Sunday, June 15, 2008

DNA Lie In Kabuga Arrest

Was DNA test carried out in record time?

Something very fishy is going on in Kenya.

Last night within hours of the announcement of the capture of Felicien Kabuga (a story that we broke here in Kumekucha) the government announced that they had established that the man in police custody was NOT Kabuga.

Now the government needs to answer one simple question. How quickly did this DNA test come back to establish that the man was not Kabuga? 8 hours? That is laughable because we know that the country does not even have the facilities (they are normally sent down to South Africa) and even if they did, you want to tell me it took one day to get the samples into the country from Arusha and then test and compare them to what was obtained from the suspect?

The truth is that if Kabuga were to be arrested, the number of big names in Kenya that would go down with him would shock the world. Pure and simple.

One of our readers left an interesting comment that I hereby include here but I dare say that Mr Cheruiyot is small fry fronting for much bigger names;

Kabuga's point man, protector, shelter and front in Kenya is none other than ODM's Zakayo Cheruiyot, this is fact that has been stated by the US State Department and through diplomatic channels over the years. It is time to arrest and charge Zakayo with harboring and aiding a international fugitive who is wanted for the murders of over 800,000 innocent Rwandese citizens.

Zakayo Cheruiyot, a former civil service chief and one of Mr Moi's closest advisers, was last month accused by America of harbouring Mr Kabuga.

"Our information indicates that this individual, Mr Cheruiyot, has used the government infrastructure to maintain the fugitive status of Mr Kabuga," said America's special ambassador for war crimes, Pierre-Richard Prosper.

"In the last few months information has really come in pretty concretely and focused on Cheruiyot and his apparatus."


Anybody who digs a little deeper into the personal lives of Kenyan legislators will be shocked at what they will find. Frequent sex with under-age prostitutes along Koinange street is just a tip of the iceberg. Interestingly I have passed on to Chris some rather shocking revelations (all confirmed by several independent sources) about the love lives of the two legislators who perished this week in an air crash and I have already been informed that the startling details have been included in this week's raw notes.


  1. agreed Oscar

    DNA tests are usually done in UK i thought but SA is equally feasible. and typically takes 3 days for logistic to be processed but can be even several weeks.

    and also why was it published in the public domain, i think the conscientious wing of the police force is sending a message to the public that "hey guys we do our job, but the people you elect are screwing us up"


  2. I peronally dont think Kabuga was arrested.Even the tough Matheri's were tracked and squared big time.

    Matheri was the usual thug you hear about or watch on television.Kabuga is some wealthy thug to be fair to him.That he was arrested dint strike me much.So we can say bottom line is lets forget he was arrested and maybe some deranged sod was.

    The best Kenyan police that i find admirable under the Kenyan situation are those that run around squeezed in 504 pegeuots.Those always clear their work as cut out.They dont have time for DNA tests that will never be.They in most cases not mistaken.They have their victims identity well known to them.

    For someone to tail someone from Kawangware all the way to some area around westlands and then turn back and tell us they were tailing the wrong person is in itself a warm spit on the face of many lookers.

    If Kabuga is arrested so be it.If someone meets him and fires his head up,again so be it.But like they say there is always a lesson.To some very good extent the rwandans seem to have learnt and they are going three fold than us.So why cant we learn from our recent skirmishes?So seemingly we are daft,unteachable,unforgiving and certainly perhaps less intelligent.If we can learn from such actions as Kabuga's or ours ,we should be having a better Kenya.

    Have a good week right up!

  3. DNA my foot. This was a preface without contents perfected by Kenya. Remember one Ayanu? It is TOP UP leaderhip and investigations people. We are in deep deep hole and continue digging. Who is fooling who here? We are becoming a global laughing stock but who care? DECEPTION comes in various shades.

    Kabuga will never be caught given the right connections he has. And if by any chance he is nabbed he will stop a bullet or inhale something fatal mysteriously. We have been down that road and yet to retrace our steps.

  4. That was not Kabuga. There was also another lie here that he uses a diplomatic passport. He cannot. A UN diplomatic passport and all dipmoatic passports for that matter are encrypted with UN biometric identities and are easily identifiable. Keep on searching and lying.

    Is Cheruyiot an elected MP in Kenya. This partricular post does not say that

  5. I knew it sounded a little too sweet to be true.

    But my question is this; Why do the big boys in government shield him? To put it more bluntly; Why does Moi need Kabuga? I can't just get it!

  6. Better still, one should be asking why Belgium continues to allow Kabuga and his wife to hold bank accounts there. The Kabuga character must be valuable to some people, did Belgium and France aid and fund the interahamwe? If they did the apprehension of Kabuga alive could be very damaging to their interests. Why are French judges trying to issue arrest warrants against Kagame and his government? without whom the toll would have been higher? Perhaps there is more that meets the eye here both inside and outside Kenya which might explain why Kabuga still has not been arrested. Perhaps some in the Kenya government, including Cheruiyot are beneficiaries of these EU countries

    As for the French, their role in what happened in Rwanda is self-evident...

    They knowingly trained and paid government soldiers and militia who were going to commit genocide and they knew they would commit genocide...

    anon @ 7:06am, Cheruiyot is an elected MP for Kuseroi, he was cited as a prime suspect behind ethnic clashes in Molo in a KNHCR report released before the elections. Recently he grew some horns and started challenging ODMs leadership, shortly after some token Kabuga's assets were frozen, Cheruiyot has now stopped disturbing the higher ups. Coincidence or no coincidence?

  7. The Kalenjins rejected Moi, the Luhyas rejected Mudavadi in 2002. ODM is a movement targeting a change in Kenya. Good leadership is followed by good citizenship NOT "good tribalism". As a patriotic Kenyan (intelectually belonging to no tribe) I wish that this murderer Kabuga must be arrested. I also maintain that Cheruiyot must face the law.

    But one unanswered Question. Can a criminal hide in our small Kenya for too long without someone catching up with him.

    Remember that a Kenyan president is so powerful that he would get an answer to any question within 2 weeks, if he asks for it. Isnt Kibaki implicated? Obviously Moi, but what of Kibaki? He is in charge, unless he is a sleep.

  8. good question vikii

    why are kenyans corrupt? why is there more corruption as we go up the ladder, than going down?

    mostly poor people bribe because otherwise they wont get service, but why are rich people still corrupt. why do they hide and prevent justice local or across the borders?

    is it possible to get service or give service without the question "whats in it for me". is is possible that there will be a generation of kenyans who will render and receive service based on "its my duty to provide this service expeditiously and professional to the utter best of my ability no matter what"

    lets see what we have to overcome

    No doubt many have seen this but just in case you forgot

    first on the list is where we stand

    scroll to the bottom and look at the tables and note where Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Somalia, Botswana stand

    also reflect on why Denmark and Norway have had difficulty with releasing donor funds, (look at where they are placed on the table)

    at some future date we can look at the who, why, where, what, when, how, how much, and of course WOW etc


  9. Anon 7:33!

    It is clearly evident that money changes hands for the protection of Kabuga.

    I also dont understand which bank keeps his money locally.Its also understandable why he would prefer stacking his dirty or call it clean money abroad.Definetely someone around here holds brief for him when doing official business.I wouldn't be suprised that he has placed moles in the very authorities that are purportedly chasing hime if friday is a measure we can cite.

    The death of that Munuhe who was a contact was very telling.Munuhe from what it appeared was a jilted cohort of Kabuga.So we should expect some more deaths.If any serious and life liking policeman or MP or whoever for that matter,anytime they sight Kabugalet them hand him over!Period!!

  10. Oscar
    How about starting by telling us the relationship between Martha Karua and Kibaki?? if you don't have those details then you are useless.

    Then follow up by uhuru's head heaven in an estate we all know- entertaining with high class prostitutes by the way some of them are very well placed ladies in very top jobs in some of the corporations and government and again Oscar if you don't have this information then i think your job here is to derail what really happened to Kones and Laboso's crash and try trashing their names in death,

    my question is did you see the picture of Laboso's son in the newspaper?? I'm a mother too and I don't care about odm or PNU i care about common decency and to me you are such a low life to even try to sale of your wares here on Kumekucha on dead people- you don't even care about grieving families - i pray and hope that when you live this earth you die like a dog that is a wish i ask god if he is listening to give you Oscar- to die like a dog with no family around you because you do not deserve to live.

    and this is for Kumekucha known as Chris. We in Kenya if we had to post stories on who is having sex or with whom - it can fill up the space on kumekucha for years and if you want kumekucha to be a gutter river road blog then you are heading there with the likes of people like Oscar posting here filth - unless Chris you have changed your name to Oscar and you are looking to make a quick buck by peddling filth then your blog is losing face- it used to be a respectable blog with no filth but now people passing through are seeing it as thrash- Mashada is known for that and i guess you want to join that club to make some quick dough- no principals Chris?? what happened are you that desperate?

  11. anon7:15 AM

    You surprise me?who has been in power since 2002? kibaki i think your question should be directed to kibaki and why he needs kabuga- the last time i checked moi is not in power.

    who is protecting Kabuga even the cheruyoit you mentioned does not have th man power to protect kabuga- the State has it and that State has been Kibaki- ask him that question,
    if Kibaki can go on the rampage and executed more than 500 mungiki youth -some have never been found to date by their families?? what is so difficult finding Kabuga with all those Kibaki secret service men??

    the post here by Oscar is a joke- point the finger to the right people stop playing games-
    you say they police caught Kabuga and did a dna test and confirmed that the guy wasn't Kabuga " who controls the police?? Kibaki

    then you turn round and point fingers at Cheruiyot and Moi??
    what doe this too control?
    the Police?? No
    the army NO
    the secret service NO

    your argument on here does not make sense- you are peddling lies trying to make money on your pay to read blog- shame on you.

  12. Oscar aka Chris - why does the remark about the sex life of certain people and then directing us to the raw notes (your pay up blog) have to do with the Kumekucha we used to love? It's us, your readers and those who commented here who gave you the HITS and made you famous. So stop peddling here with rumours and cheap subjects. Come back to your roots without lowering yourself to gutter-press level. Otherwise, Chris, if you are so desperate to make money to support your living abroad, why not try to find a regular job, something you have not had for years since as you told us many times, you make your living on the advertisements in Kumekucha. So here again, we your readers have supported you all these last years and you should grateful to all of us. Don't disappoint us now and stay on the topics you know best: seriously informing and commenting on issues of interest and leave the rubbish to others.

  13. Blogger Anonymous said...
    How about starting by telling us the relationship between Martha Karua and Kibaki?? if you don't have those details then you are useless.

    Then follow up by uhuru's head heaven in an estate we all know- entertaining with high class prostitutes by the way some of them are very well placed ladies in very top jobs in some of the corporations and government and again Oscar if you don't have this information then i think your job here is to derail what really happened to Kones and Laboso's crash and try trashing their names in death,
    my question is did you see the picture of Laboso's son in the newspaper?? I'm a mother too and I don't care about odm or PNU i care about common decency and to me you are such a low life to even try to sale of your wares here on Kumekucha on dead people- you don't even care about grieving families - i pray and hope that when you live this earth you die like a dog that is a wish i ask god if he is listening to give you Oscar- to die like a dog with no family around you because you do not deserve to live.

    and this is for Kumekucha known as Chris. We in Kenya if we had to post stories on who is having sex or with whom - it can fill up the space on kumekucha for years and if you want kumekucha to be a gutter river road blog then you are heading there with the likes of people like Oscar posting here filth - unless Chris you have changed your name to Oscar and you are looking to make a quick buck by peddling filth then your blog is losing face- it used to be a respectable blog with no filth but now people passing through are seeing it as thrash- Mashada is known for that and i guess you want to join that club to make some quick dough- no principals Chris?? what happened are you that desperate?
    10:12 AM

    Mtoto (ama mzee) akililia wembe........ mpe shoka!

  14. anon11:15 AM
    I second you on that- like one blogger said on here- MP's sex life who doesn't know?? that you can get it from anyone in kenya from barmaids to cleaners and from high class paid prostitutes to anyone on the streets of kenya- nothing to right home about- this has been happening for ever and not only Mps other ordinary Kenyans choose to live such life's and that is their private and personal business and intelligent kenyans leave that alone because it is none of their business interfering with other peoples personal lifes.

    if this is what made you run from Kenya?? Peddling other peoples private life's then you deserve what was coming to you and your family Chris- I wonder how your wife looks a you when she reads the filth and propaganda you post about other peoples private life's which is known of your business- I'm sure she has also lost respect for you - believe me most women would-

    We your readers always enjoyed reading Kimekucha because you covered all topics and you tried to be fair to both ODM and PNU on each post- but now you have crossed the line and gone into gutter press- maybe someone abroad advised you that that is what sells out there?

    Chris we are not Americans or Europeans- As Kenyans we have cultures embodied in our up bringing and that is respect of other peoples homes and families and that is the kenyans way- and if you have lost your footing then goo look for it and get back to business as usual- peddling lies and propaganda for a cheap buck does not become you- it is shameful...

  15. Hey Phil
    what do you mean by these swahili ???:):)

    Mtoto (ama mzee) akililia wembe........ mpe shoka!

    11:41 AM

  16. Oscar Sayz: Kabuga's point man, protector, shelter and front in Kenya is none other than ODM's Zakayo Cheruiyot, this is fact that has been stated by the US State Department and through diplomatic channels over the years. It is time to arrest and charge Zakayo with harboring and aiding a international fugitive who is wanted for the murders of over 800,000 innocent Rwandese citizens.

    Oscar, tafazal come slow.

    First of.Can yu please also tell us the history of fugitives in Kenya and who issues them with a safe haven?

    Zakayo is one of those Moi spies in ODM. We know him and we 'respect' him.

    Secondly, who is actually government? Taabu, Chris or Vikii CANNOT purport arrest any of these criminals. Let Kibaki and his short sighted , clueless and president wannabe security minister Saitoti settle IDPs and then fulfill their constitutional mandate . Let Saitoti kindly earn his salo.

    Wachanana ODM kama hauna kitu ya kusema. Tuambie kitu ile PNU imetusaidia nayo kwanza!

  17. Kabuga does not buy protection with the money he possesses, but by the information he carries in his head and that which he keeps together with his international attorneys in secure bank vaults. Have you ever realized that nobody in the world seriously wants him arrested for his role in the Rwanda genocide.

    The americans want him arrested because of the american tourists who were killed in a national park. And even then they are half-hearted. Munuhe believed the americans and went about tracing Kabuga to Karen with gusto. Poor fellow did not live to know what hit him.

    If you talk to Rwandese officials, you would realize that they would rather have him dead than arrested and talking. That is why they keep on sending hit squads to Kenya. No wonder Kabuga is more concerned by them mor than anybody else and travels regularly to meet their contacts in Europe to try to work out a deal.

    The europeans are busy having business as usual with Kabuga. He goes there for medical care, international relations, banking, shopping and leisure.

    With Kenya, let us put it this way, it is where Kabuga comes to enjoy the trappings of power that crucial information and money can buy.

    As far as Cheruiyot is concerned, the less we see him in human terms the better, for as long as he walks the earth freely the people of Molo will never know peace. Remember him and Kones in the Internal Security Ministry and tribal crashes in RV and genocide in Rwanda?

    Finally, if I were a boss in ODM I would first return all the campaign money received from Cheruiyot for it came directly from Kabuga and has genocide blood on it. Then I would openly and unquivocally disassociate myself an the party from Cheruiyot.

  18. If Raila would be serious, he should have asked Cheruiyot about Kabuga and then Raila could have even taken the 5 Million $ the Americans have put out. But he didn't bother. Does this not already tell you what is really going on in ODM? Kabuga via Cheruiyot has given more than this amount to support ODM and with it has bought his freedom. The rest is just a cheap cover-up.

  19. Phil,

    Of course you will "respect" Cheruiyot even if he is a Moi spy in ODM as long as Kabuga funds ODM through Cheruiyot, and Cheruiyot gives ODM a majority in parliament.

    Have you ever stopped to wonder and worry that some of the little money you get to promote ODM may have come from Kabuga and therefore stained by the blood of Rwandese genocide victims?

    ODM needs to start practicing the politics they preach. What is stopping Raila from "coordinating and supervising" the arrest of Kabuga??????

  20. Selective application of logic never wins. We all know who has the POWERS to do anything in Kenya and that is none other than YOUR DULY ELECTED. Kabuga has his tentacles everywhere and NOBODY dares scrtch him lest the worms come our crawling. It boils to GOODWILL and determination to fight graft. The ODM-PNU argument is mere smokescreen. Who will/can BELL THE CAT?

  21. taabu - this is your usual rubbish in trying to make Kibaki responsible for everything going wrong and praising Raila and his wisdom for the rest. I thought these two had agreed on power sharing - which should include also sharing responsibilities - not just in words, but also in deeds. I agree with those who point to the fact that ODM has taken money - a lot of money - from Cheruiyot knowing very well whose is sourcing him and why. But since Cheruiyot is ODM, he has become a saint and Kabuga untouchable. One could even say that Kabuga is now living under the protection of Raila and not Kibaki. Who took his money? ODM. Who knows where he is living? ODM.
    If it's true what Chris tried to tell us that this new man Oscar is an ODM official, maybe he is also paid by Kabuga to spread his dirt here on Kumekucha? One wonders!!!!!!!!

  22. Btw, whats the deal between Esther Passaris and Raila? I smell a rat.

  23. anon3:39 PM
    Actually the rat is more smelly with Kibaki and Martha Karua for quite a while - did you know they were discovered by a cleaner at statehouse having sex( I call that kinki) and guess where- I give you three guesses?

    so now if you want to spread more malice like Oscar and Propaganda game on we are ready for you with names and places and who is screwing whose wife in the PNU group of thugs!!

    by the way Rucy was like a devil on fire when she was told- but too bad the elections were on and everyone in PNU had to put up and show team face:) funny isn't it the same madam that help him rig?? how loyal right through to the bedroom-

  24. anon1:39 PM
    I guess Kenyans should ask what Kabuga gave to Kibaki then because the last time i checked Kibaki has been in Power since 2002-2007 and nothing done not even a whisper on this Kabuga guy who seems to come in and out of kenya and if you are telling us that kibaki lets him in and out and his security operations can't nub this guy kabuga then they must be having a very good relationship- when Kibaki was desperate looking for funds for his re-election and even going as far as selling the Grand Regency to Libya -one of his funders must have been one and the only Kabuga for him to get a diplomatic passport it is only Kibaki who can approve that and here yet again you see the game plan of propaganda playing out when the facts are as clear as ever??

    kabuga- diplomatic passport- only Kibaki can approve that- nobody else but kibaki and those are the facts- follow kibaki and you will catch kabuga-maybe he is carried on kibaki's Presidential plane who knows- after the Atur brothers nothing surprises me anymore on how far kibaki's greed can stretch involving even family members-

    Think Atur brothers and how they were given VIP escort from Kenya after all the crimes they were involved in- and then turn the page and place kabuga on the next page- it all reads kibaki yet again!!

  25. anon@6:23. I've never been good at guess work. Do tell, stop the games. Or shouldnt that go to, what's it called, raw notes/porojo? At least someone might make a buck....

  26. anon6:58 PM

    you should go post rat smell on the raw notes section yourself because you are the one who posted that you smelt a rat - isn't that trying to malign individuals on here like Oscar?? what rat did you smell?? as for what kibaki and Martha Karua enjoy?? who am I to judge them- this has been known since the start of election days in 2007- and so what? who cares- peoples private affairs should remain that way- but if you PNU people want to post filth on here then we are ready to roll with all our guns out and this time with facts names and places not just smelling a rat- but the actual affairs and relationships past and on going- You see some of us are married in this elite kikuyu families and we are not kikuyu's but when we see you kikuyu's trying to post here rubbish and malice about our tribesmen then cloves come off- even if my spouse is a kikuyu - at this point a draw the - line- lucky me - i get to hear all the facts on who is sleeping with who and who has been caught red handed by the spouses and family meeting to resolve issues- too much information which i didn't care about before- but after seeing what is being posted here on Kumekucha- about my tribesmen by kikuyu bloggers - I think time up- when you play dirty then remember some of us are right in the heart of the kikuyu elite from government and private sector and we do have plenty of stories to tell?? and guess what nobody will find out where it come from but the damage will be done already- here and on many other blogs that we can post on for kenyans to read- you see that is the beauty of blogs- being invisible, while fighting hate and propaganda posts on certain blogs like Kumekucha and many others

    does that answer your warped mind?? since you can't guess!!!

  27. Anon (.26 AN - first, if the Kikuyus that bad, why then did some of your prestigious sisters and brothers marry into their families. Second do Luos not have a love life? I am sure if somebody digs really into this subject, there will be more Luos (men and women) to talk about including those giving them the services which they do not get at home. Third, I heard that the business in Koinange Street is managed by Kikuyus, but done mostly by Luo and Luhya women because certain men prefer them to the others. Fourth, I would suggest you clean your bad language or if your brain (and presumably something else too) is too small for that, better get lost.

  28. It's all a lie people! No DNA was done on the suspect. Kabuga was trailed and arrested. Then before the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda officials could board the plane to come and verify his identity, they were told it was a case of mistaken identity. If anyone was to bring the DNA samples to be compared with those of the suspect, it was these ICTR officials. It is obvious that Kabuga had bribed his way out again. There is no way the Kenyan authorities would have captured the man and released him without verification from the ICTR officials who issued the international arrest warrant. They know Kabuga better than anyone else. Kabuga continues to enjoy his freedom in Kenya, associating with the high and mighty in this very coalition government, being driven in cars flying the flag and being sheltered in military barracks and having multiple travel documents... This government will never arrest the man. When pressure mounted from the ICTR that Kenya would be reported to the UN Security Council for non cooperation, they decided to freeze one of his assets - the house in Lavington. Whereas the government has in its possession a list of over two dozen properties including bank accounts in various banks that needed freezing, they only acted on one of them. Where is the will here to bring this man to justice? Now I hear the officers who had actually trailed and arrested Kabuga were yesterday transferred to remote areas of the country. Nothing new here - it is business as usual in Kenya.

  29. @8:26 pm. Oh, so now you have privileged information because you're sleeping with the enemy, eh?
    Why dont you just share it instead of threatening people here? We're not children. Go on...share it. And look who's posting the filth. And while you're at it, how bout asking the Kikuyu elite that you're sleeping with to take you to finishing school?

  30. Why is it that people with bad mouths and language bother to read and leav filthy comments here? If your mind cant come out of the gutter, dont bring the gutter here either.
    Truth be told though, our politicians are all cut from the same cloth. This is not news. They masquerade as princes of light when we all know who is directing their actions. Why else would they be shouting the loudest about zero tolerance to corruption and bad governance and yet they are helping to elect old men like cheruiyot into parliament? Our prime minister is busy bad mouthing Robert Mugabe about Zimbambwe, that he (Mugabe) is an embarrassment to Africa. Which is true anyway! But whats the difference between Mugabe and Kabuga? Why is he not haranguing Cheruiyot over Kabuga? Simple answer is that they all are in the same club of flossing by day as princes of light and engaging in matters darkness by night. Godliness detest people like Kabuga and cheruiyot and thus would not stand having them anywhere near. Thus only a political leader who fears God will go the extra mile to right what is wrong in a situation like this one we are writing about even if at personal cost. But fellows like these ones we have for excuse as leaders cannot and will never stand up to be counted in such a matter. Lest they do so and then kesho, its them who are fleeing and have nowhere to flee to.
    So big deal!

  31. Why is it that people with bad mouths and language bother to read and leav filthy comments here? If your mind cant come out of the gutter, dont bring the gutter here either.
    Truth be told though, our politicians are all cut from the same cloth. This is not news. They masquerade as princes of light when we all know who is directing their actions. Why else would they be shouting the loudest about zero tolerance to corruption and bad governance and yet they are helping to elect old men like cheruiyot into parliament? Our prime minister is busy bad mouthing Robert Mugabe about Zimbambwe, that he (Mugabe) is an embarrassment to Africa. Which is true anyway! But whats the difference between Mugabe and Kabuga? Why is he not haranguing Cheruiyot over Kabuga? Simple answer is that they all are in the same club of flossing by day as princes of light and engaging in matters darkness by night. Godliness detest people like Kabuga and cheruiyot and thus would not stand having them anywhere near. Thus only a political leader who fears God will go the extra mile to right what is wrong in a situation like this one we are writing about even if at personal cost. But fellows like these ones we have for excuse as leaders cannot and will never stand up to be counted in such a matter. Lest they do so and then kesho, its them who are fleeing and have nowhere to flee to.
    So big deal!


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