Thursday, July 17, 2008

PM Raila Due for State Visit to United Kingdom

Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Justice Minister Martha Karua at the 3rd National Integrity Review Conference at Bomas of Kenya, Nairobi, yesterday.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga is expected to visit United Kingdom beginning this weekend in his maiden official visit to the British Empire since the formation of the Grand Coalition Government.

In what would normally constitute a presidential visit, the PM will be accompanied by a record six cabinet ministers, five from PNU and one from ODM plus at least fifteen senior government officials. The cabinet ministers are; Uhuru Kenyatta (Deputy PM & Minister for Trade- PNU), Kiraitu Murungi (Energy PNU), Mutula Kilonzo(Nairobi Metropolitan - PNU), John Michuki (Environment ag. Finance – PNU), Moses Wetangula (Foreign Affairs - PNU) and finally Najib Balala (Tourism – ODM).

The Kenya Embassy in London has yet to release an official programme and it is not known if the PM will make a stop at No. 10 Downing Street for a meeting with British PM Gordon Brown. The size and composition of the PM’s entourage suggests that a wide range issues will be on agenda of the Kenyans who recently launched the most ambitious development plan since independence dubbed Vision 2030. Britain is a former colonial master and has for a long time been Kenya’s leading trading partner amongst the G8 countries.

On Sunday, the PM is due for a BBC interview where it is expected he will answer to a wide variety of issues affecting Kenya and the African continent in general. Issues touching on governance like constitutional reforms and corruption are expected to feature while Zimbabwe will certainly be a subject of his interview.

PM Odinga has several public lectures lined up including one (already fully booked) lecture at The Royal Institute of International Affairs - Chatham House at St James's Square, where he is expected to talk about Leadership and Democracy in Africa on Tuesday 22 July 2008 at 13h30.
Chatham House, formally known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in London whose mission is to analyse and promote the understanding of major international issues and current affairs. It is regarded as the world's leading organization in this area. Read the CHATHAM House Wikipedia entry here.
Chatham House says on its website that it has a mission to be a world-leading source of independent analysis, informed debate and influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and secure world for all.

The Kenya Embassy has organised a reception for Kenyans to be addressed by the PM later on the same day at the Great Cumberland Place's Ocean Room, Cumberland Hotel at 18h30.

Yesterday, the PM extended a public invitation to John Githongo to return to Kenya and it is unknown if the PM will be meeting the former Ethics and Governance Permanent Secretary, now living in self-imposed exile in the UK.


  1. The New African Leader!

    Sam Okello

  2. Is it "state" or "official" visit, can someone clarify.

  3. We need a new constitution. All these sideshows are distracting enough while the true essence of our grief remains unresolved, IDP's remain in Camps and political leadership remains devoid of a nationalistic agenda.

  4. There is no clear cut definition of state visit or official visit. Anon@7.58AM.

    I can see you already want to politicize what is a straight forward issue.

    "Official Visit" on wiki directs to the "State Visit" page.

    Raila's state/official visit has the features of both.

    I would prefer if we discussed issues that the PM and his ministers should have on agenda to benefit this country, dont you think??

  5. Phil, can I ask you something, what is it that you see in Mr Odinga? Why is it a big deal that Raila is going to UK? Do you know how many head of states visit UK in one month? If you don’t know, they are many, some on transit while others on official visit. Raila is not invited by the PM or by her Majesty the Queen, so why are you going cock-a -hoop? (Unless you clarify otherwise).

    Do you know how many Kenyans live in UK, approx 65,000 and out of that 90% are Kikuyus who are legally citizens or permanent residents of that country. I myself have lived in that country for donkey of years and I know Chatham House, it’s the home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and it’s within a walking distance from Buckingham palace, the official residence of Queen Elizabeth. The nearest tube station is Piccadilly Circus which is on the Piccadilly and the Bakerloo Underground lines or Green Park on Piccadilly line.

    You know, I don’t have a problem with you but I do feel that you spend unnecessary amount of time glorifying this man. I, for one, I think you are a good journalist, I admire your work and I must say unlike some other characters here, I have never seen you insult anyone here. You are a hardworking bloke who works very hard to bring us the breaking news, the exclusive and cover what’s on the ground. But, your obsession with this man is your weakest point. Even if you like him, can’t you at least leave the emotions aside? I am not a journalist but I have heard journalists are trained to report without bias or sensationalism.

    Even if Mr Odinga is going on an official visit, he only going there for the benefit of Kenyans, he’s not gonna go to Trafalgar square to watch pigeons or to London sightseeing at the river Thames. No, he will be there to do business.

  6. Raila should go slow on Zimbabwe this time or else he will look like a western puppet. Raila will loose many friends in Africa if he does not stick to kenyan issues. Take is slow Raila..patience pays

  7. kwale

    ati 90% of kikuyus in UK are legal?


    do you know how many michangos we are invited to for kikuyus who have been shikwad outside the law?

    unajua almost 90% of all kikuyus i know in UK today have no makaratasi.

  8. The following was posted at the Government Spokesman website hours after Kumekucha article was published.

    Date Posted: 17/7/2008

    Following an invitation by the U.K. Prime Minister Hon. Gordon Brown extended to President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga, President Kibaki has mandated Hon. Odinga to head a high powered Kenyan delegation for an investment conference that will be hosted by the U.K. government in London next week.

    During the Investment Conference, the delegation will present Kenya's case as ‘open for business' and the region's investment hub and outline opportunities under the recently unveiled Vision 2030.

    Kenya is also expected to showcase the opportunities under its flagship growth pillars especially in financial services, ICT, agriculture including horticulture, tourism and infrastructure development.

    The Kenyan delegation will include Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula, Ag. Finance Minister John Michuki, Tourism Minister Najib Balala, Nairobi Metropolitan Minister Mutula Kilonzo and Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi.

    Meanwhile, at a meeting chaired by President Kibaki, the cabinet Thursday approved the proposed development of a hotel, expo-cum-convention center at the JKIA by a private investor.

    The U.S. $ 200 million investment will be undertaken by the Afro-Asian Investment Corporation based in Doha, Qatar.

    The Investment will be on the basis of Build, Operate and Transfer (B.O.T).

    The cabinet also approved that the government will seek parliamentary approval for an extra 5 billion shillings required for the completion of the development of a second container terminal at the Port of Mombasa.

    The funds are in addition to the 16 billion shilling loan that will be sourced from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC).

    When completed the port expansion will include construction of four berths, an apron, container yard, roads, railway line connection, main buildings, dredging of main basin and procurement of equipment.


    Published by:
    Office of Government Spokesperson
    KICC Building, 3rd Floor
    8 Harambee Avenue
    P.O.Box 45617-00100
    Nairobi - Kenya
    Tel: +254-020-240488
    Fax: +254-020-240600
    SMS (Celtel/Safaricom): 2888

  9. Kwale, you sound very bitter - calm down. I am not a jornalist myself, but I would do exactly what journalists do; give priority to what is NEWSWORTHY.

    If this makes Raila dominate the media then, so be it. Do not let your passionate hatred for this man cloud your reasoning.

    If you read the information well, it seems Kibaki was also invited, why did he chicken out?

  10. Anon 9.01

    Yes, 90 % of Kenyan living in UK are Kikuyus. Some are citizens, others are permanent residents others are students while others are expats working in London and other cities. You can find out if can log on immigration department.

    As for any illegal, they are not registered and they are not accounted for even by Kenyan High Commission. So, no-one knows how many they are. As you maybe aware it is almost impossible now for anyone to live in UK illegally.

    I will give you an overview of how Kikuyus came to be in UK.
    They started migrating to UK since late eighties to early nineties mainly as student. But in Mid nineties UK show an influx of Kikuyu refugees fleeing ethnic clashes in the RV, although most of them came from Kiambu and Muranga. At that time the conservative Government granted them right to seek asylum and when the Labour Government of Mr Blair came to power in 1997 most of them were given right to remain while others were given an amnesty in 2001 under a government scheme for all those who have overstayed their time, provided they could prove they have lived there for a period of 7-10 years.

    Today, these Kikuyus own businesses and some of them are very wealthy.

  11. I think Kwale's bitterness is because Kibaki has chickened out of the trip for fear of facing international press....which he has never done since his purported late-evening swearing-in. During the time he made an announcement at state house - he literally ran away from international journalists who wanted to question hm about the stolen elections. So it is not a surprise now he does not want to visit UK and it is not a surprise one of his supporters is showing bitterness at this article that should rank as the best news from Kenya this whole month!

    Then again, the post label says it all. KAZI IMEANZA. No need to add anything.

  12. hahaha.

    the most well know kikuyu in uk today who is PRESUMED loaded by other kikuyus is one Gabriel Rwamba who owns a chain of NURSING homes which care for BBC's matakos.

    Just like one Saroni Wilfred Mbugua who tried similar underhand criminal tactics in USA boston and was found out and is headed to jela.

    We agree. Kikuyus are the majority in UK. They are also the majority of those who have no makaratasis.

    Wengi wilukija kama scouts, au pairs, visitors na kadhalika.

    so many i know who have no karatasi and cannot even drive.

    dont try and fool us bwana. we know better.

  13. the bitter truth is that Kibaki did not want to go and be seen as equal OR to face a barrage of un-predictable questions.

    tell me where is Kalonzo? bure. he is an office assistant. tu read speeches and eulogies kwa meetings.

  14. ati very wealthy okuyus?

    washa nicheke! hehehehehehehehehehe

    ok. does anybody know a billionaire kikuyu living in london?


    wealth ya maharagwe na uwizi cannot compare to wealth ya akili ya muzungu.

  15. "One reason so many adults become fanatics is that as children, they are taught a history distorted by parochial obsessions. As they grow up among the like minded, they have no social incentive to question what they have been taught."
    --------Madeleine Albright

  16. vikii

    thats so true.

    check this.

    at birth, the kikuyu watoto are told wao ndiyo mambo yote, superior tribe, smart and wealthy, knowledgeable, born leaders, born investors, born preachers, etc.

    as they grow up, they never fail to question why is it they were told all these things yet:

    a) they only have 22% of votes
    b) 80% of kikuyus live in poverty
    c) 90% of prisoners are kikuyus
    d) massive unemployment in central
    e) massive crimes in central
    f) increaed emigration from central
    g) massive land pressure in central
    h) high gap of rich/poor in central

    until they reach at an older stage and discover that it was all a game.

    the kikuyus who fought for uhuru, the ones who fought against moi, the ones who fought against raila are as poor today as then.

    the big winners are the kikuyu elites. they have exploited their people massively.

    kimunya only remembered his village when his eating position was being taken away.

    kimunya's CDF record is nothing to speak about.

  17. You know I always wonder why every discussion has to end up with Kikuyus trying to turn the attention to them. Who cares whether there are wealthy Kikuyus in the UK? How will that help the plight of Kenyans in Kenya? How will it help solve the mountain of problems that engulfs the ordinary mwananchi?
    If they are contributing positively towards thei communities then we will come and applaud them in tune e.g. the LWALA brothers, anything short of that can we stick to the pertinent issues being discussed and solutions to them.

  18. 9.47, that is so right. Let us try another tribe now, say the Luo;

    a)are they about 12% of the population?
    b)Do 80% of them live in perpetually chronic poverty?
    c)Is there massive unemployment in Luo Nyanza?
    d)Are 90% of them prisoners in the mind?
    e)Is there a massive out flux to Nairobi?
    f) Is there a massive pressure for resources (fish or whatever their resources are)?
    g) Is there a high gap between the rich and the poor? I bet there is.

    The things you accuse the Kikuyus of are found right at the doors of the other communities including your very own, sir.

  19. vikii'

    SADLY kikuyus have been in power from 1963 directly under Jomo Kenyatta, indirectly under MOI and direclty under Kibaki.

    45 years with 20 years direct rule.

    and they are still 80% poor, 90% in prisons, jobless and wagonjwa.

    despite their "men and women of wealth" and substance having political and economic power.

    what a SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Vikii just incase you forgot, this blogs heading,

    "PM Raila Due for State Visit to United Kingdom"

    Please stick to it, won't you. Why do you seem to have such an inferiority complex to justify anything and everything Kyuk?


    two LUO boys who are just medical students abroad (juggling education, work and projects) have fundraised and built a medical center.

    Kimunya and his Kikuyu thugs have CDF and govt moneys to steal and use.

    The Lwala boys have ntohing except hope and dreams and networks and a plan and vision.


    The FEW KIKUYUS can have PLENTY of WEALTH but the MAJORITY of Kikuyus remain desparately and shamedly poor. And real prisoners in jails.

    The MARGINALIZED kabilas like luyias, luos, kambas and others have vision, resilience, community and aspiring leaders. Like the Lwalas.

    Let us see how many medical centrers kimunya will build with his ill gotten moneies.

    Kimunya, Murungaru, Uhuru and Saitoti are the new heores of Kikuyus. You know why!!!

  22. Kwale you are in U.K by the way. I am a kyuk in U.K and a regular reader and have posted commentaries on kumekucha in the past. I rarely comment on the blog but thought I should after realising you are U.K.

    Yes we kyuks are majority in U.K and not all have been successful, there are also many facing makaratasi problems many of us came in the 90's as you stated.

    From your previous posts and commentaries do you think that past/current political systems/leaders more so kibaki/muchiki have really done the best for our country.
    I come across kenyans here who want to go home but coz of the social/political/economical situation in kenya they can't but would rather continue struggling in U.K. And i think there is a direct link of our problems in kenya/u.k with leadership failure.

    You don't hide it but you can't stand R.O. Many of my fellow kyuks even in U.K can't stand him for some strange reasons. in last elections i almost got a beating for being an ODM damu despite my tribe. R.O as i have tried in vain to convince my friends is at least better than kibaki but not 100% and i think criticism of him should be objective.
    I think U.K/western world should be an eye opener to all but its sad that its not. during the election i attended (TO LISTEN)a kyuk organised meeting to fund raise for the vita that were happening in Kenya. I left a saddened man due to the comments i heard about R.O and the blindness about Kibaki all becoz of tribe.
    the meeting was in east london.

    Kwale I would be interested to know the reasons for your strong views on R.O. we could link up in Thatched ama Afric as we might both learn something from each other.

  23. I never talked about Kikuyus. Someone supposedly "agreed" with my quote explaining why fundamentalists of the Phil model worship human beings like they are God. While agreeing with me (obviously mistaking me for someone with nothing else to talk about but tribes), romped in the predictable kikuyu this kikuyu that bullshit. All I did was to refer him (you) to the person on the mirror.

    The best proof of inferiority complex, sir, is when people always tear down tribes. If you really have a sense of self worth why the obsession with kikuyus? Your tribe is perfect, so what? Who really cares? My friend I am not a kikuyu, i never wish I was one and i do not fancy any association with them. What really sucks is this unintelligent obsession with them. Some fellow even alleges they have been in power for twenty years. I didn't know about that. Have the Kalenjins also been in power for MORE THAN twenty years? Are they richer, better educated, healthier and all that appartains to "direct power"? Lift the bar my friends, lift the bar!

    Did you want me to say something about Raila odinga's visit to the UK? I have seen hundreds of such visits since I was little and I am grey-haired now. There is absolutely nothing to write about.

  24. if there is absolutely nothing to write about them?






    hehehe. dont retract. we know you.

    siku za kutishwa na jiggers zili isha.

  25. Vikii wrote;

    "I have seen hundreds of such visits since I was little and I am grey-haired now."

    This explains it all, I see no wisdom though in all that you spew over here.

  26. Kwale,

    I second you; as I said here last year, Phil sounds to be the type of guy you can disagree with a thousand times and yet invite him out for a beer; unlike the likes of Taabu whose middle name is Crude Tribal Hatred. Phil works really hard to bring us breaking news (however one-sided) and even when he is writing his thoughts/views (not hallucinations like Taabu), you can see that those thoughts are genuinely original. In short, he is not the armaggedon type. His only weakness is his obsessive worship of a fellow human being.

    A couple of years ago when I was doing my PhD, I had a South African roomate who was a true follower of Mandela. But even him occassionally found fault with Mandela. So, I find Phil's endless obsession with Raila a very unusual phenomenon for an educated man.

    Take the case of Raila's visit to UK. Regardless of the definitions one might dig out of wikipedia, the diplomatic (or protocol) usage of "State Visit" commonly refers to the official visit of a head of state because it is the equivalent of a sovereign State visiting another sovereign State. Same goes for a Royal Visit, it is reserved for the official visit of a monarch (or a member of a Royal Family). An official visit, on the other hand, is any other visit which is not for private business and can be associated with anybody. For instance, I often see our local DO make a visit to my village to address a baraza on how to contain teenage pregnancies; in doing so, he does not make a state visit or a royal visit for that matter, but an official visit. But in the case of Raila's UK visit, Phil wants to muddy the waters and call it a state visit (knowing that Raila is not a head of state) just to perform his daily ritual of Raila Worship. Well, if it makes him sleep better, then let him indulge in it, but it is very unusual for a sophisticated man in this day and age. My guess is that his daily bread, and not sense of being, depends on it.

    When reading Phil's posts, instead of reaching for the keyboard in anger, I often sit back and find comic relief in his exaggerated view of his Leader's prowess. What I like most about Phil is that he does not see non-ODMers as enemies who need to be murdered and raped, but as political opponents who need to be out-manouvered to achieve state power. In that sense, I find him to be a worthy opponent to engage.

  27. gray haired and with venom and tribal spews on this blog. how ugly!!! puke!!!

  28. John Maina, First, I not a Kikuyu, second, I am not in UK but I can travel to London by Eurostar to London Kings Cross international within 2 hours, so that’s not a problem if you want to meet up.

    Thirdly, I am aware not all Kikuyus are successful in UK but I have many friends in West London who are rich and that’s an understatement. I lived and went to school in West London, Richmond upon Thames to be precise. And I know a number of Kikuyus living in those posh areas of Kingston, Chiswick, Sheen, and Wimbledon areas.

    And last but not the least Mr Maina, you have the right to support any political party you wish and so is everyone else. Many of those Kikuyus killed in Nairobi slums and the RV during the last year election, were killed because they were perceived to have voted for Kibaki.
    So, stop your nonsense here that you have been threatened; at least you have not lost your life yet.
    And if you want to worship RAO, go ahead and do it.
    I don’t know the man but I don’t like his economic policies. He is a socialist and as a socialist he CAN NOT invite investors into the country. Investors don’t do business with Socialist Government only Capitalist. Why do you think America is so rich? This is my area of speciality and I can point a hundred points where Raila is wrong in this area. And Raila CHANGE, is change of the who sits on the throne.

  29. john maina

    ahsante for your views.

    you will quickly realize that on this board exist many kikuyus.

    some are openly declared of their identities as kikuyus.

    others are secretly hiding their identities to seem nationalistic.

    behind all their tribal spews here is the anger and desparation at how soon and determined other tribes have woken up.

    no more kikuyu to dominate others.

  30. one thing seem very clear to me why we disagree so passionately

    many are not in the habit of listening to (entertaining) divergent views. as soon as a divergent view is expressed, they automatically reach into their briefcase/portfolio for a resume, why? because rather than debate the view, it becomes imperative to show the other person that they are somehow more superior (and therefore more correct) just sample the above comments we have kwale's resume (UK passports blah blah), the phd fellow (more educated), then the typical my tribe better than yours, my guys more wealthier, etc all these are continuosly flaunted to somehow put all other dissenters in their rightful place (chini ya kiatu).

    it could be insecurity, could be bigotry, self consciousness, inferiority, and a host of other could be's. it just seems to me that its near impossible to hold discussion with different views without someone unleashing a "secret weapon" to show why their opinion is superior to any who are opposed.

    grow up people, we can live with divergent opinion be wrong as well as right irrespective of status. with all due respect to your colorful resumes, i opine that anytime someone flaunts their resume to force through a point, they probably have none to make.


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Vikii are you really as old as you would want us to believe? Honestly, the rage and hatred that you spew in your comments is not good for the health of any grey-haired man.

    Secondly, does it really matter whether this is a state/official visit.

    In the eyes of the world, Raila is both the president and prime minister.

    Nani anapinga?

  33. How did you work out there are 80% poor Kikuyus? Where did you get those stats?

    Unlike any other tribe in Kenya, Kikuyus tasted modernity and civilization well before anyone else. When the early European settlers moved into mainland Kenya in late 1800, the first contacts were the Kikuyus and Masais. And when the settlers moved into the white highlands - Kikuyuland, many Kikuyus were exposed to civilisation just read the book ‘OUT OF AFRICA’. And because of their proximity to colonial government in the newly created capital, Nairobi many Kikuyus benefited greatly from their colonial masters not forgetting the many missionary schools that sprung up in Central Province. So, you can hate Kikuyus all you want but the sun shone before them long before you. But don’t forget 'Every cloud has a silver lining' (be hopeful because difficult times always lead to better days ... )

    PS UrXlnc, get a life, you like to show others how objective in your views you are but it’s all bullocks. You are an emotional commenter and you always think you are right. Go deal with your emotions you rotting sod! This a public forum and it's not a place to show your emotions.

  34. hahahaha kwale

    emotion is your entire last paragraph

    take it easy bro, endelea ku flaunt resume


  35. UrXlnc,

    Aren't you the same guy who has been correcting other people's English grammar and spellings on this blog? Now you are castigating those who preface their discussions with a self-introduction. Stop being a Pharisee or a self-appointed dormitory captain. Feel free to tell us who you are, after all, are Kumekuchans not family members?

  36. UrXlnc, great points.

  37. UrXlnc,

    I was about to set up a commission of inquiry to find out why you have not made a comment.

  38. Kwale

    90% of prison inmates, official figures are from kikuyland

    99% of mungikies are kikuyus.

    central province unemployment rate officially is at 50%.

    nairobi province unemployment rate is at 40%.

    rift vallye unemployment rate is at 35%.

    majority of those unemployed are kikyuus.

    some numbers ar enot hard to deduce.

    50% of all squatters in kenya are kikuyus.

    from mathira, nyeri, kutus, sagana, mathare, kiambaa, etc

    official figures tally.

  39. Kwale,

    an excerpt from your post :

    .....You(UrXlnc) are an emotional commenter and you always think you are right. Go deal with your emotions you rotting sod! This a public forum and it's not a place to show your emotions.



  40. Vikki is the only sane person in this blog. So leave him out of it!

  41. Kwale, I knew you would say that. Thanks for answering my question and making my day.

    Lakini, wachana na UrXlnc.

  42. 11:21 niko

    no need for commission, maybe i just missed the eldoret express/mathree (or eurostar) to my nearest blog point :-)

    watch out am an emotional freak as well as dorm captain and pharisee but do i say


  43. So what if he going to britain , africans are obsessed with odieros.When will we be proud of our own tell me gentlemen, when?

  44. UrXlnc, you are worse than that.
    I just don't have a word for you.

  45. Has any one noticed the publicity the VP get as opposed to Pm in KBC, while kalonzo's empty speeches are aired for loooong , raial is shown for only a miniute also the order of business is kibaki event 1st then kaloozer and finanly tinga then sports.

  46. 12:56pm

    so is obama, usa media and citizenry obsessed with eruope?

    dont try us that okuyu hogwash on anti-odiero. rudi kwenu basi.

    nita repeat mara moja. hatu pelekwi shwa shwa na kikuyu tena.

    hizo risto zili komeshwa on dec-27.

    lia kama nugu. shuta kama nguruwe. swala ni moja tu. hatubabaiki.

    MTA DO?

  47. KBC does not have votes. if it did, kibaki would have had 6m votes in 2007 or uhuru would have had 65% of votes in 2002.

  48. What order did you expect KBC to adopt for their news items? When will you ever come to reality brother?

  49. vikii

    Kbc viewership is baby compared to NTV, Citizen and KTN.

    who friggin cares. let the Kikuyu Broadcasting Network be.

  50. And if nobody really cares, then why bring it up?

    For your information, KBC is a government corporation and the Prime Minister's duty is coordinating the affairs of government. Please have him call them and demand they adopt a new reorganized order which sees his rhetoric aired before everyone else's. Kalonzo does not coordinate government running. Hana makosa mwataka kumuuwa bure. Direct your anger to the paterfamilias himself.

    About how many people watch KBC, I dont care. I don't. I have not watched KBC in more than 10 years. All I am saying is the supporters of this Prime Minister should either put up by telling him to do the things they fancy or just shut up!

  51. 1.08pm , be proud bwana, so you will jump off a building if obama does?, my point is, it is time we foster policies and plans that will lead us to self reliance or else we will forever be colonised , and btw iam a proud kenyan living and making it in kenya, meza wembe.What the Pm and team is going to britain is just another begging mission like the one he had in us. Recently Kenyans were able to raise 200 billion in less than a month , why are we still begging , they should focus on opening channels for indegenous kenyans to invest. The same people who only weeks ago were refunding investment money are the same ones going to chase investment money in britain , wake up from your slumber.Do you know how much tangible investment return is generated from these trips compared to how much tax payers money they spend , every minister will carry atleast 5 henchmen let alone security and extras, all these guyz fly first class going to beg the british , that is the height of irony.

  52. Want to receive a FREE copy of

    A Shining Star in Darkness
    Her Excellency


    Just write to

  53. Vikii you sound like a "woman scorned"..tuliza boli mzee.

  54. Is this Marianne Briner the lunatic mentioned by Kumekucha?

  55. Ignore the desperate comments by one Sam Okello and mainly by his socalled wife Hellen who tries in vain to fulfill her wifely duties 'while on her knees' .........

    In due course you are not only able to receice FREE of charge the

    Shining Star in Darkness
    Her Exellency

    but also all the other 'fictions' by Sam Okello like

    The White Girl (with my daughter's photo on the cover)

    The Mau Mau Prophesy


    etc. etc.

    I repeat, all of them FREE of charge.

    Whatever Sam Okello published and will publish in the future, I will deliver it to you

    FREE OF CHARGE ...........

    Just write to

    Marianne Briner

  56. (a) have you ever heard of a host country inviting Pres Bush, Speaker Perlosi and Gov Schazenerger to visit at same time together?

    (b) have you ever heard of a host country invite Candidate Obama and Candidate Clinton to visit together at same time?

    (c) have you ever received an official invitation in a company that include you as CEO/MD, the Registrar, the Tea Girl, the Secretary and Bursar?

    if number (c) has happened, its because whoever invited you saw you both as equal or one joint group that has to be made together.

    im sorry if this comes across to harsh, but some of us just see things way too deep and observe certain languages and processes

    sping they will. spin they have. but to VERY CURIOUS OBSERVERS, its not washing. coming so soon after the same mandated rep visited USA.

    They can spin it but the thief was never invited!!

  57. Is this the lunatic mentioned Briner Marianne? Why does she try to cheapen Kumekucha? We should ignore her. Kumekucha already mentioned she's a sick person. I would think she'd be in a psyche ward.

  58. Anon 2:54, you have hit the nail on the head.

  59. Kalonzo will get a formal invitation from Queen Elizabeth to make a STATE VISIT in June, 2013. Raila can tag along as leader of the Official Opposition(ODM-Asili) which will, by the way, be cooperating with the new Govt in the new spirit of nation building. That is the only time Raila will EVER make a State visit to Buckingham palace and the UK.
    The current visit IS NOT a State visit, in spite of Phil,s strongest assertions. In a State visit, a Head of State invites another to make a formal visit. There is pomp and ceremony and there is the crucial state dinner with Queen Elizabeth. Gordon Brown IS NOT the British head of State, it is Queen Elizabeth, and Raila IS NOT the Kenyan Head of State, it is Mwai Kibaki. Gordon Brown can therefore only invite Raila for an official visit, NOT a State visit.
    Only Kibaki can make a State visit to the UK currently. Maybe Raila will be lucky to be part of the delegation if Kibaki gets an invitation, otherwise he has to wait until Kalonzo is on that seat first.

  60. kimi, phil is there any chance of ever dropping that my dad is bigger than your dad?

    people have moved on

  61. Phil is doing good work. About his obsession with rao, it is a luo thing. Luos feel kiuks have pushed them to the wall and they always have to overglorify every achievement by a luo. Am no psychoanalist, so dont laugh at me. Just my take on the eternal kiuku/luo rivalry.

  62. UrXlnc, Umepatikana......Imagine i have always known you to be one sober blogger on Kumekucha...And that one i can vouch for you anytime brother....Relax that is none other than Kwale the "cool" gentleman with two passports!!!

    Guys i have been thoroughly amused with all the rantings and ravings...Ati my dad's brighter than your dad. The truth of the matter is The PM has gone for a state visit to the UK....If you dont want to believe it you, you can still say the PM accompanied by 5 ministers has gone for a private/personal visit to the UK, either can do...satisfy your ego with any explanation...The truth of the matter is that he is going to the UK ama?

    Phil keep posting we are waiting...i dont think you are forcing anyone to comment as Noah Wekesa says....You can take a walk anytime and close the door behind you!!!

    You see it is very simple UK was in the US and i am not sure if anyone tried posting stuffs and was refused...Bring the news in and we chambua it.

    Chris i thought the world's oldest blogger died? Just a thought


  63. Amazing how a simple post of the Prime Minister's visit can reveal deap-seated villageness and bias. Personally I think Raila's visit to the UK is not news. Focus should be on what he is likely to discuss or deal on our behalf

  64. fyi just in case all ya bullet heads missed it....see ya all got no idea what am talking

  65. Watu jameni...Lets deal with issues. Soo much of our kiddergatten talk. This guys are trying to heal our country and get us moving again. I dont think anyone has any problem with that. Whether its RAILA OR WHOEVER provided they offer CLEAN LEADERSHIP, and VISION for our great country we should support them. Being Ukuyo or Luo does not help. But remember keep it CLEAN. The topic was not about Kikuyus in London. Keep it tight. You dont even want to know what them Kikuyus DID to get where they are. Call it Crafty maybe..Clever - NOT ..DOGY..Definitely yes..But they are where they are because thats the kind of people they are. Foer those who know what Iam talking about will understand that this soo called KIKUYUS are not even from one country called KENYA. ASK MALIK AND CO. SOLICITORS. But then no one should blame their way of doing things! Iam flying out to London just to show consolidarity with our leaders. State Visit Or Not. Iam ODM.....SANA.

  66. Mutua is going on with his lies... The thief was never invited. Why would he turn down an invitation when he desperately needs to show the world that he is head of state?

    Kwale, you jigger infested twits have NOTHING to show for being the FIRST ones to be in CONTACT ti the white settles... What a shame!

    Your rich tribesmen should do someting to eradicate the jiggers in central lesotho as well as create jobs for your mungiki good for nothing brother.


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