Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is Embakasi Cursed To Always Be Led By Thugs?

By Oscar

Is it the curse of Embakasi that it will always be led by a thug and that when a non-thug is somehow elected they will always be quickly cut down to size?

This was the feeling amongst many Embakasi constituents who voted for Esther Passaris as news came in this morning of Ferdinand Waitutu's stunning victory in yesterday's by-election.

Just last week it looked like the constituency was going to get not only it's prettiest parliamentary representative yet, but one woman who has already clearly demonstrated that she is amongst the crop of new younger generation politicians that Kumekucha is always talking about and which the country needs so badly just now.

In fact when senior officials of Kanu and PNU at the constituency threw their weight behind Esther Passaris days before the polls, it looked like Ms Passaris was already home and dry. In a move that shocked many, the officials announced that they were backing Ms Passaris rather than their own candidate, Ferdinand Waititu who was endorsed by the likes of Kanu chairman Uhuru Kenyatta.

However politics is politics and the final tally a few hours ago showed that Waititu trounced his rival by about 10,000 votes. So what happened?

Analysts are still groping around for answers. However it is useful to remember that the reason why the immediate former MP Melitius Were won in December 2007, was because the all important Kikuyu vote was split between a number of strong candidates including the now deceased David Mwenje and Ferdinand Waititu himself. This is the reason why the ODM high command cleverly went for a candidate who could be identified as Kikuyu in Ms Passaris whose mother is a Kikuyu born and bred in Embakasi constituency. Some sources tell me she was probably not Kikuyu enough and maybe not rough enough to convince the crucial college of extremely traditional Mungiki-sympathizer-voters who rule this vast Nairobi constituency. The clincher must have been the fact that she is not circumcised, something the Mungiki-types take very seriously indeed.

ODM officials will not be happy that they have lost this parliamentary seat that was previously there's in the strategically important Nairobi province. The fact that they have won Wajir North as a replacement will hardly console supporters of the party.

Additional Writing By Chris
Personally I would have been extremely surprised had Embakasi constituents elected Esther Passaris as their new legislator. I love Ms Passaris and I believe that she would have made the perfect member of parliament for this constituency that has so many problems.

However in my heart I wondered if the ODM high command in backing Passaris had considered all the facts on the ground. Top on the list is the strong Mungiki influence in the constituency. Everybody knows that these guys will not vote for women who do NOT dress conservatively, let alone one who is NOT circumcised. So whilst the Passaris candidature created a lot of positive buzz in the press and amongst voters countrywide, winning on the ground in Embakasi was another issue altogether.

If truth be told, I was fairly impressed that Ms Passaris was able to garner over 26,000 votes. Clearly this was a credible effort and the experience will no doubt be pretty useful next time because I am sure that this is not the last that we have heard of this determined Passaris lady.


    Kumekucha...This development occured more than 6 hours ago but there is no word on it here on KK.
    Esther Passaris is petitioning Kivuitu to inspect the ballot boxes for the OBVIOUS FAKE VOTING MATERIALS that PNU used to rig the Embakasi by-election, investigate the heavy presence of GSU OFFICERS in Mukuru & other zones for intimadation of voters, open voter bribery among other shady activities from the PNU party that are clearly questioning the integrity of the results. ODM & Passaris as required by law informed the Police & other relevant authorities of these activities & provided them with SEVERAL fake voter cards used in the area, but with no response.
    Pole Embakasi residents, it seems YOU DID VOTE FOR CHANGE, BUT IT IS BEING SNATCHED FROM YOU!!

    I am interested to see how ECK will handle this new electoral dispute, especially with IREC watching their every move...knowing Esther Passaris she will not let common thuggery stand in her way. Waititu may just have chosen the wrong time to steal this one.
    ECK reeling from the effects of its role on the STOLEN 2007 ELECTION, may just take this opportunity to do the "right thing" by inspecting the boxes & nullifying the obvious thief if only to "redeem" whatever remains of their image, if any.
    On the flip side they may just choose to ignore, yet again, their mandate of delivering free & fair transparent elections due to their obvious affinity for theft & impunity. But if they do, questions will certainly arise on why they did not do the same for the stolen election. This is not the type of scrutiny ECK is willing to welcome.

    It is interesting to note that there were NO CHEERS for Waititu when he was announced winner, only jeers & shouts of ODM both in & out of the tallying hall. So unlike the other 4 constituencies.

    So what happened??? IT WAS STOLEN, SO TYPICAL OF PNU!!!!

  2. Chris,

    The voice of Embakasi people must be respected. Some misguided people thought Passaris would use her beauty to perform miracles as she has done in her private life, but as Raila says, "Politics is not a beauty contest!" Before the by-election many Kumekuchans rooted for the best person to win. And the people of Embakasi thought Waititu was the best. Let us not second-guess their wisdom simply because our "pretty" candidate lost in a fair fight.

  3. Whether Passaris concedes or not is irrelevant to the lives of Embakasi people. They are already moving on with their lives and their new MP, Waititu.

    I would not be surprised if Passaris sued the Embakasi people the way she sued Pius Ngugi when he refused to marry her. This lady has a history as long and winding as River Nile. But even Nile's journey comes to an end when it meets the Mediterranean Sea!

  4. Why are people FURIOUS about beauty? And why at it is it an OFFENCE to shame ORGRES? I guess reverse logic is the cause lest we start chating waters IBILISIs. Na yuko wapi by way ama amejoin zoo?

    Na DURY-ERECTED can also repent and accept Winny-atleast Passaris went public. No double standards please.

  5. 11:01 am
    the point here is very clear even to a 3 year old & to all others who are just as confused; waititu the thugs victory may be shortlived.

    Taabu good question.
    Why are they so threatened by her beauty? Excuses, 99% of those calling her names here would fret & run for cover if they crossed her path, politically, businesswise or otherwise.
    Quit hating aka jealousy!!

  6. CHRIS I beg to differ with you.
    Embakasi is not cursed, its plain & simple theft.

    Previous MPS' have always been thieves wishing to do out do each other. They are not voted in; they force their way to parliament thus explaining the constant In-fighting among them. The Late Mugabe Were & currently Esther Passaris is evident enough that Embaksi CAN & DOES vote in credible leaders. But the well established thugs will do everything in their power to protect their loot. If they are not in a position to eat & grab land they will at least have one of their own to ensure this continuity.
    I have been a resident of Embakasi when it was still beautiful & blemish free.
    Embakasi has a lot of potential. But it is obvious that it needs to be divided so the development oriented residents of Embakasi can go on with Passaris & the Mungiki thugs can keep their uhurus, karuas & waititus.
    Esther Passaris is certainly NOT out of the limelight, for those who are thinking so. From vying for councillor to Nairobi Mayor & now MP..despite Uhuru's persistence in stalling her growth, is evidence enough that
    they know she is a force to reckon with. Stalling her only seems to strengthen this tough lady, even more!!

  7. Taabu and Anon 11.16... since you mentioned beauty, can I ask you what is beauty and what does it got to do with politics. How do you define beauty? I get amazed by the way Kenyans define beauty. According to many Kenyan they believe beauty is when you have a light skin tone. Wrong!!
    Beauty is defined by the symmetry of facial features i.e nose, eyes and the definition of cheekbone.
    So, does that mean if my beautiful wife with the same kind of parentage as Ms Passaris (Kikuyu/Italian) stands for an election, she will win even though she has no political experience?


  8. Hey guys, what is the reason of personal attacks. Don't assasinate Passaris character. Hio ni upumbavu, the kind of politics we are trying to bury. If you don't have facts then please rest in peace.

    On another note, if the vote was stolen in Embakasi, ECK should nullify the results.

    And when will we ever move to more meaningful politics?


  9. You guys didn't suprise me. I expected just that. In fact I expected more than that; I expected you to be stonning people for voting against your candidate. And for illusory rigging.

    What makes Waititu a thug apart from the fact that he beat your candidate? You guys are even bigger thugs. The party you so passionately support (and its leader) has always officially adopted a thuggish approach against anyone with a divergent viewpoint.

    I will tell you something; This election was not about soothing your inflated egos. It was about the people of Embakasi freely choosing their representative in parliament and they did just that, just like the voters in Emuhaya, Wajir, Kilgoris and Ainamoi did. Anyone who takes part in an electoral contest should be open to either of the two possible outcomes.

    Esther Passaris is an admirable person, no doubt about it. But grown civilized people should be gracious in defeat.
    And while on that, if the constituents of Embakasi have such rapport with Mungiki, was Mungiki not on the front page of The Standard every morning supporting Ms Passaris? This one should have been a landslide.

    Someone said Esther is not circumcized. You are exactly the same guys who have been insulting Kioko for calling Raila Odinga a kihii. You have always asked him how he knew Raila had a foreskin. I now ask you, how did you know esther was not cut?

    Live with it then; How. Waititu is the elected member of Parliament for Embakasi constituency.

  10. clearly we are not on the right track and no wonder our political landscape is messed up

    our leaders or those we elect should demonstrate qualities that will fulfill the demands of and resonate with the development agenda of the constituents. if that was the criteria used to elect the 5 leaders then i have no quarrel with their choices. from their its basically a wait and see to see how they deliver.

    of course there is always concern about electing someone with a tainted past, but who can cast the first stone really and which leader can trully escape that trap.

    its ridiculous for adults to discuss issues that are highly subjective and which have near zero impact to enhance or reduce the delivery of service by the leader (beauty, blah blah).

    when will we focus on reforms, service delivery, accountability, transparency, integrity, credibility, development agenda and other much needed values as basis for election criteria of leaders and not base it on tribe, beauty etc, all the things that are so superficial.



  11. vikii, welcome back. you seem to like the status quo. you still admire PNU even after they slaughtered thousands of our own during the post-election crisis. I cannot believe your reasoning. Do they pay you to propell their propaganda? I'd like to know!

    hellen okello

  12. Hellen Okello, your understanding of the meaning of the word PROPAGANDA is risible, at the very least.

    First of all, I am not a member of the PNU. Even if I were, what has that to do with the verdict of the Embakasi people? I do not have to be a member of the ODM (God forbid) to respect the decision of the people of Emuhaya,Ainamoi and Wajir. Pouring scorn on the persons of these voters is the most defeatist attitude to have. You have just proven to me, Hellen, that just like most in your fold, you are beyond the reach of any logical argument. And you know what; I respect that as well.

  13. side note

    not sure what the mandate of the Kriegler commission is, but i thought it was to probe and find flaws in the election process that took place.

    these guys are offering suggestion on the future and not providing evidence of flaws, clearly whoever is moderating their findings is not clear on the guidelines but again like i said do not know what their mandate says maybe some chap in the know (phil, waweru) can publish their statement/scope of work. otherwise they like all other previous probe commissions will be another waste of time and funds for a report that will sit on a shelf because whatevere their recommendations, under the current constitution its still up to the president to do whatever he pleases with that ECK


  14. Kwale,
    Point of CORRECTION. Passaris' parentage is Greece/Kikuyu and not the lie you peddle. Nect time you want to lie please make it credible.

    For definition of beauty I will tell you this: HUMANS REASON BEST BY CONTRAST. That is why you only consider yourself tall when you meet a dwarf. Similarly you become a genious in the presence of fools, get my drift? So you must have seen an ORGRE face aka GENOCIDE to appreciate beauty. Forget about the symmetry and philosophy ati beauty is relative. No I will direct you to Mathare hospital to meet ORIGINAL ORGRE.

  15. The impositor behind a pretty mask and her warlord sponsors were rejected by the great people of Embakasi. She had become the Livondo of Embakasi. Now she wants to sue everybody on sight because wananchi withheld their love. Poor little spoilt blat has finally met her match in the open sewers of Embakasi.

  16. What happened to the curse Ntimama had threatened the Maasai with if they didn't vote ODM? It pains my heart to see an old man being used to betray his people in exchange for a God-forsaken ministry. What was the name of the ministry, again? The old idiot and the delusional party leader don't know that his sell-by date has come and gone.

  17. wacheni matusi hapa ndani au tutarudisha moderation

  18. Utter rubbish. Typically arrogant ODM posturing. This sense of hypocrisy and entitlement is what really puts off people about the ODM. Are the people of Embakasi by extension also thugs for voting in Waititu? Are Gumo and other ODM prominents like Sumra who has pending court cases for theft(he buys stolen telephone cables) and who campaigned for Passaris, not well known thugs, regardless of their status?
    If anything, ODM, who were being supported by the ultra thugs of the Mungiki(they were publicly voicing their support for Passaris as late as Tuesday) hugely miscalculated(as usual) because at the core of their ideology is the ill disguised campaign of hatred against Kikuyus. The Embakasi voters, majority of whom are Kikuyu saw right through the ruse and malevolent intent and made appropriate decisions.
    ODM have learnt no lessons from the last elections and will continue making the same mistake of trying to divide Kenyans on tribal lines against one community. It does not and will never make them achieve their ambitions, not when you stir hatred against a populous community like the Kikuyu. ODM will continue jogging on the same spot going nowhere.
    For ODM to succeed with Kikuyus, it must genuinely attract them with sincere policies not dishonest and pretentious posturing. But then again, maybe ODM doesn't consider Kikuyu votes valuable.
    To illustrate the folly of ODM tribal politics, look at what is happening to the Kipsigis in Kilgoris now. Immediately after the by-election results were announced, Kipsigis homesteads were attacked and burnt down by Maasai attackers and the dwellers made to flee for dear life.
    ODM are now being paid back with their own coin. It is only a matter of time before the evil Darth Vader policies of the ODM come shining through for everybody to see them for who they really are. The Kisii have seen through it, the Maasai have now seen it, soon every switched on Kenyan will be able to see through it, and appropriately freak out.

  19. kwale,

    Dont be amazed. Most ODMers have very dark complexions and we know to them a beautiful woman is a light skinned one. To be well married is to marry a mzungu and if you cant get a mzungu you marry the next most light woman. Self hate at its best. No wonder they have this inferiority/victim complex. There are so many light skinned girls in the slums of emkakasi. So were the residents here supposed to be impressed with an old light skinned woman? And Chris knows that Passaris is not circucised!? Are we to assume that every ODMer has been with this woman?

  20. What can i say....Embakasians lost a golden opportunity.....Out of 249,000 people they let the tribal minded people, hawkers and touts to chart their destiny.Pole
    If i get any person in Embakasi so long as they are not tribal and they can argue soberly they regret why they didn't go to vote...Coz some were at work and they lost their one opportunity.
    Come to think of it again if these thugs got to Were, what makes you think they wouldn't get to Passaris if she had won...She is a woman and a mother so imagine her fate and that of her children.
    Personally i think Passaris won, first attempt and she get over 27,000 votes and i would advise her to continue working for the people of Emba...One day they will realize their folly.
    Bull....Precisely i have heard and i couldn't agree more.
    On a lighter note...Taabu looks are e'thing let no one decieve you, let them go out and see all the air hostesses and jamaas who work in PR and customer care...You dont just pick as you call an ogre and dress them up and shove them in a catwalk.
    Passaris has the beauty and the brains.....If you dont agree ujinyonge and on a more lighter note, brains in that she toanishad Pius alot of chums that some bloggers in this blog even after walking for the rest of their lives will never make that kind of money, not in this lifetime.Mtado?


  21. Kimi
    For ODM to succeed with Kikuyus, it must genuinely attract them with sincere policies not dishonest and pretentious posturing. But then again, maybe ODM doesn't consider Kikuyu votes valuable.

    LOL....Indeed laughable can i do it again...hahahahaha

    5th ammendment....Did you say sincere policies not dishonest? NO COMMENT...LOL


  22. High class boilerplate. The audacity of hopelessness.

  23. Anon 7:32.....I agree the name is not even known, forgot his expiry date is past.....Shock he is earning over 1.2 million (NOT TAXED) and he is still the MP for narok north/south? I sure envy this old man

  24. Where is the "Coordinator and Supervisor" to go and put out the fire between the Maasai and Kipsigis in Kilgoris? This fire could spread to a neighbourhood in Nyanza. I hear the escaping Kipsigis want to go and settle in Muhoroni. The lands around Muhoroni used to belong to the Kalenjins but were stolen by Oginga Odinga from RV and placed in Luo Nyanza. Kalenjins tried unsuccessfully to reclaim the lands in the tribal crashes of 1992. Now, since the ancestral owners are being called "foreigners" and thrown out of Transmara, they want to go and reclaim Muhoroni.

    Unless this nonsense of referring to fellow Kenyans as "foreigners" and "enemy tribes" which was started by Raila is managed with care and urgency, it might destroy our beloved country. Patriotic Kenyans must unite in condemning this style of dividing the people along tribal lines for selfish and delusional political objectives.

  25. YAAAAH - WA
    " Let Us Reject Being Mere Spectators in Life, To Becoming Masters Of Our Own Destiny………………. Koro to you all, I want to resait a poem for you and I wis you were there
    to watch me...

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Suzzana Owiyo bekem Witney Youstoone

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Dennis Oliech bekem Thiieerry Heenri,

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Louis Otieno bekem Lari King

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Obama became a Seneta,

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    lek victoria bekem an osen

    When Kisum bekem a siiti
    all the mbuta in the lek bekem wales

    When Kisum bekem a siiti
    all fising boats bekem sips

    When Kisum bekem a siiti
    all omena bekem saks

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    all fisamen became sip captens

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Gidi Gidi Maji Maji bekem Boys-To-Men OMera

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Mercy Myra bekem Jennifer Lopez

    When Kisum bekem a siiti,
    Achieng Abura bekem Queen Latifah

    Soult i....
    bt do we Say....
    when Obama becomes presitent.....
    all luo's will become AmeriKans

    call me on my samsuuung.... on my soosiall(social) line....( PHONE NUMBER

    ....Haya u can join me


    Tho' tis hard, I'd ratha luz honorably than with dishonesty....... !!

  26. Anon 12:25, What was the post again?

  27. Please IVY, why do you and others want us to keep on talking about the beauty of Passaris. Yes, she is beautiful, so what? Does that in and of itself entitle her to a leadership position in Embakasi? You may think, for whatever reason, that she is a great leader, but the people of Embakasi thought otherwise. Can you be humble enough to accept their verdict without calling them all manner of epithets. Democracy is not always a tidy exercise, but it is the best system so far we know of. In five different constituencies Kenyans exercised their democratic rights and chose their MPs. It just happens that after examining all candidates the Embakasi people decided that Waititu was more qualified to lead them than all the other contestants. What kind of arrogance do people possess to think that they know better and can pick and choose a leader for these people.

    If indeed Passaris is the kind of leader you people claim she is, be patient, soon you will have another oppportunity to escort and impose her on Bomet or Sotik people. In the meantime, please let us discuss matters of more concern to us all, like the budget.

  28. Anon 12:56...On a point of correction, i didn't say that Passaris should be elected coz she is beautiful and i dont think anyone said it here apart fron Ntimama....But she has what it takes to be an MP and over 27,000 voters could not be wrong...Ama and the fact is she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    You see Chris wrote this " IS EMBAKASI CURSED TO ALWAYS BE LED BY THUGS? ,....I said Waititu is a thug y'day and i dont think Chris waited for me to say so that we could chambua him....I repeat again Passaris is a beautiful woman...I have said it again....TOO BAD for embakasians that they made a mistake yet again...The soon they realize their folly the better.
    As someone rightfully said y'day may we not hear them complaining about anything even if their water taps spew sewage.
    Waititu just doesn't have standards, he just doesn't ...I hope you are getting the grip.

    About the budget...Relax we are still reading it, we will talk about it later....after we have studied it well, we have a whole year ahead of us. As Phil say tuliza ball (What does that mean?)
    Coz hata hivyo your brothers will not rudisha prices of commodities down they will still be telling us that stock bado ni ile ya kitambo...Yet we all know that bread expires after only 2 days, but wait a minute if the prices would have beeen increased you will just be amazed at how fast the stock would have kwishad....A country of dishonest people...Washindwe


  29. Ivy, ati Waititu does not have standards? What standards are those? How ignorant can you be?
    By implication, then all ODM MPs have standards, and if standards are what you expect from Kenyan MPs, then you need to have your head probed by CSI.
    How can people who increase their salaries at the first opportunity as a matter of course, people who don't earn their keep and work a mere 77 days out of 365 days a year but earn as if they put in 14 hour days, people who incite tribal hatred against whole communities, people(actually pedophiles) who cavort with underage prostitutes as a pastime instead of playing squash or swimming, be the people you think have standards?
    Please change the lighting system, in your head. You are using a flickering 25 watt bulb instead of 1000 watts.

  30. Kwani these Kenyan Mps are robots, they are just kenyans like you and me..Ama or do we have kenyans and a different breed of men and women who are called Kenyan MPs.

    Kimi you have gone too far CSI....I think you watch too much TV.

    For the love of Christ...examine my head, pls dont put me in the same category with some people we know...Tafadhali

    Lastly professors are people who know something abt everything...But you Kimi umeshinda...You know everything abt something. Adios


  31. Bull aka Taabu, it's not that I don't know she is half Greek and not Greece. You see you can even tell the difference.


  32. i agree with the kenyan wrote about self hate. i think the reason why anti kikuyuism is on the rise can be attributed to self hate among most non-kikuyus(apart from the maasai who are forever proud and coastarians). the other day i was in a kale mamas car and we passed a group of men she said" hao ni wakale checki venye wamezubaa na meno refu imetoka nje ya mdomo!!" clearly somebody needs counselling on the virtues of self esteem!
    you never hear a kikuyu self deppreciate and thats why they are called proud and arrogant. wen one is suffering from low self image they always tend to think people undermine them....
    on passaris she should accept defeat with grace there is no way she could have won the saet even with the media hype. beauty or having an intact clit has nothing to do with it..people were choosing individuals based on their parties and the poor woman was in the wrong party so next time she should be wiser!
    the most appaling thing is the plot by ODM to play reverse tribalism. wat a convinient time to inform kenyans that she is a muthoni? now we see who the biggest instigators of tribalism are ODM!
    parting word to my brothers originally from southern sudan. love yourselves black is beauty achana na obssession na yellow yellow and in extention kikuyus.

  33. Karuagirl, get a life. We are who we are in life, unless you are discontent, no need to shout at the top of your lungs to validate your self-worth.
    Wahenga walisema, in your case (Warisema) "Kizuri chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza"

  34. 1:58Pm, UrxLnc....

  35. anon 9:17

    interesting way to sum it up, yes that could be quite true. how sad


  36. The people of Embakasi are just fools..How do you in your right mind elect someone who is being charged in court to represent you in parliament? It just amazing how stupid some people can be sometimes...and then they complain ati hakuna maendeleo..go figure! Wajinga sana!!

  37. Ala!!! I'm very shocked to say the least. I find it quite amusing how Kenyans take for granted the precipice we almost dug ourselves into barely six months ago. Is this what we want to pass on to our children, a country that is utterly divided on ethnic lines???

    It is obvious that the comments made here have tribalistic undertones, some even insist on unleashing a tirade of insults. Shame ! Shame!!

    As a resident of Embakasi, I have to accept the will of the people. Personally, i would have voted for the candidate that offers me a platform based on development, period. By development i mean clear set goals by which one can be judged, as well as general proposals at to how we can improve the general state of Embakasi.

    Using the aforementioned yardstick, I can confidently say no candidate effectively communicated this. It seems that they(Passaris, Waititu and Ndile) were busy grandstanding and offering road side declarations- more or less campaign lies.

    However, we(the people of Emabakasi) had no other choice but to elect a person who would best personify their aspirations. Truth be told, i think ODM lost the seat by endorsing the candidature of Ms. Passaris.

    I have nothing personal against her. In fact i greatly admire her enterpreneural ability. However, in her campaigns, she potrayed herself too much as a self-seeker who could bve least bothered by the needs of the people of Embakasi. This is why she lost. The same can be said of Kalembe Ndile.

    If we were to be honest, Passaris got the Luo vote in Embakasi, more or less the people who voted for the Late Were. We should also remember that the only reason Were won was because Waititu and Ndirangu(Both PNU) split the votes. Both combined got 48000 votes against Were's 35000.

    ODM had a better chance of retaining the seat if they chose Sumra or Dick Waweru to run against Waititu, who had the backing of his former rival Ndirangu. THAT IS THE HOME TRUTH OF EMBAKASI- AN OUTSIDER WILL NEVER BE ELECTED MP.

    By outsider, i mean one who is not a resident or has been a resident for a long time. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the only reason Waititu won, na 'mpende msipende' the people of Embakasi have spoken!!!

  38. Ala!!! I'm very shocked to say the least. I find it quite amusing how Kenyans take for granted the precipice we almost dug ourselves into barely six months ago. Is this what we want to pass on to our children, a country that is utterly divided on ethnic lines???

    It is obvious that the comments made here have tribalistic undertones, some even insist on unleashing a tirade of insults. Shame ! Shame!!

    As a resident of Embakasi, I have to accept the will of the people. Personally, i would have voted for the candidate that offers me a platform based on development, period. By development i mean clear set goals by which one can be judged, as well as general proposals at to how we can improve the general state of Embakasi.

    Using the aforementioned yardstick, I can confidently say no candidate effectively communicated this. It seems that they(Passaris, Waititu and Ndile) were busy grandstanding and offering road side declarations- more or less campaign lies.

    However, we(the people of Emabakasi) had no other choice but to elect a person who would best personify their aspirations. Truth be told, i think ODM lost the seat by endorsing the candidature of Ms. Passaris.

    I have nothing personal against her. In fact i greatly admire her enterpreneural ability. However, in her campaigns, she potrayed herself too much as a self-seeker who could bve least bothered by the needs of the people of Embakasi. This is why she lost. The same can be said of Kalembe Ndile.

    If we were to be honest, Passaris got the Luo vote in Embakasi, more or less the people who voted for the Late Were. We should also remember that the only reason Were won was because Waititu and Ndirangu(Both PNU) split the votes. Both combined got 48000 votes against Were's 35000.

    ODM had a better chance of retaining the seat if they chose Sumra or Dick Waweru to run against Waititu, who had the backing of his former rival Ndirangu. THAT IS THE HOME TRUTH OF EMBAKASI- AN OUTSIDER WILL NEVER BE ELECTED MP.

    By outsider, i mean one who is not a resident or has been a resident for a long time. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the only reason Waititu won, na 'mpende msipende' the people of Embakasi have spoken!!!


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