Monday, May 19, 2008

Kibaki Succession and Politics of Miracles

Last weekend’s endorsement of Kalonzo as Kibaki’s heir presumptive by Gema may have been the soothing lyrics of a political hymn Brother Steve needed to complete his journey of MIRACLES. If only politics was not an earthly pursuit whose dividends are often directly proportional to your previous calculative investments. But again miracles happen and you need a very big heart full of patients to benefit from such goodies.

Kibaki succession is here with a deafening bang. Forget about all the denials that are nothing but true symptoms of a people whose middle name spells DECEPTION and all its derivatives. Kalonzo will have floods of accolades assaulting his ears in the interim when politically expedient. One only prays and hopes that God-fearing Steve listens to his inner little voice. True to the Jews adage he is a handy sacrificial goat who can be lavishly fattened oblivious of the ultimate slaughter house.

Kibaki and incumbency are the principal threads holding Gema together. Cast your eyes back to Ford Asili-DP days and see the plastic union for what it truly is. The players may be different but the HELL-FOR-LEATHER script remains as solid as before. Only self-deception oiled by blind quest to DOMINATE others at whatever cost blindness can prevent any Kenyan from seeing the impeding tower of Babel following Kibaki’s exit. Well, nobody ever suffered constipation from overindulgence in self-denial.

Loyal marionette
Look around you and what do you see? Yes, you read that OLD and empty Bantu-Nilote divide here on Kumekucha. And why not? You can as well resort to the old and tested gimmicks of deceptively cajoling others to bend over so that you can have their backs for you eternal ride. Moreover you can even butcher lower primary civics if it can help advance your course. Trust average minds to shamelessly peddle falsehood in rewriting basic history. The unpleasant truth is that such cheap epithets have the unfortunate tendency to bounce on you face with devastating consequences. But again souls devoid of any element of shame will gleefully swim in the same murk oblivious of the stench aand embarrassment.

Just like a boy marvels at a toy believing the contraption is a real nascar, Kalonzo is better advised to fully message his political ego with the endorsements that are made with the singular purpose of not being honoured. The rich calculative history DECEPTION and INSINCERITY is not about to be wiped just yet. Scoundrels will make you smell honey but make sure you don’t lay your hand on the jar. In the long run their objective is superlatively served with you as the willing marionette.

Welcome to political deception extraordinaire made in Kenya for Kenyans. In our shores THEFT is nothing but alternative possession, DECEPTION is reversed industry quest for fairness and equity is envy or laziness exhibited as parroting (DOMO). Speak of immaculately protecting a vice with a golden fence.

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  1. Kikuyus now know the amount of hate their success has generated. They also realize that they cannot win an election all by themselves. They now know it is not just a matter of elections, it is a matter of survival. For that expect them to throw their weight (in 2012 more than ever) behind any candidate who is likely to defeat the coalition of murderers. At this point Kalonzo seems like that man. There was a point when I could never have voted for Kalonzo but this is a post Dec 2007 Kenya. Anything to keep the savages out of power. Kalonzo had 800K, Kibaki 3M. Add 3M to Kalonzo's 800 and the rule of the jungle is put in its place for another 5 years.

  2. Taabu,

    Am not sure why Kalonzo has pricked you so much. You seem so hurt. You are in ODM not in ODMK or PNU yet Kalonzo moves concern you. Si ni mtu mzima pia? If he is cheated si ni Shauri yake. Why do you take the advisory mantle unless, Rao is under threat. Its too early though and these are just noise makers.

    Having said that, the following facts are inorder:

    1. Kalonzo and miracles can never be dismissed. This man told us during elections he will pass between Rao and Kibs - the guy just did that. It came to pass.

    2. Kikuyus will not field a president. They have to appease Kenyans, they also know the cannot replace a kyuk with a kyuk. May be PM position. This is a strategy issue between Rao and Kalonzo or anyone else to get closer to Uhuru. Uhuru for now maybe the community pointmen. The fact that he decided to support kibs during the last campaigns and the post election violence, has made the community think twice about him.

    Mzee wa kijiji

  3. A lot of reconsideration has taken place post Dec '07. So I agree with anon 3:13 that whereas Uhuru has previously not held much sway with the kikuyus, in 2012 he is going to be a major mover.

    I pity fools who somehow think that they can wish away 22% of the population. Simply put, as long as Kikuyus refrain from going it alone, the are going to be the ones to decide who becomes president. They support Ruto, he wins, Raila, he wins, Mudavadi he takes it, Kalonzo...well, it won't take a miracle.

  4. Sincerely do you really see the Mt. Kenya Mafia giving Kilonzo the seat!!! nope this is just polishing him so that the kamba`s stop grumbling and come 2012 you will see their true colours come out!!kilonzo will be nowhere near that tosha kilonzo from central province like charity Ngilu commented that whoever is being cheated that the seat is being prepared for him in 2012 by central province is a joke- and history will be waiting to repeat itself- she was referring to all the MOU`s central province has signed on and poured water on at the last minute-
    i guess kilonzo can shine in glory now- since he is a cheapskate always trying to get through shirt-cuts but i think kenyans have changed after the kibaki rigged elections - i guess we will wait and see and do not forget all the kenyans who are in jail from western province, nyanza, coast, rift valley, north eastern courtesy of Kibaki!!
    do you sincerely think kenyans are blind or foolish!!

    i totally agree with odm coalition ain`t working - it is better to go back and vote this group completely out now!! it is time !!no coalition deserves to be in place when selective justice is being used on innocent people of kenya who vote and went out to demonstrate for their democratic rights and ended up in jail!!
    odm should step out now and go back to the polls !!

    Pss Kumekucha please post my thread- this i feel very strongly about!

  5. anon3:59 PM
    even if the kikuyu`s do not go at it alone and seek the help of kalonzo!!
    ukambani has it`s owners not only kilonzo0 we have Mwau and Ngilu very strong individuals put together!! the ukambani vote this time will be divided in half and remember after what kalonzo did to Julia Odhiambo the little he had received from that luhya land is no more!! so looking at the maths!! kalonzo will not win any presidency soon:) so let the kikuyu`s try another trick!! it ain`t working and if i were odm- i would go for it now!! why wait! coalition ain`t working this PNU people are terrorizing their members and some are in jail because of demonstrating after the elections!! why accept your voters to be locked up!! why are the mungiki walking free!! eye witness said this week that he saw the mungiki guy who torched and burned some of the houses in naivasha killing families alive and he is still walking in Naivasha town and the police have been told but they won`t touch him and many like him!! why!!

    odm should get out of this one sided marriage now!! why waste time!!

  6. if elections are in five years, a majority of younger people will vote due to conviction and not tribal groupings or leanings that have seen them loose a lot of friends and colleagues. the dinosaurs still coalescing around tribes right now are the ones who will be doing the rounds selling tribal propaganda.

    if elections are held within 2 years, central is out of it

  7. I don't see the reason ODMers should be concerned with Kalonzo, they have always refered to him as a traitor and Kalooser. Infact this man is goung to get full Gema support and people like Ngilu and Mwau cannot stop him in Ukambani, just the way Tuju was of no consequence in Nyanza. ODM thought they were ahead in the succession battle but Kalonzo seems building a serious war machine

  8. Taabu,

    As someone said, cool down, no Bantu presidential candidate is asking for your NILOTIC vote or advice. Whether GEMA decides to back Kalonzo or anybody else is none of your business, and do not pretend to know what you don't know. GEMA shall never again go about their business while some busy bodies go around the country demonising them unanswered. This is post Dec'07 Kenya where the Bantu gloves are off. The Bantu (Kikuyu, Luhya and Kisii) blood shed in the RV by the Kalenjins shall never be in vain.

    Kalonzo doesn't care for your half-baked advice, he would rather you continue to call him Judas and Kalooser. Better still advice your tin god Raila to double his efforts in kissing the Mungikis and SLDF. If he kisses these goons well enough he might get a marriage proposal from them.

  9. anon 6:30. Central will never be out of anything. does a 23% voting block mean anything to you? Add to that the Meru and we are talking over 30%? Kikuyus are going to approach the next elections very carefully. we know this is about people who want us out of the face of the earth. so believe me pride is going to be sacrificed just to make sure that we use our numerical strength to keep the cavemen out of office. This is the new reality of the Kenyan politics.

  10. anon8:14 PM
    only a scared kikuyu can post such nonosense!!kikuyu`s already know they have no chance even in 2040 so they have to look for leftovers like kalonzo i call that bread crumbs- only central and a piecemeal kamba land can vote for kalonzo
    central because they already know they are a lost cause- but choosing kalonzo shows how desperate they are- i tell them to bring it on!!
    ODM!! ARE NOT bothered if kalonzo is what central lesotho can provide in the ring!! it is no starter- this is the guy when kenyans were being slaughtered by the police ordered by kibaki he was happy to seat in the VP stand looking out at the blood flowing on the kenyan streets and saying loudly to odm and kenyans to take their case to court if they think KIbaki rigged!! where did that take him!! peck and call for Kibaki and all PNU warlords like MARTHA KARUA AND UHURU!!

    every person in Kenya knows Kalonzo was bought by Kibaki machinery's and even if he were to stand for elections!!he is a CENTRAL PROVINCE PUPPET OR SHOULD I SAY MOUTH PIECE- PITY ON KAMBA`S WHO BELIEVE OTHERWISE-


  11. I visit Kumekucha seldomly nowadays, but when I do I don't tend to leave comments. Most times I see no need. I see the same same story lines, what the F***, I am almost sickened to my guts by Kenyan politics. It's like a never ending circus of the absurd. I am trying to get fixeted on Obama/Clinton/McCain and here too I see crap, seems only Obama is running a clean campaign. Are all politicians made of the same crap?

    Why can't our politicians stop politiking for once and try to deliver service, public policy??????????

  12. Hey Taabu you seem to have forgotten we have a trip to Russia tonight.Russia is a Visa free zone for the next few days.

    Anyway what ammuses me about the succesion issue is that,those who are lining up and shouting about succession are remotely admitting that someone has failed in the presidency and we need a quick fix to the failure.

    As for ODM they are not shouting about it for one reason or the other but personally i still owe RAO&Co my vote to rectify the shit that Kivuitu made of it last year.I guess so may other others still stand with RAO and nothing is likely to change anytime soon.I have this sneaky feeling there is going to be a fallout in the parroters of succession from the PANUA side!

    MAN-U Oyeee!!!!!Ivy,Taabu and Fave, do you hear me!

  13. Taabu

    I just heard Larry Asego call Kalonzo another name (Kaloose)..I dont thini i want to comment about brother Steve.....Tafadhali leta ingine......Waste of time.
    I do hope that the constitution will be changed and i repeat again Majimbo is the way to go....Let every jimbo be ruled by whoever they choose to be governed with...If Central want to be ruled by Janjaweed Uhuru so be it...It is their prerogative and let them not force him on us.....I am a bantu and pls let them not put me in the same pot with sure does spoil the broth...That is my view, if you have yours present it bila matusi au sivyo jinyonge...As Urxlnc says enough said!!


  14. sorry guys, i cant find anything to contribute to the "phantom ethnic disaffection" above because i have not found anything other than hangovers from previous hopefully soon to be obsolete mentalities

    in the meantime however this is a good score

    civil servants do not have to be forced to contribute to any whims of the executive, it is absurd. however as we all know, there'll be a computer glitch that will nevertheless harvest the (at least some of them) salaries and then much time will be spent chasing after the cash. while public accountants move cash from one pocket to another to balance books (status quo in all its glory)

    Friends we have a short window of opportunity to help strengthen institutions and public service delivery, while maintaining pressure on politicians to enact necessary legal/constitutional reforms. for the sake of the country lets unite to at least make institutions efficient and productive and free from the executive. even those performance evaluations and awards should have rightly emanated from the public service and not the executive. the executives jobs are to look at the bigger picture and solve those problems not focus on operations which is a a function of public service and the supervisor of government affairs.


  15. Knoppix,
    Fave has miraculously disappeared i am really not sure what he is upto.....Taabu forgot about the big match and is instead wasting his time with Kaloose...I am watching and praying that MANU will just proove akina Fave wrong....You forgot that Moscow is the homeground of Chelsea that is what they think ati coz of Abramovich...we wacha watashangaa, we will show them as Taabu says their is only one UNITED!!!!


  16. Anon 3:59, 8:21 and other similar minded.

    under the current constitution, its the incumbent that dictates events (who wins), statistics have not changed much on population ratio and moi got no more votes in central than any other external candidate but he got back in 1992 and 1997 without central and nyanza so lets stop playing mind games, thats also the reason kibaki got back 2007. on a level playing field even some less prominent ethnic group may have a better shot that most would assume.

  17. Precisely Anon 12:25....But to avoid this ujuaji...Majimbo is an idea whose time has come


  18. Here we go again tribal mathematics
    What are the kuyos afraid of? We thought they gave as a leader in Jomo but it seems they used him to enrich themselves at the expense of kenyans....they pretended to be nationalist so we let kifucky in he proved to be worse the mo1 and jomo put together. One thing they cannot compalin about they have had a chance, they have shown us who they are. Now they are running scared, nobody is after you chill, just go back to your heaven that is central. You are the kenyans who have brought back the nightmare that is tribalism stew in you own soup.Your dragging down the future of kenya to the low levels of who has more people from their tribe, so basically a turkana will never rule kenya, is this your idea of a civilised mordern country? Your taking us back to neanderthal thinking. Why should the turkana continue to be in a country that will never allow them a real opportunity? I hope kenyans will use their senses and judge people on what the have to deliver. kuyos are busy self congratulating themselves on none exsitent the USA everyone wants to be in Califonia, people in the third world want to move to the in kenya have you heard of other tribes wishing they had residence in central? The power of self delusion. Last I checked its people from central that are busy trying to get a foothold in other parts of kenya.

    Sir Alex

  19. Like we have said before,Kivuitu played about with our right to vote and we shall go any length to correct that usurpation of that very right,be it under presidency or devolution.

    I would like us to maintain the presidency thing to prove to some guys that RAO can win or ODM for that matter.Its only that someone raped us of our vote otherwise we could have been talking about something else apart from this Animal Farm theatrics!

  20. Chema cha jiuza kibaya cha jitangaza

    Sir Alex

  21. Kalonzo is our man. He is not a tribalist like RAO. He is not a showman like RAO. He does not blame his failures on others like RAO. He does not encourage politics of hooliganism like RAO. Kalonzo is a uniter and a forgiving Kenyan. He loves peace and so do most of the Kenyans. You can see how he is going about assisting the president run the country peacefully. That is why there are already 5 million votes lining behind him. In his hands Kenya will move into a glorious era. For those who are tired of DOMO let us swear to support the servant leadership of Kalonzo after Kibaki finishes his term.

  22. Central province seldom votes as a block and the region happens to be the most dynamic in terms of liberal thinking capacity. Unlike other areas which have tin gods, tribal Mullahs and "herd mentality," you will find assorted political parties well represented in Central even in Kibaki's own backyard you will find guys like Kabando wa Kabando from Safina.

    Mukurwe-ini voters defied Kibaki's preferred candidate, Mutahi Kagwe and applied independent thinking capacity sulking away from PNU's wave. That, ladies and gentlemen, can only happen in Central politics!

    For those who are in self delusion that Gemaland will vote as a block come 2012, please rethink. Battler Martha Karua and rich spoilt kid Uhuru Kenyatta will be two dominant forces who will most likely back different horses or even have a go at the highest office in the land themselves which they are entitled to.

    Central voters being so unpredictable may as well give the two a wide berth and opt to scuttle in different ways. It's still a long way to go and politics of the land is not static but fluid, spare your ink.

    I wish we could change this succession debate and focus on the matter on hand like whether vile murderous and scum rapists should be given a blanket amnesty, no questions asked. Do victims deserve a say? Is it up to the courts? If you free Eldoret rapists, why not those in Isiolo as well?

    My two cents worth....

  23. M-pesa with no offence meant whatsoever,you often sound like you cleared college the other day.You sound like a student who learn about sigmund freud today and before he sits for the CAT or even fathoms half or even all of freud's work he rushes to boast to the neighbourhood friends about how much he knows about freud.Unknown to him there is someone in that crowd who know way tooo much about Freud.

    You mean you have the audacity to pen down such things as central province never votes as a block???Look at what central did to Ngilu in 97 cheating her that she had their votes only to turn around and vote Kibaki en-masse.Look at last year and the pattern is very telling.What do you exactly mean voters from central have liberal thinking capacity?Herd mentality when it comes to presidency is the preserve of Central but maybe when its Mps and Kanjoras i agree with you!

    What has Kalonzo done to Kenyans as far as struggling for democracy is concerned?????Does he know how the inside of a cell or a jail look like save for the courtesy of his current docket?Look at Orengo,RAO,even if they failed today in there capacities as ministers or if they passed away (God Forbid) somewhere in their history they will be described as true heroes Of Kenyan democracy..Sometimes i wonder why we have Kenyatta day.

    M-pesa do your research atleast some distance past half before you dirty this space.

    You make me wish the water dispensers in the offices were Alcohol dispensers so that i i magine am drunk when am reading such comments like yours.

  24. Knoppix,

    Kalonzo is a good man and don’t you ever compare him with that wicked witch from Kitui (Ngilu). One doesn’t have to been in jail to make a good leader. He is a calm, nonchalant politician that many right-minded Kenyans would identify with.
    He took the appointment of VP with gratitude at a very difficult time when our nation was falling into pieces. That’s what to be a hero means!!

  25. Sometimes when I think that PNU can not offer anything less sensible than their duly elected shit and other offerings, they just hit new lows! This bantu alliance thing is just comical as it is desperate and sets new standards in shitty thinking and ideas.
    First and foremost I am going to stick my head above the parapet and comment on Kalonzo; (1) It is too early judge, (2) He is dealing with a bunch of dishonest murderous folks, (3) Refer to MOU and finally (4) He is not worth a comment. He is not worth me pounding my Keyboard beyond this.
    A Bantu alliance, is a dream that will never come true. It is something not worth commenting at legnth on and something not worth losing sleep over. It is an idea best left to political daydreamers and myopics. As I said before, I a Bantu, I have no problem with RAO, I do not worship him, I have lots of issues with him but he is the best of choices, and unless proved otherwise with evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, William Samoei is a figure I much admire. I do not in anyway, want to associated with some characters because of some colonial ethnolinguistic classification.
    I will associate with people based on shared interests, values and resources and may be history. Personally, I feel Kenyan is an artificial construct and I do not feel much for it. Bantu is a colonial defination and I do ascribe to it.

    sijapotea, I will be watching the game tomorrow, you will lose, I will be a gentleman and I will not gloat at all. I have been off line because It is just that it is difficult to comment on issues such as bantu alliance, what next the skinny people alliance, the tall men organization. Such abstract groupings are just so very desperate!

  26. Fave

    We are not looking to buy anyone out of ODM. What we are saying we are well established powerful ethnic grouping (Bantu) and we don’t need your or anyone validation. As somebody put it here yesterday many of the PNU hardliners are not from GEMA but from wider Bantu community. And of course it doesn’t mean coz you’re a Bantu you should vote along your ethnic block. You are entitled to choose who want but if you can look from last year election, most people who voted PNU were indeed from Bantu and non from Kalenjin or Luo.
    If ODM tally was to believed PNU won 46% of the vote, and Kikuyus only make up 22% of the population, with only 10% eligible to vote. So can you explain to me where the other votes came from?
    I know you like to disguise yourself but we all know you are a RAO youth winger from Luo Nyanza.

  27. Sometimes when I think that PNU can not offer anything less sensible than their duly elected shit and other offerings, they just hit new lows! This bantu alliance thing is just comical as it is desperate and sets new standards in shitty thinking and ideas.
    First and foremost I am going to stick my head above the parapet and comment on Kalonzo; (1) It is too early judge, (2) He is dealing with a bunch of dishonest murderous folks, (3) Refer to MOU and finally (4) He is not worth a comment. He is not worth me pounding my Keyboard beyond this.
    A Bantu alliance, is a dream that will never come true. It is something not worth commenting at legnth on and something not worth losing sleep over. It is an idea best left to political daydreamers and myopics. As I said before, I a Bantu, I have no problem with RAO, I do not worship him, I have lots of issues with him but he is the best of choices, and unless proved otherwise with evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, William Samoei is a figure I much admire. I do not in anyway, want to associated with some characters because of some colonial ethnolinguistic classification.
    I will associate with people based on shared interests, values and resources and may be history. Personally, I feel Kenyan is an artificial construct and I do not feel much for it. Bantu is a colonial defination and I do ascribe to it.

    sijapotea, I will be watching the game tomorrow, you will lose, I will be a gentleman and I will not gloat at all. I have been off line because It is just that it is difficult to comment on issues such as bantu alliance, what next the skinny people alliance, the tall men organization. Such abstract groupings are just so very desperate!

  28. Anon @3:20 AM.
    I do not disguise myself. Those who personally know me on this blog know that I am not from Nyanza. I would never be ashamed to be from Nyanza or anywhere.
    Your origin is not something you choose. I am not proud of where I come from and I am not ashamed of where I come from.
    However, your character is something you choose. I am very proud of my character.
    You say that most of the rabid PNU hardliners are not Gema, I put to you that some of the most rabid supporters of apartheid and racial discrimination were black! Victims embrace the abuser, that is common. Tell me something new. Plus, get a handle, responding to anonymous folks is difficult.

  29. Fave,

    Relax...That is too much, anyway it is good to see that you were not upto something sinister in Moscow,

    Knoppix pls spare your breathe you will need tomorrow....Just ignore some comments they are not worth it


  30. The funny thing with this blog, is that if you dont support Kibs, you are branded an ODM youthwinger...I can't just stomach that it makes me puke


  31. Chris.

    Eti rattled PM Raila Odinga is holding (closed door) crisis meeting with disgruntled ODM politicians from Kipsigis and entire South Rift who want to defect to PNU? Any info anyone ama it's the usual porojo from tabloid press? What would be the implication to PM if it were true?

    Also Nairobi Star has some news that Githongo is about to return back to Kenya and receive a heroic welcome from Pentagon after years of harsh and unbearable winters in UK.

    What happened to dear old Kumekucha when it used to break those kind of stories and set the agenda for the local media. We have too much Mashada stuff with this Bantu/Nilotes nonsense. Duh?


    Aboard a floating hotel and counting. No blood stream mates. Fave just accept ONE UNITED for leo. No constipation for eating humble pie.

    Please folks sspare your energy to cheer CR instead of engaging in self dialogue. The Bantu stuff is way too low for you good people.

    Poor Drogba no mercy. We beat Abrahamovich in his backyard. Atado?

  33. M-Pesa,
    You do offer UNLIMITED supply of oil to fuel the Masada stuff you are mourning about.

    FYI KK never peddles the backstreet rumours you purport to. Until it is verified we don't touch it mate, sorry.

    Just ask yourself why anything political is writen about ODM and almost nothing comes new or old about PNU except reactions to things they never started.

  34. Taabu, yesterday you tried to take the mickey out of Miji Kenda people, for reasons only God knows. I have to say you were one of a lucky dude that I wasn’t able to reply back to you at the time.
    Brace yourself; very soon I will be compelling an appendix of development record in Kwale, Kinango, Kubo, Matuga, Msabweni and Shimba Hills for the last 5 years. I guarantee you will conk out at your pond of life. (that means low intelligence).


  35. Knoppix

    "..You mean you have the audacity to pen down such things as central province 'NEVER' votes as a block???..."

    Please do show me where I used the word never. I said SELDOM....Which means rarely!

    Remeber Kibaki/Matiba battles?

    Uhuru/Kibaki battles?


    It's just last year when Centralians voted as a block.

    Only in Central over the years do you find multiple presidential candidates and many MPs from Kanu, Sisi kwa Sisi, DP, Safina..unlike "herd mentality" in places like Nyanza. That mentality has IMPRISONED these regions into rampant povery due to blind loyalty. Who will ever forget young Steve Mwanga being rigged out in favor of Orengo?

  36. kenyans relax!! why bother with the kalonzo PNU puppet- central lesotho is putting out feelers to see how kalanzo is received by kenyans and in other words they are digging for him his political grave:) while he kalonzo thinks he is doing good!! just watch and wait- soon you will have a new kikuyu figure being prepped up!!" have you forgotten the Moi and Uhuru saga?? there is one more in the woodworks going to happen- sources say central mafia already met and decided on their flag bearer and trust me it was not kalonzo!!! facts- what they are pushing for is for kenyans to remember what kalonzo did by accepting the VP as we all know kenyans emotions from other tribes run high if you mention the kalonzo name!! poor guy he will be used and spat!! gema has already named its 2012 presidential candidate and as we speak now he is already being trained! it is a he!! surprise surprise!! martha Karua never stood a chance!! central kikuyu Mt. Kenya mafia is dominated by men -

    And as far kalonzo he deserves what is is dished out to him!! traitors normally do!!go ask him whether he was invited to the secret Mt. Kenya meeting?? with the Mt.Kenya Elite chaired by Kibaki(there were the MP's !and the individuals from private rich sector think tank in attendance!! Kalonzo was nowhere near!!and yes they have chosen the next president of Central Lesotho!! it was not kalonzo!this is a facts!!!go ask Kalonzo why he was not invited??

  37. Chris,

    I agree with M-Pesa, why don’t you post something more interesting other than the hopeless Kenya politics here. Prince William (the second to the British throne) was here over the weekend attending Ian Craig’s elder son Batian wedding in Laikipia. This would be an interesting news to break, don’t you agree. It could make you an international superstar if you publish a photo of Prince William at that wedding.


  38. This is quite simplistic in nature:
    Taabu and other ODM supporters are disappointed because Kalonzo is being endorsed by the politicians from Mt. Kenya region. Case closed. Don't pay attention to the numerous wording he has used - those are just fruits of his frustration.

    The frustration has been fueled in part by this widely held notion among ODM supporters that anyone who does not support Raila is a traitor. Live with it guys, Kenya is an open democracy with full rights of affiliation.

  39. This is quite simplistic in nature:
    Taabu and other ODM supporters are disappointed because Kalonzo is being endorsed by the politicians from Mt. Kenya region. Case closed. Don't pay attention to the numerous wording he has used - those are just fruits of his frustration.

    The frustration has been fueled in part by this widely held notion among ODM supporters that anyone who does not support Raila is a traitor. Live with it guys, Kenya is an open democracy with full rights of affiliation.

  40. Mr Anon above, you've got Taabu squarely. Thats it1

  41. anon6:59 AM

    you are a kikuyu joke:) to imagine ODM can be bothered with Kalonzo!! you are amusing- kalonzo is a central province creation and they alone- odm has nothing nor do they care who or what kalonzo does with central pundits- he is a traitor to kenyans not Raila like you keep posting your childish propaganda- kalonzo was smiling and polishing his shoes while kibaki kept telling the police to shoot innocent kenyans- blood was flowing on kenyan soil while kalonzo sat at the right hand side of Emilio kibaki the murderer that is why the dead buried kenyans call him the traitor!get the drift!!
    as for him being the central province president come 2012!!! why not!! you chose him- the rest of kenya has nothing to do with that!! as far as i see it we do not care!! central deserves a leader like kalonza birds of the same feathers flock together- but just get it straight this time around the rest of kenya will have a president and it will not be your central puppet kalonzo musyoka:):) nope!! so stop wasting time dreaming!! oops!! I guess for central Lesotho Province!! it is good to dream since they will never see statehouse again!! kalonzo will indeed lead you to central Ukambani:) Kwisha!maneno!!

  42. Bring on kaloozer we have heard enough crap about him if you think he is something the proof is in the eating..... are we trying to reinvent the guy? I mean he lost....He talked as if he could never be vice president but he is.....He just dosen't want to be vice president to RAO cause perhaps he is one of those people obsessed with RAOs nether regions. What is frustrating is central's obsession with the idea that ruling kenya is about some clever trick like tribal balance as opposed to simply talking to wanaanchi from all walks of life and selling your plan on how to make this a great nation for all. Thats why kalooser is your natural partner cause the goon only becomes relevant in kenya when politics goes tribal. If the idiot buys the crap and kenyans decide to do the tribal thing and in the unlikely event that kalooser wins...I predict they will not waste time like they did with mo1..the kikuyu vice will ensure that kalonzo dies of natural causes like wamalwa the he/she takes over....and just prolongs the date of a new election......We are trying to walk away from all that tribal thing, but you guys are busy dragging us back..shame on you.

    Sir Alex

  43. The BANTU/NILOTES divide is a fact of life but not as evil as people want to it to look. At a very specific level it is a linguistic difference and at a wider level it is a cultural divide. For example, take a Kikuyu and place him among the Shonas of Zimbabwe and he will pick up at least 50 words and share the meaning of the world as described by those words with his hosts. Place the same Kikuyu among the Kalenjins and it will be a miracle if he can pick and share the meaning of two words and yet they live next door.

    The language is perhaps the most important aspect of a culture, and a culture is an external expression of the world view of a community. Thus, people who share aspects of a language tend to share cultural traits and a common world view. And from historical evidence people who share a common world view tend to coexist harmoniously. Take the case of the Akambas and the Kikuyus. These two communities have lived side by side for hundreds and hundreds of years and not a single conflict has ever been recorded. Instead, if there was a calamity in Akambaland it was understood that help would be expected from Kikuyuland and vice versa. Can the same be said between the Kikuyus and the Kalenjins, or between the Kalenjins and the Kisiis? In fact,by the time of colonisation Kalenjin attacks on the Kisiis had become so routine that the colonial administration had to use overwhelming force to end the routine.

    That doesn't mean that it it hopeless for people of different linguistic backgrounds to try to live harmoniously, but it requires more effort because of the dissimilar worldviews.

    So, organising people along cultural lines might be an alternative way of finding a national balance. I see nothing wrong with people forming Nilotic or Bantu alliances, after all they would only be extensions of the already existing numerous cultural organisations. If the objective of these alliances is to secure the political interests of their members, that is welcome as long as they do so within the democratic process.

  44. This is to ODM supporters

    Its pointless to spend time punching holes in the prefered/annointed central province candidate or puppet as has been described many times above. This drags us down to the level of PNU where only mud-slinging takes place.

    Look at the facts and then focus on our strategy. I am always open to progressive politics and suggestions. The idea for a group of leaders to meet, and the top item on the agenda is to identify a voting block, then expand the net (bantu etc), then somewhere at the bottom of the agenda are the excuses for voting as a "block" has permanently put me off PNU as they are not serious. as can be seen from various discussions above its not about voting for any specific agenda, its just about numbers, and voting as a block.

    if one were a "staddy dhree" teacher explaining dominant population. first we can vote as a block, 2nd we vote as a block, third we vote as a block. some bright spark might ask but why do we vote as a block? ans. because we are 23 %. another might ask, so what can we say about impact of our voting as a block? in 1992 we voted for our own, in 1997 we voted for our own, ditto 2002, ditto 2007, in the future we shall select someone as our own and vote as a block. i wonder who coined the phrase blockhead?

    But as usual i digress

    ODM was a movement for change, to better the lives of kenyans. Much has happened to distract from these ideals including the very painful but necessary compromise with the adversary but we must not let go of the ideals. Our agenda is, what is wrong with kenya, how to/what can fix it and who to lead and i believe in that order.

    our adversary is PNU with strong base in central/eastern, currently looking for inroads to expand to other provinces. preferred candidate may be kalonzo, uk, karua, etc it does not matter. what matters is what is our strategy and what are our strong points. and as always remember the incumbent executive president is PNU and they have a very wealthy and influential support base. and they have formidable numeric support in their homebase. the sad truth however is they have almost zero agenda for the nation other than play hollow and shallow reactionary politics.

    lets remain sober and not somber in our discussion.

    if we must criticize PNU candidate, lets talk policies, or potential character weakness or flaws as pertains to implementing development agenda. but even better, ignore the candidates completely and lets focus on propping our agenda and the candidates MPs + future president/pm. time to start weaning the weaklings and identify and curb the traitors/moles within. And promote healthy accommodation of internal dissent or disagreements without them turning into national crisis and points of departure (although the media, will blow out of proportion any story)


  45. It's too early for the heir apparent to be known. Right now though the different camps are looking at all possibilities and scenarios. Plus do not forget that politics makes some strange bed fellows.

  46. Anon @9:55 You are right, the Bantu/Nilote divide is real and is with us to stay. You can see in Uganda how ungovernable is the Nilotic northern part. Come to think about it, in January and February the Nilotic RV and Nyanza resembled northern Uganda. the Bantus of Kenya must learn from the Ugandan experience and organise themselves just in case there is a repeat of that type of anarchy.

  47. Anon 9:55 am. Yr history is still not upto date. There are some major cases where the bantu and nilotes mixed very well. My own grandpa is half Kyuk and half Maasai. (Last I checked, kyuks were still bantus and maasais were still nilotes). Do not also forget that most of the people in coast have mixed freely with ages. (Cushites and Bantus) so all this nonsense that they rarely mix is just bologna!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. am now convinced that this bantu/nilote net is definitely a PNU strategy.

    it has no development agenda, but instead promotes segregation undertones while expanding the central/eastern voting block , and the frequency at which its being repeated here means, it has been well worked out as a killer punch.

    Am curious to see how this develops. and after it matures, what steps will be taken for the damage control when things fall apart and victims are not the intended target. such foolishness and yet there was rhetoric of national cohesion and what not


  50. Anon @10:17 The mixing between Kikuyus and Maasais was as a result of fighting to a standstill. The historical reality is that in both northern Nyeri and southern Kiambu the fields are watered with blood shed by both communities for ages as a result of cattle raiding and women kidnapping. It was a mark of "achievement" for worriors from both communities to raid the other and kidnapp the most beutiful women of the othe community. These women would then be married off to the community leaders and top worriors as an "award." Of course, there were instances of genuine intermarriage between the two communities but that was not the norm - don't romantasize it. And of course there was the issue cattle raiding and counter raids.

    By the coming of the white people the Maasai had been pushed out of Nyeri into Nanyuki and the remainder assimilated into the Kikuyu community. The same drama was unfolding in the southern front in Kabete and Dagoretti. The Maasais were being assimilated and pushed to the sourthern Athi plains at the same time and not always peacefully. As a matter of fact, no Kikuyu could be fully accepted among the Maasai without being "born again" culturally - go ask George Saitoti about his forefathers.

    What is uncontested is that despite these fights there was enormous respect and admiration between the two communities and a serious effort to copy each other's culture.

  51. Why are sinking into this tribal nonsense.....once again what happened to issue politics? I wonder what the ages of the people on this blog are, this kind of purile talk is for our uneducated grandfathers who I even suspect had more sense...for what useful purpose does a right thinking person labour to prove the unity of bantu? When KRA was recruiting I did not hear the word was all kuyos now where is this new found love for bantu...most of us don't even speak our mother tongues with decent fluency yet someone is going on about cultural/linguistic baldderdash....if anything we are all busy running away from our so called tribes...the matha karuas of this world are the same people bragging that their children don't speak swahili let alone their mother tongue...what culture? stupid do we get?now we hear the kuyos drove out the maasai....what hogwash...these are kenyans your talking to, come on wake the say until the lions write their own history the hunter will always be the hero.
    Seriously we are hitting new lows.

    Sir Alex

  52. Sir Alex am with you, fave, ivy and others on this

    yes we could follow our lineage backwards and forwards for historical or academic gratification. but to introduce "previously unknown factor and newly found wisdom" and use this information so as to divide, propagate or be lumped together with ethnic bigots and chauvinists or otherwise as a new form of africans engaging in segregational practices is totally unacceptable and any person using this argument should be spurned



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