Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, July 28, 2008

Eventful Weekend Where Nasty Snakes Were Smoked Out Of Their Holes

To be perfectly honest with you I did not really realize just how sensitive a topic I was touching on in my weekly special feature this past weekend. That was until some rather strange comments (some of which I deleted started popping up).

Also in Kumekucha today: Mother-in-law or Monster-in-law?
How a small business was rescued from bankruptcy to prosperity. Copy the tips.


What would you do if you have been a strong anti-corruption activist for many years and then you are suddenly confronted with the question of how your own family acquired the wealth that was used to pay for your education to enable you to be where you are today?

There is no doubt that the topic of how the wealthiest Kenyan families made their money has rubbed many up the wrong way. But it is a reality that we MUST face. And for many reasons but mainly because for the war against corruption to be successful, justice cannot be dished out selectively. And yet for that justice to be done, one would have to touch virtually every prominent respectable wealthy family in Kenya today. This cuts across both the so-called old money and the newer money and it also cuts across political parties and tribes.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the top 5 wealthiest Kenyans are all names from Kenyan politics.

My report this weekend certainly smoked many “snakes” out of their holes. And they come out firing from the hip, both barrels desperately blazing. One commentator claimed that by offering sensitive information via email, I was collecting email addresses to sell to Nigerian scam artists. Now that is somebody who is really running scared over the information that is now being widely distributed to Kenyans. Let me tell you a secret. One of the reasons why I favor email is that emails get forwarded all over the place and a vast number of Kenyans will end up getting information in the safety of their email inboxes that many rich Kenyan families would do anything to keep from them.

I take this opportunity to reassure all those who request for my free sensitive information via email that I highly respect their privacy and will NOT pass on their email addresses to anybody (let alone Nigerian conmen). I urge you all to trust me on that one, in the same way you have trusted me to bring you political information that you cannot possibly find anywhere else. In fact the issue of privacy and security is one of the reasons why I have opted to use Yahoogroups the most reputable email opt-in service in the world who also have a reputation to protect. I have done this rather than use many of the other options including my very own software. Yahoogroups is also very easy to opt out of and you can stop my emails coming to you at any time (no questions asked). I therefore urge those readers who are yet to register to do so as recent developments are going to force me to increasingly reveal the most sensitive information I have via email. The service is of course free, send your email Now.

The other ominous threat that I have taken very seriously is that of a man who has said that he intends to shut down this blog in two weeks. You see how desperate folks are?

But I will not be stopped and this is one of the reasons why I have decided that I will continue with this hot topic on how the wealthiest Kenyan families acquired their illegal wealth in my weekend special, next weekend. Don’t miss the second and final part of this important feature which is bound to be even more sizzling hot than last weekend’s.

I would urge all Kenyans to be brave enough to face the truth, however terrible it is. It is the only way we are going to save the motherland.


  1. Since am hearing rumours that this blog is about to go down, let me advice you.
    You have advised me here in the past posting as anon so, please give me a moment to advice you too. You see, we learn from each other and we need each other.

    To avoid this blog going to pot, why don't you redesign it into something exquisite where people will not take umbrage? - A place where people from all walks of life will find it useful and not faze out at the mention of Kumekucha.

    You know all too well most of the posts here are canard and the comments that follows are equally are preposterous.
    I think your whole venture of this blog has been an unmitigated disaster with few if any nebulous ideas. But, I have an idea for you and don't rubbish it; I think it would be worthy heeding to it than watch your dream waste away.

    There are whole wide range panoply of how you can re-invent yourself in the worldwide web.
    I know an old callow schoolmate who ventured into this kind of business. It started like a joke with only few plebs blogging in a week.
    He went on to commentate on issues that affects men and men's heath – things that men find difficult to talk about. He started offering free advice online and before he knows it, his blog was receiving 5 millions hits a day. Today this very ordinary bloke has received praises from both political leaders and in medical profession for his efforts. Recently he received an award from British Medical Journal for his effort in educating men about prostate cancer. The man is not even a doctor, he did computers but he just wanted to do something positive.

    This is what I am talking about, do something that will benefit people and leave a legacy for your name.

  2. Smoke them ou we shall.

    True to their character, they have not disappointed and are instead fighting on the ground and on this blog.

    BTW, is it just a coincidence that the technocrats complaining about the 'high handedness of Ngilu, Nyongo, Orengo etc',and giving press conferences to whoever cares to listen, all come from the same community?

    Just an observation. On the other hand what are the chances that a PS or a top tecnocrat would be from another region?

  3. Lest we forget;

    from Kumekucha archives

    November 23rd 2005,

    this is what chris published here in Kumekucha;

    what Kenyans are saying about the resounding orange victory and the 'Hutus' of Kenya....

    it seems the hatred of the 'hutus' is still on


  4. you dissapointed over the weekend chris. we expected a list of the wealthiest Kenyans who have acquired their wealth through dubious means.

    instead you listed afew Kikuyus and as usual forgot to mention the Railas (molasses), Ruto n Jirongo (YK92, collapsed parastatals), Biwott, Sally Kosgey, Ngilu-HIV funds, Fred Gumo, Kajwang (store clients money and was strapped off legal practising licence), Mudavadi corrupt family wealth....

    what are u scared of chris.

    and please dont post threats as anon and pretend someone is threatening u to win public sympathy..pliz its such an old trick of journalism.


  5. the wealthiest families are well known, if you go to top 100 you will rop in the families from Nyanza and they are only two, nyachae and odinga. how they acquired their wealth is not in any way clean. so all the rich are thieves and we know, they dont belong in jail... they will continue to rob you forever. you are doomed brother and IVY is a product of these thieves. so the war against corruption can never be won. poleni.

  6. It seems the haters are having a field day already.
    Be back later.

  7. Chris,
    I see your problem. By extension, then all of Kenya will be termed corrupt. From Kenyatta to the village kids who invite their local MP to a college fund raising where I guess dirty money is donated.

    But that wouldn't be right. The issue is that corruption is part and parcel of life in Kenya. Survival is only by playing the game. The mwananchi can not accused of enabling the system to the magnitude of the leaders. There has to be some distinction.

    Bribing a cop or clerk for you ID is not the same as bribing the head of state although they are both forms of corruption. Stealing an orange is not the same as murder.

    As for those worried about their emails, they should know that they can have more than one account with pseudo aka if they are so scared.

  8. anon4:45 AM

    do you think Chris is a child with the advice you are giving him on here with a touch of a threat embedded - you are such a fool - go tell your NSIS goons kumekucha is going strong and Chris will not be shut down- kazi itaendelea kabisa!! get this straight...

  9. anon4:58 AM

    yup we Noticed- but listen Dawa ya moto ni moto

    what did PNU do when coalition was formed?? recycled all the old geezers- remember Muthurua and most of the civil servants?? all remain- how about parastatals?? still there and check the foreign affairs and high commissioners?? still in place.

    all odm ministers have a right to reshuffle all officers under them who haven't performed since 2002-2008- some should be shown the door "sacked"

    and are yOu forgetting Kibaki sacked and removed and replaced all this people between 2002-2008 with his own people from central province- time out for those goons


    LET ME REMIND THIS FOOLS THAT THE COALITION WAS NEGOTIATED 50% RAILA (ODM) 50% kibaki pnu) and they should shut up-
    tell them to co to court the skunks from central...

  10. Ivy
    5:00 AM


    this NSIS headless skunk is still here - foolish kikuyu soon you will bw saying you are jesus
    get it straight go ask your KIbaki why he sacrificed his own tribesmen in the Eldoret church(He is a Freemason we know) they do scarifies-
    We know with the help of Moi they paid mungiki MURDEROUS YOUTH to burn Eldoret church(Moi had no choice he had to toe the line- his millions kibaki is protecting)
    This are the devils we have in kenya,,,

    5:07 AM


    Most of the power brokers in the Kenyatta regime who formed land-buying
    companies established huge farms in the Rift Valley either jointly or on their
    own. They included Njenga Karume, the then Chairman of Gema Holdings,
    who acquired 20,000 acres in Molo where he is growing tea, coffee,
    pyrethrum and potatoes and 16,000 acres in Naivasha.
    GG Kariuki acquired his 5,000 acres at Rumuruti, Laikipia Division, while
    former Attoney-General Charles Njonjo bought into the 100,000 acre Solio
    Ranch. Don’t forget, grabbing of settler land in Central by many colonial
    collaborators, at the expense of the Mau Mau fighters, was part of the
    Senior Chief Munyinge from Muiga took 400 acres. Initially, senior chief
    Munyinge was allocated only 70 acres but with time he managed to acquire
    330 more acres.
    Mwai Kibaki acquired 20,000 acres in Nanyuki. Former MP the late Munene
    Kairu has 32,000 acres at Rumuruti.
    Mr Isaiah Mathenge, the former powerful Provincial Commissioner under
    Kenyatta and an MP under Moi, is arguably the largest land owner in Nyeri
    municipality. He owns Seremwai Estate, which is 10,000 acres.
    Kibaki’s friend, Kim Ngatende, a former government engineer, has 500 acres
    too. Mathenge also owns—jointly with former Provincial Commissioner Lukas
    Daudi Galgalo—the 10, 000-acre Manyagalo Ranch in Meru.
    Back in Rift Valley, as Jaramogi and the rest of Kenyans were saying, Not Yet
    Uhuru, it was land grabbing business as usual. Land-buying companies were
    heisting big. The result was big acquisitions, for instance, Munyeki Farm—
    which stands for Murang’a, Nyeri, Kiambu – (4,000 acres), Wamuini Farm
    (6,000 acres), Amuka Farm (2,000 acres), Gituaraba Farm and Githatha Farm
    (1,000 acres each) and GEMA Holdings 12,000 acres. A few of them are
    being utilized, today with the owners growing various crops ranging from
    coffee, tea, maize and dairy keeping.
    The other big farms include Chepchomo Farm (18, 000 acres), owned by the
    former Provincial Commissioner Ishmael Chelang’a. The family of the late
    Peter Kinyanjui, who was a close friend of President Mwai Kibaki and a former
    DP Chairman in Trans Nzoia between 1998 and 1999 owns 1,800 acres.
    In Nakuru, several politically connected individuals have acquired many acres
    of prime land within the town—they include lawyer Mutula Kilonzo, who owns
    an 800-acre farm for dairy farming. The immediate former Auditor General,
    D. G. Njoroge, owns 500 acres, while Biwott’s Canadian son-in-law & coowner
    of Safaricom (Mobitelea) a Mr. Charles Field-Marsham, boasts a 100-
    acre piece where he is growing roses.
    D. G. Njoroge also owns the extensive Kelelwa Ranch in Koibatek, is less
    than 10km from Kabarak, where he rears cattle and goats. The 10,000 acre
    Gitomwa Farm—acronym for Gichuru, Tony and Mwaura—is owned by the
    family of the former Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (KPLC)
    managing director, Samuel Gichuru. Tony and Mwaura are his sons.
    Another 10,000 acre farm in Mau Narok belongs to the family of the late
    Mbiyu Koinange, Kenyatta’s side-kick and powerful minister of state in the
    Office of the President. His Muthera Farm (4,000ha) is leased to different
    people to grow wheat, while a group of squatters is demanding a piece of it.
    The owners are yet to clear the Sh7 million Settlement Transfer Fund loan.
    Ford-People leader Simeon Nyachae’s Kabansora Holdings owns 4,000ha in
    the area. Former Rongai MP Willy Komen’s family owns 10,000 acres —
    5,000ha adjacent to Moi’s Kabarak Farm and another 4,800ha near Ngata in
    Coast Province was not spared. Kenyatta family owns almost 15% the prime
    resort land in the province, besides a huge sisal plantation spanning both
    Taita and Taveta districts, safely watched by his son-in-law and former MP
    Marsden Madoka, and another close friend to Uhuru Kenyatta, and current
    Minister in Kibaki’s Coalition Government, Naomi Shaban.
    PART 4: Kenyatta’s Land holdings
    Kenya’s two former First Families and the family of President Mwai Kibaki are
    among the biggest landowners in the country. The extended Kenyatta family
    alone owns an estimated 500,000 acres — approximately the size of Nyanza
    Province — according to estimates by independent surveyors and Ministry of
    Lands officials. (This report first appeared in the Standard Newspaper report
    by Mr. Otsieno Namwaya).
    The Kibaki and Moi families also own large tracts, most held in the names of
    sons and daughters and other close family members, all concentrated within
    the 17.2 % of Kenya that is arable or valued. Remember that 80 per cent of all
    land in Kenya is mostly arid and semi arid land.
    According to the Kenya Land Alliance, more than a 65% of all arable land in
    Kenya is in the hands of only 20 per cent of the 35 million Kenyans. That has
    left millions absolutely landless while another 67 per cent on average own
    less than an acre per person.
    The building land crises in the country, experts say, will be difficult to solve
    because the most powerful people in the country are also among its biggest
    landowners. The tracts of land under the Kenyatta family are so widely
    distributed within the numerous members in various parts of the country that it
    is an almost impossible task to locate all of them and establish their exact
    During Kenyatta’s 15-year tenure in State House, he used the elaborate STFS
    scheme funded by the World Bank and the British Government, to acquired
    large pieces of land all over the country. Other tracts, he easily allocated to
    his family.
    Among the best-known parcels owned by Kenyatta’s family, for instance, are
    the 24, 000 acres in Taveta sub-district adjacent to the 74, 000 acres owned
    by former MP Basil Criticos.
    Others are 50, 000 acres in Taita that is currently under Mrs Beth Mugo, an
    Assistant minister of Education and niece of Kenyatta. 29, 000 acres in
    Kahawa Sukari along the Nairobi—Thika highway, the 10, 000 acre Gichea
    Farm in Gatundu, 5, 000 acres in Thika, 9,000 acres in Kasarani and the 5,
    000-acre Muthaita Farm.
    These are beside others such as Brookside Farm, Green Lee Estate, Njagu
    Farm in Juja, a quarry in Dandora in Nairobi and a 10, 000-acre ranch in
    Naivasha. There is another 200 acres in Mombasa, and 250 acres in Malindi.
    Other pieces of land owned by the Kenyatta family include the 52,000-acre
    farm in Nakuru and a 20,000-acre one, also known as Gichea Farm, in Bahati
    under Kenyatta’s daughter, Margaret. Besides, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, widow
    of the former President, owns another 10, 000 acres in Rumuruti while a close
    relative of the Kenyatta family, a Mrs Kamau, has 40,000 acres in Endebes in
    the Rift Valley Province.
    Uhuru owns 5,000 acres in Eldoret, 3,000 acres in Rongai and 12,000 acres
    in Naivasha, 100 acres in Karen, and 200 acres in Dagoretti. A 1,000-acre
    farm in Dagoretti is owned by Kenyatta’s first wife Wahu.
    It is also understood that part of the land on which Kenyatta and Jomo
    Kenyatta Universities are constructed initially belonged the Criticos family.
    The government bought the land from him in 1972 under the Settlement
    Transfer Fund Scheme and transferred to the Kenyatta family the same day
    Criticos sold it to the government. Land for the two universities was
    subsequently sold partly and a portion donated by the family.
    PART 5: Kibaki’s and Moi’s Land Grabbing
    One of President Kibaki’s earliest grabs is the 1,200-acre Gingalily Farm
    along the Nakuru-Solai road. And in the 1970s, Kibaki, who was then the
    minister for Finance under Kenyatta, via STFS transferred to himself, 10,000
    acres in Bahati from the then Agriculture minister Bruce Mckenzie.
    Kibaki also owns another 10,000 acres at Igwamiti in Laikipia and 10,000
    acres in Rumuruti in Naivasha. These are in addition to the 1,600 acre Ruare
    Just next to Kibaki’s Bahati land are Moi’s 20,000 acres although his best
    known piece of land is the 1,600 Kabarak Farm on which he has retired. It is
    one of the most well utilised farms in the area, with wheat, maize and dairy
    The former President owns another 20,000 acres in Olenguruoni in Rift
    Valley, on which he is growing tea and has also built the Kiptakich Tea
    Factory (torched early 2008 Post election violence).
    He also has some 20, 000 acres in Molo. He also has another 3, 000-acre
    farm in Bahati on both sides of the Nakuru/Nyahururu road where he grows
    coffee and some 400 acres in Nakuru on which he was initially growing
    The former President also owns the controversy ridden 50, 000 acre Ol Pajeta
    Farm—part of which has Ol Pajeta ranch in Rumuruti, Laikipia. Some time in
    2004, Moi put out an advert in the press warning the public that some
    unknown people were sub-dividing and selling it.
    Can solutions be found to address these land problems?
    This is clearly a socio-political problem that requires a political solution.
    It involves digging up the archives, consulting experts, policy makers, local
    politicians and community elders to find a comprehensive solution.
    Such formulated blueprints can then be sold to Kenyans of all creed, race,
    religion and ethnicity in a publicity campaign that seeks to draw in as many
    supporters as possible. A responsive political party genuinely keen to tackle
    this tough problem can actually sell a comprehensive and just land reform
    policy as part of its manifesto.
    These must be cognizant of the constitutional implications concerned in
    addressing past and present land issues.
    What we are witnessing in Rift Valley may just escalate to new heights
    considering the fundamental weight of the underlying blood and soil issue of

  12. Anon 5.56… What you have just said there is cock-eyed and abysmally poor comment. You always see things in negative even why someone is offering you a donkey to ride on instead of having to walk, you still think is sarcasm. Here I am giving Chris the best possible advice one can get FREE of charge and you still thinks its iffy. I don't know.

    I like Chris, even though I have disagreements on what he writes here; I admire his ambitions and his prowess. And what I give Chris is what we call constructive criticism and everyone needs that.

    Why is Kenyan society always dismal?

  13. FAKE IVY

    Most of the power brokers in the Kenyatta regime who formed land-buying companies established huge farms in the Rift Valley either jointly or on their

    They included Njenga Karume, the then Chairman of Gema Holdings,
    who acquired 20,000 acres in Molo where he is growing tea, coffee,
    pyrethrum and potatoes and 16,000 acres in Naivasha.

    GG Kariuki acquired his 5,000 acres at Rumuruti, Laikipia

    former Attoney-General Charles Njonjo bought into the 100,000 acre Solio Ranch. Don’t forget, grabbing of settler land in Central by many colonial
    collaborators, at the expense of the Mau Mau fighters, was part of the scheme.

    Senior Chief Munyinge from Muiga took 400 acres. Initially, senior chief Munyinge was allocated only 70 acres but with time he managed to acquire 330 more acres.

    Mwai Kibaki acquired 20,000 acres in Nanyuki.

    Former MP the late Munene
    Kairu has 32,000 acres at Rumuruti.

    Mr Isaiah Mathenge, the former powerful Provincial Commissioner under Kenyatta and an MP under Moi, is arguably the largest land owner in Nyeri municipality.

    Isaiah Mathenge owns Seremwai Estate, which is 10,000 acres.

    Kibaki’s friend, Kim Ngatende, a former government engineer, has 500 acres too.

    Mathenge also owns—jointly with former Provincial Commissioner Lukas Daudi Galgalo—the 10, 000-acre Manyagalo Ranch in Meru.

    Back in Rift Valley, as Jaramogi and the rest of Kenyans were saying, Not Yet Uhuru, it was land grabbing business as usual.

    Land-buying companies were
    heisting big. The result was big acquisitions, for instance,

    Munyeki Farm—which stands for Murang’a, Nyeri, Kiambu – (4,000 acres),

    1. Wamuini Farm
    (6,000 acres),
    2.Amuka Farm (2,000 acres), 3.Gituaraba Farm and Githatha Farm
    (1,000 acres each)
    4. GEMA Holdings 12,000 acres.

    A few of them are
    being utilized, today with the owners growing various crops ranging from
    coffee, tea, maize and dairy keeping.

    The other big farms include

    5.Chepchomo Farm (18, 000 acres), owned by the former Provincial Commissioner Ishmael Chelang’a.

    The family of the late
    Peter Kinyanjui, who was a close friend of President Mwai Kibaki and a former DP Chairman in Trans Nzoia between 1998 and 1999 owns 1,800 acres.

    In Nakuru, several politically connected individuals have acquired many acres
    of prime land within the town—they include Mutula Kilonzo, who owns
    an 800-acre farm for dairy farming.

    2.The immediate former Auditor General,D. G. Njoroge, owns 500 acres.

    3.Biwott’s Canadian son-in-law & coowner of Safaricom (Mobitelea) a 4.Mr. Charles Field-Marsham, boasts a 100-acre piece where he is growing roses.

    5.D. G. Njoroge also owns the extensive Kelelwa Ranch in Koibatek, is less than 10km from Kabarak, where he rears cattle and goats.
    6.The 10,000 acre

    7.Gitomwa Farm—acronym for Gichuru, Tony and Mwaura—is owned by the family of the former Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (KPLC)
    managing director, Samuel Gichuru.
    Tony and Mwaura are his sons.

    8. Another 10,000 acre farm in Mau Narok belongs to the family of the late Mbiyu Koinange, Kenyatta’s side-kick and powerful minister of state in the Office of the President.

    9.His Muthera Farm (4,000ha) is leased to different
    people to grow wheat, while a group of squatters is demanding a piece of it.

    The owners are yet to clear the Sh7 million Settlement Transfer Fund loan.
    Ford-People leader

    10. Simeon Nyachae’s Kabansora Holdings owns 4,000ha in
    the area.

    11. Former Rongai MP Willy Komen’s family owns 10,000 acres —
    5,000ha adjacent to Moi’s Kabarak Farm and another 4,800ha near Ngata in MNjoro.

    12. Coast Province was not spared. Kenyatta family owns almost 15% the prime resort land in the province, besides a huge sisal plantation spanning both
    Taita and Taveta districts, safely watched by his son-in-law and former MP Marsden Madoka, and another close friend to Uhuru Kenyatta, and current
    Minister in Kibaki’s Coalition Government, Naomi Shaban.

    PART 4: Kenyatta’s Land holdings
    Kenya’s two former First Families and the family of President Mwai Kibaki are among the biggest landowners in the country.

    ***** The extended Kenyatta family
    alone owns an estimated 500,000 acres — approximately the size of Nyanza Province — according to estimates by independent surveyors and Ministry of Lands officials.*********

    (This report first appeared in the Standard Newspaper report
    by Mr. Otsieno Namwaya).

    The Kibaki and Moi families also own large tracts, most held in the names of sons and daughters and other close family members, all concentrated within the 17.2 % of Kenya that is arable or valued.

    Remember that 80 per cent of all
    land in Kenya is mostly arid and semi arid land.

    According to the Kenya Land Alliance, more than a 65% of all arable land in Kenya is in the hands of only 20 per cent of the 35 million Kenyans.

    That has left millions absolutely landless while another 67 per cent on average own less than an acre per person.

    The building land crises in the country, experts say, will be difficult to solve
    because the most powerful people in the country are also among its biggest landowners.

    The tracts of land under the Kenyatta family are so widely
    distributed within the numerous members in various parts of the country that it is an almost impossible task to locate all of them and establish their exact

    During Kenyatta’s 15-year tenure in State House, he used the elaborate STFS scheme funded by the World Bank and the British Government, to acquired large pieces of land all over the country. Other tracts, he easily allocated to his family.

    Among the best-known parcels owned by Kenyatta’s family, for instance, are the 24, 000 acres in Taveta sub-district adjacent to the 74, 000 acres owned
    by former MP Basil Criticos.

    Others are 50, 000 acres in Taita that is currently under Mrs Beth Mugo, an Assistant minister of Education and niece of Kenyatta.

    29, 000 acres in Kahawa Sukari along the Nairobi—Thika highway, the 10, 000 acre Gichea
    Farm in Gatundu, 5, 000 acres in Thika, 9,000 acres in Kasarani and the 5,000-acre Muthaita Farm

    These are beside others such as Brookside Farm, Green Lee Estate, Njagu Farm in Juja, a quarry in Dandora in Nairobi and a 10, 000-acre ranch in Naivasha.

    There is another 200 acres in Mombasa, and 250 acres in Malindi.
    Other pieces of land owned by the Kenyatta family include the 52,000-acre farm in Nakuru and a 20,000-acre one, also known as Gichea Farm, in Bahati under Kenyatta’s daughter, Margaret.

    Besides, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, widow
    of the former President, owns another 10, 000 acres in Rumuruti while a close relative of the Kenyatta family, a Mrs Kamau, has 40,000 acres in Endebes in the Rift Valley Province.

    Uhuru owns 5,000 acres in Eldoret, 3,000 acres in Rongai and 12,000 acres in Naivasha, 100 acres in Karen, and 200 acres in Dagoretti. A 1,000-acre farm in Dagoretti is owned by Kenyatta’s first wife Wahu.

    It is also understood that part of the land on which Kenyatta and Jomo
    Kenyatta Universities are constructed initially belonged the Criticos family.

    The government bought the land from him in 1972 under the Settlement Transfer Fund Scheme and transferred to the Kenyatta family the same day Criticos sold it to the government.

    Land for the two universities was
    subsequently sold partly and a portion donated by the family.
    PART 5: Kibaki’s and Moi’s Land Grabbing One of President Kibaki’s earliest grabs is the 1,200-acre Gingalily Farm along the Nakuru-Solai road.

    And in the 1970s, Kibaki, who was then the minister for Finance under Kenyatta, via STFS transferred to himself, 10,000
    acres in Bahati from the then Agriculture minister Bruce Mckenzie.

    Kibaki also owns another 10,000 acres at Igwamiti in Laikipia and 10,000acres in Rumuruti in Naivasha. These are in addition to the 1,600 acre Ruare Ranch.

    Just next to Kibaki’s Bahati land are Moi’s 20,000 acres although his best known piece of land is the 1,600 Kabarak Farm on which he has retired. It is one of the most well utilised farms in the area, with wheat, maize and dairy

    The former President owns another 20,000 acres in Olenguruoni in Rift
    Valley, on which he is growing tea and has also built the Kiptakich Tea Factory (torched early 2008 Post election violence).
    He also has some 20, 000 acres in Molo. He also has another 3, 000-acre farm in Bahati on both sides of the Nakuru/Nyahururu road where he grows coffee and some 400 acres in Nakuru on which he was initially growing coffee.

    The former President also owns the controversy ridden 50, 000 acre Ol Pajeta Farm—part of which has Ol Pajeta ranch in Rumuruti,Laikipia. Some time in 2004, Moi put out an advert in the press warning the public that some unknown people were sub-dividing and selling it.

    Can solutions be found to address these land problems?
    This is clearly a socio-political problem that requires a political solution. It involves digging up the archives, consulting experts, policy makers, local politicians and community elders to find a comprehensive solution.

    Such formulated blueprints can then be sold to Kenyans of all creed, race,religion and ethnicity in a publicity campaign that seeks to draw in as many supporters as possible.

    A responsive political party genuinely keen to tackle
    this tough problem can actually sell a comprehensive and just land reform policy as part of its manifesto.

    These must be cognizant of the constitutional implications concerned in addressing past and present land issues.

    What we are witnessing in Rift Valley may just escalate to new heights considering the fundamental weight of the underlying blood and soil issue of

  14. anon6:38 AM
    Kwale i guess having a small brain like yours doesn't help does it- you can't think out of kibaki box- so i guess you are also a thief and a thug- one rotten tomato in a baskets spreads to all the box and all tomatoes end rotting:) keep to your rotten ideas or advise- that is why you can't create your own blog but you run around spewing filth and propaganda on other peoples blogs like Chris- grow up or i suggest you move on to mashada blog it suits people like you!

  15. kwale

    why don't you redesign it into something exquisite where people will not take umbrage?
    blogs are cheap to start, you or me and any other should be free to start the type of blog you want and so on

    kk was designed for specific purpose which so far its achieving

    A place where people from all walks of life will find it useful and not faze out at the mention of Kumekucha

    You know all too well most of the posts here are canard and the comments that follows are equally are preposterous
    the thing about blogs is there are millions out there, when you or i find one we dont agree with, we move on to the next or create our own and generate the traffic

    i however agree that some of your posts have been preposterous

    please give me a moment to advice you too.
    could be that you mean well, but you have an email address to communicate with chris, it appears insincere for you to give personal advice in a public forum when you claim chris is a friend and in which case you would have alternative modes of communication that would be more effective. this effort appears more like grandstanding than anything else, but we all have different ways of doing stuff

    Lastly if this blog were to close (and i would hope that it does not) whether due to sabotage or willfully by its originator(s), it has absolutely served and continues to serve its purpose of publishing or circulating information (factual or learnt through the grapevine) on events affecting our governance. the assumption is that those reading and commenting are mature enough to discern fact and when in doubt can query other sources or the writers of the article and shed more light on the subject for the benefit of all.

  16. Folks, don't worry about Kumekucha. Remember last year when the Okellos threatened Chris to close down his blog. Now they are amongst his strongest supporters with Sam publishing here his 'Messages to the People of Kenya' at least once per week. So, please, don't worry. Kumekucha will go on forever, or at least as long as Chris decides to continue.

  17. anon8:00 AM
    calling yourself -truth?? as per kibaki's lies I presume!

    another kikuyu pretender who knows how many is hidden and from the left of the mouth keeps naming Raila and posting propaganda about his wealth- so what is it to you??
    show me any proof that Raila stole Spectra from any body??

    I can show you proof that kibaki and Moi stole from the KENYANS TAX payers and they have accounts abroad and yes they have companies trading on stock exchanges around the world and some of the companies are under Judy kibaki her daughter!HER BROTHERS - some in wambui's name - I'm sure even rucy does not know this -
    information is easy to get once a company is trading publicly so again i repeat what is your beef with Raila's Spectr company?? did you see him steal from anyone??

    name them here?
    or shut up!!
    everyone in kenya know Kibaki is a thieve and a thug- you can never wash that away- just like every kenyans know moi is a thieve stole from kenyans tax payers too.
    Now you are looking to tarnish other peoples names then bring it on..

  18. anon8:00 AM
    and keep convincing yourself the money you stole from kenyans is safe in offshore accounts- pole sana- Githongo was silenced but some already had the information.

    KIBAKI's GOVERNMENT TOOK SOME OF THE MISSING MONEY OUT OF SOME OF THE ACCOUNTS AND REFUSED TO REPORT- imagine the thieves stole from the first thieves(Moi and cronies)

    the 40 days of stealing are over in fact you are lucky with your tribesmen you had 5 years of free looting- muta juta- you thieving thugs...

  19. No one can shut down kumekucha. Kumekucha is hosted by blogger which is owned by Google. So, stop the nonsense that someone can shut down kumekucha. Only you can click the 'Delete Blog' button. Unless you are an ignorant idiot, I don't know how you presuppose that anybody could threaten to shut down this website.

    If you decide to shut it down, I invite everybody to jukwaa

  20. very useful article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.


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