge Maina Kiai (Kenya Human Rights Commission)even if he is no more the chairman of HRC, Law Society of Kenya, Human Rights NGO's, CNN, BBC, Church Leaders, Transparency International, Diplomats and other representatives, Muslim leaders, Hindu leaders, Traditional religious leaders, MP's, Atwoli and other workers union, ODM (if they have balls; wapi PM Raila..bule kabisa) demand public apology and form KIBAKI THE MURDERER to step down and be prosecuted!!!!

    chris it is about time you posted here all the terrible crimes kibaki ordered the police and army to commit on innocent kenyans now- what are you waiting for??

  45. we urge Maina Kiai (Kenya Human Rights Commission), Law Society of Kenya, Human Rights NGO's, CNN, BBC, Church Leaders, Transparency International, Diplomats and other representatives, Muslim leaders, Hindu leaders, Traditional religious leaders, MP's, Atwoli and other workers union, ODM (if they have balls; wapi PM Raila..bule kabisa) demand public apology and form KIBAKI THE MURDERER to step down and be prosecuted!!!!

    chris it is about time you posted here all the terrible crimes kibaki ordered the police and army to commit on innocent kenyans now- what are you waiting for??

  46. Kibaki has not shot anybody; you wait 2012 Kalonzo will maliza wajaluo wote.

    Mungiki will also get more foreskin then… wewe ngonja tu.

  47. he he e
    he.. chris still trying to con us some cash with fake raw notes..what is this now...

    *Yesterday I published a story in my raw notes that I can NOT dare advertise here*

    so we contribute some money to read your upuzi? please include your con skills in saturdays edition of how Kenyans make dirty money that u have advertised. also include KIBAKI, UHURU, MICHUKI, SAITOTI,KIMUNYA with GRAND GRAND REGENCY HOTEL -SAITOTI with golden berg, with HIV funds in your release ONLY CENTRAL KIKUYU LAND

    AND THE CRIMINALS AND THUGS OF ANGLO LEASING , CHARTER HOUSE, TRANSCENTURY (HAVE SHARES IN RIFT VALLEY RAILWAYS) GRAND REGENCY(kimunya and cronies under kibaki's directions were paid $millions kickback by Libya) and the list goes on!!!

    1:01 AM

  48. he he e
    he.. chris still trying to con us some cash with fake raw notes..what is this now...

    *Yesterday I published a story in my raw notes that I can NOT dare advertise here*

    so we contribute some money to read your upuzi? please include your con skills in saturdays edition of how Kenyans make dirty money that u have advertised. also include KIBAKI, UHURU, MICHUKI, SAITOTI,KIMUNYA with GRAND GRAND REGENCY HOTEL -SAITOTI with golden berg, with HIV funds in your release ONLY CENTRAL KIKUYU LAND

    AND THE CRIMINALS AND THUGS OF ANGLO LEASING , CHARTER HOUSE, TRANSCENTURY (HAVE SHARES IN RIFT VALLEY RAILWAYS) GRAND REGENCY(kimunya and cronies under kibaki's directions were paid $millions kickback by Libya) and the list goes on!!!

  49. anon1:24 AM


  50. ANON6:43 AM


  51. ANON 7:16 AM



  52. Anon 8.17 No we will not assasinate him.


  53. ANON8:33 AM



  54. We have village IDIOTS on this blog that are regulars;


    Mad men to the extreme, that might even be an understatement, WASHENZI SANA.

    I think their wives/girlfriends do not give them enough or they are hermits, that is why their faculties are so polluted with the tribal hatred and non-sense that they spew on here.

    Imagine, these are IDIOTS that live overseas and have been exposed to the western cultures and ways of life and yet reason like they never left their village dens.......IDIOTS.

    Please stick to the topic, and you do not have to comment on every blog your incoherrent rants.


  55. KIMI

    Are idiots??? haha aha just because they dont agree with you, they are idiots.

    Just check their English and Grammar and compare it with yours and see who is an idiot.

    They are the bset commenters here and they are here to stay.

  56. 9.45

    Must be one of the idiots aforementioned....hee hee hee...

  57. Vikii said...
    "It is wrong for people to continue depleting our forests. This is what the government has been saying for years. So, the horrible Prime Minister is right on this particular one."

    This is what we call "intelligent"?

    9.45, You need to read level headed comments by some Anons, UrXlnc, Ivy, Sir Alex, Phil just but to metion a few, that do not go into abusive, tribal tirades. You too are an IDIOT, nimesema, UTA DO?

  58. Chris, please keep on writing, and bring "Oscar" back, whether he's real or not- don't give a shizze what angry little morons say- they are still there, reading both of you, aren't they?
    And for all the kyuks saying ati school strikes are from Odmers, let me give you straight numbers that don't lie. Central province has seen 51 school closures, compared to 21 in rift valley and 30 distributed between western, nyanza and nairobi. So maybe your mungiki kids in central schools are learning a thing or two about standing for their rights from odmers?
    And odmers are not the smartest bunch anyway, so there needs to be a true savior for the people of kenya. Immediately.
    Peace out.

  59. Ntimama is part of the old crop, always been a war monger, along with moi, saitoti, biwott, and all kikuyu mafia and their mungiki. And they will remain as so until kenyans say no. Calling on kenyans.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.