Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Beautiful Face of Unity of Purpose

Kenyan politicians appear to have discovered the nation’s pulse. The fidelity of their actions and speeches with the national expectation only leave one wondering and imagining the missed leaps in the face of sectarian politics so far.

You listen to Kibaki talking and for once you see the human side of the MP for Othaya. In Having all MPs read from the same OBJECTIVE script stirs up the imagination of the collective strength we have as a people. My prayer is they don’t lose the momentum and let no Lucifer crawl from the dark wood works to spoil the national broth.

Uniformity of thought can make a single step look like a milestone. Politics is an ugly animal we cannot do without as human beings. Those haranguing Kenyans to stop politicking don’t have a clue of what foundation governance provides for any shade of prosperity and development. No amount of personal wealth can provide an inch of infrastructure that networks every corner of a country. Only sound planning implemented by honest and good leadership can provide that link.

Decoys and trophies
Demanding better from our leader must not be mistaken for nagging or laziness. Leadership is a contract and we must demand that our politicians keep their side of the bargain lest they defraud us by sleeping on the job. It is cheap and uncritical to admonish Kenyans for demanding the very best of their leaders.

The new-found unity of purpose must not be left to melt once the political deal is sealed. We must continue putting more pressure on our politicians to earn their hefty pay cheque. And while at it we must remain vigilant to calculative politicians who may be scheming to dupe us with decoys while intending to run away with the trophy.

We Collectively have a unique opportunity to put Kenya on the right pedestal to sustainable development anchored on unity in diversity. Do you part and let us join the party and make it last.


  1. It is easy to come together this way and look as though they are united but genuine unity takes more than speeches in parliament. It has to come from the heart and the mind, and must be shown, not through speeches, but through actions. The immense enmity and the historic injustices between different communities in Kenya and the likes of Martha claiming to be having our interest at heart all of a sudden tells me not to to be carried away. We should hope, not dwell on hope.

  2. HAHAHA... it didn't take even minutes for my fears to be confirmed. You see, this is just one of the reasons why I would like to warn Kenyans against being carried away and to remain extremely vigilant. Never trust this people! The Nation reports that PNU/ODM-K MPs wanted to shoot down the bill passed, and only after a lawyer, a Mr. Githu Muigai, convinced them, did they agree to support. And some Kenyans were ecstatic coz of the show of 'unity'? Some even claimed that Kibaki was a true saviour, a statesman etc. Give me a break. Wake me up when there are no Karuas, Saitotis, Michukis, Kibakis...

  3. This is a reform parliament. ODM has previously said that their raison d'etre in the govt. is for REFORM.

    One may wonder what happened to development. I myself I'm not concerned. I think we have had too many govts. singing development but delivering nothing.

    This is a moment we must seize. Let us get the politics straight a constitution that encourages equity and transparency will enhance economic devt.

  4. This is just the icing on the cake. The hard decisions are yet to come. The election and post election fiasco still has to be resolved and the root causes unearthed. If our so called leaders are not willing to come clean and admit mistakes and atrocities, then this is just another Ouko style inquiry with all the perfunctory John Troon like shananigans but with no substance.

    Am not yet convinced that you can expect the same individuals, who watched kenya plunge into quagmire, to come up with solutions to our problems in good faith. It defeats logic.

  5. Martha Karua's about turn is fascinating, a "true Hollywood production." Saitoti demanding that people must now deal with the truth...priceless! I wonder which truths he is itching to unveil??? If the recent months hadn't been some of the most tragic in Kenya's history I'd be rolling on the floor, LMAO. Karua's statement that "Kibaki left half the cabinet open because he foresaw that all parties were going to have to work together for Kenya's good" is asinine. No sweetie, the Cabinet seats were not filled because it was WRONGLY anticipated that ODM MPs would defect in droves and fall all over each other to get coveted positions - thus "finishing ODM" and blasting Raila into political oblivion. May be Kibaki should have foretold the chronicle of events that followed the infamous announcement on 12.30.07.

    The next year will be very interesting for Kenya. Time will tell if they'll walk the walk, when they start work on the new Constitution and all the other reforms. I hope that the recent events give rise to a crop of genuine reformers who understand that they have a responsibility to Kenyans that extends far beyond collecting a hefty paycheck for little or no work.

  6. taabu very nice article.....i dont know though if i would go so far as giving kibaki a human face..... so he cracked a joke and said God so many times it sounded like he was giving a sermon!! boo hoo!! who cares?

    am sure even lucifer himself speaks very nice words, does that give him a human face? what kibaki has done to this country cannot be undone, some of us will never forgive him even if he guaranteed us all free passes to heaven when we die!!

    ati nice words? .....that man is lost!! i actually almost fainted when he said "Kenya is a country of God and that......(he) thought of it and said (he) didn’t think God wants it to degenerate.....and (he) saw the need to find a way of working together," i thought the americans forced him to sign? when did (he) think of these things he was talking about? who's he fooling anyway? he didn't know rigging an election blatantly would result in death? hizo maneno zake tamu akaambie lucy!!

    and what is all this talk on nabbing the perpetrators of the violence? now dont get me wrong i dont condone violence of any kind i think they should all be prosecuted. but i wonder.... is kibaki going to start with himself?.....he did after all meet with mungiki in his own backyard and gave them the licence to 'revenge', he unleashed police on innocent supporters and ordered them to kill those 'pumbavu munjaruos' demonstrating.

    sasa good people you are telling me the man has seen the light? if he was serious about God not wanting this country to degenerate to those levels he would have gone to othaya a long time ago.....all he can say now are just shallow words.....i just hope he is bright enough to know if he messes this reform process up he will see fire!!

    and finally may i just ask....what the hell is martha karua ever pointing at? every picture i see her in she's pointing at someone....her parents didn't teach her pointing is rude behaviour?! somebody enlighten her!!

  7. Ati Kibaki foresaw....I almost pressed the mute key.....He had no one to put in those positions.....Ati the constistution is an ass...What did she say two months ago? These PUNU people think that campuses were closed after them....If they though they played us..hamna choice you are stuck with us kama kupe...


  8. Ivy you are another one. You left my ribs aching with your spat ati they thought campus were closed after them. Nice pitch and original.

  9. Mrembo the good book (Biblia) says that you fear God, that is good even the devil trembles at that name.....When the truth & recociliation is formed i hope he will be the first to testify and tell us, how he rigged the 2007 elections and also tell us what was discussed in the meeting that he hosted in statehouse, what they ate and if possible give us all the minutes....the hogging part will help us know what they ate coz i mean no sane person will chase women and children around, lock the hose and then burn it ati coz it is a revenge mission....No sane person can do that...Then we will forgive, we cannot forgive what we don't know....Confession kama za MOI those of...Na kama ni mewakosea munisamehe, hizo we are not buying...we want him to tell us every detail, if money was poured we want to know and where the money come from...coz si it is still our money...those who anglofleeced us we will demand that they pay it back with interest...Dont i just love Nyong'o what did he say...Never again will we have a stolen election...rubbing salt to the wound, he was just saying ..yes there is a peace deal but mukae mukijua you stole the elections and dont ever try that again....not in this life time....
    Taabu ignore me...it is just being annoyed with some folks, yes they might be "hardworking" which to me hardwork is relative....But let them not abuse our intelligence, tumeenda shule na tukasoma and in our days they didn't know how to rig exams so iam actually qualified in my field of study!!! Imagine there is a jamma "a masenerian" he had 4 B+s, 2 A's and a C...do you know this guy has a C Plain mean grade....Even a fool can add that and will definately not get a C.


  10. A snake is a snake, even if the face turns human.

    It is just a matter of time. It will bite but harder than before. A snake can not be trusted. Be on the watchout

  11. The Const. being an ass was one of those confounding statements she's made in the last few months. I also read something about the Law being dynamic, being there to serve man and not the other way around. I thought just a few months ago she was adamant that the Const. was sacred and could not be amended willy nilly to appease "individuals", amendments could be made within twelve months but not now, exigent circumstances notwithstanding! She also talked about how it wasn't sound jurisprudence....so why didn't she use her legal acumen to come up with sound legislation?? She is afterall the Minister in charge of Const. Affairs. Her client is the Govt of Kenya so she has an obligation to ensure that its interests are adequately preserved; I'm sure she consulted with Wako and could have steered him back in the direction of enlightened in a timely manner. Since she allowed flawed legislation to be passed into law, she has engaged in legal malpractice. No amount of Monday morning quarter-backing or fake philosphical pontificating will raise her credibility rating. I think I should send her one of my old lawschool text books on the art of negotiation and legal ethics. Ooops! Just remembered that she might return to sender because it is the blueprint of an imperial jurisprudence which is irrelevant in her sphere of influence. Let me not even get into her comment about "threats and friends vs. colonial masters." Last time I checked, friends sometimes need to practice tough love to keep us in check.

  12. I am a Mpwani and proud to be one,to the subject Ronald Ngala saw this coming way back in the days but I guess Jomo tripped and ended up killing our visionary leader woo be to Jomo may he burn in hell.I am being indebted by loans taken and stashed in Moi's accounts woo be to Moi and if he does not repent may he too burn in the hell fire when he departs,and now we have Kibaki who's walking around smeared with over 1500 kenyans blood woo onto him.This is the kind of history that we will teach our kids and great grand kids.Lets wake up kenyans we need LEADERS NOT GIZAA.

  13. There is power in numbers. Only if we had half of those numbers from "reasonable" people from the slopes would we be singing a different tune. Kibaki and his ilk think that 5 years is a long time. Kenyans will never forget, but we will forgive for the sake of the country and our children and their children's children. Violence only begets violence, and it can be cyclic once the tables turn, not that I am espousing it, it is just food for thought.


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