Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shock As Police Reveal : ‘Mungiki Hitmen Killed ODM’s Mugabe Were!’

Embakasi MP Mugabe Were, who was shot dead by mungiki hitmen.

Gang infiltrates Kenya Police

Juma Kwayera | Nairobi
03 February 2008 11:59

A quiet rebellion and near-total collapse of the chain of command has exposed Kenya’s police force as incapable of dealing with the growing national crisis in the country, amid growing fears that it has also been infiltrated by the outlawed pro- government Mungiki sect.

Speaking to the Mail & Guardian on condition of anonymity following the chilling murder on last Tuesday of an opposition MP, a senior police inspector and an officer in the criminal investigations department admitted that all was not right in the police force.

“The police are angry that they are being used to solve a political problem. Our remit is maintenance of law and order, but we are being dragged into politics. It is known that the election outcome was manipulated; who does not know that?” asked the officer.

Despondency in the force is the latest twist in Kenya’s political imbroglio, which former United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan said was an international priority on Tuesday when he formally launched the mediation process between the government and the opposition.

Annan, who is heading an African Union panel of eminent persons, said that the escalating violence put the country on the precipice of large-scale upheaval, which the “state must use all the means at its disposal to forestall”. Annan added that the electoral dispute was now mutating into ethnic hostility and inflaming long-suppressed passions. The AU-mandated team also includes former Tanzanian president Benjamin Mkapa and Graça Machel.

Gangs of youths believed to be members of the Mungiki sect claimed responsibility for the killing of Mellitus Mugabe Were, the opposition MP. Youths suspected of being members of Mungiki also took control of the highway linking Nairobi with the nearby town of Nakuru, a scene of much of the recent violence.

Most members of the much-feared Mungiki sect hail from the Kikuyu tribe, the same ethnic group as President Mwai Kibaki. They rose to prominence last year after a string of grisly killings, particularly in Nairobi’s slums. Police efforts to break up the gangs late last year led to days of violent clashes in which several people were killed.

Were’s death on Tuesday co-incided with the formal launch of international mediation and reinforced the perception that Mungiki, which allegedly enjoys the patronage of influential politicians and businessmen in the government, is on the rampage again after a six-month lull.

Police have confirmed that 20 out of the 115 people killed in Nakuru and Naivasha towns in the Rift Valley province were beheaded in grisly circumstances reminiscent of Mungiki’s decapitation of 200 people in Nairobi early last year.

Human rights groups, including United States-based Human Rights Watch, estimated last week that nearly a quarter of the 900 people shot dead post-election were executed by Mungiki gang members disguised as police. The senior police officer complained that the infiltration of the police by the criminal gang had exacerbated tensions in the force, leading to fears of an imminent falling out.

“We are being misused. We are resisting the public perception [that] we mop up politicians’ dirty work,” the inspector said. Two other police officers said last week’s reshuffle in the police force was precipitated by growing tension among high-ranking police officers who felt they were being misused to crack down on opposition supporters.

The opposition says that it has also received reports of Mungiki’s infiltration of the police force.

“We have been receiving reports about despondency in the police force and the military that has been forcing the government to resort to criminal gangs to control escalating violence,” Orange Democratic Movement MP Omingo Magara said.

He added: “The same sources told us about how two weeks ago the government acquired 4 000 guns and armed Mungiki to kill protesters in Rift Valley. I leave it to you to judge who is running the show in the police force,” he said.

Tensions in the security forces began to appear after Internal Security Minister George Saitoti told the police to refrain from using live ammunition, only for police to open fire on unarmed mourners in Nairobi last week, injuring several.

“The chain of command has collapsed,” Magara said. The government began deploying the military at violence flashpoints last week, fuelling the public perception that the police force is no longer obeying the command structure.

Responding to charges that the police force was no longer capable of maintaining law and order prompting the intervention of the military Police Commissioner Major General Hussein Ali said the presence of the army is “temporary.” According to the Kenyan constitution, the army can only be called out of the barracks after a state of emergency is declared.



  1. Unanswered questions:

    Police claim they have recorded statements from 15 witnesses and so far none of them have appeared in court to answer charges of killing the late MP. Two unidentified men have been in police custody since the MP’s murder 10 days ago ‘helping police with investigations’.

    Claims of tribalism in the armed forces is rampant! The police are engineering victimisation through unwarranted transfers and ‘re-deployments’ on a daily basis. Why now?

    IDP’s in regions that voted overwhelmingly for the PNU are receiving inadequate protection and sparse food rations, while they have been denied transport back to their homes. On the other hand, those in areas that voted for ODM have had the benefit of presidential visit, some have been flown out of insecure areas to Nairobi and nearly all government aid has been channelled to those who remained behind with nowhere to go. Why the open bias?

    Why is the army out of the barracks? Why should they be armed in jungle fatigues and G3 rifles if they are on humanitarian missions or just clearing roads in their own country?

  2. This is exactly why a negotiated settlement that does not result in a NEW CONSTITUTION will be a waste of time and effort.

    Kenyans need a constitution that not only devolves power, but one that compels our institutions to be TRANSPARENT and ACCOUNTABLE.

    Enter: 2002 Draft.

  3. Anon @ 12.16 with the link; there are all sorts of "consortiums" and "organisations" out there fabricating evidence.

    The trend is to get us to engage in a distracting debate as towhether the violence was organised or spontaneous.


    Take care of the above and there will be no need for violence; organised or spontaneous.

  4. The police are angry that they are being used to solve a political problem. Our remit is maintenance of law and order, but we are being dragged into politics. It is known that the election outcome was manipulated; who does not know that?” asked the officer

    i love what the policeman said of course he did not ask the question to the right panel because i guarantee you if he did he would have gotten a ready answer scalding hot from lucy and martha karua's kitchen........pnu lets go together here...1...2....3.... 'the elections were free and fair'

  5. Mungiki with govt. support.

    That is what you get from a dictatorship.

  6. anonymous 12.16 what the heck is that nonsense? i mean if people wanted to lie about grand things such as these, they better be ingenious, who cannot come up with an NGO website and fill it with crap?!! pnu pull up your socks creativity in that camp is wanting!

  7. i did not know this mugabe were but he sure looks fly to me!! what a tragedy-by the way there was no shock on the revelation by the police. the mungiki claimed they had done it right from the beginning so really there is no shock-oh and aren't mungiki wearing police uniforms now? so in essence what the police are saying is that 'they' (read police) did it?! now that would be a shock. i know....... it sounds very twisted and confusing!

  8. Its sad that PNU are using mungiki, This are signs of a dying horse. This mungiki will turn and smash the same PNU. Kibaki should Know that he can only lead poeple if they have accepted him as the leader.
    Time will prove him wrong

  9. Once the Mungiki are done killing the pple from the 'wrong' tribes they will turn to their masters.
    See newspapers- Women terrorised in Naivasha and Limuru.
    So you can celebrate now but of course tears will freely flow later.....

  10. anon @1:44, Read today's Daily Nation and see what poor Luo men are doing to the rich Luo men.

  11. Yah, this may sound insensitive but Mungiki have issues with Kikuyus more than they have with other tribes. Why were they killing them before the elections? Sorry if you are Kikuyu woman and not circumsised. I did not that women are also targets of this gang, till I read todays papers. This cult does not want the Kikuyu culture diluted, they dont care about luos, kales etc like PNU thinks. Talk of a classic case of conflict of interests!!

  12. Am sorry to say this but Kibaki is here to stay. You can band your heads against the wall but apart from that you will gain nothing. when Kikuyus and Kisiis and Luhyas were being killed idiots of your ilk were quietly applauding. when kikuyus retaliate it is all about mungiki. what kind of men are yu who lie to each other so shamelessly? These are the kind of lies that were peddled by you people to start off the country on a warpath, while pretending you are fighting for democracy. I know with your type it is too much to ask you to look at things objectively, after all you are the scum of the earth. Sit your arse there and wait for ODM to get power so that you can grow rich. utang'ethia.

  13. KIBAKI signed a pact with MUNGIKI before 2002 elections.

    There are politicians from CENTRAL PROVINCE who admitted that ALL MPS from CP signed an agreement with Mungiki.

    Kibaki and Michuki have been very reluctant to tackle these KIKUYU DEVILS.

    Remember how a court in NYERI a week ago released the MUNGIKI members who killed a CHIEF and shot Michuki's house in the countryside.

    Should we allow MUNGIKI to rule us. That is one reason to say NO to KIBAKI.

    Enough is enough, kenyans be ready for the 3rd Liberation. Dont talk act!!

  14. Anon @ 12.16 ..They have just forgotten abt something ...When William Ruto was in the UoN he was the CU leader of the North Rift and was the chairman of the evangelistic team.
    His wife was and still is the leader of House of prayer - Rift Valley chapter......When you can't beat them join them......Why do people look far and wide for evidence that you can't sustain, Did they see William Ruto paying money for dogs and cows...Something are just hard to beleive did thay really have to buy the cows yet, they own them, dogd i mean there are so many stray dogs around why waste money....Come on that story is pure crap/rubbish that needs to be in the gutter.
    But check this out...If Ruto goes in we will make sure they share the same cell with Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta Cheif Coordinator of mungiki..


  16. He he he.. Anon 2.28 ate what Kifaki is here to stay??
    Which Luhyas and Kisii do you think are foolish to buy your Panua nonsence.
    Kwani wale wasamia wako Naivasha na nyeri chased by Mungiki are Okuyos??
    Stop being shameless... Kibaki might be here to stay but only to be slapped by Karucy coz Kenya belongs to Kenyans and not Kibaki and Okuyos!

  17. This marauding she-goat called Martha Karua wa Mugunda is such a stupid Hippo that she committed political suicide by saying "ODM too rigged." Even if PANUA didn't rig (and the unborn knows they rigged), the whole election results is null and void because of "ODM's rigging" in the words of Karua wa Mugunda. If someone is sitting for KCSE and he/she cheats in one paper, that result is nullified in totality and he/she has to re-sit if he/she wishes. Now, there has to be a re-run. Basic law....

  18. The PNU group walked out of the Annan-mediated half-way through the talks on the political stalemate after it was suggested that Kibaki and Raila should step aside while the Speaker Marende becomes leader of the interim government. The Kofi Annan led group, had suggested that both ODM and PNU should stand aside for an interim government led by House Speaker Kenneth Marende for a period of six months to be followed thereafter by new presidential elections. This suggestion was reached after both sides unanimously rejected a proposal of a permanent creation of a GNU having Raila as Leader of Government Business.

    Kofi Annan is holding a meeting with top diplomats to brief them of their discussion and it is said further, that USA, European Union, Commonwealth and AU. The US has indicated its willingness to pay the costs of a rerun.

    Meanwhile the US and Canada have slapped a travel ban on discredited PNU hardliners and funding lords of mungiki. This came as the EU and UK is said to be thinking of the same dramatic options to coerce the election thieves and perpetrators of violence to give up their fantasy of a stolen presidency.

  19. anon 3.30 where is this info?
    It's crazy- the walk out I mean!
    I think Marende is up to the task of interim CEO of Kenya.

  20. @3:30
    That is what I have been preaching. The President of the Kenyan National Assembly should lead the interim govt. Elections should be in 3 months time.

    Kenya is tired of corruption, murderers, Ngorokos and Mungikis.


  21. Look what Kibaki is doing to Kofi Annan. He has bugged his Hotel Room.


  22. Read it in details: Kibaki bugged Kofi Annan's Hotel Room.

    By Fiona Forde

    The Kenyan peace talks are in tatters after it was discovered that Kofi Annan's hotel room in Nairobi has been bugged.

    Independent Newspapers has learnt from multiple reliable, impartial sources - both in Kenya and abroad - that the former UN Secretary General's business and personal conversations were being intercepted during the ongoing negotiations after a thorough search was carried out on his Serena Hotel room on Tuesday evening. For how long the room has been planted or by whom is unclear.

    "Kofi's security aides found the device yesterday," one source explained, while the talks were in session. Annan is said to be "livid", but it is not yet known how he intends to act on Tuesday night's revelations or whether he will walk away from the already troubled negotiations.

    It is not yet known how he intends to act on Tuesday night's revelations
    Annan arrived in the Kenyan capital on January 15 on an African Union (AU) invitation to head up the talks around Mwai Kibaki's disputed election victory.

    He was joined by Graca Machel and the former Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa, under the banner of the Panel of Prominent African Personalities.

    Together they brought members of both sides of the political divide to the table at the Serena Hotel, where Annan was also staying.

    Athough a breakthrough had been announced last Friday, when a four-point framework was agreed upon to curb the violence and address the December 27 poll, Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga continued to wage a war of words on the sidelines.

    News of the bugging comes just 24 hours after Cyril Ramaphosa withdrew as the intended chief negotiator when the government of Kibaki made it be known that they would not trust the South African's intervention.

    Ramaphosa was not the first South African to receive his walking papers. Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu's efforts to broker a deal last month were also met with a luke-warm reaction.

    Meanwhile, more than 1 000 lives have been lost, some 300 000 people are internally displaced and billions of shillings worth of damage has been carried out on properties and businesses throughout the country, home to the third largest UN headquarters in the world.

    Machel is due to arrive in Nairobi on Wednesday after a brief trip home to Johannesburg.

    Meanwhile, Fresh violence in western Kenya on Wednesday left 12 dead, nine of whom were shot by police cracking down on gangs of youths who have attacked houses and other property, police sources said.

    Weeks of turmoil have delivered a major blow to Kenya's tourism industry, the top foreign currency earner, while tea production and agriculture have also been hard hit.

    About 300 business leaders issued a statement supporting Annan's mediation effort and warned that the economy faced a meltdown if the crisis was not resolved quickly.

    Uganda, Sudan, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia decided to dispatch their foreign ministers to Nairobi today to show support for "government efforts to restore stability".

    Annan has set a deadline of seven to 15 days to resolve the crisis.


  23. @anon 3.30 please provide sources

  24. Chris, Pls investigate the issue in today's standard (Palaver page 7) that claims Solicitor General Wanjuki Muchemi is throwing out State Counsel and civil servants out of the AG's Chambers.

  25. Sorry Chris I meant to ask you to investigate claims by the Standard, to the effect that The SG is throwing out Civil Servants from the 'Wrong Tribes' out of the AG's chambers.

  26. What is the rationale behind this negotiations when PNU comes to the table lacking the spirit of give and take.

    PNU resisted mediation, kicked out Ramaphosa and when ODM objects to IGAD's presence which is legitmizing the Kibaki goverment, Annan takes PNU's side.

    Rabet Maatari

  27. Ok, today is the second day I'm hearing that Annan's room was bugged. How come the local media and other major news outlets don't have the story? If they do, someone provide a link. We gotta be careful where we get our information; 50% of these stories are half-truths and propaganda.

  28. hi kemmy, you can get the original story from www.iol.co.za. then check for news about east africa. if you want to wait for the local media to believe the news, then you are soooooo much behind. How long did it take them to say that Gitobu Imanyara was slapped by the serial slapper? Only after he himself spoke u si.

  29. kemmy

    1.annan's room was bugged

    2.michuki was sick

    3. kibaki held a closed door meeting with pnu 'mediators' when things got too hot to handle in the boardroom

    these are just some of the things the kenyan media will never publish as they still have to get clearance from mama slaps-they dont want to be fugitives like one clifford derrick. yani you only believe things coming from the nation ama? huko propaganda ni nyingi!! infact i can tell you that report they published on presidential results with a lot of 'errors' in odm zones with 115% voter turnouts and the rest was not a mistake. even though they later tried to 'apologise' on grounds that it was erroneous it was a very well calculated move-and i tell you many pnu people still believe that that report was real and that was precisely the nmg's intention.

    so kemmy my friend do not put your trust in things just cause they are local.

  30. Anon @ 2.28; We are not simply interested in state house.

    We are interested in the respect for democratic processes, a just constitution and a resolution of land grievances; factors we have lacked since independence.

    These are not just for ODMers but for Kenya's posterity.

    Only selfish, myopic people like you fail to see that.

  31. Matari @ 5.24 a.m.; thank you for pointing that out.

    Secondly, I hope the IGAD members who do show up read Kibaki the riot act.

  32. @6:27, thanks. I just wondered where people were getting the news cuz I haven't read anything on the Annan bugging (thanks Kimeli for the link).

    I do agree with you too that the mistake by Nation was no mistake at all. You have no idea how tired I am of people quoting the "mistaken" voter turn-out in Nyanza. And there's no convincing them that Nation later retracted the figures saying it was a mistake.

    I keep wondering when these people will stop pretending that they're holding mediation talks. It's pretty clear nothing's going to come of it, especially where the elections are concerned. But hey, both PANUAs and ODM agree the ECK should be disbanded. That's something, I suppose.

  33. strange that kibaki's guys have to bug annan's hotel room even though his "facilitation" is sticking to the points outlined earlier by ranneberger & his boss frazer - no recount, no rerun, focus on institutional reform rather than addressing kaibki's (il)legitimacy - and it's obvious that he's practically bending over backwards to accomodate kibaki's provocations, both rhetorical & tactical (AU summit speech, IGAD, assasination of opposition MPs, etc).

    annan has been reported as rejecting a rerun, as saying "Resolving of the current crisis is not about individuals ... but about strong institutions that will ensure the country will not have to return back to this kind of crisis every couple of years", as saying "We have a demand that the parties avoid provocative statements outside negotiations ... We are going to be vigilant on that" yet applying that vigilance selectively, and saying that kibaki could invite whatever foreign leaders he wanted to nairobi so long as they don't try to mediate. it should be obvious to those watching that he's not an objective party here - and, in fact, he rejected the description "mediator" in preference to "facilitator".

    annan is there reportedly under the mantle of the AU, as the "Panel of Eminent African Persons", yet one rarely sees any mention of this in media coverage. what is the background on that - who is paying for annan & crew to be there? and why is his agenda adhere so closely to the u.s. position, as opposed to those of other african leaders (even kagame & museveni, hardly known for their democratic merits, have stated that a rerun should be an option) or the EU? find out who he's really facilitating for & maybe it'll clear more avenues for attaining true, meaningful justice in ensuring democratic principles.

  34. what is the source of this story ?

    if it's the standard, then that's not credible since that emdia house is the PR Wing and propaganda machine of ODM.

    And this business of reporting "unidentified source" is hogwash, coz anyone can write anything and claim the source is unidetified.
    also, remember, we want Were's killers to eb brought to book including the person who ordered the hit, just the way we want RUTO to be brought to book as he will with time.
    RUTO Thinks that by being on the negotiating team will save his ass, pole kwake, the tide is against him

  35. Use of Mungiki to kill protesters is criminal.

    Should other Kenyans also dress up their gangs in police uniform and use them in Central. Whoever thought of such things is courting disaster

  36. KIMELI,

    The sources you give for the Annan bugging all seem to have >co.za which means the source is from south africa.

    Now, just as the standard is not a credible source of news, is the same way, south africa cannot be a credible source of news on this issue.

    I'm sure now the media in SA will just write all negative things about this peace process and try to malign the kenyan government coz their point man was kicked out.

    You guys, kenyans, need to recognize that south africa and TZ are not kenya's friends.

    South Africa has had beef from them days, plus they cannot compete in kenya. They've dominated all other african countries apart from kenya and they are always bitter.
    Worse, we humiliated their Ramaposa by rejecting him, and yes, it's true he has business dealings with raila.

    These are just bitter grapes from south africa and frankly, It's expected from sore loosers like them.

    But don't be deceived into EVER thinking that SA are our friends or have our best interests at heart..never.
    thank God ODM LOST..and yes, I say it confidently, they lost the elections, coz had they won, Kenya would have turned to a ":for sale" country.

  37. hard part of the mediation

    please give the download link to http://raila07.com/downloads.html

    Just for a read.each and everybody can make own judgement.
    But as far as am concerned, RO beat MK hands down.
    It is only in Kenya that one lose to be declared a wiiner!

  38. nonzenze.
    ODM lost nothing, PNU won nothing look at the country. Just take an honest look. Do you feel safe, aren't you burdened by your last name in some places of the country? If SA and TZ are not our friends, I guess that only leaves us with Somalia, Ethiopia, Kuwait, Swaziland and Uganda as our friends. All those countries are beacons of democracy.
    I however like one thing, Kibaki brought majimbo without anyone trying. Now the 'lazy' communities have to work hard.It is going to be a long slog

  39. All Kikuyu ministers to be barred from the US:

    "...On the government side are five sitting cabinet ministers and a former cabinet minister. Among the ministers, four hail from Central Province and have had long standing political association with President Kibaki. The fifth minister is from Western Province and whose mother party was supportive of Kibaki’s re-election bid.

    Our sources further disclosed that one of the ministers was recently denied a travel visa to the United Kingdom and United States in spite of being scheduled to attend high profile meetings in the two countries."


  40. nonzenze,
    Stop kidding yourself. Because TZ, ZA etc have refused to ackowldge Kibaki administration does not make them Kenya's enemies, may be it makes them PNU's.
    The countries that are supporting Kibaki have one thing in common, they either have no pretence to be democracies or their current leaders won elections that were largely seen to be rigged(Uganda, Etheopia). Kibaki is in good company.

    Any right thinking president would not even bother about recognition by Somalia, a government that is unelected and has no authority over a large portion of its own territory.

    You should ask yourself why even Kagame, whose country is still recovering from genocide, has distanced himself from Kibaki.

    Another question for you to consider is why Moi's disputed electoral wins were accepted by the West, but not Kibaki's. This probably is an indication that their irregularities were so widespread that the election results can only be described as fatally flawed.

  41. @1.12 dont you know anybody not defending kibaki or falling over themselves to please him is an 'enemy of kenya'? its hilarious!!

  42. infact i think currently senegal is kenya's worst enemy-what with their president wade trying to have odm's submissions heard in the meeting at addis last week!! uganda is kenya's best friend there's no contest for that position-this is just my simplistic view.

    what these presidents who have 'recognised kibaki' should do is, to go visit kibaki in the two provinces he was elected in because that is what pnu's definition of kenya is. they should hold their 'presidential' meetings there and relocate their embassies to eastern and central provinces so that the rest of us can go on with our lives!!

    oh and i forgot to mention the other big 'enemy' of kenya is edward clay-he has been slapped with a travel ban to kenya-on account of his hardtalk episode with martha karua and his blunt criticism of kibaki's re-election this is very laughable.....hahahaha........what the heck would clay even want from this country...if he comes here its probably for holiday purposes...and nothing else, he just needs to change his holiday destinations...and there many out there!! ati ban.....hahahaha!!!!

  43. The saddest thing about the whole election crisis, are the innocent children who are suffering for sins that are not theirs,,
    Let’s unite, and stop the bleeding and Pain.

    Take some time and watch this,,

    click on the link below


  44. @1.21
    Thanks for educating me. I now understand that
    PNU = Kenya
    Kibaki = Kenya.
    By extension anyone opposed to the views and propaganda peddled by PNU/Kibaki is an enemy of the nation.

    Just a question though. Going by ECK's flawed results, Kibaki did not win more than 50% of either the popular vote or the regional distribution, doesnt this leave room for divergent opinion by the other 50% that didnt support him, or has Kibaki closed the opnion gap.

    Does anyone have the list of 10 personalities served with travel bans by the US. It will make interesting reading. It is good to know that the ban covers their families. Shame on all these 10 people(assuming they are guilty).

  45. anon 1.50 you learn fast.... excellent

  46. oh 1.50 .... he did close the gap after the election results were announced. he got imaginary votes and gained two more provinces so in essence he closed the gap and there's no room for divergent views!! you do know they claim he won in ne and nairobi?!......

  47. Facts: Kenya registered almost 7% economic growth in just 5 yrs! Enough to create animosity in the West and particularly SA who have been losing out to the expanded JUA KALI activities. Wheelbarrows, Jembes, Pangas are finding their way faster to SADAC countries vis a vis PTA countries before you can say KABURU! The other point is Kenya's economic gains also in Arab World especially Southern Sudan where Kenyans and Black Sudanese have been doing roaring business.

    As we fight over who won the elections, our enemies are rejoicing that we're setting back the clock many years. That was their aim. Is ODM for real? Or is it a tool that has been used by big powers? Why would Raila watch the destruction of his own town and still cling to his "democracy" goals and not tell his people to stop? Why would we negate what we,ve achieved for ANY reason? Is Kenya not bigger than all our goals? Where was democracy in ODM nominations? What examples has he left behind?

    No Kenyans. Someone somewhere is laughing and nodding his head as we kill each other.

    It is time we ask ourselves if Americans can do what we're doing. Or Britain. Or France. Germany. Japan.

    We must realize that as an African country that offers hope to many others, we're a target. The West and the Arab World don't want a strong economy in any African country. In all of this brouhaha, the CHINESE are conspicuously ABSENT but their arms will start servicing soon.

    We need to be objective as Kenyans and recognize our enemies. They are not the Kalenjin Warriors, the Luo Warriors, the Mungiki, Raila, Kibaki, or Ruto. Our enemies are hiding behind bushes laughing and waiting to come out for the spoils.

  48. Kazamwendo
    Be real. Don't create imaginary problems and enemies for Kenya. Kenya got itself where it is. If the alleged enememies are laughing it is because we gave them the reason. We are the enemy.

    Some of your points dont even merit response such as those on SA, and Arab world. Have you ever been to SA? Kenya is not in the same league with these countries.

    The much touted 7% growth was achieved under what rate of inflation? In the meantime do you by any chance happen to know growth rates for Uganda, Mozambique and Angola for the same period. Put another way almost each and every African country registered this rate or better with lower inflation rates too as icing on the cake. Rates in Angola and Mozambique were made Kenya's sound like we have no economists.

  49. Anon @7:11PM, ditto! I have stated similar facts here before but folks still continue to crow otherwise. Thanks for your sound statements.

  50. Mungiki to blame for recession.
    The fed has cut rates over 2 times in last month, Mungiki are thought to blame. The group of rowdy, decapitating animists have by their actions led to an economic donwturn in the US.

    Mungiki to blame for credit crunch.
    Following the northern rock debacle in England, ECB governor, Mervyn King, has blamed the credit crunch on Mungiki's activities in Kenya. The dreadlocked sods are responsible for: A fall in mortgage approvals, increase in insolvencies and mortgage defaults, rise in utility wholesale prices.

    Mungiki, mungiki, mungiki: It seems your actions are felt worldwide. Since everybody blames all sort of crap in Kenya on Mungiki, i thought i would share the above with you lot. Why are Kenyans such lovers of rumours?

  51. I have very credible information too that mungiki are DIRECTLY to blame for global warming. They are also not exonerated for the decline in fertility in Italy!

  52. lol@ KAZAMWENDO.....LMAO...That's funny.

    but seriuosly, what's the word on this guy's murder, what's the lates ? and I don't want speculations..


  54. After all the fuss and name calling and it has been found out that the killers of your beloved MP, Were, were Luos. Were they hired by Kibaki?


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