Monday, June 23, 2008

Are Two Women Going To Parliament To Replace A Man And A Woman?

According to the late Kipkalya Kones’ second wife, Lily Kones, one of the things to prove that the late minister for roads was indeed a very brave person was the fact that he married a second wife barely within one year of marrying his first wife.

Impeccable sources have informed this blogger that wife number three was on the way for the Kones family and only the cruel hand of death stopped that from happening.

Lily Kones caused prolonged laughter when she told this to mourners on Saturday and halfway through her speech many were convinced that she would easily be the next legislator representing her late husband’s Bomet seat.

But that was before the first wife Beatrice Kones spoke. She was even more convincing and was promptly sanctioned on the spot by another speaker to take over the Bomet seat and shortly after Prime Minister and ODM party leader, Raila Odinga appeared to bless the decision.

What emerged from the Kones funeral on Saturday was that if ever there was a serious Kenyan political family then it has to be the Kones family. Both wives are interested in their late husband’s Bomet seat. Not to mention on of his son’s who instead of going back to complete his studies abroad wanted to run for the seat. It is still not clear whether the impassioned pleas of his mother and relatives will dissuade him.

There is bound to be a little more dust and controversy kicked up before the ODM candidate for the Bomet by-election is settled but there is no doubt that Mrs Betarice Kones, widow of the late minister for Roads is the most likely candidate to take up the Bomet baton.

Meanwhile in Sotik the feeling amongst many is that constituents should take a woman to the august house to replace the departed Lorna Laboso. Water Minister Charity Ngilu was the first to make the request when she made the controversial speech at Lorna’s funeral in Sotik which worked up the crowd so much so that they shouted down Justice Minister Martha Karua who happened to be the next speaker after Ngilu. Read Kumekucha's detailed account of the incident.

It will be a great idea to have at least 50 more women in the 10th parliament although one additional one is much better than none at all. Analysts believe that the sympathy vote in both cases makes the chances of this happening much higher.

According to various sources, including the Prime Minister himself, the financial situation of the Kones family is precarious and they will need help from the government as well as well wishers to pay off debts and keep things on track. It is claimed that the later Minister was a believer in serving the people rather than grabbing and this is the reason why he was wealthy as some of his colleagues who served in former President Moi’s government.

Kones funeral was attended by President Mwai Kibaki and there is no doubt that everybody had been briefed to steer clear of the rather sensitive so called amnesty-for-post-election-offenders debate. Still there were loud jeers and a little resistance from the crowds when the President finally stood up to speak. However this quickly petered off and the duly elected president was able to do the very rare thing of making a speech in the heart of Kalenjin Rift Valley.



  2. Showering Kones at his burial was immaterial. His case had long ago been determined by God. We know the role he played in the slaughter and evictions of non-Kelenjins from the Rift Valley in 1992. Kones was a killer. He played in the same league with William ole Ntimama, Daniel arap Moi and William Ruto.

    All the speakers, including Kibaki and Raila, who spoke during Kones were hypocritical. They all knew at the back of their minds the dark past of Kones but they preferred to sweep that under the carpet and shower him with praises. God doesn’t sweep evils under the carpet.

    The god of Kalenjins Raila was somehow candid when he revealed how Kones once attempted to block him from holding a rally in Bomet when Kones was Moi’s Yes man and Raila was Moi’s sworn enemy. Kones was a killer just like Kabuga and efforts to sanitise him in death are just a waste of time. Kwani those who were killed through Kones’ war-like activities are not human beings?

    ODM leaders will drop dead one after another until they repent to God for the senseless slaughter they masterminded following the outcome of the 2007 General Election. If Kibaki stole their votes, they ought to have pursued him as individuals not slaughtering innocent under the guise of fighting for justice. ODM thugs (Kalenjins and Luos) burnt women, cripples and children in an Eldoret church and went ahead to burn another church in Kibera.

    Instead of Raila and his gang stopping these evil activities, they encouraged their youth to kill more as they used the violence as a bargain for power. The blood of the innocent people will haunt Raila and his gang until they repent. If Kibaki stole your votes, go for him as Kibaki. And by the way, if Raila strongly believes Kibaki stole his votes, why did he bend his “principles” to serve under the “thief”?

  3. Chris,

    Please investigate and report to the public what happened at the Tusker Safari Sevens yesterday which I'm glad to report Kenya won.

    The PM Raila Odinga, DPM Musalia Mudavadi and information minister Samuel Poghisio were in attendance.

    While Raila and Musalia received wild cheeres from the rugby crowd, Poghisio was roundly booed and jeered amid shouts of 'traitor'

    I have noticed the media, both Nation and Standard have given a incident a major blackout. I was at the RFUEA yesterday and what is being reported in the media is not what actually happened.

  4. @Anon 4.35
    Raila is a callous, calculating evil man who will do anything to gratify his lust for power.
    He masterminded the killing of innocent people and that’s why he has been calling for amnesty for those arrested in post election violence. He knows if those thugs go to court, his name will be mentioned.
    I have just watched the Youtube click above from Anon 4.20 and that is very true. The author is not a Kikuyu or PNU but a Latino! Everybody in this world knows who is Raila Odinga. A killer!

  5. corection;

    I am pretty sure you meant to say Kones wasn't as wealthy as Moi's Honchos...

  6. What is so special about being given a welcome. How many times was Daniel Arap Moi cheered wildly as he went to a football match and how many times has George Bush or for that matter Gordon Brown attended a sports event. Cab you stop these cheap publicity stunts. Calling Pogishio traitor or not does not stop him being a minister and similalrly, it does not justify a reason for Mudavadi not being a traitor in 2002 when half of KANU left him and Uhuru Kenyatta to run and lose the elections.

  7. True, none of the papers mention Raila Odinga.

  8. Kenya is not a monarhcy and this is part of the injustices that kenya has suffered. Khaniri leaves it to son, so does Moi, Salat, Mudavadi, Nyagah, Magara, Rutto and many others. Kenyan parliementary seats are not mornachical. They are democracies

  9. We want good leadership in Kenya. A constituency should not be a family affair.

    ODM should clear a person only with ODM qualities: a true national player, educated, peace loving, development minded. And not self-seekers, thugs and the so called "industrious" characters.

    Such bad blood like the newly elected Embakasi MP should never succeed Kones. That other power hungry party should not get any chance at all.


  10. We kikuyus will never ever ever forgive ODM hooligans who killed innocent Kikuyu men, women and children just because Kibaki stole the elections. Did we ask him to do it? Did he ask us whether he should do it? Did he know any of the innocent people who were killed? Is Raila not working under Kibaki? Does Raila not accept that rigging is an important electoral process in Kenya and Africa?

    Why did the stupid ODM goons think that one shouldn't rig elections? Haven't elections been rigged all the time since independence? Why did they kill innocent people?

  11. Karua said Central Province is Heaven. So why do we constantly see an annual flow of Kikuyu teenage kids sent to UK to be illegals? Will they not eventually end up in Brothels run by Aunty Wambui of the London-High-End-fame.

    There is usually stiff competition to get to jamborees and the Kenyan girls made an impression with their dancing and singing.

    The girls left the camp for Dublin, but subsequently vanished and five have not been seen since. A woman who had been travelling with the girls, Polly Mbugua, 40, was arrested and later jailed after being found to have false documents for children that would have enabled them to travel to the UK.

    The five Guides listed on Ireland’s official missing children website are named as Caroline Njoki, 11, Jean Wanjiku, 14, Magdaline Nyagathi, 16, Alice Wanbui, 16, and Jane Nyambura, 17. Their disappearance received no publicity until last month when a worker at the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children went through missing-person files — and realised the children had all vanished after the jamboree. The case was then raised at a conference where it was claimed the girls may have been the victims of child traffickers.

  12. Oscar
    First and foremost- I'm a from come family member of late Hon Kones and it saddens me to find such lies posted here on this blog- I was advised by a friend to come and read what was posted here and to my dismay i found lies lies lies.
    and you can't be a good person or even a journalist after i went back and read all the posts you posted- First of where ever you are getting your information or dreaming it this should not be accepted by kumekucha bloggers- you are here to destroy individuals and their personal life's or send here by PNU operatives to make mischief- just to go back to your current post- Kones son is not interested in replacing him - that is an outright lie- and if you read your post you comment he was a person who believed in helping others- yet in the same sentence you say he was rich? secondly Kones like any other Kenyan had bank lorn which he had not finished serving when he died- tell me how many kenyans don't have loans even the richest families in kenya have property loans, business loans e.t.c
    and as for his wifes fighting each other to replace him- that is another lie- people are in morning - they have not even thought that far- your type of people would like to see a family disrupted with in fights- and that is what makes you happy- I would advise you to respect people in death and if you lack material to post on here for intelligent bloggers like the ones i see on this kumekucha then you should stop posting rubbish or abusing peoples intelligent on kumekucha.

    I hope my post is posted since I'm not sure if the administrator who's name is Chris is protecting Oscar- I will not give up now that i find here that an individual named Oscar is trying to Tarnish my relatives name- he should be ashamed of himself.

  13. anon7:32 AM
    You should be on your knees beginning the rest of the tribes in kenya for forgiveness- how dare you spew kikuyu shiate on here? ati you will never forgive other tribes??

    Police shoot to kill orders=kibaki
    Mungiki genocide in nakuru and naivasha ?? kibaki and his cronies

    Mt. elgon police and army innocent villagers torture and slaughters kibaki saitoti and cronies

    do shut up and keep digging your head deeper in the sand not wanting to face the truth in the face- shame on you and you come here talking about forgiveness?? go get your IDP's out of Rift valley and give them land kenyatta stole from him and even Kibaki while in government stole more land- get real!!

  14. anon4:20 AM

    Eat your heart out-kibaki and kikuyu central domo, domo- now you think you can post here video ati Obama is a Muslim Ha!!ha!! even the Democratic party of American didn't believe it that is why they voted out Clinton- so stop giving us stale news and hate post you are so pathetic- you have no intelligence or brains to debate on here- just stale news and propaganda that you pick from online - shame on you:) kikuyu gutter rubbish- Obama is going to win and you can't stop that- eat your heart out sucker.
    You can wish him away but he is still standing strong- you can hate him and post propaganda here on kumekucha but you forget the internet world is in kenya too and Kenyans are intelligent enough to seek the truth on line and in the fair media press not lies and propaganda- get a life....

  15. Fw- ogopa hypocritical and tribal politicians who state that kenya is their one and only heaven. they have secret assets abroad. dont lose your shamba or market access coz of karua or kibaki or mafias.

    Britain has issued a fresh warning to Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe that his regime faces new sanctions unless it bows to international demands for political change.

    Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch-Brown said action could be taken through a range of international bodies, including the United Nations Security Council, the African Union and the European Union.

    "I believe there is a whole range of things that can be done which can bring this regime to heel in the sense of requiring it to bend to the will of the international community and allow political change," he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

    His warning came as Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the opposition MDC, pulled out of the run-off for the presidential election, saying the level of violence and intimidation against his supporters made a fair vote impossible.

    Lord Malloch-Brown said current sanctions against Zimbabwe were "fairly limited", with measures by the United States, the EU and Australia targeting some 130 of Mr Mugabe's "immediate cronies".

    He said wider international measures could now be used to put pressure on leading figures in the regime.

    "Each of them have global bank accounts, a network they have taken out of the country against a rainy day. Each of them wants to spend their money on their kids going to expensive graduate schools around the world and on having second homes in countries to where they could potentially go.

    "All of those kinds of patterns of networks of assets and travel are under threat.

    "None of these individuals, if they continue like this, have a prospect of being able to leave Zimbabwe without the risk of some international arrest warrant leading to their imprisonment somewhere."

  16. Fw- ogopa hypocritical and tribal politicians who state that kenya is their one and only heaven. they have secret assets abroad. dont lose your shamba or market access coz of karua or kibaki or mafias.

    Britain has issued a fresh warning to Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe that his regime faces new sanctions unless it bows to international demands for political change.

    Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch-Brown said action could be taken through a range of international bodies, including the United Nations Security Council, the African Union and the European Union.

    "I believe there is a whole range of things that can be done which can bring this regime to heel in the sense of requiring it to bend to the will of the international community and allow political change," he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

    His warning came as Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the opposition MDC, pulled out of the run-off for the presidential election, saying the level of violence and intimidation against his supporters made a fair vote impossible.

    Lord Malloch-Brown said current sanctions against Zimbabwe were "fairly limited", with measures by the United States, the EU and Australia targeting some 130 of Mr Mugabe's "immediate cronies".

    He said wider international measures could now be used to put pressure on leading figures in the regime.

    "Each of them have global bank accounts, a network they have taken out of the country against a rainy day. Each of them wants to spend their money on their kids going to expensive graduate schools around the world and on having second homes in countries to where they could potentially go.

    "All of those kinds of patterns of networks of assets and travel are under threat.

    "None of these individuals, if they continue like this, have a prospect of being able to leave Zimbabwe without the risk of some international arrest warrant leading to their imprisonment somewhere."

  17. Dudes, What was the post again?

  18. this thing of attacking kyuks because of kibaki and attacking luo's coz of Raila has got to stop. Unless you actually thing the millions of us kyuks or luo's possessed these guys and got them to do our deeds, stop getting hallucinations that every kyuk must pay for Kibaki and every Luo for Raila. Dont they have their own minds? Cant they do self serving interests without caring about anyone's opinion? they are mostly idiots in out government and parliament the sooner we realise this the better, its like squabbling for crumbs of cake yet one of us has eaten the whole damn cake without sharing.

  19. Anon 7:45 wake up and shake your head. Bomet parliamentary seat is not hereditary nor is it a monarchy. It is not passed from one family member to another. Let another person lead so we see the difference. Kones was broke not because of his generosity but questionable underdealings. If he was ever generous then it was absolutely to outsiders. The only people who ever benefitted are concurbines, soccerers and his close syccophants who were as mean as hyenas. No wonder in trying to enumerate his projects the wife mentioned Korokwony which is a district women project that started when Kones was not Bomet Mp. You say anyone contesting the seat actually killed Kones? So you want Bomet people to fold their hands and let Kones family pass on the seat to each other? My! wonders never cease! By the way injustice will never pay. Kones stole votes during nomination and actual election. ODM should be careful and not force a candidate on the people. Ainap Moi way will not work this time.

  20. Anon 7.58am,

    Am not anon 4.20am, but what has this got to do with luos and kiuks. Every independent electoral college analysis i have looked at shows obama missing the magic 270 number. A Republican candidate always starts with a higher number of electoral college votes because of the tendency of the south and border states to vote republican. B. Clinton won in '92 because he managed to get 4 southern states. He got these states not just because he was a southerner but because Ross Perot got a lot of votes that could have gone to Bush snr. Please cut the emotions and show us how obama is going to get 270 electoral college votes. BTW i think the obamas would look nice in the white house, like the kennedys. But kennedy's win was very narrow, and he was white.


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