Sunday, June 22, 2008

Article Will NOT Be Published

The story I had promised today on the new twist in the Trent Keegan investigations, will NOT be published after all. This is for reasons that are unavoidable.

I will advice further by Tuesday.

I humbly apologize for all the inconveniences caused.

I also promise that I will be able to tell you next week why I could not publish the information today.

Kumekucha will NOT be sold for any price.


  1. Sold to ODM. Employed ODM Press Officer Phil working for Kumekucha. Where is Oscar? Kumekucha too HOT for him.

  2. Anonymous, have you auctioned off your senses?


    what a pity

  4. woii mama africa

  5. ODM doesn't need to buy Kumekucha because they already have a free and unhindered access to Kumekucha to use it as they wish!!!

  6. what happened to him? please keep us informed. ~ veritas

  7. Chris,

    The time you have spent and the concern you have shown investigating the death of journalist Keegan is enormous. That shows your human side and it is admirable. But where was that beautiful side of yours when the 1500 IDPs were being butchered in the RV? Why didn't you lift a finger when people like TAABU used Kumekucha day after day to laugh and pour scorn at these innocent fellow Kenyan lives? Was it because they were poor, black, and Kikuyu? Good luck investigating Keegan's death but remember that human lives (black or white) are equal before the eyes of God. And it is to God that you will answer.

  8. ODM is for light and straight forwardness. Others are for darkness, switch off the lights and announce the winner! That other person was sworn in darkness and calls himself president.

    Kumekucha we are proud of you. Life of humans are valuable. The most industrious people would not care. They love power, money and mbuzi choma more than life.

    Keep on revealing.

  9. Blogger Anonymous said...
    Sold to ODM. Employed ODM Press Officer Phil working for Kumekucha. Where is Oscar? Kumekucha too HOT for him.
    8:05 AM


  10. Info...Kenya drew nil all with Zimbabwe and Guinea are currently 4-0 over Namibia. Meaning they will jump to the top of the table after this. Pray hard that Kenya wins the remaining two matches in their group. They will beat Namibia, but Guinea awaya will be a problem.

    Ismael Bangura has just scored a hat-tricks. Hivyo ndivyo ilivyo

  11. Guys an update from Uwanjani,

    The Prime Minister, who only was in Bomet yesterday for Kipkalia's funeral yesterday soon after arriving in Nairobi from Washington USA, did not travel to Harare as earlier reported. He was, in effect, making history in Nairobi.

    The PM was at the Rugby Football Grounds of East Africa (RFUEA) along Ngong Road for the Tusker Safari Sevens Rugby Tournament. (I wish to remind you guys this is neighbouring the same venue - Ligi Ndongo Grounds - where the PM was said to have escaped an assassination attempt in January this year when anti-riot police violently dispersed ODM mourners when they threw tear gas canisters and fired live ammunition rounds into the VIP tent where RAO was seated during a funeral service for people killed in post-election violence - PHEW!!!!). This is also the highest-ranking EVER Kenya government official ever to have attended a RUGBY game since African natives (no pun intended) started playing the game in the 1960s.

    For those of you who have been living in exile over the last few years, Tusker Safari - 7s has evolved into the biggest sporting event in this part of the world following aggressive marketing and school programs by the Rubgy Football Union and also the impressive perfomances of the National Rugby Sevens team in the world series! EABL has also been very generous in sponsorship!

    The PM made his entry after Musalia Mudavadi (DPM and ODM Vice Captain) and then - surprise, surprise- went ahead to allow Musalia to be crowned Guest of Honour - a very powerful political statement, in my opinion. Information Minister Samuel Porghiso also made an entry plus a host of former MPs.

    The PM was widely cheered when he made his entry when Kenya had just knocked out the Zim national rugby team. Kenya were, of course, crowned champions after years of being knocked out of the main event at the semis and quarters, and many of the wananchi present attributed the win to the motivation factor due to PM's presence! On top of this, the crowd was kept updated of events in Harare, via the PA system, where the national team were playing their Zim counterparts in match that ended in a barren draw.

    The Kenyan state broadcaster KBC had initially promised to air the FIFA world cup qualifying match live but failed to do so for unexplained reasons.

    Meanwhile in Harare, it was a barren draw for Harambee Stars!

    Kenya hold Zimbabwe in Harare
    Zimbabwe lost further ground in the race to grab Group Two's automatic ticket to the second phase of the 2010 World Cup qualifiers after being held 0-0 by Kenya on Sunday.

    The Warriors, who were two points adrift of leaders Kenya, were hoping to win the game in Harare to overtake the Harambee Stars.

    But it was not to be as the Kenya's defenders frustrated the attackers of the home side into making basic mistakes.

    The result leaves Kenya at the top of the group with seven points while Zimbabwe stay second on five.

    Guinea, who have four points, can join Kenya at the top of the group if they beat Namibia in Conakry later on Sunday.


    PS1. The PM is still utilising his personal (armoured) Toyota Lexus although he has been allocated government vehicles for his security and personal use.

    PS2. The crowd at RFUEA grounds chanted 'MUGABE MUST GO' during all of Zims matches and also after Kenya defeated the Zimbabwe team. And the ZIm players gave a thumbs-up when doing the traditional lap of honour.

  12. We couldn't beat Zim in soccer? That says alot...


    MP queries sale of Safaricom IPO shares to Dubai equity firm


    Fresh details have emerged about the identity of Alcazar Capital Ltd — the Dubai-based private equity fund at the centre of a row in parliament caused by allegations by the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Dr Bonny Khalwale, that it improperly acquired shares of mobile company Safaricom Ltd during the latter’s recent initial public offer.

    The Dubai-based equity fund has been on the spot, with Dr Khalwale mounting a sustained campaign to have its role in the Safaricom IPO discussed by the 11-member watchdog committee he chairs.

    Last week, he claimed the equity fund had purchased a disproportionate chunk of the Safaricom IPO and said it was involved in manipulating secondary trading of the shares at the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

    The Safaricom IPO, the largest in Kenya’s privatisation history, closed last month, kicking off in its wake a raging debate about the role of foreign private equity funds in the ownership of privatised companies.

    But Dr Khalwale’s claims in parliament are attracting public interest because they are being made against the backdrop of loud murmurs about the small sizes of share allocations to ordinary retail investors from the IPO — amid widely held suspicions that some of the foreign equity funds who participated in the IPO merely served as conduits for well-connected local investors to corner large share allocations.

    Who exactly is Alcazar Capital Partners Ltd? It first came into the limelight in November 2007 during the opening of the technical bids for the sale of 51 per cent of the shares of Telkom Kenya, where it was one of the eight companies who put in bids.

    As it turned out, Alcazar Capital was to drop out in the second stage, choosing instead to partner with France Telecom in the consortium that won the deal, having put in a bid of $390 million.

    The Dubai-based fund paid 15 per cent of the amount, giving it an equivalent percentage in Orange East Africa, the company that assumed 51 per cent of Kenya’s oldest telecommunications company.

    What this implies is that Alcazar owns 7.65 per cent shares of Telkom Kenya.

    Documents seen by The EastAfrican show that Alcazar Capital is related to Public Warehouse Company, a logistics company listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange, trading under the brand name Agility.

    The group’s private equity business is conducted by an entity known as Alcazar Capital Partners Fund 1, a Cayman Islands partnership.

    Initially, the investment in Orange East Africa was to be made by Alcazar Fund 1 through a new entity that was to be set up in Dubai under the name Alcazar Capital LLC, or Alcazar Dubai.

    But it is understood that at the time the group was signing the shareholders agreement with Orange East Africa, it decided to use another existing group company by the name Agility GILL LLC.

    As a result, Agility Dubai is the signatory of the Orange East Africa shareholders agreement and, therefore, the owner of the shares in Orange East Africa.

    At the time of consummation of the Telkom Kenya deal in December last year, the government consented to this arrangement on the grounds that it made no difference to the ultimate ownership and control of the investment in Orange East Africa or the nature of the partnership in Orange East Africa and France Telecom.

    Following the takeover of the management of Telkom Kenya, Orange East Africa appointed the CEO and five new directors out of a total of nine.

    They are Chaboul Abou Jaoude of Dubai, the chairman and CEO, Michael Barre, Marc Barnard, Olivier Froissart and Bruno Bourgin. The managing director is Dominique Saint-Jean.

    In March, the company wrote to the government requesting a loan of Ksh6.3 billion ($100 million) to be released in three tranches.

    Last week, Dr Khalwale said the PAC should investigate the Safaricom initial public offer, claiming that Alcazar was allowed to buy its shares fraudulently.

    He further claimed in the House that the company was launched in Kenya just a few weeks before the closure of the Safaricom IPO.

    The MP said that said searches at the Immigration Department had revealed that the directors of Alcazar never visited Kenya, and the company is based in Dubai.

    The government raised Ksh51 billion ($809.5 million) from the IPO, which attracted about 800,000 investors.


  15. Phil,

    Isn't a pity that Harambee Stars could not win over Zimb even after the divine intervention of Deity Raila which you broadcast last week here? Next time keep your hallucinations away from our beloved national soccer team!!

  16. There is nothing more powerful and overwhelming in life than an idea whose time has come.....make of it what you may.

  17. papa plus

    ... and your point is ....??

  18. ...and they too, like every other Tom, Dick and Harry could not beat us. That says even more.


  19. Blogger Anonymous said...
    Isn't a pity that Harambee Stars could not win over Zimb even after the divine intervention of Deity Raila which you broadcast last week here? Next time keep your hallucinations away from our beloved national soccer team!!
    4:29 PM

    The problem with some of you bloggers is to always try and pour cold water on published information even before you have checked your facts.

    Zimbabwe's economy might be suffering from spiraling inflation but their national team is ranked much higher than the Harambee Stars of Kenya by official FIFA rankings. This is why the stars were deemed to have caused an UPSET when they beat them in Nairobi two weeks ago and held them to a goalless draw on their home ground in Harare on Saturday.

    Next time, before spewing your pointless PNU analysis here, please check such facts.

  20. Kumekucha is on ODM payroll.

  21. Anon 9:11, well put!!

    In Kenya if you are white you are treated with kid gloves. Even Kumekucha will moblise it readers to protest against his death. Do you know if you die in America under whatever circustances no White America will campaign for you? How many Kenyans are killed by racists thugs in Europe, America and Australia but you have not even reported it here in Kumekucha.
    It's time you and your ilk stop giving white people special treatment.


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